Growing peppers in pots at home. Sweet peppers on the windowsill in winter and summer

Growing Hot Peppers at home is not such a difficult matter. The “Little Miracle” hot pepper was bred in Holland and has long taken root throughout the world. This plant is compact and characterized by active fruiting, due to which the bushes with peppers different colors They also have a decorative function.

The fruits of this pepper can be used both in cooking and for medicinal purposes. Ripe fruits can be infused with alcohol, and this infusion can be used for rheumatism, radiculitis, and lower back pain.

Growing fruits for winter

There are certain rules for growing hot peppers at home.

Sowing seeds It is better to produce in February. To do this, you need about a two-liter clean container, which should be treated with boiling water. Place drainage in the form of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, but crushed stone or charcoal will also work. On top of the drainage we fill the soil consisting of humus, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 5:3:2. Before planting seeds, the soil should be poured with boiling water and after it has cooled, sow 2-3 pepper seeds, pre-soaked and already swollen, into small holes 1-1.5 cm in diameter.

Cover the pot with planted grains with polyethylene or glass and place in a warm place. When sprouts appear after 5-7 days, move the pot to sunny place window. When the first true leaves appear, the peppers can be picked into separate pots, or it is better to remove the excess ones so as not to disturb the roots.

When the plant grows to 20 cm, pinch the crown. This is necessary for better branching of the bush, in which fruits will form.

Don’t forget to water the plant regularly and periodically feed your pet with fertilizers, then you will definitely see a harvest on your windowsill.

Method for obtaining fruits by May

Observing the development of homemade pepper, lovers from the Ivanovo region came to the interesting conclusion that in our northern conditions it is possible to change the timing of the ripening of pepper on the windowsill. They use spring days filled with bright sunlight to flower and ripen fruits.

Sow peppers in autumn in bowls on the windowsill. They create pepper not very well comfortable conditions so that he does not have time to pick flowers before the New Year, so that he does not exhaust his strength for growth in the darkest “dead” days. This saves the plant from pulling out shoots. At the moment when the days begin to arrive, the pepper is transferred to a bright window (east or south). The plant soon blooms and bears an average of 10 beautiful pods. Yes, the fruits are such heroes that have never happened in the fall.

And immediately after the harvest is harvested, the plant throws out a couple more vigorous shoots and blooms a second time. By the second half of September, another harvest ripens, and out of 20 pods, only three were small. Thus, about 30 pods are harvested from one bush per season, almost 5 times higher than the average yield!

The main secret high yield is that by the time of the very first flowering (at the beginning of February), the pepper of the autumn sowing period has time to develop good powerful roots. Starting from March and ending at the beginning of October, that is, during a period of abundant sunshine, pepper actively sets fruit and uses its strength to fill them.

You don’t have to throw away a plant that bears fruit in the fall, but let it go before winter. In winter, at the beginning of January, it must be transplanted into a new substrate, cut off the old shoots by half, then move the pot to a bright window (east or south). Such care can bring up to three harvests per season.

On a note

When planting peppers, it is still better not to pick them, as they react painfully to transplantation. And they treat transshipment well. When the shoots disperse, simply pinch off the extra weak shoots. Another important point - do not miss the time when the roots begin to crowd in the pot and grow out.

For seedlings, of course, best suited peat pots. For normal growth, peppers are transferred to spacious containers and pots 30-50 cm high. Be sure to place drainage (a layer of expanded clay, broken brick) at the bottom of the planting containers.

Sometimes props are placed to support ripening fruits, and the bushes are sprayed with warm, settled water to remove spider mites.

To get a good harvest, it is recommended to grow peppers in two trunks, constantly shaping them by pinching them. A strong shoot is left on each stem, and the weak ones are pinched off above the first leaf. Although peppers are self-pollinating, like tomatoes, it is better to shake the plants periodically so that pollination is more effective.

Pepper is the same perennial as cherry tomatoes; the bush can delight you with a harvest for five whole years. In the same way you can grow on a windowsill and sweet bell pepper.

Can you imagine what a pleasure it is to watch a ripe pod fill before your eyes when the weather outside the window is “non-flying”.

If your plant is more than 5 years old, you can make it wonderful decoration Houses - BONSAI.


You can use almost any small pots you like, but most traditional bonsai in special pots look really, really cool!

The soil

Basically, you can use whatever you use to grow your chillies, but I prefer soft, peat-based soil.
A bonsai plant should have very limited root space, you should use very fertile soil.

Digression: the author also uses Akadama, a special type of soil.
Akadama is a natural, granular clay.
Akadama is good material to maintain soil moisture when growing bonsai.
These are actually pieces of hard clay.
Some brands of cat litter do a great job and are a much cheaper substitute for Akadam.
When growing Bonsai, growers often replace the soil entirely with akadama, or mix it with normal soil.


I just put some akadama in the bottom of the chili bonsai pot and sprinkle some soil on top.

Making a chili bonsai:

We cut the stem of an adult plant - we form a bonsai.

If possible, cut just above the foliage to ensure that the bonsai will continue to grow. For example here in the photo - there were no leaves below the cut point, so this is a very risky process.
Or, you can prune the plant a little smaller and continue pruning when the plant has formed enough foliage.

Then cut off the excess roots around the plant...

dig up the plant with the roots cut off...

We dig up the bonsai blank...

trim off excess protruding roots.

approximate result of pruning and shaping the future bonsai plant.

One year later.

Hot pepper is not only a useful spice, which is difficult to do without when cooking meat dishes, but also bright, beautiful plant, capable of giving joy and admiration. How to grow healthy plants and get an amazing bush with colorful peppers at home? This is not difficult if you know how to choose a variety and properly care for young seedlings.

Varieties and characteristics of the plant

Bushes of hot pepper varieties Adjika, Ogonyok, Chili reach a height of 50 cm. Multi-colored fruits can grow on one plant: white, green, orange, purple, yellow. – long-lived. The bush can bear fruit for 5-6 years.

This is interesting

Pots in Europe decorative pepper At Christmas they put it on the balcony, window sill, near the house.

The shape of the pods on the bush is round, flattened, similar to a pyramid or cylinder. The Chili variety has long, pointed fruits, while Ogonek will delight you with cone-shaped, bright peppers. About fifty fruits can ripen simultaneously on one plant.

Properties of hot pepper

Both garden red peppers and decorative peppers of the Chili, Ogonyok, Adjika, and Indian Summer varieties are used in cooking for preservation and cooking. gourmet dishes. For those who grow such plants, a balcony or window sill is also a store with spices.

  • The fruits have antibacterial properties and protect the room from the harmful effects of microbes.
  • Vases with plants are placed on the balcony near indoor flowers, which are affected by aphids and mites. The pests disappear within a few days. Chili pepper copes well with this task.
  • Food with the addition of a small amount of pepper improves appetite and improves immunity.

You can buy a hot pepper bush in a store or market. In the spring, young seedlings of the varieties Ogonyok, Coral, and For Mother-in-Law are sold at flower markets. But it is best to grow hot hot peppers at home from seeds and decorate the balcony and windowsill with elegant bushes.

Secrets of growing hot peppers

Have you decided to grow hot peppers on the windowsill? First you need to choose the type of pepper: indoor or hot red, which grows in gardens. performed well in room conditions some varieties open ground: Chile, Adjika, Coral. They grow well in indoors and rejoice with a rich harvest.

All types of decorative peppers are designed for growing indoors. A balcony is also suitable for successful maintenance. Plants with colorful pods look beautiful on the window. Growing hot peppers Ogonyok, Indian Summer, Bolivia, Dark Olive, Mambo, Medusa will create a bright parade of colors on the balcony.

If you know the secrets of caring for this plant, it is not difficult to get beautiful bushes that will please the eye and give a rich harvest.

  • The key to a rich harvest is seeds. Their quality determines the growth strength and capabilities of the plant. Seeds that have been stored for a long time will not grow into a strong plant. Important point before sowing – seed calibration. To do this, take a glass of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt to it. Stir the water and wait a few minutes. After drying, sow the part of the seeds that has sunk to the bottom of the glass.
  • An important point is soil preparation. Hot peppers are undemanding to soil and grow well on ordinary garden soil, but it is better to create comfortable conditions for the plant. After all, there may be pests or infection in the garden soil, which will lead to the loss of seeds even before germination. For sowing, purchased peat or mixtures based on it are suitable.
  • Before sowing, the soil is moistened. It should crumble in your hand and be wet. Sow peppers in small containers with holes at the bottom. A bowl or seed pot is suitable for this. The seeds are laid out in a checkerboard pattern and covered with a low layer of soil (up to 2 cm). The earth is compacted, the bowl is covered with film or glass.
  • For rapid emergence of seedlings they support high temperature(up to 25 degrees), constant humidity and ventilation. Before the sprouts appear, do not water the soil, but only spray it with a sprayer.
  • When the first shoots appear, the container is opened and placed in a greenhouse or simply placed on the balcony. At this time, you need to make sure that a black leg does not appear: you need to limit watering and not lower the temperature below 22 degrees.

On some seedlings, a film of seeds may remain, which sticks the cotyledons together. It cannot always be removed so as not to harm the plant. Try moistening the skin with water and after a few minutes, carefully pull it off the leaves.

Picking and planting peppers in a permanent place

Picking seedlings at home begins when the third true leaf appears on the plant. The soil is watered so that the entire earth mixture is saturated, a day before the procedure. Dive seedlings into moist, but not wet soil. It is better to replant plants so as not to injure the roots. This can be done using a garden spatula or a regular spoon. After transplanting, the cups are placed in a greenhouse on the windowsill so that the seedlings quickly take root. A new leaf after picking is a signal that the pepper has successfully taken root and you can start fertilizing.

At the first stage, peppers need nitrogen and potassium supplements for the development of the vegetative system. But don’t get carried away: an overdose can destroy the plant.

Fertilizing is carried out one day after watering, when the soil is moist. Plants with signs of disease should not be fed. First you need to find out the reason for the poor condition of the bush, eliminate errors in cultivation - and only after that add minerals.

Rules for transplanting hot peppers

As soon as the roots of the pepper wrap around the soil in the cup, begin planting permanent place. How to do it right?

  • For the first planting, take a pot with a capacity of no more than one liter, put drainage (expanded clay, bark, pebbles) on the bottom and pour an earthen cushion. The mixture for planting is bought in the store.
  • The plant is buried so that the root collar is lowered into the ground no more than 2 centimeters. Over time, the soil will subside and the root collar will be at ground level. If the plant is deeply buried, it may die or enter the fruiting phase late.
  • Feeding begins two weeks after transshipment. When grown at home, chili peppers respond very well to fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, calcium, and magnesium. In order not to get confused with dosages, it is better to buy ready-made fertilizers for indoor peppers. If chili peppers are grown for culinary purposes, it is better to use organic fertilizers.
  • At home, for successful fruit set, it is necessary to shake the bushes during flowering so that pollination occurs.

Indoor pepper Ogonyok does not tolerate dry soil. It reacts especially acutely to lack of water during flowering. If the soil in the pot is dry, the plant may drop its buds or produce ugly fruits.

Drafts and dry air are detrimental to pepper varieties Chili and Ogonyok when grown at home. Then the plants shed their leaves and go into hibernation. If this happens, don't be afraid. You just need to create comfortable conditions on the balcony or windowsill. Then the growth of Chili and Ogonyok will quickly resume.

So, a little step-by-step instructions for growing hot peppers on the balcony will help even beginners cope with this task. Growing peppers on a windowsill does not require special attention, it is only important to remember that during the sunshine period it is necessary to shade the plant and water it with warm, settled water. We must not forget about annual transfers to a larger pot - this will allow the bush to grow a healthy root system.

The following varieties are suitable for growing indoors:

  • Treasure Island;
  • Martin;
  • Sweeties;
  • Firstborn;
  • Firstborn of Siberia;
  • Pepper for the boss.

All these varieties are small-leaved, and therefore they feel great when grown on a windowsill, where, unlike open air sun rays few.

In addition, the listed varieties are self-pollinating, which means they will be able to form fruits in the room.

Seed preparation

ATTENTION. For the purpose of disinfection, it is recommended to spill any soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to Plant Chili Peppers from Seeds at Home

  1. Planting is done in wide, shallow containers. at a distance of 5 cm in a row.
  2. The seeds are laid out on the surface, then sprinkled a small layer of soil(0.5-1cm).
  3. The crops are moistened from above using a spray bottle.
  4. Boxes with crops are covered with film or glass to create greenhouse conditions. For seed germination you need a temperature of 22-25 degrees.

IMPORTANT. During the germination process, make sure that direct rays do not hit the surface, otherwise a Greenhouse effect and the seeds will cook.

IMPORTANT. Mixtures with a high nitrogen content should not be used for fertilizing; this will cause the plants to increase leaf mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Chili pepper fruiting

As soon as the pepper begins to form fruits. Bushes covered with both flowers and fruits acquire a special decorative effect. When sowing in winter, the first peppers appear in May – June. Depending on the variety they have red, yellow or green color.

IMPORTANT. Don't forget to select and dry some of the most beautiful specimens to obtain seeds for planting next season.

Growing chili peppers indoors does not require any special effort. Give it a little attention and it will delight you with its spicy, aromatic fruits.

Vegetable garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow hot peppers at home. How to choose soil, sow seeds, care. Personal practical experience (10+)

Growing hot peppers on a windowsill

General characteristics of hot pepper

Growing hot peppers in a pot is not particularly difficult. The main condition for this is the presence of a windowsill well illuminated by the sun, a high-quality soil base supplied with fertilizers, self-pollinating seeds and a fluorescent lamp that will provide the required length of daylight for the plant. The first harvest can be obtained within 2-3 months from the moment the seeds are planted.

The plant does not need support. Abundant pollination of the plant has a positive effect on the quality of the harvest, so bitter pepper must be shaken at least once a day, ensuring artificial pollination. A large number of peppercorns ripen on one bush. They are quite small and light, so the plant can easily feed a large number of peppercorns. Hot pepper bushes use large quantities nutrients, so the soil is depleted in short time. Because of this, there is a need for frequent use fertilizers, otherwise the bush will not receive proper nutrition, and the peppercorns will be deprived of the necessary source of energy for growth. To avoid this, it is necessary to feed the bush once every 2-3 weeks.

Suitable varieties

Hybrids of self-pollinating varieties are preferably grown on windowsills. Of these, early-ripening species are more common due to their productivity. These include: Hotway, Yanka, Thunder, Campai, Lopez, Impala and Huero. The substrate for growing hot peppers can be bought ready-made in the store. If necessary, you can prepare it yourself. To do this you need to mix necessary ingredients. Experienced summer residents It is recommended to prepare a substrate based on soil, humus and peat 2:1:1. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take soil from an area where last year Solanaceae were grown and thoroughly water it with a solution of potassium permanganate. Also, a good option would be coconut substrate, which can be purchased at any specialty store. In addition, a good option would be peat tablets which are very convenient option for sowing seeds. When transplanting and picking, the plant along with the tablet is simply transferred to a large container. The container where the hot pepper bush will be located is usually an ordinary flower pot volume of 1-2 liters.

Sowing seeds

First, the seeds are planted in small plastic cups to germinate, and then transplanted into a larger container when the plant has taken root and leaves appear. Before planting, the seeds are dipped in a container with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are kept for at least 30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. A slightly pink solution is not suitable for these purposes. For proper preparation 1% solution usually take 2.5 g. potassium permanganate and dissolve in 250 ml. water at room temperature. After soaking the seeds in this solution, they are washed well in clean water. Good harvest Only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom will produce. The germination of seeds that have floated to the surface is very poor, so they are practically not used. The finished soaked seeds should be completely dry. Immediately after this, they are ready for planting in the prepared substrate. After planting, the cup with seeds is covered with cellophane and left in this form until shoots appear.

Each cup should contain no more than 4-5 seeds. After 1-2 weeks, the seedlings should be thinned out. In each container you need to leave only the 2 most powerful shoots. After another week, the seedlings are thinned out again, so only the most beautiful and strong shoot remains. When planting seeds directly into a flower pot, a similar thinning procedure is performed. And so on until the most powerful shoot remains.

Transplanting seedlings

When transplanting a hot pepper bush from a glass into a pot, you must ensure that the roots are preserved. The seedling is transplanted along with the soil, maintaining the shape of a cup, into a flower pot, then the soil is compacted. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. In this form, the bush is watered for a month, but in moderation. Pepper is a short-day plant, i.e. with less than 12 hours of daylight, it begins to bear fruit earlier and produces higher yields.

It is important not to overwater the hot pepper, otherwise there is a possibility that the plant will get blackleg and other diseases. In winter, the plant does not need a lot of moisture, so at this time of year it is better to underwater than overwater. By summer, the plant's need for water will increase, so it is important to provide all bushes with liquid. Especially if peppercorns have already appeared on them.

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