Why do you need a cover letter for a commercial proposal and how to write it correctly? Cover letter for a commercial proposal - structure, design and example template.

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If you work with a “cold” circle of clients, then you probably send them yours. And, most likely, not by regular mail, but by e-mail in PDF, DOC, etc. format.

But there is a problem. Few people dare to open an attached file from stranger.

It is for these purposes that the accompanying text is written, that is, a message in the body of the letter that motivates to open the attachment.

Learn how to write a compelling cover letter for your business proposal.

Structure of a cover letter for a commercial proposal

1) Greetings. It should be short, personalized and universal (“Good night!” and “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” If this is a cold contact, definitely not suitable).

Example: “Hello, Fedot Alisherovich!”

2) Self-presentation. Briefly recall who you are, what you do, and under what circumstances you have had contact with the client before. If you have not contacted, omit this part of the paragraph.

Example: “My name is Vsevolod Konebrod. I am a consultant for the selection of economy tours to Israel, we spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 12:00.”

3) Presentation of services. In one or two lines, describe what the “raisin” of your proposal is.

Example: “Let me remind you that through me you can choose an inexpensive tour to Israel for free from 34 leading tour operators in Russia and the world. All tours are free of commissions and extra charges.”

4) Redirect to action. Nudge the person to what they need and provide your contact information.

Example: “Attached detailed information about the services in the attachment. For any questions, call XXX-XX-XX.”

5) Parting. As in greetings, we adhere to the generally accepted official tone (no “Smack, kukusik!”).

Example: “With respect, Vsevolod Konebrod.”

What happened (example cover letter for a commercial proposal)

Hello, Fedot Alisherovich!

My name is Vsevolod Konebrod. I am a consultant for the selection of economy tours to Israel. We spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 12:00.

Let me remind you that through me you can choose a free inexpensive tour to Israel from 34 leading tour operators in Russia and the world. All tours are free of commissions and extra charges.

I have attached detailed information about the services in the attachment. For any questions, call XXX-XX-XX.

Sincerely, Vsevolod Konebrod

Tips for writing a cover letter for a business proposal

Be specific. Don’t lecture on history (“People have had a passion for travel since ancient times…”) and don’t pretend to be Wikipedia (“Israel is a state in South-West Asia…”). In short, don’t bother, write only to the point.

Brevity is the sister of talent. American marketers believe that the optimal length of an e-mail message is from one to six lines, no more. It's hard to disagree with them, even if English language and more laconic than Russian.

Do not use the phrase “commercial proposal.” Nowhere in the letter. It scares you away and instantly makes you look like a salesman. By the way, the same applies to the name of the file attached to the letter. The exception is contact with warm and passionate clients.

And yes: if the CV is cold, then a cover letter is not needed. It will ruin everything. I wrote about this in.

Spread the word around

But there is a problem: few people dare to open an attached file from a stranger. It is for these purposes that the accompanying text is written, that is, a message in the body of the letter that motivates to open the attachment.

Learn how to write a compelling cover letter for your .

Cover letter structure

1) Greetings. It should be short, personalized and universal (“Good night!” and “Happy St. Patrick’s Day!” are definitely not suitable).

Example: “Hello, Fedot Alisherovich!”

2) Self-presentation. Briefly recall who you are, what you do, and under what circumstances you have had contact with the client before. If you have not contacted us, omit this part of the paragraph.

Example: “My name is Vsevolod Konebrod. I am a consultant for the selection of economy tours to Israel, we spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 12:00.”

3) Presentation of services. In one or two lines, describe what the “raisin” of your proposal is.

Example: “Let me remind you that through me you can choose an inexpensive tour to Israel for free from 34 leading tour operators in Russia and the world. All tours are free of commissions and extra charges.”

4) Redirect to action. Nudge the person to the desired action and provide your contacts.

Example: “I am attaching detailed information about the services as an attachment. For any questions please callXXX- XX- XX».

5) Parting. As in greetings, we adhere to the generally accepted official tone (no “Smack, kukusik!”).

Example: “With respect, Vsevolod Konebrod.”

What happened (cover letter example)

Hello, Fedot Alisherovich!

My name is Vsevolod Konebrod. I am a consultant for the selection of economy tours to Israel. We spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 12:00.

Let me remind you that through me you can choose a free inexpensive tour to Israel from 34 leading tour operators in Russia and the world. All tours are free of commissions and extra charges.

I have attached detailed information about the services in the attachment. For any questions, call XXX-XX-XX.

Sincerely, Vsevolod Konebrod

Tips for writing a cover letter

Be specific. Don’t lecture on history (“People have had a passion for travel since ancient times…”) and don’t pretend to be Wikipedia (“Israel is a state in South-West Asia…”). Write only the essence of your proposal.

Brevity is the sister of talent. American marketers believe that the optimal length of an e-mail message is from one to six lines, no more. It’s hard to disagree with them, even if the English language is more laconic than Russian.

Do not use the phrase “commercial proposal.” Nowhere in the letter. It scares you away and instantly makes you look like a salesman. By the way, the same applies to the name of the file attached to the letter.

Good luck to everyone. Sales to everyone. Income to everyone!

Do you know the difference between text that provides results and just good text? The system. And it is precisely the ability to build systems that distinguishes a copywriter from other people who simply know how to write. Too abstract? Let's get specific.

Imagine that you have a resume (we discussed in detail how to write it) or a commercial proposal (a detailed workshop on development). And now, you are ready to send it to the recruiter or potential client. But you can’t help but think that something is missing. You also need to write a cover letter, at least a couple of lines of text, so that they can read the attached document.

It would seem that this is a very simple and short text, but many are confused by it. Or they make annoying mistakes, because of which the resume or CV fails. It's a shame.

To solve the problem, you must understand that the cover letter and the document attached to it are parts of the same system. And each part must clearly perform its functions. No more, no less.

Functions of the cover letter and attached document

Cover letter - this is, in fact, a selling text that sells a document (resume or CV). He sells not for money, but for the attention of the person on the other side of the monitor.

In turn, the document itself encourages a person to move to the next stage of interaction: interview, negotiations, trial order, etc. As a result, we get a simple sequence.

If at least one of the elements fails, then the entire system suffers. This needs to be understood. You are not interested in the cover letter - they either do not look at the document or look at it superficially. If you are not interested in (or have not looked at) the document itself, there will be no next stage.

Many people make a mistake. They make a cool CV or resume, but do not attach importance to the cover letter. As a result, the document is thrown into the trash and the misconception spreads that business proposals or resumes do not work.

How to write a cover letter: key points with examples

In 95% of cases, a cover letter is sent via Email. Therefore, we will place the main emphasis on this media channel. If you use regular mail or fax, then many of these recommendations are also relevant, but require some adjustment. I’ll also tell you about it below.

The first thing you need to convey to the person is the reason why he should open your letter in the first place and read the document attached to it. In other words, you must answer main question: "For what?".

1. Subject of the letter

It all starts with the theme. And here more than half of people make gross mistakes. Paradoxically, it is inexperienced copywriters who make the most mistakes, because... they try to use original headings in the subject line of the letter, which are completely unnecessary here.

The topic should be as specific as possible and convey the essence, so that the recipient, at the stage of viewing the mail, immediately understands whether it is worth his time or not. Remember that your letter is far from the only one, especially if it accompanies a resume.

Examples of bad subject lines

For resume:

  • Vacancy(there may be many vacancies, it is unclear which of them has a response... and is there a response at all?)
  • You won't find such an employee again!(not a single useful word; there are many such topics)
  • Congratulations! You have found your best programmer!(too impudent; however, they may call purely out of curiosity, but in most cases they don’t even read the letter)
  • (no topic)

For commercial offers:

  • Commercial offer(the topic is too hackneyed and abstract)
  • Rolled metal with a 50% discount!!! (a clear sign spam with all that it implies, although the title may be of interest)
  • Have you ever been offered such an offer?(the topic may only be of interest if a person has nothing better to do; in the B2B segment it is most often ignored)
  • We invite you to consider purchasing from us refrigeration equipment at special prices only until August 1 (the topic is too long and intrusive - in spam!)

Ideally, the subject line of the letter should consist of 1-5 words, while conveying the essence of your message as specifically as possible. No show off. Remember that on the other side of the monitor there is also a living person who does not like spam and is tired of sorting out mail. Make it easy for him and he will thank you.

Examples of good writing topics

For resume:

The first topic is used for a “cold” response, i.e. when you have not yet communicated with HR or another representative of the company. The second topic is used after a preliminary conversation, for example, over the phone, when you have agreed to send your resume and the person is waiting for it.

The main advantage of such a theme is that the person already knows what’s inside and can easily find your letter in the flow of correspondence (if needed later). But, most importantly, the person will simply be grateful to you for saving his time and providing the necessary information. As simple and accessible as possible. Where there is gratitude, there is goodwill. And where the location is, there is a choice in your favor.

For commercial offers:

One thing needs to be clarified here important point. Unlike a cover letter for a resume, for commercial proposals the range of topics is much wider and depends on the type of CV: “ ” or “ ”.

In the case of the “cold” type of CP, you have de facto regular spam, and the headers can be anything. The main thing is that they attract the recipient’s attention and force him to open and read the letter.

In the case of a “hot” commercial offer, you don’t have to show off, because information is already expected, and you can simply and specifically write what’s inside the letter.

IN lately I conduct a lot of experiments with cold communications and have noticed that even in the case of mass mailings, simple and specific headings that clearly indicate the topic of the conversation, but do not reveal details, work better. This way the recipient understands that the topic concerns him and opens the letter, where he receives more detailed information.

Eh... Do you remember when there was no Internet and regular letters were used? Still, there was some kind of romance in them. Yes, and it was possible to store it. For memories. Still, whatever one may say, emails have much less value.

2. Text of the letter

The cover letter doesn't have to be long. As a rule, up to 500-700 characters is more than enough to get the point across and transfer the reader to the main document.

Remember: that the more you make a person’s life easier, the easier it is to convey information to him ( useful information, of course), the more he is disposed towards you. And where the location is, there is a choice in your favor.

Cover letter text for resume

So, the task: to arouse a person’s interest in our resume so that he reads it thoughtfully and carefully. To do this, remember the first rule: throw away all the rubbish that is written on the Internet as a sample. This kind:

Bad example! Don't repeat!


I looked at the vacancy for a sales manager in your company, and it interested me. I am convinced that my knowledge, experience and high professional qualities, coupled with dedication, communication skills, stress resistance and focus on results will be a good help in the development of your company and will lead it to a new stage of development in the future.

To learn more about my candidacy, please review my resume, which I have attached.

Blah blah blah. A lot of text, but nothing of substance. And this happens all the time. Every applicant (for some reason, especially for the position of copywriter) thinks that he is unique, creative and inimitable. But the harsh truth of life is that such a letter occurs in every second case. And when there are dozens of such letters, then willy-nilly the eyebrow begins to twitch.

To write a good cover letter for a resume, keep in mind the main task: explain to the person as simply and clearly as possible why you are suitable for the vacant position and, most importantly, why the person should delve into your resume. In such cases, you can make a combination of a letter and a resume. See how this is done with an example.

An example of the correct accompanying text for a resume

Response to vacancy ( commercial director) - Ivanov I.I.

Good day!

I would like to be interviewed for the position of commercial director in your company. At my previous job, I held a similar position and solved the required tasks. Plus, he built an autonomous sales department of 40 people, increasing its efficiency by 178%.

All the details are in the resume that I attach.

Please use your main phone number: +7 (ХХХ) ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ

Have a great day!

Pay attention to a few simple tricks that were used in the body of the letter.

  1. We immediately state the intermediate intention of getting an interview, not getting a job. There is a double bottom here: on the one hand, agreeing to an interview is easier than agreeing to give a position. And secondly, the person on the other end sees that you have a professional approach, and not only does he choose you, but you also choose from several companies.
  2. You immediately explain why you are suitable for this position and back up your words with facts.
  3. We make a seed and a link to the resume. A person becomes interested in what kind of specialist you are, where you worked and what you can do. It's like finding a treasure map and wanting to explore it.
  4. Even though the cover letter is relatively short, it is written according to .

You get the idea. Let's summarize what should not be in a cover letter.

  1. Abstract narcissism(I am the crown of sociability and efficiency).
  2. Tabloid flirtations(Why am I the right choice? I’ll answer you! I’m The Best!).
  3. Information not relevant to the case(It all started back in school. I wore comb-over pants and a stupid sweater back then).
  4. Excessive originality(The Lord of Sales will conquer your soul!)
  5. Familiarity(Hi! I heard you have a cool vacancy, let me give my buddy a go).
  6. Sugary boasting(I will take your company to new level and I will rip out the throat of anyone who gets in my way!).
  7. Compromising email addresses ([email protected])

Cover letter text for commercial proposal

In the case of cover letters for business proposals, you have more degrees of freedom. The fact is that there are at least four options here.

Option No. 1: “hot” CP (or other documents)

In this option, documents are expected from you by prior arrangement. Therefore, the letter is simple and typical. I would even say technical.


Commercial proposal and approval protocol

Good afternoon, %name%

I am sending a commercial offer and a price agreement protocol, as agreed.

Have a great day!

Nothing more is needed here, because... By default, you are expected to provide information from the application. The only exception is if you need the recipient to pay attention to certain points. Then you also write them down in the letter. For example, you remind that there are only 2 days left until the end of the promotion with a 50% discount.

Option No. 2: “cold” CP without a letter

This is a type of spam. Its essence is that instead of a cover letter you use the text commercial offer and send them en masse to the target list. Ideally, with personalization.

This approach does not always work, but I have several cases in which it completely justified itself and showed results higher than in other options, which you will read about below.

The main advantage of this approach is that a person does not need to download or open the attached file. All information is conveyed directly in the letter and reduces the number of unnecessary clicks. Fewer clicks - higher conversion. But not always, and this must be remembered.

Option #3: cover letter without attachment

In this approach, you send only a short email, without an attached CP. The point of this approach is to generate interest and provoke a response. And only then send the compr. See how this is implemented with an example.

Printed products

Good afternoon, %name%

My name is Ivan Ivanov, I am the commercial director of the SuperPrint company, and I want to completely satisfy your need for printed products.

My offer includes a reduction of your costs by up to 30%, bonus circulation and delivery from the printing house within 24 hours, even on weekends.

Call me at +7 (ХХХ) ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ to discuss details or reply to this email within 3 working days to receive a commercial offer.

Have a great day!

Please note: we introduce ourselves, briefly convey the essence, and leave the person with two options for further action. No flirting. No show off. No copywriting tricks. This approach is good to use when you need to test the interest of potential customers in your products and/or services.

Option No. 4: cover letter + “cold” contact

A classic combination, a compromise option. It is necessary to test, because... sometimes has reverse effect: “Not only do they send spam, but also with an attachment - unheard of impudence!”

Otherwise, the general ideological direction remains the same:

  1. Introducing ourselves
  2. We get the point across by answering the question “Why?”
  3. We are interested in an advantageous offer
  4. Translate to attached file

See what this looks like in an example.

Supplies of rolled metal

Good afternoon, %name%

My name is Ivan Ivanov, I am the commercial director of the SuperMetalloprokat company, and I want to become the exclusive supplier of rolled metal for your company.

My offer includes reducing your costs by up to 30%, delivering a batch of up to 200 tons within 24 hours to anywhere in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as several other bonuses. To make it more convenient for you, I have outlined the essence in the attached file.

To discuss the details, call me at +7 (ХХХ) ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ.

Have a great day!

Pay attention to the word “exclusive”. The principle of contrast and provocation is used here. Those. the bar is obviously set higher so that there is more maneuvering during negotiations. I will describe this technique in detail in a later article.

A very important exception

People of the old school perceive letters better on paper and in “their” language.

Sometimes there are times when the simple approach doesn't work. Simply because there is an audience that is not used to receiving information this way. As a rule, these are people of the old school (men 50+). Such people have seen a lot and are accustomed to two things:

  1. Feel the information in your hands. In other words, they need to submit information on paper. Even better - in the form of an incoming letter to the organization (especially relevant for state-owned companies).
  2. Perceive in your own language. Those. they need to present everything in clerical, florid, official business language.

See an example of such a cover letter. Remember that it is on paper with appropriate headings.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

We ask you to consider the possibility of including rolled metal products produced by Supermetalloprokat LLC in the tender application as certified building material for your production lines.

We would like to inform you that if the tender application is implemented and rolled metal products produced by Supermetalloprokat LLC are purchased through the appropriate procedures, savings on purchases for your enterprise will amount to more than 2 million rubles while maintaining the required level of product quality required by GOST.

Please respond within 7 business days of receiving this letter.

Cover letter sample

Finally, a few words about samples. Especially about those that are in the public domain. I’ve already said this and I’ll repeat it: there are no universal models. Your situation is unique, and solve the problem based on the data that you have.

For example, if you are a copywriter and want to get a job as a technical writer at an IT company, make adjustments in your cover letter. You should not copy samples from open sources, which, at best, will confuse you with the “gray mass”, and at worst, will take away a promising opportunity from under your nose.

If it turns out that the situation is complicated, describe it in the comments - we’ll figure it out together.

You will succeed!

Have you heard the popular idea that people don’t read long texts because they’re lazy? Surely you heard. So this is not true. I have a lot of evidence: from serious studies I’ve read to my own observations using analytics tools of how people behave on websites. They delve into it, select it with the mouse, copy it. In a word, they read and very carefully.

According to my observations, much more people lazy to write. This is where they really save themselves! I'm not talking about purely entertaining writing, but about utilitarian commercial texts whose purpose is to attract clients and make money. I gave my best - I convincingly presented my commercial offer - I got a client - I sold - I made money. And what if we're talking about about auxiliary texts such as a cover letter, then laziness completely rules people.

I thought that:

  • 87% of letters with commercial proposals that I received over the 9 years of my existence mailbox, empty. There is not a single line written in the body.
  • In 2% of cases, the commercial offer is written immediately in the body of the letter - the best option.
  • In the remaining 11%, the body of the letter contains boring, clichéd text with approximately the following content:

Why is it important to write a cover letter?

Let's imagine what a person needs to do in order to respond to a commercial proposal that you sent him by email in the format of a pdf file attached to the letter. You expect the client to study the benefits of your offer and call back at the phone number indicated in the document. So, a phone call is the client’s action that you are counting on - the so-called target action. But!

To get to your phone number, the client needs to perform a few more actions:

  1. Read the topic and click to open the letter
  2. Read the text in the body of the letter and click the mouse to open or download the attached file
  3. Read the commercial offer, become interested in it and...

...just now call the contact number.

The conversion of a commercial offer will consist of three intermediate ones:

  1. Conversion per email open
  2. Conversion to download (open) file
  3. Conversion to phone call

The recipient is prompted to each of the listed actions by a specific text. In the first act, this is the subject of the letter. The second contains a cover letter. In the third - a direct commercial offer. If there is a weak link in this chain, the sale will fall through. The client simply will not reach last stage conversions.

And as we found out, almost 90% of letters do not have a good cover letter, which means that the sales chain breaks down at this stage.

What should a cover letter have in order for it to do its job well?

I offer you my vision of solving this problem, my view on the structure and logic of the cover letter:


There is no need to run wild with thoughts here,” outlining all the details of the trade proposal. To describe all the details and benefits, you have already developed a commercial proposal and saved it in a separate file. The cover letter performs only a tactical task - works to perform intermediate conversion. The expected action of the recipient - downloading a file - is not so complicated that it does not require too much convincing to push it.

To brevity I would also add simplicity. There is no need for floridity, do not try to impress the recipient with your sophistication in the epistolary genre. There is no need, as one of my clients put it, for “special business language,” meaning by it the “robot” correspondence that plagues our b2b market. And he so lacks simplicity, warmth and human language!

Previous Contact Reminder

Before sending a commercial proposal, did you call the recipient? Perhaps you talked to him at the exhibition or he contacted you through the website. Remind him when and for what reason you contacted him before. This will demonstrate that your email is not random and will increase the chances of conversion.


Well, I won’t discover America here. Letters with a personal address by name attract more attention. It's the same as shouting in a crowd, "Hey!" Who will pay attention, and what kind of attention will it be? IN best case They’ll turn around, glance at you, and forget about you in a second. It’s another thing if you shout: “Hello, Andrey!” Do you agree that Andrey will react better?

Key benefit of the offer

It is 100% formulated in your commercial proposal. It's worth repeating in your cover letter. The only thing is that maybe not in the same words. Otherwise you won't get a very good repetition. Where to formulate? Depends on the format of the letter.

The format of the letter depends on the method of working with the commercial proposal and on who you are writing to. You can create a header that is complete in formatting and logic. You can formulate it in an introductory paragraph. I can definitely say that this should be done at the very beginning of the cover letter.

Additional benefits

Their power is difficult to overestimate. They are needed to enhance the impact of the main benefit and, perhaps, to hook those who were left indifferent by it. Again, there is no need to describe everything in every detail. Make a concise but focused list.


We will not talk here about what it is, why it is and how it is. Let's simplify everything to the limit. To solve our problem, it is enough to formulate the uniqueness of your proposal in a cover letter. Again short. One or two short sentences are enough.

Call to action

This element, which is critical to a cover letter, was missing from all the letters I analyzed. They simply stopped at the last narrative phrase, and it is not clear why the author wrote the letters, what did he want to achieve from the recipient? You cannot leave the decision to the recipient. Saving drowning people is not the work of the drowning people themselves.

You need a conversion, and you tell the person what he should do after reading the letter. Download file? Follow the link? Write a sentence that calls him to this action. Actually, that’s why we’re trying).

Another moment, inconspicuous, but important. In the call to action in it’s important not to “recall”" Don't go too far. The style of the call very much depends on the characteristics of the target audience. Some people need to write softer, while others can be aggressive. It is stupid to demand “contact you right now” if you are writing to the minister, his deputy or simply a significant person. Think about the people who will read the letter and check your words carefully.

Signature and contacts

They are needed. And according to the rules of good manners, this is how it should be, and the right contacts have a good effect on trust, well, those suggested in the cover letter alternative ways Contacts will help those who decide to do so immediately, without reading the commercial offer, to easily and simply contact you.

What's missing from this post?

It’s obvious - there is no example. And really, no. I admit, I don’t like to post them again and again. Even the page with examples of CP has long been outdated, many works of a different level have appeared, but I still can’t update it.

If you want to get an example, you can just write to me or ask a consultant in the chat. 99 and 9, that we will not refuse and will select a suitable example.

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Mikhail (Kashchey)


How to write a cover letter?

Having written your first commercial proposal, you immediately want to send it to all potential clients and start making money. Unfortunately, not all beginners understand that a commercial proposal (CP) is rarely sent in the letter itself.

The CP will show itself better if it is supplemented with graphics, made attractive, bright and sent in PDF format. But that’s another story, and now I’ll tell you how to write a cover letter for a resume, commercial proposal, etc.

Cover letter for commercial proposal

So, you have a CP, resume or text that needs to be delivered to the recipient and force the latter to unfold and read your message. The cover letter must provide the recipient with reasons to open the application.

We will consider the situation when the letter is sent by email (this is done in 95-98% of cases).

What's happened e-mail in the understanding of the average user? In my understanding, email is a working tool. For website owners, email is huge. cesspool, where they send all the junk they don’t need. Among this rubbish there are useful letters. Your cover letter should be a useful, valuable message.

How to write an effective cover letter?

Let's start with the subject of the letter. Here are some resume cover letter topics:

  1. Gennady Petrovich, I am the employee of your dreams!
  2. Resume from a great specialist
  3. Resume (sales manager) – Kravchenko V.I.

The first two topics are a complete failure. In 85% of cases, your letter will not even be opened if you send the first two options as a subject. HR employees have to trash dozens of these emails every day without opening them.

The third option is standard and does not stand out from 100 of the same standard options. It will be opened simply because people are used to opening such letters (the majority of them).

How about a theme for KP? Here you are:

  1. Proposal to increase profits from your website (milk.ru);
  2. Why don't you reduce bounce rates by 20% and save on advertising?

Both topics are working. It is better to use the second topic when mailing to sites that have active advertising campaign. The first theme is a universal option. Many site owners themselves ask to send proposals for resource development. By the way, both options can have the same cover letter.

We are writing a cover letter. Body of the letter

Cry. Have you ever wondered what a person will see when they click on the title of your email? Now is the time.

I won't beat around the bush and just paste a piece of text from my cover letter.

— Every month you lose part of your income. This is because some visitors leave your site without making useful actions. Imagine what would happen if the bounce rate decreased by 15%.

— Why do you spend your personal time filling your website with content, checking the work of a web copywriter or studio? After all, you can hire a specialist who does not need to be monitored and corrected.

As you can see, you just need to write a lead. In this case, you can see two examples of leads for different target audiences at once. After the lead comes an offer - your main offer: something that will help the client solve his problem.

I suggest you:

— increase the number of visitors;

— improve website content;

- free up your personal time;


You can get detailed information by opening my commercial offer in the application.

The offer encourages the potential client to get to the point and open your CP. But that's not the end of the cover letter; from there, things start to get really interesting that will help you get a better response. Before this, everything was standard.

Cover letter for email distribution

If we send mailings to the mailing addresses of large websites and company portals, then with an 80% chance your letter will reach an ordinary sales manager or content manager. If you don’t find the personal mailbox of a PR manager, marketing director or business owner, then things are bad.

How to get around this secretary who doesn’t want to do anything? He doesn’t care whether the site sells or not. And he doesn’t care about the company itself, the main thing is that the salary is paid. He will see your letter and delete it without saying a word to his boss. Or he won’t know what to do with this letter.

If you have nothing to do with the development of the site (enter site), please forward my letter to the person who is involvedPR and development of this resource. Thank you!

This is the standard option. It will work 2% of the time, which is very low. How to increase this figure? How can you ensure that your letter reaches the decision maker? You will learn about this in the next article!

P. S. At the end of the cover letter, you can insert the postscript that we wrote for your business proposal. By the way, you will learn how to write your first commercial proposal

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