Green tea for blood pressure - how does the drink affect blood pressure? Does green tea actually help lower blood pressure?

There is endless debate about how green tea affects the cardiovascular system in general, and blood pressure levels in particular. Some authors passionately argue that green tea miraculously lowers and stabilizes blood pressure, while others argue exactly the opposite.

Why might a person have high blood pressure? For several reasons: impaired vascular tone, impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney or adrenal disease, hormonal imbalances, a diseased heart, inflammation and injury, problems with the spine, muscle dystrophy.

All of the above is caused by a certain lifestyle - alcohol abuse, smoking, healthy eating, absence physical culture, as such, destructive behavioral reactions, etc. With low blood pressure, which is still not as dangerous as high blood pressure, in general the picture of cause-and-effect relationships is the same.

Read the previous paragraph carefully again and say, hand on heart, that you really believe that by drinking a cup of tea (or two, three - it doesn’t matter) every day, while continuing to live according to the old “McDonald’s-sofa-TV” scenario, you can get rid of high blood pressure? You can't.

Now, look at the veracity of the description of the medicinal properties of tea from the point of view of manufacturers. Tea companies are very rich companies and can afford to order serious research with a prepaid result. Competition, profits, excess profits - this is a serious motivation. Even Lepton tea powder (you don’t think it’s tea) enthusiastically describes the properties of the tea bags you just bought, and the promises of vigor and eternal youth. Do you believe this?

Or: imagine that you are a tea seller and, of course, you are trying to buy it cheaper and sell it more expensive (again, we are talking about profit). What articles will you write on the pages of your Internet resource to increase sales? Surely you will find the buyer’s pain point and put pressure on it. And health is that eternal pain point, in the context of which there is also arterial pressure.

Green tea, which is real, and which is not available to most citizens of our large state due to its high cost or (for some varieties) remoteness from the places of growth and production, is undoubtedly useful plant, containing vitamins, microelements, and essential oils, and tannins, and amino acids, etc. However, like any plant on Earth. Regular consumption of quality tea, in general concept healthy image life will definitely have a positive impact. But tea, be it white, yellow, green, oolong or kudin, is not a panacea.

Does green tea lower blood pressure?

Does green tea lower blood pressure? Practically, it does not reduce. Caffeine, which is contained in large quantities in tea, stimulates the heart. And the heart increases the volume of blood pumped. Also, under the influence of caffeine, the vasomotor center in the brain, which is responsible for the condition of blood vessels, is activated. The vessels expand and, as you understand, there is no change in pressure.

In Japan and China - tea-producing countries - they have been conducting Scientific research the influence of green tea on the cardiovascular system, on the possibility of preventing and treating various heart diseases. Due to the fragmented knowledge of medicine about humans and the difficulty of conducting “pure” experiments, researchers have not yet taken upon themselves the responsibility to draw final conclusions.

Japanese scientists suggest that drinking tea by healthy people (I emphasize - healthy!) is likely to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by 40% (which is quite a lot), and reduce the risk of hypertension. But this is just an assumption that requires further study. And although in Japan the percentage of hypertensive patients is much lower than in the rest of the world, and life expectancy is higher, researchers express the opinion that the massive consumption of green tea is not the only reason for this. There are many factors that contribute to this difference.

Chinese scientists from the National Cheng Kung University published a report on laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies on the effects of regular tea consumption on human health. Test statistics suggest that the risk of hypertension in healthy tea drinkers is 60-65% lower than in non-tea drinkers. Nevertheless, the main conclusion is the following: “... new evidence is required, which is planned to be obtained through long-term randomized prospective studies.”

Does green tea increase blood pressure?

Low blood pressure - arterial hypotension, like hypertension, is much more often a consequence of functional disorders of organs or body systems than an independent disease. It manifests itself as weakness, fatigue, sensitivity to weather changes, etc.

To increase blood pressure and stabilize it (read carefully), we recommend: playing sports, walking fresh air, contrast shower, healthy eating, peace of mind, long sleep, high-quality strong coffee and good green tea.

With low blood pressure, the caffeine contained in green tea normalizes blood vessels and increases heart rate. The pressure rises moderately and briefly. But you should not abuse this method of increasing pressure. An overdose of caffeine can have the opposite effect.

How does green tea normalize blood pressure?

Green tea by itself does not normalize blood pressure. Only with an integrated approach, drinking green (we emphasize once again - high-quality) tea will contribute to overall health, strengthening blood vessels, reducing the level of bad cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure.

Drink green tea for your health. It is truly unique in its composition, taste, and aroma.

Green tea is rich in vitamins C and P, and has a healing effect on the body. That is why the drink continues to be popular, but the question still remains open: does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure? We will consider this further.

Green tea increases blood pressure

The drink is indicated for hypotension due to the high concentration of caffeine, which increases blood pressure. According to the results of various studies, green tea contains even 2 times more caffeine than coffee. However, it is very important that the effect of tea caffeine on the body is milder. After drinking green tea, we will not immediately feel the same exciting effect as we do when drinking coffee. On the contrary, this effect will be expressed softer and longer.

For about 5 hours after drinking tea, you can feel a surge of strength and vigor. In addition, “tea caffeine,” unlike “coffee caffeine,” does not flush vitamin B from the body.

Another piece of evidence that indirectly affects blood pressure. It turns out that green tea, if brewed lightly, can eliminate headaches. This effect is felt by people prone to low blood pressure, especially those who are different. By constricting the blood vessels of the brain (thanks to caffeine), blood flow improves. Spasms are relieved - headache passes.

Green tea helps lower blood pressure

As a result of other experiments, it was found that hypertensive patients who regularly consumed green tea felt that their blood pressure no longer showed high numbers. But here the emphasis was placed precisely on regularity of use. That is, the pressure steadily decreased precisely after several months of using the drink.

In addition to regular use, green tea has another property - its diuretic effect. It is this process that prevents salt from remaining in the body. What does the doctor prescribe for high blood pressure? Right, salt-free diet. Salt retains water, creates swelling and increases blood pressure.

The Chinese themselves still recommend being quite careful when drinking green tea if you have high blood pressure. They advise monitoring your well-being after the first small cup of this drink. If 15 minutes after drinking a cup there is no pressure surge, then nothing threatens your well-being and you can drink a second cup.

Which tea increases blood pressure: green or black?

If you suffer from low blood pressure, then you have probably heard advice from doctors on how to quickly increase your blood pressure: it is recommended to drink a cup of strong, hot, always sweet, black tea. It is better if the tea is with lemon.

After drinking this drink, you will feel that your blood pressure levels are normalizing. This is explained by the fact that the glucose contained in hot sweet tea enhances brain processes, and due to the presence of tannin and caffeine, vascular tone increases. Caffeine, which is in black tea, acts stimulatingly and very quickly. Therefore, if there is a sharp drop in pressure, it is better to drink a mug of black tea.

Green tea may not provide such “first aid”. Its effect on the body is slower and milder. It does indeed regulate blood pressure, but over a longer period of time. Although, there is no definite answer here, since each person has his own, individual reaction to what he eats.

Does hot green tea raise or lower blood pressure?

To answer the question, it is worth considering the following facts:
  • Anyone who has been to hot countries has probably noticed that they drink hot green tea there. The fact is that it has a very good effect on the condition of blood vessels, which due to overheating do not always cope with their “compression-relaxation” function. As a result, a person may experience pressure surges. A mug of hot green tea with lemon and a spoonful of honey has a wonderful effect on the body, toning and slightly increasing blood pressure.
  • But cooler tea (especially high-quality, floral varieties) will perfectly quench the thirst of people with a tendency to high blood pressure.

How to reduce the amount of caffeine in green tea?

If you have high blood pressure and like green tea, try reducing the amount of caffeine in it. This can be done in different ways:
  • Rinse dry tea before brewing warm water. Then strain and brew tea as usual. Leave for 10 minutes. Drink weak tea;
  • There are varieties of tea (this applies mainly to Japanese tea) with reduced caffeine content. This tea is called Sencha and is produced in Japan. These varieties are inexpensive teas, therefore they are widely used;
  • You can drink from the second brew. The first brew contains the largest amount of caffeine - give this tea to those with hypotension. Green tea does not lose its aromatic qualities during subsequent brewing, and you will save yourself from an unwanted increase in blood pressure.

Proper brewing

Green tea must be brewed correctly to get the desired effect:
  • First of all, you cannot brew green varieties with boiling water. The water temperature should be 60-80 degrees.
  • After 2-3 minutes of brewing, the tea is ready. It is recommended to brew green tea several times (from 2 to 4-5 brewings).

Real green tea has a sweetish, buttery taste. It is not tart and certainly not bitter. The color of brewed tea is light green, with a slight yellowish tint. Green tea cannot have the strength and rich color of black tea. The thickness of the color does not affect the quality of the tea. To obtain the usual reddish-brown color, tea must be fermented for a long time, which does not apply to green varieties.

When should you stop drinking green tea?

We are, of course, talking about real high-quality tea, and not about those surrogates that are sold packaged in bags. So, green tea is not recommended:
  • with hypertension, sudden surges in pressure;
  • at

The chief cardiac surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation states:“Hypertension is not a death sentence. The disease is truly dangerous, but it is possible and necessary to fight it. Science has moved forward and Medicines have appeared that eliminate the causes of hypertension, and not just its consequences. Just enough... Read the article >>

Despite the huge selection of existing teas, in terms of usefulness the championship branch can undoubtedly be given to green tea. And these are not only conclusions ordinary people, this is a scientifically proven fact.

Properties of green tea and their effect on the body

From time immemorial, people have been drinking this drink, believing that it is endowed with beneficial properties. This drink contains a great variety of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Here are the main positive sides its effects on the body:

Composition and subtleties of preparing the drink

There are different opinions as to whether green tea increases or decreases blood pressure. Is there any benefit from it for hypertensive or hypotensive patients? We will find out in this article whether green tea increases or decreases blood pressure.

Let's look at the composition of this wonderful tonic drink. The drink contains many components and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the body: fluorine, magnesium, phosphorus, as well as substances such as caffeine, which increases brain activity, minerals that support correct work the body as a whole and catechins, which increase immunity and have an antibacterial effect, ascorbic acid, which surpasses even the content in lemon, vitamin PP, which normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of hypertension. In most cases, it occurs due to disruption of blood vessels, kidney disease, disruption of hormones, and inflammatory processes, but there are reasons related not to bodily changes, but to the patient’s lifestyle. These reasons include: excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, eating foods containing cholesterol, insufficiency physical exercise. With this lifestyle medicinal properties, of course, will lose its power. Therefore, if you decide to normalize blood pressure and heart function, you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


How does tea affect blood pressure?

What effect does green tea have on blood pressure? Green tea is taken in small quantities for low blood pressure due to its high caffeine content, which raises blood pressure. Its caffeine content is even higher than that of coffee drinks and coffee. With low blood pressure, green tea will promote brain activity, but we will not feel a boost of energy like after coffee, since the effect of caffeine contained in tea has a more gentle effect on the body. Also, the caffeine contained in tea is more useful, since it does not remove vitamin B from the body. A weak brewed drink eliminates such a symptom of hypertension as headaches. Of course, to achieve the effect, it is preferable to consume it for more than one month; green tea does not provide a very quick effect in lowering blood pressure. This healthy drink has the opposite effect on cardiac activity: caffeine increases blood pressure, and catechins reduce it.

Each person will have their own reaction to this medicinal decoction, so it is necessary to identify individual tolerance so that it does not cause harm.

To do this, you need to conduct an experiment on how green tea affects blood pressure: measure your blood pressure, drink a cup of tea and after a while measure your blood pressure again and then you will understand your body’s reaction to it.

There have even been studies done on how green tea affects blood pressure, and it turns out that people are more sensitive to catechin, so green tea generally lowers blood pressure. Doctors advise using it cold if you have hypotension. The effect of ice tea on blood pressure is truly extremely positive; it not only perfectly tones, but also increases blood pressure. Hot green tea is intended for hypertension. It is customary to use it for people with high blood pressure, not because it is able to lower it, but because it removes harmful substances in the body and prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels; in hypertension it is best assistant from your illness. Green tea at high blood pressure will bring the cardiac system back to normal. It is generally accepted that the effect of green tea on high blood pressure is much more significant than on low blood pressure, therefore, for hypertension, green tea will be the best natural remedy to bring blood pressure back to normal.

Contraindications to drinking green tea

Contraindications to the use of tea drink. Let's consider whether people with certain diseases can drink green tea:

Buy quality tea in bulk, do not drink a packaged drink, it has no beneficial properties. Enjoy the wonderful tart taste and be healthy!

Does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure? This is a relevant question for many people, since this drink is very popular, and at the same time, many of its lovers, including middle-aged and young suffer from high or low blood pressure. Proponents of a healthy lifestyle recommend it for all cases, but do doctors agree with them? Let's try to figure it out.

The benefits and harms of green tea

To understand whether it is possible to drink green tea with high blood pressure, you should find out what substances are included in this drink and what effect they have on the heart and blood vessels.

There is an opinion that green tea does not contain caffeine, and therefore it not only does not increase blood pressure like black tea or coffee, but on the contrary, helps to lower it. Obviously, this has to do with the color of the drink - caffeine is associated with the dark color of natural coffee. However, reviews from doctors do not confirm this opinion.

Green tea, due to its high content of antioxidants and vitamins, has a pronounced anti-atherogenic effect, that is, it helps protect blood vessels from the negative effects of cholesterol.

In fact, a cup of strong black tea contains 14–70 mg of caffeine, and the same amount of green tea contains 25–45 mg. That is, in fact, the content of a substance that increases blood pressure in green tea may be higher than in black tea, although slightly lower than in coffee (50–300 mg per cup, depending on the variety). Therefore, green tea increases blood pressure and has a tonic effect. This statement is easily confirmed experimentally - just measure your blood pressure before and after drinking tea.

In addition to caffeine, green tea contains many other substances:

  • vitamins B, C, P and PP;
  • taurine;
  • minerals;
  • catechins are powerful natural antioxidants.

Taurine is one of the amino acids. In the human body it has the following effects:

  • improves metabolic processes in internal organs, brain;
  • increases tissue sensitivity to insulin;
  • has a mild diuretic (diuretic) effect;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • increases the strength of heart contractions;
  • reduces the tone of blood vessels.

Due to its high taurine content and its ability to stimulate diuresis and reduce vascular tone, green tea lowers blood pressure.

That is, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of whether green tea increases or decreases blood pressure. 10-15 minutes after a person drinks a cup of hot green tea (no matter with or without lemon), his blood pressure will increase. However, after 30-40 minutes, the diuretic effect of taurine begins to appear, and blood pressure decreases.

Considering the above, it becomes clear why doctors still do not recommend drinking green tea, which lowers blood pressure, for hypertension. But for people prone to high blood pressure, this drink can be recommended for prevention (naturally, its use does not eliminate the need to take pills prescribed by a doctor).

A cup of strong black tea contains 14–70 mg of caffeine, and the same volume of green tea contains 25–45 mg.

Other properties of green tea

Arterial hypertension is one of the risk factors for the development and rapid progression of atherosclerosis, which, in turn, creates the preconditions for further increases in blood pressure. This is the so-called vicious circle. Green tea, due to its high content of antioxidants and vitamins, has a pronounced anti-atherogenic effect, that is, it helps protect blood vessels from the negative effects of cholesterol. Therefore, it is excellent for men and women as a means of preventing atherosclerosis and related diseases of the cardiovascular system (coronary heart disease, cerebral stroke).

Green tea antioxidants actively protect the human body from the damaging effects of lipid peroxidation products on cells, that is, they reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

Despite all beneficial features, green tea can be harmful to the body if drunk in excessive quantities, which is associated with negative impact high doses of caffeine.

How to brew green tea correctly

To get the most benefits from green tea, it must be brewed properly. To do this you need:

  • rinse the teapot with boiling water;
  • put tea leaves in it at the rate of 3 g per 200 ml of water;
  • pour dry tea hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 85 ° C (not boiling water!);
  • leave for 2-3 minutes;
  • Strain the finished drink into another container through a strainer, removing the tea leaves.

If green tea is brewed with boiling water or infused for more than three minutes, then instead of a healthy, tasty and aromatic drink, you will end up with a bitter and unpleasant-tasting liquid, devoid of some of the beneficial properties.

Green tea antioxidants actively protect the human body from the damaging effects of lipid peroxidation products on cells, that is, they reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

Many people prefer to drink green tea iced, as in this form it perfectly quenches thirst. If it was brewed correctly, it retains its properties even when cooled, however long-term storage(more than 1-2 hours) should be avoided.

Which green tea to choose

The stores offer a variety of different brands green tea, and many people are looking for an answer to the question of which brand to choose.

Experts advise choosing green tea that does not contain artificial flavors, for example, the well-proven “95” brand. Natural flavors, for example, jasmine flowers or citrus zest, do not spoil the drink, but enrich it. This tea has a delicate aroma, pleasant taste and does not have a negative effect on the body.

Green tea during pregnancy

Women on early stages Pregnancy women often suffer from low blood pressure. Knowing that green tea tones and has many beneficial properties, expectant mothers begin to drink this drink in large quantities. However, doctors are against excessive consumption of even such a useful remedy as green tea.

Pregnant women can consume no more than 200 mg of caffeine per day without risk to the health and development of the fetus. It should be remembered that caffeine is found not only in tea or coffee, but also in chocolate, Coca-Cola, and energy drinks. In this regard, you should drink no more than 1-2 cups of weak green tea per day. This dose of caffeine will not cause harm, but on the contrary, will have a tonic effect and saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

It should also be noted that green tea impairs the absorption of folic acid and iron, which is so necessary for pregnant women, from the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to drink it no earlier than 2-3 hours after meals.

Green tea can be harmful to the body if consumed in excessive quantities due to the negative effects of high doses of caffeine.

Thus, green tea during pregnancy is not a taboo drink, but its consumption should be limited.


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Article publication date: 11/10/2016

Article updated date: 12/06/2018

Does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure? How does it affect the body and can hypertensive patients drink it? The article provides answers to these and other questions that interest everyone who switches from black to green tea. It would be more correct to say that it normalizes blood pressure, but more on that below.

Despite its undeniable usefulness, It is difficult to definitively answer the question whether green tea lowers or increases blood pressure. It all depends on the individual nuances of a particular person’s body: the condition of his blood vessels, the degree of disruption of the cardiovascular and nervous system etc.

Different experts think differently. Some are sure that this drink lowers blood pressure, while others believe that it increases it. Moreover, each of them supports their opinion with arguments and evidence. One thing is certain: green tea is much healthier than black tea. To obtain this tea leaves tea bush undergo a shorter fermentation time, not exceeding 2–3 days, with enzymatic oxidation of the leaves by 12%. The enzymatic process of black tea lasts about a month, with oxidation reaching 80%. In the latter case, the raw materials lose much more useful properties than in the first. This proves that black tea is less healthy.

Let's try to figure out how green tea affects the body, what properties it has, and in what cases it increases and in what cases it decreases blood pressure.

Does green tea raise or lower blood pressure?

For each person, the degree of usefulness of tea is determined based on individual characteristics body and the presence of diseases. This drink activates certain processes that are desirable for some people and not for others.

Interesting fact: Japanese scientists have proven that regular consumption of green tea by hypertensive patients led to a decrease in blood pressure by an average of 5-10%. They made these conclusions after completing an experiment in which people suffering from hypertension had to drink green tea every day for several months. With single or irregular consumption of the drink, the indicators of the cardiovascular system did not change.

Drinking green tea in healthy people can reduce the likelihood of developing arterial hypertension by 60–65% and reduce the risk of heart attack by 40%.

When can green tea lower blood pressure?

If you drink the drink irregularly, after meals, with milk, then most often it will not affect blood pressure (abbreviated as A/D). Although it all depends on the characteristics of the individual person’s body. Tea can lower blood pressure due to its diuretic effect: the removal of fluid from the body and bloodstream leads to a decrease in A/D.

With asthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type, or other dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, the pressure in some people may decrease slightly. To obtain a noticeable hypotensive effect, it is necessary to systematically drink the drink for a long time, half an hour to an hour before meals and without milk. It is worth considering that the tea leaves should be very good quality without aromatic additives, impurities, dyes. The price of such tea is very high and, most often, it cannot be found in regular stores.

10 ways to help determine the quality of tea leaves. Click on photo to enlarge
Types of quality green tea leaves. Click on photo to enlarge

When can green tea increase blood pressure?

Does green tea increase blood pressure? Yes, such an effect is possible. An increase in A/D after drinking a drink is associated with big amount caffeine Green tea competes with natural coffee in caffeine content. Moreover, the advantage goes towards the first. Everyone believes that coffee contains the highest amount of caffeine, but this is not correct - green tea contains 4 times more caffeine.

Caffeine, tannin, xanthine, theobromine, and other substances stimulate the nervous system and heart function, due to which the heart rate increases and blood pressure may increase slightly. But this effect is short-term, unstable, and is compensated by vasodilation due to activation of the vasomotor center of the brain, which is responsible for the condition of blood vessels. Therefore, there is no point in talking about a noticeable increase in pressure.

If the increase in blood pressure is associated with autonomic dysfunction, then the drink will likely increase A/D due to caffeine's stimulation of the nervous system. At the same time, the headache that appears due to low blood pressure will be relieved.

Green tea normalizes blood pressure

  • increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and prevent the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on them;
  • maintain normal blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots;
  • promote weight loss;
  • withdraw excess liquid from the body;
  • improve blood supply to brain cells with oxygen;
  • have vasodilating properties.

Caffeine stimulates the heart and, together with cahetin, simultaneously dilates blood vessels. Therefore, even if A/D initially increased, then it will return to normal. This makes green tea perfect for daily consumption as a healthy people, and for hypertensive or hypotensive patients.

Rules for brewing and drinking green tea

Chinese tea ceremony

How this drink affects blood pressure depends on the method of brewing, quantity and frequency of use:

  • Weakly brewed cool green tea lowers blood pressure due to its diuretic effect. It is suitable for hypertensive patients, people with heart failure or with increased intracranial pressure. In this case, you need to brew tea leaves for no longer than 2 minutes.
  • Strong hot drink may first increase blood pressure and then normalize it. Well suited for people with low A/D values. To saturate the drink with caffeine, let the brew brew for at least 7 minutes.
  • To get the desired effect from a cup of green tea, you need to drink it within 30–60 minutes. before meals. Regularity is also important.
  • Do not add sugar or milk to the drink, as this will lose its beneficial properties. For taste, you can add a spoon or two of honey.
  • Drink only freshly brewed tea.
  • Do not brew green tea with boiling water. After boiling, filtered water should cool slightly. In China, brewing and drinking tea is a ritual that is performed slowly and in strict sequence.
  • Drink in moderation (1-3 cups per day), and not in liters in the hope of achieving an immediate effect.

Rules for drinking green tea for medicinal effect


If you have a tendency to increase or decrease arterial A/D, then it is better to monitor your condition yourself after drinking tea. The average brewing time for dry leaves is 3–5 minutes. Brew tea, but don't rush to drink it. Listen to your body, measure your A/D yourself and monitor your feelings before and after drinking the drink. This is the only way to understand how it will affect your body.

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