A Scorpio woman will find her love. Family and relationships

Saturn in Capricorn will make you even more conservative and stubborn than usual. But here you are in your element - and you feel great. You may be considered a retrograde, but now the truth is on your side. Because of the eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn, you will sometimes give free rein to your emotions and then - “whoever did not hide, you are not to blame.” Scorpio lives mainly in the spring. Representatives of the sign can endure for a long time what they don’t like, but if they break up, they cannot be stopped.

Seasonal love horoscope for 2019: Scorpio


IN winter period you will have many reasons to be proud of yourself. You will take part in some important event which will bring you fame. Your advice will finally be heard and appreciated.


In March you will meet someone from your inner circle, but everything will end quickly and painlessly. This is strange for Scorpios, because for them everything is usually complicated and takes a long time.


In the summer, Scorpios will feel the need to gain new knowledge. This is also unusual, because you cherish plans for a long time and implement them for a long time. But now you will surprise everyone: you will simply do as you see fit.


Perhaps you will go on an internship or a business trip that will have a positive impact on your future. Any trip will bring you both moral satisfaction and material benefit.

Love horoscope for 2019: Scorpio man

You value yourself highly, and this year others will readily recognize your merits. Therefore, some manifestations of pride, in your opinion, are quite acceptable. After all, you have achieved a lot, you have something to be proud of and something to respect yourself for. And you have even more ambitious goals ahead.

Love horoscope for 2019: Scorpio woman

IN love relationships you tend to stick to the same shores. However, one exception is possible: if the gentleman uses flattery, you may not be able to resist. The fact is that you felt disadvantaged in relationships and deprived of your partner’s attention in previous years, so if someone now recognizes your merits, they will immediately become yours best friend- and that's the minimum. But in fact, the danger of adultery or new ones this year for Scorpios tends to zero, so your partner need not worry about you and your love.

Forecast for family Scorpios

For Scorpio, who sincerely loves his spouse, even the thought of betrayal is truly impossible. This year you will also have complete understanding with your husband, and you will not look around. We must give your spouse credit: he will treat you with great respect and will never allow himself even with someone else. Firstly, he considers you a much more interesting companion than anyone else, and, secondly, he knows very well that such pranks with you are simply unsafe.

In 2018, some not entirely joyful events could affect your family and relationships with loved ones. Fortunately, all the negativity is a thing of the past, although it could have left its mark. And this year you will become more in contact with cousins, uncles and aunts. Chances are that you will be planning your trip carefully. distant relatives- and you can implement it in the middle of the year. This may be a long trip to another country in which they have lived for a long time. No matter what your ill-wishers say, your family will also be very happy to restore relations with you. This year you will be able to have two fruitful conversations with benefit for both parties - in January (most likely virtually) and July.

Close relatives, even those who were offended by you last year, will rush to change their anger to mercy. They will be the first to take steps towards reconciliation, seeing how valuable and important person for the whole family, because you spare no effort and time to improve the well-being of your loved ones and strengthen family ties.

Forecast for single Scorpios

Free Scorpios can frolic and flirt with many, but no one will seriously touch your heart. Probably, deep down you feel that you have not yet met the one and only one. Which, however, will not hurt you, who you find especially attractive. Most likely, these will be men who know how to give subtle and intelligent compliments, and in general, are smart enough to understand and share your interests. In 2019, you will be quite easy-going; you may meet your loved one: perhaps this will happen on a trip. You may be united by study, work or sports.

Compatibility: best partner according to zodiac sign

Scorpios will be very sociable in 2019 and will easily get along with those who will support their company. But for Scorpios the level of education and mental abilities person: with someone who is below you in intellectual development, you will be bored.

Great couple

A wonderful partner for you is Pisces. They are wise enough and know when to speak and when to listen. You will get along well with your sign: based on mutual respect and attraction. Virgos will also attract you: they are smart and keep Scorpios at a distance, which excites the imagination. In addition, your interests lie in the same area. It can also work out with Capricorns if you take their problems seriously and help them.

Like a cat and a dog

Taurus may seem to Scorpios to be very unpleasant subjects, since their shortcomings will remind you of yourself. Leos and Aquarius will seem boring, and you will not be able to deny yourself the pleasure of making fun of them. Scorpios will not have trust in Libra, although attraction may be present: heated quarrels will ruin everything.

You can try

Scorpios will like Sagittarius for their broad outlook: you will be interested in communicating. It is possible with Cancers, but you will have to endure nervous manifestations and emotional outbursts. Both you and Gemini are close to research: together you can achieve a lot if you don’t get distracted by some nonsense. Aries will attract you with their abilities: you will make good company. Sports can bring you together.

Lunar calendar

In 2019, Scorpios will be more balanced than ever. Changes in the phases of the Moon will not have a strong impact on you, only as the Moon grows you will be prone to overeating.


At the very beginning of the year, you will receive amazing news that will excite your imagination. Truly unprecedented prospects will open up before you. This will give you confidence in your abilities and inspire you to great deeds.

Lucky days: 1, 5, 10, 20


Venus in Capricorn and Mars in Aries will force you to start improving your home. You will work tirelessly to make the house beautiful and cozy. And when relatives come to visit and admire the work done, you will feel proud of yourself!

Lucky days: 7, 16, 24


Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus will cause problems with your significant other. This may seem like nonsense to you, no. worth attention, but the partner will not agree with this. Your mind will allow you to prove to your loved one that he is exaggerating everything and making mountains out of molehills.

Lucky days: 6, 15, 24


Colleagues will divide spheres of influence at work. However, it is unlikely that anyone will risk encroaching on your area of ​​competence. Even if such a daredevil suddenly appears, Scorpios will cope with him without the slightest difficulty. He shouldn't cross your path.

Lucky days: 2, 12, 20


Your partner will really annoy you with his complete lack of understanding of the situation. Most likely, this will apply specifically to business partnerships. However, in personal relationships there is likely to be misunderstanding, which can lead to disagreements and quarrels.

Lucky days: 9, 17, 27


You'll have to worry a little about your income. You can change the bank where you keep your savings. You might even do this several times over the course of a month. And all because you received alarming news and try to play it safe.

Lucky days: 5, 13, 23


Mars in Leo and Venus in Cancer will push you to lead a secular lifestyle, which is unusual for you. But it is at these receptions that unmarried Scorpios can meet their love. So look for evening dresses in advance - they will come in handy!

Lucky days: 3, 11, 20


Unexpectedly, in the midst of the holidays, you may receive an offer to head a department or some group, conduct training or a seminar. Don't hesitate - agree! This will have a good effect on your future career growth.

Lucky days: 7, 17, 26


Old friends will provide you with invaluable help. Their support will make you very happy - also because you did not expect it. And a completely unexpected surprise for you will be that one of them has been in love with you for a long time, but all these years he kept his feelings secret.

Lucky days: 3, 13, 23


Some negative information will unsettle you and can undermine your morale. This month you will be more prone to suspiciousness and anxiety than ever before. Try not to give in to despondency and doubt own strength.

Lucky days: 1, 10, 20


You will celebrate your birthday fully armed and in full combat readiness to multiply your achievements. You will hear many words of praise and support addressed to you from your colleagues. And almost all of them will be said from pure heart.

Lucky days: 6, 16, 25


At the beginning of winter, Venus and Jupiter in Capricorn will bring you good material income. Perhaps it will be an end-of-year bonus or a generous gift from loved one. One way or another, the amount will be quite significant. Great end to the year!

Lucky days: 4, 13, 22

For the Scorpio woman, the Horoscope for 2017 promises many romantic acquaintances and meetings. You will be engaged in self-development and your appearance. No need to leave household chores.

If you are not yet married, then you should show your chosen one what a good housewife you are. Your parents may also need help; you should not refuse them. You will only come into contact with your children by the middle of the year; you will simply feel what exactly your child needs.

The second half of the year will be more troublesome. For those who are going to study or are planning to go somewhere, you need to be more careful with your documents. Any, even the slightest mistake can harm your plans.

Throughout the year you will be supported by depression and stress, but you should not dwell on it. Rest and relaxation will help you cope with any illness.

Love horoscope

Love horoscope In 2017, the Scorpio girl is promised many surprises and interesting acquaintances. The main thing is not to miss the main man of your life. For unmarried women Astrologers advise going out more: attending various events, playing sports.

The horoscope advises not to spread your attention to all the men in your environment. Try to focus on your chosen one. The initiative must come from you. Have romantic dinners, organize walks, etc.

And for those who have not yet met one, acquaintance in the second half of the year may well develop into serious feelings.

Family horoscope

IN family life For Scorpio women, things will not always be smooth sailing. In the first half of the year, some tension will be felt on the part of household members.
Try not to pile all the homework on yourself. It is necessary to distribute household chores among all family members.

By the second half of the year, relationships will improve, complete mutual understanding will appear with the children, but this is only if you pay enough attention to them.

Financial horoscope

A financial horoscope for a lady born under the sign of Scorpio will bring many pleasant moments. Income will increase, the financial situation will become more stable compared to the previous year. You will have a desire to purchase real estate.

Keep in mind that your friends may need financial support. The stars advise not to refuse this, thereby it will further strengthen your long-term friendship. One clarification: this only applies to time-tested friends. The money borrowed will quickly return to you.


The first half of the year will not be very successful for the Scorpio woman professionally. A constant nervous environment at work will make you tense and depressed.

But you shouldn’t succumb to this state, you should just wait it out. Try to focus on work and not lose important business connections. And also, do not involve yourself in conflicts and intrigues at work.

Health horoscope

This year, astrologers advise Scorpio women to pay attention to the intimate component of health. Regular sexual relations with one partner have a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical condition women.

In general, in 2017 you should constantly listen to your body. If necessary, contact specialists. Frequent walks will have a beneficial effect on your condition. fresh air, visiting the pool and sauna.

Try not to succumb to depression, it will be very difficult to get out of it later. Meetings with friends and trips to the sea will prevent the blues from manifesting.

Horoscope by month

So, let's summarize. The Year of the Rooster will be productive and interesting. Starting in January, you need to activate all your strength and not relax throughout the year. This does not mean that you do not need to rest, quite the opposite. You need to protect yourself from the depressive state that Scorpio women are susceptible to this year.

In January try to be outdoors more often and not overeat.

February rich in meetings and acquaintances.

March will bring some household chores.

In April there will be minor health problems, so pay close attention to this.

In May You should arrange a short vacation or weekend getaway, perhaps organize a trip.

June And July will contribute to your daily life romance.

In August-September There will be a lot of work, including homework.

In October Scorpio girl will be susceptible colds, you should not neglect the disease, otherwise it can develop into a chronic one.

In November expect financial incentives or an unexpected bonus.

December will be a hassle.

It pays to be more careful than ever. The wave of intrigue that will drag them on will not subside until the end of the Year of the Rooster.
There will be many changes in the life of representatives of this sign, some of them will be for the better, some will talk about stagnation in business. By by and large, any outcome of situations will depend on the Scorpios themselves, on their assertiveness, will and efforts. Astrologers advise devoting more time to self-improvement in the new year. Also this good period in order to learn new languages.
This year, even at the most inopportune moment, Scorpios may change their plans; because of this, you should not plan many things for the day.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Scorpio man

Astrologers advise not to close yourself off from outside help; it is best to devote time to those who need your help.
You should not expect praise from management in the first half of the Year of the Rooster. Hardworking representatives of this sign, according to astrologers, should not count on an increase in salary every time they exceed the plan. Things will get better for Scorpios towards the end of this year.
In the new year, you need to devote more time to your loved ones, rest as often as possible after difficult working days. Scorpio managers are waiting for good news that will help them make their business more profitable; it is important not to miss the moment.
It is very important not to spoil relationships with the people around you, to take the first steps towards reconciliation, and to help them if necessary. Not best idea will hold a grudge against someone, this can only result in a worsening mood for Scorpio.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Scorpio woman

This year will be successful for almost all women of this sign, from women to financial ones. However, astrologers advise not to get involved in obviously “empty” affairs, which in the end will not help Scorpios either in their intellectual development or in terms of financial profit.
It is better to avoid people who seem uninteresting to Scorpio and stop communicating with them. You should be careful, you don’t need to tell your personal secrets to friends or colleagues.
Closer to autumn, Scorpio women will have a long-awaited rest. Spend it with your family, because long travel is not necessary for happiness.
2017 is good time for large purchases, small purchases household appliances, various attachments. There is no need to worry about this; astrologers talk about the financial stability of representatives of this sign.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

Astrologers say that Scorpios should expect changes for the better this year. Single Scorpios will finally be able to meet their soulmate. Those representatives of the sign who are in relationships will continue to develop them in the direction they need.
You should not demand more from your partner than he can give. In some cases, it is worth taking his place and thinking about the current situation from this side.
The stars do not advise Scorpios to start holiday romances; they promise to be short and will leave behind emotional wounds, which representatives of this sign with with great difficulty will heal.
The Year of the Rooster is a good time for marriage and adding to the family. If Scorpios have long been waiting for a good reason for this, then it has come! This is the most favorable time.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Scorpio

Thrifty Scorpio always knows the value of money, especially in such difficult times for him. But, as the stars say, the first half of 2017 will be able to please any representative of this sign. Things will go well at work, some will even find an interesting part-time job, as a result - financial stability, high income and good position in society.
Astrologers do not advise borrowing money in the new year; it is better to wait a few months and save up the required amount. They also say that you can only lend money to those closest to you, in whom Scorpio is as confident as in himself.
You shouldn't expect incredible wealth in 2017, but the current situation will please Scorpio much more than last year. Of course, to achieve such a result you will have to work hard and save a lot at first.

Like previous year, the coming 2017 will be quite calm for Scorpios regarding their personal life. However, this does not mean that nothing important will happen, just that the changes will be predominantly internal. Almost all year, from January to October, many representatives of the sign will often encounter various mysteries and secrets in their love life. Someone will have a mysterious anonymous admirer. Someone will discover a hidden side in their significant other. In the last three months of 2017, the course in Scorpio's personal life will change radically. They will want to be out in society more often, and their relationship with their partner will become more passionate and intense.

January will begin quite brightly for single representatives of the Scorpio zodiac sign, with an exciting and tender romance. It is possible that their chosen one will be a person associated with creativity and mysticism. Scorpios in a couple will experience a second honeymoon; some may seriously think about offspring. In February, especially closer to the middle of the month, you should beware of conflicts regarding responsibilities and personal space in a couple. Beware of causeless jealousy, it can ruin the mood of both Scorpios and their partners. An unexpected gift from a loved one can make up for the troubles.

March will pass without any major shocks in your personal life. However, in the second half of the month, passionate flirting with someone from a friendly environment is possible, which can develop into a sensual affair. For Scorpio couples, the love horoscope recommends trying something new in bed at this time. In April, a former partner or lover may return to the lives of representatives of this sign. Scorpios in a couple will become more romantic than usual and will want to please their partner with sweet surprises more often, which will have a positive impact on their relationship. In the second half of the month, avoid conflicts related to money and other resources. Last month spring will bring some sensual temptation into the lives of those born under this sign. The stars advise carefully calculating the consequences of your behavior at this time and not rushing headlong into the pool of feelings.

The love horoscope for 2017 indicates that the summer will begin with a joint romantic journey, which will strengthen the feelings of Scorpios and their partners. Those of them who have not yet found their soul mate can do so abroad. The second half of the month will be one of the most romantic periods of the year. Great time for an engagement party or simply to spend more time with your loved ones.

In the first half of July, Scorpios will be more busy with work than with their personal lives, and their partner will treat this with understanding. It is even possible to receive help from a loved one or his environment in self-realization. In the second half of the month, beware of conflicts regarding sexuality. It is possible that Scorpios’ views on what is acceptable and desirable in intimacy will not coincide with their other halves. But with enough flexibility, many couples will still be able to find a compromise. In August, representatives of this will reveal some important secret concerning their personal lives. Someone will find out that their ex-partner still has serious feelings for them, someone will reveal a secret from their chosen one’s past. In the second half of the month, you should beware of conflicts regarding differences in worldview with your loved one. This is not the best time to travel abroad together, the stars warn.

September 2017 will bring Scorpios many new acquaintances. Lonely representatives of the sign should spend time more often in a friendly circle, this is where a fateful meeting is likely. Those couples who are already in a relationship can be given similar advice. Joint communication with friends will bring them closer and distract them from negative experiences. However, closer to the second half of the month, on the contrary, you should be more careful in this regard. Scorpios may become jealous of their significant other's friends.

In October, the personal life of representatives of this sign will begin new era. They will become more open and sociable than usual, people will begin to be attracted to them more people of the opposite sex. Lonely Scorpios will certainly start a bright romance, which can develop into serious relationship. The first half of November may be remembered for a valuable gift from a loved one, an offer of help on some issue. The second half will be an extremely good time for romance. The love horoscope advises you to prepare a surprise for your other half, often delighting her with sweet surprises. Bring some creativity into your relationship. Final month years will pass in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. Single representatives of the sign will feel at the peak of popularity with the opposite sex, which will allow them to achieve the sympathy of those people whom they previously considered inaccessible.

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The sultry July of 2017 will be very unpredictable in the development of events for many representatives of the Scorpio sign. This month will be a great test of Scorpios' personal feelings. An accurate love horoscope for Scorpios warns that mistakes made in the past will make themselves felt in July in the form of not the most pleasant experiences. For people born under the sign of Scorpio, such events may become a reason to want to temporarily be alone and analyze their actions.

Free from any relationships, Scorpios in July may become a victim of their old misdeeds. During this period, there is a high probability of gossip and speculation that may negatively affect Scorpio’s reputation. Representatives of this zodiac sign themselves will not be too concerned about this problem in July, but representatives of the opposite sex may refuse to communicate because of this situation. The stars advise lonely Scorpios during this period to try to reassure their family and parents and not change their plans because of someone’s chatter. For some representatives of this zodiac sign, what is happening will become a kind of advertising and may lead to unexpected acquaintances.

Those Scorpios who are in family relationships, in July they will be able to see from their own experience that one mistake made can adversely affect the opinions of others and their significant other. Representatives of the Scorpio sign, who are unable to restore trust in their marital relationship, may in the near future face the need to break up. The stars recommend that such couples talk frankly and find out all the unpleasant moments in advance, so that later it does not become a surprise for the other half.

Love horoscope for Scorpio women for July 2017

In July, free Scorpio girls have the opportunity to visit new places, start a holiday romance without obligations, or simply get a lot of new experiences. New acquaintances will arise on their own during this period, but Scorpio girls will be very careful in choosing their chosen one. In July, their personal life will fade into the background a little, so representatives of this sign will be reluctant to invest particularly in the development of romances.

Married Scorpio women should pay more attention to the desires of their spouse in July. At this time, it is better for Scorpios to plan a vacation at sea or outside the city in order to take a break from everyday problems together and devote maximum time to their feelings. For those couples who, for some reason, cannot do this, a cooling of passion and love fire is possible. Therefore, it is very important for representatives of the Scorpio sign to be alone with their loved one in July. The stars recommend that they try to get out of the house for at least a couple of days together, so as not to lose spiritual closeness.

Love horoscope for Scorpio men for July 2017

Free male Scorpios in July can consciously choose loneliness in order to spend time alone with themselves and draw conclusions from past events. Some detachment can give additional interest to such Scorpios in women's eyes. In July, men of this zodiac sign have a chance of meeting that person with whom a serious relationship can develop in the future. The love horoscope recommends that Scorpios do not dismiss new acquaintances in July, so as not to regret it in the near future.

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