How to color a T-shirt at home. How to dye a T-shirt different colors with your own hands

2015-07-20 Maria Novikova

There are many ways to give an old T-shirt an original and unique look. One of the easiest and creative ways, in my opinion, is to paint clothes with acrylic paints. Little by little I began to study this technique and introduce you to its diversity. From my previous articles you have already learned how to apply a drawing, how to paint with acrylic paints, and also how to apply. This time I will tell you about my simple experiment, in which I decided to change old T-shirt by nodular staining

For this you will need:

Let's get to work

First, fasten the T-shirt with rubber bands:

Then we select the colors in which we will dye the T-shirt, place them in containers and dilute them with a small amount of water. Stir until all the paint is gone. But the solution should not be very thick, otherwise it will lead to coarsening of the tissue.

Attention! The more paint you add to the solution, the richer the color on the T-shirt will be. But the solution should not be very thick, otherwise it will lead to coarsening of the tissue. If the solution contains more water, then when drying all the colors will be lost.

Next, we start dyeing the T-shirt, fill the syringe with the solution and begin squeezing the solution onto the T-shirt. We do this coloring over a plate, since the excess solution should drain into the container. We try to insert the syringe between the folds of the fabric so that the fabric is dyed right through.

Press the syringe gently so that the paint does not splatter and the coloring is uniform.

Thus, using and alternating various colors, we dye the entire T-shirt.

When using a multi-colored liquid solution, the paint will overlap, mix and form a new color. This is not scary, because thanks to this effect your T-shirt will take on an even more unusual look.

After the entire product is painted, leave it to dry in the same form. To speed up drying, dry it a little with a hairdryer.

Attention! Under no circumstances leave the product to dry under sun rays– this will lead to loss of color.

Lay the T-shirt on a flat surface and wait for it to dry completely.

When the T-shirt is dry, you need to iron it with an iron so that the paint is completely set.

The product can only be washed after 48 hours.

So in a simple way, dyeing clothes will bring pleasure and add new things to your wardrobe. You can also try tying knots on a T-shirt with others different ways to get even more interesting options staining. Don't throw away old things, use them for your experiments. Create unique, original ideas, become your own personal designer.

Painting on fabric.
We create unique things with our own hands!

Part 1.
Concept development.

This lesson is based on a very specific piece of work I've been doing lately. Mine is very good friend Birthday is coming soon. He is an artist, a graffiti artist, quite old. A long time ago, I had the idea to paint a T-shirt for him (fortunately, the size is known).

All that remains is to decide on the concept.
Because people are our apple of the crop, I decided to emphasize this in my work. I'm probably the wrong artist) This time I didn't even make a sketch. But I clearly determined for myself that:

The composition will be located from bottom left to top right.
the whole picture will be splashed paint of all colors with beautiful droplets, in which other objects are mixed.
the paint will fly out of... the banana)))
the person’s name will be present at the work (or rather, the name under which he draws)

That's all. Because I have a problem with letters, I asked my friend to help me young man in drawing up a sketch with the name of the birthday boy.

When the sketch is ready:

I scan it and start preparing my workspace.

Part 2.
Preparing the workspace.

There is nothing complicated or lengthy about this.
first, what we need is of course - t-shirt(or any other textile - jeans, shirt, long sleeve).
The criteria by which I choose textiles:
a) ratio price quality- the item should be moderately cheap, while good quality. Preferably cotton fabric with minimal stretch fiber content. This way, your finished work of art will not crack when subjected to strong stretching (for example, when putting it on).
b) there should be no pattern on the clothes - embroidery, printed designs, etc. I believe that all this can interfere with the drawing and the process of applying it.

this item is optional, although it is recommended. We need to find some kind of surface or hoop where we can stretch our item. Someone uses a shelf from an old closet for this, I used it before ironing board and pins. Now I’m too lazy to pull it on) and I draw just like that, laying the thing out on the table)
So, the next point is for lazy people like me:

Need a simple one blank sheet of paper A4 format or larger. For what? Even if you pull a T-shirt anywhere - on a shelf or on an ironing board - it is better to place a sheet of paper under the place where you are drawing. So, if the paint leaks, the paper will only stick to the T-shirt, not the shelf or ironing board. If the paper is stuck and does not want to come off, you can carefully tear it off around the stuck area. It comes off easily the first time you wash it.

Most important point - paints.
There are many paints, domestic and imported. Of course, many imported ones are good. But they generally cost a fair amount of money. So my choice fell on domestic paints. There are paints for textiles, acrylic, companies GAMMA. But I honestly didn’t like them, they looked more like paints that needed a contour. They flow strongly through the fibers.
I also found paints from the St. Petersburg plant "Nevskaya Palitra" in the store. These are paints with a name DECOLA. I haven't tried anything better than them yet. They are moderately thick and do not flow through the fibers.
Sold in sets of 6, 9 and 12 colors, as well as individual 50 ml jars of all sorts of different colors, including fluorescents and metallics.

brushes Equally important. I really love working with acrylic core. Even more than synthetics. I have a lot of brushes, but I usually paint with the thinnest ones available - 1, 2 and 4. In general, I don’t need more.

Palette. My palette looks very scary) This is a simple square tile that my dad gave me back in 1999) About 8 years ago I stopped washing it) And now it is covered with a thick layer of semi-rubber dried acrylic) You can also use just a white sheet, but this not the best option.

A very important element - diluent for acrylic on fabric. It costs a penny and is also sold in 50 ml containers.

and lastly - a ballpoint pen for drawing a sketch.

Part 3.
Drawing a sketch on the canvas.

As I already wrote above, I don’t pull the T-shirt on anywhere, I just lay it out on the table, put a white blank A4 sheet inside and get to work.

The whole concept is kept in my head, but part of the sketch is drawn. These are letters. The word is SEAN. In order not to spoil the sketch itself, I scan it, clean it in Photoshop and print it again. The drawing must be quite large and I print on the entire A4 sheet. Next, I arrange it as it should be on a T-shirt and I pin it with pins so that he doesn’t fidget and the drawing doesn’t slip.

Method of transferring an image to clothing, which I use, will seem wild to someone)) But it is universal for both black and colored and white things.
I take ballpoint pen any color that writes, and I begin to push and tear through the paper in those places where there are lines in the sketch.

Don't be afraid, you won't ruin the fabric if the item is thick enough and not stretchy. This method is also universal for clothes of any color because the pen doesn’t just draw on the fabric, it leaves pressed grooves and even on black clothes they are clearly visible. After painting and washing they will naturally disappear. In the next photo you can clearly see the mark from the handle and a small groove. And it’s also difficult to get confused about what’s already circled and what’s not)

In this way, I outline the entire drawing, except for the smallest details, which will not be difficult to complete later. It looks something like this.

Some lines are hard to see. Some only have grooves left. In order not to get completely confused when painting, I circle the questionable areas with a pen. Also, with the same pen, I mark the main movement of the composition, the main elements, such as a can of paint, a banana, dynamically flying paint and other little things, without going into details.

Part 4.

When the rough sketch is ready and the letters are circled in the right places, I start painting.
I don't have a strict painting system. I start with those places that seem simplest to me and that I like the most)

It is better to apply paint in more than one layer. Let the first layer dry, then apply another one. Then, if desired, you can apply a third one. This way the paint will be juicy and won’t seem like it has been absorbed into the fabric. In addition, the areas covered with paint will appear as if they are made of rubber.

Next, I decided that I would paint the letters. They were supposed to be gold, fortunately I had such paint) I paint with a brush No. 2. I don't need it anymore. Neat lines are initially important to me, because... I don’t know yet how my background will be positioned.

Do you see how the yellow liquid paint was absorbed into the fabric and how faded the color became? Conclusion: if the paint is light, don’t be lazy, go over this area with whitewash first.
So, I'm trying to fix the situation:

The banana is covered with the main color) I begin to detail it. My art teacher told me that if a person does work at different levels, it means he has a problem with his head. Ideally, you need to make a normal sketch, then paint over everything with primary colors, then detail everything in the same way, and then make the final sketch) I have everything in... one place

The banana so far comes out like this:

The overall picture is still not very visible, and I'm going to fix it. I apply paint; I roughly paint over the spray can using silver and white paint)


I continue to apply colored spots of paint after looking at some references with color drops before doing so. Then, obeying some internal currents, without finishing painting with the main color, I began to outline the banana)

I take brush No. 2 and dip it in black paint. I must say that I usually paint with thinner, mixing it with the color directly on the palette. The black paint in my kit is fresh and fluid enough that you can do without it.

I dip the very tip of the brush so that a tiny drop of paint appears on it, and I begin to “rub” it along the contour of my banana, moving the brush back and forth with gentle pressure.


The beginning was slow, I moved the camera there. But in general, it seems clear what is happening on the screen)) there are cartoons in the background

The photo clearly shows the texture of the fabric, paint application, etc. The overall picture looks like this so far:

That's it, now you can trace the letters. I don’t like how it’s turning out yet, because the picture is still far from finished and there’s a lot of work to be done. I trace the letters and paints around using the method described above, “by rubbing”. At the same time, the original sketch is open on the monitor so as not to get confused in the lines.

Once the letters are outlined, I finish the background, obtaining the desired colors by mixing with the addition of thinner.

Hooray! We're coming to the end! All that remains is to outline the brushes, pencils, jar and a little bit of paint and add the missing highlights and... voila! The work is ready:

All that remains is to dry it, secure it from the inside with an iron, choose gift wrapping and give it as a gift)

I hope the lesson was useful and interesting. Creative success!

P.S: to avoid a huge number of identical questions or for those who fundamentally do not read comments:


Each box with paint or on it contains instructions on how to care for the item after heat treatment - how to wash it, and so on. Because There are simply countless colors of paints from different companies on the art market, I’ll list them here only for DECOLA paints:

Wash ONLY manual. (at worst - in modern typewriters There is a function for gentle washing of wool and silk. But there is a possibility that the paint will wash off/crack/start coming off the fabric in clumps. It’s better to test a painted piece of fabric before washing a piece of art there)
Washing water temperature no more than 40 degrees. Otherwise, your signature item will suffer the Punishment of Incorrect Temperature Regime.

It seems that that's all. Things can withstand many washes if you follow all the conditions and do everything carefully. I have a T-shirt that is already 3.5 years old. The paint has not cracked, although the fabric is quite stretchy. Has withstood many washes.

Abstraction in the spirit of pseudo-batik. Twist the T-shirt into a knot, roll it up, or turn it inside out as if you were wringing it out after washing, and soak it that way in different colors of batik paint. When you unfold it, there will be symmetrical color patterns all over its surface.

You can wrap the T-shirt with salt, ribbon or cord - this will add even more variety to the patterns.

2. Drawing: outline and markers

A clear drawing can be applied either with paints using an acrylic outline, or with markers. There are markers for dark fabrics, but, as a rule, few of them provide a bright and easily visible color; If your T-shirt is light in color, you can choose both markers and paints; if it’s dark, it’s better to stick with paints.

Acrylic contours are sold in small convenient tubes; they can be used to draw even when the fabric is stretched vertically. The line turns out to be very thin, although less neat than when drawing with a marker - because you need to press the tube with equal force all the time.

Prepare a sketch of the future drawing. Then stretch the T-shirt onto a flat surface, such as an ironing board, with a piece of paper underneath the front. Transfer the drawing from the sketch to the T-shirt with a simple pencil or tailor's chalk (if the fabric is dark). Then carefully outline it and then paint it with regular acrylic if you like.

When painting large surfaces with acrylic, they harden somewhat, as when gluing film to fabric.

3. Stencil

If you like pop art style, laconic images and strict lines, the stencil will become good choice. Sketch a design for a T-shirt on thin cardboard. Choose the theme and everything else according to your taste - it can be anything, from an inscription to a human silhouette, but remember that this drawing will need to be cut out, and, in fact, it is the cut out part that will be the “mold” for the paint that will be printed on the T-shirt. The drawing must be solid, without jumpers.

Using a stationery knife, cut out the finished design, place it on a T-shirt and paint the entire sheet with paint (one or more), then remove it - the paint will only fall on the empty space of the stencil.

You can also make a reverse stencil - then put on the T-shirt not the sheet with the hole, but the cut out part, the design itself, and paint it so that the paint extends 2-3 cm beyond the borders of the cardboard. You'll end up with a splash of paint with a clear silhouette that's the same color as the rest of the t-shirt.

4. Imitation suit

Paint the T-shirt using paints or felt-tip pens, making it a copy of a suit with a shirt, for example, like comic book or movie characters. For example, you can apply a thin stripe to a dark gray T-shirt, draw lapels and a pseudo-pocket rectangle on the left, a buttonhole with a red flower drawn on it, and you will have a classic gangster suit from the 1920s.

5. Drawing all over the T-shirt

It is not necessary to place the design strictly on the front side of the T-shirt. An image that stretches across the entire fabric looks much nicer. This can be used in a “three-dimensional” image: for example, if you draw a fox on a T-shirt, its hind legs and part of its body can be located on the back, its front legs will seem to “lean” on the shoulder, and the front legs will be drawn on the front side of the T-shirt, the fluffy tail will wrap around the entire bottom edge.

The animal - of course, not necessarily a fox - can be stylized with Celtic or Polynesian patterns, which will allow you to make a few more “overlaps” of the design from the front of the T-shirt, wrap it around the collar and use the sleeves.

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T-shirt dyeing is a very fun and creative process. You can almost feel like an artist or designer creating something new.

How to dye a T-shirt

To do this, take:

  • white cotton shirt;
  • dyes;
  • water;
  • paint container;
  • an elastic band.

Typically, T-shirts are made from cotton fabrics, so they can be easily dyed.

Dyes are sold in any hardware stores.

You can use natural dyes: instant coffee, birch leaves, blackberries, onion skins, tea, blueberries and others. Over time, they do not lose color and keep the T-shirt fresh.

To dye fabric, grind vegetable raw materials, and then boil in distilled water. After this, boil the solution to the desired concentration, then strain. Soak the T-shirt in the resulting broth. When dyeing things you can use various techniques tying fabric to create interesting patterns.

Wring out the shirt and lay it right side out on the desired surface. On this side in the middle, take the fabric and twist it clockwise, securing it with elastic bands. The result should be a ball. If you choose artificial dyes, dissolve them with the desired color in water, as written in the instructions. Leave the coloring pigment for an hour. After the time has passed, remove the item and place it on some cloth to dry. Don't take her outside sunlight will absorb the brightness of the T-shirt.

Dyeing a T-shirt at home

To do this, take the item, dip it in a container, and apply paint using a syringe. the right shades. For convenience, you can apply it first with a syringe and then distribute it evenly with a brush.

After the design is applied to one side, come to coloring the second. At the end of the process, the T-shirt must be thoroughly rinsed in water, dried and ironed to fix the image.

How to paint a T-shirt using acrylic paints

Acrylic colors are the best option for these works, since the substance penetrates well into the fabric and has a wide range of colors.

They produce samples that glow in the dark, as well as pearlescent and matte paints.

When purchasing a tone, pay attention to what fabric it is intended for. Choose brushes depending on the complexity of the work. It is better to use synthetic bristles as they shed less and apply colors better.

So, the materials have been selected, you can begin the painting process. Place a layer of paper between the front and back of the item to secure the fabric.

This way, the design will be easier to wear and will not move.

First you need to draw a drawing template using a simple pencil, and then color it.

If during the painting process a drop of paint falls in the wrong place, don’t be upset. It will not be possible to remove the stain without affecting the main pattern. However, you can show your imagination and paint the damaged area so that random drops appear as elements of the image.

It is often difficult to work with acrylic paints due to the thick composition. In this case, dilute the paint with water. Its layer should be uniform and not thick, then the painting will hold up better. The finished design must dry for 24 hours, after which it must be fixed with an iron through gauze at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric. After this, the item cannot be washed for 48 hours.

Dyeing a T-shirt using the tie-dye technique

Tie-dye is a technique that allows you to create bright psychedelic patterns on things. This technique was used back in Ancient India and China, and in the 20th century it became very popular thanks to the hippie movement. Currently this method used by famous brands such as Stussy, Vans and others.

You can create such a beautiful tie-dye T-shirt at home.

To do this, take:

  • ordinary paint;
  • white T-shirt;
  • water;
  • plastic containers;
  • threads;
  • salt.

You can get paints at a hardware store. Salt is necessary for the paint to adhere better. Now you need to tie the shirt.

Twist it in a spiral from the middle so that you end up with lines emanating from the center to the edges. After this, carefully fold the item several times and wrap it with thread.

Now dilute in large quantities warm water paint and add a tablespoon of salt. Apply paint to the item using a syringe or brush. Leave to dry.

When painting has been done, put the shirt in a dry place. It is not advisable to unfold the drawings at this time, otherwise they will not stick. After a day, unwrap the item and enjoy the result.

How to dye a T-shirt deep black

To do this you need to take:

  • black shade of paint - 1 sachet;
  • enameled basin.

First, place the dye packet into the pan, gradually adding water and stirring to form a paste. Then fill the paste with water at a ratio of 0.5 liters of cold water per paint. Mix everything and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the mixture into an enamel bowl. Add water at 50 degrees. The amount of the resulting solution must match the weight of the fabric being dyed within 10:1.

Place the fabric in the prepared solution and put it on fire. After 20 minutes, when it starts to boil, add 2 teaspoons of table salt. Place the fabric back into the solution and wait until it starts to boil. This will happen in about 30 minutes. After this, carefully remove it from the heat and place it in a safe place. Do not remove the shirt for another 30 minutes. When the time has come, take out the item and rinse, first in hot water, then in cold water. Then carefully squeeze out the water and dry.

Dyeing a T-shirt in different colors

To do this you need to take:

  • a regular T-shirt;
  • dyes;
  • clothespins;
  • elastic bands;
  • salt;
  • bucket;
  • latex gloves.

First you need to wet the T-shirt, then take it with your fingers and twist it clockwise, secure with an elastic band.

The fashion for creative pictures and catchy inscriptions on T-shirts never goes away. It changes and popularizes: now cartoon characters, now comic book characters, now life-affirming phrases, now quotes famous people, but the essence remains the same - something unusual that attracts attention to the clothes. An excellent alternative to the repeatedly reproduced version of the print on things from the mass market will be do-it-yourself drawings on T-shirts. This is an opportunity to choose a foundation of any quality and color, and express your individuality. A T-shirt that is hand-painted can become the owner’s business card or a great gift to a significant event.

How to make a print with acrylic paints?

A durable design at home can be applied using cold or hot batik, fabric markers, aerosol cans, or decals, but the most reliable and popular is acrylic. There are several ways to apply a print with acrylic paints:

  • Copying a drawing from paper. This method does not require special artistic talent, only accuracy. The drawing can be done by hand or printed on a printer. All outlines should be dark in color, visible through the fabric of the T-shirt. For convenience, it is better to glue the finished drawing onto thick cardboard, stretch the T-shirt evenly over it and secure it at the edges with pins. Next, you need to carefully trace the contours using a simple pencil or felt-tip pens on the fabric, and start filling in with color;

  • Drawing on fabric by hand. This is a technique for those who are confident in their abilities, which gives more room for imagination. You can pre-draw the outlines, or you can immediately start working with paints, creating a work of art on your T-shirt. The method is more suitable for light materials, and for those cases where some carelessness in the drawing is acceptable;

  • Stencil application. The simplest way that guarantees a good result. Drawing with a stencil is convenient because the picture can be copied many times on T-shirts, for example, for the whole family, a school KVN team, a uniform for competitions, or just a group of like-minded people who want to be recognized in the crowd. To make the picture look more interesting, you can layer stencils on top of each other. different sizes, change the angle of inclination and colors;

  • Screen printing. Intended for complex drawings from several colors. It is applied using special paint and screen printing mesh, roller and other tools. This method is not suitable for beginners.

Stencil painting

Of all the listed methods The most common is stencil painting. It is simple to implement, time-saving and satisfactory in results.

To complete the painting you will need: a cotton T-shirt, a stencil or cardboard for it, acrylic paints, a small paint roller, a tray for diluting paints, gloves, scissors or a stationery knife, masking tape, an iron.

The procedure is performed step by step:

  • Wash. Many people want to skip this point, but it is necessary to complete it. Acrylic paints They fit best on cotton items, and cotton tends to “shrink” when washed. The drawing will not decrease along with the size of the T-shirt, it will be deformed, and the work will be ruined along with the T-shirt and the freely translated materials.

After washing, the T-shirt should be dried well and ironed so that the base for the design is as even as possible;

  • Stencil preparation. While the T-shirt is drying, there is time to apply the design to thin cardboard. You need to cut out the contours very carefully, without jagged edges, otherwise the edge of the design on the fabric will turn out uneven. For the first attempt, you can buy a stencil in a store or glue a printout from the Internet onto cardboard;

  • Preparation of the working surface. A flat, hard surface, such as a writing or writing surface, is suitable for drawing. Coffee table. All necessary tools placed nearby, on the side working hand. Acrylic is difficult to wash off, so it is better to cover the table with old newspapers and proceed to creative process in old clothes;

  • Preparing the T-shirt. A clean, ironed item should be placed on a work surface, straightened so that there are no folds or unevenness. It is recommended to place inside thick layer paper or cardboard so that the acrylic does not print on both sides of the T-shirt, if this is not the idea. Next, a stencil is applied to the T-shirt. To keep it in place during painting, the edges need to be glued with paper tape;

  • Dilution of paints. To prevent the acrylic from starting to dry out ahead of time, pour the desired color into the tray or mix it from several different ones immediately before application. In order for the paint to lay evenly, the roller must be evenly saturated with acrylic. To do this, dip it several times in the tray until it becomes slightly heavier, and then make a test stroke on a sheet of paper. If the layer is dense, you can start painting;

  • Drawing. With confident movements horizontally and vertically, “roll” the stencil with a roller. You can go beyond the edges of the drawing, but not beyond the edges of the paper; It wouldn't hurt to apply a second coat of paint. When it dries a little, you can remove the stencil and leave the drawing until completely dry;

  • Thermal impact. The paint will adhere better if you iron the fresh print with a hot iron through a thin cotton towel. After this, the T-shirt can be worn and washed. It is recommended to do this the first few times in cold water on your hands, and the subsequent times in the machine with other things.

How to create an abstraction?

You can liven up a boring old T-shirt with an unusual space print. You don't need to draw planet stencils for this, all you need is a T-shirt, acrylic, gloves, bleach in a spray bottle and a few brushes.

If the T-shirt is new, you need to wash and dry it first. The old one should be clean and ironed. It is better to apply abstraction on fabrics of bright or dark colors; on white and light colors it will not look so impressive.

The process of applying a pattern begins with preparing the working surface, in this case the floor. You should position yourself away from the walls so as not to splatter them with paint, and carefully cover the creative area with newspapers. Then you can start working on the working materials.

First of all, you need to dilute a small amount of bleach with water in a container with a spray bottle, prepare brushes and bottles with paint of your preferred colors.

From an arm's length distance, apply the bleach solution to the T-shirt, wait until it changes color and dries. Then, having opened the paints, alternately dipping the brush in different colors, spray your T-shirt with them. It is more convenient to work on very small details with a toothbrush, spraying a fine layer of paint directly over the fabric.

If desired, you can repeat the procedure with the second side of the product after the print on the front side is completely dry.

Drawing using knot technique

The knot technique is essentially a type of batik. The main difference from traditional painting on fabric is that not a special adhesive solution is used as a reserve (a substance that separates one colored fragment from another, preventing the paints from mixing), but threads, ropes and strands.

With the help of threads, knots of different sizes are fixed on the fabric, which are dipped into the paint. As a result, the paint fills only the fragment that is separated by the threads and spreads out in beautiful “rays” along the creases in the fabric.

Making knots is quite simple. There are no templates or special rules; the fabric can be folded and tied at your discretion. The main thing is to decide how large or small the colored fragments will be, and carefully separate one from the other using thread or string.

It is better to take white threads so that they do not fade during dyeing. Of course it can give additional element decor, but it can ruin the whole idea.

In addition to threads, buttons and pebbles are often used to fill one or another piece of fabric to make the paint more interesting.

Nodular staining is performed in stages.


The first stage is to select the fabric and its preliminary preparation. Batik is applied to cotton, silk or wool products; Preferred color is white. Depending on your design, you can apply splashes, stripes, stains, or designs to the T-shirt before tying the knots.

Formation of nodes

The second stage is the most important. This determines how the drawing will turn out in the end. After twisting the fabric in a certain way and tying knots, you can get circles, flowers, stripes, or you can make them arbitrarily, and then the pattern will be unpredictable and original.

Filling nodes with color

The third stage involves choosing a coloring method. The most reliable way is to lower the knots one by one in a container with boiling colored water. This method guarantees the penetration of paint into all layers of fabric and gives the effect of flowing one color into another.

The fastest way is to use spray paint. For a lasting effect, it is enough to just spray it on the texture of the fabric for a few seconds, but there is a risk that the knot will not be completely painted over.

The longest and most expensive method in terms of materials, but also the most beautiful as a result, is using pure paint. If you want smooth and soft transitions, you need to wet the knot before dipping it into the paint. If a bright, rich pattern is your priority, the T-shirt fabric can be left dry. So, to paint a T-shirt with pure paint, first of all, decide on the colors of your future T-shirt, put them in molds and dilute them with a small amount of warm water.

It is important to maintain the proportions of paint and water. If the paint ratio is higher, the color of the design on the T-shirt will be more saturated. But at the same time, you do not need to make the solution very thick, otherwise it will lead to coarsening of the tissue. The solution should also not be too watery, as this will lead to loss of color when the T-shirt dries.

Then we proceed directly to dyeing the T-shirt. We take a syringe, fill it with a solution and begin to squeeze the solution onto a T-shirt.

The more knots and colors are used, the more interesting the print will be.

Fixing the paint

When the product has dried, it should be ironed through a thin fabric without a pattern, so the paint will adhere better and last longer.

The fifth stage is final. It is optional, but nevertheless, you should not skip it. The knotting technique requires the use of a large amount of dye, which may begin to wash out during the first wash. To prevent this from happening, a day after the paint has been fixed, the T-shirt should be moistened and rinsed in running water, washing away the excess amount of acrylic. After this, the product is ready to be worn and washed along with other items.

Master class on painting at home

Applying a design to things with your own hands is a labor-intensive process, but not difficult. The classic version on a white T-shirt is done as follows: applying a pattern according to a template, drawing an outline, filling with color, fixing the paint with an iron.

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