How to plaster the external walls of a house. Plastering the facade: materials, technology

Facade plasters only benefit bricks. It's no secret that brickwork often leaves much to be desired. Even if the masonry is made of façade decorative brick, but crooked and sloppy, the house looks sloppy.

Facade plaster hides defects in bricks and masonry well.

Of course, now there are a huge number of methods and materials for decorating facades, but plaster remains the leader in this matter. Not only because it is accessible, cheap and easy to process, but also because the development of this material also does not stand still: today facade plaster comes in many types. Therefore, it is so important to understand the question of how to properly plaster a brick facade and what types of coating can be used.

Ideally, plaster correctly and efficiently brick house a team of professional builders, those who have special educational establishments and long experience. But since you take on this work yourself, it is important to know the sequence of manipulations:

  1. It is necessary to prepare the facade of the house: remove dirt, unstitch seams.
  2. Next - prime the walls, that is, process special composition, on which the plaster fits better.
  3. It is necessary to reinforce the walls. For this, a regular facade mesh is used, which is nailed to the brick.
  4. Then beacons are installed - metal strips along which the surface is subsequently leveled.
  5. After this, the plaster solution itself is applied.
  6. And the last thing is grout.

Building codes suggest installing a mesh before starting plastering only if the thickness of the mesh is more than 3 cm. However, it makes sense to use it in any situation. It will prevent cracks from appearing on the facade and improve adhesion between the brick and plaster.

It is imperative to use a mesh when plastering the basement of a building. This part is usually made of concrete, so reinforcement is necessary.

For facade works you will need the following tool:

  • rule;
  • ladle;
  • grater;
  • grater;
  • putty knife;
  • maklovitsa.

Sequence of work

Algorithm of actions:

  1. After fixing the mesh over the entire area of ​​the façade of the house, guide profiles of the beacons are installed. They are attached strictly vertically along a plumb line and horizontally along a water level on alabaster. The distance between the profiles is slightly less than the length of the plaster rule.
  2. All window and door openings are equipped with internal and external metal corners. They will also protect against cracks in the plaster.
  3. A thin layer of very liquid plaster is applied to the walls, the method is called spraying.
  4. Next, the plaster is thrown between the beacons, creating a layer of soil. The layer can be thick, so the material should have a thick consistency.
  5. After the plaster has dried a little, after 20 minutes, the rule is to move it from top to bottom along the metal beacons, smoothing out any unevenness. The resulting holes in the surface of the coating are again filled with solution. Again they follow the rule. And so on as many times as needed until the surface becomes smooth, without holes or ruts.

  6. The next day, when the plaster has dried, you need to remove the metal beacons and fill the resulting voids with a solution.
  7. Before applying the finishing layer, it is necessary to properly prime the surface with a solution suitable for the plaster.
  8. Finishing, decorative facade plaster is applied in a thin layer. Various tools are used for this, depending on the desired pattern. They can be metal, rubber or regular rollers.

It is necessary to plaster the facade in dry weather: even if it rains in summer, the water will wash away the wet plaster very quickly, and heavy rain can remove it right down to the brick.

To avoid cracks, do not plaster when sub-zero temperature air.

Types of facade plaster

As mentioned above, plaster can be of several types:

  1. Mineral. It is the most common due to its low cost. Well suited for plastering brick and concrete. However, it is unstable and short-lived. The color range is very narrow, so this plaster has to be painted.

  2. Silicate. The material includes liquid glass, so this plaster is quite durable. The price is quite high, on the other hand, when used of this material Facade work needs to be carried out very rarely. Also suitable for working on brick and insulated surfaces.
  3. Acrylic. This is a very elastic facade mixture that is suitable for working with any walls: brick, concrete, and insulation. This plaster is vapor-permeable and water-repellent. Easily washed off from dirt. It dries quickly, so it needs to be plastered more actively.
  4. Silicone. Any surface can be treated with this plaster; it is very elastic and durable. Due to its characteristics it never cracks. However, vapor permeability is low. And another drawback is the very high price.

In general, all facade plasters have certain advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before you start performing facade work, consult with experienced builders. They will tell you which plaster will work best on brick, which on concrete, which on insulation. At the same time, rely on your financial capabilities, because facade work has always been quite expensive.


A little about pricing

As mentioned above, facade work and materials are very expensive, regardless of what surfaces you need to work on: brick or concrete. The price for plastering brick is comparatively lower than for insulation. Also, the price depends on the thickness of the plaster sheet. Thus, the most low price is approximately 350 rubles per 1 m².

It should not be forgotten that the casting of door and window openings is charged higher than plastering flat walls, again due to the labor intensity of the process.

The price for the material also has a wide range and depends on the manufacturer. Thus, ordinary facade mineral plaster can cost from 400 to 700 rubles for a standard 25-kilogram bag.

Bucket acrylic plaster weighing 25 kg can cost at least 1,700 rubles. The same bucket of silicone plaster costs from 2000 rubles.

You need to buy material based on hiding power. For example, the consumption of ordinary plaster per 1 m² is approximately 3-4 kg. That is, a standard package weighing 25 kg will cover from 7-10 m² of facade.


When planning facade work, remember: if you managed to save on materials and on wages for workers, then, most likely, such plaster will not last long. Since this means that the material is of poor quality and the workers are most likely not professionals. And all the work will have to be repeated in a year, since the stingy pays twice.

Plaster today is considered one of the most popular materials for finishing a building outside. It protects the facade from excessive heat loss. If repair work is carried out correctly, it will subsequently be possible to significantly save energy costs for heating the house.

Also improves appearance building. The surface of the walls after proper treatment is not subject to negative environmental influences and does not deteriorate for a long time. Every builder or repairman should know how to apply plaster correctly.


Today it is quite high if you turn to the help of professional builders. The average price of such work today is about 350-400 rubles/m². Therefore, many people decide to do all the steps themselves.

By using the presented type of finishing, you can obtain a high quality final result. First of all, it should be noted the aesthetic appearance. Many textures and shades allow you to create fashionable, stylish design the outside of the house.

The price of which today is acceptable for almost every property owner, and is easy to use. Depending on the type and manufacturer of dry mixes, you can purchase dry mixes (25 kg) from 350 to 500 rubles.

The products on sale today protect walls from moisture penetration, are resistant to low temperatures, and prevent corrosion.

Types of plaster

Today, many types of mixtures are used for plastering facades. These are textured solutions that differ in a number of characteristics. The most popular manufacturers of dry mixtures for such finishing are the companies KNAUF, Ts he's talking nonsense." Facade plaster may contain various fillers.

To set the required texture for the finish, the solution contains components of different grain sizes. This can be marble chips, quartz sand, colored granules, glass dust, wood fibers, etc.

To give color to the mixture, dyes are added to it. In this case, you can achieve almost any shade. Tinting is performed in a trade organization using special equipment. This allows you, if necessary, to set the base exactly the same shade if you have to buy additional dry mixture. The heterogeneous structure of the solution allows you to hide the unevenness of the base.

Finishing methods

You can apply a coating to the facade of a house mechanically or manually. In the first option, you will have to purchase special equipment. Companies such as KNAUF, Ts erezit", facade plaster whose production is very popular today, they are developing a special line of products that can be applied mechanically to the base. This approach is preferable for professionals who perform significant volumes finishing works.

For craftsmen who want to apply the solution to the facade of their home, it is better to do it manually. This way you can save on purchasing special equipment. In this case, you will only need to purchase ordinary tools. To create a certain type of texture, you also need to buy figured spatulas.

When applying the solution by any method, the manufacturer’s recommendations should be strictly followed. Only in this case will it be possible to create a durable, beautiful protective layer.

Technology of work

Finishing work is carried out using a certain technology. By performing each stage correctly, you can achieve a good result, even without experience in carrying out such actions.

Facade plaster for exterior work, the price of which will be affordable for almost every owner of a house or cottage, is intended for finishing the base of different material. This could be brick, foam concrete, or other types of building materials. The most optimal and in an inexpensive way finishing is considered to be the use of beacons.

The work is carried out in several stages. First you need to prepare the base, then the beacons are installed. Only after this can you begin to plaster the facade. This method is suitable for manual application of the solution. It is important to adhere to the proportions when mixing the dry mixture, as well as the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding its drying time.

Preparing the base

Plastering brick facades or those made of any other materials must begin with preparing the base. If you skip this step or do it insufficiently well, the result will not be of sufficient quality.

First you need to remove the old finish. It is beaten using a small hammer or wooden block. Where the sound is dull, use a chisel and hammer to knock out the old finish. In some cases, you will need to use an impact hammer. Also removes dirt, oil stains and dust.

It is advisable to reduce the number of irregularities and bumps on the base of the walls as much as possible. If this is not done, you will have to apply a thick layer of plaster. Material consumption will increase significantly. Therefore, it is better to properly prepare the surfaces of the walls than to spend the family budget on purchasing additional dry mixture.

The brick base requires, in some cases, jointing. This procedure allows you to increase the adhesion of the solution to the base. The plaster will hold tightly, and the service life of the coating will increase. Some builders, when erecting brick walls of houses, leave the facade with empty seams. This allows you to prepare the base for finishing faster.

Jointing is not done for foam blocks. This also applies to walls made of reinforced concrete slabs“rough” masonry, which has a smooth surface. These types of materials are immediately covered with mesh for plastering facades. It is first necessary to apply a layer of deep penetration primer. It will strengthen the adhesion of the solution to the base.

When choosing a primer, you should give preference to trusted manufacturers. It is also necessary to adhere to the correct concentration of the solution. In this case, the film will be durable.


Assumes the use of beacons. These are metal guides. They are installed on the base to indicate the level of plaster application. The rules, leveling the layer, slide their nose along the tops of the beacons.

It is believed that the use of this finishing method allows even a non-professional to create a perfectly smooth surface. However, the master needs to become familiar with the technology of installing beacons on a plane.

It is necessary to determine the verticality of the wall using a plumb line. Deviations from the level must be determined before installing the guides. If the top of the walls is inclined inward, this indicator must be taken into account. Beacons are customized to specific size. The excess height of the guides must be cut off.

Installation of beacons

This is done after the beacons are installed. The solution is applied pointwise from the corner at a distance of 20 cm. Their diameter should be about 5-15 cm. The height depends on the intended layer of plaster. If the rule is 2 m long, the beacons can be installed 1.7 m apart. If the wall is too large, you need to make the guides more frequent.

Each beacon is installed in the solution and sunk in there a little. The level rule is applied on top of each element. If necessary, the position of the beacon is adjusted to achieve the ideal vertical position finishing. To avoid deviations and errors, it is recommended to pull “laces” between the two outer elements when aligning the beacons. After the solution has dried, the resulting voids under the lighthouse are filled with putty.

Applying the first layer

Plastering occurs in 3 stages. Mechanical plastering of facades allows you to complete all actions faster. However, in this case, you should definitely work in a respirator and safety glasses. Otherwise, the solution may get into Airways or eyes.

The dry mixture must be diluted to the consistency of liquid sour cream. In this case, be sure to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations. Ready-made ones are also available for sale. Some professional builders recommend adding PVA glue to the solution. It will give additional strength. The putty will fit well on the wall.

The solution is applied to the wall with a ladle. The mixture must be poured onto the base without pouring it. Roughness on the top layer is welcome. After treating the surface, the solution must dry.

Base layer

At the next stage, the main façade plastering. To do this, you need to prepare a solution. It should have the consistency of thick sour cream. It is thrown onto the surface between two lighthouses. Please note that the thickness of all layers of plaster should not exceed 5 cm.

The narrow side must be pressed against the beacons. The tool is moved from side to side. The edges of the rule should not fly off the tops of the guides. The movement is made in an upward direction. The excess is cut off. This results in a perfectly smooth surface.

If during the leveling process it turns out that there is not enough solution, it should be added. The mixture is added into the hole formed. Then the rule is passed over the surface again.


Involves the final stage. It is necessary to grout the surface. This procedure is performed after the cement finishing layer has dried. For this, special graters are used. They can be made of foam or wood.

If you use a putty that is not based on cement, you should follow the manufacturer's recommendations. They must be indicated on the packaging.

Grouting allows you to smooth out small irregularities and seal sinks after applying the rule. Grouting is done in a spiral. Circular movements begin with wide movements, gradually moving the instrument towards the center. A tubercle in the center is stretched from a large circle. With the reverse action, it is completely leveled.

Having considered how it happens plastering the facade, Anyone can perform the procedure well. In this case, the surface will be perfectly smooth. Following the recommendations of professional repairmen and builders is a guarantee of a good result of the final work.

Any owner country house, dacha or cottage, sooner or later faces the need to repair or restore the external surface of the building, which is subjected to negative impact significant changes in humidity and temperature, various climatic phenomena such as snow, rain, gusts of wind, frost, etc.

Traditionally, to level the surface of the external walls of a house, they are used. different kinds plasters, which modern domestic and foreign manufacturers offer in a huge assortment. Knowing how to plaster the facade of a house, and by choosing the right materials, you can quickly and efficiently finish any surface, regardless of their volume and structural complexity.

Advantages of modern plasters

Modern plasters for preliminary and finishing facades have excellent operational and technical properties:

  • waterproof;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal efficiency;
  • fire protection;
  • water-repellent qualities;
  • excellent vapor permeability;
  • frost resistance;
  • increased mechanical strength.

The combination of these properties makes plaster optimal material for finishing facades, and affordable cost, low requirements for preliminary preparation surfaces and ease of application make this material one of the most optimal in its price category.

Currently, the market offers a large selection of plasters, which are decorated and painted and can give the surface different structure and texture. With proper selection and application, such materials can achieve a stylish, aesthetically attractive effect. Modern plasters may contain various fillers:

  • Quartz sand.
  • Marble chips.
  • Granules of various colors.
  • The smallest elements of glass and other materials.

Decorative plaster can be immediately sold with color tinting or tinted with special paints to suit the required range.

It is most convenient to tint plaster according to the catalog using special equipment directly in mall or in a specialized organization. This is very convenient if in the future you have to buy more material if there is a shortage or for current repairs coverings.

Features of applying plaster

For plaster better surface is a wall with a slight roughness, which ensures high-quality adhesion of the material. Expanded clay concrete and brickwork are excellent for applying facade plaster. However, it should be remembered that in case of significant differences in level, the base should be pre-leveled using cement-sand mortar and reinforcing mesh. For better adhesion, a preliminary spray of plaster is done on a smooth surface, and then applied finishing. IN wooden houses, before how to plaster the facade of a house Insulation or sound insulation boards are mounted on the walls: mineral wool, cellular plastic, sprayed thermal insulation, etc.

Facade plaster is applied only to a dry surface, subject to temperature and humidity conditions. For different types materials have their own operating rules, which you should first familiarize yourself with before starting work on plastering surfaces.

Plaster application technology

Before starting work, external hydro- and vapor barrier must be applied, the roof and fastening elements for drainage system. The surface of the facade walls is cleaned of dirt and dust, bitumen stains and salts protruding from the masonry. When the ambient temperature is above 25 degrees in dry weather, the external walls to be plastered must be moistened.

Under any decorative plaster, experts recommend applying a preparatory layer with a thickness of at least 20 mm to avoid the formation of efflorescence in the future.

Depending on the materials used and the ambient temperature, the preparatory layer must be kept for at least 7 days.

The finishing layer is applied in several stages, usually 2-3 stages are used, each 10-15 mm thick. You can create a certain texture on the surface of the walls using a still plastic solution before it hardens. For this, special spatulas or a bristle brush, a grinder with semicircular teeth, and others are used. painting tools. For example, by drawing a strip along the rule, you can get grooves, the parameters of which depend on the size of the teeth of the strip.

A beautiful decorative surface on the facade can be obtained using a relief roller, spraying with a brush or even with an ordinary broom. The originality of the facade will be given by various pebbles, crushed stone or gravel added to the finishing solution.


Today, plaster is very popular, which is often simply called “bark beetle”. This video will show you how to complete the job of applying such plaster.

Facade plaster for brick walls is used quite often. After all, it is quite a comfortable and durable material. Plastering of external insulated walls can also be done; for example, it is successfully used for finishing foam plastic on the outside of a room.

Today we will look at how to properly plaster external walls. Also in the video in this article you can see all the details.

Plastering the walls outside the house is done different materials and when purchasing, it is advisable to pay attention to the packaging. It can be packaged in a bag or bucket, which will contain the necessary information regarding the characteristics of the plaster and its places of application. Let's look at how to plaster the walls outside and what you need to pay attention to when purchasing materials.

The packaging contains the following information necessary for the consumer:

Type of plaster It can be purely cement-based or with the addition of limestone, restoration or for working in a thin layer.
Conditions of use Plaster can be for interior works or façade.
Weight of one package This information is necessary in order to calculate the required quantity. Most often, packaging is carried out in twenty-five kilograms.
Application temperature Talks about the temperature range at which work can be done.
Adhesion and compressive strength These indicators indicate the strength of the applied plaster and its ability to adhere to various reasons. It is desirable that the numbers be as high as possible.
Layer thickness As a rule, this indicator is indicated in a certain range.
Steam resistance coefficient The higher the indicator, the worse the permeability.

Attention: Before applying plaster to the facade of a building, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base for stronger adhesion of the material to it. If you neglect preparation, the plaster will not last long.

How to plaster external walls: the video will show the entire further progress of the work and the instructions will describe everything point by point.

Surface preparation

To prepare the surface, the following procedures must be performed:

  • Removing old plaster and other materials from the surface. This is necessary to improve the adhesion of the new plaster to the surface. You need to take a hammer or piece of wood and tap on the surface of the old coating. If a dull sound is heard, this indicates that the old plaster does not adhere to the base. You can knock it down with the same hammer or hammer drill.
  • Removing surface protrusions. This can be done using a hammer drill or a hammer and chisel. If the base has large protrusions or irregularities, then thick layers of plaster will have to be applied, which requires additional costs for related materials and more time.
  • Cleaning the base from construction dust, dirt, oil and other traces.
  • Treatment of the cleaned surface with a primer (see Why a primer is needed: technological nuances of finishing work) or impregnation for the corresponding surface.

Attention: In the case when plaster is done on brickwork, you can further deepen the seams using jointing. It will help improve the adhesion of the plaster to brick wall, since it will penetrate the seams and hold more firmly.

  • There is an option when the brick is initially laid with an empty seam along the outside, which eliminates the process of jointing in the future.
  • If the wall is made of blocks, there is no point in deepening the seam, since it is much thinner than in brickwork and the adhesion to it will be insignificant.
  • A smoother surface, such as reinforced concrete slabs, must be treated with deep penetration impregnation; it will remove remaining dust and improve subsequent adhesion. After that, it is necessary to attach a plaster mesh to such a surface, which will create an additional hook for the mortar. Afterwards you can count preparatory stage finished.

Installation of beacons

Beacons for plaster are straight guides made of metal, which are attached to the wall one at a time in accordance with the required level.


  • Stuffed between them plaster mortar and is aligned by moving the rule along these guides. This approach to plastering allows you to create an incredibly smooth surface with your own hands, even for a person who has no experience in finishing. All that is required for this is to perform competent correct installation beacons. Let's consider the sequence of installation of beacons.
  • Using a manual plumb line or electronic level, it is necessary to measure the deviation of the wall from the vertical. If at the top or bottom the wall is piled further from the plane, then in this place more mortar will be required to attach the beacons. The most common are beacons with a thickness of six or ten millimeters. The standard length is three meters.
  • It is necessary to measure the height and trim the beacon in accordance with the obtained values. It is recommended to use thicker beacons. They have greater strength than thin ones, which easily bend when held with a rule and can distort the intended level. But it should be taken into account that the thickness of the applied layer will be greater.
  • At a distance of thirty centimeters from the corner, we apply the required layer of mortar along a vertical line to attach the beacon to the wall. The distance relative to the beacon attachment points should be about fifty centimeters. The beacon is attached to a thickly mixed plaster solution to dry quickly and prevent slipping.
  • We attach the beacon to the applied solution and press it slightly into it.
  • To the installed beacon we apply a rule with a level and light movements align the beacon vertically. It is advisable to buy more long rule, it will allow you to set the level more accurately. If the mortar on the wall goes beyond the level of the lighthouse, then it must be leveled. The rule should be to clear the solution immediately, otherwise adhering particles will knock down the level.
  • It is necessary to fill the space under the beacon between the fasteners with the solution and wait for it to dry. This procedure will allow you to securely fix the beacon.
  • In the same way, it is necessary to install other beacons on the surface. The distance between them should be no more than one and a half meters. This will be more convenient and will allow you to work with the two-meter rule, but you can also arrange it for a shorter one.
  • Several beacons will be enough for a wall in a room, but the facade of the building is long, so you will need to install significantly more guides. They are installed in exactly the same way.

Finishing with plaster mortar

Facade plaster of a brick wall is done in three stages. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether this is done by plastering old external walls or new ones.

Attention: Before starting application, it is important to determine the unevenness of the walls. This is best done with a fishing line and pulled diagonally across the plane. Then, by placing a level, you will immediately see all the errors and deviations.

Throwing the solution

The process begins with mixing the solution to the consistency of sour cream.
  • The finished mixture is diluted in accordance with the accompanying instructions, which are located on the package. It is recommended to add PVA glue to the finished solution, which will increase the strength and improve the adhesion of the solution to the prepared surface.
  • Next, the solution is applied to the entire surface using a plaster ladle. In this case, the mixture is thrown onto the base for better adhesion to the surface. Task: stick the solution to the wall as much as possible. If you get unevenness, this will only be a plus for the next layer. We are waiting for the solution to dry.
Applying the starting layer

The solution must be diluted to the required consistency and applied in stripes in the area between two beacons. This can be done using a starting mixture; it has a larger fraction.
  • The height to which the solution is applied should be half a meter. The total layer of plaster should not exceed five centimeters.
  • The sharp end of the rule is applied to the guides and moves from bottom to top, while moving from side to side. These actions will allow you to more evenly distribute and combine the solution.
  • The excess will rise up, where it can be removed and spread on the wall.
Grouting mortar

After application cement mortar on the wall and for it to dry, you need to rub it down.
  • This procedure is performed using a special foam or wood grater. You can buy other materials, but you will need to follow the recommendations on the label.
  • The purpose of grouting is to prevent cracks from appearing in the surface of the plaster layer and to level small irregularities, which remained after the rule. Grouting must be done in a circular motion with an offset, thus displacing excess mortar and rubbing it into the existing cavity.

External plaster on polystyrene foam

Many people do plastering of the external walls of a house using polystyrene foam (see Plastering on polystyrene foam - how and why it is needed). This is done after insulation has been carried out.

This work is somewhat different from simply applying it to the plane of the wall.

Everything is done as follows:

Note: This assumes that you have applied the foam to the plane correctly. You can read about this on our website. That is, your entire plane is in one axis.

  • First, we apply a construction mesh over the surface of the foam. The plaster will adhere to it and the bond will be strong enough.
  • Now with the help wide spatula Apply a starting layer of plaster. After all, we already have a flat surface, so the layer will not be large and the price of plaster will be lower than when leveling the surface.
  • We wait for the surface to dry completely and apply a small layer of finish.
  • We wait for it to dry and walk along the plane construction mesh. All the shells will be immediately visible.
  • We putty the shells and sand the surface.
  • We prepare for painting by applying a primer. We wait for it to dry completely and apply the dye.

Finishing plaster for external walls is applied entirely with your own hands, since the technology is not particularly complicated. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the process of preparation, application and grouting, purchase necessary materials and fixtures, and then get to work. If you take your time and follow all the recommendations, everything will definitely work out!

In the process of finishing country houses Special facade plaster is being used more and more often.

This is a universal material that is ideal for finishing residential buildings, garages, laundry rooms and different rooms auxiliary character.

The versatility is also based on the fact that the plaster can be applied to the most different surfaces– drywall, concrete, sand-lime brick, cement and .

The most important thing is that the surface is carefully prepared. In addition, plaster is characterized by high levels of strength, reliability and elasticity.

To choose best option plaster, it is important to first determine for what purposes it may be required - as a leveling cladding or for decoration. In addition, it is necessary to determine the climatic conditions in which it will be used, since the composition may have different technical qualities and characteristics, protect differently from moisture and from seismic activity.

Among the main types of such a mixture are the following:

  1. – used in regions with frequent temperature differences and high humidity.
  2. – provides a durable and reliable coating that has properties such as moisture resistance, hydrophobicity, resistance to UV rays and temperature changes. This is the best and, accordingly, the most expensive mixture.
  3. or plaster – used on final stage work with walls. Can be used in a wide variety of applications climatic conditions. The composition is susceptible to contamination and has low vapor permeability. The cost of the product is relatively low.
  4. – used for design. It can have different textures - smooth and embossed. Very often the composition contains additional components such as stone chips, quartz sand, and so on.

Among these types, decorative and silicone plasters are popular. The first perfectly imitates different surfaces, and the second is different high quality execution and operation.

How to make plaster with your own hands

To prepare the solution and mixture of facade plaster you will need take the main cement substance, gypsum, clay or lime, as well as the filler - water or sand.

In the process of mixing different components, it is always necessary to be guided by the ratio of the largest parts of the composition. After preparing the composition, it is important to pay attention to its overall consistency.

If the resulting mixture sticks strongly to the tool during mixing, this means that there is not enough filler in it; if it does not stick to the tool at all, it is a mixture in which there is a lack of binder.

At a normal level of fat content, the adhesion of the solution is average. Without experience, in this case it will be quite difficult to figure it out, so at first it is better to use certain ratio rules.

In the process of preparing the mixture intended for finishing the facade, sand and cement are used as the main volumetric components in a ratio of 1:3-1:6, it all depends on the required level of coating strength and the brand of cement used. In this case, you need to take the M400 brand of cement, since this is the highest quality product.

The procedure for preparing the solution is quite simple. Initially, the main fractional parts of cement and sand previously sifted through a sieve are mixed, and then water is introduced into the solution, with the help of which the plaster solution is brought to the desired consistency. To make working with cement easier, add need to add detergentsliquid soap, washing powder and also shampoo. These funds are added to the calculation of a tablespoon per bucket plaster composition. This additive will prevent the solution from shrinking too much; moreover, it will make it soft and pliable.

Preparing the surface for application

For high-quality application When using plaster, it is important to carefully prepare the walls, since even the highest quality plaster will not appear in all its glory if the walls are not properly prepared.

In the process of preparing the walls, you need to thoroughly clean them from the old paint coating, from the remnants of old plaster and whitewash. At this stage, you don’t have to strive to achieve optimal smoothness.

Once the initial surface cleaning is complete, more thorough surface preparation can begin.

It consists of the following steps:

  1. The surface of the facade is prepared in the same way as. The walls must be carefully leveled, all chips, cracks and scratches must be repaired.
  2. If the surface does not have sufficient density, it can be treated with a special restoring or strengthening primer. Such compositions ideally strengthen walls, provide additional protection against destructive dampness, and also improve the adhesion of the coating itself to the surface. If plaster is applied to the walls of a building located in conditions with high humidity, they will need to be treated with special antifungal compounds.
  3. Any existing cracks must be completely exfoliated., and then fill it with a special putty composition.
  4. If several layers of plaster are used, Each layer must be dried thoroughly throughout the day.. Each of them must be coated with a special acrylic primer of special deep penetration.

To sand the surface, use fine sandpaper. Before applying plaster, it is worth carrying out several painting processes. This will help to preliminarily evaluate the texture of the finished coating; you can also adequately assess the color of the future coating.

Reinforcement and priming

After this event, a special coating is applied to the walls.. It is necessary so that the applied plaster mixture adheres very well to the previously applied one.

A properly selected and installed mesh will play the role of protection and strengthening.

During the process of applying the mesh, it is preliminarily need to be cut into meter lengths. More sizes are not used, since the plaster may simply dry out before its distribution is completed.

After gluing the mesh, it must be rubbed using special mixtures plaster or building mixture.


To carry out facade work, it is necessary to use a mesh with a density of 140-160 g/sq.m.. It is possible to choose a mesh of higher density.

With its help you can get a more even plaster layer. The only thing you need to pay attention to is that The denser the mesh, the more difficult it behaves when processing corners.

The walls are not only carefully reinforced, but also primed. If the wall very strongly adsorbs moisture from all applied materials, 2-3 layers of primer will be required. This is very important process, since it is the primer that significantly increases the adhesion of the surface to the coating and will thereby help overcome the general wall uneven drying of the finishing layer.

The primer also serves as protection against various biological formations that can be caused by fungi or other pests. After this, before applying the primer, a certain technological pause is maintained. Only after this does the process of applying facade plaster with your own hands begin.

How to finish the facade of a private house with plaster

Plaster must be applied to the surface of the walls according to specific instructions. This is the only way to count on the fact that the façade covering will not only be of high quality, but also attractive.

Here is an algorithm of actions that must be followed when working with plaster (photo below):

  1. The first layer is applied “spray” and is made from fairly liquid plaster. The thickness of this layer should be no more than 0.5 cm. The purpose of the layer is to ensure the required level of adhesion of materials. The layer dries in about 2 days.
  2. After this, the wall is covered with a thicker solution, that is, soil. Its significance lies in providing high level thermal insulation, as well as water resistance. Besides, this layer perfectly levels the surface. The thickness of this layer is already 2 cm.
  3. After about 2-15 days, it is worth applying a special layer of “covering” 0.5 cm thick. It must be applied tightly, completely eliminating all breaks and rubbing with a tool such as a trowel. How the next layer will be applied directly depends on the next stage of facade processing.

One of the most common methods of processing a fully plastered surface is a special texture treatment.

In this case, special wool is used, as well as ordinary sponges. Its appearance directly depends on general properties the material used, as well as the degree of hardening of the coating.

The applied façade plaster must be treated. If the coating contains lime, it can be processed while still in a plastic state. The cement composition can be processed after final setting.

During the processing process, it is possible to give not only a smooth surface, but also a special rough surface. In the second option, you will need to use special rubber and metal brushes. The process is carried out at the stage of solidification of the composition.

Quite often, surface roughness is achieved using a finishing brush., which is used to process decorative plaster that has not yet dried.

The completely finished coating is painted and decorated strictly in accordance with the taste of the owners. Finishing material can be used as part of the main glass or marble chips. The composition may also contain quartz sand, which gives the coating an attractive aesthetic appearance. It is also possible to give the plaster a certain color, which eliminates the need to subsequently paint the façade of the building.

Useful video

Facade finishing technology in the video tutorial below:


A correctly selected and applied composition of façade plaster can effectively improve the overall appearance of a building and ideally hides fairly significant flaws or defects. Do-it-yourself plaster can not only protect a building from destruction, but also gives the structure an ideal appearance.

High levels of protection of buildings and structures using plaster are based on the fact that all modern compositions are characterized by such important advantageous qualities as fire resistance, ability to repel water, ideal thermal insulation, as well as sound insulation.

In addition, these are very durable layers that are resistant to various adverse events, to moisture, it is for this reason that they become protection for the house itself.

If you use the right plaster, you can be sure that it will be a breathable material, resistant to frost and characterized by mechanical strength. Air permeability is very important, since the walls can be exposed to environment excess moisture, which will automatically accumulate indoors.

If you use low-quality plaster, it will not remove water, which will automatically lead to serious damage to the walls. With regard to such qualities as frost resistance and mechanical strength, it ensures the ideal quality of the entire structure as a whole.

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