Drawings for making a decorative hut on chicken legs. Craft: DIY house

Crafts from clothespins for children

Master class "Hut on chicken legs" made from wooden clothespins

Description of material: The material can be useful to children, teachers, kindergarten teachers and simply creative people.
Target: make a “hut on chicken legs” with your own hands;
- teach how to make crafts (namely, a hut) from clothespins with your own hands.
- develop aesthetic taste and creative abilities.
Materials used: glue gun and 2 packs of clothespins and a little imagination.

Before starting work, we disassemble the clothespins into parts.

We glue 9 clothespins together (these are future “chicken legs”)

Next, we form the “legs” themselves.

We glue half a clothespin on top of the “leg” (later we will attach Baba Yaga’s house itself to it). It will serve as a support.

Then we build the floors. To do this, we need to glue clothespins (14 pieces) together as shown in the photo.

After this, glue the clothespins together.

Glue the base of the house to the leg.

Let's start building walls:
Glue together 2 and a half clothespins. Glue them on one side. We do the same with the other, leaving a distance for the door.

We make windows in the side walls. To do this, you need to break three halves of clothespins (on one wall) in half. In total, for the side wall I used one whole clothespin and three halves.

The back wall of the house is solid. It took me 11 halves (5.5 clothespins)

For further work, we will need the “remnants” of clothespins (those that were left when we made the windows). Glue them together as in the photo.

We design the doorway.

All that remains is to make the roof. We glue 4 clothespins together and glue them above the door.

Very interesting and original crafts can be made from natural materials. Working with natural materials offers great opportunities. Communication with native nature fosters a careful and caring attitude towards it and develops work skills. Little children love to create different compositions (decorations, souvenirs) and toys (people, animals, birds), imagining and realizing them. Our composition, created from natural materials and not only, called “Baba Yaga’s Hut”, will tell and show how to make a fabulous and not at all scary creature from the forest - Baba Yaga in a mortar and her hut.

Materials and tools for making compositions from natural materials:
  • Cardboard paper, preferably colored
  • Stationery glue
  • Glue moment crystal
  • Leaves
  • Bark of tree
  • Tree branches of various thicknesses
  • Cones
  • Plasticine
  • Scrap of fabric
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Markers
  • Threads
  • Pine branch
  • Small box (model for a hut)

The sequence of making the composition “Baba Yaga’s Hut”:

1. You need to take cardboard - this will be the basis for our composition, then you need to stick yellowed leaves onto the cardboard (we choose which tree they will come from).

2. Having chosen branches of the same length and thickness, glue them using instant glue onto our box on each side and let the glue dry so that the branches are finally fixed.

3.Next, cut out a rectangle of suitable length from cardboard - this will be the roof of our hut. We bend it in half. At the same time, we glue a rectangular base to the top of the hut (we took a plasticine box). We are finally gluing our roof.

4. We glue the dried bark of the trees onto the already fixed roof on both sides.

5. At the base of our hut we make two holes so that 2 branches are well fixed there (the branches need to be thicker so that the hut stands better).

6. We make a stupa from a small log, glue a cone (the body of Baba Yaga) onto it using plasticine, sculpt a face from plasticine and tie a scarf on the head, having previously cut it out of a piece of fabric. We make arms from thin twigs, attaching them to the Yagi’s body on plasticine.

7. Having tied small branches together with threads, we connect them with a larger branch. We'll get a broom.

8. We attach the broom to Baba Yaga’s hands using threads.

9. To make a ladder, you need 2 long branches and 4 short ones; we also fasten them together with threads.

10. We tie small pine branches together with threads, insert a branch into the top of our tree, and attach plasticine to the base (for future fixation of our tree).

11. For the body of the owl, take a small pine cone, you need to turn it upside down, make the wings from the remains of leaves, and make the eyes and beak from plasticine. Attach the owl to the branch, you can also decorate the branch (in our case it is a physalis flower).

12. Using plasticine, we install our hut on the base of our composition, immediately cut out rectangles from paper, depict a door and window on them, and glue them onto the hut.

13. We also attach a branch with an owl nearby (we decorated the base with birch bark).

14. We install the ladder to the previously glued door.

15. Not far from the hut we install a Christmas tree, and next to Baba Yaga herself in a mortar.

In a deep forest in his hut
An old woman lives all alone.
She doesn't sweep the floor with a broom,
The broom is an old lady's plane!

Information about the author: Zarechnev Bogdan, student of 1st “a” class of progymnasium No. 237 “Semitsvetik”, Saratov. Classroom teacher: Kekova Olga Alekseevna.


1. Great book about modeling, appliqué, forest crafts, living toys, delicious recipes, Publisher: Karapuz, 2007, Series: Books that everyone dreams of.
2. Shnurovozova T., “ Best crafts with your own hands. Beads, origami, salty dough, crafts made from natural materials"
3. Burova V.V., “Ask the tree”
4. http://do-crafts.ru/podelki-iz-dereva/
5. http://detskayapodelka.ru
6. http://nsportal.ru/
7. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4652061/post234175704
8. http://www.detskiepodelki.ru/podelki-dlja-malyshej/prirodnye-podelki

Craft: DIY house. Seven houses made of branches, cardboard, paper, pumpkins, chestnuts, and natural materials.

Craft: DIY house. Making crafts with children

You already know how you can make a playhouse for children out of cardboard from the article with a master class by Vera Higlod, and today in the article - houses from the most different materials: boxes, clothespins, natural materials - chestnuts, pumpkins. All these houses were made by readers of the “Native Path” website together with their children and sent to our

In this article you will find a variety of houses with a description of their manufacture:

- house Baba Yaga made with your own hands from clothespins,

- Lesovichka’s house made of waste material,

- a house decorated with chestnuts,

- craft forester's house made from natural and waste materials,

- DIY pumpkin house (two options),

- a house - a mansion made of twigs.

DIY Baba's House - Yagi

This craft was made by children middle group MGBOU d/s No. 75 “Fairy Tale” together with an adult. Teacher - Olga Nikolaevna Tegaeva (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village).

To make a house - Baba Yaga's hut you will need:

- moss (dry in advance),

- cones (dry at home until they open),

- leaves (iron, read more about this in the article about applique),

- berries (dry).

- wooden clothespins, Liquid Nails glue.

How to make a house - Baba Yaga's hut with your own hands.

Step 1. The clothespins need to be disassembled (pull out the metal spring) and glued into a house (liquid nails are used - quickly and reliably). This part of the work is done by an adult.

Step 2. Place the hut on the cardboard base, put or glue moss around it.

Step 3. Glue moss, leaves, and berries onto the roof of the hut.

Step 4. We paint the cones with spray paint - you get blue spruce trees.

Step 5. We make animals from plasticine and pine cones.

Do-it-yourself forester's house

This house was sent to our competition by the Potapov family (Tatyana Valentinovna Potapova and Andrey Potapov, 4 years old, Irkutsk).

Making the craft will take several evenings. In this case, the child will not get tired and will

they will be interested in participating at all stages.

How to make this forest house with your own hands:

Step 1. First, we took a box of cookies from a candy store. We covered it with scraps of wallpaper in the “autumn tone” and left it to dry.

Step 2. From cones, acorns, and matches they made the inhabitants of the forest - Lesovich and his friend the hedgehog.

Step 3. Lesovichok settled in a house for which a yogurt box came in handy. And the logs on the house were made from dill sticks and secured with double-sided tape. The roof was painted with gouache.

Step 4. The hedgehog settled not far from his friend under the stumps. The stumps are saw cuts from branches that dad helped make.

Step 5. A path leads from the house to the pond. For the path, we painted semolina and glued it with PVA glue. They surrounded it with pebbles and beans. The pond was made of colored paper, the pebbles were plum pits.

Step 6. A small forest and a clearing were made from dry leaves, twigs, moss, dried flowers and rowan berries.

Do-it-yourself chestnut house “Hut on the edge”

This craft was made by Ryzhkina Svetlana Aleksandrovna and Chesonis Daniil (6 years old), from Bataysk, kindergarten “Rainbow”.

To make this house we will need:
- Cardboard box
— Colored paper
- Glue stick
- Glue gun
- Pen
- Scissors
— A piece of wire
— Needles
— Foliage autumn trees different colors
- Berries
— Dry twigs
— Chestnuts, approximately 2 kg.
- Scotch

How to make a house - a hut on the edge

Step 1. Making the base. We take the usual one cardboard box

, cut out a base measuring 40 x 40 cm on which our hut will stand. We cover it with colored paper in the color of any foliage used further.

Step 2. Making a house. We make a house out of cardboard, approximately 25 x 30 cm in size. We connect its sides with tape, attach the bottom of the house to the base - the platform, using thin flexible wire. Step 3.

We make windows and doors in the house.

We cut out rectangles from white paper for two windows and a door. We drew curtains on the windows with a pen. We glue them onto the house with glue. Using a glue gun, glue thin branches of the same size and a handle onto the door of the house. Step 4. Cover the walls with chestnuts. Step 5. We decorate the roof and ground (the basis of the craft).(or leaves cut from paper). We alternate the leaves by color to add diversity and volume.

Step 6. Decorate the composition pine needles and dried berries.

DIY “Forester's House” craft

This craft was made by Maria Nikolaevna Bykova together with her son Roma (Arkhangelsk region, Mirny). Roma is 2 years 8 months old.

To make such a house we will need the following material:
- shoe box,
- box of kefir 0.5 liters,
- beans,
- plasticine,
- leaves,
- cones,
- spruce branches,
- moss,
- pine needles,
- leaves from larch.

How to make a forester's house with your own hands

Step 1. Making the base of the house. To do this, coat the kefir box on all sides with plasticine. Place beans on plasticine. Let's make a window out of plasticine.

Step 2. Making the roof of the house. We make the roof from leaves. We also glue them onto plasticine.

Step 3. Making a deer.

Take 2 cones. We connect them together so that we get the body and neck of a deer. Then we glue the head from plasticine to the neck, make eyes and a nose. Pine needles make beautiful antlers. We glue matches as legs and tail. The hooves were glued to the box using plasticine.

Step 4. Making a hedgehog.
We make the hedgehog's face, eyes and nose. We stick the muzzle to the cone. Let's make needles from spruce branches. We glue them onto the pine cone using plasticine.

Step 5. Assembling the craft.

When the main details are ready, we begin to design the craft. We attach the fir branches to the box using plasticine. We're putting up a house. Spread the moss and sprinkle with larch leaves. We put the hedgehog. The craft is ready.

DIY pumpkin house: two options

The first version of the craft

This house was made by Iskander Khazipov (6 years old). Teacher - Khazipova Gulnaz Galimkhanovna, Kazan. (MADOU " Kindergarten No. 174 combined type" of the Moskovsky district of Kazan)

Pumpkin house: necessary materials

Pumpkin, zucchini, rowan berries, blueberries, various sparkles, pine cones, dry branches, a knife, cloves, kitchen accessories.

How to make a pumpkin house with your own hands with children

Step 1. Idea - figuring out what our pumpkin house will be like. Before making a pumpkin house, decide how many houses will be in the composition. If everything is clear with one house, then multi-level compositions require some adjustments.

Step 2: Pumpkin follows remove seeds and pulp using a knife (this is done by an adult).

Step 3. Now Mark the pumpkin with a marker in places where doors and windows will be located. Mark the window with a felt-tip pen.

Step 4. After that, proceed to cutting out parts. Carved shutters and others decorative elements can be cut using shaped kitchen tools. It is not at all necessary to maintain neatness and clarity of lines (this will give the house a darker look). Attach the prepared parts to the pumpkin using small nails.

Step 5. It's time to work on the roof of the house.

Slice half the zucchini and place it on top of the pumpkin and decorate with various glitter. We place red rowan berries on top of the pumpkin, and also put a cone (in the form of a pipe) on the roof. Step 6. We design the composition.

Place the pumpkin on zucchini cut into rings and decorate with pine cones and dried blueberries.

The second option for making a pumpkin house

This pumpkin house was made for our competition by a family: Nabukhatny Lyubov, Nabukhatny Dmitry and their son Nabukhatny Igor (9 years old), Perm.

To make this pumpkin craft you will need:

Natural materials:
- pumpkin,
- cones,
- bark,
- needles, leaves, grass,
- acorn cap,
- moss,
- pebbles,

- thin sticks.:

Decorative material
- wooden button,
- lace,

- key. Super glue

to hold all the parts together.

Step 1. How to make a pumpkin house like this Making a house.
After cutting out the bottom of the pumpkin, we cleaned out all the pulp from the inside. Windows and doors were cut out. The roof was made from thin pine bark, gluing the pieces on top of each other. It turned out very similar to a tiled roof. The door was a good piece of thick bark, the handle on the door was an acorn cap. Step 2. Decorating the house.
To make the house cozy, you need to decorate it. Lace curtains were glued to the windows. The flower boxes were glued together from cardboard and decorated with pine cone scales. Summer is over, the flowers have faded. Therefore, the boxes now contain fallen leaves and pine needles. “Vine vines” stretch to the window on the second floor; we made them from green marsh grass. The carved bottom of the pumpkin served as decoration for the back wall of the house. With a button in the middle and rays, it reminded us of a mill. A key at the door and steps made of sticks completed this stage of the work. Step 3. Move into the house.
The house was installed in a low box. A piece of moss became a clearing in front of the house. The rest of the surface was covered with small pebbles.

At the end of the work, we dreamed for a long time about who could live in our house. Maybe a gnome, or a fairy with transparent wings, or a kind old sorceress. In the end, we decided that we ourselves were ready to live in a fairy-tale house. It's a pity that he is too small for our large family.

This little house was made by Vera Pavlova (6 years old). Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna (Perm region, Kungur MADOU “Kindergarten No. 6”)

This little house is made of twigs, built like a real log house. The branches are glued to each other.

The thatch on the roof is attached to cardboard.

The roof gable is covered with pieces of pine bark.

The fence is woven from thin willow branches.

Teremok and fence posts attached to a piece of plywood with glue.

A Christmas tree on plasticine is carefully placed in a moss clearing.

There is a Hedgehog sitting under the Christmas tree, playing hide and seek with the Bunny. This is such a friendly company.

DIY mouse house

This simple house based on the fairy tale “Teremok” was made by Veronika Maskaleva, 5 years old (Perm region, Kungur MADOU “Kindergarten No. 6”. Teachers: Tatyana Vladimirovna Zueva, Rufina Viktorovna Karaguzheva).

Teremok is zucchini and pumpkin. A window was drawn on the roof with a felt-tip pen. The doors are cut out of colored paper and glued on with a glue stick.

The Teremok mushroom stands in a clearing of soft moss. The ladder is made of wooden sticks, which are glued together with glue.

The toy Mouse-Violator came running to the tower. And she began to live in it.

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A year before construction, I saw amazing decorative hut houses on chicken legs on the Internet. Since then, I have been eager to build something similar for children.

The idea seemed very interesting and unusual. I didn’t draw the project, but initially I planned to make the frame of the hut for expansion (10 cm for each crown).

At a logging site, familiar lumberjacks uprooted suitable spruce roots. These are best suited for this purpose: superficial root system wood provides a large support area.

I cleaned them with a carpenter's scraper and chisels, after which I trimmed the lower plane of the roots so that it became level, because this is the support of the entire structure.

Cutting a decorative hut “on chicken legs”

He cut the hut in the old Russian style, in the oblo, using dead spruce and pine. In places where joints are subject to stress and rigidity is required, dry logs are especially needed - they do not shrink or dry out, and therefore there are no cracks or play.


The “hens”, or rafters, are also made in an antique manner - from young spruce trunks with roots. This is exactly how our ancestors made huts - without a single nail, screw or other metal components. All connections are made according to the “tenon, groove, bowl” principle - standard carpentry connections. Instead of nails - dowels or dowels.

Wood processing

The wood was treated with fire - gas burner: in my opinion this is best protection(not a single bug will gnaw on a burnt tree), and all modern chemistry– this is temporary. It is impossible to strengthen wood and protect it from destruction using such means.

When processing logs and driftwood I used hand tool- axe, scraper, chisels...

Construction took 2 months, of which a month was spent selecting driftwood and knots. I looked for them in the forest in wetlands, and it was there that I managed to find suitable snags, curled up in a spiral, and even a twig fused with itself. I also had to climb trees with a hacksaw and an axe.

Dimensions of the “hut on chicken legs”

As a result, the hut on chicken legs turned out to be 3.2 m high. The dimensions of the house are 2x1.7 m. The children really liked it, and with the onset of winter they had to add a slide to it.

Do-it-yourself hut on “chicken legs” - photo of felling


Below are other entries on the topic “How to do it yourself - for a homeowner!”

  • How to make a toy hut from...
  • How to make a turtle from shells...
  • From the early childhood Many people love to read and watch various fairy tales. Their characters become favorite heroes. Each of them has its own character. For example, Ivanushka is stupid, but brave, Koschey is evil and cunning, Grandmother Yaga is harmful and insidious.

    "Revived" characters

    In addition to living heroes, in fairy tales there are also inanimate objects that come to life under certain circumstances: a self-assembled tablecloth in an instant becomes full of all kinds of treats, Emelya’s stove takes him straight to the palace, boots gallop faster than anything in the world, Baba Yaga’s hut begins to fly and follow orders, turning your back to the forest and your front to Ivanushka. According to Slavic mythology, this hut was a kind of door between the living and dead world. This passage was guarded by Baba Yaga - a bone leg.

    Sometimes there is a need to make one or another fairy-tale attribute with my own hands(for example, for an exhibition or theatrical production).

    Let's look at how to make a hut on chicken legs with your own hands. The material for the hut is selected depending on its purpose: timber or boards for a durable house, fabric for stage props.

    DIY hut on chicken legs on the playground

    A hut intended for a children's playground must be thoroughly built.

    To work you will need:

    • logs (for walls),
    • boards (for floor and ceiling),
    • carpentry tools,
    • roofing materials.

    The house is usually made without windows and doors, like in a fairy tale.

    What is a hut without chicken legs? They can be made from asbestos pipes of suitable diameter, which after installation should be filled with concrete (for a stronger base). Next comes the construction process: walls are raised from logs, floors and ceilings are laid from boards, and a roof is made. Also from wooden boards You can build slopes for windows and doors. It will turn out very beautifully if the frames are made from cut out decorative elements.

    An important touch in the design of a house is its painting, which helps to give the product a fabulous look. The legs of the house also need to be painted, legs attached to the base (from boards or other suitable material). After all the manipulations, a ladder should be attached to the house. The children will climb along it into the forest hut.

    Making a hut for the stage

    Very often, in kindergartens and schools, children play in fairy-tale performances. To make the production more realistic, it is required correct design scenes.

    For example, the question arises - how to make a hut on chicken legs? The house should be light and, if necessary, quickly removable. You can use any material: cardboard, paper, fabric, plywood, etc.

    First you need to make the frame of the future house. Next, cover it with fabric on which to draw windows and doors. The legs can be made from blocks, giving them the appearance of chicken, and also covered with fabric.

    Of course, this hut will not fly or walk. But you can make it turn. To do this, you can come up with an appropriate simple mechanism.

    Creating a hut on chicken legs from a box

    Every person probably has unnecessary (and maybe even necessary) boxes from under a refrigerator, TV, or any other household appliances, shoes, food products and so on. A do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs is very stable, durable and very original. The most important thing is to show imagination, a little perseverance and patience.

    To make a house you will need:

    • boxes,
    • scissors,
    • glue,
    • ruler,
    • self-adhesive and colored paper,
    • plasticine,
    • papier mache.

    First you need to mark the future walls of the house on the boxes according to the right size. The house can be made either square or rectangular. Depending on your idea, you should cut out four quadrangles of the required width and height.

    To make the roof, you will need two rectangles and two triangles. All finished parts are glued together. You can use Moment or Titan glue. Anyone will do the same paper glue or glue stick. It is important to leave a few millimeters on the seams or simply glue the corners of paper. The main part of the hut is ready. The base of the house is glued with cardboard according to its length and width.

    Windows and doors of the future house

    Next, windows are made (the number depends on the desire of the master) and a door. Using a ruler and pencil, mark their locations, and then cut them out with scissors. How? It also depends on the creator. You can cut off three sides and leave the fourth. It turns out that the window of the hut on chicken legs and the door will initially be attached to the house itself. Or you can cut out all the parts separately and then fasten them with glue. The house with windows and door is ready.

    How to make chicken legs?

    The final touch is the legs. As a material, you can use ordinary pencils, twigs or twigs, which are attached to the base of the house with plasticine or tape. Next you should make the paws. Tree branches or papier-mâché can help here; in extreme cases, you can use plasticine. It is very important to give these parts the correct shape so that they resemble chicken feet.

    A do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs will look more realistic if you decide correctly suitable color for coloring it. Of course, you can choose bright colors: blue, green, red, orange, lemon and others. But in fairy tales, Baba Yaga's house seems very scary and gloomy, so it is better to use black, brown and gray tones.

    For complete plausibility of the picture, next to the house you can place Baba Yaga on a mortar and trees, also made with your own hands.

    Toys for children

    If for some reason it is not possible to make a house with your own hands, then the toy “Hut on Chicken Legs” is sold in children's stores. Stores also offer special construction kit options, where you can build a house from several elements. You can purchase special paper models. Purchased houses are easy to assemble and look beautiful.

    Under New Year Christmas tree decorations appear in many stores, among which you can find a hut on chicken legs. This toy will give children and adults the feeling of a fairy tale for a long time and good mood. True, it will not be suitable for children's games, but it will significantly change the interior of the house.

    Skilled needlewomen can even knit such a toy using a hook, yarn and their own skills. The inside of the product is filled with foam rubber or synthetic padding. Without a doubt, even the smallest children will like this house, because it is both safe and educational.

    Child and creativity

    Making crafts from paper and cardboard is an important part in developing a child's character. Thanks to these activities, the baby becomes neat, diligent, independent, patient, enterprising, and organized. Any child involved in handmade, inherent qualities such as kindness and understanding, love and respect, care and tenderness. And this is not surprising.

    When a child creates crafts from paper and cardboard or from other materials, in the process of work he dreams and thinks about good things. The created item becomes a kind of talisman for the owner and a great gift for relatives and friends.

    Create by yourself and together with your children - and you will definitely succeed. The main thing is to trust your imagination, and then you will find both time and necessary materials, and, of course, a good mood for joint creativity!

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