What to plant in a pond at the dacha. What to choose for planting in water

Admire the reflection of the sun's rays on the surface of the water, watch insects and amphibians, just relax in a cool corner by the water... What could be better, especially if all this is in your own garden.

Most often, it is aesthetic pleasure that prompts owners garden plots equip . But the garden pond also has a practical purpose.

It allows you to create an ecosystem that promotes better vegetation of both trees and garden crops. Moreover, the presence of a reservoir prevents the washing out of the fertile soil layer.

But all these advantages are possible only in one case - if the pond looks as if it was created by nature. What kind of body of water is this?

“Alive”, in which small aquatic life and plants thrive. By the way, it is plants that create that unique eco-environment that allows water to always remain clean. Biological balance is maintained by saturating water with oxygen, decomposing unnecessary impurities and eliminating decay processes.

If fish live in a pond, then plants will help it survive the winter.

What plants do a pond need?

For normal natural balance in a garden pond, certain types of aquatic plants are needed.

They are classified conventionally into deep-sea, waterfowl, oxygenators (plants that purify the water in the pond from carbon dioxide) and coastal.

They all interact with each other and perform a specific role. And if at least one plant species is missing from this chain, it will be almost impossible to create the necessary balance.

Plants for water

Aquatic plants for the pond, which are located directly in the water.

deep sea

These are plants whose roots are located at a depth of 30 cm to a meter.

The most common deep-sea plants are water lily, egg capsule, lotus, aponogeton, nymphaeum and others. The leaves of these plants float on the surface. But most of all, the amazingly beautiful flowers attract the eye.

In the photo there is a nymph

Most often used:

  1. Water lily- perhaps the most common flower of this species. Its other name is water lily. The rhizomes of water lilies are thick, creeping, rich in starch. Today, about 35 species of these flowers are known, most of which are bred artificially. More common is the snow-white water lily, a resident of natural reservoirs and therefore most resistant to changes in climate and growing conditions. These water lilies bloom from May until frost. The flowers have a delicate, pleasant aroma, and the leaves reach 20 cm in length. For abundant flowering Water lilies need a sunny position.
  2. Aponogeton- another beautiful aquatic flower. True, unlike the water lily, its tubers will have to be brought into a room protected from frost for the winter. This is because Aponogeton is a resident of water bodies in tropical and subtropical countries. You can plant it on the bottom of the reservoir when the water warms up enough and spring frosts have passed. The optimal depth is up to 50 cm. Water hawthorn (by the way, this is the second, more common name among gardeners) blooms in spring and early summer. The flowers are large: white, pink or yellow color with a distinct vanilla scent. When planting aponogeton in a pond, areas with straight lines should be avoided. sun rays. Best option for this plant - partial shade.
  3. Nymphaeumunpretentious plant for a pond. The miniature leaves are similar to water lily leaves, but yellow flowers rather resemble buttercups. It tolerates winter well and grows quickly, so it should be controlled in garden ponds by removing unnecessary shoots. It blooms from July to September, provided it is placed in the sunny zone of the reservoir. It is better to plant nymphs to a depth of 60 cm.

Waterfloating plants

Waterfowl plants occupy a special place in the pond. Their roots do not need soil; they float freely and reproduce on the surface of the water.

But when planting such plants in your artificial pond, you should take into account that they are quite aggressive and can fill the entire surface of the water. However, it is probably impossible to do without waterfowl altogether. Their main purpose is to protect water from direct sunlight.

Watercolor in the photo

For small bodies of water, you should not choose duckweed; it grows too quickly. But watercolor, telores and salvinia are ideal options.


Plants-oxygenators saturate water with oxygen, absorbing harmful carbon dioxide.

It is thanks to this process that the water space will be protected from pollution and overgrowing with mud.

Interestingly, oxygen generators are almost always invisible, they are hidden under water, but their role is extremely important. The most common among such representatives of aquatic flora are:

  1. Hornwort lives in a pond with slowly flowing water. IN warm water It develops quickly, and by autumn it almost completely dies off. Only the tops of the shoots sink to the bottom, where they overwinter. To populate a pond with hornwort, you just need to throw its cuttings into the water.
  2. Swamp– a wonderful algae for small bodies of water. Its delicate stems resemble cereals; they grow all over the bottom. Therefore in artificial ponds most often it is grown in special containers. Swampweed is resistant to frost and does not require care.
  3. grows in any reservoir - both with standing water and with fast flow. The plant is planted to a depth of 1.5 meters; it tolerates winter well and does not require care.

Kabomba - beautiful and unusual

Plants of the coastal zone

Plants that are planted around the pond can be divided into two groups - those that grow in shallow water, and those that are used to decorate the shore.

The first ones are mandatory for a reservoir. The most popular coastal plants are calamus, marsh grass, water pine, reed, forget-me-not, sedge, cattail, reed, marigold, buttercup and others.

How plants are used in the design of summer cottages, features of breeding and pest control. Details in our material.

Meadow bluegrass for the lawn is a choice you will not regret. about how to select seeds, prepare an area for a lawn and plant a plant.

Most often used:

  1. Air– an unpretentious shallow water plant. It is often used in landscape design of ponds to add vertical lines to the composition. All parts of plants contain essential oil with a characteristic aroma. The rhizome of the plant is brittle, but each part produces new growth. It can be planted in spring or summer to a depth of 15 cm.
  2. (often also called “tail”) is an unpretentious plant of the coastal zone. Its stem is single, up to half a meter in height, and its roots are creeping. The plant perfectly purifies water from decomposed organic residues, and also removes unpleasant odors. But it is growing quickly.
  3. Sedge- a plant that today occupies a special place in the landscape design of reservoirs. There are more than 2 thousand species of sedge, which have different characteristics and can adapt to different climatic conditions. Decorative types this plant can give a pond a unique appearance. The plant is propagated by dividing the rhizomes and planted directly near the water. In winter, the sedge leaves die off, and the roots overwinter in the soil without shelter.

Water pine - a conifer in your pond

And finally, you can plant ornamental moisture-loving plants near the shore of a reservoir. Their roots should not be in water, but such plants cannot tolerate drought.

Many moisture-loving plants bloom beautifully, so a pond can look elegant and well-groomed at different times.

Moisture-loving plants include loosestrife, various irises, astilbe, comfrey, ferns, etc.

The video discusses the main aquatic plants that are used for an artificial pond.

Daylilies by the pond are beautiful and bright

Features of planting plants in a pond

It is better to plant plants starting from the deepest zone. Initially, you should determine the number of plants.

Let us repeat that it is important that representatives of all four of the above groups are present in the reservoir - deep-sea, oxygen generators, floating and coastal plants.

You should not plant the plants too densely, because they will already grow. Optimal if you count ½ m2 per plant. In addition, it is desirable that flora representatives occupy no more than two-thirds of the entire reservoir.

It is convenient to plant deep-sea plants in special containers. For waterfowl, containers are not needed. When choosing plants, you should adhere to a certain decorative idea.

If you plan to place it near water, then tall plants should not be placed in this part of the reservoir.

They should be in the background, creating a beautiful backdrop for other, possibly decorative foliage or flowering representatives of the flora.

Plants around a pond at the dacha

Features of care

To care for a pond you will need a certain set garden tools– pond shears, pruning shears, net and tongs. First of all, plant care consists of timely cleansing of the reservoir from dying parts of plants.

Yellowed or browned leaves of deep-sea plants should be cut off. To do this, the pond shears are lowered 20 cm below the water, and the cut leaf is removed with a net.

It is especially important to clean the surface of the water in spring period– when there is a lot of pollen, dry scales and earrings, as well as in the fall, when leaves fall from trees and shrubs.

Leaves and stems of shallow-water plants should not be cut off before winter, because half-dried, they are an excellent conductor of oxygen under the ice. But in the spring, these stems should be removed so that the pond looks attractive.

Knowing the peculiarities of planting plants for a pond and knowing how to care for them, you can create a wonderful corner in your own garden. It will delight the owners and guests of the estate for a long time and will become a picturesque natural accent that will attract people at any time of the year. Everyone can create beauty.

See how cozy and enjoyable your own garden can be!

Nowadays, landscape design elements such as artificial ponds are appearing more and more often on sites. How could it be otherwise, it’s so nice to relax in nature, contemplating water surface. But what body of water can do without such required part, like plants. Landscaping of the water area itself and the coastal zone is very important point, which I would like to dwell on in more detail.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

You've certainly seen the perfect lawn in a movie, on an alley, or perhaps on your neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that it is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, they just don’t think so experienced gardeners, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

When starting to plant landscaping for a pond at your dacha, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. Will plants be able to survive winter in or near a pond? The choice of plants and the method of planting them depends on the answer to this question. Many plants for decorating the coastal area of ​​a decorative pond at the dacha can also be planted in containers.
  2. Which plants should you choose - deep-sea, oxygen generators, coastal or floating? The classification of plants given below will help you answer this question.
  3. When and how to plant aquatic plants.

By answering all these questions, you can decide on general view decorative pond, and with its durability, as well as with the ability to support the life of aquatic inhabitants, if any.

Aquatic plants are plants that grow and live only in an aquatic environment (pictured).

These are mostly perennials. This habitat endowed aquatic plants with a list of certain characteristics and characteristics:

  • leaves of aquatic plants have a shape divided into parts in the form of threads,
  • stems - air cavities,
  • The roots of aquatic plants are poorly developed.

Aquatic plants are classified in different ways, and unified system no, but there are basic groups based on which you can make a choice:

Oxygenators are plants that actively release oxygen, thereby ensuring the life of all inhabitants of the garden pond - fish, frogs and others.

  1. Plants of this group can also be food, for example, for fish such as carp.
  2. They also perform the function of biological purification of water in a reservoir.

In order for oxygen generator plants to cope with both the cleaning function and the function of oxygen saturation, it is necessary to select several types of such plants for the garden pond, but at the same time not to overdo it.

The most popular aquatic plants that perform these functions are:

  • swampy turcha,
  • water star
  • urut
  • hornwort.

Pond decor

Hornwort is a plant called underwater herringbone. It is very beautiful, decorative and grows quickly.

  1. Hornwort can live in different ponds, even very deep ones.
  2. He does not like bright light, preferring shade.
  3. It does not have a root system, but special branches are lowered into the ground.
  4. Hornwort is often used as food for the inhabitants of a home pond.
  5. The leaves of this plant actively absorb carbon dioxide, nitrites, nitrates and other elements, so it can be used to clean a pond in the country.
  6. On winter time, the leaves of the hornwort die off, but the shoots overwinter well at the bottom of the reservoir.

What hornwort looks like, look at the photo:

Floating plants are aquatic plants that float on the surface, giving the garden pond a special charm. Aquatic floating plants can be planted directly on the bottom of the pond or in containers. They are both tropical and frost-resistant. Such aquatic plants are usually not demanding in terms of care, but it is necessary to control their growth rate. Floating aquatic plants grow very quickly and, without control, can occupy the entire surface of the pond, which is no longer desirable.

The most common floating aquatic representatives of the flora are:

  • duckweed,
  • watercolor,
  • eichornia.

Watercolor is a plant that is perfect for a small pond.

Most often, frog's water-paint, which blooms all summer, is used for landscaping a pond. It blooms with white flowers, and the leaves are round, as in the photo:

Eichornia or water hyacinth - used both for water purification and for decorating a pond.

Eichornia blooms with lilac and white flowers.

This plant does not tolerate frost very well, so it is better to plant it in containers and move it to an aquarium for the winter.

Deep-sea plants are aquatic plants that will help complement the floating ones and create the composition you need. Deep-water plants can grow in shallow ornamental ponds with clean water.

Many aquatic plants that grow under water cannot overwinter there; they must be planted in various containers so that in winter you can bring it into a cool room at the dacha or in the basement.

The following are considered more common and less picky to care for: nymphea, egg capsule, apongeton.

Nymphea is a plant that can decorate any body of water. She is unpretentious and easy to care for.

  1. There are more than 35 types of nymphs.
  2. They are blooming different colors. Water lilies come in white, red, yellow and blue.
  3. They also differ in size: 2.5 cm is a dwarf species, and up to 15 cm is a snow-white water lily.
  4. They are distinguished by frost resistance and the depth at which they grow.

Different varieties are designed for ponds of different sizes and depths. Look at the photo to see what a water lily looks like, and you can find out more in detail from the article on our website.

Capsule is a plant with dark yellow flowers and a thick pistil. The diameter of the flowers of the egg capsule is from 3 to 8 cm. The leaves floating on the pond look very good.

Aponogeton - perennial, which is considered one of the best for a pond in the country.

  1. Aponogeton has thick tuberous roots and oblong leaves.
  2. It grows well and blooms quite long.
  3. If the pond is deeper than 60 cm, the plants can overwinter in the water.

Coastal plants are plants that grow on the shore of a reservoir, decorating its contour and protecting the water from excessive heating in the summer heat.

It is necessary to choose not very tall coastal plants, calculating so that the shadow falls directly on the pond.

It is not recommended to plant trees in coastal areas. Tree roots can destroy the pond's shoreline and damage the waterproofing layer. If there is a need to place a tree near a pond, then it is better to do it away from the shore.

Coastal plants such as:

  • barberry,
  • dwarf spruce,
  • pine,
  • iris.

Iris is a perennial that comes in many varieties.

  1. Iris can bloom in a variety of colors - from yellow to bright purple.
  2. It can be transplanted easily and at any time.
  3. These coastal plants prefer brightly lit and well-moistened areas.
  4. In winter, a shelter made of spruce branches is required.

On the shore of a pond, iris can grow up to 1.2 m in height. And what the iris looks like, look at the photo above.

Planting methods

Aquatic plants for landscaping a pond can be planted in containers and flowerpots or directly into the soil in a pond.

If plants are planted in the ground, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. 8 cm of fertile soil is poured at the bottom, which should be composed of sand, compost and mullein.
  2. Plants are planted in the soil: tall ones - near the coastline, floating ones - in the center of the reservoir.
  3. The roots of the plants must be covered with 4 cm of river sand. Sand protects the soil from washing away.

It is considered more convenient and rational to plant plants for landscaping a pond in containers.

With this planting, the plants can be hidden in winter period from frost and, if necessary, change the composition by arranging the plants differently.

To plant in a container you will need:

  1. Take a spacious container. Small capacity will limit root system plants, and this will interfere with growth and development.
  2. Place burlap inside the container to help protect the soil from washing out.
  3. Plant the plant by covering the roots with soil. The soil should be located 4 cm below the top edge of the container.
  4. After planting, the plant can be fertilized with clay fertilizers mixed with bone meal.
  5. The remaining 4 cm to the top edge must be filled with gravel. Gravel - protective layer, which can protect the soil and ensure the stability of the containers.

After planting the plants, the containers will need to be placed on the bottom of the pond.

No matter how you decide to plant plants, you need to follow this rule: plants whose leaves are on the surface of the reservoir should not cover more than half of the water (as in the photo).

Planting time and care of aquatic plants

Aquatic plants are planted in summer when temperature regime better.

If a decorative pond at your dacha has just been built, you cannot plant plants in it yet. Construction Materials may release toxic substances and plants may die.

  1. Plants should be planted in artificial reservoirs no earlier than a few weeks after the completion of construction, and better yet, the next season.
  2. It is advisable to allocate 4-5 m2 of area for each plant. More accurate data on the required water space should be clarified when choosing plants.
  3. The main care for plants in a pond involves regular cleaning. If you do not do this on time, you will have to carry out restoration, and this is a more labor-intensive task.

To clean the pond and care for it, you will need the following tools:

  • pond shears,
  • pruner,
  • forceps,
  • net
  1. Leaves of plants that have turned yellow, browned and began to fade must be immediately cut off and removed from the pond.
  2. In spring, pollen, fluff, flowers, lying on the water, prevent oxygen and light from entering artificial reservoirs, feeding plants and fish. Therefore, pollution of this nature must be removed regularly. This is easy to do with a net. A similar problem occurs in autumn, but with fallen leaves.
  3. Plants such as rush grass, reeds and other shallow water plants do not need to be cut for the winter. When drying, the stems of these plants serve as conductors of oxygen under the ice. The stems of such plants are cut off in the spring.
  4. If you want to add biochemicals and fertilizers to the pond, then you need to do this exclusively according to the instructions. An overdose can change the quality of water and its composition, which will have a detrimental effect on plants and other inhabitants of the pond.

We told you about the most common plants that can be used when landscaping artificial ponds. All you have to do is make a choice and decorate the pond at your dacha according to your preferences and the wishes of your loved ones.

You will learn from the video which plants are best to choose for a pond.

When the construction of the decorative reservoir is completed, you can begin to design the coastal zone and water surface. At first glance, it seems that even a child can plant plants by the pond. However, it is not. It is important to select types based on the characteristics of the soil, the amount of water, and some other conditions. Then you will need to plant them correctly, following all the recommendations of experts.

We will teach you this simple procedure. The article gives a clear and detailed idea of ​​what plants should be planted by pond owners and what rules should be followed.

Design of the coastal zone

The first zone we will work with is called coastal. This is the area near the pond.

  • Hosta. The peculiarity of the plant is that it is prone to strong growth. In nature there are low and tall views. Mostly miniature specimens are planted. Blue hostas prefer to grow in the shade, while green ones will do better in partial shade.
  • Sedge. Everyone who spent their childhood near a river knows what sedge is. The plant has narrow leaves that reach 60-80 cm in length. Until mid-winter, sedge does not change its lush appearance, therefore it is highly valued by designers and owners of personal plots. Prefers shade.
  • Molinia. Cereal plants in the country house near the pond are interesting in their own way. For example, the perennial molinia. It has graceful and very narrow leaves. There are dozens of species in nature, the height of individual specimens reaches 150 centimeters. Lover of sunny, well-lit places, but not drought.
  • Willow loosestrife. A marshy plant that can be safely planted near a pond. It is a bush up to 140 cm high with narrow leaves. You can easily recognize it by its purple inflorescences. It is good for a pond because it is beautifully reflected in the water, and it is completely undemanding to the conditions.
  • Darmera. Most often found in large bodies of water due to its volume. Frost-resistant, unpretentious, prefers partial shade.
  • Fern. You won't believe it, but for country pond No best plant than a fern. Whatever species is chosen (and there are many of them in nature), it will feel just great on the shore. Height moisture-loving plant varies from 30 to 150 centimeters. It is advisable to plant not too close to each other - ferns often grow up to 3 meters.
  • Astilbe. Astilbia completes our list of plants for the coastal zone. Gardeners choose it because of its carved leaves and beautiful head of flowers. The height varies from 40 to 200 centimeters, but low types are preferred for landscape design.

Hosta, astilbe, fern

Choosing suitable plants for shallow water

  • Air. For a large reservoir, it is best to buy marsh calamus, the height of which reaches 1 m. There are also low species - for example, grass calamus with a height of 40 cm. Flowers appear in early summer. Even if not the best beautiful plant, but easily recognizable.
  • Whitewing. What really pleases the eye is the whitewing! It is unpretentious to conditions, has large leaves and beautiful flowers white. Be aware that in summer it produces red berries that are poisonous. Be sure to warn your children about this.
  • Irises. Despite the fact that iris is considered exclusively a “flower bed” plant, some of its species thrive in shallow water. Here they grow well, reaching 120 cm.
  • Marsilea. This is a small perennial, somewhat reminiscent of clover. It can withstand even severe frosts and is unpretentious.
  • Water mint. Creeping plant up to 50 centimeters high. It grows quickly and has soft purple inflorescences.

Marsilea, calligraphy, watermint

Planting plants in water - what to choose

When planting plants around a pond at your dacha, you should understand that certain species can grow exclusively in water. It is very convenient to plant them in pots or containers. If necessary, you can simply rearrange them and immediately change the design beyond recognition.

So, what plants can be classified as deep-sea:

  • Water lily. How many legends there are about the water lily - you can’t remember them all. The first flowers appear in summer, flowering ends in October-November. The flowers are large, reaching 12-15 cm in diameter. It is recommended to plant water lilies at a depth of 1 m.
  • Hawthorn. You will immediately recognize this plant by its inflorescences rising above the water and its vanilla aroma.
  • Watercolor. Feature of this ornamental plant the fact that it overwinters well at the bottom. In the spring it rises and begins to bloom actively.
  • Azolla. Somewhat reminiscent of small ferns, it attracts attention with its miniature size. It covers the surface of the water quite quickly, so from time to time you will need to catch it with improvised means. Looks original, love it good lighting. In winter, it is better to remove Azolla from the pond, as it does not tolerate severe frosts.

Azolla, water lily, water lily

Help when choosing plants for a pond (video)

Main oxygen suppliers

To maintain the natural microflora and vital activity of the inhabitants of the pond, we recommend that you take care of planting turkish grass and hornwort. Among pond plants they are considered the most common.

By the way, “landing” is still a strong word. For example, hornwort has no roots at all, so you don’t have to bother with it. The same can be said about turcha, which is a rosette of leaves. She floats on the surface of the reservoir completely freely.

Turcha and hornwort

Despite this simplicity, the contribution of these plants to the beneficial microclimate of the pond is simply invaluable. They not only saturate the water with oxygen, but also purify the water. And with a harmonious balance, it is quite possible to create a real fairy tale on the water.

When to plant

All plants are planted in the pond only after it is fully equipped and filled with water. At least 10 days should pass - this will allow the water to settle well. Planting of crops begins in early summer.

When planting flora in pots, be sure to select containers that have holes and a bottom. This is an important requirement to ensure good ventilation soil. Otherwise, the roots will quickly rot.

  • What kind of soil should I use for baskets? A combination of ordinary garden soil or clay soil with the addition of bone meal is considered very successful. Many gardeners make the mistake of trying to enrich the soil with manure or fertilizers. This cannot be done, as it can cause poisoning of the inhabitants of the aquatic depths.
  • How to prepare for planting? Before planting, old leaves and long roots are removed, and after planting, the soil is compacted. Of course, there are plants that do not need to be planted at all. We have already talked about them. They float on the surface of the water. However, these crops also need to be looked after. Under favorable conditions, they begin to multiply quickly. And if you don’t thin them out, the “floaters” will quickly fill the entire pond.
  • How to deal with duckweed? The most affordable and effective method- catch it regularly. Perhaps that is what they consider main problem any standing body of water. Under no circumstances should you plant it on purpose.
  • What to do with exotic plants? Most likely, you will still have to put them away for the winter in an aquarium or bathtub. Heavily overgrown species are pruned. In some cases it will be necessary additional lighting so that the sprouts do not wither.
  • Where to buy? In specialized stores they will show and tell you everything. If there is no such store in the city or you do not have the opportunity to visit it (or someone simply does not have the money), we offer an alternative. You can go to the nearest pond in your locality and carefully study the flora: at what depth it grows, what it represents. Then you select the strongest and largest specimens for your pond. In suburban and village ponds the water is stagnant, so the plants will be quite suitable for artificial reservoir. To make it convenient for you to get them out of the pond, stock up on good rubber boots and a pole. We also recommend taking an assistant with you - just in case there is a firefighter.

Caring for plants in a pond (video)

Once again about harmony

Creating a common landscape design summer cottage along with the reservoir, do not forget about the plants that will surround it. Trees growing nearby should not shade the pond. The same applies to other representatives of the flora.

Think in advance what plants will surround the pond

When doing work in the country, you should always adhere to certain rules. Trees are carefully selected taking into account their properties and compatibility, and the characteristics of the root system. The statement that trees are not planted near water is erroneous. It's easy to refute if you use winding willow or use moisture-loving shrubs such as mahonia, barberry, and gooseberry. It is worth paying attention to thuja.

In the first 2-3 years, experienced gardeners advise not to shade the banks at all. This will allow the flora to grow well and strengthen the root system. And don’t let the fact that the appearance garden plot will be far from rich. Subsequently, such little things are more than compensated for by the simply fantastic view.

Time to take stock

Use this material to give your pond a beautiful, finished look. But do not forget that planted plants need the same proper care.

In summer, the coastal area will have to be watered, especially if it was a dry summer. Sometimes you have to deal with things like the appearance of small algae and duckweed. They also clean up.

Since ancient times, decorative garden ponds have been an element of landscaping in recreational areas, remaining popular today. Such ponds are usually decorated with shore fills and plants, imitating a natural body of water, and sometimes live fish are also added. In this article we will talk about plants, which are planted near the pond or directly into the water.

Features of the design of reservoirs

Typically, artificial reservoirs in private houses and dachas have an area from 0.5 m2 to 5-6 m2 with a depth of 30 cm to 1.5 m. What technologies are not used! Ponds are created with waterproofing and an earthen bottom, using plastic containers and baths. Mini ponds are created in barrels, bathtubs, and troughs. It all depends on the area of ​​the plot and your imagination.

To give the pond at the dacha a natural look, use natural materials -different kinds stones: basalt, granite, gabrodiabase, sandstone, quartz, beautiful driftwood, crushed stone filling different colors and fractions, pebbles, shells.

And, of course, we use plants that will add completeness and uniqueness to our decorative pond.

Plants that can be planted around a pond come in a variety of plant forms: trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers.

Trees should be planted away from the edge of the pond so as not to pollute it with leaves and needles and to prevent clogging of equipment that may be installed to aerate ponds. In addition, the foliage that settles to the bottom rots and releases toxic gases that can oppress plants planted in water, aquatic animals and fish.

Trees are placed singly or in small groups, various shrubs are planted in front of them, and herbaceous plants are placed near the water. You should not plant many identical plants along the shore, as this will add monotony to your landscape. Do not clutter the entire space around the pond with plants, maintain a view of the water surface and the opposite shore.

Of particular importance in the design of a decorative pond are aquatic plants that are planted directly into the pond. They should occupy a small area of ​​the water surface and stand out as a clear spot on it. It is not recommended to plant more than 2-3 types of plants in one group.

Deciduous trees for coastal plantings

Shrubs for planting near water

Let's move on to the bushes. Suitable for planting in soil from shrubs:

Herbs and flowers for coastal plantings

Herbs and flowers suitable for planting near a pond have a wide variety of species. It is better to limit the planting sites of one type of plant. This is especially true for cereals. Cereal grasses have creeping rhizomes and, if not limited, will quickly take over the entire free surface, displacing weaker neighbors.

Herbs and flowers look beautiful in the niches between the stones.

Let's list the coastal grasses.

  1. Morrova sedge, varieties: “Variegata”, “Ice Dance”. Height above the water surface: 20-30 cm. Planting depth in water: 0 cm. Prefers shady, moderately warm places. The soil should be moist, with humus. In winter they are kept indoors at 4-6*c.

  2. Chinese miscanthus, varieties: “Gold Bar”, “Gracilimus”, “Graziella”, “Silberfeder”, “Strictus”, “Zebrinus”. Decorative, rapidly growing grass, height from 0.5 to 2 m. Very beautiful panicles last until winter. The soils are constantly wet. It is better to cover young plants for the winter. Planting no more than 3 pieces per 1 m2.

  3. Blue molinia "Variegata". Forms lush bushes with striped leaves, height up to 60 cm. For moist, acidic soils. Up to 10 pieces per 1m2.

  4. Cattail Laxmann and broadleaf cattail "Variegata". Planting depth in water: from 0 to 40 cm. Height above water: 80-150 cm. They love the sun. It is better to plant in a container, in a heavy clay soil. Overwinters at the landing site.

  5. Spreading rush plant "Spiralis". Planting depth in water 0-10 cm, height above water 40-60 cm. Photophilous. If overwintering in a container, lower it below the freezing level.

  6. Reed horsetail. Planting depth in water: 0-5 cm, height above water: 20-30 cm. Suitable for swamp gardens and mini ponds. Sunny place or partial shade. It grows slowly. If it grows in a container, it is buried in the garden for the winter.
  7. Water pine. Planting depth in water: 0-60 cm, height above water 20-30 cm. Unpretentious. When planting in a container, move it deeper for the winter.

It is better to grow all coastal aquatic plants in containers in order to limit their growth and protect them from roots by waterproofing, if there is one at the bottom of the reservoir.

Before winter, it is better not to cut cereal grasses; their foliage and flower stalks are decorative under the snow. Pruning is carried out in early spring, after the snow melts.

Decorating the shore of a garden pond with ferns looks picturesque, provided that the pond is located in the shade or partial shade. Ferns are planted from:

Now let's list some flowers. Some flowers can also be planted directly in water in a container.

Flowers and herbaceous plants are planted in loose, permeable soil.

Aquatic plants for planting in a pond

Of the aquatic plants, the most common are water lilies, also known as nymphs or water lilies. In small decorative ponds Water lilies are grown in containers that are immersed to a specific depth for a given variety. Water lilies bloom from June until cold weather. For abundant flowering, water lilies are planted in sunny and protected from the wind places.

Currently, a large number of varieties of water lilies have been bred, differing in the color and size of flowers, leaves, and frost resistance. Most beautiful varieties: “Attraction”, “Fabiola”, “Gonnere”, “Rose Arey”, “Chromatella”.

In addition to water lilies, you can plant nymphaeum in the pond, water buttercup, and in the southern regions - Caspian lotus. In the northern regions, lotus is kept in ponds only in summer. For the winter, the rhizomes are removed and stored in damp sand in a cellar.

If yours is less than 1.5 m deep, then it is also better to remove the water lilies and store them in the basement. To do this, place the container with the roots in a container of water to cover the soil in the container. Other plants grown in containers in shallow water are also preserved.

Aquatic plants are usually sold in small shipping containers, so it is best to replant them before placing them in the water. For planting, take a container 10-15 cm larger than the transport one, always with drainage holes. We place a small layer of expanded clay on the bottom and fill it with heavy clay. Clay can be used from any natural pond, swamp or quarry. We transplant the rhizome into clay and rinse it well with water to wash away dusty particles of earth. You can sew the container in burlap, then the water is practically not contaminated. After this, we lower the container to a depth corresponding to the type of plant.

Fertilizers for nymphs are applied in the spring, before immersion in water. All of them have a prolonged action, so they are used once a season. For example - Osmocote. If your garden pond has an earthen bottom, you can plant water lilies directly into the ground, you just need to choose a variety that matches the depth of your pond. After planting the rhizome, it must be pressed down with crushed stone so that it does not float up. We apply fertilizer into the hole when planting.

Caring for aquatic and coastal plants involves timely removal of rotted, dried leaves and flower stalks to prevent fungal diseases.


We hope this article will help you create cozy corner relaxation next to a pond. And let it make you happy and inspire your friends to achieve their goals!

Water- a much more complete education than a simple one. The aquatic environment connects its inhabitants and regulates their existence more powerfully and comprehensively than a piece of land.

Plants for ponds or what to plant in a pond?

This number will include those who live in the pond under duress, and those who simply need water. Traditionally, plants for ponds are grouped according to their growing zones. There are those floating freely on the surface or simply in the water column - they are not connected by roots to the ground, they need it as a source of nutrients. There are submerged plants - they grow in the ground, but at different depths: some hide in the water “with their heads”, others only dip their “feet” into it. They make stepped banks or plant them in flooded containers; the recommended planting depth can be seen on the label. There is a very large group of coastal plants that grow in the waterlogged soil of the shore. But often the same species can arbitrarily occupy different positions.

All aquatic plants can be divided into 5 groups:

  1. coastal;
  2. deep-sea;
  3. floating;
  4. swamp;
  5. oxygenators.

For decorative garden ponds, the first two groups are most important - coastal and deep-water plants.

planted in shallow water, at a depth of up to 30 cm. deep sea

- everyone’s favorite water lilies (nymphs) - require a depth of 60 cm. The shape of the bottom of reservoirs is also related to the different requirements of aquatic plants for depth. Even at the design stage, places for planting certain groups are provided. The bottom of the reservoir should be stepped, and each step should be horizontal or even with a reverse slope.

Coastal plants

These are shallow water plants: cattail, susak, schenoplectus, reed, watch, chastukha, cotton grass and others. Their roots and lower parts of the stems develop under water, and leaves and flowers develop above water. Coastal plants strengthen the coastline well and decorate ponds. Among them there are tall plants, for example, cattail, reed, schenoplectus, and there are small ones - three-leaved watch. This allows you to create various compositions in a garden pond.

Three ways to plant coastal plants

1. Buy an aquatic plant in a container and simply place it in the right place at the bottom of the reservoir.

If the depth is too great, stones, bricks, etc. are placed under the container. Large plants with large windage can be overturned by the wind. To avoid this, the containers are secured on the sides with stones or even tied to pegs driven on the shore.

  • 2. Plant coastal aquatic plants in specially prepared niches:
  • Lower the water in the reservoir so that the first underwater terrace is exposed at a depth of 30 cm.
  • Form a border out of stones using flat stones, they are easier to work with. Do not glue the stones with mortar; they are laid simply and lie under the influence of gravity.
  • Line the resulting niche with geofabric from the inside so that the soil does not wash out of it.
  • Fill the niche with soil, fine gravel with the addition of clay, sapropel or marsh soil.
  • Plant some plants. If the reservoir has a flat bottom lined with stones, then plants can be planted directly into the bottom, placing them between the stones.

Fill the reservoir with water to the desired level.

  • 3. Plant coastal aquatic plants using geofabric:
  • Strengthen the geotextile on the banks of the reservoir. Coconut and jute fabric rots upon contact with soil. It is better to use black geofabric that is permeable to roots for this purpose.
  • Immerse it in water, but do not go beyond the waterproofing on the shore, otherwise the water will flow through the fibers from the reservoir into the soil.
  • Place plants in pockets. After a while, you will notice how plant roots emerge into the water through the fabric.

Deep-sea plants for a decorative pond

Representatives of this group are: marsh flower, egg capsule, aponogeton and queen of ponds - or nymphea.

Many people create ponds in their garden just because they really want to grow water lilies. We purchase large water lilies from the nursery Alexandra Marchenko. They are sold in large pots containing food for 2-3 years. The water lily is a “glutton”; it requires a lot of nutrients. It is irrational to plant them in the ground, because for optimal growth and development in winter and summer it must be at different depths. To overwinter well, it needs 90 cm (in the conditions of the Moscow region), and to grow and bloom better - 60 cm. When the water lily is planted in, it is very easy to move it around the reservoir. In addition, water lily rhizomes planted in the bottom soil quickly grow, and the plants occupy the entire reservoir.

After 3 years, container water lilies need to be replanted, otherwise they will become smaller and bloom poorly. Procedure:

  • remove containers with water lilies from the pond;
  • cut off the top layer with rhizomes;
  • assess how the plant can be divided, taking into account the number of awakened buds;
  • cut the layer into several parts and plant them in separate containers (the rhizomes are not buried in the ground, but placed on the surface so that they do not float up, tied with garden wire);
  • Attach a wire handle to the container to move it along the pond from the shore without falling into the water.

How to cover a black film on the edge of a pond

Cut a strip of geofabric wide enough to secure it to the ground without touching the water. On the shore, plant ground cover plants: creeping tenacious, loosestrife. They quickly grow along the geotextile and form a dense layer of roots and stems. Then it will begin to live its own life - marsh plants will settle on it, coastal plants will grow.

How to keep your pond water clean

Helps keep water clean. Its cloudiness or “blooming” is caused by microorganisms. Their activity is especially noticeable when the reservoir is first filled. The water quickly acquires a “swampy” color and becomes opaque. The reason for this is the proliferation of blue-green algae. But in a few days they will “eat up” all the free nutrients in the pond and die of hunger. Only a faintly noticeable coating on the bottom will indicate their presence. From this time on, the water in the reservoir will remain clear (repeatedly tested for own experience), if new portions of food for microorganisms do not get there. If you drain muddy water and fill the reservoir again - everything will repeat.

Aquatic plants compete for nutrients with microorganisms that cloud the water. Higher plants remove nutrients from the water, with their help they build their bodies, thereby purifying the water. In addition, niches and pockets with coastal plants retain various organic debris that has entered the water, turning it into a nutrient substrate.

In we We do not recommend using filter systems. No matter how much their sellers praise them, they have a number of shortcomings:

  • high price;
  • electricity consumption and the mandatory supply of electricity to the reservoir;
  • need for maintenance.

For the filter to be effective, it must work constantly: from spring to autumn. If you run the system when you come to the dacha on the weekend, there will be practically no effect. Filters are needed for swimming pools, where the water is constantly circulating and saturated with chemicals. For outdoor pools they are starting to use a cleaning system - bio-plateau. Plants cope with water purification much better: economically, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing.



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