What to choose: linden or larch. Linden or alder

Premises are an important and obligatory stage in the process of building a bathhouse; it will depend on the choice of material for cladding appearance premises. Of course, it is much more pleasant to be in a well-groomed and tidy steam room.

The most popular and best option- this is a lining for the bathhouse. Wooden lining is a universal finishing material that is easy to install and has high performance properties.

Advantages of lining for a bath

  • environmental friendliness, wood is natural material, which creates a special atmosphere and also has healing properties;
  • the ability to hide all communications, defects and uneven walls. With the clapboard, the bathhouse looks neat;
  • good sound insulation. While music is playing in the relaxation room or the TV is making noise, you can take a steam bath and enjoy the silence;
  • moisture resistance. The lining is not afraid of exposure to moisture, it does not deform or rot;
  • long service life. You will not have to change the coating after a year;
  • good level thermal insulation. The lining in the bath helps to retain heat in the room;
  • ease of installation. This material is easy to install, installation wooden lining Even a beginner can do it with his own hands.

Types of lining for a bath

In the steam room there is a constantly high level of humidity, as well as strong temperature changes; not every type of wood is able to withstand such harsh conditions.

It is not advisable to use coniferous wood for cladding a sauna. When heated, they release resins that can burn the skin, make breathing difficult, or cause discomfort. It is better to use deciduous trees to decorate the steam room with clapboard.

But this does not mean at all that there is no use for coniferous wood in bathhouse decoration. They are often used to decorate a dressing room or rest room. This combination is reasonable because it allows you to save a lot: lining from coniferous trees much cheaper than hardwood. In addition, resins disinfect the air and give it a pleasant pine aroma.


It has good density and high quality. It has an interesting textured pattern. This wood contains special substances that protect it from moisture and rot. But over time, it can change color if not treated with a special compound.

The disadvantage of larch is its weak thermal insulation properties.


This type of wood is one of the most popular options for finishing a sauna with clapboards, as it has high performance properties and an affordable cost. Linden gives the room a soft and pleasant aroma that is beneficial for the respiratory system. It has a good level of heat resistance and does not heat up even at the highest temperatures. Linden has low thermal conductivity and is practically not susceptible to rotting.

After the construction of a bathhouse, on the site, it often occurs question interior decoration steam room. This topic is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Many materials are suitable for interior decoration of baths. From the usual lining, to very exotic and very expensive ones, for example, finishing or salt stone.

It makes sense to choose lining as a natural, simple, environmentally friendly, high-quality and excellent option for interior decoration of a bathhouse. It exists in several types and classes, and knowledge about each will help you decide which lining for a bathhouse is best. existing version and experience in using the material.

Classic bath starts with the dressing room, then comes the steam room, a shower room should also be provided. Each of these premises imposes own requirements to the finishing material used. But what they have in common is their resistance to hot air, interaction with water, high humidity air, hygiene.

When touching these materials, there cannot be any burns on the skin, and the finishing panels should not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures. They are designed to evoke aesthetic pleasure and provide a long period of operation. Of course, the use of linoleum and all kinds of wood boards is unacceptable in a bathhouse, due to the inevitable harm to the body.

Options for lining for a steam room

Lining widely used as a cladding material and is divided according to the material from which it is made, classes, and also the method of processing.

Trees used for production:

  • Alder.
  • Aspen.
  • Beech.
  • Pine.
  • Cedar.
  • Ash.

Production from other tree species is possible, but these are the most common.

Class division occurs in descending order of quality:

  • Extra.

Also offered on the market "eurolining". The difference from the classic one is a different approach to wood processing, which is expressed in the larger size of the tenon and groove. In addition, the “European panel” has a groove for discharging condensate.

Choice for the waiting room

To the dressing room not threatened by increased thermal loads, therefore it is possible to use lining from all types of wood. Pine, spruce or fir will create with their aroma a mood anticipating a visit to the steam room; birch, aspen and linden are in no way inferior to them in this regard. It is worth considering that it is better to use the same material for processing walls and ceilings.

Installation methods will be discussed below, but for now it is worth mentioning that using varnishes and paints is not the best choice for final finishing. Preventing premature wear of the lining in the dressing room will be possible by applying special, environmentally friendly paints and protective impregnations.

The optimal choice for covering the dressing room is pine paneling. And experienced bathhouse attendants advise using it. As already mentioned, high temperatures do not affect wood outside the steam room, so pine will not release resin. But there is high humidity, but products made from this wood can withstand it well. Another reason for the popularity of finishing dressing rooms made of “pine” lining is the price. Where it makes no sense to use more expensive types finishing, pine lining will not let you down and will not worsen the atmosphere of the room.

What is suitable for a steam room

This is where they are presented increased requirements for cladding materials, so it’s in the steam room itself. There is high humidity and maximum temperature, as well as exposure to water and steam.

Lining a bathhouse from the inside requires using the type of lining that is being manufactured. from deciduous trees, due to the fact that conifers, having excellent resistance to moisture, but interacting with elevated temperatures, release resins.

So, sauna lining, which one is better? There is a choice of linden, aspen, alder, cedar, larch, oak, exotic options from hemlock and abasha. Which option will be optimal can be decided by familiarizing yourself with the advantages of each tree.


The best lining for a steam room, in its own way price category this is a linden tree. Possessing such qualities as resistance to contact with water, it not subject to premature wear, and periodic drying out, characteristic of premises of this kind, will not cover the surface of the material with cracks.

Linden lining for a bathhouse will quickly warm up and cool down slowly, but the wood itself, which has a low heat capacity, will not allow you to get burned upon contact with it. The aroma exuded by this wood will pacify and strengthen your strength. Does everyone know linden tea? That's the same thing. Its structure is such that it does not require additional processing, natural material is attractive in itself.


Aspen is excellent for finishing a bath. The lining, for which aspen served as the starting material, reliably resists the aggressive effects of moisture, does not deteriorate when dried, and does not injure the skin when it comes into contact with it.

Aspen lining releases an aristocratic, bitter aroma when heated, and this is all that distinguishes it from the first option considered. When purchasing, it requires a thorough inspection for defects, even when purchasing higher-class material, you need to check the complete absence of resins and knots. If the material is of high quality, the finish will last a long time, delighting visitors. Aspen is a common, widespread tree, which means that the price of products made from it is not prohibitive.


This choice is made more sophisticated steam room connoisseurs. This option is more expensive than the previous two, but the product obtained from alder is of very high quality. These panels do not require additional grinding, are almost jewel-like smooth, and are characterized by a complete absence of knots.

Which lining is best to buy is up to you to decide, based on financial considerations and the technical characteristics of a particular type of wood. Available in a choice of different colors.


Cedar trim will emphasize the status of its owner even more clearly than processing with alder panels. If by the word “better” we mean “more expensive,” then there is an answer to the question of which lining is better for a bathhouse. Cedar will decorate the interior in an original way and flavor it with its smell.

Evil tongues among bath attendants claim that the unique smell will last no more than three months, but moral satisfaction will remain for a longer period. The healing properties of cedar will have a positive effect on people suffering diseases respiratory tract . And the plastic structure of wood, due to ease of processing, makes the product convenient for installation.

Lining – practical in every way finishing material for covering a bath. It is not demanding on the quality of the supporting base, is simple and easy to install, and has a reasonable price.

Market building materials offers several types of lining:

  • standard or “peasant”;
  • block house;
  • “under the beam” or “American”;
  • eurolining.

The main difference between these materials is their profile. The “peasant” panel has been chamfered, the eurolining has small, even recesses (shelves, otherwise called “grooves”), the block house has a rounded profile, the board “under the beam” is distinguished by the correct geometry of the front panel.

Eurolining has its own subtypes:

  • “Standard” or “Classic”;
  • "Calm";
  • "Soft Line".

These finishing materials differ in size and chamfer profile. “Standard” has straight chamfers, while “Soft Line” and “Shtil” have rounded chamfers.

Wooden lining "calm"

Any lining is connected using the tongue-and-groove method. To do this, each panel is equipped with a special protrusion - a tenon, and a groove - a recess into which the tenon fits. Eurolining has a deeper groove, which ensures tight joining of the panels.

The building materials market also offers such types of lining as plastic and metal. In fact, these are varieties of siding that received this name because of their external similarity to this finishing material. Classic wooden lining.

For facade cladding baths will do any. But in addition to the profile of the material, there are other criteria for its selection. These are the grade, type of wood, degree of moisture resistance, thermal conductivity coefficient.

Quarter paneling

This is what a façade looks like, covered with quarter panel clapboard.

A variation of the standard lining is a quarter. This is the name of the material with a quarter selected from the front and back sides. The installation of this lining is extremely simple, since it is impossible to incorrectly connect boards with a quarter on both sides.

This type of finishing material is unsuitable for finishing facades, since it does not have a tongue and groove. For this reason, only horizontal installation of panels is possible. In a vertical direction, the connection of the lamellas will be fragile.

Quarter paneling

American lining

American is a universal finishing material that is ideally suited for the outer cladding of a bathhouse. The lamellas of this type of lining have the shape of an irregular triangle. The wider end of the panel is equipped with a shallow groove into which the narrow end fits during installation. This ensures overlapping laying, a feature of which is high-quality protection of the joints from any influences. environment.

The flat front side of the American one looks like timber, so the second name for this material is “under the timber”. This type of lining is massive. The panel width is at least 14 cm, thickness 2 cm. Length varies between 2-6 m.

Block house lining

The rounded front side of the block house allows you to get the effect of finishing with rounded logs. According to the lining production technology, the upper part of the lamellas has a tenon, and the lower part has a groove. Block houses are made not only from wood, but also from metal, vinyl and plastic. Any of these types of finishing materials is suitable for cladding external walls baths Due to the correct geometry, installation of the block house is simple and convenient.

"Peasant" paneling

For some unknown reason, such a wonderful finishing material as standard lining is called “peasant” or “collective farmer”. Panels of this type have distinctive feature: They are smooth and flat.

Clapboard "peasant woman" (collective farmer)

A shorter tongue than other types of lining allows the “peasant” lamellas to be connected as tightly as possible. The result is solid wall, in which there are practically no gaps. “Peasant woman” is an excellent choice for finishing the facade of a bathhouse in regions with constant winds. Such cladding will provide the building reliable protection from cold air currents.

"Peasant" paneling

All types of eurolining are equipped with ventilation gutters located along the panel on its back side. They provide an outlet for moisture coming from the walls of the bathhouse. If ventilation is not provided, the clapboard mounted on the wall will certainly move.

The profile of the canvas is different, corresponding to the type of this material. But the quality of the chips is always at its best. Eurolining grades A and B goes on sale in plastic bags, which guarantees the integrity and purity of the material.

What type of lining to choose?

In order to buy a quality product at its real cost, you need to know about the characteristics of each variety. There are only three of them: A, B and C. There are manufacturers offering “Extra” class lining. In fact, this material is a facing board, the parameters of which are not provided for by the European standard. This is an entirely domestic development.

The main characteristics of each type of lining are indicated in the table.

DefectsVariety Extra
(highest grade)
Grade A (first grade)Grade B (second grade)Grade C (third grade)

No flaws, comes in complete condition vacuum packaging, preventing the formation of chips and abrasionsNot falling out

Diameter no more than 1.5 cm

Knots that have not fallen out are acceptableAcceptable

- Not through, no more than 20% of the canvas volumeNo more than 3 cm long for every 60 cm linear meterAcceptable

- UnacceptableNo more than 10%Acceptable

- UnacceptableNo more than 10%Acceptable


- Diameter no more than 0.7 cmNo more than 3 per linear meterAcceptable, including falling knots
Defect depth- NoneWithin 0.5cmNot limited

To decorate the facade of a bathhouse, you should not choose low-grade material. Firstly, it is short-lived and every year it will lose its already low visual appeal. Secondly, it will not provide the walls with adequate protection from moisture and cold. This will entail additional costs for the purchase and installation of hydro- and thermal insulation.

If it is not possible to purchase lining of the first grade, you can opt for the second. But it should be taken into account that its parameters allow the presence of black “lifeless” knots, which may subsequently fall out. At this point, holes are formed through which heat will escape. Third grade material should not be used for cladding the facade of a bathhouse.

The lining from the manufacturer is not treated with anything. Therefore, it can be given any color. Coating with stain or clear varnish will preserve the natural texture of the wood. You can also apply any paint or oil.

Rules for choosing eurolining

All lining manufacturers, when producing it, are guided by the requirements of two standards: the domestic GOST 8242-88 and the European standard DIN 68-126. The second is used in the production of eurolining.

When choosing this material, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the thickness of the canvas. According to the European standard, it should be 12.5 mm. Some manufacturers of this popular finishing material, wanting to save money, deliberately use tricks and produce lining of smaller thickness: 11 or 11.5 mm.

What does this mean? If you reduce the thickness of the canvas, it begins to warp during storage. Such lining is much more difficult to attach to the wall. In addition, it has a less attractive appearance than its full-fledged counterparts.

The second important quality indicator is the width of the tenon. According to the standard, it must correspond to 8 mm. If the tenon is wider or narrower, installation difficulties are guaranteed.

Particular attention should be paid to the depth and evenness of the groove. If it is practically absent, it will be impossible to install the panels using clamps. They simply won't have anything to cling to.

It is extremely important that the width of the lining complies with the standard and is exactly 88 mm. If a manufacturer offers material with a width of 96 mm, you need to know that this is primarily beneficial to him, the manufacturer. Since such lining is more expensive. Typically, the buyer is motivated to purchase this material by the fact that it is much more profitable than the standard one. But if you do a comparative analysis, it becomes clear that the cost square meter Such cladding is more expensive than when using canvases with a width of 88 mm.

The quality of the chips is of particular importance. It determines not only the appearance of the lining, but also the consumption of materials when priming, painting or varnishing the wood.

According to GOST, the moisture content of wooden facing material should be 12-16%. If this indicator is exceeded, the canvas may turn blue, crack or bend. Compliance with the listed rules for choosing eurolining will help you buy the material that will delight its owner for many years.

Characteristics of lining made from different types of wood

When deciding which lining for a bathhouse is better, take into account the characteristics of the wood species and the operating conditions of the material.

Features of spruce lining

If the main selection criterion is price, it is recommended to pay attention to spruce lining. It is highly moisture resistant, retains heat well, and dries quickly. Distinctive feature This wood is characterized by its light texture, which does not darken over time.

Spruce has significantly fewer knots than others coniferous species, and they (knots) are smaller. Unlike pine, spruce lining is not resinous. This is an important indicator, since it is extremely difficult to combat the release of resin. And it can significantly spoil the appearance of the cladding, since due to its stickiness it will accumulate dust and dirt.

Features of aspen lining

Well-dried aspen is practically not subject to rotting. This breed is famous for its antiseptic properties. In past centuries, aspen pegs were placed in barrels with sauerkraut, which prevented rotting and fermentation.

Aspen has amazing property, which was given the name “silver glow”. Therefore, lining made from this wood has a noble shade. Another advantage of this material is its high strength.

But with all the advantages, it has one significant drawback: hidden rot. However for finished product it's immaterial. The main difficulty for the manufacturer arises when selecting and processing this wood. Therefore, aspen lining can be confidently used to decorate the facade of a bathhouse.

Features of lime lining

Linden lining has excellent performance characteristics. On top of everything else, this inexpensive material, which is excellent for exterior decoration of buildings. The low price is not explained low quality wood, and a small percentage of its discarding. The reason is the small number of knots and the homogeneous structure of the linden tree.

The only drawback of this type of wood is its softness. Low resistance to mechanical stress determines the operating conditions. This type of lining requires extreme care during installation. After covering the bathhouse, you should try not to leave dents or scratches on the lining. If it is not possible to protect the linden lining from mechanical stress, it is better to choose a finishing material made from a harder type of wood.

Features of black alder lining

Alder lining is an effective facing material. The beautiful, pronounced texture of the wood and its reddish or chocolate shade will provide the facade of the bathhouse with a stylish look.

Alder has an important property for exterior decoration: this wood has high moisture resistance. Alder prefers soils saturated with water. Therefore, this tree is practically not subject to rotting. For this reason, wells were built from alder, bridges and piers were built.

This wood is durable, but at the same time quite elastic. Alder lining will not suffer from sudden temperature changes and long-term heat. The natural elasticity of wood will allow you to maintain the correct geometry of the finishing material.

Black alder lining has a relatively high price. It is due to excellent performance characteristics and the durability of this material.

Features of pine lining

Pine lining – a good choice for finishing the facade of the bathhouse. This wood is characterized by low heat transfer and excellent antiseptic characteristics. Finishing material made from this type of wood is resistant to rot and mold, durable and lightweight.

Pine lining has noise-absorbing properties, is pleasant to the touch and does not leave splinters. The only drawback of this material is the presence of resin pockets and an abundance of knots. Therefore, when choosing pine lining, it is recommended to purchase first-grade material. It provides for the presence of only “live” knots that will not subsequently fall out.

Pine lining, if not covered with paint or varnish, will certainly darken over time. Fresh wood has a pleasant yellow-golden hue. To preserve the spectacular texture, the wood is coated with transparent varnish or stain.

Features of cedar lining

Cedar lining is a stylish and presentable finishing material. It has low thermal conductivity, is wear-resistant, durable, and confidently withstands both low and high temperatures. Thanks to the unique properties of cedar, the lining will not be damaged by insects and rodents. This wood has a peculiar feature of repelling pests.

Cedar has high-quality sound absorption and high moisture resistance. But despite these characteristics, it is recommended to protect the lining from environmental influences in any convenient way: painting, varnishing, tinting.

The Russian market offers three types of lining made from this type of wood: from Canadian cedar, Siberian and Far Eastern. The latter is in greatest demand.

Features of larch lining

The lining is made mainly from Siberian larch. This type of wood is ideal for exterior decoration of the facade of a bathhouse. Thanks to its moisture resistance and low thermal conductivity, larch can reliably protect the walls of a building. The beautiful texture and wide range of shades of this wood will provide the facade with a presentable appearance.

The strength and moisture resistance of this wood has been proven over time. Larch is used for the construction of objects in direct contact with water. Houses in Venice stand on just such stilts. Of the coniferous woods, larch is the strongest and most durable.

For facade cladding, the healing properties of wood are not so important. This parameter is taken into account when decorating the bathhouse. For facade works The most significant indicators are thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, strength, and resistance to mechanical stress. "Warm" wood species:

  • cedar;
  • alder;
  • Linden;

The moisture resistance of wood can be increased by processing it special compounds, which can be purchased in departments paint and varnish materials.

In the same way, you can change the appearance of the panels. But such characteristics of wood as its strength and thermal conductivity cannot be artificially increased. Therefore, this is the first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a material for cladding the facade of a bathhouse.

It is important to take into account factors such as the operating conditions of the building and the climatic features of the region. If the climate is warm and dry, any inexpensive lining will be suitable for finishing the facade. Optimal choice– spruce or pine. For those places where there is high air humidity, it is recommended to purchase material from aspen, alder, larch or cedar.

If the bathhouse is a separate building, and there is no area for children’s games next to it, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the facing material. Therefore, inexpensive lining with soft wood is suitable for cladding the facade.

If the bathhouse is an extension to a residential building, you should take into account the significant risk of chips and scratches appearing on the exterior finish. Under such operating conditions, it is necessary to purchase durable material with hard wood.

Hidden fasteners - clamps

Video - Clamps for fastening lining

Video - How to choose lining

Of course, it is best to leave a bathhouse built from timber or logs as is, but if you built it from brick or other building blocks, you must make a lining. Yes and wooden walls It wouldn't hurt to protect it from dampness. Therefore, many traditionally use lining as a universal material.

Why lining - consider the advantages of such cladding

Initially, it was a cheap material that was used to cover the walls of cars, including freight cars, but over time, natural wood lining began to become decorative. Today this is already a fairly popular coating for the exterior and interior decoration of a house, and it is also perfect for residential premises, for example, attics. Lining is also used for, since it, unlike stone cladding, has better thermal insulation and, in addition, does not leave burns when the surfaces are very heated. And of course it's environmentally friendly pure material, especially if various impregnations were not applied to it.

Below you can name a few more reasons why you should choose the type of cladding in question. For example, the cost of lining can be classified as budget and average, depending on the grade. Although, for example, the Euro class has fairly high prices, which are also influenced by the brand. A significant advantage is the huge selection of different species from which such cladding is now made. That is, the walls may eventually become golden, white or even reddish in color. And, of course, the walls will “breathe”, that is, with such a coating the thermos effect will not appear.

What wood to choose - species and types of lumber

If you are planning to upholster a steam room with lining, you should pay attention to the type of wood from which it is made. The fact is that the level of humidity in the steam room is very high, and it is recommended to use materials that are resistant to constant exposure to dampness. However, we should not forget about high temperature. So, for example, coniferous varieties can withstand long-term contact with water, but after heating they begin to release resin, which can result in burns and simply discomfort. Therefore, let’s approach the choice of lining thoughtfully.

For cladding panels, pine, larch, aspen, linden, alder wood is usually used, as well as more expensive brands of cedar, ash and oak. Foreign tree species are also used, such as hemlock, which is very similar in its qualities to our domestic oak. Sauna lining is also made from hornbeam and spruce, however, the second one is not used for the steam room, only for the shower room or dressing room, like pine. We indicated the reason earlier - excess resin content in the structure of wood fibers.

Also worth noting various varieties lumber, ranging from low quality, designated by the letters of the Latin alphabet B and C, and ending with the highest quality, marked by the letter A. However, there is also the highest quality, and it is designated either by the number 0 or the word “Extra”. Separately, we can mention the “eurolining”, which differs only in a more pronounced groove and tenon. The characteristics of the materials are appropriate: low grades may contain a certain number of knots, the highest grade no more than 1-2 with a complete absence of core fibers, and Extra should be perfectly smooth, with a uniform texture.

Linden panels – natural golden wood

Perhaps this the best option, which can be selected from existing ones. This wood is very fragrant, it contains essential oils that are released for a very long time, even after ten years there will be a pleasant aroma in the steam room. Despite all the homogeneity and smoothness (after processing), the structure of linden closer to the surface has a low density. Therefore, air is retained inside the fibers, which prevents excessive heating.

One of the advantages of linden is its high resistance to dampness. Even with constant contact with moisture, the wood does not rot and retains its inherent golden color. The color is not affected by sudden changes in temperature, up to the maximum possible for a steam room. Another advantage of wood is that when linden dries out after a long stay in a humid environment, it does not crack. And, of course, it is worth noting high strength material.

Aspen - a healthy mind in the bathhouse

The properties of this wood are similar to those of linden, that is, the panels do not become scalding hot when the air is very heated, and humidity does not have any effect on the lining. And in the same way, without damage to itself, aspen dries after being saturated with moisture, without deformation or cracks. Moreover, in addition to high-quality lining, you also get a source of essential oils, which, like linden, saturate the air for many years. True, the smell will not be a relaxing honey-sweet one, but a bitter, invigorating one.

However, it should be remembered that this material is closer to the budget class, and, as a result, during its manufacture, flaws often occur on the surface of the panels. Too many knots, which occurs even on high-grade linings, can be considered defective. You may also encounter the formation of resin exits on the surface from the depths of the fiber structure; this is also considered a defect. The wood itself is extremely hard, not brittle, and after processing is very pleasant to the touch.

Alder - a rich finish for the steam room

This cladding is much more expensive than linden or aspen, for the reason that panels made from such wood have a very high quality. By processing, you can achieve ideal smoothness of surfaces and an almost glossy shine. Moreover, the longer the cladding made of such wood lasts, the more saturated its color becomes. In addition, alder has a unique aroma, slightly reminiscent of the bouquet of aged cognac.

However, what the alder lining will look like depends on the manufacturer, since even without sanding the texture of the wood is very beautiful. Moreover, which is another advantage, there are very rarely knots on the panels. However, in terms of geometry, defects often occur, that is, it is quite difficult to find absolutely even lumber. It is for this reason that this type of wood is not very popular. But if the choice is made in favor of alder, it will last for many years, and the quality of the coating will not deteriorate, despite temperature changes and constant dampness.

Larch: the durability of wood is not a myth

Panels made from this wood are very dense and therefore have considerable weight compared to the same linden tree. This increases the cost of transporting the material to some extent if the shipper charges by weight. However, wood has all the qualities for covering a steam room. This is also resistance to dampness, and moisture in the panels is almost not absorbed, which means they do not swell after prolonged contact with water. After drying, the panels do not warp or crack.

The structure of larch wood is saturated with antioxidants, thanks to which the material retains its properties for many years. However, the panels are very vulnerable to mechanical damage, as they easily split from a strong impact. This complicates processing, which in turn affects the cost of cladding, which is quite high compared to other breeds. However, larch is still quite popular because of the very beautiful pattern on the cuts of the fibers and the rich amber color.

Cedar - when finishing is really worth the cost

This type of tree does not grow everywhere; for example, in Russia, real cedar can only be found far away in Siberia. Moreover, this breed is very often confused with cedar pine, which is unsuitable for finishing a steam room due to its high resin content. But if you can find a lining made of the right wood, which can be recognized by its reddish-pink color, the steam room will look luxurious. Moreover, it will not be ostentatious status, but simply a beautiful covering. In addition to aesthetics, cedar will provide the steam room with living healing air, thanks to the emitted essential oils with bactericidal properties.

As for characteristics, cedar panels always have ideal geometry due to their plastic structure, which is easy to process. For the same reason, when assembling, the ridges of the lining fit very tightly into the grooves, as a result you get a perfectly flat surface without flaws or cracks. Cedar is very durable and lasts a long time without cracking even with frequent exposure to dampness followed by drying.

Oak - a wood that defies time

What sets this wood paneling apart from all others is the price. It is really very high, perhaps even more than the cedar one. However, cladding made from such wood has served more than one generation of bathhouse owners. The strength of oak panels is very high, they absorb moisture easily, do not crack when drying, and are difficult to damage by mechanical stress. That is, this wood will not break even under the very large weight of several people.

If we do not remember the cost, then the main disadvantage of oak lining is the difficulty of processing it, due to its high hardness. In addition, the panels themselves are quite heavy, which makes their transportation more expensive and complicates the finishing of the steam room. But in the end, the bathhouse will be very cozy: from dark ash to chocolate, with an expressive pattern on the surface.

How not to make a mistake - choosing a profile for cladding panels

Not many people know that for a steam room or even just rooms with high level Not every type of lining is suitable for humidity. There are several form factors of this material, which differ in profile contours. Moreover, among them there is also eurolining, which has a certain geometry peculiar only to it - an additional angular chamfer near the tenon, which makes the seams clearly distinguishable. There is also a separate version with a rounded chamfer, called Softline.

Many people prefer the "Calm" type lining, which has almost no chamfer near the tenon. After assembly, you get a smooth surface with almost invisible seams. Landhouse has a patterned stripe on the front surface, which is why it is quite expensive and is not very suitable for a steam room, except perhaps for decorating individual sections of the walls. The block house imitates the cylindrical surface of a log; you need to choose options with ventilation grooves at the back, since there are panels with a smooth back side. And finally, American - the illusion of overlapping planks.

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