Wood and stone in the interior: comfort and unity with nature. Natural wood in the interior: modern apartment and house design Image of wood in furniture design

Why do we all love winter chalets so much? Probably because we associate them with warmth, coziness and comfort. And it’s easy to agree with this; all you need to do is glance at external design their exteriors, in which only two materials predominate - wood and stone. These two materials give the buildings a charming, rustic look. But inside these chalets are even more charming, because they use the same two materials in their interior design - stone and wood.

A wooden ceiling with wooden beams harmonizes perfectly with the wooden floor

The second important material in interior design is stone. Typically, stone is used as a building material from which a fireplace is laid out, or stone is simply used for the external cladding of the fireplace. However, the stone can also be used for interior decoration walls, which gives the interior the appearance of a strong, solid and reliable home.

A stone fireplace in the bedroom will create a bohemian style

Feel free to use wood and stone in interior design. In our opinion, the best places For the application of these materials are the living room and bedroom. At the same time, the use of wood in the design of the ceiling will create a visual feeling of warmth.

A stone fireplace will become the main accent in the interior of any room.

Massive wooden elements will make the living room interior both cozy and modern.

Solid wooden beams can look very elegant, especially in rooms with high ceilings.

Mediterranean style living room with elegant wooden beams and arched windows

Majestic living room in the style of a hall from a knight's castle

A stone fireplace accents the interior of this living room.

Chandeliers, furniture and stone wall decoration give this living room a magnificent look

If you don’t like the rustic spirit in interior design, you can only stop at using massive ceilings wooden beams. They will add charm to any interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in combination with any interior design style. As for stone, it is recommended to use it for facing the fireplace. Such a fireplace will definitely attract the attention of all your guests, inviting them to sit nearby for a warm, friendly conversation.

We want the interior to look special, interesting, unusual, and the right combinations of patterns, textures and colors help us a lot in this. Otherwise, the space will look monotonous and boring. The same goes for the choice of materials, and if you are a devotee natural materials, then the art of correctly combining wood in the interior will be very useful. After all, monochromatic furniture and floors, which also have a similar pattern, will merge and look very pale.

In today's article you will find 15 bright ideas and tips on how to properly combine wood in the interior to create unique design premises.

Furniture and parquet - is it possible to combine different types of wood?

A monochromatic decor is not only boring, but also quite difficult to achieve. Furniture, rugs, pillows and other small accessories tend to accumulate over the years, making it difficult to match surfaces with the same textures and colors. However, this is for the best! But we will now tell you how to create a harmonious environment from different types of wood.

Pay attention to shades

Combining wood colors in the interior is quite simple, you just need to choose suitable friend to each other shades. For example, you are looking for furniture that would look good with your parquet flooring. How would you define the color of the parquet - is it more like warm or cool? Respectively, warm shades go well with warm ones and vice versa.

Warm colors of natural wood furniture

This living room combines two colors. And although the coffee table is clearly much darker than the floor, they still go well together and create pleasant atmosphere. The secret lies precisely in the fact that both the floor and the table are painted in a warm shade.

Combination by curliness

Curling is patterns on the surface of a tree that arise as a result of layering of annual rings, marks from branches, etc. So, if a piece of furniture you already have has a pronounced curl, this feature can be used to successfully combine with new pieces of furniture. This way you will emphasize the mood of the room and at the same time create an interior rich in colors, without going too far in the direction of bad taste.

Deliberate rudeness

Another option is to combine wood according to style. Let the color scheme and texture of individual furnishings be different, but they will all be made in the same style - it is this technique that will create a harmonious interior.

Separate wooden objects

Let's say a wooden dining table sits on wooden floor, in no way compatible with it. “This is a failure,” he will think experienced designer and he will be right: such a discrepancy immediately catches the eye. However, this effect can be avoided by separating the table from the floor, for example, using a carpet.

Combination of wooden furniture of different styles

As in the previous example, the designer used a rug here to separate the furniture from the floor. But there is one more catch here: the chairs are made of a different type of wood from the table and in a completely different style. The carpet saves us here too: bright pieces of fabric harmoniously combine with multi-colored upholstered chairs. The rough texture of the table matches the style of the floor and is softened by the vintage feel of the chairs and armchairs.

Avoid Chaos

Be that as it may, you need to stop in time when using wood in the interior. Choose two or three well-combined colors, a nice pattern, and stay true to your choice while furnishing the room. This way you will get a finished, cozy interior.

Wood in a modern interior

This project uses two types of wood for furniture and flooring, not similar in either color scheme, nor in terms of curliness. At the same time, the combination looks correct and harmonious. The reason for this is the fact that both the furniture and the floor are made in the same style and look very modern; In addition, the designers, by focusing on only two types of wood, avoided excessiveness.

White as an alternative

White color neutral and goes with absolutely everything. Therefore, if you are not sure how to properly combine wood in the interior, choose white as the base color.

Different types of wood for a varied interior

In the photo on the left, white is used for facades kitchen furniture, as well as for wall decoration, so that wooden floors, ceilings and furniture combine well. This is despite the fact that more than three different types of wood were used in the project.

Same color scheme

Natural wood has a number of advantages:

  • thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • practicality;
  • combination with all colors, textures and other finishing materials.

Wood in the interior goes well with stone, brick, leather, and plaster. Mirrors are acceptable, but metal inserts are undesirable.


Expensive wood on the wall in the interior is not afraid of humidity and looks luxurious, in addition, an array of species always fills the room with a pleasant aroma. Wooden panels are treated with varnish, wax and oil stains for longer service life.

A more economical finishing option is the use of lining and laminate. The panels can cover the entire wall or one wall, and can be used as decorative inserts near window sills, a TV, or a bed.

The photo shows a living room in natural shades with wood trim floor, which smoothly transitions into the wall decoration. The white color makes the interior lighter, and the wood texture adds coziness.

Placing boards horizontally on the wall (as in the photo) will make the room wider, and vertically placing them taller.


Wooden flooring is a time-tested covering that can be made of solid wood, parquet boards, cork or laminate.

Pictured in the bedroom diagonal laying laminate will help expand the space.

Wood color: red, white, gray

Wood can be not only brown and beige, but also other colors. Boards, parquet and laminate are presented in different shades, which can be used to create a certain style in a residential or office space.

  • Mahogany in the interior is suitable for creating a luxurious Empire style in the living room. Furniture can have patterns and curves, and textured walls and carpet floor will create an atmosphere of comfort and wealth. Combines with brick color (sets off wood, but does not stand out against its background), as well as with pistachio in small quantities.

  • White wood in the interior creates space and a feeling of cleanliness. Most often found in modern style and minimalism. The white floor emphasizes the brightness of the walls, wooden ceiling makes the room longer white furniture Suitable for bedroom, dining room, less often living room and kitchen.

  • Gray wood in the interior is calming and evokes a feeling of coolness. Gray laminate is well suited for the floor in the bedroom and living room. Depending on the pattern, such a floor resembles aged wood and is appropriate for retro and country. Suitable for rooms with two contrasting colors. Wenge furniture and other cool shades go well with gray finishes in a modern interior.

Combination with stone and brick

Combination with different materials in the interior: glass, stone, plastic, gives a different end result, but what is constant is that wood is a universal and popular finish.

  • Stone and wood in the interior as two natural materials complement each other. Warm and soft wood with strong stone are indispensable for creating eco, Provence and country style. Pebble mosaic and plank floor, fragments from decorative stone, parquet board and beams match perfectly and are suitable for any interior.

In the photo, a wooden wall and a wild stone fireplace are reminiscent of the origins and fill the room with coziness.

  • Brick and wood in the interior or imitation brickwork Suitable for corridor, living room, stairs. Brick can be bleached, aged, plain or of different sizes; such variations create a different image of the room. The use of wood in an interior with brick is necessary to create an unusual design country house: wooden frames and doors, stairs, partitions and redwood floors combined with antique chests of drawers.

Wood in the kitchen interior

In the interior of the kitchen it is appropriate in the form of furniture, an accent wall in the dining area.

  • It is better to choose tiles or linoleum as a floor covering.
  • Wooden dishes will create coziness and are suitable for Provence, country, and rustic styles.
  • Light ergonomic furniture, glossy surfaces and mirror inserts are suitable for a small room.
  • A beamed ceiling is suitable for creating a rustic style.
  • Deep dark shades are appropriate in a kitchen with a large window and wide space.

Neutral furniture natural colors combined with bright colors countertops, refrigerator, etc. For example, the color combination of wood and greenery looks natural and appropriate in a kitchen of any size.

In the photo the kitchen is enlarged by combining it with a balcony and correct selection colors. Wooden table and light laminate go well with white furniture. An eco wall made of boards and grass is the object of attention for all guests.

Living room decoration

Wood in the living room interior always looks very impressive and is appropriate in almost any design. If this Scandinavian style, then the use of light breeds emphasizes the connection with nature, wooden furniture pastel shades suitable for Provence. Small and simple details made of wood are appropriate in minimalism and hi-tech.

In the photo, an unusual shelf imitating a branch creates modern style living room in neutral natural shades.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in classic style, wooden panels with carvings and parquet with a small carpet are suitable for finishing.

Stumps and large saw cuts in the interior of the living room can play the role of a coffee table and become the main focus of attention of guests. From saw cuts and pebbles you can make accent wall near the TV, from processed sticks and branches - a cornice, lamp and other accessories.

The photo shows a wall made of saw cuts in the living room. Natural wood promotes relaxation; in addition, it smells pleasant and retains the aroma of essential oils for a long time.

Using wood in the bedroom

For the bedroom, it is better to choose light-colored wood and cover it with matte varnish to emphasize the naturalness of the wood.

You can choose paint and emphasize the texture, or apply it in 3 layers and cover it natural color. It is better to give preference to natural shades of beige, pistachio, mustard, and wood. But if the wood species is dark, then there is no need to paint it in light colors.

You can cover all or just one wall, floor and ceiling with wood. How much wood there can be within a bedroom depends on the size of the room and the requirements of its style.

In the photo, a simple mattress on pallets and a headboard made from saw cuts looks unusual in modern apartment. Such simplicity is combined with environmental friendliness and style at the same time.

Central lighting is acceptable, but it is better to diffuse it using several light sources. Cloth, linen, calico and knitted blankets go well with wood in the interior of the house.

The combination of eco style and hi-tech gives rise to attractive eclecticism. In the photo, birch trunks serve as a spectacular accent. It is important to remember that natural wood should be treated with oils and varnish to avoid mold.

Tree in the nursery

This material in the interior of a nursery is most appropriate from an environmental point of view. It is advisable to use wood both for decoration and decoration. If the walls do not necessarily have to be wooden, then the floor and furniture simply need to be selected from wood materials.

A light laminate floor will be decorated with a homemade hand-drawn carpet; to develop the child’s mobility, you can hang a hammock and rope ladder. For an unusual look, you can use branches in the interior to create small compositions, an organizer for jewelry, photos and notes; they can also be used to decorate wall shelves.

In the photo, the light wood in the children's interior goes well with light Roman blinds; its color can be easily changed with paint, or refreshed with varnish.

Light colors, delicate textiles, bright toys and dark floors are suitable for decorating a nursery for both girls and boys.

Bathroom decoration

Wood in the bathroom interior creates the feeling of a sauna or Russian bath. Wooden walls and a stone floor, or vice versa, create unique design. To finish the bathroom, you need to select moisture-resistant species (Brazil walnut or bamboo, as in the photo below).

The photo shows a bathroom with massive doors and hanging chains. A tree that has been cut down long ago is suitable as a material for such a table.

For a bathroom in an apartment, you can use wood-look tiles, wooden accessories and inserts.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of the use of wood in decorating rooms for various functional purposes.

If the term "reclaimed wood" conjures up images of rustic cabins and outbuildings, it's time for you to take a different look at the material. Today, designers and architects are paying more and more attention to elements made from recycled wood, wanting to add a special uniqueness. modern houses- both their external appearance and interior decoration.

Popular since the 1980s, reclaimed wood has evolved from a distressed, elegant structure to an exceptional way to express individuality. Since no two pieces of wood are the same, people who choose natural wood furniture and finishes can be confident that their home interiors will be unique.

Recycled materials are reused, which is very important for people who call caring environment one of his life principles. In fact, due to its sustainability, wood is becoming one of the most sought-after materials today.

Upscale appearance

The use of rough-hewn wood, full of spectacular natural flaws, in the exterior decoration of the house diversifies modern design, which often feels a little sterile. The warm texture of the organic material creates a sophisticated contrast with the cold shine of glass and the brutality of concrete, which are so characteristic of today's architectural images.

Wood adds character and texture to ultra-modern or transitional buildings, whether it is used as a complete structure or as a single component.

No matter what the wood used to be - a garden pallet or an element of another structure - it remains a means of expressing design ideas and represents timelessness.

Extraordinary interior

Wooden components can radically change the character interior decoration or turn into refined focal inclusions in a shell of smooth and shiny surfaces. Each of them is a fragment of a story written by nature itself, which can be woven into the design of every room of your home.

Unlike furniture and building materials mass-produced, factory-made, reclaimed wood first felled decades ago has a character of its own. The unique characteristics of such wood are even more evident in the hands of the craftsman who gives it its final form, be it a simple photo frame or a dining table.

Bathrooms according to your order

In the bathroom, pieces of wood can be used to decorate furniture or as an elegant surface for a vanity. The right combination of a bathtub in a modern design and wooden interior items will help create an incomparable spa atmosphere. Even simple wooden frame for mirrors or lamps with wood details will make your bathroom extraordinary.

Magnificent kitchens

The kitchen interior is a space of wide possibilities for using elements made from recycled wood. Once again, small objects such as lamps can enliven a monotonous design, and a large and noticeable table made of natural wood- become a cozy and stylish accent of the kitchen interior.

Many homeowners are again turning to wooden countertops, moving away from the tradition of using boring stone surfaces that now decorate most interiors. Reclaimed wood brings a sense of upscale design to a standard kitchen and provides a spectacular contrast to high-gloss and metallic components. The strength and durability of wood are also its advantages.

Stylish living rooms

Using reclaimed wood in living rooms provides the perfect opportunity to create a fantastic focal point that will capture the eye and influence the visual perception of the entire design. It is used for making unusual lamps, spectacular finishing materials And floor coverings. In any case, recycled wood will blend harmoniously with modern materials and angular outlines of furniture.

Elegant bedrooms

Unique wooden elements will elevate the design of bedrooms and children's rooms. new level. Headboard, custom dressers and cabinets made from reclaimed wood, and mosaic wall cladding featuring multiple panels different colors and textures, can become a highly aesthetic expression of the individuality of the owners.

Little fashionable details

Not ready for drastic changes and extravagant decisions? Today's abundance of products self made, which can be purchased at retail stores and on online platforms, will allow each person to select decorative elements from recycled wood and other materials.

These little things will help you test a “wooden” design to see if it suits your tastes. Try purchasing, for example, a shelving unit made from recycled wood before you decide to make a total change to your interior.

The right combination of warm, rustic style and modern aesthetics will allow you to create a unique interior that will highlight your individuality.

It is not surprising that in Lately the use of wood in the interior is becoming increasingly popular. Natural wood is natural material, which promotes an atmosphere of calm and tranquility in the home. Wood in the interior looks stylish and cozy.

1.Classic wooden window sills

From solid wood you can make not only a strong window sill, but also small table at the window, behind which it is so pleasant to sit and look out the window.

2. Mirror with wooden frame

Combined with modern design solutions, mirrors in wooden frame can add style and comfort to the interior of an apartment or country house.

3. Solid wooden structures

To create such a design, you will need to seek help from specialists.

4. Expensive wood for the sink

Wooden furniture looks stylish and quite appropriate even in the bathroom.

5. Wooden headboard

If you want to turn your bedroom into a real magical nest, then why not use wood for the headboard.

6. The more wood, the better.

The Italian-style countertop looks as if it grew out of the kitchen floor.

7. Unusual lamps

And you can make such lamps with your own hands in just a couple of hours.

8. Wooden table by the window

A colorful solution for the workplace.

9. Sink base

For the most creative people.

10. Living room shelving

Wood goes well with metal.

11. Small shelf for wine

Such a shelf not only does not take up much space, but also attracts attention.

12. Original table

What do you think of this solution for the living room?

13. The more shelves, the better.

Wood is a strong enough material that can support a TV.

14. Wood + aluminum

Not a bad option for a country house.

15. Wooden furniture

In such a living room you just want to sit on an armchair and read your favorite book with a cup of hot tea in your hands.

16. Coffee table

This table is easy to make with your own hands.

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