Houseplants: benefits and harms for humans. The benefits and harms of indoor plants

Historians believe that people began to grow indoor plants 5,000 years ago, but in our time they are no longer taken seriously, and for a long time they were perceived only as room decoration.

What are indoor flowers for? The benefits of indoor plants

Why do we need indoor flowers? Of course, flowers really create coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in a room, making the interior of the premises lively and attractive, but in last years Scientists have discovered other properties indoor plants, and these discoveries changed people's attitudes towards them. Indoor flowers are needed in every apartment not only for comfort. In the air closed premises Toxic substances accumulate for various reasons: they are released Decoration Materials, detergents, tap water, and the air coming from the street is not always clean and safe - car exhaust and cigarette smoke contain substances hazardous to health such as benzene and toluene.

Electromagnetic radiation, bacteria and dried air also do not add health to us or our skin. Indoor plants help to cope with all these problems, but not all of them, but certain types.

Houseplant chlorophytum: health benefits

If we consider indoor plants from this point of view, the most useful of them will be chlorophytum. This plant is known to everyone: long green leaves, sometimes with stripes, sometimes without; blooms with small white flowers; It reproduces very easily and is unpretentious in care - just separate the “babies” from the long stem that each adult flower shoots out, and literally stick it into the damp ground. The plant will immediately take root and begin to take root.

Chlorophytum absorbs not only toxins released synthetic materials, as well as those entering the apartment from the outside, but also kills harmful bacteria. If there are several chlorophytums in the room, you will not need to install expensive air purifiers: within a day, these plants absorb almost all the harmful bacteria in the room. It’s not for nothing that chlorophytums are never affected by pests.

The plant does not require frequent watering, but watering should be plentiful, especially in summer. Adding several tablets to a pot of chlorophytum activated carbon, you can significantly enhance its cleansing properties.

Houseplant dracaena: health benefits

If linoleum is used as flooring in the room, then get a dracaena. This plant is very beautiful and fits easily into any interior. Large specimens are usually used in offices, while small plants are suitable for apartments. Dracaena purifies the air by almost 70% of benzene emitted by linoleum, and also copes with exhaust gases entering the apartment.

Houseplants Dieffenbachia and Ficus: health benefits

Plants such as variegated dieffenbachia and ficus are also capable of purifying polluted air in the home. They should be placed on the side of the apartment whose windows face an industrial area or a busy highway. These plants love light, but they need to be positioned to avoid direct sunlight.

When watering for Dieffenbachia is insufficient, it will stretch upward and begin to shed its leaves. Ficus, on the contrary, does not like too intense watering, and can shed healthy leaves for this very reason. IN winter time It is better not to water the ficus at all - just spray the plant with a spray bottle.

However, if you decide to grow these plants at home, then do not allow children to touch Dieffenbachia: its juice is poisonous and can cause allergic reactions if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes.

Houseplant geranium: benefits and properties of geranium

Geranium has been known to us for a very long time, and many Russian classics mentioned it in their works, describing the interior old houses and apartments. This plant is widespread today due to its unpretentiousness, beautiful flowers and medicinal properties. Geranium can kill streptococci and staphylococci, and the most preferable place for it would be the bedroom, since the substances released by the plant into the environment have calming and anti-stress properties. It is best to keep geraniums on the windowsill, on sunny side, since it is light-loving, although it requires abundant watering in warm time of the year.

Houseplant laurel: beneficial properties

Very interesting plant- laurel This evergreen shrub, which can be called dwarf, and it is also capable of killing harmful bacteria and viruses. For people with diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as the heart and blood vessels, keeping this plant in their apartment is especially useful. Laurel grows well in sunny areas and can be trimmed like a regular shrub, giving the plant a rounded shape.

Houseplant cactus: benefits of cacti

One of the most common plants is the cactus. There are many types of cacti, but cacti with long needles are especially useful. Like other useful indoor plants, they have bactericidal properties, but they have another important feature.

Cacti can protect humans from harmful electromagnetic radiation by reducing indoor air ionization. That is why it is recommended to place cacti in close proximity to a TV or computer screen, but at the same time the plant must receive enough light: after all, cacti are plants of hot countries. Another common plant, Tradescantia, can reduce the influence of electromagnetic radiation.

Peperomia houseplant: health benefits

A small neat plant, peperomia, can protect us from colds and ARVI. The air in the room where this plant is located should be moderately dry, and the room itself should not be too brightly lit. Another healing property is attributed to peperomia - it helps to resist depression, emitting positive energy, creating a warm, benevolent atmosphere in the family or team.

Properties of indoor plants (flowers)

Many plants can maintain indoor air humidity, but the most common of them are: fern, cyclamen, different types violets

Supporters of esoteric teachings attribute to most indoor plants the ability to positively influence a person’s life and attitude. Thus, geraniums and begonias help develop self-confidence; violet and gloxinia improve financial situation; balsam and Chinese rose promote the development of creative abilities; palm, ficus and laurel help strengthen strong-willed qualities.

There are a great variety of indoor plants in our world, and they all have certain properties, exerting some influence on our mood, well-being and life. Therefore, when choosing indoor plants for your home or apartment, you need to not only evaluate their medicinal and beneficial features, but also rely on your intuition, as well as on the intuition of other family members.

After all, each person is individual, and what is useful for one may bring inconvenience and discomfort to another. Listen to your feelings, and you will not go wrong when choosing indoor plants.

Indoor plants in the interior of an apartment perform not only a decorative function. In addition to the fact that they ennoble the interior, make it more colorful, soft and harmonious, and fill it with a positive atmosphere, many flowers also have beneficial properties.

There may be a whole host of reasons to start floriculture in your apartment. Smog and polluted air, toxicity household chemicals etc. Moreover, everyone around unanimously says: “flowers release oxygen”! But is this really so? And are they all flowers, and is it only oxygen?

It turns out that not everything is so simple. And before you get indoor plants, you should know which of them are useful, and which and under what conditions can cause harm.

What are the benefits of home flowers?

The benefits of houseplants are assessed differently. Some flowers have healing properties and can be part of a home medicine cabinet. For example, Kalanchoe leaves and aloe have beneficial properties and are used in folk medicine. Other flowers purify the air and release beneficial phytocindes. And there are also plants (thuja, cypress, for example) that release a huge amount of volatile essential oils and phytocindes, turning the air in the apartment truly healing. also bring great benefits to their aesthetic appearance: calm, pacify and set a positive mood, thereby having a beneficial effect on nervous system.

The most useful house plants


– the flower, due to its unpretentiousness, medicinal properties and long, beautiful flowering, continues to be very popular today. Geranium is able to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Geraniol, a substance secreted by the plant, purifies the air from various bacteria and viruses. Geranium saturates the surrounding atmosphere with substances that have anti-stress effects.



Most green pets trace their origins to African and Asian exotic plants. Having fallen into the hands of European botanists and breeders, long years mutations, the plants adapted to home conditions, changed color and shape, learned to develop and bloom in our latitudes. And, despite this, they still did not cease to pose a danger to others.

List of poisonous plants



Polisciasdecorative tree, all parts of which are poisonous. Contact with juice on the skin causes irritation.

– the tuber (the underground part of the stem) is poisonous. May cause burns to eyes and skin.
– toxic substances from the plant cause disorders of the nervous system.
Alocasia– quite common home plant with large leaves. Is poisonous.
Oleander– milky juice and seeds contain dangerous poison oleanin.

On the other hand, if you follow safety precautions, these insidious flowers will not cause any harm, since they pose a danger only through direct contact - when transplanted with bare hands or eaten. Naturally, it would never occur to an adult to taste the leaves of flowers, but children and pets can do this with interest.

Plants that should be grown with care if there are children or pets in the house:




– has poisonous leaves containing the glycoside andromedotoxin.
Aloe– despite the frequency of use in folk medicine, it should be treated with caution, since an overdose leads to attacks of severe diarrhea.

Dieffenbachia – leaves contain toxic substances, cause burning of the mucous membranes of the eyes, and if ingested, cause swelling respiratory tract.

Solanaceae(pepper nightshade, browallia, false pepper nightshade, brugmansia) – the poison is contained in the fruits of plants. Causes poisoning.
– causes a strong burning sensation on the mucous membranes, has poisonous leaves.
, croton– toxic substances in the juice of the leaves cause a burning sensation.
– poisonous juice is released when the leaves are cut. But, despite this, scratches from these plants are not dangerous, since their spines do not contain juice.


Many house flowers can cause allergy attacks. It’s one thing to encounter hay fever (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) once a flowering season, but it’s another thing to, I don’t know, arrange it for yourself all year round. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to donate blood for allergens before starting floriculture. Thus, rhododendron flowers and pollen can cause severe allergies even in those people who have never suffered from it before. Flowers such as hydrangea and Kalmia latifolia can also cause allergic manifestations.

Any flower can cause individual pathological manifestations, even the most harmless one at first glance.

Some plants have a very strong aroma that causes headaches and even chronic insomnia. For example, orchids, ferns and lilies should be kept away from your sleeping place. In addition to their strong aroma, at night they release a lot of carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen. Fragrant tuberoses should not be kept by people suffering from hypertension and heart disease.

The reasons for the manifestation of allergy symptoms may lie not only in the flower, but also in the soil. IN soil mixture Various fungi often appear, causing allergic cough, rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

When choosing plants for the interior of your apartment, you should be guided by common sense and find out a little more information about the flowers that you are going to grow in your home. It is not always worth neglecting insidious plants; compliance with certain safety rules will allow you to admire their decorative advantages.

Marina Kurochkina 09/22/2015

Indoor plants are found in almost every apartment, in every house; they not only purify the air and saturate it with oxygen, they decorate the interior, making the home atmosphere much more comfortable and nicer. Moreover, there are plants whose benefits are special, and for a favorable atmosphere in the house you should definitely put a couple of flowerpots on the windowsill.

What are the benefits of indoor plants?

The benefits of indoor plants can be assessed in different ways. Some plants have powerful healing properties and can easily replace home first aid kit(such as aloe. The beneficial properties of aloe allow its leaves to be used in the treatment of many diseases). Other plants release beneficial phytoncides, purify the air of impurities and heavy metals (for example, geranium, chlorophytum, myrtle, asparagus, etc.). Some plants are capable of releasing such amounts of phytoncides and essential substances that the air in the apartment becomes truly healing (cypress, thuja, cryptomeria). The benefit of the next category is in their beautiful and original appearance, which decorates the interior.

When you consider that many types of plants are edible and can be grown in pots on the windowsill, their benefits become even more obvious. Such plants include: parsley, dill, cilantro, onion, garlic, mint, lemon balm, basil, tarragon, rosemary, etc. the presence of flowerpots with these herbs will not only saturate the apartment with fragrance, but will also expand the range of culinary dishes that you prepare .

Useful indoor plants:

Asparagus, white-spotted begonia and monstera - reduce the concentration of heavy metal salts and harmful microorganisms in the air.

Geranium. The beneficial properties of geranium have been known since ancient times; this plant has unique properties to destroy bacteria and viruses (streptococci, staphylococci) in the air. In addition, geranium releases substances into the air that have anti-stress activity. In the summer, the plant will protect the room from mosquitoes, midges and flies.

Dracaena – unpretentious plant, which will take root in any apartment, releases phytoncides that kill many pathogenic bacteria.

Cacti are excellent protectors from electromagnetic radiation, so most often cacti are placed next to working equipment (TV, computer monitor).

Chlorophytum - is capable of purifying the air from many toxic substances that emit pieces of furniture made from chipboard and some polymers (benzene, xylene, toluene, ethylbenzene, formaldehyde, etc.), an excellent place for chlorophytum is the kitchen, more than two thirds carbon monoxide, which is released during the combustion of gas, will be absorbed by this plant.

Spathiphyllum, ivy, ficus benjamina - remove phenol and formaldehyde particles from the air.

Properties of indoor plants:

  • Melissa, monstera, lavender, geranium, basil, jasmine relieve tension and help normalize sleep - these plants can be safely placed in the bedroom.
  • Lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, sage, cinnamon disinfect the air,
  • Lemon, bergamot, thyme, rosemary, mint, basil improve memory and tone.
  • For respiratory diseases, it is useful to inhale the phytoncides released by rosemary.
  • Kills viruses and bacteria - laurel, geranium, peperomia, cypress.
  • Many plants are considered energy purifiers, for example, nephrolepis, pelargonium, ivy, and passionflower improve the energy in the house. It is believed that if you plant an avocado seed, love will come to your home.

Harmful and dangerous indoor plants

Most houseplants are beneficial, but there are a number of plants that are dangerous to keep indoors, especially if you have children or pets. For example, plants of the euphorbia family - their leaves contain toxic milky sap that causes severe poisoning.

The leaves of plants such as monstera, dieffenbachia, anthurium, and syngonium are also poisonous.


As you know, plants produce oxygen. And in modern megacities it is sorely lacking. Maybe it was this moment that became the reason for many people to become interested in indoor floriculture. But are indoor plants the only benefit in the form of oxygen released? Is there any harm at all from them, and if so, what kind?

Not everyone knows that almost all indoor plants grown in apartments nowadays came to us from African and Asian countries. They gradually adapted to our latitudes and our apartments, learned to bloom, bear fruit, and changed shape. But in essence they remained exotic plants.

Moreover, few people know that the more exotic a houseplant is in origin, the more poisonous and dangerous it is. The most outlandish plants are rare guests in stores and on our windowsills. But nevertheless, it is still worth carrying out an inspection.

Dangerous plants

Check out the list of harmful poisonous plants that cannot be grown in apartments.

  • Alocasia, or Arma. Unfortunately, a widespread, very poisonous plant.
  • Arizema. It has an underground stem-tuber, from which one large leaf and peduncle develops. The juice of the tuber stem causes a skin burn and is very dangerous for our eyes.
  • Poliscias. Looks like a small tree. The sap of the plant causes skin irritation.
  • Fatsia. A shrub or tree with shiny green leaves. Negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system.

All of these plants are dangerous when transplanted or eaten. But adults wouldn’t even think of eating them, but children or animals could.

Less dangerous plants

Now check out those plants that you can grow at home, but with caution.

  • Aloe. Widely known, loved by all medicinal plant, often used in medicinal purposes. Aloe becomes dangerous when the dose is exceeded - it causes severe diarrhea.
  • Dieffenbachia. The leaves of this plant have a poisonous acid, which, when it comes into contact with the lips, causes a burning sensation and irritation. If the acidic juice of Dieffenbachia gets into the mouth, breathing is blocked, and if it gets into the eyes, the mucous membrane of the eyes becomes irritated and inflamed.
  • Monstera. Monstera leaves are also poisonous; monstera juice causes severe burning of the mucous membranes.
  • Azalea. Also has poisonous leaves.
  • In addition to the above, you need to be very careful when growing decorative pepper, spurge, anthurium, asparagus.

Benefits of plants

You will laugh, but the same plants that have poisonous properties, bring specific benefits. For example, monstera and anthurium improve water and gas exchange in the room. Almost all indoor plants, both dangerous and non-dangerous, are beneficial. Aloe, myrtle, rosemary, and myrrh kill harmful microbes that are abundant in the air. Asparagus is able to absorb heavy metal particles. Geranium is a wonderful flower; it purifies and deodorizes the air in the room, helps with earaches and headaches.


The benefits and harms of home flowers

Houseplants can not only refresh the appearance of an apartment, add color to the interior, and create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. But also to help maintain health and well-being. Here are a few types of indoor plants that you should have at home.


This unpretentious plant is considered a record holder for its beneficial properties. Chlorophytum can be found in almost any room; it has long narrow green leaves, sometimes with white longitudinal stripes that hang loosely down the stem, and blooms with small white flowers.

The plant is capable of absorbing various toxins, harmful substances released by thermal insulation and other synthetic materials. Chlorophytum perfectly purifies the air from microorganisms that spread diseases, bacteria, bad smells. Experts note that if there are several such plants in a room, they can easily replace a standard air purifier in terms of their effectiveness.

Another advantage of chlorophytum is that it does not require special care and is extremely rarely affected by pests. You just need to water the plant on time (especially in summer or if the room is hot) and make sure that the leaves do not dry out.

Ficus, Dieffenbachia (spotted)

These plants are especially good at filtering room air, purifying it from various industrial toxins and pollutants, and absorbing and binding harmful substances (benzene, phenol, trichlorethylene). Therefore, they are grown on window sills on the side where major highways, highways, enterprises or boiler houses are located nearby.

Ficus – a small tree with leaves different shapes and color (depending on the species, but most often dark green). Ficus loves light and tolerates room temperature well. The plant also represents family well-being and happiness.

Dieffenbachia - a poisonous plant. Dieffenbachia juice can cause various allergic reactions, so it is worth protecting it from children. Externally, it is easily recognized by its spotted, wide leaves. Dieffenbachia also requires a lot of light, but unlike ficus, it needs to be watered quite abundantly and often.


Geranium (or pelargonium) is a well-known houseplant, among whose beneficial properties the ability to purify the air from harmful bacteria, streptococci, and staphylococci is especially noteworthy. In addition, this plant helps to cope with fatigue and overwork after a long day, and has a relaxing effect on a person. Ideal place there will be a bedroom or nursery for her in the house.

It is not difficult to care for geraniums; with proper care, they can bloom all year round with large, bright inflorescences. Geranium loves a lot of light and moisture, especially when it's hot outside. Geranium also repels various pests of indoor plants; if you place it on the windowsill with other flowers, you will reliably protect them from aphids.


Good news for all lovers of these thorny houseplants. In addition to their memorable appearance, cacti are able to reduce the level of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from various electrical appliances, ionize the air in the room and have bactericidal properties. Cacti with long needles are especially “useful”.

Place plants so that they have enough light and warmth. You need to water the cactus carefully; under no circumstances should you overwater the plants, as mold may appear on it. In winter, it is better to stop watering altogether until the first days of spring.


Laurel represents small bush. Wreaths made from its branches have been considered a symbol of victory since ancient times. Bay leaves are known for their wide use in cooking. And the main beneficial properties of the plant itself are the ability to absorb viruses and harmful microorganisms that are in the air of the apartment.

Laurel is an evergreen plant, one of the most popular in the world for growing at home. It does not require particularly careful care, but it needs to be periodically sprayed and the crown trimmed, giving it a variety of shapes.


Dracaena is easy to recognize by its appearance. The plant stands out for its pointed, long leaves, which seem to shoot out of the stem, forming a funny bunch. It’s not for nothing that Africa is considered the birthplace of dracaena. But despite its exotic appearance, the plant fits perfectly into both home and office environments.

Dracaena should definitely be grown in rooms where linoleum or other material is laid on the floor. synthetic surface, since it absorbs harmful fumes well, as well as exhaust gases from vehicles.

Dracaena - light-loving and moisture-loving plant. Caring for her usually does not cause much trouble.


Peperomia is a protector against colds and ARVI that lives at home. The neat shrub does not like a lot of light and moisture, so it is better to place it in shaded rooms. In addition to its antibacterial properties, peperomia helps cope with stress, improves mood and relaxes.


Indoor flowers add color to our lives, create mood and home comfort. They can bring great benefits to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm you up in the cold and are simply pleasing to the eye.

Beneficial properties of house plants

Here are the main ones:

  • Carbon dioxide accumulates in poorly ventilated rooms. Flowers absorb it and saturate the air with oxygen.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, indoor air becomes dry due to the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation that is created household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person’s well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. City air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, and heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with the help of their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Popular beliefs give indoor flowers the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: choose for yourself and your loved ones


This is a well-known home healer. It will help with colds, inflammation, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum inflammation and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep in the house. This is a bushy plant with thin and bendable leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air of those present in it harmful substances. Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and make tea with them.


Many people’s favorite plant will fit perfectly into the kitchen interior and will not take up much space. Violet will clean and humidify the air from carbon monoxide. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. It is believed that white flowers help get rid of sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They give peace of mind and stimulate spiritual growth and strengthen character. Flowers of red and Pink colour They lift your spirits and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It does an excellent job of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, purify the air from unpleasant odors. It improves family relationships, calms and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful vine, for example, scindapsus, looks good in a hanging pot. It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish spots. It is unpretentious and perfectly purifies the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

It is a climbing flower with hard, oval-shaped leaves. It has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleans the air from germs.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties. It repels moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights pathogenic bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The aroma of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, they believe that one of the household members may get sick.


This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called money tree. Crassula has small dark green leaves that are arranged symmetrically on the branches. They look like little coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is capable of attracting material wealth into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue)

Quite a tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They come in one color and are dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptic, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine. Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant can also stop bleeding.


This bushy plant is purple in color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. The branches of the flower can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition and sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who want to meet their soulmate and attract attention.

Cactus (Echinopsis)

It has a spherical, slightly elongated shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of the cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a furry soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud will then open with wonderful aroma. It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near the TV or computer and in other places with dangerous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. A tree can be grown from a lemon or tangerine seed. Leaves, just like fruits, are capable of exerting useful action. Plants emit essential oils, which help calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are perfect for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that make breathing easier and relieve bronchospasms. It is very useful for people suffering from asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds as it is a symbol of long and happy times. family relations. It needs to be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and take away its well-being.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with the freshness of a coniferous forest. This miniature tree pyramidal in shape with soft needles. The plant perfectly purifies the air.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and saves the relationship of the married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relationships if husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to place red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony into the life of a married couple and mutual feelings. Anthurium has glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. According to legend, this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, desire for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single flowers of a curled form. It protects the home and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia will help refresh your relationship. Its inflorescences look like peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


It has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home healer. The flower heals cuts, treats colds, regenerates skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


An indoor plant with dark matte leaves with white inclusions. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies; their shade can vary. Most often, one shade smoothly transitions into another. Flowers have strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower purifies the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs indicate that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!

Houseplants can be seen in almost every modern apartment. Beautiful flowers in pots are good in many ways: they decorate and complement the interior, positive influence on the human aura, effectively purify the surrounding air.

But it is important to remember that not all plants are beneficial; some of them have a very adverse effect on humans. Indoor flower plants are beautiful and cute, but are they necessary in the home?

A little history

If you are wondering about the benefits and necessity of indoor plants, then you need to delve into history. Scientific facts It has been proven that plants appeared on earth long before the existence of humans. We can say that they were the discoverers of life on our Earth. Life is not possible without flowers, trees and shrubs. A little later, animals and humans appeared. From all of the above it follows that a person not only can live among plants, he simply must be close to them.

Some studies have shown that plants differ very little from humans; among the properties of flowers there is the ability to hear, breathe, see, feel touch, distinguish taste and smell.

Indoor flowers provide a great opportunity for people to communicate with wildlife throughout the year. Indoor flowers have healing properties, they protect a person from negative influences environment, external manifestations of modernity (gas pollution, dust, noise), from the influence of radiation.

Any indoor flower creates a unique biofield around itself, which is capable of influencing everyone around it in a certain way.

A person who cares for indoor plants feels a connection with them, he senses when the flowers need additional care and when it is necessary to give them rest. The same applies to flower plants, they are capable of unbalancing a person (poisonous crops) or having a beneficial effect on emotions and the psyche.

Why in modern world use indoor plants? They perfectly refresh the interior of the house, create comfort and have a beneficial effect on a person’s mood. But besides this, the benefits of indoor plants lie in other properties:

  • flower plants eliminate the influence of harmful and toxic substances accumulated in the air;
  • harmful substances are present in every home, they are contained in detergents, tap water, in finishing materials;
  • plants save people from negative impact electromagnetic radiation;
  • flowers purify the air from harmful bacteria living in the air.

To find out everything about indoor flowers, you need to study the positive and negative properties of each of them:

  1. Dracaena. A flower is necessary in those homes where floor covering is linoleum. Dracaena purifies the air from benzene vapors, which are released by linoleum.
  2. Chlorophytum - absorbs harmful toxins, kills pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Ficus and Dieffenbachia - purify polluted air. Dieffenbachia requires careful handling, despite the benefits, this flower is poisonous; the juice of the leaves contains toxic substances that can cause allergies or burns in humans.
  4. Geranium. Unique plant has medicinal properties. In the piggy bank folk recipes geranium is used as a tonic, anti-inflammatory and soothing medicinal plant. Geranium has magical properties, it is believed that this flower brings prosperity and well-being to the home.
  5. Cacti are unique for their bactericidal properties. They protect a person from harmful electromagnetic radiation, so it is advisable to place them near televisions, computers and other household appliances. Tradescantia has similar properties.
  6. Laurel can be called a natural healer; it destroys bacteria and harmful microorganisms in the air, kills viruses and infections. It is recommended for people suffering from heart and stomach diseases to grow laurel at home.
  7. To see indoor flowers various types and to appreciate the beneficial properties of each of them, you need to refer to the catalog of flower plants.
  8. What flowers should not be kept in the house?
  9. In addition to their benefits, some flowers can have an adverse effect on humans and the atmosphere in the house. Catalog indoor flowers contains a set of flower crops that are not advisable to keep at home.
  10. Ivy has a destructive effect on the plants around it.
  11. Monstera, azalea, spurge, hydrangea, clivia - poisonous plants, the juice of which can cause burns to the mucous membranes and internal poisoning.

You can learn everything about indoor flowers from the individual description of a particular plant.

All indoor plants and flowers need quality care, only in this case they are able to provide maximum benefit for a person and for his home.

The life and longevity of each flower depends only on the person. There are several basic rules for proper care for flower crops:

  • create the necessary temperature regime for the plant;
  • provide the flowers with an appropriate light regime (some flowers are shade-loving, while others, on the contrary, require constant lighting);
  • create indoor flowers recommended watering (in this case, crops differ in watering requirements, for example, cacti do not require abundant watering, but chlorophytum needs constant moisture);
  • regularly humidify the indoor air;
  • timely fertilize root system flowers in the form of mineral fertilizers;
  • provide plants with the necessary rest;
  • provide access fresh air to indoor plants;
  • Regularly care for the appearance of flowers (wipe dust from leaves, prune, eliminate diseased parts of plants, etc.).

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