Growing balsam. Impatiens: cultivation and care - video

Every gardener wants the flowerbed in front of his house to be the most beautiful. Growing garden balsam from seeds and then planting it in the soil will help make the flower bed elegant and unique.

General information

Garden balsam is a tropical African plant, which in our time has spread widely throughout the world. IN different countries The flower is grown everywhere because it blooms for a very long time and does not require scrupulous care.

When boxes with many seeds appear in place of bright buds, you need to treat the sensitive plant with care. The slightest touch to it leads to the opening of the box and the spread of seeds throughout the garden.

Garden balsam has more than one hundred species. Among them there are not only annuals, but also perennials.

This small shrub can be grown in different conditions:

  • in open ground;
  • in pots on the terrace;
  • on the balcony and on the windowsill.

The flower adapts well and grows quickly. The shoots reach 0.5 m, and long cuttings with oval-shaped green leaves extend from them. Impatiens produce many velvety-looking buds, which are most often yellow, red or white. Due to the fact that small particles of moisture accumulate on the flowers, the plant is popularly called Vanka wet.

Balsam propagation

Growing strong seedlings from seeds at home is within the capabilities of the most inexperienced novice gardeners. Best time for sowing - last month winter, but you can do this a little later, in March.

Prepare in advance low, about 7 cm in diameter, pots for seedlings. Buy soil intended for flowering plants or prepare a mixture for planting at home.

  1. Mix peat and sand in equal proportions, pour into pots and moisten.
  2. Make a light pink manganese solution and soak the seeds in it for 15 minutes.
  3. After draining the rose water, deepen the seeds 2 mm into the ground and cover the pot with a glass jar.

In order for shoots to sprout from seeds, you need to maintain the temperature in the room at about 20 °C and systematically water the soil. Remember to periodically lift the jar to air it out.

The sprouts begin to hatch 2-3 weeks after planting. When 3 leaves form on them, each seedling is transferred to a separate pot and continues to be watered regularly. The top of a grown plant is pinched so that the adult bush becomes fluffy.

After the night frosts stop, the seedlings grown from the seeds are removed from the pots along with the soil and the tips of the roots are pinched. Small holes are dug in open ground, compost is placed there, seedlings are planted, watered and covered tightly with soil.

Growing a flower from seeds at home can be done in another way. You will need natural white fabric. Wrap the prepared seeds in it, place it on a wide flat tray, moisten it with water and constantly moisten it until you notice small sprouts inside the cloth. They appear in 4-5 days and can be planted straight into pots.

Many summer residents successfully grow garden balsam by sowing seeds directly into the soil. This should be done in mid-April. On personal plot They make a bed, water it and place the seeds at a distance of 25 cm from each other. The top of the flowerbed is covered with polyethylene. If the outside temperature rises to 24-26°C, the film is removed. Shoots from seeds appear after 3 weeks.

Sometimes plants are grown at home using cuttings.

  1. Shoots 7 cm in size are cut off from a shrub that has overwintered on a windowsill.
  2. Tear off the lower leaves and plant them in fertile soil.
  3. Water, thoroughly compact the soil and cover with a transparent plastic glass to create a greenhouse effect.

In a week, the shoot will have roots and will fully take root in the soil.

Balsam care

In order for garden balsam to develop well, the soil must be soft and have low acidity. Perfect option- this is soil consisting of equal parts of humus, turf, compost and perlite. Before planting seedlings or seeds, it is advisable to treat it with a fungicide.

Growing a flower will be successful if you position the bed correctly. Garden balsam loves warmth and light, but does not tolerate the scorching rays of the sun. From them he begins to dry out and wither. Therefore, seedlings can be planted along the fence or next to small trees. Diffused light will be enough for flowering and growth.

Impatiens need moist soil, but it should not be over-filled with water to avoid flowers falling off and roots rotting. In hot weather, watering should be done early in the morning or in the evenings 2 times a week. If the soil begins to dry out earlier, the amount of watering needs to be increased. Spray the leaves with water periodically. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, and the flower will delight you with a huge number of buds.

Growing balsam includes regular weeding of the bed. Loose soil enriched with oxygen, which greatly increases the flowering time of the bush.

Feeding and fertilizers

3 weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden bed, you need to start fertilizing the soil. This is done throughout the growing season.

The fertilizer must be saturated with phosphorus and potassium. Avoid nitrogen-containing compounds. They cause the flower to quickly grow shoots and leaves, but the number of buds is greatly reduced.

Successful cultivation of balsam at home is guaranteed by Fertika Lux fertilizer. Its small mineral crystals are excellent for feeding flowering plants in pots and in open ground.

The substance increases the number of flowers on the bush, makes them brighter and makes them bloom longer. “Fertika Lux” is available in sachets of 20 and 100 g. According to the instructions, you need to dilute 20 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and water each bush early in the morning. To feed balsam, it is recommended to reduce the dose by half and use 10 g of the product. This is necessary so as not to burn tender plants.

You can also use liquid fertilizer "Merry Flower Girl", intended for begonias and violets. It contains important microelements:

  • magnesium and calcium;
  • boron and iron;
  • manganese and molybdenum;
  • copper, zinc and cobalt.

They provide complete nutrition to balsam. For root feeding, you need to dilute 2 caps of the product in 10 liters of water and water the plants with it.

Diseases and pests

Most flower diseases occur from excessive watering. Waterlogged soil leads to the formation of gray rot and other fungal infections. From them, the flower quickly fades and loses its leaves. If you notice these signs, stop flooding the plant. Wait until the soil is completely dry, fluff the soil well and water it with a small amount of water.

Sometimes garden balsam is affected by spider mites. small insect lives on inside leaves and contributes to the appearance of dry light spots on them.

  1. To get rid of the pest, remove all affected leaves.
  2. Dilute a large spoonful of soap shavings in 1 liter of water, soak a cloth in it and wipe the green shoots.

If spider mites have severely affected the flowers, treat the flowerbed with special preparations. For example, “Akarin”, “Molniya” or “Fitoverm”.

In open ground, the plant is often attacked by whiteflies. Its larvae accumulate on the leaves and secrete a sticky liquid. The pest can be destroyed at home with Karbofos or Iskra.

Multi-clawed mites are microscopic insects. When they settle on balsam, they cause the leaves on it to stop growing, curl into a tube and harden. The diseased flower is treated with “Akarin” or “Lightning”.

If balsam becomes infected with thrips, its leaves become distorted and spots appear on them. It is urgent to remove the deformed leaves and spray the plant with Aktara or Fufanon.

Pest control medications should be used according to instructions and treated 2-3 times with an interval of 5 days.

What to do in the fall?

At proper care Balsam blooms profusely throughout the summer and early fall. When it gets cold outside, capsule-like fruits full of seeds appear in place of the buds. They need to be collected, dried and placed in a cloth bag. They will be needed in the spring for growing new seedlings at home.

Impatiens growing in the garden - annual plant, so in October it needs to be removed from the flowerbed and the soil thoroughly loosened.

As you can see, with proper care, growing garden balsam from seeds is not difficult. That is why the plant is widely used in landscape design. It makes an excellent decor for flower beds and borders.

Impatiens can be combined with other colors. The bed where Vanka is wet is planted together with violets or begonias looks stylish and unusual.

Balsam (IMPATIENS) — ornamental plant, also known as “touch-me-not” and “Vanka wet.” Florists know over 600 plant species. It blooms with white, pink, red flowers, up to 5 centimeters in diameter. The structure of the flowers is double or semi-double. There are also multi-colored balsam, the cultivation of which from seeds does not seem particularly difficult, both for professionals and for beginners in floriculture. The flower is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Lush and beautiful plant does not leave a single person indifferent. It deserves only the most positive reviews from everyone who has at least once encountered the process of growing a flower.

In addition, various legends, signs and superstitions are associated with the plant. According to one legend, balsam is a lantern turned into a flower, which was lit by the bride in anticipation of her groom, who had gone to war. The groom did not return, but his beloved did not lose hope and did not extinguish the lantern all her life. After her death, he turned into a delightful flower, providing positive influence on people's thoughts and feelings.

Selection of seed

Wet Vanka flower is an unpretentious plant, the seeds of which remain suitable for sowing for 7-8 years after collection. Naturally, what to get large quantity sprouts can only be obtained from freshly harvested seeds, therefore when purchasing seed material Special attention should be referred to the date of collection. There are many varieties of balsam, some types of plants are annual, others are perennial. Detailed information about the number of years during which the impatiens will delight the garden plot is available on the packaging.

Annual plants are most suitable for planting in pots and placing them on the balcony; perennials can easily take root in the garden. A common belief is that balsam is indoor flower, is fundamentally wrong.

The best seeds are produced exclusively large companies. The reliability of the manufacturer is the key to obtaining exactly the plant indicated on the package. The quality of seeds sold on the market secondhand is in most cases questionable.

So, the main thing you should pay attention to when planning to grow balsam from seeds at home is:

  • time of seed collection;
  • annual or perennial plants are offered for sale;
  • a mixture, or one variety is in a bag;
  • the name of the brand that sells seeds.

Balsam seeds

If desired, you can obtain balsam seeds yourself. To do this, it is necessary to artificially pollinate an adult plant during the flowering period. This should be done with caution, using a soft brush and gloves. Pollen is taken from flowering buds and carried to the pistils. Upon completion of flowering, fruits are formed, during the ripening process of which translucent boxes with seeds are formed. The seeds are collected in such a way that the capsules remain intact. The seeds are very small, similar to dust, and when the shell breaks, the capsules scatter instantly. The collected seed should be sent for drying and then stored in a paper bag.


It is best to collect seeds in the morning. The dew-covered fruit becomes wet and slippery, and the chance of crushing the dry capsule with your hands decreases.

You can grow any variety of balsam from seeds.

Basic landing rules

Balsam seeds (vanka wet) are planted in mid-March. Before planting, the seeds should be left for 10 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, then soaked in warm water for 24 hours.

To plant the plant, loose, slightly acidic soil is required. To prepare such soil, you need peat, vermiculite, leaf soil, and river sand. Ready soil mixture sold in stores. Before using it, you need to add some sand to the pot. Sand is necessary for quick removal excess moisture from the soil. Otherwise, the roots of young plants may rot.

The height of the seedling pot should not exceed 7 centimeters. Its bottom must be covered with a layer of expanded clay, at least 2 centimeters thick. Expanded clay will prevent water retention in the soil layer and will serve as another guarantee of the safety of the root system.

Before planting the seeds, the pot is filled with soil previously soaked in Fitosporin solution. Preliminary processing significantly improves soil microflora and protects the plant from certain diseases.


The planted seeds are scattered over the soil layer. It is not advisable to cover them with soil, as this will deprive the seedlings of the sunlight they need.

The seeds should be at an equal distance from each other. To ensure contact with the ground, they are lightly pressed into the soil and sprayed with water. A pot of seeds is placed in plastic bag, filled with air, and placed on the windowsill. You should avoid exposing it to direct sunlight and raising the room temperature above 25 and below 22 degrees.

Seedling care

The first shoots will appear by the end of the 3rd week. During this time, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the artificial greenhouse by opening the bag and spraying the seeds with water from a spray bottle. In the absence of natural light sources, the plant should be illuminated with a special lamp.

After emergence, the roots of the plant must be sprinkled with a small amount of soil, the bag removed and the seedlings planted in different containers. At the same time, it is necessary to change the plant’s watering system. It is best to place the pots on trays and fill them with water daily. For planting young plants, it is best to use plastic cups with drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay at the bottom. Caring for balsam at home is very simple.


Lack of light can lead to unnatural elongation of young shoots. To prevent this, during the picking process the lower parts of long stems are buried deeper. The plant should be picked immediately after shoots appear.

At home, balsam develops quickly, the plants begin to branch and soon turn into small fluffy bushes. It is better to pinch the upper part of young plants with special scissors. In this case, the shape of an adult plant will be more accurate.

Hardening and transplanting

From the beginning of May, containers with plants can be taken outside. This is done so that young balsams get used to temperature changes and are not afraid of possible cold snaps. Plants are taken out only for the day; at night the seedlings should be taken back into the room. Such hardening lasts at least 2 weeks. If the weather becomes cold outside, the duration of the hardening period increases.

Around the end of May, plants planted in March can be transplanted into permanent pots, or open ground.

Balsam (wet vanilla) does not tolerate low temperatures. A temperature drop below 5 degrees Celsius is a cause for alarm. For irrigation, use warm, settled water. The plant can be replanted in open ground only after the air temperature rises to 20 degrees. New Guinea balsam deserves special attention.

Seedlings must be planted at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. Balsam loves diffused light; it is not advisable to plant it in the shade. The plant is unpretentious to the soil layer, but feels best on chernozem, well-fertilized soils. Immediately after transplantation, young plants should be watered and fed abundantly. Impatiens need to be sprayed periodically. The effect of moisture on the plant gives a positive result even when the flower is sick.

After transplantation, attention must be paid to pest control. Impatiens is susceptible to spider mite, aphids and whiteflies. Diseased plants are best removed.

Balsam feeding begins in early spring and ends in August. The benefits of feeding to achieve lush flowering undeniable.

The pot for balsam should be small. The roots of the flower must completely fill the entire container provided to them. Otherwise, it simply will not bloom.


When there is a shortage on sale the right variety Balsam seeds can be obtained independently by cuttings. At the beginning of June, pots with young plants are removed to a shaded place. Elongated branches are cut off, placed in a container with water or wet sand, and covered with film. After 7-8 days, the first roots should appear. Branches with roots are planted in separate pots, regularly watered and sprayed. There is nothing easier than growing balsam from cuttings.

Cuttings, as a method of propagating balsam, can be used at any time of the year. Plants take root best in spring, summer and autumn, but in a greenhouse, winter propagation is also possible.


As a houseplant, impatiens have been grown for many years. People have received dwarf, sultana-shaped, orchid and small-flowered varieties of this plant.

The most popular are:

  • terry balsam Athena aphrodite;
  • camellia balsam, the photo of which is presented below;
  • terry balsam Athena Artemis;
  • impreza cherry splash balsam;
  • balsam impreza punch;
  • balsam extreme white;
  • wallera athena.

New Guinea balsam

New Guinea balsam Divine deserves special attention in terms of ease of propagation by seeds. The plant has abundant flowering and is grown indoors. greenhouse conditions, on either garden plot. Blooms in summer, the colors of the flowers are bright.

Waller's balsam

Among amateurs hanging plants, there are many fans of Valera Atena Appleblossom balsam. This variety of balsam blooms most of the summer, tolerates heat well, the diameter of the flowers reaches 5 centimeters, the flowers themselves are two-colored. Interior flower - pink, outer - white. In terms of its popularity, this variety of balsam often competes with such a plant as New Guinea balsam. The flower has a compact, strong stem, fleshy, elongated leaves and large inflorescences. It should be cared for in the same way as other varieties. The only difference is the plant’s increased love for light.

Balsam Tom Samb Salmon

Some hybrid varieties of balsam, such as Balsam Salmon, are also characterized by abundant flowering. The flowers are double, pleasant to the touch, their colors are ambiguous, there are plants in which more than 2 shades are mixed.

Waller's balsam

No less beautiful and unpretentious plant Waller's balsams are also considered, photos of which are available below. Waller's balsam is a temptation of light pink shades and an orange misunderstanding at the same time. Growing garden balsam of this variety from seeds is quite difficult, but still quite possible. In warm climates, the plant is cultivated as a perennial; in cool climates, exclusively as an annual.

Note! While searching for new varieties of plants on the Internet, you can come across such a phrase as “impalers in Dankov”. It has nothing to do with flowers, but will be of interest to those who are fans of small cozy restaurants, stylized as historical antiquities.

Balsam is a garden perennial flower, representing flowering plant, tolerates shade well. Balsam has a succulent straight stem that grows up to 50 cm, oval leaves up to 12 cm in length. Balsam is perfect for creating beauty in the shade of the garden. You can grow a flower either in a flower garden on your property or on a windowsill at home. The vast majority of balsams love to be in summer time on outdoors, with the onset of winter they need to be transplanted into pots and brought indoors.

Planting garden balsam in open ground

You can plant a flower in the garden with the final onset of warmth. If frost returns after moving the plants outside, there is a high probability that they will die. Planting is carried out mainly by seeds, although if you don’t want to wait, you can buy mature flowers.

For planting, dig holes in advance and add compost and fertilizer to them. So that the seedlings can be easily removed from the pots, they are pre-watered. The flower must be planted at the same depth at which it grew in the pot, the remaining space must be filled with substrate and crushed well. In order for the flower to take root, it needs to be well watered and the soil loosened.

Lighting and temperature

Balsam requires indirect Sun rays, during especially hot sunny days, the flower must be shaded. If it is exposed to direct bright rays for a long time, the moisture will evaporate from the plant, it will exude bad smell and will wither. Impatiens are best planted in western or east side plot. In the summer, when the flower grows outside, optimal temperature for it it will be about 21°C; in winter, when the flower is moved indoors, the temperature should not fall below 13°C.

What should the soil be like?

Impatiens, especially if grown indoors, need light, loose, moderately nutritious soil. An excess of nutrients in the soil will lead to increased growth of green mass, which has a bad effect on flowering. Very loose soil will also not be beneficial; the flower will not be able to firmly establish itself in it. Slightly acidic soil is best. Compost, humus, perlite and turf soil can be added to the composition of such soil in equal parts. You can also mix sand and peat with two parts of leaf soil, this will be an adequate replacement.

How to plant a flower

Impatiens is a garden flower, and it needs proper care. In summer, balsam can be planted in open soil. Planting should be done no earlier than mid-June, otherwise the not yet acclimatized plant will simply die.

Important! The planting site should be semi-shaded.

Indoor plant adapts well to new conditions and blooms well, starting in June and ending in September. In autumn, the flower needs to be dug up and prepared apical cuttings for rooting.

IN winter time balsam is necessary additional lighting, because it has no rest period. If you take good care of it, the plant will delight you with its flowering.

Did you know? There are certain types of impatiens that bloom only in the summer.

There are two ways to grow balsam:

  1. Using seeds. To do this, pour soil into the pot, compact and moisten it. Place the seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, sprinkle with soil. Cover the pot with a plastic bag and place it in a bright place. When the seedlings sprout and bloom, transplant them into the garden. Good seedlings will grow in 4 months.
  2. Everyone knows that impatiens are garden impatiens. In order to grow such a handsome man, you can use cuttings. Only perennial flowers are propagated by cuttings. Choose young shoots that are strong and strong. Cut them, the length of the cutting should be about 7 cm. Plant the cutting in a pot with soil, compact the soil around it. Place the pot in a warm place and water the flower. You can cover the shoot with a plastic cup to create a greenhouse effect.

The balsam flower is easy to grow, and you should not have any problems with how to care for it.

Humidity and watering the plant

Among the people, balsam interesting name- Vanka is wet. He was given this name for his love of abundant watering and high humidity. But you can’t just flood the flower, because this can cause the development of root rot. At proper watering balsam soil will not be overdried, it will always remain moist. IN winter period the amount of water needs to be reduced. The water should be soft.

Did you know? In order for the water to become soft, it needs to sit for several days.

When is balsam feeding needed?

Flowers such as impatiens that grow in garden area, need good feeding during the period of their flowering and growth. It is necessary to fertilize the flower well from April to November; in winter, you can either not fertilize at all, or significantly reduce the amount of fertilizer. It is recommended to feed the flower once every 2 weeks.

Impatiens pruning

Over the long winter, balsam grows greatly, so closer to spring it needs to be cut off, leaving only half the length of the shoots, then the flower stimulates the growth of new, stronger shoots. If a flower develops many shoots, then its flowering will be magnificent. Throughout the year, watch how the balsam grows; caring for the flower allows you to trim thickening and weak branches, due to which the flower reproduces well.

Rules for transplanting balsam

The optimal time to transplant balsam is spring. But if there is such a need, then you can transplant the flower in the summer. It is important to understand that good flowering directly depends on the size of the pot. During transplantation, you need to get rid of old plants so that young ones have the opportunity to sprout. Young plant need to be replanted every year. If the flower is already mature (no older than 3 years), then it can be renewed (by rooting apical cuttings) or replanted.

Balsam propagation

In order to grow balsam yourself, you first need to prepare seedlings. Prepare the necessary soil, add a fungicide to it, which will protect the plant from the appearance of harmful fungi.

Where to get and how to grow seeds

Sowing balsam begins with acquiring seeds. Before sowing, they need to be disinfected. To do this, prepare a warm solution of light purple potassium permanganate and dip the seeds in it for 10 minutes. Then drain the solution and pour warm water over the seeds. clean water. Let them brew for a day. After this, sow the flower seeds in moist soil and lightly sprinkle with earth, create a greenhouse. After 3 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

Comfortable temperature for seed germination is +23°C. When the shoots have appeared, you can remove the greenhouse and reduce the temperature by a few degrees. Provide good ventilation seedlings, as well as additional lighting. Be sure to monitor watering; do not allow them to become waterlogged. When 5-6 adult leaves appear, you can transplant the seedlings into separate pots.

Impatiens is a crop that is incredibly tender. Often it is also called “touchy.” Just a couple of years ago, this plant did not know such wide popularity, but today gardeners began to actively use balsam when creating unique flower arrangements. Today, balsam can be grown both outdoors and indoors.

The culture is different long flowering, during which you can observe flowers of crimson, purple, and red. In addition, they can be either simple or terry.

Description and varieties

In nature, balsam comes in a wide variety. Breeders were able to develop special varieties, which include:

  1. Tom Thumb. This is an annual crop that is distinguished by a highly branched bush. Its height reaches 25 cm. The flowers are double and can be white, red, lilac, purple and pink shade. In the photo - balsam Tom Thumb:

    Balsam Tom Thumb

  2. . This variety allows you to grow a pyramid-shaped plant. It has fleshy stems and flowers 4 cm in size. In June, double inflorescences are formed on the bush, the color range of which can range from white to lilac. It is also worth mentioning what rules exist for planting and caring for Thuja pyramidalis.

  3. Waller. The variety is diverse. You can plant both simple and double flowers different colors. The bushes are presented in a spherical shape, their height reaches 25-30 cm. The plant is distinguished by its abundant flowering throughout the season. The inflorescences can be red, carmine or soft pink. The petals may be a single color or have light stripes along the edges. But you can see what decorative flowering, frost-resistant, low, beautiful shrubs look like

  4. Exotic dwarf. This hybrid variety used in the design of balconies and loggias. The bushes have a short growth, which is 18-20 cm. Their leaves are lanceolate and bright. The petals can take on any color from pink to lilac-lilac. How to care for and grow Vinca rosea is indicated here

    Exotic dwarf

  5. New Guinea. This is a hybrid variety characterized by large and lush flowers.

    New Guinea

  6. Safari. This is a dwarf bush that is an annual. Flowering can be observed throughout the season. Flowers are presented in red, lilac, white, coral shades. Their size reaches 4 cm. You can see it here. what it looks like and how it happens

How and when to plant

To grow balsam from seeds, you need to prepare a wide container and take care of drainage. Place one seed at a time in a container, cover with soil and water. Moreover, there is no need to pick after the formation of two leaves.

plant planting material necessary in light and loose soil, in which there is no organic matter. If you use compost to fertilize the soil, the seedlings will get sick. You still cannot plant seeds in acidic soil, as this will kill the plant.

It is best to use universal soil for planting balsam, which you can buy in the store. It contains the necessary amount of nutritional components. Such soil must be combined with sifted river sand in a 1:1 ratio.

In the video - growing balsam:

Irrigate the soil surface with water from a spray bottle, but there is no need to compact it. The soil should remain loose and allow air to pass well to the root system. Spread the seeds over the surface of the soil, keeping a distance of 2-3 cm. Then cover them a little with soil. In order for friendly shoots to form, it is necessary to place the container with seedlings on the windowsill, where there is diffused sunlight.

For those who want to learn more about how Iberis is planted as seedlings:

Before the seeds begin to hatch, the humidity in the container should be high. So you need to take care of building a greenhouse. For these purposes, you can simply cover the container with film or glass. To germinate seeds, it is necessary that the temperature in the room be 22-24 degrees.

If the temperature is reduced by at least one degree, it will not be possible to obtain friendly shoots. And if the temperature is increased, the embryos in the seeds die. As soon as the grains begin to hatch, reduce soil moisture. After 5 days from the moment of planting the seeds, it is worth opening the container for ventilation. Do this 2 times a day for 10 minutes. Afterwards the duration can be increased.

This way, young seedlings will be able to adapt to other temperatures. Temperature the room should be between 22-24 degrees. Humidity will still be high. When the first 2 leaves appear, lower the temperature to 20 degrees.

When germinating crop seeds, it is necessary to achieve excellent lighting. Daylight hours should be 12 hours. To do this, you can use diffused sunlight or take care of artificial light lamps. If this condition is not met, the seedlings will begin to stretch.

As soon as 2 leaves are formed, you can start picking. No matter what variety you use to grow the plant, impatiens will produce quite tall shoots. To prevent the seedlings from falling during picking, the seedlings should be buried.

For picking, you should use plastic cups with a volume of 200 ml. They will be tall enough, so burying the seedling will not be difficult. In addition, you need to prepare a universal primer. During the transplantation process, you need to take into account that balsam seedlings are quite branched, and root system fragile.

If it is damaged, the plant may die. When transplanting, you must use a special spoon. Remove the seedlings from the container with the earthen lump that surrounds the roots.


Video shows how to care for flowers:

When balsam blooms, it can be used complex fertilizers, intended for flowering crops. They are applied in combination with watering every 14 days. It is also worth using fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus. At the end of summer, stop all feeding.

Unpretentious and pleasing with abundant flowering balsam is a favorite of all gardeners without exception.

The bright variety of shades of its flowers makes you want to have as many as possible in your flower collection. more types this wonderful plant.

Buy seeds It is not difficult to grow numerous varieties of balsam.

And growing an elegant flower from seeds is even easier and even a novice gardener can do it.

Buying seeds

One of important conditions successful cultivation balsam - quality seeds. When choosing them, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects.

Best before date. Balsam seeds remain viable for 7 - 8 years. However, it is recommended to choose fresh seeds to ensure germination. When choosing, studying the information on the bag, it is important to pay attention not to the date of sale of the seeds, but to the date of their collection, by which you can determine their freshness.

Annual or perennial. Impatiens have both annual and perennial varieties. Annual varieties plants can decorate the balcony. For growing indoors, it is better to give preference perennial varieties so that they delight the eye with luxurious flowering for more than one year.

Variety or mixture. When purchasing seeds, it is important to know that a mixture of varieties makes it possible to grow flowers of unexpected shades for the grower, but it can also disappoint with the lack of varietal characteristics in the grown balsams. The classic variety guarantees the desired shape and color scheme colors.

Reliable manufacturer. Experienced flower growers It is advised to buy seeds only from large seed companies and in reliable, time-tested stores.

Harvesting balsam seeds

Those who like to experiment can try grow young plants from personally collected seeds house plant balsam.

However, in order get seeds V room conditions, the plant will need artificial pollination. To do this, during the flowering period, you need to collect pollen with a brush and spread it over the pistils with a few strokes.

After flowering ends, the plant forms fruit, which, when ripe, turn into dry translucent boxes with many very small seeds.

Collect seeds should be done very carefully. At the slightest awkward touch, the boxes instantly crumble and the seeds scatter in all directions. For this reason, balsam received the name “touch-me-not.”

A box with seeds you need to pick it in the morning, holding it between your fingertips. In the morning, the fruit with seeds is slightly moist and not so slippery, so there is a chance not to lose the contents. The collected seeds need to be dried and placed in a paper bag.

Seeds will not lose germination for 7 - 8 years.

Growing balsam from seeds, you need to prepare for the fact that a plant with an unexpected color of flowers that has lost its varietal characteristics may grow from a seed.

Read about reproduction with us.

To make caring for your home zamioculcas flower a joy, take some practical advice.

If there is room in your garden for a new resident, take an interest in the types of indoor palm trees. These exotics will perfectly complement the interior.

Preparing seeds and soil for sowing

Before sowing balsam seeds, place the seeds for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then soak them for a day in warm water.

Next you should do land preparation for landing. Balsam seedlings are very sensitive to the composition of the soil, which should be loose and slightly acidic. A self-prepared mixture of equal parts of the following works well for this: components:

  • peat soil (2 parts);
  • leaf soil (1 part);
  • vermiculite (1 part);
  • river coarse sand (1 part).

You can buy ready-made land for seedlings in the store. But you must add one fifth of vermiculite or sand to it, which will make the soil loose and breathable. This will give the soil the opportunity to dry out faster, and weak seedlings will not die from excess moisture.

Capacity for seedlings you should choose a size of about 7 cm in height or a little more. To do this, you can take a plastic container, a wide bowl or a pot. It is necessary to make holes in the bottom of the container and provide it with a layer of expanded clay 2 cm thick.

Such precaution will not allow water to linger in the soil and will save the seedlings from root rotting. On the eve of sowing, you need to fill the container with soil and spill it with Fitosporin solution, which improves the soil microflora and protects against such a serious problem as “blackleg”.

Sowing seeds

When the basic preparations are made, you can begin propagating balsam by seeds.

Ideal sowing time- mid-March. In June it will be possible to admire the first blooming flowers of young impatiens.

When sowing seeds should be placed more spaciously and at an equal distance from each other to ensure uniform illumination of the seedlings.

Seeds should be sown shallow, gently pressing them into the soil with a damp toothpick, but not submerging them, so that the seeds receive enough light to germinate.

Next you need spray the crops water and place the container in a plastic bag, filling it with air. Warm place and good lighting- an important component for successful seedlings. However, seedlings should be protected from direct sunlight.

Optimal temperature for seed germination - from +22 to +25 °C.

After about 3 weeks they appear first shoots. During this time, it is important to adhere to the following actions:

As often as possible ventilate crops and shake off accumulated condensation from the “greenhouse” to protect the seeds from stagnant air and fungal infection.

Moisten the soil from a spray bottle, avoiding both overdrying and waterlogging of the soil. Illuminate the seedlings with a phytolamp in the morning, evening and on a cloudy day.

When the first shoots appear Carefully pour wet soil onto young bare roots.

Watering seedlings, it is important to ensure that water does not fall on the root collar of a young plant in order to avoid its rotting. Experienced flower growers advise using the “bottom watering” method, that is, adding water to a tray on which a container with seedlings stands.

Thanks to proper care balsam seedlings are developing rapidly. When the first true leaves appear, you can pick the sprouts into separate containers. Small plastic cups are perfect for this. It is important not to forget to do them drainage holes and put a little expanded clay on the bottom.

If seedlings have become too elongated due to lack of light, when picking, the lower parts of the long stems should be buried deeper. It is recommended to keep the glasses with small balsamins a little longer in the “greenhouse”, accustoming them to fresh air gradually.

At sufficient lighting and regular watering, the seedlings become strong and stocky, beginning to bush early. If young plants do not want to branch, you need to pinch the tops to actively form side shoots. The more new shoots grow, the more magnificent the bush will grow and the more abundantly it will bloom.

When young plants When they grow noticeably and their roots completely entwine the earthen ball, you can transplant them into new permanent pots and wait for the appearance of a bright scattering of delicate balsam flowers.

As we can see, grow balsam from seeds not that difficult. You just need to follow some planting rules, as well as give the seedlings a little care and love - and a balsam garden with a colorful scattering of beautiful flowers will bloom in your home.

And for the most curious, we suggest you watch a video of growing balsam from seeds.

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