Wives from women born in the year of the pig. Eastern horoscope – Pig

According to the Eastern horoscope, the Pig (Boar) belongs to the animals of the Yin group. The sign of the Pig (Boar) is the twelfth Eastern Zodiac. It is generally accepted that it rules the time interval from 21.00 to 23.00. Autumn is considered a particularly lucky season for this sign, with the climax period occurring in November. If we compare the European Zodiac and the Eastern Zodiac, then the Pig will correspond to Scorpio. Water is the fixed element of the Pig (boar). Prosperity, happiness and good luck are brought to them by wild and blue colors. Among flowers and plants, Boars can provide luck in all endeavors - acacia, hazel and lavender. Favorable countries for people of this sign to live in are Denmark, Pakistan, Malaysia, Israel, Argentina, Burma, Brazil.

Years of the sign of the Pig (Boar) in our century

  • 1911 January 30 - element of the year metal
  • 1923 February 16 - element of the year water
  • 1935 February 4 - element of the year tree
  • 1947 January 22 - element of the year fire
  • 1959 February 8 - element of the year earth
  • 1971 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1983 February 13 - element of the year water
  • 1995 January 31st - element of the year tree
  • 2007 February 18 - element of the year fire
  • 2019 February 5 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born under the sign of the Pig (Boar):

Oliver Cromwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Georges Pompidou, Mark Bernes, Steven Spielberg, Fred Astor, Cagliostro, Francoise Sagan, Melvin Calvin, Albert Osborne, Alain Delon, Todor Zhivkov, Marcel Marceau, Joseph Balsamo, Hector Berlioz, Dalai Lama, Mikhail Tal , Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Thomas Mann, Velazquez, Ralph Waldow, John McKenrow, John Ellington, Prosper Merimee, Rasul Gamzatov, Herve Bazin, Boris Pokrovsky, Lavrentiy Beria, Jean Paul Marat, Arkady Raikin, Otto von Bismarck, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Paul Cezanne, Bernard Law Montgomery, Elton John, Saddam Hussein, Alfred Hitchcock, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Carl Jung, Emerson.

In the countries of the East, the Boar (Pig) is considered to be the owner of the courtyard, a symbol of passion, naivety and pleasure. At the same time, it is often difficult to recognize who is currently in front of you: a noble boar or an ordinary piggy bank. Ferocity and licentiousness are distinctive features wild boar In front of them one can only feel helpless and unarmed; his presence excites the imagination, and his wealth beckons and delights. Most often, the boar is wild and elusive, and that is why it is lonely. This animal can be either wild and unbridled, feeding on acorns and trampling crops and fields, or maybe even a tame pig, accustomed to living in abundance in a warm barn.

Pigs (Boars) are divided into black and white and there are a large number of various legends about them. Moreover, the wild boar is depicted everywhere as a loner. In Druid myths, the boar contains enormous spiritual power, and hunting these animals is fraught with mortal risk and is terribly dangerous, since the hunter is not chasing the animal, but the earthly embodiment of the spirit.

According to Christian beliefs, the Pig (Boar) has a bad reputation due to the fact that this image is identified with a demon who is possessed by lust. But in China, the Boar is the personification of courage, nobility and prosperity.

In Japan, the supreme god of war was depicted as a Boar. There was even a legend about him in verse - once a priest of one of the gods decided to kill the emperor and seize the throne. But in order to carry out his plan, he needed to kill the guard. But the guard was able to escape - he hid in a herd of grazing wild boars, who saw the priest and put him to flight.

In Celtic beliefs, the boar plays one of the main roles. This happened due to the fact that the main occupation of the Celts was boar hunting. According to one of the myths, the Celtic people fled from their enemies to the islands, where, in order not to die of hunger, they had to slaughter seven piglets, and the next morning, they miraculously came to life again.

There is another legend, the main character in it is the White Boar, who, according to popular belief, knew the way to a beautiful country, and for this everyone who wanted to get there chased him. But the White Boar knew how to stand up for himself, he took the form of a beautiful Virgin and led the hunters into the forest, where they were overtaken by a terrible death.

A wild boar is always a lonely person in the middle of a vast farm. European peoples, as a rule, have little idea about the true purpose of the Boar and its depth of essence, so they imagine it in the form of a fat pig, which the only thing that can do is wallow all day in slurry. The French even have a custom - they hunt these animals late autumn, so that at the New Year celebration there would be meat from this wild animal on the tables. At the same time, one can discern a sacred connection between European cooking and the Chinese horoscope - a boar must be killed in the old year in order for luck to smile and prosperity to come in the new year.

But there is one thing - the boar is still a pig, and, having once experienced the charm of a dirty, but such a wonderful puddle, the boar will no longer be able to escape from it and will remain wallowing in it for the rest of its life.


New Year is not best time for the birth of a Pig (Boar), they can simply be eaten on this holiday as a treat. Pigs will be happy in life only if their birthday does not fall on traditional holidays. Their childhood, as a rule, is quite happy and calm, and is spent under the care and patronage of loved ones and relatives. Youth for boars is a time of emotional turmoil and difficulties. The first half of life can be characterized as calm and smooth, but the second half is filled with various difficulties and problems. By nature, as already mentioned, Pigs are loners, as a result of which they are very secretive by nature, and they simply will not think of asking for help, preferring to do everything on their own. At the same time, those around you may not realize what hell the life of the Pig (Boar) has become.

In adulthood, for these animals there comes a time of family difficulties, so it is very important to achieve stability, trust and love in marital relationships; if this can be done, then old age will be calm and prosperous.


People born under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are quite good-natured and peaceful people who avoid worries; they often see a calm and prosperous life as the ultimate goal of their path. That is why if you create conditions for an unbearable life, you can drive the Boars to complete recluse. They love luxury and a beautiful life, which is why they are materialists to the core. According to Chinese astrology, Boars are the most conscientious animals that personify honesty and justice. In fact, they are altruists with a lot of emotions, feelings and experiences, constantly thinking about the harmony and essence of being. They are often quite optimistic about themselves and the people around them.

Pig (Boar) people are always gallant gentlemen and courteous men. They try to follow their own code of honor under any circumstances. But if brought to their attention, they can become dangerous predators. If the prey, in their opinion, turns out to be too weak, they devour it without hesitation. While remaining very trusting and naive. Sometimes their naivety is perceived by others as obvious stupidity. The roots of their gullibility lie in the desire to see only the good in a person, while not noticing negative qualities. We can say that they live in own world, who is always ready to rush to defend if necessary.

One of the most striking virtuous traits in Pigs is their ability, despite the vileness of the world around them, to show sympathy and empathy, never labeling a person or drawing categorical conclusions.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) openly despise disputes and conflicts, trying in every possible way to avoid them. They are always open to negotiations and compromises. This is why they are considered weak, but frankly speaking, they don’t care. They believe that something good can always be found everywhere, although sometimes this attitude can cause misconceptions and subsequent disappointments in the people around them.

The boar is even able to take pity on the criminal, giving him refuge and protection. In their struggle for justice, they can reach extreme fanaticism, and at such moments they are dangerous to the people around them. But with all this, they have a kind and sensitive heart. They were simply created to bring goodness and make the world a better place. They are able to easily understand a new situation and adapt to it. Pigs love noisy companies and are very sociable people, but they cannot stand ostentation and excessive pretentiousness. Very often, the Pig prefers to remain silent than to speak out and be misunderstood, so in public they are increasingly silent, although in one-on-one conversations they are able to chat incessantly and turn out to be pleasant and cheerful interlocutors.

With its thirst for knowledge, the Pig (Boar) is very similar to the Monkey. He reads a lot, but, as a rule, randomly, on the principle that he just likes it. Therefore, at first glance they may give the impression of very smart and versatile people, but upon closer examination it turns out that their knowledge is rather superficial. Often they try to do several things at the same time, which is why they cannot fully understand the essence of the idea and delve into it completely.

The Pig is very easy to deceive, and he knows about it and treats it calmly. Although there are times when Pig eventually get tired of being gullible dupes and become overly suspicious and distrustful. Sometimes their weaknesses play into their hands, and Chinese sages are confident that the wild boar is a cunning animal that can wait for a long time, thereby lulling the enemy’s vigilance.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are capable of becoming good friends, always ready to help their neighbors, but they are completely unprepared to face anger and betrayal. Once burned, these animals will forget how to trust, and would rather leave a loved one forever than be able to forgive him.

Such people do not have a tendency to compete, thanks to which they always remain impartial. At the same time, they are often not sure that they are doing the right thing and will doubt it to the last, constantly asking themselves the question - is it necessary? They lie only if it is necessary to protect themselves or their loved ones. Despite their keen mind, they are easy to deceive, especially in financial matters. Boars are always ready to confirm any of their words with facts and real actions. They are difficult to climb, but if they make up their minds and set a goal, they will go straight towards it and will not be stopped.

These signs don't like to lie. Their sincerity is simply touching. Such Pigs are very loyal and impulsive, they take everything seriously. This can upset and hurt them. Their fate is influenced by the delight of blind faith. True, these people are aware of their naivety, considering themselves short-sighted. Aries balances the Pig's character with its tenacity. However, he does not lose his objectivity. Such people, as a rule, make a lot of mistakes, but until the last moment they believe that they are in a winning position. This is just a misconception, in fact they are being led. They cannot understand that their conscience is too good for this world. Aries-Pigs must develop the depth of their feelings. They have sufficient energy, authority and have the opportunity to participate in any business. You need to use their impulsiveness, but you always need to be on guard, because upset and disappointed Pigs-Aries are capable of extremes.

Pig and Taurus Sign

These people are ideal businessmen. They are friendly and hospitable, at ease in society and have good command of the situation. True, at first glance they may seem a little depraved, but, one way or another, they are very cute. They are dreamy and love to spend time in colorful company. These are sensual people, endowed with great virtues, and are far from possessive. Their goal is to live beautifully. But there are also certain difficulties, since they do not know how to adapt to change. Taurus Pig often refuse to compromise. They are too stubborn and desperately cling to their idealistic views. At first glance this may seem surprising. Such people combine many contradictions, but they do not notice it. In any case, they are loyal and adore their family.

Pig and Gemini Sign

These are very lively and resourceful individuals, endowed with the cunning of Gemini, which has a good influence on the gullible Pig. And the Pig is able to smooth out the absent-mindedness and causticity of Gemini. This is a happy combination. These subtle personalities are adaptable and see only the good in everything. They do not like to abuse other people's attention, and are very inquisitive. They are capable of learning and, as a rule, know a lot. It is difficult for them to concentrate, they have to work a lot on themselves, but they are never able to fully delve into the essence of the problem. Sometimes, getting carried away, they can give up their principles and turn out to be not very decent. But, quickly coming to their senses, they feel guilty and try correct mistakes. Such people do not have a sense of foresight, they are capable of building castles in the air. In any situation, optimism does not leave them and, as a rule, all adventures end quite happily.

Pig and Cancer Sign

These are very caring and loving parents who surround their children with excessive attention. For the sake of their family, they can throw themselves into the fire. These people are very sensitive, emotional, their life is like a constant obstacle race. They fight their own temptation, protecting their loved ones, and spend all their time and energy on this. They are skeptics by nature and rather quarrelsome. They know well that, captured by passions, they will go to the end, not paying attention to the negative and positive sides. At the same time they are soft and authoritative, reasonable and stubborn. They know how to be faithful and tolerant of anyone. However, Pig-Cancers driven into an awkward position can turn out to be very dangerous.

Pig and Leo Sign

The most successful combination for Pig. These are impeccable and generous people. They will not pay attention to everyday dullness and will try to behave as elegantly as possible. These are born home owners. Even those born in a shack will act as if they were born in a palace. They are ready to help and make any sacrifices for the sake of a great goal. Sometimes they are even naive, believing that they can
make the world a kinder place. These people adore luxury; they are spoiled by glitz and abundance. For them, flattery is the best bait. They are unable to resist sweet speeches. Leo Pig never abuse their strength and power. They are reliable, loyal and do not disappoint their partners.

Pig and Virgo Sign

These people are very sensitive and often rush from one extreme to another; they are not characterized by halftones. Pig-Virgos represent an example of fidelity, directness and honesty. They don't know how to be cruel and will always find mutual language with any aggressor. They know how to improve themselves. They are very attentive both in work and in communication, strive for harmony and know how to cope with troubles.
However, these are quite contradictory natures. It is never boring with such people. Their dual nature helps them to be diplomats and excellent artists.

Pig and Libra Sign

These people are constantly looking for balance. Never in your life will you hear the truth from them; they will come up with thousands of subterfuges so as not to express real feelings. They are not used to taking responsibility because they are not sure of the right choice. They are characterized by tolerance and a sense of proportion. All sorts of weaknesses are alien to them, especially when it comes to guarantees and discussions. They are very energetic and try to find a use for their energy. But they prefer to spend most of their time searching for the right paths. Sometimes they manage to find the perfect solution, but it is still impossible to avoid dissatisfaction. Of course, if Libra Pig were more focused and did not have their head in the clouds, they would definitely reach high peaks.

Pig and Scorpio Sign

Scorpio perfectly complements the good-natured Pig. They are more tolerant and strive for peace and harmony. Scorpio Pigs are very picky and critical. They know how to analyze and reveal all the shortcomings in any matter. They are very sensitive and instantly navigate underwater currents. Such Pigs are able to defend themselves because they are insightful and skeptical. But excessive sensitivity can lead to unwanted excesses. In a state of passion, such people should be feared. Increased sexuality and the search for pleasure can even lead to violence. But deep down, these individuals want peace and well-being.

Pig and Sagittarius Sign

Such people have many virtues. They are rare intellectuals and are able to discuss any topic. Their charm and talkativeness make them simply charming. They always accept right decisions. These people are great idealists and are capable of selflessness. They are stubborn, impulsive enthusiasts, which often leads to problems in the sphere of feelings. They refuse to see the shortcomings of others and do not know how to doubt, which is why they are often disappointed. But this doesn't upset them for long, and they start all over again. Their faith in humanity is very touching.

Pig and Capricorn Sign

Capricorn gives Pig more authority and allows him to be more active in protecting himself. These people can take everything to its logical conclusion, but at the same time they cannot do without extremes. They are hardworking and a little shy. There are times when Pigs - Capricorns show excessive caution and thereby spoil their endeavors. In fact, they are great idealists. They cannot be forced to change their views. Such people are used to analyzing everything. Such Pigs have a great passion for culture and education, they are very inquisitive. They are always demanding and true to their principles in everything. True, sometimes they lack a sense of humor, but this is not that bad. They make excellent directors of enterprises, but bad parents, because in the family they can simply be despots.

Pig and Aquarius Sign

These people constantly struggle with their own contradictions. The combination of the extreme idealist Aquarius with the materialist Pig is not very successful. These people are rather indifferent and do not like adventures. Well-being is paramount to them. And they try to achieve it by any means. But Aquarius Pig do not allow themselves to go too far, because they always care about their own impeccability. Thanks to their decency, they can achieve certain successes in material terms and be happy.

Pig and Pisces Sign

These are very peaceful and flexible people who do not like to get excited and argue, but if they have to debate, they will very easily get out of an uncomfortable situation. These are courteous and correct interlocutors who will never allow their knowledge to be abused. They are very helpful and value their friends. But sometimes their frivolity borders on naivety, which leads to mistakes that they don’t even notice. The influence of Pig makes Pisces great materialists; these people are very fond of luxury. At the same time, this combination promises greater perseverance and dexterity in financial matters. They successfully translate their plans into reality and know how to adapt. However, they do not like risk because they are quite cowardly.

People born in the year of the Pig are friendly and peace-loving. They have a very pleasant appearance. The character of such people is balanced, calm, and reasonable. They are distinguished by a smart approach to studying a problem and solving it. Such people are very often satisfied with their lives, they make plans for the future, set goals for themselves and are confident in their abilities.

People born this year believe in dreams and miracles; very often all this is present in their lives and comes true. They do not like to show off, shine and show off in front of others; people around them perceive such people as well-mannered, modest, silent and easy to communicate with. All these qualities in a person born this year have gained authority, which accompanies them throughout life. Also a man Boar sign He can be quick-tempered, but he doesn’t like quarrels or showdowns. In general, we can say that the character of the boar is knightly.

People born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by their truthfulness. Their priority is always the truth and nothing but the truth. They are never in a hurry in everyday matters; on the contrary, they often hesitate. Most often, people who were born this year will weigh everything well before making an important decision and only then begin to act depending on the situation.

Those born in the year of the Pig are very hardworking and responsible; thanks to this, they most often easily make progress in their work and career. Perseverance is the main strength of people under the sign of the Pig. Hard work, perseverance, and responsibility make people born under this sign indispensable workers for their leadership. They make their career entirely on their own and never go overboard. People born this year are very intelligent, they have a very great interest in knowledge. They read a lot, have success in art and poetry. Often people born under this sign set goals to achieve and achieve success in this. They confidently and wisely approach their tasks.

According to the eastern horoscope Zodiac sign Pig- This is one of the most banknotes among all the others. Often the placement of stars affects the well-being of people born under this sign. Lucky luck in money matters often causes envy, while the Pig himself has an easy attitude towards money.

People are born under zodiac sign Pig will never be without attention and love, but they can also be disappointed and fooled. Women born under this sign will be wonderful mothers.

The union will be good with people who were born in the year - Goat, Cat, Boar; normal with people who were born in the year - from the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Dog; bad with people who were born in the year - Horse, Snake, Rooster.

Celebrities who were born in the year of the Pig:

Among famous people who were born under this sign, such as: Elvis Presley, Elton John, Otto von Bismarck, Alain Delon, Thomas Mann, Blaise Pascal, Vladimir Nabokov, Mark Barnes, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Vanga.

Boar is a Yin animal corpse. This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese horoscope. He rules from 21 to 23 hours. The season that brings him luck is autumn. The apogee period is November. According to the European Zodiac, the Pig corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. Its fixed element is Water. The colors that bring him happiness and prosperity are blue and fawn. Flowers and plants that bring them luck are lavender, acacia and hazel. The most favorable countries for the Boar to live are Pakistan, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Malaysia, Burma, Brazil, Argentina.


Fred Astor, Oliver Cromwell, Dalai Lama, Ralph Waldow Emerson, Alfred Hitchcock, Saddam Hussein, Elton John, Carl Jung, Henry Kissinger, John McKenrow, Ronald Reagan, John Rockefeller, Steven Spielberg, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Georges Pompidou, Otto von Bismarck, Francoise Sagan, Hector Berlioz, Paul Cezanne, Vladimir Nabokov, Bernard Law Montgomery, Herve Bazin, Marc Bernes, Rasul Gamzatov, Todor Zhivkov, Melvin Calvin, Marcel Marceau, Albert Osborne, Boris Pokrovsky, Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Tal, Lavrentiy Beria, Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, Alain Delon, John Ellington, Thomas Mann, Jean Paul Marat, Prosper Merimee, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Velazquez.

In eastern countries, the Pig is considered the master of the courtyard; it is a symbol of pleasure, naivety and passion. It is difficult to recognize whether he is a noble boar or just a piggy bank. Pig combines promiscuity and ferocity. This is a combination of dark and light principles, which often alternate. In front of him you involuntarily feel unarmed and helpless. His presence excites and his wealth delights. The boar is elusive and wild, and is often alone. These animals feed on acorns and trample fields; they can also be lustful pigs who are accustomed to living in a warm barn.

Pigs can be white or black, and there are many legends about them. Everywhere the Pig is a loner. In Druid myths it denotes spiritual power. Hunting for him is dangerous and involves mortal risk, because the hunter pursues, as it were, the embodiment of the spirit.

In Christian myths, the Pig has gained notoriety, as it is often depicted as a demon overcome by lust. Such Boars ravage fields and destroy orchards. But in China, the Boar represents courage, prosperity and nobility.

The Japanese god of war is depicted as a Boar. There is a poetic legend about him: one priest wanted to seize the throne of the emperor. To do this, he had to kill the guard, but by chance the warrior managed to escape by hiding in a herd of Boars, and they put the priest to flight.

Among the Celtic peoples, the Boar played a very important role. The Celts are avid hunters, they hunted mainly wild boars. In their mythology, the Boar also occupied a prominent place. Their people, who were evicted to the islands, fed seven piglets. They were killed every evening and eaten, and in the morning they came to life again. These piglets were messengers from another world.

There is a legend about a white boar, whom everyone was chasing, but no one could catch. It was an enchanted Boar who knew the way to a wonderful land, and in pursuit of him everyone disappeared. White Saban attracted all the heroes, seducing them by taking the guise of a lovely Virgin, in contrast to the black boar, who had to be feared.

The boar is always a lonely owner. His path lies on the border of the forest and the estate, it leads him into the shadow of the sacred oak. European peoples have poor ideas about the Boar; they see it as a fat pig lying in a dirty puddle. The French are accustomed to hunting wild boar in the fall to eat wild meat for the New Year. Refined chefs know how to prepare a lot of delicious dishes from boar meat, but they are not used to thinking about the psychology of this animal. But, as you can see, there is a connection between European cooking and Eastern astrology: A boar is killed on New Year's Day so that there will be good luck and happiness in the New Year.

But there is no need to forget that the Pig belongs to the genus of pigs, and once, having learned the beauty of a dirty puddle, he will not be able to reject it and will wallow in it for the rest of his life. And the secret of this puddle is very simple: smart animals, thanks to the life-giving mud, get rid of harmful insects. The boars mock us and rub their stiff bristles against the trunk of the sacred tree.


It is better for the boar not to be born on New Year's Eve, otherwise it will simply be eaten for the holiday. It is better if Pig’s birthday does not coincide with traditional holidays, only in this case can they be happy. Their childhood always proceeds peacefully under the protection of their parents and patrons. Adolescence, as a rule, is associated with a lot of emotional problems. The first part of their life is relatively calm, but in the second, various problems await them. By nature, Pigs are too secretive and therefore will never ask for help, but will try to eliminate all troubles themselves. In essence, no one suspects what kind of hell they live in.

Maturity brings with it family difficulties, and therefore stable feelings should be achieved. But if this stability is achieved in old age, the Boars will find full prosperity.


Pigs are peaceful and good-natured people who want nothing more than a quiet life. Therefore, they can often be driven to the point of hermithood. They are materialists and love a beautiful life. In Chinese astrology, the Pig represents honesty and is the most conscientious sign. They are born already endowed with a lot of emotions and always lag behind fashion. They are great altruists, endowed with tolerance, and constantly think about harmony. They are optimistic and very confident in human virtue.

Boars are gallant gentlemen. They try to be correct and sincere under any circumstances. Of course, Boars can also be predators. When they spot easy prey, they boldly pounce on it and devour it with enviable appetite. But they are still very naive and gullible. Pigs are frank and sometimes simpletons, which in our understanding often borders on stupidity. They are trusting because they are used to seeing the best sides of a person. And no one can notice the shortcomings better than them. They always live in a different world, which they are used to supporting and protecting.

Boars are endowed with the rarest virtue - they are able to live in our vile world, showing empathy and never making categorical conclusions. Pigs are not capable of judging; they are opponents of disputes and conflicts. These people always make compromises. This is probably why they are considered weak, but they don’t care about that. Pigs always believe in the existence of something better, and they are right. Although sometimes their extreme tolerance leads to confusion. Boars are able to provide shelter even to a criminal, being champions of justice. This makes them fanatics, at such moments they are very dangerous. But at the same time they have a good heart.

Boars are created to do good. They give the impression of being stable and calm people. They sense others' situations well and quickly adapt to their surroundings. Pigs are very sociable and love noisy companies, but do not tolerate showing off. In society, they are accustomed to remaining silent for fear of making a mistake. Pigs do not know how to accurately express their thoughts, but in individual conversations they cheerfully chat about everything.

The Pig, like the Monkey, is very eager for knowledge. He reads a lot, but usually haphazardly. Boars give the impression of great intelligence, but their knowledge is rather superficial. One Japanese proverb says that “the Boar is very wide in front, but narrow in the back.” Sometimes they get scattered and do several things at once. This does not allow them to delve into the essence of the problem and deal with one idea. They are very stubborn and slow to rise, but once they have made a decision, nothing will stop them. Pigs try not to take the initiative and always count on people's help. As a rule, no one refuses to help them, since they believe that the Pig cannot carry out the intended task themselves. But this is just a general misconception. Having received proper help, the Boars calmly continue what they started.

The Pig is easy to deceive, but he takes it completely calmly. True, it also happens that he turns out to be a victim of his own courtesy. Other Boars become distrustful and suspicious over time, which saves them from the snares of others. In fact, their weaknesses are hidden in themselves enormous power resistance, and Chinese sages consider the Boar to be one of the most cunning animals, capable of overpowering even the Snake.

These peaceful and sensitive creatures - Good friends, they mean well and want to be useful. But they are unarmed in the face of anger and hypocrisy. Once you make a mistake, you learn a lesson for life. Be careful, these wild animals can destroy everything in their path when angry! However, you can trust them and they will never leave you.

These people are not at all inclined to competition, they are absolutely impartial. In addition, they are never sure of what they are doing, and therefore constantly ask themselves whether they are doing the right thing. They rarely lie - only when they are defending themselves. Although they are not stupid, they are often cheated of money, since the Pig does not know how to bargain. They are helpless against human hypocrisy and often suffer, thinking about how to justify their actions. They are honest players and very rarely agree to compromise. Boars back up all their words with convincing evidence. They are laconic, but once they have made up their minds, nothing can stop them.

Although in many cases Boars behave harmlessly, it is better not to tease them. Whatever their aspirations and whatever difficult task they set for themselves, Pigs will definitely fulfill their duty, putting all their strength into it. And their forces can be very great, it is difficult to resist them. But it may take years for them to think through all the pros and cons. Perhaps this is what creates the impression that Pigs are indecisive and do not know what they want. Because of such slowness, the Boars lose their chance.

It cannot be said that Pigs have many friends, but all their friends are ready to follow them until the end of their lives, making any sacrifices. They are extremely attentive to people, and therefore quickly earn the respect of others. They love to give gifts and organize noisy meetings. These are very hospitable hosts.

Pigs have a pleasant character because they hate arguments, they always give in and change their minds at the right moment, just so as not to enter into conflict. This is a big exception when Pigs start arguing. Perhaps this is why, among all the signs, Pig most often loses court cases. Often the impulsiveness and honesty of these people turns against them.


In addition to twelve signs, there are also five elements that strengthen or weaken the influence of a given sign. We describe the effects of these elements on Pig below.


The west wind blew and brought dryness. She touched the Earth and Metal was born. Metal represents evening, autumn and cold. Metal is clarity and hardness, it cuts and tears. He has a stern character and chastity. His speeches are always cutting. Metal oscillates between beauty and destruction. Always trying to achieve his goal. During the harvest, it plays the role of a sickle and cuts the ears. Excessive gloom makes him sad and gloomy. As a rule, these people are endowed with a strong constitution and strong bones. They have hard and straight hair, but with age the hair begins to thin, they are dark-skinned, have dark eyes, a straight nose, a heavy jaw and strong limbs.

These people are very ambitious and more determined than other representatives of this sign. They enjoy participating in various activities. Boars armed with Metal are able to overcome all obstacles. They are endowed with exorbitant pride, which often blinds them. They express their thoughts directly and frankly. These individuals cannot stand dark corners; they are used to following the sunny path and achieving success. They are too energetic, ambitious and often lack insight. They are attracted to mysticism, but their armor is too heavy for them. Metal slows them down, but makes it easier for them to defend. It is possible that Metal Pigs can withdraw into themselves and often build prisons for themselves, creating unnecessary boundaries and rules.

They are not too scrupulous and are often careerists who are able to sacrifice their personal lives for the sake of their own career. These Boars are not sensitive to strong passions and are not always used to keeping their word. They have a great sense of humor and love to interact with people and participate in all social endeavors. Their character is open and friendly. That is why they are always surrounded by a crowd of admirers. They are absolutely undiplomatic and do not like to understand the details. If Metal Pigs feel that they are not understood, they immediately cut off all the ends and hide away from others. It is very difficult to get along with such people, so their best medicine is loneliness. In it they will find balance and peace.

They love autumn and do best in dry climates. Their most vulnerable organ is the lungs. They prefer spicy food, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from oats and horse meat. Metal Pigs should not neglect the body in whose captivity they are. You need to be able to breathe and relax.

The color that brings them happiness and good luck is milky white.


Cold was born in the northern sky, it descended to Earth in the form of snow and Water was born. Water is a symbol of cold, ice and the source of life. And the cold is born in the north, descending to the ground in the form of snow. Deep water is a symbol of toughness, severity, which evokes fear and respect. Sleeping water provides shelter for fish and sea animals, as well as water spirits. Typically, these people are endowed with a long and fragile torso, weak limbs, thick but thin hair, round eyes, a round face and delicate skin.

The boar belongs to the group of Yin animals, which is why it is so pleasant for it to swim on water. They are often fascinated by sleeping and mysterious water, attracted by mud and swamps. But they should be wary of getting bogged down in it and escaping the world of reality. They cannot isolate themselves in their own little world, in their illusory palace. Of course, Pig can be spurred on by pride, and then he will move on to specific actions.

Water Pigs have a heart of gold and are generous and loyal friends. They strive to be on good terms with everyone. They are especially good at communicating with others. Pigs help others a lot, but unfortunately, there will always be those who take advantage of their innate goodwill. It is in the Pig's interests to be more careful in choosing friends. Although Pigs prefer quiet activities, they have a wide range of interests.

Such Pigs can be energetic and efficient. They are able to prove to others that they know how to work. Water Pigs only need freedom and peace, for this they can make any sacrifice. After exhausting work, they like to retire to their lair and do not tolerate intrusions into their territory. These people are often lonely and secretive; they do not play with unfair rules. They are used to accumulating their own wealth honestly. Pigs need to follow their dreams very carefully and not be tempted.

These people thrive in cold weather, and their lucky season is winter. Their most vulnerable organ is the kidneys. When it comes to food, they prefer salty foods, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from peas and pork. Such Pigs cannot be passive, this will have a bad effect on their health. One should always look for energy in living Water that will stimulate their morale.

The color that brings them luck is blue.


The wet Zenith slowly descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. A beautiful Earth, warmed by the summer sun and creating all the blessings of the world. Earth is a symbol of life and home. The hot and humid Earth of the afternoon heat is endowed with the fertility of green pastures. Such an Earth symbolizes a secluded corner for reflection. It slows down, crushes, sticks to your feet with its dirt and hampers your movements. Such a field can become a swamp. A tree is a symbol of spring, morning, temperate climate and falling in love with beauty, harmony, elegance. These people have a stocky figure, strong limbs, square shoulders. Their face is endowed with a peculiar beauty, straight features, they have a wide forehead, overhanging eyebrows, and light eyes.

Tree Boars are in love with the land they walk on, they are friends of nature. The tree gives them inspiration and helps them express themselves in the field of art, enriching their perception and intuition. They are passionate and expressive, often going to extremes. Wood is a filter that allows harmony into them. These people are in love with beauty and are usually appreciated.

This type of Pig is not only friendly, he is excellent at convincing people and gaining their trust. They love to participate in all activities and therefore overburden themselves. They are devoted to their family and friends, and enjoy helping people in trouble. The Wood Pig is an optimist and always strives to lead a full-blooded life, and has a wonderful sense of humor.

Tree Boars don't care about labels and don't need a brilliant career. They prefer ease and are very afraid of bureaucratic structures. Squeezed into a box, they feel bad because they are too artistic. These people know how to improvise and captivate with their eloquence. Although they love luxury and valuable things, they still will not sacrifice their freedom for anything in the world. Everything they have is earned through honest labor. They are balanced and simply live. Under no circumstances should you listen to any envious people.

They love spring and thrive in windy weather. Their most vulnerable organ is the liver. They prefer sour foods, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from rye and game. Attacks of anger are dangerous for them and can upset their balance. In no case should one abuse gluttony and sexual excesses.


Heat was born in the south of the sky, it descended to the Earth and fertilized it. From this merger Fire was born. Fire is characteristic of summer, the south and hot midday. This is full-fledged Yang, it burns, burns and destroys. As a rule, such people have a beautiful and bright face, widened at the bottom, and an aquiline nose.

Fire gives the Pig courage and dedication. They enter into every endeavor with confidence and determination. They are overly frank. Fire Pigs are real fighters who will not bypass obstacles, but will simply destroy them. There is no need to get in their way. These people do not know how to restrain themselves and are constantly searching. It is quite possible that they will become overly carried away by some idea, so they need to approach new beginnings more carefully. Often Fire Boars are lonely wanderers who struggle with rationalism. But these people, as a rule, are lucky with money. In addition, they are known for their generosity and are especially attentive to family members.

In addition to being very energetic, they are also great adventurers. As a rule, they are charming in love. They are often fickle. They are fascinated by adventure, random ventures and a love of risk. They do not care about their own rear, they are real choleric by temperament and go ahead. Often those around them take advantage of their weakness or gullibility. Fire Pigs are people of impulse and usually act by feel. Even when they do wrong, they never admit their own mistakes. In their own way, these are exceptional people, because they are endowed with the talent of a professional seducer. They should think about responsibility for upcoming actions and draw appropriate conclusions.

Their favorite season is summer, and they feel best in the heat. The most vulnerable organs are the heart and small intestine. They prefer bitter foods, but it is better for them to eat dishes made from rice and lamb in their diet. These are real reservoirs of energy, so Fire Pigs need to find the proper use for it.

The color that brings them happiness and good fortune is purple.


The wet Zenith slowly descended from the sky and gave birth to the Earth. A beautiful Earth, warmed by the summer sun and creating all the blessings of the world. Earth is a symbol of life and home. The hot and humid Earth of the afternoon heat is endowed with the fertility of green pastures. Such an Earth symbolizes a secluded corner for reflection. It slows down, crushes, sticks to your feet with its dirt and hampers your movements. People born under the auspices of this sign have a solid appearance, yellowish skin, large facial features, thick eyebrows, a slight stoop, and a round tummy. They are very similar to moles because they are slow. These people move forward slowly and confidently.

People born under this sign are very kind-hearted. They are intelligent and spare no effort to please. Earthly Pigs are very selfish and cannot stand outside interference. They love solitude and do not tolerate long walks. However, they care very much about their popularity. Success for them is very great importance. They have a wonderful sense of humor and have many friends. They are actively involved in public life. Such people do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their own career. They deftly know how to take advantage of the labor of others. The concept of conscience simply does not exist for them.

Earthly Pigs are absolute realists. They are attracted to banking transactions, speculation, and commerce. They do not disdain politics, which is often their way to show off and secure their rear. They are calculating and do not like accidents. Earthly Pigs have the art of accurately making their plans, where they evaluate the slightest degree of risk, all the pros and cons. They are too suspicious and live in constant worries. This Boar resembles a clay Pig - a piggy bank. In the family they are despotic and decide everything for the children. Earthly Pigs do not need to languish over their wealth; it is better for them to throw off this burden and shake themselves up.

They feel best in late summer when the climate becomes more humid. Their most vulnerable organ is the spleen. They prefer sweets as food, but it is better to eat dishes made from corn and beef. You should play more sports and not hide from society. You should not forget about your diet, as overeating is simply destructive for them.

The color that brings them luck and happiness is brown.


Such men are very gentle and soft lovers, so their life can sometimes be difficult. Some women see them as someone who can be taken advantage of. Peace and unity will never arise in such a partnership. If a freedom-loving person is chosen as a partner, as a rule, nothing good works out for the Pig man with them.

If they receive love and affection, then they surround their chosen ones with tenderness and care. They are often overcome by excessive sexual desires, and they refuse to think about the consequences. But there is no cynicism in their character, so many forgive the good-natured Pig for his shortcomings.

Pig men always demand honesty and frankness from their chosen ones, because they themselves are always sincere. Sometimes they take it upon themselves to accept everything complex solutions and they do it very diplomatically, in such a way that the partner thinks that he is deciding together with him. These men have enough energy to build a healthy family. They will not show despotism, but will try to captivate and win with tenderness. And none of the ladies will be able to reject the advances of this gallant and charming partner.

Pig men should only enter into relationships where they are satisfied and happy from the very beginning. Otherwise, scandals and disappointments will subsequently arise.


Pig women never show selfishness and do not seek to assert their power over their partner. They are excellent housewives and can live quite well without a stable profession. They cannot imagine themselves without home and family. Pig women adore children and surround them with excessive care.

They are absolutely not interested in the past of their partners, because they suspect that this could bring them into unnecessary trouble. They do not like quarrels and cannot stand showdowns. The only question is how long their partner will last with them. They do not trust their loved ones, and perhaps this is their mistake, because sometimes the opinions of other people can be useful.

During periods of irritability, they may act thoughtlessly and therefore it is better for them to choose stronger partners who will understand their weaknesses. More sensitive representatives of the stronger sex will irritate them and make them simply unhappy.


Such children are not easy to raise. It is better if young and energetic parents are involved in his upbringing. Little Pigs are slow, stubborn and hypersensitive. They can remain silent for hours so as not to participate in family affairs. They do not like reproaches and allow their peers to take leadership roles. These are very wise and honest children, they are obedient and follow the advice of adults. They are used to trusting and therefore can often get into trouble. Little Pigs believe fairy tales and are very upset by bad endings. They love to live in magical world dreams, where they feel especially comfortable.

They prefer reading to noisy games, school studies are unstable. They tend to make mistakes that spoil the impression of them. You can expect any kind of pranks from these children. Pig children have a lively mind, but are often lazy and therefore absent-minded. They need to choose their own rhythm of work, they must play sports and go for walks. fresh air, they often lack physical activity. Such children love solitude, where they can calmly think in silence. There is no need to be strict with them, but from childhood they should be oriented toward their future specialty.

These children despise competition and cannot fight for power. If from childhood they live without problems and obstacles, then they quickly find their place in life. Otherwise, they may become losers and find themselves on the sidelines. Such children will not be able to join the fight and refuse all responsibility.


As we have already noted, Pigs love the comfort of home, nature and long walks. Of course, it is best for them to live in a country villa or on the seashore. They adore flowering gardens and houses far from civilization. Pigs love a quiet life. If they do not have the opportunity to live in the village, then they always find friends outside the city. On their days off, they leave the bustling city to breathe a sigh of relief in the vast expanses.

Boars languish in confined spaces; modern cages lead them to nervous depression. They are born for forests and spacious rooms. They love to pay attention own home, they are constantly improving it in some way. Boars can do a lot with their own hands, from electrical wiring to complex carpentry work. Boars are real virtuosos, so they are often invited to provide assistance.

These people love to decorate their lives with various elegant things that are pleasing to the eye. Women - Pig are always reasonable and cannot stand disorder, they are excellent housewives and know how to welcome guests.


Boars captivate with their sincerity. When they are in love, they talk about it openly. And, as a rule, everyone appreciates their sincerity. They expect their partner to share their passions and respect their feelings. Boars cannot stand aggressors.

To keep their loved ones, they are ready to get stars from the sky. They are not prone to cheating, but if their partner cannot satisfy their sexuality, they can find joy on the side. Pigs know how to keep their obligations and protect their family from divorce.

If there is a need to give a gift, it is not necessary to look for rarities, a small trinket is enough - it will definitely please the Pig. After all, attention is so important to them, and they are very glad that they are remembered. To seduce them, it is enough to invite them to a country walk, or best of all to a villa. And under no circumstances should we forget about the picnic.

If there is nothing left to talk about with Pig and the time has come to part ways, organize a noisy party at home. Try to be in company all the time. Pay less attention to the Pig, and when it comes to bed, say that you are very tired.


Boars love to live. They adore flowers and know how to grow fruits in the most unfavorable soil. This is a dignity inherent only to them. Pigs tend to idealize everything; they live in their own reality and glorify the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, they are very gentle lovers and delightful partners.

From an early age, Pig have a weakness for love pleasures. They are very sensitive, seem strange at first glance and have a vivid imagination. They experiment endlessly, fulfilling their desires, which constantly haunt them. And it doesn’t take much to arouse a new passion in them. In love, Pigs do not know how to be cunning, use cunning, and know how to talk with a partner. For them there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. As you can see, this is a pretty healthy philosophy, and it brings great success to the Pig.

Women of this sign enter life with a good sensual appetite, but suffer from a tendency to excess. They are distinguished by their persistence, apparently caused by greed. Of course, Pig are faithful, but too lustful. They can also encroach on someone else’s marriage, while having a lot of admirers and contenders. Having committed such an offense, they begin to build a life together, sharing everything with their partner - both joy and sorrow.

Pigs are very jealous and great owners; they demand complete decency from their partner, although they themselves are not distinguished by this. When their union suits them, they always behave calmly, emotionally and attached to their partner.


Pigs are full of contradictions and are accustomed to fighting with themselves. They burn with passion for their chosen one and contrast this passion with their strong and restrained character. There is no stronger sexual sign. Pigs are able to be cool-headed, like good artists, and, achieving their goal, completely win the heart of their partner. They take sex very seriously and their passion for life exists independently of their partner. Even having won the hearts of their fans, they cannot penetrate the secret depths of their hidden feelings. Their enveloping tenderness is designed to satisfy the needs of their body. And no one can resist their charm.

Having met an attractive partner, Pig always know what kind; a way to separate them from reality. These people are used to having a brilliant escort wherever they go and love to travel in first class with a smile on their lips. Their highly emotional nature can become very dangerous when angry. They become devastating enemies. For their lover, they retain all their adoration, but upon learning about the betrayal, they immediately separate. Boars cannot tolerate weakness.

They are always the first to talk about sex and sometimes move on to too frank topics. They love big beds and experiments. Regardless of the knowledge of the sexual partner, they are so skillful that they still know how to surprise. Erotic and demanding Pigs are looking for partners of equal opportunities. Their behavior is entirely subordinated to instincts. If they are interested in someone, they pursue their prey with determination and persistence. They accumulate extensive experience in sexual communication and know no restrictions in achieving their goals.


When the Pig finds a pleasant escape, he feels calm and lives in harmony and prosperity. Everyone knows that they love luxury. They are used to looking happy, even if they do not have much wealth. The thought of divorce always leads to panic, since Pigs are very loyal and are not used to breaking their word. After marriage, many become moralists and conservatives, and a breakup is a real grief for them.

They make wonderful parents who look after their children too well. They are obsessed with the well-being of their offspring. They always insist on respect for principles. Boars instill high morality in children, but do not interfere with their free development. Both affection and severity are used in education. The only drawback is that the relationship with children is too trusting. It is very difficult for such children to be separated from their parents' shelter. Oxen, Tigers, Dragons, Horses are too independent and love adventure, so they create a lot of trouble for Pig parents. They make them anxious and nervous. The indifference and swagger of the Hare and Sheep amazes the parents, but still the Boars know how to provide protection for these children. Rats, Roosters and Monkeys quickly adapt to their Pig parents and love and understanding arise between them. The Dog children of these parents calm down. Snake children are not very friendly towards their caring parents and abuse their love.


Boars are not very ambitious. Nothing can disturb their sleep. Success is essential for them to feel independent and comfortable. They strive to succeed in what really interests them. It cannot be said that they are always lucky, since they sometimes choose the wrong profession, which attracts with its external brilliance, which can lead to a dead end.

Boars do not like large crowds of people; they are not created for competition. These people are too loyal and cannot make a deal with their own conscience. They are too proud and do not know how to fawn. They can also be accused of being lazy because they don't like to overwork. Boars need time to learn not to tremble for their own skin. They hate fighting and can give up their privileges with a noble air. In anger, their fighting qualities awaken, which incinerate the enemy.

Failures do not bother Pig; they treat them quite philosophically. But if Pigs fail to gain a foothold in their own profession, they will regret what they missed out on all their lives. Pigs always need a person to push them. One more thing. Never in their life will they sacrifice personal well-being for the sake of a professional career.

Pigs can work in all areas where conscience and hard work are needed, only in this case they can get rich. Of course, they may come to art and literature, but they may just as well fail. One of the most bad traits- choosing the most difficult path. Until the end of their lives, they are helped by those around them, thanks to which they can achieve perfection.

They make excellent doctors, scientists, architects, directors, writers, poets, artists, music lovers, businessmen, judges, arbitrators, confessors.


There is no need to ask Pig whether he loves money. There are no greater materialists than Boars. They need a lot of money to satisfy their needs for comfort, but when life is already organized, they can get by with a small amount of money. Then the Pig becomes truly selfless and calm. They despise those who boast about their bank account. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they have an ambivalent attitude towards money. They may spend their entire salary on unnecessary purchases. At the same time, they can save for a whole year, live rather meagerly and abstinently in order to spend their vacation at a luxury resort. They can also buy magnificent clothes from Cardin without thinking about the ongoing renovation of the apartment. Pigs are selfless and love to give gifts to their loved ones. Of course, they can be reproached for wastefulness, but never for selfishness. Perhaps this is their happiness - luck in money. If they themselves cannot earn money, there will definitely be a person who will help them prosper financially.



A person born in this combination enhances all the qualities of this sign. In other words, he is a double Pig who loves comfort and is incredibly concerned about his own well-being. They don't care at all what happens behind the walls own home. They are used to spending evenings with their family and falling asleep in a warm bed; they love their children and surround them with excessive care. These individuals are endowed with incredible sexuality. There are no more lustful signs than the Pig, born with the Pig ascendant. These are real wizards of everyday life who know how to brighten up the gray everyday life for their loved ones. They absolutely cannot stand lies and do not allow themselves to be treated dishonestly.


This combination gives a person materialism and hoarding. The boar tolerates loneliness very easily. He doesn’t necessarily have to look for new ways; he likes to litter the house and is not afraid of the night. And the Rat is an overly contrasting animal that does not like halftones. Scrupulousness is absolutely alien to her; in life she can walk over corpses. The Pig is too gullible, and the Rat is very curious, so dangerous traps await them.


Both of them are big egoists. In Chinese mythology, the Ox symbolizes fertility and the Boar symbolizes abundance. This is probably a good combination for achieving material well-being. True, it is not without complications. The appearance of this person is dominated by the behavior of Ox. After all, there are places specifically for entertainment and luxury, which greatly frighten the Ox, a puritan, but give the Pig great pleasure. The boar is not used to sitting at home for a long time; isolation is alien to him. These signs have a dual effect on the individual. You can often see a smile on this man’s face, but still deep down he remains unapproachably cold.


This ascendant symbolizes good way, but, of course, it all depends on how you interpret luck. The Schema-Pig carries the Tiger onto dark paths, making him a mystic and revealing to him spiritual world. But not for free. We must not forget that the Boar is the master of the court, a symbol of wealth, not only material, and the Tiger is the king of the Jungle. The tiger is a real animal, a passionate hunter.


This combination produces exciting results. Such people are well-organized and a little mysterious, sensible. Not a single person can boast of having seen their real face, of which there are several - one might say, for all occasions. They quickly accumulate a decent fortune, can live in luxury, but never forget about their culture.

They often go to extremes and may not even notice it. When communicating with them you need to be constantly careful: you don’t know when your interlocutor will go on the offensive. And don’t believe their projects, because they can build a real castle in the air on your gullibility. They know how to attract people to themselves.


The Ascendant represents the lonely wanderer in search of treasures that are certain to be found but unlikely to be kept. They often confuse material wealth with spiritual wealth. Unfortunately, such individuals are not strong enough in spirit, so they need a wise mentor. Such people are constantly sitting on their suitcases, waiting for the next trip, which, they believe, can lead to their desired goal. But this is only an external illusion, because they never know where the next path leads.


This is not a completely honest, peaceful, mysterious, sensitive person. By nature, they are unlucky players who do not like to lose and prefer loneliness to the risk of defeat. It is impossible to captivate such people, as they are stubborn and distrustful. They will not show aggression and in an extreme situation they will prefer to flee, since they are very patient at heart and do not suffer from delusions of grandeur. Never in their lives will they admit that someone else is right. These people love money and cannot resist the temptation to earn it in any way. They love to collect prey and do it calmly, but at this time there is a fire burning in their souls. This is probably the harshest creature with a tender heart.


People born with this ascendant gain a clear mind and become aware of their own pride, which troubles them. Until the end of their days they dream of real action. They are constantly drawn into the distance, in search of satisfying their own curiosity. They return from long journeys with many trophies that are dear only to them. They are constantly trying to find depth and realism within themselves. But the search for hidden inner secrets can lead you into a world of impossible dreams.


Such individuals are difficult to tame because they are distrustful, which makes them seek loneliness. They love to wander off the beaten path. These people are stubborn and judge very narrowly in many ways. They are gullible, but also insightful. They don't like extreme situations and therefore they try to stay away from dangers and unpleasant encounters. Such people are very proud and do not like to admit their mistakes. But they cannot be accused of intolerance: they know how to forgive and are endowed with a soft and vulnerable heart.


They are strange travelers who are not very considerate of others, are often lonely and tend to be original, so they prefer to stay aloof. For them, external principles mean little. This is probably why they choose lost paths and do not like long and straight roads. They want to get lost in the hidden corners of a confusing universe: in such places they feel more confident. These people are always happy to do scientific activities, thanks to which they achieve a high position in society. But they do this not out of ambition, but for their own pleasure.


Such people can withstand any loneliness, choose the road and, despite its ornateness, find final goal. These individuals are very insecure, but do not express their doubts and never oppress others.

Having realized their individuality, they are inclined to spiritual life, in which they find peace. They are worried about transcendental distances, they are able to cross the border that they themselves guard, finding themselves in a completely unfamiliar and different world. They do very well socially and material life, but for people they always remain a little mysterious.



These signs don't like to lie. Their sincerity is simply touching. Such Pigs are very loyal and impulsive, they take everything seriously. This can upset and hurt them. Their fate is influenced by the delight of blind faith. True, these people are aware of their naivety, considering themselves short-sighted. Aries balances the Pig's character with its tenacity. However, he does not lose his objectivity. Such people, as a rule, make a lot of mistakes, but until the last moment they believe that they are in a winning position. This is just a misconception, in fact they are being led. They cannot understand that their conscience is too good for this world.

Aries-Pigs must develop the depth of their feelings. They have sufficient energy, authority and have the opportunity to participate in any business. You need to use their impulsiveness, but you always need to be on guard, because upset and disappointed Pigs-Aries are capable of extremes.


These people are ideal businessmen. They are friendly and hospitable, at ease in society and have good command of the situation. True, at first glance they may seem a little depraved, but, one way or another, they are very cute. They are dreamy and love to spend time in colorful company. These are sensual people, endowed with great virtues, and are far from possessive. Their goal is to live beautifully. But there are also certain difficulties, since they do not know how to adapt to change. Pig - Taurus often refuse to compromise. They are too stubborn and desperately cling to their idealistic views. At first glance this may seem surprising. Such people combine many contradictions, but they do not notice it. In any case, they are loyal and adore their family.


These are very lively and resourceful individuals, endowed with the cunning of Gemini, which has a good influence on the gullible Pig. And the Pig is able to smooth out the absent-mindedness and causticity of Gemini. This is a happy combination. These subtle personalities are adaptable and see only the good in everything. They do not like to abuse other people's attention and are very inquisitive. They are capable of learning and, as a rule, know a lot.

It is difficult for them to concentrate, they have to work a lot on themselves, but they are never able to fully delve into the essence of the problem. Sometimes, getting carried away, they can sacrifice their principles and turn out to be not very decent. But, quickly coming to their senses, they feel guilty and try to correct their mistakes. Such people do not have a sense of foresight; they are capable of building castles in the air. In any situation, optimism does not leave them and, as a rule, all adventures end quite happily.


These are very caring and loving parents who surround their children with excessive attention. For the sake of their family, they can throw themselves into the fire. These people are very sensitive, emotional, their life is like a constant obstacle race. They fight their own temptation, protecting their loved ones, and spend all their time and energy on this.

They are skeptics by nature and rather quarrelsome. They know well that, captured by passions, they will go to the end, not paying attention to the negative and positive sides. At the same time they are soft and authoritative, reasonable and stubborn. They know how to be faithful and tolerant of anyone. However, Pig-Cancers driven into an awkward position can turn out to be very dangerous.


The most successful combination for Pig. These are impeccable and generous people. They will not pay attention to everyday dullness and will try to behave as elegantly as possible. These are born home owners. Even those born in a shack will behave as if in a palace. They are ready to help and make any sacrifices for the sake of a great goal. Sometimes they are even naive, believing that they can make the world a kinder place.

These people adore luxury; they are spoiled by glitz and abundance. For them, flattery is the best bait. They are unable to resist sweet speeches. Pigs - Leos never abuse their strength and power. They are reliable, loyal and do not disappoint their partners.


These people are very sensitive and often rush from one extreme to another; they are not characterized by halftones. Pigs - Virgos represent an example of loyalty, directness and honesty. They do not know how to be cruel and will always find a common language with any aggressor. They know how to improve themselves. They are very attentive both in work and in communication, strive for harmony and know how to cope with troubles.

However, these are quite contradictory natures. It is never boring with such people. Their dual nature helps them to be diplomats and excellent artists.


These people are constantly looking for balance. Never in your life will you hear the truth from them; they will come up with thousands of subterfuges so as not to express real feelings. They are not used to taking responsibility because they are not sure of the right choice. They are characterized by tolerance and a sense of proportion.

All sorts of weaknesses are alien to them, especially when it comes to guarantees and discussions. They are very energetic and try to find a use for their energy. But they prefer to spend most of their time searching for the right paths. Sometimes they manage to find the perfect solution, but it is still impossible to avoid dissatisfaction. Of course, if Pig - Libra were more focused and did not have their head in the clouds, they would definitely reach high peaks.


Scorpio perfectly complements the good-natured Pig. They are more tolerant and strive for peace and harmony. Pigs - Scorpios are very picky and critical. They know how to analyze and reveal all the shortcomings in any matter. They are very sensitive and instantly navigate underwater currents. Such Pigs are able to defend themselves because they are insightful and skeptical. But excessive sensitivity can lead to unwanted excesses. In a state of passion, such people should be feared. Increased sexuality and the search for pleasure can even lead to violence. But deep down, these individuals want peace and well-being.


Such people have many virtues. They are rare intellectuals and are able to discuss any topic. Their charm and talkativeness make them simply charming. They always make the right decisions.

These people are great idealists and are capable of selflessness. They are stubborn, impulsive enthusiasts, which often leads to problems in the sphere of feelings. They refuse to see the shortcomings of others and do not know how to doubt, which is why they are often disappointed. But this doesn't upset them for long, and they start all over again. Their faith in humanity is very touching.


Capricorn gives Pig more authority and allows him to be more active in protecting himself. These people can take everything to its logical conclusion, but at the same time they cannot do without extremes. They are hardworking and a little shy. There are times when Capricorn-Pigs show excessive caution and thereby spoil their endeavors. In fact, they are great idealists. They cannot be forced to change their views. Such people are used to analyzing everything.

Such Pigs have a great passion for culture and education, they are very inquisitive. They are always demanding and true to their principles in everything. True, sometimes they lack a sense of humor, but this is not that bad. They make excellent directors of enterprises, but bad parents, because in the family they can be simply despotic.


These people constantly struggle with their own contradictions. The combination of an extreme idealist-Aquarius with a materialist-Pig is not very successful. These people are rather indifferent and do not like adventures. Well-being is above all else for them. And they try to achieve it by any means. But Pig-Aquarius will not allow themselves to go too far, because they always care about their own impeccability. Thanks to their decency, they can achieve certain successes in material terms and be happy.


These are very peaceful and flexible people who do not like to get excited and argue, but if they have to debate, they will very easily get out of an uncomfortable situation. These are courteous and correct interlocutors who will never allow their knowledge to be abused. They are very helpful and value their friends, but sometimes their frivolity borders on naivety, which leads to mistakes that they do not even notice. The influence of Pig makes Pisces great materialists; these people are very fond of luxury. At the same time, this combination promises greater perseverance and dexterity in financial matters. They successfully translate their plans into reality and know how to adapt. However, they do not like risk because they are quite cowardly.



This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to their partner’s weaknesses, and they have the basis for building this union. It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of separation. Misunderstanding can darken their life and result in terrible scenes. Such Pigs will find a reason for an argument. As a rule, the stumbling block is in raising children. While the parents rant, the offspring are at risk of growing up. These people love to be near the family hearth and do not tolerate change. The life of these people is impossible without work. To avoid mutual grievances and reproaches, it is better for both partners to work together.


Both are passionate and sexual creatures, they are brought together by the desire for pleasure. Perhaps this is the only thing they have in common. And they do not regret it, experiencing wonderful moments together. True, sometimes the Rat is annoyed by the Pig's naivety, especially in business and family matters. But if the Rat is overwhelmed by passions, she always admires the attention and tenderness of the Pig. For his sake, she is ready to go through fire and water, trying to stir up and encourage her clumsy pet. She can teach him a lot, especially how to manage money.


The Pig wants to be the most cunning, but in reality he can only show off his frivolity. Therefore, Vol must always be on guard. They like each other very much and especially value honesty in a partner. The Boar always acts as a fighter, and the Ox is distinguished by its exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But this union is not without disagreements, because the Boar is a glutton by nature, and the Ox cannot allow such wastefulness. They are pleased with different things - one is content with little, and the other desires abundance. The Ox is an excellent economist, and the Pig is wasteful and cannot live without comfort, which becomes the cause of mutual reproaches. But this, one might say, is where their disagreements end, since Pig has a well-developed sense of proportion. And if he feels that he is tired of Vol, he will instantly fall silent.


These signs are united by their loyalty. They know how to be friends and love, their nights are full of passion. They know what honor is. The Tiger is much more cunning than the Pig and helps him defend himself. He instills in Pig the ability to find weak points in the enemy’s defense and thus adapts him to life. Both respect each other's freedom, show tolerance and trust, which is the basis of their union. From time to time, the Tiger pisses off his partner, but not out of anger, but rather out of curiosity. Business is doing great, they complement each other.


This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other because they value positive traits, of which they have more than enough. Sometimes the Pig wants to be alone, and the Hare will not perceive this as a tragedy, he knows how to adapt and is used to pleasing his partner. The Hare uses all his free time to improve his home. Both will try to avoid anything that could interfere with family well-being. In his intimate life, the Hare will help the Pig avoid rash actions. They will prevent them in time. But in any union, disadvantages are possible. The Pig is sensual, sometimes even too much, but the Hare is chaste and even in the most passionate situations he does not throw off the veil of modesty, which can make the Pig laugh, but the Hare will not understand the reason for the laughter.


For the Dragon, this union is very favorable, but for the Pig, not entirely. In this combination, the Pig falls into a trap, because the Dragon will instantly turn its head. The Pig will be occupied only with the Dragon in all his free time, and he will no longer have time for himself. His admiration for his brilliant partner will instill energy in him, he will become more liberated and begin to go out into society on his own. This will not offend the Dragon at all, and he will not forget to give wise advice to his partner. The Pig will gratefully accept the Dragon's words, because his advice is always valuable.


With this union, some paradoxes are observed. Besotted by the Snake, the Boar instantly falls in love with her - and makes a big mistake. Because the Snake will fool him, just like the rest. Honesty is not her quality. The Snake is even annoyed by the Pig's natural honesty. She considers him incredibly stupid and naively gullible. Perhaps there is some truth in her opinion, because Pig very easily agrees to all agreements. Despite these difficulties, feelings can keep them together, although they are even expressed differently. But there is a danger that the Snake will soon want to eat the Boar. This is unlikely to happen, because the Pig has a very fast reaction.

It is easy for the Boar to free himself from the deadly grip of the Snake, because he knows how to resist it. Of course, this fight will cost teeth. The snake should not think that this is a simpleton. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises await her.


Both signs are honest and love an easy and pleasant life. The Pig is too naive and does not see anything selfish in the Horse’s actions, but you cannot rely only on the sleeping Pig. When he is wounded, he defends himself to the last. Therefore, Pig chooses a different tactic: he deals with his interesting partner philosophically and patiently. Both are sensual and inventive. The Horse likes the Pig, and she tries to stay close to him, but this union will not be without friction, because the Horse needs to walk alone, and the Pig will not want to understand this. In addition, the Horse is a born egoist and loves for everything to belong only to it. If the Pig shows his independence and simplicity, the Horse will instantly become jealous. In this regard, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other.


This union is very favorable for both signs. The Boar represents luxury and generosity, and the Sheep cannot resist luxury and generosity. But there is an obstacle: The sheep cannot be locked in a golden cage, it must remain free. The Pig is quite satisfied with these conditions; he allows the Sheep to walk wherever she pleases.

The Sheep will be able to add variety and aesthetics to the Pig’s life and turn a tastelessly luxurious home into a gallery of elite art. They live peacefully in their idyllic world and give in to each other. Both cannot stand conflicts and gladly satisfy their partner’s whims. But the Sheep should not abuse the attention of the Pig, because from soft and courteous he can turn into stern and unapproachable, and possibly aggressive. As always, he will have the last word.


The overly calm and thick-skinned Pig will not pay attention to the Rooster’s teasing and pricks. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast of. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. For his part, the Rooster will never humiliate the Pig and will not dishonestly exploit him. These people get along well together and establish excellent camaraderie based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. Their union is more intellectual than based on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to each other's aid. There is always strict order in their home, which cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.


Complete mutual understanding immediately arises between these people. Both benefit from the union. The Pig will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and optimism, which she so lacks. Both partners are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life are, but they simply have no room for the rest.

A peaceful Dog will be happy and calm, because she is so interested in listening to the Pig and listening to him useful tips. She is not at all embarrassed by the Pig’s awkwardness and clumsiness, but sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. However, at the right moment, she will boldly rush to protect her loved one. True, sometimes Pig is annoyed by the excessive caring of a restless friend. But with the Pig, the Dog will not be lonely and will finally be able to relax.



This year is full of uncertainty for Pig. There is a feeling of unsettlement at home and at work and there is a possibility of losing what he already considers his property. Of course, this can be dealt with, but his anxieties constrain him too much and this affects the degree of success. It is during these years that Pig is able to meet true love and begin life in marriage.


This good year, and there are good prospects on the horizon for the Boars. This year, Boars must be prepared for all sorts of surprises. They will take advantage of hidden resources and organize new enterprises. Of course, there will be problems, but they will be small and insignificant. Problems may arise in love and family.


This is a grueling year. Pigs will encounter difficulties that they must cope with on their own. They will face unforeseen expenses, payment of fines and additional taxes. But Pig will be able to skillfully take advantage of these changes. You don’t need to trust employees, but rather solve important problems yourself. It is also necessary to be optimistic about the future.


This is a pleasant year, but it does not bring great results. Pigs must make every effort to avoid possible excesses and complications, because this could lead to lawsuits and major disasters. Everything will be calm in their house, and mutual understanding reigns in the family. They will have meetings with friends and pleasant entertainment.


This is a calm year for Pigs, when they will receive support from influential people and distinguish themselves in front of their bosses. Of course, Pigs do not tolerate pomp and noise well, but they will not remain indifferent to the admiration of their colleagues. Everything will be fine in their family, but personal property may be lost.


It's hectic and Time of Troubles, although the Kabanov will have certain successes. They can successfully conduct financial transactions, but are unlikely to find peace in matters of the heart. Pigs will travel a lot, but these trips will not be beneficial because they will entail a large increase in expenses.


This year can be favorable if Pigs avoid financial speculation and do not lend money even to their closest friends. Luck will leave them, perhaps various problems will fall on them from all sides, but this is a happy and successful year for family life.


This is a tolerable year for Pigs. Their financial situation is in a slight stagnation, which may cause some losses. There will be no serious health problems. Boars will make up for everything lost in knowledge and professional improvement. This way they can advance in their career. In the sphere of feelings, they experience changes for the better. This is a good time to plan for the future.


This is a medium-intensity year when Boars will experience a need for funds. They may lose the support of others due to worries related to domestic difficulties and personal problems. But there is no need to lose hope. Of course, it will be difficult to get out of this situation, but they will still be able to resolve some difficulties.


This is a difficult year for Pigs, although promising. It requires a lot of work. Peace will reign in their family, but difficulties will arise at work. They have to overcome obstacles very patiently because situations will be very difficult.


This is a busy year for those born under this sign, but Pigs will not be afraid of difficulties. Their expectations will not be realized as easily as they had planned. They will have to mind their own business because various kinds of difficulties will arise. Pigs need to listen more carefully to criticism and not trust flatterers.


This is a stable year with income and progress. Pigs feel in their element and will achieve prosperity and happiness. They will not pay attention to minor troubles at work. There is a high probability of receiving a substantial income or inheritance. But health-related problems can cause concern, which definitely need to be taken into account. New friends will open up new business opportunities for Pig, and this will come precisely in the winter months.


This is a year of general goodwill, which creates an excellent climate for transactions and all kinds of business activities. We will feel free and peaceful, and good mood Boar will give us a sense of stability. At the same time, the Pig will be internally unsure, and this is what will make people underestimate their abilities just at those moments when the opportunity to act arises.

Also, the year of the Boar is a period of abundance and sweet life, which are inherent in the glutton - the Boar. He believes that you need to live in order to live, so he is generous with gifts and love. He loves to serve, but at the same time he loves to squander his earnings, so this year you need to be attentive to your expenses and investments. You cannot invest money without first studying the market. It would not be surprising if we regret our impulsive acts of generosity. The boar brings contentment and satisfaction. This year people feel happy and have virtually no need for material resources. There are no big obstacles in their way that need to be overcome. They will be more sociable and devote themselves to charity and social activities. They will easily make contacts and friendship. You should not be too wasteful and succumb to the moods of the Pig.



The culmination of this year is autumn. Then the Yin of the Boar is strengthened by the Yin of autumn. Need to pay attention Special attention its energy and dynamism. People must listen to the call of their own body. They need to open their hearts, become simpler and better. This year requires extreme balance. You need to throw away all your shields and go on a long journey, only then will it be possible to open new horizons.


The culmination of this year is winter. A time of rest and oblivion. We need to take advantage of this year to relax, there is no need to rush. It is necessary to question all contingencies and proposals. You should give preference to living water and do not forget that reflection is only the beginning of action.


The culmination of this year is spring, a period of growth and blossoming. This is a pretty harmonious year. It is very successful for artists and creative people. There is no need to go far from nature; it can increase sensitivity. It is also necessary to be extremely diplomatic and patient and not to forget about chain of command.


The culmination of this year is summer, a period of creativity and success. This is a very active year, full of action and unexpected turns. It is necessary to use your own energy and not lose your fighting spirit and perseverance. A person wins when he is tireless. Many will be lucky and there is no need to lose convenient opportunities. It is necessary to dominate, but at the same time restrain your anger and avoid scatteredness. This year is also very favorable for creative workers.


The culmination of this year is the end of summer, a symbol of warmth and abundance. This year will free people from everyday worries. The main thing is that there is no need to fight. You can focus on studying and creating. You also need to spend time with those around you, who will appreciate your efforts. Push the boundaries of your imagination.



Aries spend a lot of effort and patience to organize life in their own way. This strong character trait turns into a weakness when it comes to love. Although they have a good chance for personal happiness, things may end too badly because they will have to change their lifestyle.


Taurus must learn not to think that criticism insults “Their Majesty.” The Year of the Pig can bring great defeats in the love sphere. How quickly they acquire a sense of proportion, the more favorable this year will be for them and their partners. They must forget their fear of defeat, at least in front of their loved one.


It is very possible that Gemini will meet a person whom they will love. They have a cheerful, cheerful character and can easily overcome difficulties that arise, but major failures dismay them. They need to concentrate, gather strength and start a new life.


Of course, it is very good that Cancers are not too intrusive, but in order to take advantage of favorable opportunities, you still need to be more active. If they show everyone that they are happy with themselves, there will be no change in their lives. Cancers lack confidence own strength, but passivity is not a way out.


During the year, in all respects, including personal ones, Leos feel that they have made the wrong choice. If circumstances are favorable, they will miss their luck. Leos will always seem to be looking for a better partner, and this will irritate their friends.


In the year of the Pig, Virgos will be happy to have many attractive acquaintances, but in order to turn them into longer-term relationships, they will have to forget their indecision and fear of a stable connection. After all, Virgos are very strong and courageous, they are able to recognize all the virtues of their partner.


Others can only dream of such opportunities that await those born under the sign of Libra this year. The only thing is that these opportunities will seem ordinary to them and they will not even take advantage of them. Libras are completely satisfied with being loved. And they do not want to tie themselves into closer ties. Libras are bohemian people and often have their head in the clouds.


Sometimes it seems to others that Scorpios are in a constant trance. They neglect all the advice of loved ones and avoid society. Their behavior in love is the same and that is why they often discourage their fans.


Sagittarians are true adventurers who perceive life as a strip of exciting surprises. Their meetings with people of the opposite sex are filled with ease and charm. They will surpass all the masters of breaking human hearts, but in this case they will hardly be able to keep the person they sincerely love.


They have many opportunities for happiness in love, but often they prevent themselves from taking advantage of them. For their loved ones, they are ready to get stars from the sky and will be their faithful protectors, but they are too reasonable and always restrain their flaring passions. Hard work and loyalty alone are hardly enough to attract someone deeply.


In the year of the Pig, Aquarius needs to be calmer and cooler so as not to risk their own happiness. They are tireless in their search for happiness, and this will push serious people away from them. Aquarians give the impression of butterflies that fly from flower to flower. They need to bring more order and peace into their lives.


Pisces are almost clairvoyants, they are good at discerning the essence of people, and this ability will serve them well in the year of the Pig. Among the many acquaintances on their way there will be liars who are not at all interested in serious relationships. This is where increased attention and restraint will help them.

The cycle of the Chinese horoscope has come to an end. We hope that it has helped you to gain a deeper understanding of the essence of your nature and those of your loved ones. We are very glad if you found in it what you were looking for and changed yourself at least a little for the better.

Source - Alexander Alexander Alexander - Chinese astrology.

This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese horoscope.

The hieroglyph for “boar” - “zhu” - is ambiguous: it denotes both the wild, dangerous forest boar, which was considered a symbol of vitality, courage and power, and the domestic pig, which has long been revered as a symbol of prosperity, good luck and lust. If Pig manages to overcome earthly temptations, he can fulfill all his desires, since fate favors him and is always ready to obligingly open any doors to his favorite. Years corresponding to the year of the Pig in the Eastern horoscope: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

Character of people born in the year of the Pig

The boar is one of the most honest and simple-minded animals in the Chinese horoscope. He is appreciated and loved for his faith in people, patience and reliability. The Pig is smart, insightful, patient and persistent - it is not surprising that those born under this sign are considered lucky: the stars predict for them a career take-off, a strong family and the love of others. This sign bizarrely combines a rather tough, greedy mind, logic and warmth. Regardless of the level of education, all those born under this sign are characterized by a sense of vitality and natural ingenuity. Where a representative of any other sign of the Chinese horoscope will only dig up a vegetable garden, the Pig, with his inherent confidence, will dig up an oil well. The main thing is to start digging. Those born in the year of the Pig are hedonists: they like to enjoy delicious food, good music, pleasant company - these people love life like no other. Even in a hopeless situation, they wave it off: “We’ll break through!” - and indeed they break through, rising from the ashes like a Phoenix. They like beautiful people and things, although Boars wisely give priority to content. Representatives of this sign travel with interest, learn new things, love to study and have fun. The main thing for them is not to forget to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, Pigs are prone to being overweight. The word that most succinctly describes the character of the Pig is thoroughness. The Pig clearly knows what he wants, and, having outlined goals, confidently moves towards their implementation, without succumbing to tricks, persuasion and provocations. All Pig needs is to understand his desires, aspirations and make a choice. Regardless of whether this choice is correct or not, the actions aimed at its implementation will make the Pig happy and sooner or later will lead him to where the Pig was supposed to go.

People born in the year of the Pig: compatibility in love

Pigs are idealists and romantics. They believe in love, are ready to wait for it for years - and often their wait is justified. It is almost impossible to meet a Pig who has entered into a marriage of convenience: falsehood is disgusting to their honest and open nature. The Pig expects loyalty, feelings and support from its partner. The Pig can be incredibly jealous if it senses lies, omissions and understatement on the part of its partner. However, most likely, he will tactfully keep silent about his feelings, not wanting to hurt his loved one with his suspicions and will suffer in silence, in splendid isolation. If the Pig catches his partner in treason, then he himself may go to great lengths - solely for the sake of revenge and jealousy. In their youth, Pigs are characterized by slight Don Juanism, but age brings them maturity of feelings and stability. This Sign is incredibly sexy and attractive: Pigs are distinguished by special, “earthly” charisma and sensuality. It is impossible to forget them: once you have “tasted” true love, devotion and strength of feelings, it is very difficult to refuse them. In love, Pig is compatible with, and other Pig.

People born in the year of the Pig: compatibility in friendship

The boar is a wonderful friend. These are the type of friends who will fly to the rescue from the opposite end of the globe if you really need their help. The boar will go around delicately sharp corners and issues on which you and him have diametrically opposed opinions, so as not to inadvertently offend you. He can say that he has changed his view on the work of your favorite group (don’t believe it: Boar, having decided something for himself, is extremely stubborn in his opinion), and your favorite Chinese vase looks very good in a high-tech interior... The Pig is smart, has a good sense of humor, generous, pleasant to talk to, and loves company and parties. However, he has few real friends. Perhaps the reason is that representatives of this Sign do not tolerate halftones: give them either black or white, and intrigue, friendship on two fronts and gossip behind their backs are not for them. The Pig trusts people and is ready to meet them halfway. He judges others by himself and does not imagine that perhaps this man smiling at him was planning some kind of meanness. The Pig is patient, calm and ready to turn a blind eye to many things, so scoundrels and flatterers can easily fool him. It’s amazing how smart and insightful at work the Pig can be trusting and naive in love and friendship. It is easy to deceive and betray a boar, but you can only do this once: it will not forgive you. And if the offense is severe, the Pig will definitely take revenge. Revenge can be cruel - just remember the angry boar that rushes at the offender, sweeping away everything in its path, not paying attention to pain and wounds. In friendship, Pig is best suited to another Pig.

People born in the year of the Pig: compatibility at work

The most suitable professional areas for Pig are business, production and trade. The Pig loves his work, devoting a lot of effort and time to it, so among the Pig there are often large and medium-sized businessmen who once started their business from scratch. Business partners respect them for their honesty and reliability, and their subordinates respect them for the stability of payments and dedication to their work.

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