Living room design in brown-orange tones. Orange living room - options for the perfect combination of orange color in the living room (70 photos)

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Orange color in the interior - juicy like an orange, hot like the sun

Proper Use orange in the interior can fill any room with light, warmth, and give you a genuine feeling of cheerfulness, optimism and happiness. In this article I will tell you about what the color orange is combined with in the interior and how to use this tone harmoniously.

Color creates a mood

Orange is one of the most active shades; it combines the energy of good-natured yellow and the strength of red. This color is part of the sunset, a symbol of pleasure, warmth and carefreeness. It is able to create a sunny mood, inspire a festive atmosphere and fill any room with warmth, even one in which the rays heavenly body have never been.

Orange must be used very carefully in the interior, as it is very active and energetic. Orange tones have a special effect on a person: they can free him from feelings of depression and improve digestion. These shades are also tonic.

Orange has a large number of shades, some of them are more energetic, others have a calming and relaxing character, so their purpose is completely different. Tangerine is perfect for a children's room, pumpkin and amber are perfect for the dining room and kitchen. I consider carrot, bronze and coral to be universal, because they can be used almost everywhere.

Features of orange

I want to tell you about some features of orange color in the interior:

  1. It can improve your mood.
  2. It is always warm and has no cold shades.
  3. Orange objects are endowed with the ability to attract the eye.
  4. Thanks to it, creativity awakens and brain function is stimulated.
  5. We don’t combine it with cold shades, but it gets along just fine with warm shades.
  6. Items orange color visually more voluminous than other shades. For example, an orange vase will appear slightly larger than a blue one. This property does not apply to walls.
  7. It has the property of increasing appetite.
  8. Using orange to decorate walls in small rooms makes the room visually even smaller.
  9. Orange's neighbors are yellow and red, but its complete opposite is blue.

Colors that harmonize perfectly with orange

Now I will tell you what colors combine most successfully with orange in the interior:

  1. White. This color goes well with orange, highlights and complements it. Cold white next to the orange tone seems less icy in appearance, and the orange becomes even brighter against the background of white. This color, combined with orange, is well suited for a minimalist living room and bathroom.

  1. Green. This color next to orange creates a natural combination that is associated with New Year holidays, a flowering meadow or a basket of fruit. It is advisable to combine orange color with warm green shades.

  1. Cream (beige). By its nature, this shade is very calm. Thanks to this quality, it is able to balance the energy and fieryness of orange. So that you can understand me, I will give the following example: on a white background, tangerine begins to “burn,” but cream, unlike white, calms this flame a little.

  1. Grey. The duet of this shade with tangerine can be considered quite successful. Easy gray shade, like cream, can dim the brightness of orange. Since these colors do not contradict each other, they coexist quite harmoniously.

  1. Blue. Warm shades of this color have a beneficial effect on emotional condition people are a symbol of sky and sea, and in combination with an orange tone they can create a wonderful duet. When using it in the interior, it is worth considering that prolonged exposure to blue in its pure form can provoke a depressive state.

  1. Blue. What associations do you have with this color in a duet with hot orange? Of course, it resembles the sky on a clear day, and I believe that this combination is more than ideal, since it was intended by nature itself. So why not use it in the interior?

  1. Brown. This color in the interior is suitable for people in need of relaxation and peace. Its combination with orange - a good option, since a warm color will prevent the room from becoming gloomy.

Bold combinations

The orange tone itself is not simple and choosing the right color for it is not always easy. There are some shades that, when combined with tangerine, are not suitable for everyone.

If you want extravagant combinations to create something special, use orange with:

  1. Black. This combination turns out to be brutal and aggressive, and it is precisely because of this that it is ideal for daring and self-confident people. Such a duet has a positive effect on active and creative individuals, as it is able to inspire and stimulate them. Orange on a black background begins to blind, burn, and pulsate.

This duet is used in modern interiors, but I recommend not using this combination in its pure form in a residential area. It is best to dilute it with the presence of other shades, for example, beige, gray, white, soft pink.

  1. Pink. In general, it is believed that this combination is not the most successful, since these two colors are approximately the same in lightness and together create, at first glance, some kind of intermediate shade. Such a duet does not carry expressiveness, but in the case correct selection shades, you can use it to create a very unusual design.

You can achieve a non-standard effect by using several shades of pink: from the lightest to the loudest. For a more comfortable indoor environment, the pink-orange duet can be diluted with light brown, white, gold, green, blue and, in extreme cases, black.

  1. Chocolate. Despite the good combination of brown and orange shades, chocolate is too dark, especially if it is very close to glossy black. A duet with this color resembles a combination with black, so it is not suitable for everyone. If you are attracted to extravagant combinations, match dark chocolate with flashy orange.

This combination looks strict, but it is persistently used because of its solid appearance. It would be appropriate to add to such an interior light shades, for example, beige and grayish. You should not use black with orange-chocolate colors, as this will cause compatibility problems.

  1. Purple. Some believe that this union is not very successful, but thanks to their bold natures, these two colors are slowly finding their place in children's and living rooms. Such a daring and bold combination of almost opposite shades can stand out very beautifully in the interior.

If you want to transform your apartment with the help of an orange-purple duet, you need to know one important thing - the colors must be from the same palette, namely, have similar (preferably the same) characteristics:

  • dimness/brightness;
  • simplicity/complexity;
  • blur/saturation;
  • cleanliness / dustiness, etc.

If you want to use these colors as base colors, you will have to remember these rules:

  • choose purple and orange from the same palette (that is, with the same characteristics);
  • The more saturated the colors, the more aggressive the interior of the room will be perceived, so do not forget to add some light color.

Remember the rule, if you decide to make these two colors the main ones for the interior: try to distribute them in such a way that the orange is diluted with purple correct proportion. For this orange walls complement with purple decor and vice versa.

The purple-orange union can be diluted with neutral colors:

  • cream;
  • grey;
  • white;
  • khaki;
  • sand.

And of course, light cool shades:

  • light lilac;
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • lemon yellow;
  • cool green shades;
  • aquamarine.

I do not recommend using shades of red, as well as terracotta, coral, burgundy and peach. You should also avoid other shades that contain a high proportion of red, pink and orange.

Decor - completion of the orange interior

If your room lacks warm tangerine shades, and there is no money for repairs, this is not a reason to be upset. Nothing prevents you from adding orange accents to the interior of the room with the help of accessories.

Let's see how this can be done:

  1. Buy new curtains. A plain orange fabric or orange patterns on a neutral canvas will help transform your room. For the kitchen/bathroom you can choose luscious blinds.

  1. Choose the right one interesting decor . Various figurines, paintings, vases and other small accessories may be suitable for this.

  1. Buy new textiles. It is not necessary to purchase a new sofa for this; you can replace the upholstery on the old one. The easiest way is to buy bright orange blankets, throw them on a chair/bed/sofa and choose suitable pillows.

  1. Experiment with lighting. You don't need instructions for this. And now I’m not talking about spotlights, but about sconces or floor lamps, by replacing which you can see the room in a new light.

  1. Buy an artificial fireplace(of course, if funds allow). The fire in the fireplace will be a great source of orange color.


Now you know everything about using orange in the interior of an apartment or private house. Use this warm and energetic shade indoors at least minimum quantity and you won't regret it.

Watch the video in this article if you want to see a lot of interesting things in the interior. If you have questions on the topic, leave your comment below.

Whichever shade of orange you choose, it will always be warm. This is precisely what is associated with the ability of orange to create a warm, friendly atmosphere, which is so suitable for the living room. Psychologists have long proven that it is in the orange room that communication and exchange of opinions occur most fruitfully.

If you want to bring cheerfulness to the interior of a small living room with the help of orange, then it is better to use it in details rather than painting the entire walls this color. Orange visually seems closer than it actually is, therefore, it will do the same small room even less. This point must be taken into account. Remember about the peculiarities of color perception when choosing furniture. After all, any orange object will seem more massive in size. Plus, no matter where you place it, it will appear that it is closer.

Using orange as color spots in the interior, designers give preference to large elements: a sofa, large pillows or part of a wall, as in the photo below. Too many orange details in a room can create an overly colorful and somewhat chaotic impression. This is due to the property of orange to visually crowd out all other colors.

Harmonious combinations with orange for the living room

Orange will never make a room darker. If you have a spacious living room, then it can serve as an original background for various color combinations.

But in the case of dark brown, the interior looks heavier and more conservative. If you doubt whether this makes the living room too oppressive, simply add white elements.

Green and orange also go well together in the living room interior (see photo).

Green brings its own touch of freshness and naturalness to any color scheme. However, in the case of orange, it is better to choose light and calm shades of green to avoid an overly contrasting combination of colors.

Yellow-orange with white and red looks beautiful, stylish and quite calm, compared to previous combinations, in the interior in the photo:

On the one hand, the living room looks festive, and on the other, cozy.

Orange details perfectly complement the urban gray and white interior and make it warmer and more lived-in. If you look at the following photo and imagine the design without bright splashes of orange, it becomes obvious how boring and unfriendly the interior becomes.

This design solution is also a good example using orange to create the illusion of unevenness and volume of the wall, which is very suitable for the puzzle-shaped pattern itself.

in combination with laconic forms, additional accents may be required. In the photo above, a large plant acts as such an accent.

In general, if you take into account the specifics of orange, you can quite easily create a stylish and cheerful living room interior with its participation. Therefore, use this color in the design of the room, because no other color can create such a cozy, warm and friendly atmosphere.

Valentina Chaiko

About the most “delicious” shades, successful combinations and bright accents.

In 2012, orange was the most popular color according to Pantone. Its shade with the romantic name “tangerine tango” has settled not only in bedrooms and living rooms, but also in our hearts.. Why? We tell and show you in a new article.

Psychology of orange

Orange was born out of the love of red and yellow flowers. From one parent he inherited energy and determination, from the other - friendliness and optimism. This color is preferred by emotional and sociable people with a strong creativity. And he is also adored by small children who want to explore the world.

When we look at orange, the brain and stomach begin to work faster and more efficiently. As a bonus, it improves your mood. Now you know what color was sorely missed in the office and kitchen. However, be careful: an excess of orange negatively affects the psyche, causing fatigue and apathy.


Orange deservedly bears the title of the most warm shade in the color spectrum, because it does not have cold tones. The names make your mouth water: peach, apricot, pumpkin, honey.

For interiors, muted tones are often chosen: ocher, terracotta, salmon, rust, bronze. However, daredevils will certainly like bright and slightly aggressive ones: tangerine, amber and coral.


It’s not for nothing that orange is associated with peaches and apricots – it’s that kind of fruit. But with the right approach, this color turns into a kind wizard, capable of transforming the interior beyond recognition. Here are a couple of recommendations for taming it:

  • Orange objects immediately attract the eye. A great option when you want to highlight one or more objects in the room
  • You should not use orange in a room where the windows face south side. It can be hot and stuffy there even without it - why intensify the sensations?
  • For small rooms choose light shades of orange. Dark or bright colors on large surfaces they will put pressure and visually make the room even smaller

Orange + pastel colors

Let's start, perhaps, with calm combinations. Orange looks harmonious with neutral shades and most pastel colors. They mute its excessive saturation. Here, for example, are two gentle duets: with pastel mint and delicate cream.

Orange + gray

Orange is an example of a discreet but stylish combination. Remember your superpower gray balance out too bright neighbors and give confidence to quiet ones? White performs a similar function. The combination of orange + + will help create a more graphic and non-trivial interior.

Orange + beige

Gets along well with orange. All variations here are good: from coffee to deep chocolate. One is responsible for dynamics, the other for comfort. A win-win!

Orange + yellow

Are there any lovers of bright and rich interiors here? You will probably like the cheerful combination of orange, which reminds you of sunny summer and carefree childhood. Ideal for a games room.

Orange + blue

The combination of orange and blue is reminiscent of the sea and sun. For example, carrot + turquoise or orange + dark azure. A more versatile option is terracotta paired with steely shades of blue. It looks simply luxurious, especially if you play with textures. For example, a velvet sofa in a deep dark blue (or navy blue) and a bright woven carpet with a pattern, as in the photo below.

Orange in the kitchen interior

Orange is conducive to friendly conversation and stimulates the appetite - perfect for the kitchen or dining room.

If you are not satisfied with the size of the kitchen or low ceiling, try to visually adjust the space using color. Not enough coziness and intimacy? Use your favorite rich/dark shade of orange as the main one and enjoy the result.

Do you want to visually enlarge the space and add a feeling of airiness? We highlight one wall with color, and cover the rest with white/gray/beige paint - the ceiling will seem higher. And again we enjoy the result.

For the bedroom, pastel shades that do not strain the eyes are suitable: peach, apricot, salmon.

The rich orange color can be used in decoration - just a few pillows, a painting, a vase or a bedspread are enough to create an atmosphere of joy in the interior. In such a room and positive energy recharge and sleep without problems.

The orange color will add a bit of coziness and warmth to any interior, which we miss so much with the arrival of autumn. Start the change with accessories: pairs bright pillows and a soft blanket. We are sure you will not be disappointed.

Orange color in the living room interior is usually preferred by optimistic people with an active lifestyle. Thanks to the orange color, the interior composition of the living room is transformed, becoming brighter and more cheerful. If this color is included in the color scheme of the room for receiving guests, then you will see how much richer and more interesting all the other colors look.

The influence of orange color in the interior of the living room on the human psyche

Indeed, an orange living room is often found among active and active people who are instinctively drawn to orange. After all, this color evokes joy, lifts the mood and seems to be “on the same wavelength” with them. Psychologists, thanks to numerous tests, have identified a similar pattern:

Active people are much more comfortable in a living room where orange tones predominate. Whereas calmer people like pastel colors.

In our opinion, it would be a good idea to use orange color in the interior in a living room that belongs to calm and balanced people. After all, it’s sometimes useful to shake yourself up and unwind, to get some kind of “emotional boost.” So, it is precisely the orange living room that can become a catalyst for a positive emotional outburst, which will protect you from depression and create a positive attitude. It has also been noted since ancient times that people who gravitate towards the color orange always have everything in order on the “love front”. Perhaps this is why the orange color in the living room interior in all cases has a positive effect on interpersonal relationships.

In fairness, I would like to warn people with unstable psyches against using orange when decorating the interior of the living room.

If you or your family members are prone to frequent depression or suicidal tendencies, then either completely abandon the orange living room or use this color to a minimum. The fact is that the color orange negatively affects mentally unstable people in the sense that it enhances emotional impulses, which can ultimately lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, before you embark on such color experiments, carefully consider this point.

Some features of using orange color in the interior decoration of the living room

A living room in orange tones is created by designers according to a predetermined plan. Since this color must be used with caution, we advise you to Special attention to the following information.

  • If your room has an excess of natural light, then orange cannot be used as the main color.
  • If your room is very hot during the season, then also do not get carried away with orange tones, since in the summer stuffiness such a color will be perceived as something extremely negative. Psychologists say that in a stuffy room, if orange tones predominate in it, you can get heatstroke or a heart attack much faster than in a room painted in cold colors.
  • If you are the owner small apartment or at home and are forced to combine a living room with a bedroom, then the orange color should also be kept to a minimum, since it simply will not allow you to get a good night’s sleep, although of course it’s a matter of habit. In addition, orange tends to narrow the space of a room, so it is wiser to use it as an additional color or accent color.
  • Choose the shade of orange wisely, because the overall “mood” of the interior of the room for receiving guests will depend on it. There really is a lot to choose from, including orange, apricot, pumpkin, ocher, copper, peach, the list could go on for a very long time.

If right choice shade of orange is not an easy thing to choose for the interior color combinations with the participation of orange, this is a very complicated matter. If you do not have artistic talent or are not an expert in color combinations, then when creating a color composition it is better for you to either consult a professional designer or use a ready-made design.

The last option is of course easier. However, it has a significant drawback - it is quite difficult to choose a ready-made color scheme to match individual characteristics interior You will have to do the opposite, first develop a color composition, and only then implement all other interior elements. So, what popular color combinations involving this color can an orange living room safely accommodate? Let's try to answer this question.

  1. The combination of brown and orange colors is considered classic. This combination is suitable for people who create a noble modern design, and what shade of orange will be used depends on the goals pursued by the owners. If you need a strict interior without frills, then you should choose a dark shade of orange, and if the design is planned as light, bright, cheerful, then the shade of orange should resemble, for example, an orange.
  2. You can combine three primary colors at once in an orange living room. How organic such a combination will be will depend on how these colors harmonize with each other and in what proportions they are used. So, you can quite organically combine orange, turquoise and white. Here, again, you need to be careful, since such a color symbiosis is very active and often provokes explosions of emotions.
  3. Glossy black, white and orange also go well together. In this trio, the dominant role is played, of course, by black and white, and orange plays the role of a color accent, which it “plays” brilliantly, diluting the noble black and white background with cheerful colors. In this case, you can’t use a lot of orange, just 1-2 elements are enough, for example, orange curtains in an orange shade and pillows of the same color on the sofa will look very good on a black and white glossy background.
  4. We find the combination of very rich orange with purple and white very interesting. This combination has a great effect on people of a creative nature, generating inspiration and uplifting their spirits. In this combination, white rules the roost, orange complements it, and purple is given the place of color accent.

Furniture and accessories for an orange living room - choose together

The orange living room is quite demanding in the selection of furniture and accessories; it is worth noting that if you make a mistake with this choice, it is possible that your interior composition will be hopelessly damaged. Professional designers give a number of tips regarding the selection of these interior elements, let's briefly look at these tips.

To summarize, we note that a living room in orange tones has now ceased to be a bold interior solution bordering on recklessness. Thanks to the interesting developments of designers, the color orange is practically risk-free and quite organically included in the color schemes of rooms for receiving guests. If you also use this color in the interior composition of the living room, perhaps the orange color will become the highlight that will make your design a real masterpiece.

A living room in orange tones is the choice of optimists and creatively gifted people.

True, color is not so easy to work with, because it is quite intense. When decorating the interior of an orange living room, you have to take into account all its advantages and disadvantages.

Having chosen the appropriate shade, feel free to add it to the color palette premises. Orange will help give family and friendly gatherings a truly warm atmosphere.

Key points of decorating a room in orange

Most often, accents are created with the help of orange and its shades. They can emphasize beautiful wallpaper, interesting accessories and decorative elements.

But you rarely see orange walls in a room, because too much color suppresses other colors.

An orange living room design involves having the color on one of the following elements: a key wall, decor or furniture. Don't try to make several accents, it's unnecessary.

Orange and its shades

Some may be surprised, but color has a lot of shades. Perhaps the most popular are the following:

  • brick;
  • peach;
  • terracotta;
  • rusty;
  • orange and carrot;
  • bronze and amber.

Largely thanks to the wide variety of shades, you can find something that suits you.

If you still want to paint the walls orange, then take a closer look at the most warm colors– peach and amber.

These shades will help visually enlarge the room and fill it with solar warmth.

When choosing a shade, it is worth remembering the effect that is created in the room. If you want to bring a little tranquility, then choose ocher and peach.

And if you need dynamics, orange color is perfect, but the main thing is not to overdo it.

Excessive amounts of orange cause aggression. Being in such a room for a long time makes a person irritable.

A great option would be to paint about 30% of the surfaces orange. Then the full potential of color will go into dynamics, preventing aggression.

There are also dark shades of orange, for example, ocher, mahogany, terracotta. They are acceptable if you want your orange living room to imitate the oriental style.

But these colors are not suitable for a room with a large set of furniture, because they visually narrow the space.

A tangerine shade is also often used. Usually this shade is chosen active people who prefer to spend time in the room playing games or other active leisure activities.

If your living room is combined with a kitchen, then the eating area should be painted in a pumpkin or apricot shade.

How does orange fit with other colors?

Most often, an orange living room, photos of which are numerous on the Internet, is combined with bright purple or pink.

A competent designer who knows how to work with colors and lighting will be able to give the room a unique charm. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because such a combination can put pressure on the psyche.

Orange and black are one of the most common and proven combinations. In this pair, orange dominates, and black serves to emphasize individual lines and small elements. We can say that black acts as a frame in the picture.

Orange and green are not the most common combination and are considered Moroccan style. If you are determined to use this combination, then give preference to an olive shade.

Blue and orange are a contradictory mixture. Orange stimulates activity, while blue, on the contrary, calms. This combination is somewhat reminiscent of the sea, beach and blue waves.

Orange and white is another classic combination. White is the most favorable background for orange, and in addition it gives the room a calm note.

Combinations of three colors are now in fashion. The most common colors in the living room interior are orange, black and white. The colors complement each other well.

You can often find two more combinations: white + orange + turquoise and white + purple + orange.

As you may have noticed, white appears very often and this is for a reason, because white is the ideal tool for tying together even the most contradictory colors.

Photo of an orange living room

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