Beige color of the house outside. How to choose the color of the facade? Color combinations

For those who want their home to have impeccable style, it is worth thinking about how to choose the right roof shade.

Which the color will suit in one case or another, depends primarily on the goals of the owner of the house: do you need to “hide” the building among the trees or highlight it, express individuality?

There are several basic rules, following which you can achieve an excellent visual effect.

  • be combined with other elements of the building;
  • harmonize with the surrounding landscape;
  • match the architectural style of the house.

The concept of “surrounding landscape” can also include surrounding buildings. If they are made in the same style, turning your home into a strikingly different building, a kind of black sheep, is not always appropriate - with rare exceptions.

Sometimes it is very difficult to reconcile what is desired with what is actual. This thesis is also true in the choice

If the metal tile has a rich quality, then, for example, with all its excellent performance characteristics, such a choice cannot be provided. Therefore, the choice of color largely depends on the diversity of the product range. roofing.

Of course, you can find a way out of any situation: for example, paint slate or use slate instead, which has a rich tint palette, or you can also paint it, and this will also prolong the coating.

Theoretical basics:

  • cold tones are the blue range;
  • neutrals are green colors;
  • warm - from yellow to scarlet.

It should be noted that this division is very arbitrary. And intense carmine red is perceived as warm in comparison with blue, and as colder in comparison with orange.

So, bright colors burn out faster, and a light-colored roof has a better chance of standing for a long time in its original form.

Also, dark roofs heat up more.

Those who doubt their choice will come to the aid of special computer programs, with which you can change roofs, walls and facade elements on a three-dimensional model, and select best combination. Such programs already contain a tint palette of a particular roofing covering, various types finishing materials for the facade, including.

However, before purchasing roofing and finishing materials in an online store, it is worth looking at how well the chosen shade meets expectations in reality - since the monitor to some extent distorts the real picture.

In such an important matter as color selection, there are no trifles. Even the time of inspection is important, because under artificial and natural light the same tone of metal tiles will be perceived completely differently.

Facade cladding is made with a variety of materials that give it a natural and natural color. Brick, stone, wood, painted plaster, clinker, majolica - all materials or their combinations change and decorate the appearance of the building.

To choose the color of the facade, you need to take into account a number of parameters: climate, geographical location, specifications, functions of the building, its dimensions, facing materials, structural elements.

A harmonious combination of shades contributes to the creation of architectural ensembles at the level of works of art.

Types of facades and finishing methods

The texture of the surface and the type of lighting have a great influence on the perception of color. Remarkable effects can be achieved by combining natural building and facing materials.

Stone, concrete, wood go well with mosaics, glass, asbestos cement, ceramics, and metal.

Sometimes used for decoration artificial materials, But it is not the best choice, because the walls of houses must be strong and reliable, because this is not furniture, where laminated chipboard facades are often used.

The shades of the structural elements should be combined with each other and decorate the facade. Usually, color combinations of the base, roof and facade are selected so that they harmoniously decorate the house.

For plastered walls, paints that are resistant to temperature changes and other weather conditions are used.

For metal elements, steel or black paint is more often used, and façade elements made of metal alloys are coated with varnish, vinyl chloride, or anodized.

To select colors, you can use special programs or invite a specialist.

Rules for choosing colors and color combinations

When choosing the color of the facade, you need to remember simple rules:

  • bright hues more preferable than bright and saturated;
  • shades derived from the same color harmonize well with each other;
  • the classic look of an object can be achieved using natural paints;
  • a well-chosen palette will give the object individuality and uniqueness.

Combination color range should emphasize advantages and hide shortcomings.

Warm shades are used to paint walls: brown, yellow, red. A frequent combination of white and gray. Dark facade colors should be used in small quantities so as not to create the impression of bad taste.

The house should be beautiful, neat, and bright colors make the structure stand out from the space and visually increase its size. White facade combines well with other shades.

The green shade goes well with nature, and is often used to decorate the facades of cottages and mansions outside the city. Modern architecture can use purple and black shades.

Terracotta is a modern and fashionable color that contains the whole range of autumn colors: carrot, brick, orange. They induce relaxation and calm. Terracotta design can consist of either rich tones or more muted ones.

The facades are also decorated in brown and red tones. Brown facades can be of different shades: from copper to chocolate, and are often used to decorate buildings that do not have complex architecture.

Façade color harmony and characteristics

How to choose a color so that an object looks more impressive and attracts attention - this issue is solved by both professionals and simple people building their own private house.

Color renders different influence on the human psyche, and for the color scheme it is important to select shades that have a beneficial effect on the body. For some people it's shades of red and brick, for others it's beige and green.


There are several types of color schemes: achromatic, contrasting, monochromatic, disharmonious, nuanced. Selecting a range is not an easy process, and it is better if it is carried out by specialists.

It is selected taking into account the style of the building: classic, modern or rustic.

It is more correct to use a small number of shades: one main and 2 or 3 additional ones. Painting a house in one color is not a very good solution, because it will look monotonous and uninteresting.

The primary colors are blue, red and yellow, while green, purple and orange are the secondary colors.

The architectural features of the object dictate decisions in choosing a color palette, because poorly chosen colors can negate the style and sophistication of the building.

White and milky shades are often used in classical architecture because they visually increase size.

Important color characteristics:

  • durability;
  • dependence on form;
  • visual properties;
  • degree of heat absorption.

Dark shades attract light and are used for buildings in northern countries. Bright colors fade in the sun, and it is better to take this factor into account in advance.

Saturated tones are used in the absence of small elements and simple shapes oh buildings, and intricate designs look good in light colors.

Light colors visually increase the volume of the building, dark colors emphasize the shape and reduce the emphasis on the object, bright shades distinguish the house from the surrounding space.

Important parameters for choosing a color scheme

The choice of color for the facade is carried out taking into account the following parameters:

  • purpose of the object;
  • architecture of neighboring buildings;
  • climatic conditions;
  • features of psychological perception;
  • cultural traditions;
  • modern fashion.

The selection of shade should be carried out taking into account the architecture of the object: the laconic and simple silhouette of the building is emphasized with light tones, and the complex architecture with bright colors.

You also need to take into account the texture and size of the elements. A smooth texture increases brightness, while a rough texture softens colors. The selection of colors involves highlighting all elements: doors, plinth, facade, roof, windows.

Rules that should be followed when choosing colors:

  • the base is painted in dark shades;
  • the roof is usually lighter than the base;
  • the walls have an intermediate shade between the plinth and the roof.

Regardless of the choice of color scheme, the combination must be harmonious and consistent with the architecture of the property. You can choose the colors of house facades by looking at the photo (see link). This is a great opportunity to choose the right option.

The combination of colors of the building facade with surrounding objects

You need to paint a house not only taking into account your taste, but also taking into account the general surrounding color scheme of those objects that are nearby.

In a historical place, you need to adhere to color combinations that are typical for this building area. For country house good decision There will be the use of pastel colors. If the house is surrounded by a garden and trees, then it is decorated by painting it in light colors.

If the building is located in an ordinary residential area or in an open area, then it can be highlighted with bright colors.

Facades should be painted taking into account climatic conditions, because paints of organic origin (red, green, violet, yellow) quickly fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays, and too dark ones contribute to the heating of the facade and its destruction.

For south side For the facade, you need to choose more muted paint tones, because in bright lighting they look lighter. You need to consider how the building will look in winter or summer: White House will not stand out against the background of snow and will completely merge with the surroundings, and green will not look good in summer.

Adjust architectural proportions, emphasize the most interesting elements and the overall style of the house, mask imperfections, increase volumes - these tasks can be effectively solved by changing the color of the facade.

During the construction of a house, many people think, as a rule, only about the technical side of the issue and suitable materials, while a correctly selected color scheme is also an important component. The selection of the color of the house should be carried out taking into account the facade of the building.

First of all, you need to decide what you expect from your home as a whole. Depending on the functional and aesthetic requirements, you can begin to select an approximate color scheme. If you want your home to not stand out from the general background and to form a single composition with the landscape, take a closer look at roofs in green or brown shades. If, on the contrary, you want the house to contrast with its surroundings, the ideal solution would be roofs in rich purple, yellow or red colors.

Roof of a house that blends well with the surrounding nature

When choosing a roof, you should pay attention to how it will match the color of the facade. If the design of the building structure is dominated by warm shades, then the roof should be designed in warm colors. In turn, if the facade of the house is decorated in cold shades, a “warm” roof will be extremely inappropriate. The optimal color solutions for the facade are white, gray and black, which harmonize perfectly with all shades.

The white facade of the house goes well with any roof color

The most successful color combinations when decorating a home

It must be remembered that the ability to choose one color or another may be somewhat limited due to the certain properties of each roofing material. For example, you will not be able to find natural tiles in saturated purple shades or roll material silver color. Therefore, you will have to start from one thing: the color of the roof or the material from which it is made.

Material compatibility

When choosing suitable color combinations, it is worth remembering correct selection building materials. Ideally, you should give preference to those resources that are prevalent in your area. Thanks to this, you can save on delivery and, in addition, you can be absolutely sure of the durability and strength of the material used (since it has already passed all climatic tests). Combination not recommended wooden walls with tiles made of metal materials.

Brickwork, in turn, goes perfectly with the most various types roofs. Green, dark brown, burgundy or tiles look ideal with terracotta color. gray colors. In addition, in this case it becomes possible to use metal tiles, as well as copper and bitumen roofing. Gray or beige roofing materials are perfect for walls made of dark brick.

Properties of roof colors

Choosing suitable color roof, you should pay attention to the visual effect it has. Some colors can visually increase or decrease the shape of a house, others can change it, others can hide or make various flaws more visible, and still others can reduce or increase the level of lighting in living rooms.

It is known that dark roofs heat up well, as they attract the sun's rays. Therefore, they are best suited for a home located in a northern region with a cold climate. For housing that is being built in a warm area, on the contrary, it is recommended to install a light-colored roof. It should be taken into account that under the influence sun rays bright and saturated shades quickly become faded, which is another argument in favor of a light roof.

House with a light roof and a dark facade
  1. It is better to make color combinations from shades of the same color.
  2. The color scheme must be in complete harmony with the architectural style of the building.
  3. Consider appearance nearby buildings, as well as the surrounding landscape. Housing located near mountains and forests should be decorated in yellow, green or brown colors, and houses located near the sea should be decorated in blue, white and light blue shades.

Selecting the color of the house and roof depending on the architectural style

You should choose the color scheme for decorating your home taking into account its architectural style, since such combinations incorrectly can change its appearance beyond recognition and ruin the whole impression.

Classic style

For structures built in classic style, precise color balance is required. The ideal solution would be a light pastel palette, in which one shade smoothly transitions into another. The facade design is usually dominated by beige or white colors, and the roof is only 2-3 tones darker than the main structure. It is highly recommended not to use sharp color changes based on contrast. If necessary, some decorative elements can be highlighted with a golden hue.

Classic beige house

Romanesque (castle) style

When decorating houses in this style, you should use brown and gray shades that imitate the color natural materials. Some decorative elements can be highlighted by using shades slightly darker than the main color. To paint the roof of a house, dark paint is usually used. gray or imitating metal. To decorate the facade of a house, wall paintings or mosaics are usually used.

House in castle style gray

Gothic style

To decorate the roof, as a rule, gray paint is used, creating the effect of aged metal, and to decorate the facade, you can use opposite shades (for example, a snow-white facade and a dark roof).

Romantic historicism

When choosing such an architectural style, it becomes possible to combine several colors that are opposite to each other. For example, the most common color combinations are the following:

  • Facade painted in gray shades that imitate a natural stone, and the roof is blue.
  • WITH green The roof will be ideally combined with a white or beige facade.
  • WITH burgundy roof The facade in beige or gray shades looks good.

Romantic home decoration option


The refined and simple Renaissance style when decorating premises involves the use of warm pastel shades(for example, creamy brown or brick red color schemes). When choosing this style, it is highly not recommended to use gray or cold shades, as they visually reduce the space of the room.


The color scheme of the Baroque style is dominated mainly by cream and white shades for facades and brick red, dark green and brown for roofing. This style completely excludes overly saturated and bright colors. The color design should be as neutral as possible, since the decor already contains an abundance of all kinds of details and elements.


Art Nouveau style, due to unusual geometric shapes in decor, it has a huge scope for experimenting with color palette. When choosing color solutions facade and roof you can safely try various options, which in other styles will simply not be compatible. Among the most common combinations of finishing materials are combinations of wood and stone, as well as wood and metal.

To choose the color of the roof of a house that is in harmony with the overall appearance of the building, it is enough to be guided by your taste or ask the opinion of architects or designers. It is also worth paying attention to the teachings of Feng Shui, according to which the choice of roof color directly affects the well-being of the inhabitants of the house.

Energy protection and management

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the roof performs the function of a kind of dome, which physically and spiritually protects those living in the house from atmospheric phenomena. Its second purpose is to control subtle energies, thanks to which:

  • good luck, emotional and financial well-being comes to the house;
  • supported and strengthened physical health inhabitants;
  • Harmony develops in the relationships of close people with each other.

That is why it is important to carefully consider the choice of roof shape and roofing color. Disharmony becomes an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires and gives rise to various kinds of difficulties.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the color of the roof should match the biofield of the owner of the house (it does not matter whether it is a man or a woman). Only in this case will a harmonious atmosphere reign in the house.

Color influence

According to Feng Shui, the color of the roof of a house can be selected based on the meanings that each color carries, from the point of view of managing subtle energies. In the teachings of Feng Shui, significant attention is paid to the symbolism of color.

Red color: symbol of resurrection, color of life, color of fire. Shades of red can be used when decorating the roof - the color will contribute happy life and activity. However, bright red, a rich color, symbolizes fire, which can destroy balance and provoke discord in relationships.

Green color: symbol of hope, new life, harmony and tranquility. A green roof promotes good vitality, mental balance and tranquility. Not only in Eastern teachings, but also in European psychological practice green color is one of the most favorable.

Yellow: health, abundance, wisdom and experience. The inhabitants of a house under a roof of yellow, sunny color will always feel comfort, warmth and coziness. It is important to choose harmonious shades.

Blue color : symbol of sea depth and heavenly heights. In Feng Shui advice on how to choose the color of the roof of a house, you can find a clear indication that the color of the roof should not “fight” with the elements of the sky. Blue color is one of the unfavorable options for roof decoration due to disharmony at the level of subtle energies.

White color: symbol of the divine principle, infinity, eternity. If White color organic to the head of the house, then he will become ideal option for roofing. In such a house, all inhabitants will be provided with comfort and peace of mind.

Black color: symbolizes change. You should not make this color the predominant color for the roofing, this will contribute to the deterioration of energy flows. In addition, the building itself will look gloomy, which leads to discomfort. At the same time, black color can be successfully used to design roof elements.

Brown color: symbol of constancy, stability. Feng Shui teaching warns against using Brown in concentrated pure form, it is recommended to give preference to shades: beige, peach, sand and others.

Before choosing colors and shades, you should become more familiar with the correspondence between color and elements.

Elements and color

When thinking about the question of how to choose the right color for the roof of a house, you can focus on your own preferences, especially since Feng Shui masters practically do not give direct advice, limiting themselves to general recommendations. At the same time, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the principles of choosing a color regarding its belonging to a particular element.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, each color belongs to one of the five elements:

  • Water (blue and black);
  • Tree (green);
  • Fire (red);
  • Metal (white);
  • Earth (brown).

The variety of shades of each color allows you not to be limited to basic colors when choosing a roof design. In addition, the quality and intensity of its influence on energy directly depends on the shades and saturation of the color. It is advisable to choose harmonious shades.

The colors of the Fire element are not quite suitable for the roof; they are overly “active”. Their influence can be weakened by using Earth colors in the design of the roof. In this case, the house will become comfortable for people, primarily for those who occupy leadership positions and are vested with power. The design of many modern roofing collections uses a combination of the colors of the elements of Fire and Earth. This softened palette allows you to create roofs that comply with the traditions of Feng Shui.

The colors of the Water element, black and blue, essentially represent a waterfall of free energy. Since a waterfall is an active downward movement of water, the energy in houses with a blue or black roof is restless, along with it physical, emotional and intellectual forces flow away from the atmosphere of the house, the activity of the inhabitants decreases, vitality, diseases, including chronic ones, may appear. Residents of houses with a roof the color of the Water element are rarely lucky. Excessive nervous tension affects not only the head of the house, but also the entire household.

Harmonious colors that can be used to decorate a roof, either independently or in combination with each other, include shades of the colors of the elements of Metal and Wood.

It is recommended to add Fire colors to the “earth” shades to get comfortable, safe options for roofing. This is autumn orange, peach, soft scarlet, dark burgundy, sand. The colors of the Earth element are very favorable for the roof of a house, as they symbolically represent the soil on which the family tree grows.

Not only color, but also shape

The shape of the roof of the house is responsible for the relationships within the family. Round roof is a symbol of immortality, infinity - in such a house lost strength is quickly restored and stress is relieved. Pagoda roofs, due to their shape, reflect negative external influences per family. The pyramid-shaped roof, oriented to the cardinal points, concentrates positive energy in the house. If the roof has the shape of regular triangles, the inhabitants of such a house will have good luck. But a wavy roof is not the best choice, since it interferes with any undertakings of the head of the family and household members. A “dented” roof is also a bad option, as it symbolizes discord in relationships within the family.

The positive impact of a correctly chosen roof shape can be enhanced by color. If you decide to choose the color of the roof of your house according to Feng Shui, you should not limit yourself to general recommendations. To deeply analyze the movement of energy in a house and determine the personality traits of its owner, it is necessary to study specialized literature or turn to masters of teaching. This will not only allow you to build a comfortable home, but also create a truly favorable atmosphere in it.

Paints for the facade are chosen based on the base material that needs to be painted.

All facade paints have increased quality indicators that characterize the durability of the material, its resistance to external factors, strength, adhesive properties.

Facade coloring compounds do not fade and contribute to the decorative appearance of the building, its neatness and attractiveness.

Classified paints and varnishes for painting the facade according to the composition:

  • . The main component in this composition is an acrylic resin, which ensures the elasticity of the paint and the strength of the coating;
  • . Compositions that can combine several main components (acrylic, liquid glass), belong to the latest generation nanotechnological compounds;
  • . The main component of the composition is liquid glass, characterized by good vapor permeability;
  • mineral. The basis of such materials is lime and cement. They are characterized by low cost, but are less elastic than other coloring compounds;
  • . There are emulsion and modified ones. Elastic mixtures with good vapor permeability.

In addition to the fact that paints may differ in the presence of binding components, they can be based on the type of solvent:

  • water-soluble. Binders are formed by dissolution in water;
  • on organic solvent elements. The components are bonded by dissolving in alcohol, white spirit, or xylene.


For each surface, it is necessary to select the appropriate paint based on the base material and type of dye.

So, for mineral bases it is advisable to use silicate paint, and for and - mineral.

What color is best for painting the facade of a house?

Home decoration largely depends on what shade the house is painted. The most important thing when choosing a color is to be guided by the general style of the surrounding landscape, and personal preferences should be taken into account.

Choosing a paint that is not pleasing to the eye will be a big mistake, since an unpleasant shade will darken the mood and will not bring the proper aesthetic or inner comfort.

A home is not only a refuge, it is an area where a person should feel as comfortable as possible. When choosing paint, it is advisable to use shades that are closest to natural ones: brown, blue, gray, beige, white.

Flashy tones such as bright orange, scarlet, purple, light green contribute to the perception of the house as something toy, not real. Such houses will stand out beautifully against the backdrop of green vegetation, and certainly among nearby buildings. The bright façade is suitable for extravagant and emotional people for whom peace and solitude are not a suitable state.

When choosing a façade paint, it is important to consider the color match with the roof. The sample must be combined: either have contrast, or be in the same color of different shades. It is most appropriate to use the palette in such a way that the facade is lighter (for example, yellow) than the frames of windows, doors, and other prominent parts are darker.

Don't forget about interior design Houses. It must match external design: then there will be a feeling of complete correspondence in style and individuality (more visual photos below).

What colors are in fashion now?

Currently, natural dark shades are becoming the most popular: brown, dark brown, and especially black or matte black. Despite the seemingly harshness of black, it gives the building nobility and elegance.

It is especially preferable to use black for painting wooden houses having large white windows or glass verandas and doors. If you don’t like black, you can use equally popular brown or beige and shades closer to lighter tones.

It's not always worth chasing fashion trends: First of all, the color of the house should bring satisfaction and please the owner’s eye.

Fashion changes much faster than facade painting, so Do not forget about personal preferences and internal feelings.

Methods for selecting colors and combinations of shades

For a building, it is important to select the right color, taking into account its architectural features. Color can emphasize a unique shape, or vice versa - smooth out the emphasis on the specifics of the design.

There are some points to consider that will help you correctly determine the color of your home:

  • Shades of the same color, differing in saturation, look harmonious;
  • it is advisable to use natural paints;
  • It is recommended to use at least two colors when decorating the facade: for protruding parts near the main walls;
  • For visual increase buildings use light colors to emphasize simple forms and the absence of many small elements in the design - more saturated.

The location of the house should be taken into account: bright colors fade quickly in the sun. Most often, when choosing a palette, colors are used according to the principle: the base is the darkest shade, the roof is a little lighter, the facade is intermediate. In this case, the correspondence of different tones of the same color is observed.

Color combinations

What color can you paint a wooden house?

Houses made of wood are environmentally friendly and create the first impression of a feeling of natural intimacy and naturalness. Since the structure itself assumes organicity and naturalness, colors of natural shades will look most effective for a wooden house.

Often wooden houses painted in green, red (brick), brown tones. To emphasize the wood texture, you can use transparent enamels, which will perform a protective function while maintaining the texture.

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