Ondulin: pros and cons, technical characteristics of the material. Roofing ondulin pros and cons, features Does ondulin have disadvantages

Private developers often face the question the right choice roofing material. After all, everyone understands that the durability of the structure and the effectiveness of protecting the entire structure from adverse events nature. On modern market Roofing materials include a huge selection of metal, polymer and bitumen coatings. A wide range of colors and textures can satisfy any, even the most sophisticated taste.

In addition, roofing materials can be chosen according to wealth, which in some cases has great value. Among the large number of roofing materials, there are options that belong to one price category, for example, ondulin or metal profile. To understand which of the presented materials is better, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as performance characteristics each of them.

Description of ondulin - advantages and disadvantages

One of the modern roofing materials is ondulin. This coating is made on the basis of cellulose, which during the production process is impregnated with a polymer substance and coated with bitumen. All rights to the production of this material belong to the company of the same name, which is registered in France. At one of the production stages, the cellulose-polymer mass is molded, giving it a wave-like profile, then the resulting material is cut into sheets of standard size. Various coloring pigments are used to color ondulin. The surface of the material is soft and rough. The weight of a standard sheet is about 6 kg.

The advantages and disadvantages of ondulin include the following:

  • Impeccable operation for 25-50 years, certified by the manufacturer. Compared to other roofing materials, this is quite a long time.
  • Reasonable price. Ondulin is an economy-class roofing material, but it appearance not inferior to more expensive analogues.
  • Light weight. The lightness of the material has great importance, since the costs of installing the sheathing depend on this.
  • High strength characteristics. Ondulin is able to withstand significant snow load, the thickness of the snow layer on a roof made of this material can reach 50 cm.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient. The material does not allow heat to pass through, therefore, ice, icicles and condensation will not form on its surface. In addition, heat loss through such a coating is minimal.
  • Safety. Ondulin does not contain components that can harm human health and life. This has been proven by numerous studies.

But even the listed advantages of the material do not allow us to say that this is an ideal roofing material.

Firstly, installation or renovation work can be carried out at a certain temperature, from +5 to +15 0 C, since when heated the material loses strength, and when negative temperature its fragility increases.

Secondly, the material has a special composition and structure, due to which the disadvantages of ondulin are determined:

  • A very important disadvantage of ondulin on the roof is its rapid ignition. The presence of cellulose in ondulin explains its ability to ignite.
  • Poor resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Sun rays can ruin the appearance of the material, and fading occurs unevenly.
  • Accumulation of snow, dirt and dust. The material has a rough surface, so dirt and snow do not roll down it. Therefore, a roof covered with ondulin requires regular cleaning.

Having studied the advantages and disadvantages of ondulin, you should get acquainted with the similar characteristics of the profiled sheet.

Features and advantages of corrugated sheets

The corrugated sheet is a thin a metal sheet with a printed profile. Thanks to the corrugated surface, the material has high lateral rigidity. For the production of corrugated sheets, sheet steel is used, protected by an anti-corrosion alloy based on zinc, aluminum or molybdenum. In addition, the surface of the material is coated with paint or protective polymers. Depending on the thickness of the base and the applied coating, 1 m2 of corrugated sheeting weighs 6-8 kg. It should be noted that it is highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation and rust, as well as to destruction from biological factors and mechanical loads.

The advantage over other roofing materials is provided by the following properties:

  • Operation for half a century while maintaining waterproofing characteristics, provided correct installation and quality service.
  • Fire resistance. This property allows the material to be used for roofing bathhouses and buildings with stoves and fireplaces, which the high flammability of ondulin does not allow.
  • Ability to withstand significant loads. The corrugated surface with additional stiffening ribs allows the material to resist heavy loads from accumulated snow.
  • Surface smoothness. Thanks to this property, dirt and snow mass roll off the roof. In addition, the ridges located parallel to the slope direct the melt and rainwater into the gutter of the drainage system.
  • Resistant to fading. This property of corrugated sheeting allows you to maintain the color of the roof and its attractiveness throughout the entire operational period.
  • Acceptable price. Compared to other metal roofing materials, corrugated sheeting occupies a more advantageous position and is therefore very popular.

Like ondulin, the corrugated sheet has some nuances that characterize it from a less attractive side:

  • Firstly, the material is based on metal, which has a fairly high thermal conductivity. Consequently, the use of corrugated sheeting for the roof of a house with a residential attic requires the installation of an additional thermal insulation layer. It is worth noting that insulating the roof slope helps solve the problem of overheating in the attic in hot weather.
  • Secondly, metal surfaces are characterized by high resonating properties that can enhance wind noise, the sound of raindrops and hail. The solution to the problem is sound insulation of the roof.
  • Thirdly, even this durable material requires careful handling, since the anti-corrosion coating can be easily damaged if handled carelessly.

Main selection criteria - disadvantages of materials

The main factor influencing the choice of roofing material is the taste and preference of the owner, since each coating has its own positive and negative properties.

When choosing ondulin or corrugated sheeting, which have almost the same service life and are completely safe for humans, several points should be highlighted:

  • In terms of weight, ondulin has lower values ​​than corrugated sheets, which is especially important for weak rafter system or for buildings on a foundation with low load-bearing characteristics.
  • In case of fire hazard, corrugated sheeting has advantages. But if you first perform preventive actions, then this minus of ondulin can be ignored.
  • One of the advantages of ondulin is its high noise insulation properties, which cannot be said about corrugated sheets.
  • Comparing the ease of installation, it can be noted that for roofs complex design It is better to choose ondulin, as it is more flexible and can be easily cut with a knife. It is more convenient to cover simple rectangular slopes with corrugated sheeting.
  • Laying ondulin can be done by anyone without any special construction skills. Corrugated sheeting in this regard can cause some inconvenience, as it requires skill in working with a special tool.

Even though the classic roofing is a proven and popular option, an unconventional roofing material is a real experiment that makes the appearance of a building extraordinary and memorable. These are the epithets used to describe the modern French coating “Ondulin”, which has already proven its ease of use.

What is ondulin

Ondulin is a material that was born in 1944 thanks to the efforts of the Frenchman Gastan Gromier. In Russia, where they learned about it only 50 years later, it is called Euroslate.

Sometimes, as the author of the article noted, ondulin is called tile. However, this is wrong. It must be unusual material confused with bitumen-ceramic tiles “Onduvilla”, which externally resembles Euro-slate, but has completely different dimensions and a different composition.

Because of the waves, ondulin looks like slate and, due to its European origin, is sometimes called Euroslate

Ondulin contains the following components:

  • cellulose fibers compressed at high temperature;
  • bitumen impregnation;
  • resin;
  • mineral pigments;
  • coloring matter.

It turns out that ondulin, unlike slate, which it vaguely resembles, is devoid of harmful components (asbestos). Resin and mineral pigments act as useful additives. They help the material withstand the onslaught of precipitation.

Ondulin has standard sizes:

  • thickness - 3 mm;
  • width - 95 cm;
  • length - 2 m;
  • wave height - 3.6 cm.

The ondulin sheet has a length of 2000 mm and a width of 950 mm

The main technical characteristics of Euroslate include:

  • fire safety class KM5, which indicates its flammability and unsuitability for medical and children's institutions;
  • ability to withstand loads of up to 0.96 tons per 1 m²;
  • immunity to alkalis, acids and petroleum products;
  • harmlessness;
  • possibility of contact with water without serious consequences;
  • long service life;
  • painting in red, brown, green or black, which makes it possible to create a multi-colored coating.

Ondulin different color it turns out to be combined, for example, you can combine green sheets with red

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin coating

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the main advantage of ondulin is its water resistance. Coated special composition, Euro slate simply repels moisture. In addition to this, it is secured with nails only at the highest points of the wave, causing water droplets to quickly roll down without penetrating the material.

Other advantages of ondulin are:

However, some characteristics of ondulin cause serious dissatisfaction. Most often, owners of euroslate roofs complain about the following problems:

However, in most cases, the appearance of some shortcomings of Euro slate should not be blamed on the material, but on the roof owner himself. The author of these lines has more than once been convinced that the low strength of ondulin is just a consequence of improper installation. For example, wanting to somehow save on the construction of a roof, a sheet of Euro slate is secured with ten nails, and not twenty, as required. And other owners of private houses are trying to reduce costs by sheathing: they take fewer boards than necessary and lay them out at an inadmissibly large distance from each other.

Video: about the disadvantages of ondulin


Manufacturers of ondulin claim that it can serve for 15 years. However, as owners of Euroslate roofs have noticed, with careful use the material may not need to be replaced even for 30 years.

The service life of ondulin can be extended to 30–40 years if you adhere to following rules:

  • build a sheathing from durable boards or bars;
  • use nails from only one manufacturer, made of alloy steel and equipped with a wide plastic head;
  • do not skimp on the number of fasteners;
  • decorate the ends of the slopes with tongs;
  • hem the cornices with soffits.

Choice of ondulin

Ondulin tiles are suitable for any structure, including domed or cone-shaped roofs. But since this material comes in several varieties, choosing it can be somewhat difficult.

Classic ondulin in 10 waves measuring 200x95 cm is worth taking to cover flat and vaulted roofs.

Classic ondulin is often purchased for coating flat roofs

Ondulin “Smart”, unlike the standard version, although it has 10 waves, weighs less, since it is manufactured in a 195x95 cm format. This material protects much better from moisture, since it is equipped with a water barrier lock that prevents drops from leaking under the top sheet of overlap when it's raining slantingly. Ondulin “Smart” is considered an improved version of the classic Euro slate, because it marks the points for placing fasteners, making installation much easier.

Ondulin "Smart" due to the presence of special holes has an advantage over simple ondulin

Another variation of Ondulin tiles is compact. This type of material is a real find for complex and small roofs that are built on barns, gazebos and garages. The length of the compact Euro slate is 100 cm and the width is 75 cm, resulting in a sheet of 8 waves weighing only 2.5 kg.

The decrease in the thickness of compact ondulin is compensated by an increase in the number of overlaps. Therefore, the finished coating is quite durable.

Ondulin "Compact" has 8 waves instead of the usual ten

Despite the difference in sheet sizes, the waves of all variations of ondulin are the same. This means that several types of material can be used simultaneously on one roof. It’s easy to see a big plus in this: the roofer won’t have to suffer during construction complex roof and partial repair of the coating.

Directly when choosing ondulin, you should pay attention to such points as:

  • sheet dimensions, which, if they diverge from strict parameters, indicate that the material is counterfeit;
  • number of waves (required 8 or 10);
  • equal thickness in all areas of each sheet;
  • ideal sheet quality (no stains or smudges);
  • evenness of paint application;
  • availability of a quality certificate.

Compatibility of ondulin with different roofs

Since ondulin is a flexible material, it can be used to cover any roof configuration.

Shed roof

Ondulin can be laid on a single-slope roof if its slope is at least 5°. If this condition is violated, it will be more difficult for the material to get rid of moisture on its own and it will not be able to last the period stated by the manufacturer.

Ondulin looks just as good on a pitched roof as corrugated sheeting

To cover a pitched roof with ondulin, the following requirements must be met:

  • use beams with a cross section of 5x5 cm for sheathing;
  • lay sheathing elements every 45 cm if the roof is sloped up to 15 degrees, or at a distance of 60 cm from each other when the roof has a greater slope;
  • lay out the first row of material at the cornice;
  • fasten the sheets, gluing all joints with mounting tape.

broken roof

Broken roof due to sharp corners It is considered a complex structure, but this does not interfere with the installation of ondulin. Due to the angularity of the structure, the material, which is inferior to metal tiles in strength, is relieved of the load, since it is practically not covered with snow.

Ondulin is placed on a sloping roof, starting from the upper zone

Installation of ondulin on a sloping roof requires compliance with the following rules:

  • laying the material begins from the top of the roof so that you do not have to walk on already fixed sheets;
  • in the lower area of ​​the structure, the first row of material is laid out;
  • the top row of material at the junction of two planes of a complex roof is cut off with a hacksaw if necessary.

Hip roof

A hip roof, consisting of four identical triangular slopes, can be safely covered with ondulin. The fact is that the special shape of the roof does not allow snow or moisture to accumulate on the surface, which is why the flexible material completely gets rid of the adverse effects of precipitation.

Hip roof(hip or tent) covered with ondulin without problems

Ondulin can be fixed to a hip roof without any problems if you know the following points:

  • if the slope slope is more than 15°, the sheathing beams are placed in increments of 60 cm, and ondulin sheets are laid out with an overlap of 17 cm;
  • when the roof slope is 10–15°, the sheathing elements are placed at a distance of 45 cm from each other, and the pieces of ondulin are mounted with an overlap of 20 cm;
  • if the roof is inclined by 5–10°, then the sheathing is made without gaps, and the material is secured with overlaps of 30 cm;
  • installation of ondulin begins on the leeward side of the roof;
  • the first sheet is laid 2 cm above the cut border, and its marking is carried out along the edge of the diagonal rafter;
  • last page in a row they are mounted in the same way as the first one, but all other pieces of material are laid according to the standard pattern - with lateral overlap in one wave.

Installation of ondulin

Laying ondulin on the roof includes the following steps:

Video: ondulin laying technology

Cost of ondulin roofing

The costs of installing an ondulin roof depend on the dimensions of the roof.

Table: how much does 1 m² of ondulin roof cost?

Type of work Unit Price in rubles
Construction of the rafter system 1 m² From 300
Laying vapor barrier from 50
Laying insulation with a thickness of 150–200 mm from 70
Laying waterproofing from 40
Installation of counter-lattice from 20
Installation step lathing from 50
Frontal board device from 30
Treating sheathing and rafters with antiseptics from 30
Installation of ondulin from 200
Installation of connections to a wall/pipe p.m. from 160
Ventilated device ridge strip from 270
Valley device from 70
Installation of end strips from 100
Installation cornice strips from 100
Hemming the cornices from 200
Installation of drains (pipes and gutters) from 180
Installation dormer window PC. from 3200

Comparison of ondulin with other coatings

Usually ondulin is compared with metal tiles, since these materials are somewhat similar in appearance.

Metal tiles (left) and ondulin (right) are very similar, however, knowing their characteristics, it is impossible to confuse these materials

Table: comparison of ondulin with metal tiles

Criterion for comparison Material
Metal tiles
Installation (which is easier to fix to the roof) Lightweight, since the material is very elastic, it can be easily cut and takes any shape. You can work alone using just a hammer, tape measure and a hacksaw. Difficult, impossible without experience, since this business requires skills in working with special tools and accurate measurements.
Roofing base Quite a frequent lathing step, which is due to the slight rigidity of the material. A relatively rare lathing step, because metal is a durable material.
Strength Due to the cardboard in its composition, it requires careful use. This means that climbing onto the roof is strictly prohibited in hot and cold weather. You can climb onto a roof made of this material at any time of the year without fear of breaking or pushing through the covering.
Life time It does not deteriorate under the influence of water for 15 years, but begins to suffer from ultraviolet radiation much faster. In fact, it can last about 30 years. It is resistant to corrosion and therefore performs its functions for a minimum of 10 years, and a maximum of 15. However, after three years of operation, this material begins to lose color.
Fire resistance Combustible material, which is explained by the presence of cardboard in its composition. Withstands temperatures up to 110°. Not afraid of fire, can withstand temperatures up to 130°.
Noise insulation Thanks to its softness, it absorbs all noise, including the sound of hail. Therefore, it is ideal for those who arrange a bedroom under a roof. Metal is never “quiet”; it transmits sounds perfectly. Under metal roof the noise will become more muffled if good thermal insulation is installed.
Snowy Little snow remains on the rough surface of the material. On the slippery surface of the metal, snow accumulates in a large layer and rolls off the roof in a huge avalanche.
Appearance Poor color range. Regular corrugated sheets. Variety of colors. The design can be both classic and original.
Price From 200 rubles per square meter plus components for 250–280 rubles. Nails usually come with the material. From 190 rubles per square meter plus components for 100–300 rubles. Fasteners are purchased separately.

After a detailed examination of ondulin, we can conclude that the material is best suited for small buildings. Euroslate will undoubtedly appeal to those who crave silence and originality.

When considering the obvious advantages of the material, as well as the advantages that the manufacturer places special emphasis on, ondulin appears to potential buyers as an almost ideal roofing material. However, just like the advantages, which upon careful consideration do not at all distinguish this material from its competitors, it also has its own inherent disadvantages. Let's consider the main disadvantages and disadvantages of ondulin.

When considering the obvious advantages of the material, as well as the advantages that the manufacturer places special emphasis on, ondulin appears to potential buyers as an almost ideal roofing material. However, just like the advantages, which upon careful consideration do not at all distinguish this material from its competitors, it also has its own inherent disadvantages. Let's consider main disadvantages and disadvantages of ondulin.

Cons of ondulin

Exposure to UV radiation

An important role in choosing a roofing material is played by its appearance. New sheets of ondulin attract the attention of buyers with a bright and rich color, which, according to sellers, will last for a very long time thanks to innovative technologies production and method of applying and fixing the dye. However, after the first year of operation of the roof, its color noticeably fades. Also, under the influence of the sun, rigidity and strength are significantly reduced. This can lead to “moving out” of the roof if installed incorrectly or deformation of the sheets due to the extension of waves under the influence of heat.


This is one of the main disadvantages. It is determined primarily by the inclusion of bitumen components in the composition of roofing sheets. The Russian Fire Safety Declaration defines ondulin as "extremely dangerous". Therefore, it is prohibited in buildings with increased fire safety requirements. European norms and standards generally prohibit the use of this roofing material in private housing construction without taking measures to increase the fire resistance of the roofing structure.

Low strength and brittleness at sub-zero temperatures

This disadvantages of ondulin, characteristic, in principle, of almost all roofing materials based on bitumen. The absence of a snow retention system imposes restrictions on the use of ondulin in central and northern Russia. After all, the pressure on the roof of the so-called snow “bag”, which forms on the roof on the leeward side, can significantly exceed the average norm. And this can ultimately lead to cracking of the roof due to excessive deformations. Therefore, this drawback imposes restrictions on the use of ondulin also on low-slope roofs.

Price-quality ratio

This is, rather, not a drawback, but a conclusion that suggests itself by assessing the consumer qualities of ondulin. After all, a material that has several striking advantages and a whole list of disadvantages cannot cost 3-4 times more than roofing felt and 1.5-2 times more than slate (depending on the number of additional roofing elements).


Taking into account, we can conclude that if you need a durable, reliable and safe roof, this material is unlikely to compete at the level, since it is not able to satisfy all requirements. If, first of all, the aesthetic component of a new roof at an affordable price is considered, then ondulin is a good choice.

Ondulin sheet is a bitumen sheet with a wavy shape. It's quite affordable and very practical material, which is used as a roofing covering. Its main advantages are that it is durable and easy to install. In appearance it can be confused with asbestos cement sheet, but ondulin weighs significantly less.

Ondulin is widely used as a roofing material. The sheets are made from the most modern raw materials. The structure contains cardboard and cellulose fibers, as well as polymer canvases, which are impregnated with improved high-quality bitumen.

The top layer of this sheet is covered with resin, which will help protect the sheet from damage of any kind and the influence of direct sun rays. Additionally, the sheet is impregnated with a special mineral pigment, which sets a particular color or shade for the slate.

Everywhere, ondulin sheets are used for restoration old roof, laying a renewed roof. Sometimes builders use ondulin sheets as cladding for the walls of houses, protecting them from negative atmospheric phenomena. Their use is allowed for roofs with a slope of up to ninety degrees. Thus, the material can be considered universal.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin sheet

Ondulin sheet is a material that is used to cover roofs. Due to its wavy shape, it resembles slate. But that's where their similarities end. Bitumen has a significant advantage over slate. Which one specifically is discussed below:

  • Reliable water insulation– the house will be completely protected from rain, since the waterproofing qualities of this material very high;
  • Visual appeal– a roof made of bitumen sheets looks simply wonderful and leaves the most positive impressions;
  • A light weight– one sheet weighs a little more than six kilograms, so there is little pressure on the foundation;
  • The optimal combination of declared thicknesses: thin but durable - the sheet thickness does not exceed three millimeters;
  • Speed ​​and ease of installation– during laying there is no need to mark the sheets;
  • Long service life– a roof coated with bitumen can last for many years without losing its parameters during all this time.

Brands of bitumen sheet

In modern conditions, bitumen sheets are offered for sale by both foreign manufacturers and factories operating in the domestic market. The most popular brand is Ondulin, and the name of bitumen sheets has long been associated with it.

Slate from this manufacturer is easy to find in hundreds of countries around the world. Of course, the material from other manufacturers is also not too far behind, but it is inferior in quality:

  • Aqualine– Belgian manufacturer. The sheets are made up of twenty-one layers of cellulose fibers, which are arranged perpendicularly. This gives the sheets a sufficient level of rigidity, but does not prevent them from being quite flexible. They are mainly popular when laying roofs with complex geometry.
  • Bioline– this company from Ukraine is quite young. In the production of sheets, light-resistant dyes made in Germany are used, so even after many years they do not lose their rich and bright color.
  • Bituvel– the sheets of this German company are ideal for constructing roofs, and are also well suited for finishing walls. They are guaranteed for up to fifteen years. This explains their worldwide popularity.
  • Gutta- a company from Switzerland. Its sheets have high level resistance to chemical exposure and ultraviolet radiation;

How to choose a bitumen sheet

What are the main characteristics of a roofing material? Mainly:

  • Long-term operation;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Reliability;
  • Preservation of primary color;
  • Water resistance.

In addition, not the last parameter is external characteristics. Therefore, when choosing a roofing material, be sure to look at the appearance of the sheets.

Varieties of corrugated bitumen sheets

The most popular and high quality sheets are produced by Ondulin. There are several varieties of ondulin, each of which will be discussed in more detail.

Ondulin Smart

These are corrugated sheets that are used in any field of construction. Ondulin sheets are equipped with a “smart” system, which ensures complete isolation from water. Ondulin Smart have a specialized lock that does not allow moisture to seep in at the overlap points. The end overlap is reduced to twelve centimeters. Cost per square meter – from 242 rubles.

Laying Ondulin Smart sheets is done in a short period of time and does not require any special skills. On each sheet there are marked points where nails should be driven in. Therefore, there is also no need to use specialized tools.

By equipping your roof with Ondulin Smart sheets, you save own time. There are no problems with the placement of sheets in the process. And you don’t need to make any markings.

These sheets have eight bends, not ten. Ondulin DIY sheets are distinguished by their practicality, excellent resistance to loads, and due to this, a long service life. This Ondulin is the narrowest.

His weight has been reduced to five kilograms. Corrugated sheets are an order of magnitude narrower, so if something happens, they can be easily transported in a car. These sheets are easy to install and therefore do not even require outside help in their work. The abbreviation DIY sounds in full in English as: Do It Yourself, and translated means a call to do the work yourself.

The cost of a sheet of Ondulin DIY is 250 rubles. per square meter. They are ideal for updating an outdated one or styling it completely. new roof, due to its flexibility, strength and resistance to water.

Tile Ondulin

These tiles look quite natural. Its production is carried out in accordance with established standards. The cost of one sheet of Ondulin is from 264 rubles. per square meter. What allows you to provide yourself with a beautiful look for a very modest budget? high-quality coating and protection from bad weather.

Ondulin tiles are definitely beneficial. The wavy sheets are divided into tile “scales” using special shadow stripes. They create the visual effect of natural tiles, but are much cheaper.

Also, the advantages of Ondulin tiles include color fastness, sound insulation during rain, corrosion resistance, and the presence warranty period. And the installation is quite simple.

You can also buy Ondulin brand products in a special online store. Be careful when handling materials construction market. Beware of falsification, ask for a certificate from the manufacturer.

Real ondulin is rough to the touch, leaves no traces of dye on your hands, and the weight of the sheet does not exceed 6 kilograms.

Features of installing bitumen sheets

You can accurately determine the number of sheets if you know the following parameters:

  • The length of absolutely all connections to vertical surfaces;
  • The area of ​​the roof itself;
  • Tilt angle;
  • Number of penetrations for chimney and ventilation;

If you do not want to overspend building materials, a scrupulous calculation is required. Experienced specialists can produce it. They are able to determine the required number of components with maximum accuracy.

Installation of corrugated sheets:

Detailed instructions for installation and fastening of Ondulin - roofing fiber sheets are in the section. We briefly summarize the main provisions.

  • The process must begin by preparing the base for laying the roofing material.
  • The roof sheathing must be continuous, unless the angle of inclination exceeds ten degrees.
  • Why use an unedged board, always with pre-removed bark and processed edges.
  • A solid grate must be dry and level. To make the insulation from water more reliable, a lining must be placed under the ondulin sheets. For example, it could be glass insulation. It is fixed using a construction stapler.
  • If the roof slope is large, the sheathing can be arranged in large increments. To make it, beams with a cross section of 40 by 50 or 50 by 50 millimeters are suitable.

  • It is most convenient to apply markings on such sheets with markers or colored highlighters. A hacksaw or a circular saw. Preliminary lubrication of the blade will free you from problems with the tool jamming during cutting.
  • Installation of ondulin sheets begins taking into account the main wind direction. The task is to lay the sheets overlapping, observing a slight shift of the next row. Then the junction of four sheets will not concentrate at a single point.

Video instructions for tips installation work, must-see:

How to fix corrugated bitumen sheets:

  • If three sheets are joined in a pair of rows, then they are secured with nails with polypropylene caps;
  • The installed sheets must first be secured on both sides, and then the remaining nails must be hammered in;
  • The consumption of nails for each sheet is twenty pieces. The width of the cornice usually does not exceed seven to eight centimeters. It all depends on the thickness of the sheet and the manufacturer’s advice.

These basic, quite simple rules will help you install the roof yourself.

If you are interested in Ondulin sheets serving for a really long time without creating problems with sudden breakdowns, we recommend purchasing the material exclusively from official representatives. By the way, they will help with the calculation the required number sheets and select all the necessary equipment.

And in conclusion

Corrugated sheet Ondulin is an excellent material that combines sought-after attractiveness, reliability and durability. If you want a high-quality roof, they are the best for you!

Ondulin corrugated sheets are so easy to install that installation can be done on our own without resorting to the help of specialists. In addition, they are relatively light in weight and also have special marks so that it is clear where to hammer the nails. Matching joints is also easy.

All types of Ondulin sheets are distinguished by their external beauty and originality. Thanks to them, your home will immediately be noticeable in comparison with neighboring buildings.

Disadvantages of Ondulin

Like any product, ondulin, in addition to the obvious advantages, has its disadvantages. Unfortunately, there are no ideal things in the world. Let's list the main disadvantages:

1. Material burns. However, there is no danger of spontaneous combustion.

2. Beautiful colour fades over time. After 20 years, the color will fade. At the same time, the waterproofing properties of ondulin will remain at the same level. Moreover, you can paint the roof in any color acrylic paint water based.

3. Poor wear resistance. It is believed that ondulin does not have high strength. This is partly true, but by following the technology for laying ondulin you will protect yourself from such problems. In fact, the technology allows you to load 1 m2 of roofing material up to 960 kg.

4. Rough surface prevents snow from rolling down. Controversial issue Which is better, the constant need to remove fallen snow or calmly wait until spring when it melts? We'll leave it at your discretion and look forward to your feedback in the comments.

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