Furniture fashion trends: materials, colors, styles. Upholstered furniture design trends Furniture is trending

From this article you will learn:

    Where to start choosing furniture for an apartment

    How to choose furniture for each room in the apartment

    How to choose the color of furniture for an apartment

    What mistakes are most often made when choosing furniture for an apartment?

Its interior largely depends on the furnishings of the apartment. Furniture is an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford to change it as often as wardrobe items. Therefore, you should not rush into buying expensive and impractical sofas or cabinets, which you will probably want to replace very soon. In our article we share useful tips about how to choose furniture for an apartment.

Tip #1. Never rush to choose and purchase furniture.

P You should first decide which pieces of furniture will be really useful in your apartment or house, and only then think about their shape, design and other properties.

Create a plan of your home on paper at a scale of, for example, 1:20. Then we recommend drawing and then cutting out paper images of those pieces of furniture that you consider necessary, on a similar scale. Now all that remains is to place the cut-out drawings on the apartment plan, based on the purpose of the pieces of furniture and their correspondence to the zones of the apartment space. Using the proposed algorithm, you can create several options for arranging furniture and choose the best one.

Tip #2. Determine your maximum budget.

The issue of price is relevant, because it significantly narrows the scope of choice. Experts advise that before choosing furniture for your apartment, objectively assess your own capabilities and concentrate on those proposals that fit your budget.

It should be remembered that furniture created in a single copy or designer collections cannot be cheap. The same can be said about products from famous brands. However, what’s stopping you from typing “luxury furniture” in the search bar, getting acquainted with the assortment, choosing the models you like and asking the price? In the future, you will be able to look for similar items, but in an affordable price segment.

The material used to make furniture is also largely determined by how much future owners can pay for furnishings. Most budget options made from MDF and chipboard, but furniture is made from solid natural wood or exotic materials (for example, bamboo or rattan), with forged parts self made It will definitely cost an order of magnitude more.

Tip #3. Don't buy unnecessary furniture.

What is the optimal ratio of space occupied by furniture to total area rooms (crowding factor)? Experts say that for an ideally saturated interior of a living room in a one-room apartment, this figure should not be higher than 0.35, and for a bedroom – 0.45.

How to choose the right furniture for your apartment? Carefully study its shape, design, color, upholstery. Furniture should be easy to use and useful, because its main purpose is to create comfortable conditions for life.

You will probably agree that chic dark polished furniture, which is afraid of moisture and needs careful care, is far from the best option from the point of view of convenience and rationality. Glare from sparkling surfaces is tiresome for the eyes, moreover, they make the overall interior of the room slightly restless. The owner of the apartment, constantly polishing the polished furniture, turns into her servant and is unlikely to admire the sparkling view of the shiny surfaces. In other words, the absolute visual appeal of such furniture is reduced to zero due to its absolute impracticality.

How to choose not only beautiful, but also practical furniture for an apartment that will fit perfectly into the interior?

One of the main evaluation criteria upholstered furniture and chairs are upholstered. It is worth choosing materials that match the overall design of the room and do not require incredible effort during cleaning.

Tip #4. Leave stereotypes in the past.

When planning the interior of a new house or apartment, be guided not by old family traditions, but by considerations of rationality, comfort and hygiene. A new approach to interior design will help you choose the right furniture and make your apartment not only beautiful, but also cozy.

And an old home can be given a completely new look without changing the furniture. There are many ways: rearrangement, modernization of interior items, and even the purchase of replacement covers for the upholstery, allowing you to change from time to time general form rooms. Of course, if there is furniture in your home that you can say goodbye to without regrets, then do it quickly.

Tip #5. Furniture should be combined with the overall color scheme and the layout of the room, as well as the presence and placement of built-in equipment.

Today there are many ways to make the interior bright and memorable; it is enough to approach this task creatively. Modern designers are increasingly choosing to decorate rooms original wallpaper, decorative fabrics and glass, ceramics, prints.

How to choose the right furniture for each room in your apartment

How to choose furniture for a nursery

To beautifully decorate the interior of a child’s room, you don’t have to buy a huge table and a luxurious leather chair. However, this does not mean that you can limit yourself to a cabinet made from fragments of plywood and a spring bed.

A carefully thought-out environment for a children's room will not only bring joy to your baby, but will also stimulate his imaginative thinking and activity, protect him from bruises from falls, and help him actively develop, learn, be independent and responsible.

The best option is the location of the most important pieces of furniture (bed, wardrobe, computer desk) not far from each other. To ensure that there is always room in the children's room for new dolls and an ever-growing fleet of vehicles, also take care of the presence of spacious drawers and shelves. They will save you from the mess, as well as from the need to regularly move toys from place to place.

The main advantage of such a furniture arrangement is that even in the smallest rooms a lot of space is freed up, which the baby will happily use for games. Using the proposed algorithm, you can easily select furniture for a studio apartment.

An important criterion for choosing furniture for a children's room is its convenience for the child. Avoid intricate designs, as well as drawers and doors that are difficult to open. The child should be able to freely reach the handles of cabinets and bedside tables.

Equally important for a children's room is high-quality lighting and light, bright colors used in the design. Children choose exactly these colors, guided by instincts, so let's not interfere with them. Properly selected shades have a positive effect on the child’s mood, his attitude to life and his sense of self.

When choosing furniture for a children's room in an apartment, you should not discount the gender of the child. Remember that after the age of five, your son or daughter begins the stage of personality formation and begins to have his own social circle.

An excellent solution for a room intended for two children are bunk beds. The main thing is that they are safe and easy to use. The bed steps should be optimal in height, and the edges should be rounded.

How to choose bedroom furniture

Of course, the needs of children and their parents differ in many ways, but both need a place where they can hide from the hustle and bustle, relax and get a good night's sleep. Psychologists do not recommend choosing bright, exciting colors to decorate your bedroom and filling this room with unnecessary objects that will interfere with proper rest.

The interior of the bedroom is, of course, dominated by the bed, on which each of us, on average, spends a third of our time. To always be in good shape and in a great mood, choose your bed responsibly. The best option would be a fairly large model for durable frame. As for other parameters, they are rather a matter of taste. Before purchasing, be sure to check that the bed does not squeak.

How to choose living room furniture

When choosing furniture for arranging a living room in an apartment, give free rein to your imagination! It is in this room that you gather with other family members in front of the TV or with friends during a holiday or party. In this regard, living room furniture must meet the following criteria.

Firstly, it must be sufficiently functional and meet the needs of both one person and the whole company.

Secondly, due to a well-chosen design and color scheme, it should support good mood household members and their guests.

Thirdly, pay attention not only to external characteristics furniture, but also on its strength, reliability and ability to withstand accidental impacts and falls.

When choosing furniture for an apartment, remember that it is often the state of the living room that guests form an opinion about the sense of style and level of well-being of the owners. Therefore, it is worth spending time and money on development good design for this room.

How to choose furniture for the hallway

It turns out that there are also some subtleties in the arrangement of this room. For this part of the apartment, you should choose furniture that is not only beautiful, but also compact and functional. The minimum set for a hallway includes a mirror, a hanger, a wardrobe for outerwear and, of course, a shoe stand. All these items should not take up much space, otherwise it will be difficult for guests to remove clothes and shoes.

How to choose the color of furniture in an apartment

In this case, the individual preferences of the residents are of decisive importance. If we're talking about O big family, then the “by contradiction” method will help you find a compromise that will suit all household members. To choose furniture for an apartment in a good color, you should take into account the following criteria:


Each of us knows from childhood that dark-colored clothes are much more practical than light ones, because various stains are not so visible on them. However, in the case of furniture, completely different rules apply. Many of those who have succumbed to the temptation to choose and buy black furniture for their apartment soon become convinced that they need to take care of it even more carefully than light furniture. After all, against a dark background, both the ubiquitous dust and every light speck are clearly visible. And if the furniture in the living room or bedroom is not so dirty, then in the kitchen you will have to clean it very often.

Surprisingly, furniture is rightfully considered the most practical light shades. We are, of course, not talking about boiling white color. The best option– woody shades such as:

    milky oak;

    shimo light;

If there are small children or large pets living in the house, which are a constant source of pollution, then you should choose furniture for the apartment in darker colors, such as:

    Italian walnut;

    shimo dark;

An excellent solution for decorating a children's room would be furniture with gray ends and bright fronts. The facade can be blue, green, purple, orange, pink or any other rich color. Gray will favorably set off its bright neighbor. In addition, this shade perfectly camouflages any blemishes. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time cleaning in the future, choose furniture for your apartment made from laminated MDF or chipboard. Their smooth surface is resistant to foreign odors and dirt, and does not require careful maintenance; ordinary cleaning products are sufficient.


A person quickly gets tired of the interior in which he has to constantly be. However, it is often not possible to change the appearance of a room at once, because the cost repair work and the furniture is too high.

But don’t lose heart, because sometimes it’s enough to change just a few elements of the interior for the room to take on a new look. For this reason, designers do not recommend choosing furniture in bright, flashy colors. Use calm neutral shades, and if you want to add variety, colorful accessories will come to your aid. In addition, in the widest range of furniture in natural wood colors that is on sale today, you are sure to find an interesting and original version for your home.

An excellent place to relax that will appeal to all family members will be a room decorated in light colors. For the walls, you can choose, for example, beige or peach colors, which will visually expand the space. Furniture in the shade “milky bleached oak”, no matter how large it is, will look light and weightless.

When choosing light-colored furniture and walls for your apartment, pay attention to accessories in sky blue, deep lilac, soft red and orange.

If you have a spacious room, you can opt for dark (chocolate or coffee) wallpaper, which tends to visually “eat up” part of the area. Bright accent This interior will have light furniture.

As another example, consider a room with dark walls and similar furniture. Oddly enough, such a monochrome combination will not make the room visually smaller, but will even slightly expand it. However, such an interior needs bright accessories, without them it will look very dull. You can use textiles, pillows, ottomans, vases, paintings and even photo frames as full participants in the composition. Moreover, such items are much easier to change than, for example, upholstered furniture or wallpaper. Dark brown goes well with deep, calm tones, such as:

    green - from marsh to emerald;

    blue – from dark blue to purple;

    red - from burgundy to carmen shade;



As you know, some pieces of furniture wear out more slowly, others faster. A sliding wardrobe, for example, with proper care will serve you for 10 years or more, but as for a chest of drawers with constantly moving drawers, it will lose its presentation much faster. In order not to completely change the set, of course, you can simply replace the worn-out item with a similar one. However, what to do if the manufacturer no longer produces the model you need? In this situation, your imagination and ingenuity will help you choose furniture for your apartment.

The first way is to use a game of contrasts. Let's imagine that in your room there is a wenge-colored wardrobe. You can safely complement it with a chest of drawers in two shades (wenge and, for example, milky oak), as well as cabinets made of dark chipboard. By choosing the right accessories such as sofa cushions, textiles, rug, you can transform the interior beyond recognition.

An original move that can distract attention from the shortcomings of the room is the combination in the interior of materials that are different in color, but the same in texture (for example, light shimo and dark shimo). They will set off each other and form a unique broken space. If you decide to choose furniture for your apartment according to the described algorithm, avoid items in neutral shades (alder, beech, walnut). Placed in the same room, they will look as if they were bought by chance. In this case, you can use the following trick.

The second method is called “zoning”. By dividing the room into several thematic zones, you can, if necessary, replace the furniture in only one of them. Imagine a spacious living room with dedicated areas for storage, relaxation and watching TV. You can choose and purchase only a new cabinet and shelving unit if they are worn out more than other furniture. This method It’s optimal if the table in the soft area and the TV stand are the same in color and style.

When choosing furniture for your apartment, decide what visual effect you want to achieve. If the objects are as close as possible to each other in shade and style, then they will create the effect of a smooth transition from one zone to another, but if not, then you will achieve a clear division of space.

The third method gives a temporary effect and involves repairing furniture. If the appearance of the room no longer pleases you, and there is no money for dramatic changes yet, use traditional methods interior updates, such as painting furniture or covering it with film.


Psychologists unanimously claim that color can have a significant impact not only on mood, but also on our overall well-being. To choose good furniture for an apartment, take note of some general rules.

So, beige and light brown furniture will become great solution, If:

    this is about small room, which needs to be visually expanded;

    the room is dark and lacks natural light;

    people living in the apartment suffer from mood swings and melancholy;

    you want to focus attention on bright accessories;

    your goal is to create a weightless, airy interior.

Furniture in dark wood tones will be appropriate if:

    there is a need to balance the proportions of the room or visually reduce it;

    we are talking about a room with large windows and excellent lighting;

    you strive to create an interior in a classic style with notes of English aristocracy;

    the room is intended for reading or working (library, office, etc.);

    your priorities are peace, peace of mind, comfort and stability;

    you want to use textiles in calm, deep tones that do not distract attention in your interior design.

When choosing accessories as interior elements, be guided by the following postulates:

    bright, catchy colors (such as scarlet, acid yellow, rich pink) stimulate brain activity and interfere with proper rest, so they should be used extremely carefully in the design of the bedroom;

    blue and purple can have a depressing effect on the psyche, so choose their softest options;

    neutral natural shades (brown, foliage color, muted burgundy, gray, dark blue) are ideal for rooms intended for relaxation;

    no more than three primary colors should be used in one room.

7 common mistakes in choosing furniture

Mistake #1. Measuring parameters by “eye”.

When choosing furniture for your apartment, follow the old rule: measure seven times, cut once. It would seem, why remind of such obvious truths? In fact, these are the ones that many of us forget.

Carrying out careful measurements allows you to determine the main technical specifications furniture. If you purchase it ready-made, then this stage of work guarantees you that this or that item will “fit” into its intended place. As for custom-made furniture, you certainly can’t do without measurements. It is on the basis of their results that the project is implemented, so the slightest mistake, a difference of a few millimeters and a barely noticeable deviation can lead to disastrous results. Remember that it is impossible to correct inaccuracies at the final stage of furniture manufacturing.

Mistake #2. Making impulse purchases.

Buying furniture is a process that requires a comprehensive approach and a balanced decision. Furniture is an integral part of the home, so it must functionally match the decor, interior design, interior decoration etc.

Of course, some decorative elements that are a unique reflection of your tastes and do not affect the functionality of the home may well be purchased spontaneously. We are talking, for example, about vases, paintings, figurines, etc. However, when we choose furniture for an apartment, in no case should we be guided by momentary impulses, because they can bring you serious inconvenience in the future. Common consequences of thoughtless purchases are beds that are squeezed by furniture and sofas that do not match the overall design of the room.

A separate topic for conversation is wardrobes and wardrobes. These complex engineering structures are extremely popular today due to their rich functionality. Their main advantage is the ability to design and configure them to suit the needs of a specific customer.

Mistake #3. Furniture assembly on our own.

In this case, we are talking not only about self-assembly, but also about assembly by third-party specialists. Thanks to careful measurements, furniture made by professionals exactly matches the interior configuration and does not require modifications during assembly. So why, in this case, is it categorically not recommended to assemble furniture on your own?

The thing is that every piece of furniture today is a complex mechanism, and basic skills in handling a screwdriver and drill are not enough to assemble it correctly. This requires experience working not only with furniture in general, but also with specific elements of fittings in particular. What about the installation? sliding doors wardrobe, it’s actually a whole science.

So, you have found out that assembling furniture yourself is fraught with unpleasant consequences. But you have, say, a friend who is skilled with tools and has experience working with furniture. So why not entrust the responsible process of furniture assembly to him? The answer is simple: in this case, you automatically lose the manufacturer’s warranty, but for serious companies its period can reach 15 years.

Mistake #4. The furniture project was made by a non-professional designer.

Today, many entrust the design of furniture to an interior designer who works on the design of the apartment. However, in order to draw up a competent project for making furniture, it is not enough to have excellent artistic skills and an excellent sense of style. After all, let’s say, a closet should not only be beautiful, but also easy to use, of high quality and functional. Therefore, it is important that the specialist has extensive experience and knowledge of the specifics of furniture production. In addition, the designer must understand the following aspects:


    physics of mechanisms;

    strength of materials.

The appearance and internal structure of furniture has a lot of nuances that determine its practicality and durability. Therefore, not only academic, but also special knowledge of the designer is important, which can only be gleaned in the process of work, and not from books or textbooks.

Mistake #5. Order furniture long before the completion of renovations in the room.

The furniture manufacturing process usually takes several weeks, and the prudent apartment owner tries to select and order it in advance. However, remember that measurements should be taken after completion of the repair of the floor, walls and ceiling in the room. They must be in exactly the condition in which they will be used in the future.

If the apartment has only been finished with rough finishing, you should not start measuring, even if you know exactly the future parameters of, say, the floor. The fact is that furniture is often installed just a few millimeters from the walls, and therefore even the slightest error in calculations is dangerous - a wardrobe or sofa may simply not fit into the opening intended for them.

So, you should choose and order furniture in advance; the optimal time to start work in this direction is the period when you are already purchasing wallpaper, paint and other materials for decorating the apartment.

Mistake #6. Last minute furniture ordering.

The other extreme comes down to a situation where the apartment owner chooses and orders furniture at a time when it is no longer possible to live without it. Agree that, for example, we can still come to terms with the lack of a chest of drawers, but doing without a kitchen or a bed is very problematic.

Choosing, ordering and waiting for furniture to be made can take a lot of time. Can you imagine living as a family without a kitchen for, say, two months? Of course, with difficulty. Many apartment owners are trying to reduce the waiting period. What might these attempts lead to?

    Furniture production is launched on the basis of a project drawn up “in haste”, without grinding or modifications. But high-quality design is the key to an excellent result. Remember that it is impossible to make adjustments at the final stages of making furniture for an apartment.

    The customer is forced to choose the company that can handle the production of furniture faster than others. However, the production of high-quality custom-made furniture is carried out according to certain stages and operations that cannot be skipped. Choose a company that has a reliable reputation and does not promise you quick results.

    The apartment owner chooses the materials available at the time of order, instead of those that are optimal for working on his project. In order for the furniture to have exactly the planned parameters and match the interior of the apartment, the material for production should be selected as carefully as possible.

Mistake #7. Select a manufacturer with a standard warranty.

It would seem that if a company provides a guarantee in accordance with the law, then everything is fine. This practice is the norm for stores specializing in the sale of standard factory furniture. The seller cannot take additional responsibility for a product not manufactured by him. If you choose custom-made furniture, when one person acts as the manufacturer and seller, then you have every right to receive an additional guarantee. It indicates that the contractor is confident in the quality of his products.

An additional guarantee serves as significant proof of the high quality of furniture, but, unfortunately, not all manufacturers can provide it today. The Formula Furniture company guarantees the quality of its products not for a year, like other manufacturers, but for 18 months.

What is the Furniture Formula? Reliability. Quality. Beauty. Versatility. Low prices. Guarantee. Fast delivery. Lifting and assembly. Their sum is equal to a successful purchase.

This is the formula for making furniture accessible to everyone. With Formula Furniture you can furnish an apartment at an affordable price, but without loss of quality, quickly and with good service.

Our goal is to enable people to buy good furniture at minimal prices, so that in any situation everyone can afford to buy a new sofa, hallway, kitchen and everything they want, everything they need to create comfort in their apartment. To do this, you don’t need to collect money first; you can simply buy now, and, if necessary, arrange an installment plan without overpayments. And we succeed.

We created a big, durable balloon from scraps of our customers' happiness. On this balloon we are bringing this opportunity to new places, to new cities, to new areas so that all people can take advantage of our offer.

Now there are already 28 showrooms in 15 cities of the Perm region, and we will open more, because people like our furniture and the way we sell it.

We are used to following new trends in the fashion world: style, makeup, haircuts, etc., the automotive industry, and in the design and interior of the room. Of course, the most important interest for any person is clothing and housing. You can purchase a new item for your wardrobe or a complete outfit without special costs, and changing the interior of an apartment or house will require large financial investments from you.

Therefore, interior design specialists carefully weigh all the pros and cons of items for decorating a room, taking into account simplicity and practicality of operation along with an interesting appearance.

Trends in furniture making

Today we will talk about modern trends in furniture manufacturing in 2018: designs, latest materials, color spectrum.

In furniture design, 2018 determined the rules and regulations that manufacturers should not deviate from. Otherwise, the imagination and fantasy of designers can take them so far that in the end the result will not correspond to fashion trends.

Just like last year, wooden furniture will occupy a leading position in 2018. Most experts agree that furniture made from natural materials, like wood, will not give up its primacy due to its good quality and durability.

Focusing on new trends, furniture made from untreated wood, which forms the so-called eco-design, is becoming in demand. Natural shades of first-class wood, natural textiles, stone - perfect combination nature and modern interior.

Eighteenth-century wooden furniture designs use pastel colors, as well as white, black and beige. The upholstery fittings are designed in natural colors: the color of soil, sky, stone, rich greenery. Remember one simple rule: wooden furniture does not accept an abundance of bright colors.

Choosing wooden furniture, check with the seller whether it passed during production special treatment to avoid deformation and swelling from moisture.

The first place can rightfully be awarded to leather furniture, which is not inferior in demand to wooden furniture. Genuine Leather– an ideal solution for any modern interior style. Leather furniture not only looks expensive, but its price is not affordable for everyone. Don't worry. You can take advantage of the furniture sales that stores hold before the release of a new collection.

The new collection of leather furniture is characterized by black, gray, cream, light brown, beige colors. The latest fashion is a combination of gloss and matte.

Quilted leather is becoming a design trend in the new season modern furniture. Furniture with Swarovski rhinestones and stones in its decor looks fashionable and rich.

In the 2018 furniture catalogs you will be able to find new interesting furniture models upholstered in fish skin, which were successful last season due to their durability and brightness.

Fashionable interior design can decorate furniture with futuristic shapes. With the help of this type of furniture, namely furniture blocks, modules, sections, you can create an unusually fantastic interior. For example, for modern kitchen design they use the so-called “backstage” interior, when almost all the utensils are hidden behind the facades.

Remember that when choosing furniture, focus not only on your desire, but also on the style of the room for which you are making this choice. Follow furniture trends and innovations, then your home will be furnished according to the latest fashion.

Color palette

Everyday problems and global instability paint our lives in gray colors. And in order to somehow make life more fun and optimistic, we gravitate toward adding bright colors to the interior. Manufacturers have taken this need into account. Therefore, the furniture of 2018 is replete with a variety of shades of purple, which will easily fit into any interior style.

White color continues to be in demand in the new season, as a sign of lightness, simplicity and naturalness. Without it, it will be very difficult to create an atmosphere of aesthetics and aristocracy.

But white furniture They are often not chosen because they are dirty and difficult to maintain. However, these are all prejudices and you shouldn’t worry about it. Modern chemicals furniture care products are of such high quality that they can easily keep your furniture looking flawless white.

Form and versatility

Rounded furniture shapes have a leading position. Every year, pieces of furniture in the interior of geometric shapes are in enormous demand. IN last years Manufacturers produce lines of furniture models that are similar in design, distinguished only by color and type (modular, corner, straight).

Today's sofas, beds, and armchairs are difficult to imagine without a transformation mechanism and without a state of comfort. The demand for this type of furniture is dictated by small apartments, where any piece of furniture should be multifunctional. For example, a modular sofa.

Besides sleeping place, a sofa, thanks to the built-in additional elements, can be transformed into a table or bar counter, or a linen drawer. In general, the new generation of furniture is a construction set that you can assemble at your own discretion or use ready-made samples. This set includes chairs that do not have an armrest, and ottomans.

By keeping up with new trends and implementing them in the interior, you bring a unique zest to your home. In the new furniture season of 2018, furniture in the style of the fifties will be relevant. This especially applies to furniture: armchairs, tables, chairs.

Don’t forget that when organizing a modern, trendy interior, you need to focus on the main principle - minimalism.

You can view all the variety of shapes and sizes, textures and colors on the Internet or on manufacturers’ websites, where photos of new furniture for 2018 are presented in a special section.

Get rid of outdated furniture and buy new ones. New Year– new interior.

Photos of new furniture for 2018

The decoration and design of furniture is one of the decisive factors in creating comfort and stylish decoration in the house. However, trends change every year. What was at the peak of popularity yesterday is already obsolete today. Those who are planning to renovate the interior face a difficult task - choosing fashionable and current furniture.

In order not to be mistaken, it is worth familiarizing yourself with modern trends in the world of design. Based on this alone, it is easier to buy ready-made interior items or make the necessary products to order. The Kuznetsov furniture factory creates unique projects in its original design. This is how you can create unique style V own home taking into account fashion trends.

Favorite trends

Today they are the focus of both furniture manufacturers and consumers interested in creating a fashionable and comfortable interior. Among the current trends:

    Modularity. Furniture from several sections or sets can, if necessary, be combined in different combinations, achieving a transformation of the item, turning it into a more functional product.

    Elements of national color. The theme of folklore has long been used to create furniture in original design. Today this is the most popular trend, allowing not only to instill respect for national culture, but also to get to know it better, and create a unique and cozy style at home.

    Ecodesign. The use of natural materials, a minimum of artificial finishing, preservation of natural texture - all this allows you to create unique and fashionable interior items.

It is worth noting that today it is also popular to use environmentally friendly materials. The raw materials can be any: metal, solid wood, impact-resistant glass. There is a great demand for derivative materials – wood products. Chipboard (chipboard) and MDF boards have remained popular for several seasons as an affordable and budget alternative to natural solid wood. Modern technologies make it possible to decorate them in different styles, including creating on the surface a skillful imitation of any other coatings: wood, leather, stone, etc. Aesthetics, accessibility and a huge selection of solutions are not the only advantages Chipboard and MDF. In terms of operational properties, they are not inferior to the array or even surpass it in practicality.

tree like natural material, is susceptible to damage by biological factors (rotting, decomposition, damage by living organisms) and moisture. MDF, for example, due to the presence of binder resins in its composition, is not susceptible to bacteria and insects. The boards are also characterized by resistance to moisture. Furniture made from them is practical and durable, and due to the high aesthetics of the external coating, it is beautiful and does not require additional processing.

Emphasis on versatility

This is the main trend that furniture manufacturers are focusing on. Today, preference is given to compact and ergonomic products, which, however, can be used as much as possible for their intended purpose. Combinations of several items are often found. For example, for the living room seating area, platforms are created on which a sofa, shelving and table are installed.

Transformers are also held in special esteem by consumers. Furniture, equipped with various mechanisms, adjustments and positioning modes, can be rearranged from one item to another or even several in a matter of seconds. This option is especially convenient for residents of small and one-room apartments. Literally with one purchase you can create a complete environment, convenient for both personal needs and for receiving guests.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the most fashionable materials for making furniture?
  • What are the most fashionable furniture colors in 2018?
  • What furniture accessories are relevant?
  • What furniture styles are most popular now?
  • What trends in furniture design have gone out of fashion?

Filling your wardrobe with fashion trends is much easier than updating the design of your home and maintaining its functionality. Famous designers have to think through everything to the smallest detail in order to balance the attractiveness and practicality of the premises. Furniture fashion trends this year are focused on convenience, simplicity and elegance of the environment. Combining different styles and ignoring standards and rules is encouraged.

Furniture fashion trends in terms of manufacturing materials

Many are sure that fashion is good, quality furniture made from natural wood will never work. And this is absolutely true. Every year everything more people prefers eco-designs, filling her home with natural materials. It is easy to assume that this trend is unlikely to undergo global changes.

This year is characterized by a fashion for unprocessed solid wood products. This is due to the desire to emphasize the exclusivity and attractiveness of the natural texture of wood.

Wood, of course, is processed, but colorless, non-aggressive substances are used for this.

The interior space, which is dominated by natural resources, should not be decorated with many flashy shades to avoid oversaturation.

Leather furniture is not inferior to its position in demand. Beautiful, practical, expensive - it is included in furniture fashion trends every year.

Designers believe that this year the ideal tones for leather furniture are milky, gray, chocolate, and black. They pay special attention to the combination of glossy and matte surfaces.

Innovation 2018 – the use of fish skin as a material for furniture upholstery. The durability of the material, its colorful structure, the ability to not wrinkle, retain its shape and shimmer in the light make this new product extremely popular.

The color scheme of fashion trends in furniture in 2018

According to designers, the desire for environmentally friendly interiors brings to the forefront the colors of all shades of nature: earth, sea, stones, greenery. The palette is varied, for example, the marine theme is represented by both soft blue and rich blue.

This does not mean that a trendy shade must necessarily dominate the interior. Combining different colors works great. For example, an armchair and a sofa different color, but added decorative elements that echo the main shades. Colored inserts on furniture look great. In this case, the ideal solution would be to purchase a ready-made set of furniture, which guarantees a competent approach to the distribution of shades and inserts.

White color does not lose its relevance this year. Fashion trends in furniture imply its use both in its pure form and as a complement to others. In the first option, you must take care of adding bright objects and accessories to the snow-white interior. You can select the decor yourself or purchase a ready-made set of furniture, already complemented by objects in rich colors. This solution is well suited for any room, so manufacturers are happy to offer their options for the living room, bedroom, dining room, etc.

Black remains popular. However, in modern furniture fashion trends, it only serves as a complement to other shades. If you want to add monochromatic items to the interior, you need to combine them with furniture of a different color, maintaining its naturalness. The wood structure looks great in combination with black and neutral shades. In this case it is also better to give preference ready-made kits furniture developed by designers, in which the black color is well balanced with accompanying shades.

Shades require caution Brown. In its pure form, it is not so relevant, but it remains in furniture decoration, because the fashion trend of the season is natural wood.

Stylish shapes in furniture fashion trends

Look fashionable and beautiful geometric shapes in the setting. Smooth and regular lines emphasize the presentability of the room and the excellent taste of its owners.

Every detail shows the conciseness and simplicity of the design. Backstage interiors are still a thing in 2018.

This is clearly demonstrated by kitchen options in which the functionality is hidden. furniture facades. Open shelves are also a great solution, but it is better to consider them as decorative design.

Futuristic and streamlined shapes do not lose their popularity. Furniture in the form of blocks or unusual shapes adds uniqueness to the interior and gives a fabulous atmosphere to the room.

Decorative volumetric covering of furniture, which turns a room into an art object, is increasingly valued.

Fashion trends in kitchen furniture in 2018 offer ultra-thin countertops, which, thanks to modern technologies, are highly durable, comfortable and elegant.

In addition, designers suggest paying attention to bar countertops of various textures, thicknesses and shades. They are made from various materials and are equipped with special supports. The point of the solution is the functionality and convenience of such racks, which is especially important for the combined space of a kitchen and a living room.

Furniture fashion trends and style solutions

Minimalism, so popular in 2018, gives preference to Scandinavian, Japanese, and high-tech styles. But this does not mean that other options do not have the right to exist. A fairly wide range of styles is provided to realize creative ideas.

It is preferable to decorate an apartment in the same style, but it is also possible to break this rule correctly if, for example, you design a teenager’s bedroom in a technological or Scandinavian style, and make the rest of the home a model of modernism.

Modern classic style

Classic interiors are called classic because they have proven their relevance, regardless of fashion, which is why they are very appropriate in 2018.

Not in every modern apartment elements can be fully demonstrated classic style and find a place for columns, stucco ceilings, massive carved furniture decorated with gilding, etc. But the harmonious combination of the principles of classicism with fashion trends gives great result, called modern classics.

Three basic provisions on which the principles of this style are based:

    maintaining strict symmetry;

    using only high-quality materials;

    use of luxurious decor.

To fully complete the style you need a restrained color scheme. The best option is shades of beige and brown. Dark blue, burgundy and dark green colors are also suitable.

Classics are also present in fashionable furniture trends in the form of beautiful, high-quality cabinets with glass display cases, massive dining table, upholstered furniture with silk or velvet upholstery, curtains with lambrequins on the windows, etc.

Romance of Provence

The Provence style is ideal for people with a romantic nature who are attracted by rustic comfort and provincial simplicity.

In the interior, designed in the Provence style, there is a noticeable predominance of white, pastel colors, floral motifs on wallpaper and textiles.

Furniture adds a special charm to such an apartment. Antique or artificially aged, it emphasizes style. Pay attention to a bed with a carved or forged headboard, a bookcase, a chest of drawers, a sideboard, a rack, etc.

High-tech and loft for those who keep up with the times

Industrial loft and high-tech styles will appeal to people who prefer bold modern solutions.

The loft is characterized by an open layout, with no walls between functional areas. Only the toilet and bathroom are separated by partitions.

Zoning is done using lighting, furniture arrangement or special elements in the form of screens. Fashion trends in loft-style furniture welcome the combination of a variety of stylistic trends and the creation of a unique eclectic mix.

High-tech style refers to futuristic trends and can be used in the design of an apartment with a conventional layout.

This style is distinguished by minimalism in everything: the presence of only the most necessary furniture, the absence decorative elements, preference for simple forms.

High-tech welcomes the use of plastic, metal, glass; it is characterized by a cool color palette and a predominance of light shades.

Luxurious and glamorous Baroque and Art Deco styles

Not everyone loves minimalism. Many people like pompous interiors that emphasize the chic and luxury of the environment. In such cases, Baroque and Art Deco styles are ideal.

The splendor of the decoration and the richness of the furnishings are distinguished by the Baroque style. The presence of stucco decorations, gilding, luxurious furniture with bent legs, Persian carpets, curtains with beautiful drapery, chandeliers reminiscent of works of art is intended to focus attention on the status and wealth of the owners.

IN color palette– an abundance of warm light colors. The walls are cream, golden, beige. Furniture is most often in a contrasting color. If dark, then, for example, chocolate. From cool shades, you can choose blue, green, silver and similar colors.

The pomp of Baroque is very graceful and elegant.

The Art Deco style is close to Baroque in its desire for glamor and luxury. The difference is in the greater freedom and diversity of this style. Characteristic feature Art Deco can be called inconsistency: it is a rare combination of sharp lines, angles, emphasized geometricity with smooth lines of floral patterns.

Special color preferences no, but contrast is welcome: black and white, pearlescent and silver, etc.

The desire for free space in minimalism and Scandinavian style

For lovers of freedom, light and space who have no desire to surround themselves with a lot of objects, minimalism will be the ideal style.

This style is held in high esteem by active, easy-going people. The design uses natural materials, simple but high-quality furniture. The room is left with as much free space as possible, with plenty of light and air.

One of the varieties of minimalism is the Scandinavian style, which has been especially popular in recent years.

Like ordinary, Scandinavian minimalism is characterized by simplicity, a desire for environmental friendliness, and a light color scheme. Shades of white, light gray, and soft blue are used as the main tones. In the Scandinavian style, bright colors are also acceptable as an accent.

The main difference between the Scandinavian style and minimalism is the willing use of decorative elements, albeit in limited quantities. In minimalism everything is more strict and decor is not welcome.

Outdated Furniture Fashion Trends in 2018

  • Selection of the same type of furniture. You should not strive to make the sofa group or bedroom set look like the photo in the manufacturer’s catalog. This makes them ordinary. By using upholstery of different textures, different shapes and styles of objects, you can give the interior a special charm.
  • Oversaturation of objects. A canopy, luxurious furniture, and a huge crystal chandelier were previously in short supply and amazed the imagination. IN modern understanding they just fill the space. Gloss also gives excessive pathos; it is better to choose matte textures. Furniture looks more interesting if it is arranged not along the wall, but in islands.
  • Monotone. Minimalism does not mean faceless space. Only an inexperienced designer can design a room in one color. Professionals in their field will always find a place for accents, bright or dim, but sure to attract attention. 2018 favors geometric and floral prints, mixing colors and rich wall surfaces.
  • "Belfan" is a combination modern classics and the most fashionable trends.

We closely monitor new products in the world of interior design and produce furniture in accordance with the latest trends. What you will see at the Milan exhibition in April can be found in the assortment of our store in the fall.

Furniture from the Belfan company remains relevant and does not go out of fashion for many years. Our clients do not have to regularly update their interiors. It is enough to add new elements or swap modules (for example, if we are talking about wall-mounted living rooms).

  • Furniture made of natural wood.

Our products are environmentally friendly and safe, thanks to the materials used in production. natural materials. You and your loved ones will certainly appreciate our care for your health. And the pleasant aroma and energy of natural wood in the apartment will fill it with an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

  • Wide range of products.

Here you will find furniture for the living room, bedroom, hall, nursery, and you can also choose items that complement the interior.

A ready-made interior solution will save your time. Moreover, with us you don’t have to spend money on designer services. Our specialists will be happy to draw up a furniture arrangement plan that will meet all your requirements.

  • Comfort every day.

When manufacturing furniture, Belfan uses only the best and most modern fittings. You don't have to force yourself to open or close a drawer or door. Austrian-made mechanisms will ensure the absence of annoying sounds.

Besides, inner part The drawers are lined with high-quality velor fabric, so you can carefully store your personal belongings.

  • Decent quality at the best price.

We produce furniture at partner factories in Russia and Belarus, so we are ready to offer our customers the most affordable prices.

Consider whether you are willing to overpay for foreign-made furniture. Our factories produce furniture of such a global scale famous brand, like IKEA, the quality of whose products cannot be doubted.

With us you do not overpay for the brand, but get excellent quality for reasonable money.

  • Availability of most items from our range in stock.

This means that by placing an order today, in just a couple of days you will receive furniture delivered to your home. You don't have to wait for long weeks.

  • The Belfan company has been successfully operating in the market for 15 years.

We represent a federal chain that produces furniture under several brands (Belfan, Velidzh, Loft). The company's products are in great demand, which allows us to expand production even during a crisis. People come back to us and recommend us to friends.

High-quality after-sales service and a guarantee are two more undoubted advantages of cooperation with the Belfan company!

The modern furniture market offers a wide variety of furniture sets and individual pieces of furniture, and every buyer strives to choose the best among this abundance. Since the concept best furniture“is very voluminous; before purchasing, it is advisable to understand in detail the question of “how to choose the right furniture.”

So, what criteria, features and rules for choosing furniture exist?

Quality of materials and production technology

In order to choose the best option among a wide range of models of various directions, you should pay attention to quality when choosing. The quality of a product as a whole is determined by the quality of the material used in manufacturing, the technologies used in the manufacturing process, and also, in some cases, the quality of assembly. Furniture can be made of MDF, chipboard, fiberboard, plastic, metal, natural wood.

In the manufacture of chipboard, fiberboard and MDF boards, resins are used that emit formaldehyde, which is harmful to humans, so you should only buy products made from E1 class boards, where the amount of formaldehyde does not exceed permissible norm. The optimal material from an environmental point of view is furniture made from solid wood. Formaldehyde emissions from MDF are approaching natural wood, therefore, furniture made from such boards is better than furniture made from fiberboard and chipboard.

Catalog of our furniture:


Good manufacturer:

- characterized by the use of high-precision equipment in production and modern technologies;

— uses high quality fittings and materials;

- Offers a wide range of products.

In addition, a good manufacturer has a flexible payment system, discounts and bonuses, often updates collections and holds sales.

The furniture manufacturer can be a furniture factory or workshop. A good furniture factory in our time is a high-tech production and therefore has high quality products. Domestic factories are usually not inferior in quality to foreign ones, since they use Western technologies and production lines from Western manufacturers. The cost of these lines pays off precisely thanks to high quality manufactured products.

Furniture design

One of important principles The choice of furniture is also its design. Fashion is not only fastidious, but also omnipresent, so even classic furniture sets acquire interesting nuances and originality. Confident manufacturers allow themselves to experiment with shapes and style, which is why furniture with non-traditional shapes is usually of high quality.

To purchase the best furniture, you don’t have to focus on expensive products. When paying attention to prices, it is worth remembering that domestically produced factory furniture is cheaper than foreign furniture, even with the same quality of the product.

Factory production purchases sufficiently high-quality raw materials at a lower wholesale price, so the cost of factory products is lower than custom-made products of the same quality. Mechanisms for opening/closing doors are usually purchased from Western partners, so the quality of the furniture itself is much higher.

In some cases, the best furniture is custom-made furniture. When furnishing an apartment, most buyers are interested not only in the functionality of the furniture, but also in the coziness, comfort and harmony of the interior. But the premises do not always allow you to purchase ready-made furniture set due to the size of the room itself and the dimensions of the furniture. It is in such cases that furniture made according to an individual project - the best way out from the current situation.

When choosing furniture, it is worth remembering that factory products are environmentally friendly and comply with European quality standards, while furniture made in workshops usually does not have such certificates.

You can buy good furniture in one of the many furniture stores, but finding it will take a lot of effort and time. More convenient and practical option is buying furniture online, where you can get detailed information about the model you like. We offer a large selection of furniture for living rooms, hallways, children's rooms, as well as chic collections of bedroom furniture.

We hope our furniture selection tips will help you choose the right furniture.

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