Paths made of tires in the country. Tire garden paths

When arranging a summer cottage, there is often not enough money for new building materials. Most owners have learned to make do with improvised means. And if you add a little skill, then unusual functional products are obtained from unnecessary things.

One such solution is garden paths made from car tires. This durable material, not requiring special care. And even a person without construction skills can create a path from it.

Pros and cons of using

Among the advantages of using tires are the following:

  1. Reliability of the material. For tires, high-quality durable rubber is used. Even in a worn state they do not lose their properties.
  2. Durability. This trail will last for years without the need for repair.
  3. Rubber is slip resistant. The relief surface allows you to calmly walk on them during heavy rain, frost.
  4. Not afraid of temperature changes or high humidity.
  5. Does not deform under heavy mechanical loads.
  6. Requires minimal care. It is enough to periodically wash the surface from dirt with a hose or sweep away debris with a broom.
  7. If necessary, the track can be easily moved to another location.
  8. There are almost no costs for such a path. There is no need to buy material, but necessary tools Every owner has one.
  9. The tire does not rot and dries quickly.
  10. Easy to install.

Photo: future path made from a truck tire

But you should also take into account a number of disadvantages that you will have to face. Among them:

  1. The need for a large number of tires. Even for a small garden path you will need more than a dozen of them. But if you negotiate with the service station employees for a nominal fee, then you will have a sufficient amount of tires in stock.
  2. Unaesthetic appearance. Of course, the beauty of the tire path cannot be compared with natural stone. However, for summer cottage owners, for whom practicality, durability and price come to the fore, the attractiveness of the path is not so important.
  3. Weak plasticity of rubber. Before installing a tire product, the material should be straightened, which will take a little work.
  4. When creating a path, a mandatory backfill of gravel is required.. Otherwise, the path will soon simply disappear into the ground.

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How to do the installation yourself - let’s look at it step by step

First you should prepare the necessary tools and fasteners:

  • sharp knife or jigsaw;
  • wooden slats;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • axe;
  • nails (minimum 7 cm long).

The number of tires depends on the width and length of the alley. To make a neat garden path from old tires, it is important to carefully approach each stage of creation. Let's look at them in detail:

  1. Preparation of working material. The rim of the car tire should be carefully separated from the tread band. The main tool is a jigsaw. Many craftsmen suggest using a sharp knife, constantly moistening it with lubricant, but it will take more time and effort. The rim is separated strictly along the edge of the tread. This will make the cut rubber easier to straighten. The jigsaw should be driven around the circumference of the tire, not across it. This measure will prevent the blade from becoming dull or the tool from breaking.
  2. Forming the tape. To do this, the protector is cut with a knife or an ax. The number of stripes depends on the selected track dimensions.
  3. Creation solid foundation under the path. The trench is dug to the depth of a spade bayonet. The bottom is compacted. A layer of crushed stone or gravel is poured. You can pour it on top sand-cement mortar. But this is optional. For non-heaving soils, adding gravel will be sufficient.
  4. Alignment and fixation of tapes. Performed using wooden slats, pre-treated with resin. The edges of the rubber are straightened and nailed to the slats.

For paths several strips wide, a gap of up to 2 cm is left between the strips. Rainwater will not accumulate on the surface, and the grown grass will strengthen the position of the path on the ground.

Another interesting option– creation of a ladder from tires on a personal plot. Suitable for cottages that are on a slope. The tires are sunk slightly into the ground and laid from the bottom to the top of the soil. Soil is poured inside. And to prevent the steps from slipping during rain, a thin layer of gravel is poured on top.

Thematic material:

Making curbs from tires

Small fences are made from this material. different heights. Often used tires are fenced off from the rest of the yard flower bed or a children's play area. It is enough to simply cut the tire in half with a jigsaw or knife, and dig it into the ground with the cut side.
And to make the borders look beautiful, they should be painted, interesting patterns and drawings applied.

Photo gallery of finished paths and borders

We suggest you take a look different ways using tires as a material for garden paths and borders:

Photo: great use of old rubber

As it turned out, even such unnecessary products as old tires were found useful application. And what’s even nicer is to save a significant amount on the purchase of building materials and improve your summer cottage plot for practically nothing.

Recently, my aunt was introduced to my niece’s blog; as a summer resident, she was interested in the “Ideas for a Summer House” section. An order has been received for good idea for garden paths. What I like about dacha construction and renovation is the space for activity, and not only in the spatial sense, but also in terms of implementing the most unexpected ideas.

So, let's go back to our sheep tracks. There are a great many options, one more beautiful than the other. Wood will always be paramount for me when faced with a choice. Still, a living material, breathable, warm.

Paths consisting of different segments connected together also look very nice, especially when one of the segments is greenery in one form or another.

A mosaic of painted pebbles sealed in concrete refers, in my understanding, to artistic creativity. You create a canvas using an unusual technique.

And there is this very simple one a budget option, you put together puzzles from rubber modules, I like the fact that you can always rearrange them, you never know, plans have changed, you will need space. Just a minute. Although, of course, it looks more like a temporary measure. In the end, all summer residents and owners of personal plots go through a state of temporaryity, so it will come in handy on the farm.

On the website the author went further, he makes rubber tracks from old tires, what about tracks, toys, jewelry, furniture, shoes... in general, when all the dacha affairs will be in order (if at all really) you can equip yourself a workshop and create there, even if only from old tires. Like this:

And from the sidewalls you can build a flowerbed like this and walk around in flip-flops with tire soles.

This no longer has anything to do with the paths, but it has everything to do with the dacha.

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On this moment Almost all summer cottages allow you to implement a variety of design ideas. When improving the territory of a dacha or country cottage you can use comfortable paths from various materials. But don’t rush and throw away things that seem useless at first glance. You can give them new life, bringing something fresh and distinctive to the layout at the same time personal plot.

What types of garden paths are there?

Pedestrian paths according to their purpose can be divided into transit and walking.

Transit paths are designed for movement through main areas, most often they lead from the gate to the house or serve to connect paths in the yard. For example, from home to summer kitchen or veranda. The width of such paths is calculated for two pedestrians who can walk together or parallel to each other. For transit paths, it is advisable to use large tires, laying them horizontally.

Walking paths are much smaller paths. A tire width of 50–60 cm will be sufficient for them. passenger car. For example, a path made from shredded tires can be thrown between the beds in the country house or in the garden. Then it will be easy to move around the garden even after a heavy downpour or in winter when there is ice.

Advice! Tracks consisting of different segments car tires, look very elegant, especially when laid out neatly and decorated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of using tires to create a garden path are:

  • durability - high-quality and durable rubber is used to create tires, such tracks will last for years;
  • protection against slipping - the relief surface will allow you to safely use such a path both in frost and in heavy rain;
  • no deformation under the influence of mechanical loads;
  • accessibility - there are practically no costs for the track, there is no need to buy material;
  • ease of installation and installation;
  • minimal maintenance - just periodically wash the surface with a hose or sweep away debris and dust with a broom.

Garden paths made from tires also have their downsides.: under influence sunlight release certain harmful substances. Therefore, it is better to place paths made of such materials where pedestrians, and especially children, do not walk for a long time.

Methods for installing tires for garden paths

There are not many options for installing tire tracks. To create a trail, you can use the following methods:

  • lay the tires horizontally;
  • pave herringbone shapes.

The choice of installation option will depend on the width and length of the trail, the size of the tires, and their number. It must be taken into account that each option has its pros and cons. For example, tires that lie flat are easier to fill with reinforcing material. But from solid tires you can create not only a garden path, but also a staircase.

When making paths in the garden or at the dacha, you can take both tires with and without rims, in the form of cut strips or squares. It should be noted that in the first case, installation is carried out flat or the tire must be placed “on the edge”.

Advice! To achieve even flooring for paths, you need to use rubber with even wear. It is advisable to choose truck tires.

The vertical installation of tires will be problematic - it requires bedding. It is believed that it is best to fill the gaps between the walls with concrete, which will increase wear resistance. This procedure must be performed before installation itself.

How to create your own garden path from tires?

Before creating a path, you should measure its width and length, set its shape and direction. In this case, you need to take into account details that can help make the path multifunctional and comfortable to use.

  1. First you need to prepare your tools. Any craftsman has them - all you need is a jigsaw or a well-sharpened knife, nails, a shovel, an ax and a hammer.
  2. Trim the tire using a construction knife or jigsaw.

    Advice! You can then build a curb from the remaining side part of the tire.

  3. Then you need to cut the tread to create a tape.
  4. The resulting tapes must be laid horizontally and their edges nailed to a wooden base. You will get smooth paths.

    You can also nail several strips onto the bars. And then connect the resulting paths by direct weaving.
  5. To improve the quality of the future path, you can add gravel to the path, which will serve as a foundation.
  6. You can proceed to installation. Before laying a path, it is recommended to draw up a diagram and think about the application additional ways landscaping such as curbs, gutters, skylights or drainage systems.

A DIY garden path made from tires will be an original addition to any country house or cottage. At the same time, the use of car tires can be completely different. From tires it is possible to create a creative path to the front garden, children's sandbox or even to the vegetable garden.

Don't rush to get rid of worn tires. They may still serve you well. After all, in order to create real decorative elements for a personal plot from car tires, you need very little skill and inspiration.

IN Lately paving slabs made of rubber has become very popular. Previously, it was used only by summer residents, but now it is a coating can be found on the alleys of city squares, parks, sports grounds and pedestrian crossings.

To her post flooring in country houses is used as a covering in kindergartens, on balconies and tennis courts. The scope of application of rubber tiles is almost limitless. Why is she so good?

Rubber tiles – injury-proof and an easy-to-install paving covering that anyone can lay. There would be a desire. You don't even need a special tool for this.

IN this In the article, we will consider in detail the process of arranging garden paths from rubber tires, describe the advantages and disadvantages of such a coating, as well as stages his self-installation and rules care behind him.

Pros and cons of rubber tracks

Basic advantages rubber paving covering:

  1. Strength and Durability. The tiles are made from recycled tires that have become unsuitable for use on cars. Car wheels are designed to withstand huge load for a long time. Therefore, they are made from the most durable rubber, which is also elastic and resistant to alkalis and acids. Likewise, rubber paving slabs, which play the role of flooring on garden paths, has a very long service life and high wear resistance;
  2. Moisture resistance. The surface of the rubber track is rough, but at the same time soft and pleasant. Such a surface quickly absorbs into yourself water after rain;
  3. Safety use. Thanks to its rough structure, walking on rubber paths is absolutely safe. Feet on her don't slip. In case of a fall, the tiles will soften the injury. In addition, rubber tiles do not heat up much in the sun, so you can even walk on them barefoot;
  4. Minimal care behind the surface. Due to its softness and elasticity, the rubber paving coating does not chip and doesn't crumble. If the surface becomes dirty, simply rinse it with a hose and wipe dry. If ice forms, remove it with a shovel. Debris from the surface of the tile can be easily removed with a broom;
  5. Easy to install. Laying work is carried out without special tools and equipment. Lay down paving slabs made of rubber can even layman. Rubber tiles are easily joined and do not form cracks on the surface;
  6. Ease of transportation. Rubber tiles do not break, crumble or break. This coating easily tolerates transportation even on the most distant distances, while maintaining their original excellent qualities;
  7. Affordable price. The price of rubber tiles is several times lower than the cost of concrete pavement, despite the positive specifications And modernity material;
  8. Noise-absorbing effect. Due to its structure, rubber tiles can minimize the effect of extraneous noise using. This type of coating is perfect for a place where children play - around, for example;
  9. Sustainability to sudden temperature changes.

Back to main lack rubber tiles should be attributed to the formation on its surface naledi in damp, frosty weather.

Installation tools

To lay tiles from rubber crumbs you will be needed:

  • Shovel;
  • Rubber mallet(hammer made of wood or rubber);
  • Sharp knife.

Making a path out of rubber tires

  1. Preparing the material. You can use used truck tires for a path in the garden;
  2. Cutting out the surface. To lay out a garden path you will only need protectors, i.e. that part of the tire that comes into contact with the road. It is separated with a sharp knife. The knife is periodically dipped into a solution of soap or oil. Then it cuts the tire easier. Makes cutting easier and such "cunning": it is advisable to move a pry bar (a small crowbar with a bend at the end) behind the knife;
  3. Making the base for the path. After the protector is separated from the side parts, the resulting ring is cut to create ribbon. This tape will become the basis for covering the garden path. To lay a garden path, you will need more than one (from 2 before 4 tapes), and several such tapes. It all depends on the width of the laid out path. A single tape can be used for a path between beds;
  4. Let's start installation. The tapes are adjusted to length, then their edges are attached to an oiled block. It is recommended to leave a small amount between parts of the path. gap (1-2 cm). It is unacceptable to carry out tile installation work on a rainy and cold day. It is important to start the installation process in dry weather. Only through 3 days Afterwards you can be absolutely sure that it is firmly stuck to the surface.

Note! It is recommended to lay the rubber path on moist soil. The beams will “sink” into the soil without bumps.

In order for a rubber tile to “lay down” well, it is necessary level out soil for its installation. This can be done by compacting gravel or creating a special “cushion” of concrete.

Rubber tiles should only be laid on hard And flat surface. For example, on an asphalt base with a thickness of no more than 10 cm. Lay tiles on sand it is forbidden. She will move from her place.

The tiles are laid close to each other. To “adhere” them to each other, they use a special rubber mastic or glue made of polyurethane.

Advice! Use different colored tiles to create a multi-colored design.

Where and at what price to buy rubber tiles

Rubber tiles can be buy in any city. It is sold at construction markets, in stores and even in online stores in a wide range. Prices depend on the quality of the material, region, and place of purchase.

Prices for rubber paving slabs vary from 929 RUR/m2 before 2000 rub. The color and size of the coating is selected individually. You can purchase rubber tiles in rolls.

Garden path made of ready-made rubber tiles

Garden paths can be arranged using rubber tiles. Rubber tiles are a material made from crumb rubber.

Rubber tiles are obtained using the hot method pressings(heating and gluing rubber). Main components such tiles are:

  • Crumb rubber obtained from crushed tires;
  • Coloring matter;
  • Polyurethane material for bonding tile components.

A wide range of color range rubber tiles will allow you to create original "beat" territory garden plot. Moreover, attaching them is a pleasure! Rubber tiles are attached to each other "castle" method using special bushings.

So, do not hurry throw away old ones car tires- on summer cottage they will start their new life. Make paving slabs from tires. It is beautiful, easy and absolutely safe for a person to move around the site.

Learn how to lay rubber crumb tiles correctly from this video.

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