Electric heated floor. Electric and water heated floors: scope, design diagrams and calculations Infrared types of heating

You can provide warmth and comfort in your home or apartment if you use electric floor heating. It is in demand due to the fact that the control system of such a floor allows you to use electricity wisely, and this makes heating profitable with economic point vision.

Types of electric heated floors

Electric floors are divided into the following types according to which heating element is used:

  • cable;
  • film;
  • rod-shaped

On sale you can find cable heated floors in the form of an ordinary coil, sections and mats, which are made of flexible mesh. Compared to other models, the mats use a smaller diameter.

Electric cable flooring is only convection. Film and rod types are heated using infrared radiation.

Each type has installation nuances and restrictions on use. Depending on which installation method can be implemented in the room, a warm electric floor with the appropriate characteristics is selected. Let's figure out which underfloor heating is better, film or cable, what advantages and disadvantages they have.

Cable electric floor

Quite often a cable is used for heating. For the production of heated floors, resistive and self-regulating types are used. There are single- and double-core resistive cables. The second type is most often used due to its structure. As a result of the operation of the system, electromagnetic radiation occurs, and a two-core cable can make it a little weaker.

The design of self-regulating models is many times more complex than a simple heating cable. They can find areas where overheating has occurred and reduce the supply of electricity or turn off the power completely.

Key points for installing cable heated floors

Regardless of what kind of heated floor is used in the apartment, electric or any other installation is carried out almost the same way. Let's look at the main steps using a simple heating cable as an example.

When installing any type of electric floor, the first step is to determine where the thermostat will be located. A hole for the device and a channel are cut into the wall, into which the wires necessary to connect the system and sensor will be laid.

Then the floor surface is prepared. It must be cleared of all kinds of debris and leveled. Next comes thermal insulation. Heating sections are laid out on top of it and secured with mounting tape.

Electric cable underfloor heating allows you to choose any gap between the elements. There are places in the premises where stronger floor heating is necessary, for example, near a cold outer wall. In this case, the interval between sections can be made smaller than in the warmer parts of the room.

Under no circumstances should heating cables be allowed to cross during installation.

After installation is completed, the electrical wires are connected. Next, an internal sensor is installed, which should be placed in a corrugated pipe. This will help protect the device from possible damage. A tube with a sensor and a wire connected to it is laid between the heating cable. Now you need to check how the system works. If the resistance of the sections and the sensor matches the data specified in the technical data sheet, you can pour the concrete screed.

The flooring can be laid after 3 days. Only after the concrete screed has completely dried, which will take approximately 28 days, will it be possible to turn on the warm electric floor.

You can make an electric heated floor in an apartment yourself, because its installation is not very difficult. The main thing is to perform all the necessary steps correctly. But, if you are not sure that everything will be done as expected or not the right tools, then you can use the services of specialists in this field.

Heating mats as an option under tiles

Heating mats are a variation of the classic cable heated floor. They have the same heating element - cable. The difference is that in the production of mats, types with a smaller diameter are used. This floor is sold ready-made: the cable is attached to a flexible fiberglass mesh. Most often, such mats are chosen for ceramic tile floors.

The back side of the mesh, as a rule, is adhesive, which is very convenient, as it allows you to almost instantly fix the structure to the surface. Therefore, in this case, the electric floor is installed without using construction tape. After laying and fixing the heating mats, all necessary wiring connections and system checks should be made. Next, the structure is filled with cement mortar and ceramic tiles are laid.

Infrared electric floors

In the underfloor heating market, infrared floors with carbon heating rods are gradually gaining popularity. Its widespread use is currently limited only by its relatively high cost. This option for maintaining in an apartment optimal temperature is the most harmless to human health. People who use rod-based floor heating most often leave positive reviews about it.

Infrared flooring can be installed even in places where there is furniture, which you can also not be afraid to move during operation. The carbon rods are self-regulating so they never overheat. The carbon mat is installed using screed or glue. It can be laid under ceramic tiles or any other floor covering.

In order for the system to work more efficiently, it is necessary to first lay a heat-reflecting film backing on the floor. Special holes should be made in the insulation, which are necessary to improve the adhesion of the glue or concrete screed to the subfloor. Electric underfloor heating must be evenly distributed over the entire area. Using the existing connecting wire, the mats can be cut into pieces if necessary. required size. When all work on laying and checking the system is completed, the surface can be filled with a thin layer of cement-sand screed or glue.

Film heated electric flooring is the easiest to install. There is no need to carry out preparatory work on the surface arrangement. This type of heated floor is laid on a heat-insulating substrate, and the selected floor covering is laid on top of it.

Electric floor control

The system is connected to the electrical network and controlled using a thermostat. This device controls floor and air temperature by reading data from internal and external sensors. The main ones are internal sensors. Their installation is carried out in a screed or under finishing coat in the process of laying heated floors (more details: " "). Additional sensors monitor the air temperature. They are usually installed on the wall.

The simplest thermostat has the function of maintaining a set temperature in the room. When the set values ​​are exceeded, it turns off the power supply, and when the system cools down, it turns it on. More complex design have programmable thermostats. They allow you to set the required algorithm for heating the room. Some models already have several standard programs that take into account day or night, weekends or weekdays.

They themselves are able to turn on the power before the owners come home and turn it off while no one is there. There are models of thermostats with remote control via the Internet or mobile phone. This function is very convenient, because if plans suddenly change, the apartment owners can change the program settings from a distance.

Warm electric floor as the main and additional heating system

In order for the room to maintain a comfortable temperature only thanks to the “warm floor” system, it must occupy a significant part of the floor surface, that is, at least 2/3 of the entire area.

If the room is crowded big amount furniture, the system will not be able to perform its task fully. In addition, a power density of at least 150 W is required.

It is more advisable to use such floors as an additional method of heating a room. They are also suitable for heating glazed loggias and balconies, rooms that are located on the ground or first floor of the building.

The most rational option would be to use electric heated floors in the bathroom. After water procedures, you no longer have to stand with your bare feet on cold tiles, and it will also relieve high humidity in this room.

An electric heated floor is used as an additional heat source. This scheme works well on any type of floor and can be installed in houses made of any material. A distinctive feature is simple installation, which will appeal to an inexperienced master. This type of flooring is good for installation in rooms where it is very difficult to install a heating system. For example, a balcony or terrace. Sometimes, heated floors are used as the only heating method, in which case it is necessary to take into account upcoming energy costs.

Advantages of electric floors

Electric underfloor heating has a number of advantages, thanks to which it is often used in an apartment or private house.

  • Possibility of heating the entire room or a separate part of it. Warm floors can be laid over the entire area of ​​the room, or you can install it only in a certain part. In this case, space zoning is performed.
  • Electric heated floors are convenient to use, since they are controlled using a remote control or a temperature regulator is used.
  • It is possible to connect to the system " smart House" In this case, the heating can be controlled remotely.
  • Simple and easy installation that does not require special tools.
  • No possibility of leakage.

During installation, the floor does not take up a large amount of the room’s height, and therefore it should be used where this moment will not have a negative impact

Such floors are easier to use in high-rise buildings, since the standard water heating method places a greater load on the floors, while an electric heated floor weighs several times less.

Warm floor

But it should not be noted that this coating also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of electric floors

These include:

  • Possibility of short circuit - this problem This can occur with any electrical heating device and heated floors are no exception. This problem should be prevented by checking all cables before installation. flooring.
  • Energy costs are not so much a problem as they are a disadvantage. When using such a scheme, increasing costs cannot be avoided - the decision depends on the intended use:
    • If electric floor heating is used as a constant power source, then reliable insulation of the house makes sense. For example, make high-quality thermal insulation of walls. In this case, heat loss will decrease and, as a result, heating costs will also decrease.
    • If the system is used as an additional heat source, then it makes sense to lay the elements where the greatest movement occurs. As a rule, the most frequent movement occurs in the center of the room, and accordingly the heating elements should be laid in the center. Thus, fewer elements will be required, and costs will be reduced by heating a specific area of ​​the room, rather than all at once.

Radiation is sometimes cited as a disadvantage. But in fact, such a system is no different from any other electronic device, and therefore there is no need to fear harm from it.

Types of electric heating

On the market for electric heated floors you can find several versions. Each has its own pros and cons. To understand which option is best suited to a particular home, you need to study each of them.

Electric heated floors are divided into 2 types according to their effect:

  1. Resistive - heating in this type is carried out by cables.
  2. Infrared - heating is carried out due to a special component that transfers heat to surrounding things.

Cable electric floor

The cable version differs in that it has high quality heating elements cables are used. Connected to electricity, they heat up due to which the surface is heated.

Solid wires

Single core cables are both a heat conductor and a heating element. If the installation of electric heated floors occurs with such a cable, then it is important that the ends of the wire meet in one place. This is necessary to connect the system to the control unit.

Twin wires

Twin-core wires are much more convenient to use. One core is necessary for heating, the other closes the circuit. When using these cables, it is not necessary for the two ends to meet. Therefore, it is more often used; it is much easier to bring one end of the wire to the control unit than to mount the system so that both ends meet in one place.

Heating mat

The convenience of the mats is that you don’t need to calculate the required power yourself; the manufacturer did it all. Mats are purchased depending on the number of square meters on which the heating element must be mounted.

Infrared heating types

Rod type heating

A type of infrared floor is a rod electric heated floor. It reminds rope ladder with wooden or metal crossbars. But a rod with a heating element is used as crossbars.

The floor heating is carried out using this rod. And the “rope” is a polymer that can be cut to make installation. However, the cut polymer will need to be fixed into the circuit, since it plays the role of a conductor.

Film type of heating

Electric heated floors can also have a film appearance. In this case, the heating of the surfaces occurs due to infrared radiation. The elements responsible for heating transmit a thermal signal over short distances, heating what is located next to them. These elements are made of carbon paste, and are responsible for its heating copper wires, which are enclosed in film. For installation, the film version is most often used, since it is easy to install.

Film version

The film floor has a very small thickness, and therefore it can be used where the ceilings have limited height.

Thermal sensor for electric floor

If you decide to install electric heated floors in your home, then you need to thoroughly prepare for this. In addition to materials such as concrete, flooring and others Construction Materials, you need to purchase the required set of heated floors and additional elements, which will monitor the system.

These elements are:

  1. Thermal sensor - it shows temperature data.
  2. Thermostat – it is necessary to set the temperature to which the element will heat up.

Both of these elements work in pairs, as soon as the temperature sensor records the temperature to which the elements have heated up, the thermostat receives a command and turns off further heating.

Modern thermostats can be equipped with various parts that allow the installation of electronic heated floors. In this option, you can set the heating and shutdown temperatures, and the data can be stored in memory once; further control will be taken over by the thermostat system.

Heat sensor

In new models of the device, control can be carried out remotely by installing a SIM card. That is, in essence, the control sensor is transferred to the phone.

Via SMS message you can set the heating on and off time, and the floor heating temperature.

You can also turn off the entire system if necessary.

Calculation of the power of heated floors

Before choosing a heated floor, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room and the power of the system, so that it can heat the home. First you need to decide in what mode the heated floor from electricity will be used. If the floor will be the main source of heat, then a complex calculation scheme is used. If the floor is used as an additional source, then the calculations in this case are much simpler.

When using a heated floor as the main heating system, an accurate technological calculation is required, which should take into account such aspects as the area of ​​the house, the number of doors and windows, and possible heat loss. At the same time, when calculating the area, you need to pay attention to the furniture that will be placed in the room. Warm floors must be installed in spaces that are free of furniture.

The exception to this condition is heating rod elements. They can be laid over the entire area, as they are self-regulating.

When making calculations, it is important to correctly calculate possible heat losses. You need to pay close attention to this data, since incorrect calculations will lead to the fact that such a system simply will not cope with heating the room and the house will be cold. Possible heat losses are calculated using special tables. It is best to entrust these calculations to specialists. They will more accurately calculate the required system power.

If an electric underfloor heating will be used as an additional heat source, then the necessary calculations can be made independently. In this calculation, you need to take into account the type of floor used, resistive or infrared, the laying area, that is, the area on which the heating elements will be located and the power of the wire.

Laying rules

Before you begin laying floors, you must familiarize yourself with the laying rules. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, then you can guarantee the correct and smooth operation of the entire system.

Such nuances include the following requirements:

  • Before installation, it is necessary to install the thermal insulation layer. This is necessary for all types of floors, since part of the thermal energy will not go down. In this case, heat loss will be minimal, and floor heating will occur faster. This way it will be possible to reduce electricity costs.
  • When placing floors, it is necessary to take into account the location of furniture; heating elements cannot be placed under them, except for core floors.
  • There should be a distance of 5 cm from the walls and at least 10 cm from heating appliances (radiators).
  • When laying, it is necessary to observe the pitch of the wire, and also avoid crossing the wires.
  • During installation, it is important to ensure that there are as few cuts for turns as possible. This way the integrity of the system is not compromised. All cut areas must be carefully insulated. Failure to comply with this rule results in loss of power and the possibility of a short circuit.

  • Joining small pieces of flooring is also undesirable; the minimum section length should be at least 50 cm. When purchasing a heated floor, it is better to take it with a reserve.

It is imperative to install an RCD device; it will turn off the heat supply if problems arise. For example, if power is lost, the RCD will disconnect the system from electricity.

It is better to entrust all floor installation work to a professional electrician.

Also, for electric floor heating, it is better to allocate a separate line where only this system will be connected. Also, it is better to bring the system to separate machine, in case of problems with electricity or the floor itself, you can de-energize the system with this device.

Installation of heated electric floor

Before choosing electric heated floors, it is better to clarify what kind of floor covering you plan to lay and how the base for the heated floor will be prepared. Depending on this data, you can buy a heated floor system.

There are three ways to install the floor:

  1. Screed installation.
  2. Installation on a screed, but secured with tiles.
  3. Installation under flooring, but not under tiles.

If you need to install an electric heated floor in a screed or under a tile, you will have to choose cable systems or rod floors.

Laying film flooring is only allowed under the floor covering. Moisture is harmful to this floor. Therefore, it is advisable to install it in rooms, and not in sanitary facilities.

The installation itself is almost the same:

  1. A layout plan is drawn up taking into account the location of the furniture and indentations. It is better to make a plan on graph paper, respecting the scale.
  2. A layer of waterproofing and a layer of insulation are laid, if necessary.
  3. The markings are transferred to the prepared base.
  4. The floor is laid according to the markings. All places that are cut, if necessary, must be insulated. Also, the position of the temperature sensor and thermostat is determined. The latter is installed on the wall and from the place of its installation you need to lower the groove to the floor.
  5. After laying all the elements, check the resistance.
  6. A pipe is placed in the groove, one end of which is connected to the thermostat, and the other has a temperature sensor. The end of the pipe with the temperature sensor is located in the middle of the nearby heating elements.

Electrically heated layer cake

Test work

After this work has been carried out, it is necessary to check the functionality of the sensor and thermostat, once again the resistance and the system are completely de-energized, and the regulator is removed. Then, the screed is poured and the tiles or flooring are laid. Moreover, if a screed is planned, then they first wait for the concrete to dry, then check the performance of the system again, and then install the floor covering.

It is worth checking how the temperature sensor is removed from the pipe; this is necessary so that later it can be easily replaced if necessary.

Energy Saving

Underfloor heating system electrical action has its pros and cons, which are described above. But, with proper design and use, this system will only cause positive emotions. You should not be afraid of high energy consumption and, as a result, increased payments. With a reasonable approach to use, the number of kilowatts will not increase much, and the heat in the house will be constant. This effect is achieved by using the floor only during hours when someone is at home.

Also, it would be a good idea to think about insulating problem areas: doors, windows, balconies. In this way, heat loss can be minimized; accordingly, the system itself will not work at full capacity. The effect of the work done can be seen on your heating bills.

How to properly install a heated floor? Most often, do-it-yourself electric heated floors are installed inside the bathroom in order to heat ceramic tiles in a short period of time.

In addition, this design is used to heat a veranda, bathhouse or sauna, and so on. Electric underfloor heating can also be a complement to radiator heating. Electricity will be saved. To do this, you will need a regulator for the heated floor and a temperature sensor for the heated floor.

This design can be used not only in ordinary houses, but also inside apartments, because it is impossible to install the most efficient water heating in them. Easy to install and completely accessible construction market give permission to carry out all the work independently. An electric heated floor is installed under laminate, linoleum, and marble. But not all electric floors are installed under laminate.

How to choose electric heated floors? Which heated floor is better? How to connect a heated floor correctly? How to connect a heated floor to a thermostat? Where to install and connect the sensor for a heated floor? Let's answer.

What are heated electric floors? This is a wired heating system with increased durability. This electric floor heating system can simply perform a comfort function and become the main heating system. The heating sections consist of two layers of insulation, single- and double-core cables and durable connection devices (couplings).

Electric underfloor heating has a number of advantages that distinguish it from other heating systems. Let's look at them:

  • Part of the heating system is hidden in the design of the floor itself. This makes it possible to make the usable space larger. It also helps make the design of the room more varied. Floor covering may vary. It just cannot be used as a floor covering.
  • The air inside the room is not dried out because this heating system is not in direct contact with the atmosphere.
  • Due to the fact that the structure has double insulation and the wires have a shielding braid, this makes it possible to use an electric floor in absolutely any place, regardless of the level of humidity.

These are the main advantages of electric heated floors.

Methods for installing underfloor heating

How to make an electric heated floor? How to lay heated floors? What methods are there?

There are three main methods for installing this structure:

  • The first method involves installing electric floors into a screed layer. After this procedure, the floor covering is installed.
  • How to put using the following method? The second method is to install the electric floor from the top of the screed under the ceramic tiles.
  • The latter method involves laying the flooring material under it.

The first method is most suitable for the bathroom, kitchen and loggia (balcony) to connect the electric floor.

This is the installation of a cable floor. And under the system, moisture-proofing and insulating layers are laid. It is necessary to form a layer of screed from the top.

Let's say you live in an apartment building, if the apartment located on the floor below you is already insulated, then there is no need to mount and install an additional thermal insulation layer. In this case, ceramic will be the main protection for the heating elements. If you need to install an electric floor yourself, running it under laminate or linoleum, then the best option in this situation is an infrared floor. In addition, a heat insulator is installed. The insulation is foamed polyethylene, which has a foil coating. Then there are the electrical components. If necessary, fit

waterproofing layer

, and then directly the floor laminate.

It is prohibited to use an infrared electric floor under ceramic tiles, just as it is prohibited to install it into the screed itself.

  • Required components and materials for the process
  • Wires intended for connection.
  • Fastening products.
  • The device is a regulator (thermostat) for a heated floor and heated floor temperature sensors. The installed device is intended to further regulate the temperature.
  • Residual current devices (RCDs).
  • A copper cable intended for grounding.
  • Heated floor temperature sensor.

How to carry out calculations and distribution of these elements and materials. Let's take a closer look.

Distribution of heating elements

At the very beginning, you need to create a plan for installing the electric floor. It must be taken into account that the heating wire is not installed in areas where furniture is located big size or other items. In areas where heating pipes or other sources of heat are located, it is also necessary to eliminate heating elements.

It may happen that your furniture may simply become damaged due to overheating.

By following these rules, you will get a drawing that shows an irregular figure - it shows the space that allows the installation of an electric floor. Once installed, furniture cannot be rearranged.

When the plan has already been drawn up, you can immediately proceed to work.

On a section of the wall, wherever you like, a position is determined indicating the location of the regulator. Next, a hole is made in this area for the floor heating regulator, after which the fine is lowered all the way to the floor. After completion of the preparation work, it is necessary to carry out calculations of materials.

Carrying out calculations

How to calculate a heated floor? How is the power of underfloor heating calculated? Calculation of electric heated floors can be carried out using already prepared tables offered by the manufacturer. The calculation of the power of the heated floor is the same. And according to calculations of heat loss in each room, the required wire installation step is selected. It also calculates its length. If you plan to install an infrared floor under a laminate laid by yourself, then the calculations in this case become even easier. You just need to make a selection the required number

components that can cover the intended area.

Don’t forget to include in your calculations the cable that will be used to connect the thermostat to the heated floor.

A connection diagram for the heated floor thermostat is also drawn up, which should reflect this procedure. Then the heated floor is connected to electricity.

Surface preparation. Distinctive features of base thermal insulation.

At the very beginning, if necessary, destroy the screed that is already outdated. The entire coating must be thoroughly cleaned.

Now you need to prepare the groove for the temperature sensor. Afterwards, the heated floor sensor is installed.

We lay a layer of moisture insulation extending onto the wall. The length of the approach should be ten centimeters. A polyethylene foam film (damper tape) must be attached to the wall over the entire area. This element is necessary to compensate for thermal expansion during heating. Thanks to this, trim the waterproofing layer and foam polyethylene tape (damper).

To thermal energy does not disappear into the lower part, the base of the floor should be insulated. How to choose a heated floor? Which electric floor heating is better? The location of the room, the type of surface and the direction of the heating design influence the required insulation.

Thermal insulation for heated floors:

  • If you need to lay a heated floor as an addition to an existing heating system, then you should use a damper tape that has a reflective foil coating. This material represents a substrate for an electric floor.
  • In an apartment under which there is another heated room, it is necessary to use sheets made of gas-filled material (expanded polystyrene). The average thickness of such a sheet is 30 millimeters. As a replacement, you can use another element, which is the same durable heat insulator.
  • If the installation of an electric heated floor takes place on the veranda and in the loggia, where there has never been heating before, a thermal insulation layer for the floor is applied, the thickness of which should be one hundred millimeters. The insulation element is mineral wool.

Reinforcing mesh is laid from the top of the heat insulator. You can add plasticizer and microfiber to the mixture.

Carrying out the installation procedure

Take a look at what the installation diagram looks like - laying a warm electric floor, reflecting the work. Warm floor connection diagram:

How to install a heated floor? How to set up an electric underfloor heating connection? A diagram for connecting the heated floor is drawn up. Before installation, it is necessary to check the cables for resistance. After this, the value must be checked against the passport.

Warm electric floors can be fixed to a reinforcing mesh. Screeds will help you perform this procedure, thanks to which the fastening occurs. Specially designed tapes that are needed for fastening can act as a replacement for ties.

If the heating floor is installed in a sauna or bathroom, then it is necessary to ground the reinforcing mesh. Next, you need to connect the ground to the temperature control device. For this procedure a good one will do tinned copper wire.

The film floor (infrared) is installed from the top of the heat-insulating layer. According to the manufacturer's instructions, fastening is carried out using specially designed adhesive tape.

In areas where the cable is located above the separation boundary of both floor slabs, it should be hidden in a section of pipe with variable cross section(corrugated pipe).

The length of the pipe is 15 centimeters. This will help reduce the likelihood of wire breakage. The cable may break due to thermal expansion of the plates.

The area where the heating cable and cable are connected should be located at a distance of 17 centimeters from the screed so that the components to be connected are completely immersed in the screed.

It is necessary to mark the position of the connecting section on the floor plan. This procedure is necessary, as it may be useful during forced repairs of the electric floor.

When all components are positioned correctly, the cable resistance test must be performed again. Next, the corrugated pipe from the regulator is installed along the fine. The other end of this pipe must be placed in the middle part between the nearest strips of wire for heating. In inner part

pipes with a variable cross-section (hydraulic pipe) connect the heated floor to the thermostat. Thanks to the temperature sensor, the operation of the electric floor is adjusted. Check if you can easily remove the plug-in floor temperature sensor, because you may have to replace it in the future.

If everything works fine, it is necessary to install the floor covering (tiled, laminated). If a screed is not needed, it is possible to lay the flooring - laminate or linoleum.

Description of ultra-thin floor

Which heated floor to choose? Which is better? Let's consider this option. What are ultra-thin heating mats used for? They are intended for rooms with cement-sand screed. Mats represent electrical wire, having a reduced diameter of three millimeters. It is attached at regular intervals of five centimeters to a fiberglass mesh.

Ultra-thin heating mats do not include the installation of a heating cable, therefore, the installation of this system is easy. You can cut the mat - this makes it possible to lay it in a room with absolutely any shape. Installation can be done even on tiles that are old. Which heated floor is better? Double-core mats are the most high-tech and environmentally friendly warm electric floors

. These are ideal warm floors for laminate.

Choosing a floor covering

What is the best floor covering for this heating system? Let's consider each material separately.

Laminate Interestingly, the manufacturers of this flooring prohibit the use of their material in conjunction with warm floors

. Manufacturers of this heating design even recommend laminate flooring.

Laminates must have a special sign. Its structure consists of many pores, and the impregnation is not resistant to regular increases or decreases in temperature and is not suitable for a heating system. After some time it will become completely unusable.

It is worth buying a substrate (special), the material class should be 32, and the heating temperature should not be higher than thirty degrees Celsius. Do not purchase laminate flooring, which has a low cost on the construction market, otherwise it is hazardous to health. You can get poisoned. Absolutely every laminate emits formaldehyde, although small quantity

. But when heated, the value only increases. Therefore, this flooring must have a special label that allows use in conjunction with electric floors.

Wood If the temperature is higher, it will simply destroy the tree. Therefore, temperature regulation must be carried out in advance. Heating should be carried out only 2/3 of the total possible power.

In the territory Russian Federation soft fiberboard for sale. It has a low level of thermal conductivity, making it an ideal substrate. Also, this product is absolutely environmentally friendly.


This flooring is the most unsuitable for heating. Engineered parquet is best suited for this procedure. Heating can occur, but everything must be done correctly, observing the nuances. Installation must be done using the floating method. Also parquet board must be covered with oil. Varnish won't work.

Ceramic tile

This is the best floor covering for warm electric floors. Ceramics are environmentally friendly pure material. Tolerates cold and heat very well. There is also a drawback: very noticeable heating is not very favorable for human feet. If you get sick from just one contact with a cold surface, then this is the best option for you. For children it is better to leave the same conditions. Because in warmer conditions, children are more likely to catch colds.

While ceramic tiles are great for heated floors, wood can also be used. There is no need to strive for a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. It can be lower, the main thing is to maintain comfort in the room.

Bottom line

Let's summarize. How to lay it? Installing an electric heated floor can be done independently, but with some knowledge and experience. We must strictly adhere to the step-by-step scheme. It is recommended to trust specialists who have the appropriate education. They will do the job correctly and be able to maintain the small details that exist.

During work, it is imperative to follow safety precautions. Professional workers will be able to attach mats, regulators and their own heating floor sensor. Which heated floor is better? The best heated floors - you need to choose ultra-thin heating ones. average cost for 1 m2 equals 500 rubles.

Which regulator is better to choose? It is better to choose the first digital thermostat for underfloor heating, designed to be fully controlled. Electric heated floors under tiles are perfect for a bathroom. Warm floor sensor and regulator; it is better to entrust their installation to a specialist.

Electric underfloor heating systems have long been part of our lives and have firmly occupied their niche in the modern market. Nevertheless, every year the heating elements installed in the floor undergo modernization, as a result of which new varieties arise. It is becoming increasingly difficult for homeowners who want to personally resolve all home heating issues to understand new types of electric floor heaters. To help them, we’ll break everything down and tell you how you can choose an electric heated floor yourself and carry out its installation correctly.

Types of heated floors powered by electricity

Let's start by presenting a list of species electrical systems floor heating currently available:

  • cable;
  • film;
  • rod;
  • liquid.

To select a heated floor from the list above, you need to have an understanding of each type. Let's start with the old-timers of our market - cable systems. The principle of their operation is similar to water heated floors, only instead of pipes with coolant, a heating cable is laid out. After this, over the contour is performed cement-sand screed and finishing coat. The cable warms the entire floor surface to the set temperature set on the thermostat. The latter is guided by signals from a temperature sensor embedded in the screed, or by readings from an external device that records the air temperature in the room.

There is another type of cable system that is hidden in a tie under tiles. These are heating mats designed for installing thin coatings or under tile adhesive. They are a mesh to which a heating cable is attached at a certain pitch. The product is sold in rolls, which are simply rolled out over the base during installation. In both cases, it is possible to select heating cables with different heat output to provide the required power of the electric heated floor.

A thin and durable polymer film with heating elements applied to it is one of the new types of heated floors. The thickness of the product does not exceed 3 mm, and the width of the roll varies from 0.5 to 1 m; it is also possible to select a film with different heat transfer. This heating element is designed for installation under any floor covering without screed, excluding tiles. Manufacturers declare that the film underfloor heating system emits the most acceptable “soft heat” for humans in the long-wave range.

Rod heated floors are coal heating elements connected to each other by conductors and representing a solid mesh wound into a roll. Each carbon rod is a separate device that functions autonomously. Therefore, if one element fails, there is no need to open the screed in search of a fault, since the remaining heaters will continue to work. Rod heated floors are suitable for any room in a private house or apartment and are installed in the traditional way - in a screed.

And finally, we present one of the latest innovations - a hybrid between electric and water underfloor heating - an electric liquid system. A heating core in the form of an insulated cable with nichrome cores is inserted into polyethylene pipes filled with a non-freezing heat-conducting liquid. At one end of the pipe there is a connecting coupling, and at the other there is a damper device that compensates for the thermal expansion of the liquid in a confined space. When installing a liquid heating system, the same technology is used as when installing water heated floors, only the connection is made to electrical network through the thermostat.

Electricity consumption

In order to objectively evaluate this or that product, let’s clarify such a burning issue as the consumption of electric heated floors. Listening to the assurances of sales representatives about the high efficiency and effectiveness of various electric underfloor heating systems, you need to understand what is really happening. In fact, any of the above heating elements is an excellent converter of electrical energy into heat with high efficiency (about 99%).

Regardless of the design of the product and its cost, to release 99 W of heat, any heater consumes 100 W of electricity, almost one to one. This means that if the documentation for the film element indicates a thermal power of 200 W per 1 m2, then this heated floor consumes 200 W per hour of electricity.

As we found out, sellers are not deceiving anyone about efficiency, but with efficiency everything is much more complicated. The building loses heat in winter through the enclosing structures and along with the ventilation air, and the heating system is designed to compensate for these losses. An electric heated floor in an apartment or house warms the room to a certain temperature, after which the thermostat turns it off. At this moment, the heat begins to leave the house, and the temperature drops, which after some time is registered by the thermostat sensor and the heating elements come back into operation.

It turns out that electricity consumption during the operation of a heated floor depends on the duration of the on and off cycles, that is, the degree of insulation of the building. Modern innovative heaters can heat a house faster or slower, be installed in the most unexpected places and be adapted to any operating conditions, but they will consume as much electricity as the heat will escape outside through walls, windows and doors. The efficiency of heating is entirely in our hands, so when choosing a system you should not trust sellers too much in this matter.

When everything has become clear about efficiency, we proceed to choosing electric underfloor heating according to the following criteria:

  • appointment;
  • reliability and durability;
  • price.

In addition, you need to know the required heating power for each room, but this problem is solved simply: most sales representatives select heaters with a decent margin. For standard premises with a ceiling height of up to 3 m, the indicator is 130 W/m2 of area, which is quite correct. If the ceilings in the rooms are higher, you will need to perform a power calculation separately based on a heat consumption of 40 W per 1 m3 of room volume.

For ordinary rooms With a screed device, cable, rod and liquid electric heated floors are suitable. For bathrooms, it is preferable to use a rod heating system for porcelain stoneware products, although a cable heating system is also suitable. It is recommended to heat rooms where there are no plans to screed the flooring (laminate, linoleum carpet) with a film system, since it is best suited for this purpose. However, it cannot be used under screed or tiles.

If you prioritize making your own electric heated floor work for as long as possible, then cable systems take the leading position here. They are reliable and time-tested, and leading manufacturers give them the highest guarantee period- 20 years. As for film, rod and liquid heated floors, the conclusions here are not so clear-cut. The fact is that these systems are still quite new and how long they can last is still unknown. Although some manufacturers also provide very long warranty periods for them. At the same time, there are no serious complaints about the operation of these systems so far.

When the characteristics of all materials have been clarified and the heated floor has been selected for its purpose and reliability, all that remains is to decide on the cost. There is only one recommendation here - do not try to save on the quality of the product. This is especially true for systems embedded in a screed; in the event of a banal manufacturing defect, you will have to destroy it. Choose products of the middle or high price category.

Which electric floor heating is better?

Of the many manufacturers of underfloor heating present on the market in the CIS countries, several of the most famous ones deserve attention, whose products are very popular and have proven themselves over decades of impeccable work. In the highest price category, REHAU electric heated floors can be distinguished; their quality is beyond doubt. This brand sells cable underfloor heating systems REHAUSOLELEC, designed for rooms with any humidity. The cables used here are only two-core, shielded with a layer of Kevlar in a Teflon sheath. Cable mats with a thickness of only 3.5 mm are also available, very convenient for installation under tiles.

The Danish company DEVI (Danske El-Varme Industri) is no less famous for its long history and high quality products. Electric heated floor DEVI appeared in the post-Soviet space back in the early 90s and since then has consistently sold cable systems High Quality. They include single- and double-core cables of various capacities, cable mats and installation kits with thermostats and sensors.

Advice. If your budget allows you to choose a cable underfloor heating system, then it is better to choose one of these manufacturers; in addition to a quality product, you will receive full information support and a real warranty period.

The Teplolux heated floors, produced in Europe at the factories of the SST Limited Liability company, can easily be classified in the middle price category. The company's products became famous in the CIS countries in 2000 and gained some popularity due to their affordable price and good quality products. The range includes cable and film systems, as well as all accessories for them. No less famous is the large Russian enterprise K-Technologies, which produces rod, film and liquid heated floors under the CALEO and UNIMAT brands. These manufacturers of electric heated floors offer their products at an affordable price, and in addition - high-quality services.

It should be noted that installation technologies for electric heated floors vary depending on the type of heating system. But the first stage of work is the same in all cases, this is preparation quality basis. Surface concrete preparation or the floor slabs must be completely removed from construction waste and dust. If there are irregularities on it, they need to be eliminated so that the subsequently laid insulation is as smooth a surface as possible.

The first step is to determine the installation location of the thermostat; it should be on the wall at least 30 cm from the future floor surface. A gate is cut into the wall for laying the cable and a recess for the device itself, after which the debris must be removed.

To properly install an electric heated floor, you should not skimp on thermal insulation materials. It is better to take the density of the foam 35 kg/m3, and the thickness - 80-100 mm on the first floor of the building and 30-50 mm on subsequent floors. Insulating the ceiling is just as important as the floors on the ground, otherwise you will heat your neighbors at your own expense if we are talking about an apartment. Next, for cable systems we select the installation step; in this matter it is better to rely on the manufacturer’s instructions.

For example, the manufacturer recommends that the DEVI DTIP-18 cable used for any premises be laid with a pitch of 125 mm, then the specific thermal power of the floor heating will be 130 W/m2. Heating mats under tiles are already equipped with a cable with the required pitch.

When the thickness of the screed for an electric heated floor is not limited, cables or pipes of a liquid system are used as heating elements. In accordance with the standards, the screed must be at least 30 mm and no more than 100 mm in thickness. The best option– maintain a 3 cm layer of mortar over the laid cable or pipe. If you plan to lay tiles on top of the elements, then it is better to use ready-made mats; they are thinner than a regular cable and are specially designed for tile adhesive.

The cable is secured to the base using mounting tape or other means supplied by the manufacturers. The installation method is “snail” or “snake”, depending on the location of the thermostat and other conditions affecting the installation of the system. After this, you need to install a temperature sensor, lay a wire from it in a corrugated pipe and connect it to the thermostat. An example of cable layout in a bathroom is shown in the figure:

When the installation of the heating elements is completed, you need to connect the electric heated floor and perform a short-term test run to make sure the system is working. Then a cement-sand mortar with a plasticizer is prepared or a special construction mixture for heated floors is mixed and a screed is installed. Here you need to be careful and be careful not to damage the cable.

Laying the floor covering and using underfloor heating can be done no earlier than 3 weeks after pouring the floor, if a regular mortar was used. The period of time for the building mixture to harden is indicated on the packaging.

Important. In accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE), the connection of heated floors to the electrical network must be carried out through a residual current device (RCD) with an operating threshold of 30 mA and circuit breaker at 10 A. For this purpose, each manufacturer provides a diagram for connecting the heated floor in the documentation supplied with the products.


Installation of modern electric underfloor heating systems cannot be called very complex process, and as products are modernized, it even becomes simpler. Much more difficult preparatory stage when you need to choose the right heated floor and calculate everything. It is recommended to make calculations according to the instructions of the manufacturer whose heating elements you have chosen.

To increase comfort in the house, many property owners install heated floors. In our article we will get acquainted with the varieties of such structures, describe how to choose heating elements and carry out their installation.

According to experts, electric floor heating comes in two main varieties: cable and film (infrared). Next, we will briefly look at each of the described technologies. As the name suggests, the first design uses a cable as a heating element.

The wiring is laid manually at a certain pitch, and near the enclosing structures the cables are mounted at a shorter distance relative to each other, in warmer places less often (when using film, this scheme is not used).

Cables can be single or double-core, although the latter variety is used more often. Experts note that the energy consumption of the heating element will depend entirely on the thermostat settings. The design of an electric heated floor can include self-regulating cables that set the heating temperature regardless of the controller settings.

A special feature of using infrared flooring is the fact that the released thermal energy is transferred not to air masses, but to surrounding objects that absorb and release heat. Thanks to these qualities, it is possible to achieve uniform heating of the premises. A heating element such as a film has a small thickness compared to the cable, which affects the size of the screed and the height of the premises. In addition, infrared heated floors are much more effective than their predecessor.

The film can be laid under any type of floor covering. If the heating system is mounted under tiles, then the base base must be leveled with sheets of plasterboard or plywood. This is due to the fact that the materials in question have low thermal conductivity and this will improve heat transfer. The main disadvantage of infrared flooring is considered to be the increased cost compared to its analogue.

How to choose electric heated floors

The choice of any of the described space heating systems is influenced by many factors. First, you need to pay attention to the use of the structure - as the main source of heating or as an auxiliary element. In the first case, it is recommended to use heated cable flooring, which is most often installed under the tiles laid in the bathroom.

When using such a system, the owner of an apartment or country house can save a significant amount of money on heating. It should be noted that extra thickness screeds in the described design will make the heating of the surface more uniform. There is one in the system small drawback, laying cables is much more difficult than installing film.

If a heated floor is used as an additional heat source, then it is recommended to use electric mats for its installation. This type of heating device is often used in small rooms that do not have central heating. According to experienced ones, infrared flooring can be installed under laminate, as well as under linoleum and other types of flooring.

The second nuance of choice is taking into account the area of ​​the room where the heated floor will be installed. For the system to work with maximum efficiency, its area must cover at least 70% usable surface. It is not advisable to install heating elements in places where furniture is installed. In this regard, the layout of the rooms must be done in advance before installing the floor.

How to choose a warm floor so that it does not affect the load on the electrical network? Special attention you need to pay attention to the operating modes of the system. You can control the surface heating temperature using a thermostat. Also make sure that the electrical network of the apartment or country house can withstand the load from the heating system. For each square meter a heated floor will consume from 100 to 160 watts of power. If the heated floor is used as the main heat source, the power increases to 180 watt/m2.

Cable heated floor for the bathroom

As we have already said, a “warm floor” system can be installed in virtually any room of the apartment, but it is especially necessary for the bathroom. When taking a shower in winter, a person’s feet move on cold tiles, which causes some discomfort and not only this, but also the possibility of catching a cold. Ceramic tiles are considered the main type of bathroom flooring. This material is always cold, but it can be heated to a certain temperature.

Principle of operation

Cable underfloor heating begins to work after turning on the thermostat to a certain temperature. After connecting the system to the power supply, the cable begins to warm up, which transfers heat to the screed and tiles. Electricity consumption depends on the set temperature, but to quickly warm up the surface, the regulator needs to be set closer to the maximum position, then set the required indicators. The generated heat will be repelled from the substrate and begin to warm up the screed, and then the tile. After some time, the flooring will become warm and comfortable to move around.

Preparing the base

You can lay the cable yourself, but the first stage of such work will be careful leveling of the base. The fact is that heating elements must be laid on a perfectly flat surface. In addition, the base layer is cleaned of debris and construction tools, and all contaminants present are removed.

If for some reason the base surface turns out to be uneven, then it is necessary to remove all the bumps with a hammer drill or other tool. Holes, cracks and chips are filled with cement-sand mortar; if necessary, the base is leveled using a screed. If the base layer consists of wooden planks or sheets of plywood, all irregularities are also hidden using quick-drying mixtures.

Leveling the subfloor prevents damage to the heating system during operation. The laid cable may run into bumps or fall into holes, which will lead to interruptions in the power supply. It has been noticed that such breakdowns are quite difficult to eliminate.


After the base layer has been leveled with a screed, you can begin laying the underlay or insulation (usually penofol is used for this purpose). This material plays a huge role in the design of heated floors; its surface reflects heat rays in the right direction, making the heating process more economical. Penofol is made in the form of a self-adhesive gasket with a foil coating up to 14 micrometers thick. Such a product has a minimum thermal conductivity coefficient, which is 0.05 W/m*C.

The material in question is supplied in construction stores in rolls, it is laid on the surface of the base so that the foil is directed towards the top (repels heat rays). The joints of the panels are taped with construction tape. When working with penophenol, make indentations from walls and corners of rooms within 5-10 centimeters.


After laying the substrate, you can proceed to the next stage of work, cable installation. This element is placed on a mounting tape, which is pre-fixed to the base surface. Some manufacturers may supply the market with ready-made designs in which heating cables already installed in the frame with a certain step. Such products are supplied to hardware stores in the form of rolls.

The mounting grid can also be supplied separately from the cable. Such a structural element increases the strength of the entire system and makes it possible to lay conductors with a certain pitch in a zigzag direction. In most cases, the distance between the turns is chosen as a multiple of 20-25 centimeters.

Thermostat installation and connection

Next, you need to install a thermostat in the “warm floor” system and connect all the parts. A device such as a temperature sensor is installed in any convenient place outside the bathroom. The thermostat is usually mounted at a height of 30 centimeters from the floor surface; it is connected to the heating elements using a wire that is installed in a corrugated tube.

Now you can check the performance of the system using a tester for this purpose. If everything is fine, you can start installing the screed. The leveling layer is usually made from cement-sand mortar or quick-drying mixture. In any of the above cases, the thickness of the screed should be in the range from 3 to 5 centimeters.

To achieve a perfectly leveled base for the future floor covering, the solution is poured into the spaces between the previously placed beacons. After this, the mixture is leveled using the rule. After carrying out such work, the integrity of the system is checked with a tester and the solution is left until it reaches brand strength. This usually happens within 28 days.

Energy consumption

The heating elements are connected to the network only a month after the screed is completed, since overheating of the material can cause cracks to appear on the surface. Electricity consumption per m2 of coverage will depend on the power of the power cable, as well as the density of its installation. Such indicators can vary from 100 to 200 W/m2.

Price of cable heated floor

Many owners of city apartments or country real estate are interested in the price per m2 of heated floors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the cost of materials and labor costs of workers. Thus, the price of an average quality thermostat ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles, the cost of mats with cables laid depends on the area:

  • 2m2 – 2800 rubles;
  • 3m2 – 5300 rubles;
  • 4m2 – 8000 rubles.

The cost of the master’s services should be added to the specified data. Professional builders will charge approximately 450 rubles for their work for each square meter of installed heated floor.

Infrared heated floor

This type of heating has a beneficial effect on human health, and this is confirmed by numerous user reviews. The fact is that the heated surface emits heat in the infrared range and this is better perceived by the body. The room temperature may be several degrees lower than standard values, but this is not felt at all, which ultimately leads to energy savings. Another advantage of infrared flooring is ionizing radiation, which leads to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Despite the huge number of advantages, the heating system in question has one significant drawback - its high cost.


Do infrared heating can be done using a special film or rod mats. These two elements are made in the form of rolls with conductive bars made of copper or silver. The stress is transferred through these tires to areas with sealed carbon fiber, which helps to release a certain amount of heat. The strips are divided into several sections, which have dividing lines. Using these designations, it is possible to cut the element into smaller parts, which is very convenient during installation. The width of standard products, depending on the manufacturer and brand, ranges from 50 to 100 centimeters, the thickness of the film varies from 0.2 to 2 millimeters.

We have figured out the installation of a heated floor, now we will familiarize ourselves with the procedure for its installation. In this case, the film can be laid on a pre-leveled base without a backing. If the heating system is used in the bathroom, sheets of plasterboard or plywood are laid for protection. Installing the film will not be particularly difficult; even an inexperienced builder can handle the installation of a heated floor, and you can make a floor in a small room in one working day.

On initial stage work, it is necessary to draw up a plan of the premises to scale, highlight the areas where the furniture will be located. The next important nuance of installing the coating is the choice of location for fixing the thermostat. Wiring is connected to this element of the system, a temperature sensor and a film heater are connected. Next, the rolls are placed on the base surface in such a way that they cover the usable floor area as much as possible and do not intersect with each other.

Electricity consumption

One of important nuances When choosing a film floor, the energy consumption calculated per m2 of usable area is considered. In this case, there are two options for choosing heating systems. If the coating is used for additional heating of the room, then a film with a power of 150 W/m2 will be quite sufficient. In the case when the system is used as the main source of heating, more powerful models are needed, at least 250 W/m2. The maximum power ratings of a modern heated floor are 400W/m2.

Another factor in selecting power is the type of coating used. This is especially true for the floor in the bathroom or kitchen if it is made of ceramic tiles. Ceramics absorbs heat well, so if the surface is not warmed up enough, the surface will feel cold to a person’s feet.

Film laying

At the initial stage of installation, it is necessary to lay expanded polystyrene slabs about 1 centimeter thick along the perimeter to a height of up to 10 centimeters (the insulation will prevent the release of heat through the enclosing structures). The insulation is also laid on the base surface; to increase the efficiency of the system, foil is laid on the coating. This material will guide heat flows up, which will ultimately reduce financial costs for heating.

Next, according to the diagram drawn, the film is laid on the surface, while the rolls should be guided with a copper strip downwards. The top part should have a matte rather than shiny finish on the product. When laying each of the structural elements, make sure that air does not accumulate between them. If necessary, the rolls are cut according to the marked marking lines (indicated by a dotted line and a scissors symbol).

According to experts, it is best to install the mats if they are turned with the part with the contacts towards the location of the thermostat. When laying, place the strips so that there is a gap of several centimeters between them. If linoleum is used as a floor covering, the distance between adjacent mats is chosen as a multiple of 1 centimeter. Please note that tires must not touch or overlap each other under any circumstances.

When all the elements are laid on the surface, you can begin connecting the heated floor. This procedure is usually carried out using the cable that comes with the heating system. A contact is installed on a copper or silver conductive strip in such a way that one part of it is on top, the other is below the core. We install contacts on all tires and crimp them with pliers. On the side of the film opposite to the location of the thermostat, the bus is covered with insulation. After this, all the strips are fastened together and the surface of the insulation using tape.

Installation of a thermostat

Next we move on to installing the thermostat. They make a groove in the wall and run conductors from the film covering. Under one of the strips, a recess is made in the insulation material for the sensor. After fixing to the surface, this device is connected to a thermostat. The conductors are stripped and fastened to the contact part, the exposed areas are carefully insulated.

Connecting the entire system

Connecting the electrical supply to the thermostat must be done by a qualified specialist. After applying current, the system is tested; for this, the temperature on the device is set to within 30 degrees. After some time, check the fastening of the contact part and the quality of heating of the strips. If no problems are found, you can begin laying the topcoat.

Ceramic tiles can be laid on a small layer of glue (within 1-2 centimeters), but they must be laid under parquet or laminate plastic film, which will be used as waterproofing. If the coating is soft, then the surface of the subfloor can be leveled using sheets of plywood or OSB boards. These elements are attached to the surface using dowels or screws. When fixing such parts, it is necessary to ensure that the fasteners do not fall into conductive strips. After this, installation begins soft covering, carpet or linoleum.


As we have already said, infrared heated floors have a significant cost, let's look at this issue in more detail. So, the price of a thermostat, depending on the model, will range from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles. The film itself has the following cost: 2m2 - 3800 rubles, 3m2 - 5500 rubles, 5m2 - 9000 rubles. The cost of a master’s services (if the work is carried out by a highly qualified specialist) is from 500 rubles/m2.

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