Coin fortune telling will tell you about your future! Fortune telling from the Book of Changes: throw coins.

Often in my consultations I receive questions from clients like “Will I pass the session successfully?”, “Am I likely to win the competition?”, “What to expect in the near future?” And so on and so forth. These issues require quick, express analysis, which would avoid wasting a lot of time on a detailed consideration of prospects. And there is such a way. This is fortune telling using nine cards with a coin.

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Tails. Boredom! Nothing happens, everything is ordinary, measured and joyless... Gray everyday life. Throw yourself a little holiday, please yourself with something. Ideal option would like to go on a trip. In general, everything related to roads will bring you good luck. The main thing is to wait out this time and not fall into depression. This period is fleeting!

But you will be lucky in all matters related to finance. Just don’t rush to spend money right away: at this time, be sure to buy some nonsense.


Eagle. Free time dedicate to your friends. And not at all because they or you are feeling bad right now and need to “cry into your vest,” but on the contrary, because you want to have fun and recharge with positive emotions. Time, place, circumstances don’t matter, the main thing is to have a blast! This is an internal need of your body; it needs to gain strength before the next stage of life, which promises to be difficult, but fruitful.

You may be worried about migraines or rheumatic pains - do not go to the doctor yet, treat yourself with herbs.

Tails. An important meeting is coming up, most likely related to work or study. Don't place too much hope on it, however.

You need to work actively now - for your own good. Someone is watching you, and, quite possibly, if you prove yourself, they will offer something that you can only dream of - but only after some time.

If you have children, pay attention to their problems: they may really need your help now. Just don’t be surprised by anything, but rather remember: how long ago did you have a heart-to-heart talk with your child?


Eagle. The conversation you are waiting for will soon take place and will be more intense than expected. Think it over carefully. And most importantly - calm down! Excessive nervousness has never helped anyone. Now you can't change anything. They are treating you unfairly, you don’t deserve it - but accept it! You will see, the person who offended you will soon understand everything himself and, if he can, ask for forgiveness.

Tails. You suffer from loneliness. We can say that there is not enough dynamics in your life. You have accumulated a lot of energy that is looking for a way out. So don't waste time! Take on unfinished business, start renovations, pass exams, you can even do charity work - everything will pay off and much faster than you think! And in the evening you still have enough strength for both friends and your loved one.


Eagle. The time is perfect for love. If you have a permanent partner, he will delight you with his attitude, a new surge of feelings and vivid experiences are possible. If you are single, it is very likely that “that” meeting will happen in the coming days... don’t miss it!

Tails. Don't withdraw into yourself! Excessive concentration can lead to depression. The current situation is frightening with uncertainty, but this is temporary. Wait, time will put everything in its place. If you are suffering from unrequited love, know: the object of your attention is not at all indifferent to you, he is simply hampered by self-doubt or work-related problems. Or he (she) is really too busy, but the slightest step forward on your part will fix everything. you will help both!


Eagle. Things have completely spun you up, but you don’t feel tired. You have “got into the groove” and are racing at full steam to victory. At the moment of your triumph, do not forget to remember and feel sorry for your ill-wishers - you will get credit for it, just treat them sincerely. Be careful with your health: it may not be able to withstand such a rhythm. Take care of your nerves! And don’t forget about your loved ones: they may be offended that you don’t pay attention to them at all.

Tails. You are tired of everything, you are tired, you just want to hide in the corner of the sofa and sleep! Do just that: turn off your phone, take a vacation. It doesn’t matter at all how you do it - the main thing is that you feel good.

If rest is unrealistic, don’t even start important things, don’t strive to “fulfill the plan” - then you’ll catch up with everything, but now you can go into hibernation. Drink more fruit juices!


Eagle. The troubles that await you will be pleasant. Maybe they will be related to preparations for a special event, or a trip, or buying gifts. A hectic life will not be a burden to you at all. You will get the maximum positive emotions and make an unforgettable effect! By the way, it’s time to think about your appearance: the new thing you will buy, or new hairstyle will suit you very well.

Tails. Maybe the goals you have set for yourself are still too high? Are you overestimating your capabilities? Listen to good advice: break your path to your goal into stages and slowly, step by step, follow from the fulfillment of one desire to another. At this time, it’s good to start keeping a diary and finally start planning your day - on paper, so that you can then see the real results of your work.


Eagle. Don't rush to conclusions! Search your memory and think: what is happening now is already known to you. Remember the consequences! You are now very close to deciding to take a rash step. Decide, consult, wait - maybe something or someone will completely involuntarily give you the right idea.

By the way, turn to books: this source of information is now completely open to you, for new understanding and the discovery of new life impulses.

Tails. You may be deceived or slandered. Maybe someone has been holding a grudge against you for a long time, or maybe your laurels are haunted. In any case, show caution, politeness and tact: everything you say or do can turn against you at any moment. As sad as it is, even a friend can let you down or betray you.

Take care of yourself during this time: read books, go to the movies, take vitamins and herbs. Good period for study.


Eagle. Someone or something will appear in your life that will protect you and patronize you. Perhaps a rich fan, sponsor, philanthropist, or simply a person older and more experienced than you. Do not abuse the opportunities that have opened up - it is better to save them for a more suitable occasion. It is very likely to catch some kind of infection at this time - take preventive measures. Your desire to come true with someone's help - you wouldn't be able to do it yourself.

Tails. If you decide to get married to someone, do it right now. The time is favorable for reconciliation and restoration of old ties. You live in harmony with the world. Everyone understands you, and understands you correctly. Listen to what your intuition says. Don't be afraid to express your feelings - they will certainly be appreciated! At work, everything goes on as usual, without failures or shocks. We can say that you are reaping the fruits of your labor.

Eagle. You are on horseback! Luck will accompany you in literally everything. Feel free to start new projects, implement plans that seemed impossible - it will work out! Make friends, play gambling, rely on intuition and believe in fate. The main thing is not to miss this period, do not sit idly by. All the good that you now do to other people will return very soon in triple quantity. The only thing that can sadden you is your health: take care of your heart, nerves and throat.

Tails. Difficult period in life. There are many problems, you are at a crossroads. Don’t be discouraged: this is not a bad streak, there are just a lot of things that have piled up that you didn’t pay attention to before.

Take your time, don’t make rash decisions, try to calm down and think everything through. If you want to achieve something at this time, you will have to make every effort, but after that you will receive enormous satisfaction!

Ancient Chinese fortune telling on coins and the Book of Changes is considered one of the mysterious creations of man. Its creator can confidently be called a Superman. He managed to come up with symbols in which the secret of the universe is hidden.

This fortune telling gave answers to various questions to the most influential people. And now everyone can use it.

Fortune telling with three coins - Book of Changes

The Book has another name: “I-Jin” or “Zhou Yi”. It was created about three thousand years ago. It describes 64 hexagrams - these are special symbols consisting of dashes - “yao”. During fortune telling, a solid line may appear, which symbolizes the masculine principle, or an intermittent line may appear, symbolizing the feminine principle.

The book does not describe changes, but is a participant in them. With its help you can find out the reasons the situation and how to get out of it.

First you need to prepare three coins. These can be special Chinese coins or regular pennies. Note: coins must be of the same denomination. If you often use fortune telling using three coins, it is better to select several coins and use only them.

In addition to coins, you need to take a piece of paper and a pen. Formulate a question the answer to which will be “yes” or “no”.

Mix the moments and throw them on the table one at a time. The resulting combination must be written:

  • Two or three moments fell heads up - a solid line is drawn.
  • Two or three points fall heads up - a broken line is drawn.

Repeat fortune telling with coins: toss six times and write down the result. Six lines are written on top of each other. For example, if you tossed coins the first time, you wrote down a line, tossed them a second time, you wrote down the result above the first line, etc. You should get a column of dashes. At the bottom is the line of the first throw, at the top is the line for the last.

We divide the column into two parts and look at the meaning of the trigrams.

Interpretation of meanings - the first twenty of ancient fortune telling

A special table is used for interpretation, in which there is an upper value and a lower one. Find your hexagram and find out the answer to the question:

​ The meaning of the second twenty according to ancient Chinese fortune telling

Explanation of values:

The meaning of the third twenty

Interpretation of the third twenty of fortune telling according to Feng Shui on coins.

For modern people online fortune telling is a wonderful opportunity to look into the world of secrets and riddles. These virtual predictions can be used daily. There is nothing more mysterious and incomprehensible than the opportunity to lift the veil of the future. In addition to the usual curiosity that is inherent in each of us by nature, there are more serious reasons to learn for free about what awaits in the near or distant future. But you shouldn’t take fortune telling too seriously, because the future is multivariate and changeable.

Today in the world there are several thousand of the most different ways fortune telling. Here we have collected those that have repeatedly proven their extraordinary truthfulness. Free online fortune telling is an opportunity to obtain information about events that will happen in the very near future. Having data about upcoming events, you will be able not only to avoid possible difficulties and troubles, but also to turn things around in such a way that they bring you benefit.

The most popular online fortune telling

  • - fortune telling, in which wise book gives answers to all your questions.
  • - 7 cards chosen at random will allow you to get an accurate prediction and find out the answer to your question.
  • - the best layouts on the cards of the French fortune teller Maria Lenormand
  • - mystical fortune telling with answers from spirits ancient method predictions and solutions to your problems with the help of advice and instructions from spirits.
  • - symbols and patterns that appear on the coffee grounds will help you get an accurate prediction of the most important events.
  • - predicting the future and answering questions using 40 clay tablets.
  • - online fortune telling on the Wheel of Fortune, which will give a clear answer to one-word question and will help you make the right decision.
  • - cards turned face down help to get an accurate prediction of the near future.

Hobbies for love fortune-telling were part of Slavic culture and were a way of communicating with gods and goddesses who help find answers to various questions. Let's find out how to do it correctly hundreds of years later... You will be able to find out the time and beginning of your love relationship, a fateful period of the arrival of true love in your life, which can end in a long-awaited marriage. Online fortune telling will help answer your question, accept correct solution and just have a good time.

Fortune telling with solitaire is a pleasant meditative online activity with which you can relax. Translated from French, solitaire is translated as “patience” and indeed, in order to put the pictures together, you need to be patient. Solitaire games have been around for a long time; references to them go back to the Middle Ages. They were used for fortune telling by your great-grandmothers. Passed from mouth to mouth, solitaire games have survived to this day. Today we, too, using fancy cards, can get answers to questions about love, health, money and our destiny.

Tarot cards came to us from ancient times, and are the most mysterious of all known fortune-telling systems. In fact, Tarot is a universal system for predicting the future and obtaining answers to any questions. This system can be used for fortune telling for any period of time. When working with cards, everything depends on the skills and desires of the performer, and Tarot is just a tool. The possibilities of cards are endless: you will find out the future, get answers to questions, change your destiny and make your life happy.

One of the popular types of fortune telling in modern world, card predictions are still considered - it’s based on them modern fortune tellers make up enough detailed pictures future for everyone. Laying out a deck of cards is a real art. Since time immemorial, fortune tellers have been glorified because they knew how to accurately see a person’s past, his present and predict the future. Card fortune telling will be successful on Maslenitsa, Easter, Trinity Green Christmastide (Phantom Day, Mermaid Week), on any Friday the 13th, on the Feast of Ivan Kupala on June 24.

Try to find out your fate using different variants fortune-telling, and then compare the results obtained - isn’t it interesting? However, you should not get carried away and be overly persistent in your desires to learn everything thoroughly - despite its virtual nature, fortune telling is still a mystical rite that does not tolerate fuss and haste. Here you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with popular predictions and learn to penetrate the secrets of the future. Thanks to fortune telling, you will have the opportunity to get an answer to any question about your future and the fate of people close to you. Tell yourself good luck!

Fortune telling on cards with a coin is a fairly simple express fortune telling that can answer any of your questions in a matter of seconds.

There is only one requirement here: do not repeat this fortune-telling too often - it is enough to turn to the cards for advice no more than once a week.

So, for this fortune telling you will need any coin and nine cards - from six to ace, regardless of suit. Lay out the cards on the table in three rows so that there are three cards in each row and, closing your eyes, toss a coin over them. After that, noticing how the coin fell, tails or heads up, open the card that was under it, then you can begin to interpret the result.


Eagle. A wonderful trip awaits you, communication, new experiences, meeting new people, interesting people. It is on this trip that you will find the answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time.

Tails. You have a stable, measured, but at the same time very boring period of life ahead of you. Absolutely nothing will happen to you.


Eagle. Friends can help you answer the question that is tormenting you. You should not avoid communicating with them; share your own thoughts and emotions with your friends.

Tails. You have a serious meeting ahead that is related to work or study. You should not place great hopes on it: the results of future negotiations are unlikely to help you resolve the problem.


Eagle. The conversation you've been secretly anticipating will soon take place, but it will be much more intense than you expected. You will solve all your problems only if you are able to negotiate calmly.

Tails. You can easily get rid of something that bothers you, but only when you can finally complete all the things you have started but not finished.


Eagle. Your happiness lies in love and nothing else. Don't miss out on “your” person.

Tails. Don't try to withdraw into yourself. You will not be able to cope with all the troubles that befall you on your own and find answers to all your questions.


Eagle. Don’t forget that all troubles and illnesses come from nerves. Pay more attention to your health, and all problems will resolve themselves.

Tails. The answer to all questions lies within you. Try to retire and carefully think again about all the events that have happened recently.


Eagle. Pretty soon you will be forced to completely change your environment and circle of friends, so your current troubles and problems will no longer seem so significant to you.

Tails. The goals you have set are very high. Try to move towards success gradually, slowly, break your path into stages.


Eagle. Have you ever thought that all your troubles are because you are too hasty in jumping to conclusions? Consult, think carefully about what is happening, and you will be reliably protected from possible rash decisions.

Tails. All the troubles that happen to you are the work of ill-wishers. Try to refresh your memory: who and for what reasons could harbor a grudge against you?


Eagle. Very soon you will have a patron in your life - a person who protects you and decides everything. possible problems. You don't need to act right away, just wait.

Tails. You can get rid of thoughts that bother you only when you are able to find ways of reconciliation with loved ones.

Eagle. Don’t torment yourself with thoughts about problems, they will resolve themselves! You have a successful period of life ahead of you: try to use it to the fullest.

Tails. Most likely, in the near future you will not only not be able to solve all the problems that have befallen you, but you will also acquire many new ones. You should not rush to make rash decisions, do not be led by your emotions.

Fortune telling on coins is one of the oldest. This is one of the most simple ways fortune telling and at the same time one of the most informative. Coins, moving from hand to hand, absorb a huge amount of energy and become energetically charged.

This energy can be used to peer into the future without fear of the consequences of one's curiosity - coins are a strong talisman and protect from evil forces and lower entities.

Fortune telling on coins “Yes-no”

Sometimes, to find out everything from fate, you need a “yes” or “no”. In this case, a completely simple fortune telling with a coin taken from everyday use can help. Take one side of the coin as a “yes” answer, the other as a “no” answer.

Then formulate the question you are interested in as clearly and clearly as possible and right hand throw the coin up, trying to do it so that the coin flips over several times in the air. The answer to your question will be the side that turns out to be the top of the landed coin. In this fortune telling, the question can be asked only once and you can accept the answer, whatever it turns out to be.

There are also varieties of fortune telling by tossing a coin in the air. In another version, the coin after the question asked is tossed not once, but three times. And if heads come up twice, or even three times, then the answer to the question of interest is “yes.” If it lands on heads more often, then the answer is negative.

Fortune telling on the “Ink Stamp” coin

In another version of fortune telling with coins, for fortune telling you will need not only a coin, but also a piece of paper and ink. To get an answer to an exciting question, a coin should be dipped in ink, pulled out using tweezers or tweezers, carefully placed heads on a sheet of paper and left for a couple of hours to dry.

Next, you should remove it from the sheet of paper and look at the imprint that it left. If the imprint of the denomination number turns out to be crisp and clear, then your wish will come true, and someone close to you will provide considerable assistance in this. If the print turns out to be blurry and unclear, then your wish may also come true, but on condition that you make your own efforts for this. Well, if the numbers are not visible at all, then the dream will not come true, no matter how hard you try.

Fortune telling with three coins

Another method of fortune telling with coins requires three coins - large, medium and small and three sheets of paper. This version of fortune telling is to find out the answer, whether your deepest desire will come true.

Each coin should be wrapped in paper and placed under the pillow at night. The answer to the question will be the first coin you pull out at random in the morning.

If you draw the largest coin, then the wish should come true; the middle coin also says that the wish will come true, but not immediately, but after some time. Well, the smallest coin—the answer is no.

Fortune telling with coins and cards

When things turn out in life difficult situations, in which it is unclear what to do, then you can again resolve all doubts with the help of fortune telling with coins. For such fortune telling you will need one coin and four playing cards of different colors, which should be laid out in a row.

Throw a coin into the air and see which card suit it lands on. If it’s on diamonds, then everything will turn out favorably and there’s nothing to worry about. If it's worms, then it indicates that with acceptance final decision There is no need to rush and you should wait, because you are not ready for it yet. Clubs say that there is no need to worry, but to make a decision you should listen to your inner voice. But the peaks are an unfavorable sign, saying that things will not go well and will greatly upset you.

Before each fortune telling, you need to charge the coins with your energy - hold them in your hands for about 5 minutes. Well-being also plays an important role in this moment: if you are sick or experiencing anxiety, tension - this state is absolutely not suitable for fortune telling. And remember that with the help of coins you cannot try to guess the result you want and repeat the same question over and over again to which you received an undesirable answer.

And you shouldn’t ask frivolous or humorous questions - the answers to them will be one hundred percent wrong, and the Higher Powers may be offended for such jokes.

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