Plastic lawn grate: types, installation features and reviews. Do-it-yourself plastic garden paths Lawn lattice for garden areas

Many car owners with garden plots would like to combine a beautiful green lawn with parking for your own car. Purchasing a lawn grill will solve two issues at once. You will receive an excellent garden path and parking for cars at the dacha. There are plastic and concrete gratings; you can familiarize yourself with the options for decorating lawns by looking at the photo. They are convenient and practical, they are easy to install. Yes, and such a lawn will not require special care.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of lawn gratings has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, before installing them on your personal plot, you need to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of operation.

The positive aspects of use include:

  • Easy to install. The work of installing a lawn grate can be done on your own.
  • The eco-parking keeps its shape at any time of the year thanks to the presence of a layer of crushed stone and geofabric.
  • The lawn is absolutely non-traumatic. Therefore, even small children can play on it.
  • Eco-parking is maintained using simple gardening tools.
  • Lawn grates are environmentally friendly and do not interfere with the natural growth of vegetation.
  • The green parking lot can be used as a recreation area or as a picnic area.

Lawn grate allows you to create a beautiful parking space

There are a few fewer disadvantages, but they are also worth considering:

  • It is necessary to accurately calculate the load on the grid. The material deteriorates over time. So, suitable for passenger cars plastic varieties, and for cargo - concrete.
  • After rain it is very difficult to remove accumulated water.
  • Concrete gratings become very hot from sun rays, which negatively affects plant growth.
  • The weight of concrete gratings is very high.

Plastic gratings

This type of grating is most often used for car parking. Their height should not exceed 5 cm. They are usually green, but if desired, you can choose any color.
Lawn plastic grates have a ribbed surface, which ensures adhesion of the car to the grate.

Attention! During rain, a lawn grill can reduce slippage when the car slides.

The advantages of using a plastic grill include the possibility of installation at an angle, i.e. there is no need to level the surface. The structure is secured with metal brackets.

Features of using plastic gratings:

  • Drainage effect.
  • Prevention of land erosion.
  • Protection from animals (moles).
  • Slip protection.
  • Relatively light weight of the gratings.
  • Easy to install.
  • Plastic mesh for lawn

    Concrete gratings

    Concrete gratings can withstand very heavy weight loads. Therefore, they are mainly used for parking trucks. As with plastic gratings, installation of concrete gratings does not require preliminary leveling of the surface. But unlike its plastic counterpart, this grille is difficult to hide under the grass; it will always be visible.

    Do-it-yourself lawn grating installation

    You can install the lawn grate yourself. But you will need a lot of time, care and accuracy in your work. Therefore, it is worth resorting to outside help. For example, involve friends or relatives in the process of creating a garden path in the country. By following the sequence of installation steps, you will get a beautiful and durable lawn. We present to your attention step-by-step instruction for installing a plastic lawn grid for eco-parking.

    • There is no need to carry out special soil preparation. But you still have to work a little with the surface.
    • Level the soil a little and compact it.
    • Secure the edges of the grill. To do this, you need to place stones in a concrete solution.

    Installation of lawn grating

    • Prepare the layer. Make a mound of soil and gravel about 5-6 cm high.
    • Lay a level of road mesh on top.
    • Lay the mesh with the wide side down and the grid facing up.
    • Shift all rows onto one cell and fasten the parts at an angle of 45 degrees.

    Advice. If necessary, you need to adjust the size of the grille to suitable dimensions. Use cutting tools for this.

    • Fill the lawn grid with a mixture of soil and gravel.
    • Sow grass (green lawn). Don't forget about periodic watering.

    Advice. You need to sow the seeds 3–4 cm below the surface of the trellis. This will reduce the risk of damage to the grass.

    • The work has been completed. And if you followed the instructions exactly, you will soon become the owner of a green eco-parking lot at your dacha.

    Eco-parking care

    Regular care of your lawn grating is a guarantee of long service life. Thus, with proper protection, the eco-park will last from 10 to 15 years. IN winter time To clear the surface for snow, you need to use forks and shovels with a safe coating (rubber pads). IN summer time It is enough to periodically cut the grass with a lawn mower.

    There are a few more tips that you can follow to extend the life of your lawn.

    1. Trim the grass periodically (its height should not exceed 5 cm).
    2. Fertilize and water your lawn only according to the soil type.
    3. Aerate the soil using a fork or other sharp tool.
    4. Weed and clear the lawn of debris in a timely manner.
    5. Do not forget to replace broken sections of the grille.
    6. Do not use on the surface of salt or chemical substances(for example, in winter).

    Concrete lawn grate

    Eco-parking at the dacha - aesthetically pleasing and practical. You can do the installation yourself, but it is better to seek the help of friends. This way, you can complete all the work faster and better.

    Which grill to choose? It depends on what kind of car will be in the parking lot. So, for a passenger car a plastic grille is enough, but for trucks you will need a concrete one. An eco-parking can become not only a parking place for a car, but also a recreation area for children or a barbecue. The construction cost is low. Having spent minimal money and effort, you will improve the site and create parking for your iron horse.

    Eco-friendly parking: video

    Eco-parking for a summer residence: photo

    Owners summer cottages often face the problem of choosing surfaces for paths on the territory. The use of asphalt, conventional concrete, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs and other similar materials implies damage to the grass layer underneath. A reasonable option in this case would be to buy lawn gratings for your dacha. These are cellular plastic structures will provide the necessary surface rigidity for comfortable movement, while at the same time preventing trampling of the grass surface. LLC "DAREL" provides the opportunity to purchase high-quality lawn gratings for paths, produced on the company’s own equipment.

    What is a lawn lattice for a summer house?

    Produced LLC "DAREL" The lawn grid for paths in the ERFOLG Green Parking dacha is a honeycomb structure assembled from modules using a specially designed locking connection. When it is laid on a prepared soil surface, each cell is filled with fertile soil in which the grass of the future lawn grows. The rigid walls of the grate prevent trampling and also prevent erosion of the earthen layer. At the same time, the permeable structure of the structure ensures free air and moisture exchange for the normal functioning of plants.

    Advantages of using lawn gratings for country paths

    The use of lawn gratings for arranging paths in a summer cottage has a number of advantages over the use of conventional coverings:

    • the lawn grid provides the necessary rigidity of the surface of the path for movement, while preserving the grass cover, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic qualities of the site;
    • cellular modules connected by locks form a durable structure, which prevents them from diverging from each other and, accordingly, deformation of the track;
    • the honeycomb structure of the lattice prevents soil erosion, which ensures normal life and growth of grass, and also prevents the spread of dirt and sand throughout the summer cottage;
    • the use of lawn gratings ensures natural look suburban area, not disturbed by concrete, asphalt or tiles.

    On our website you can quickly order lawn gratings for paths, the price of which is indicated in the “How to buy” section. You can also consult with our managers on the installation and operation of such structures and lawn care with installed cellular modules.

    When arranging parking in a country house, a personal plot or in the courtyard of a multi-storey residential building, you can use modern materials, which will reduce the costs of this work and preserve green spaces. A lawn grate for parking will help here, which is much cheaper to buy than tiles or concrete pavement. With its help, an eco-parking lot is created, turning the lawn into a parking space.

    “Eco” means environmentally friendly, made using safe materials. A lawn grate is placed at its base, the price in Moscow of which is most favorable from the company “Center StroyPlastik”. It is made of a non-toxic polymer composition; upon contact with soil and plants, it behaves inertly towards them. In addition, it does not heat up in the sun, is resistant to low temperatures, and is light stabilized, so it can be used for five years or more.

    Eco-parking – price, design features

    The parking area has the following structure:

    • base corresponding to the type of vehicle;
    • soil embankment;
    • lattice;
    • grass cover.

    It is important that the reinforcing plastic grating or grating is painted black, green, therefore, as the grass sprouts, it becomes completely invisible and hides in it. The choice of modules and base type in terms of height, the use of bulk material (a combination of crushed stone, sand) is carried out according to the expected load.

    So for passenger car a lawn mesh is simply laid on an existing lawn; to order in Moscow, it is offered for sale in our online store from a Russian manufacturer, at a low cost, with delivery. For several cars or a parking lot for a small bus, you will need to make a sand and gravel bed 15-25 cm high, then fill the soil and plant grass; you can buy modules for surface or in-depth installation.

    This simple technology is used to create durable, reliable eco-parking lots. Moscow and the region are the most attractive for its implementation, since it provides the opportunity to maintain planting areas with an increase in the number of parking spaces.

    Lawn grating – mesh modular covering, designed to preserve the top layer of soil and plants under constant or periodic transport loads. They are actively used for landscaping and creating so-called. eco-parking – car parking on the grass. They perfectly protect the root system of plants from trampling, and the soil from washing out and deformation.

    Types of lawn gratings

    First of all, lawn grates are divided according to material into concrete and plastic. Concrete gratings are traditionally used in areas with high traffic loads. Their disadvantage is the large thickness of the honeycomb walls, which are noticeable among the growing grass. With their help it is impossible to create an even grass lawn, however, thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to purchase a grille of almost any color, which opens up additional design possibilities. Concrete lawn gratings are widely used in civil and multi-storey construction, for landscaping, landscaping and creating ecological parking lots.


    Plastic gratings are more often used in private construction. Thanks to their thin walls, they are practically invisible on the lawn, but this does not degrade them performance characteristics. Exist different types depending on the load to withstand - from those used in the parking lots of private houses to those that can withstand the constant movement of freight vehicles, including trucks.

    Depending on the shape of the lattice cell, there can be:

    • Square
    • Decorative (for example, made in the form of pebbles)

    Installation of lawn grating

    When laying a lawn lattice, it is highly advisable to use a prepared, level base. Installation is carried out in several stages:

    1. Remove the fertile layer about 40 cm.
    2. Fill with crushed stone fraction 5-20 mm in a layer: for load class C250 - 20-25 cm high, for load class D400 - 30-35 cm.
    3. Lay geotextiles.
    4. Pour in a sand-gravel mixture (3-5 cm), compact it, and level the surface.
    5. Install the lawn grid modules.
    6. Fill the grid cells with fertile soil and sow with grass seeds.
    7. Water generously. If necessary, add soil to the top edge of the cell.
    8. Give the grass 3 weeks to sprout, then cut and start using the lawn.

    When laid directly on the ground, subsidence is possible over time.

    Lawn gratings are reliable, frost-resistant, not subject to corrosion and serve long years without the need for maintenance.

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