Why do you dream about a Vessel in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see a Vessel? How to interpret what clean water means in dreams.

Why do you dream about pure clear water. The dream book will help us understand this.

Clear water is a wonderful sign with a positive connotation. Almost all dream interpreters claim this. Even drowning in it does not bode well. On the contrary, it means overcoming obstacles with a subsequent improvement in your financial situation. For a complete and accurate explanation of the visions, let’s turn to dream books.

Interpretation of various dream books

Maly Velesov dream book

  • It portends good things for you, luck, good health, pleasant acquaintances.
  • Washing with it, bathing in it promises a serene life and freedom.
  • Drinking it from the spring means grace and health.
  • If you saw it in a glass, the wife will be beaten by her husband.
  • Drops of clean water - monetary income.
  • Raging water in the river foreshadows crazy but pleasant events.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Visions with such water are a harbinger of prosperity and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • It symbolizes temperamental relationships, sexual energy.
  • Clean, clear water means fun, romantic relationships.

Dream book for the whole family

  • Seeing her is a sign with a positive connotation.
  • Plunge into sea ​​water or into the ocean - get unique emotions.
  • Enter the mountain river with clean water- to a surprise from his beloved.
  • Throws himself into a mountain stream - to a love affair with a long continuation.
  • Plunge into it completely - an unpleasant incident awaits you.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

Drinking it means good luck and pleasure in life.

Women's dream book

  • Seeing such water promises fun, satisfaction, and financial stability.
  • Drinking it portends the successful achievement of your plans.

Children's dream book

Such a vision is a symbol of health, recognition, and spiritual chastity.

Family dream book

  • Swimming in it is a positive sign. This portends a serene, prosperous life. Everything you have in mind will come true. Be prudent and do not do negative things to maintain this prosperity.
  • We swam together with stranger of the opposite sex. This is for a romantic relationship. The love will be mutual.
  • Being in a clean pond with people of the same sex promises reliable friends.
  • Being in a pool where there were a lot of people. You will take part in a serious event. There you will show your good side.
  • Diving in it means you will fully experience the moment of luck and happiness.
  • We looked from the depths of the clear waters to the heavens. It means dreaming about your future. Your plans will come true if you do not deviate from the path of their implementation.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Visions of clear water promise prosperity.
  • Flooding with clean water. To obstacles that you can easily bypass.
  • It flows in front of you - good news.
  • Drinking it means well-being.
  • It is so clean and transparent that you can see the bottom - unfortunately.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

A deep, huge river with clear and clean waters predicts great happiness.

Ancient Russian dream book

Such water promises you a life filled with prosperity and joy.

Natural sources of clean water in a dream

  1. River. It flows slowly, but its inner power is felt. Talks about your plans for the future. You have enough energy to bring your wildest plans to life. Nobody can prevent this.
  2. A spring with clear water symbolizes reserves for creative growth. For single people, this promises mutual love.
  3. The lake is a chance to show your abilities. The larger it is, the stronger the effect will be.
  4. A small stream - to joyful communication, pleasant dates.
  5. Puddle - do not expect troubles, they are not expected yet.
  6. Vast ocean - you will suddenly discover a talent that you didn’t know about.

Water containers

  1. Such water in a glass conveys communication with a friend, support in a difficult situation.
  2. A bucket with it is an unexpected financial income. Possible cash winnings.
  3. A filled bath is a wonderful sign for sick people. This portends a speedy healing. For others it promises health.
  4. Water flowing from the tap - trust your intuition when solving your affairs.
  5. Pour it out from somewhere. All obstacles will bypass you.

Wash with clean water

  • To get rid of bad thoughts, spiritual cleansing. It's time to start new life. Take on any task. You will succeed.
  • Wash your hands with it - you have a good opportunity to realize your plans.
  • While washing, the dirt was washed away - to monetary income.

See living creatures in such water

  • Watching swimming fish in it predicts monetary income.
  • Animals seen in water symbolize a serious event that will happen in the future.
  • For young girls, this is a harbinger of a desired pregnancy.

About the vision of clean, clear water with a blue tint

  • Seeing such a source means that a period of luck and success is coming in your life.
  • Bathing in it means higher powers are favorable to you. Seize the moment. Make your deepest desires come true.
  • Drinking it is a message about your ability to write. Experience it in real life, you should succeed. Write, create.

The emotional state in a dream matters

During a dream with clean water, you experienced a feeling of satisfaction and inner comfort. Happiness filled your soul. This portends good events. Business people this promises success in business. Things will go uphill.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. Such water in a dream means peace, the desire to create.
  2. Dreams at a young age for girls can predict future children. If she caught fish in clean water, then their number will speak about her children.
  3. A dream in which the fish turn out to be dead will have a negative connotation. This portends a failed pregnancy, the inability to give birth, or a sick child.
  4. Water that you cannot control is the source of your fears. As a result, this leads to anxiety and worry. Such dreams reflect an unbalanced psychological condition dreamer

Empty vessel- to unnecessary troubles; filled- to prosperity in the house.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See the vessel full of water - portends abundance or consolation.

Italian dream book

Image of the vessel- has less significance than the action that a person performs with it: fills it with something, somehow, or empties it of what? Who? How? etc., who is present? What happened after or what happened before?

But still a vessel- is a symbol of stereotypes that have an ambivalent meaning for a person; they speed up and facilitate a number of actions, but at the same time make them stereotyped.

Modern universal dream book

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "The Cracked Vessel"

One man carried water to his teacher's house every day.
He had a long wooden stick on his shoulders, on which he hung two clay vessels at each end.
One of the vessels was perfect and absolutely intact.

The second one had a crack through which water leaked.
As a result, it turned out that while a person walked from the river to the teacher’s house, half of the contents in the cracked vessel spilled onto the ground.

The cracked vessel was very upset that it could not fully serve people.
He asked his owner to replace it with a new one.

Such a vessel that will not lose part of the work done by a person.

It was a pity for the man to part with his, albeit cracked, assistant, and he asked the teacher for advice on what to do.
Then the teacher smiled and said:
“I knew very well that one of your vessels had a crack and that while you were carrying water to my house, half of it was pouring out onto the ground.”

That is why, on the very side where you usually carry a cracked vessel, I planted flower seeds.
And now, without realizing it, you are watering the ground on which these beautiful flowers grew.
I did this and I say this because we are all needed on this earth exactly as we are.

So, there is no need to replace the assistant.

Tell a convinced materialist about a dream in which water appeared, and he will assume that you were thirsty that night. Consult a psychologist, and you will probably hear a comparison of this element with the course of life and the inner world of a person. If you tell the same fact to an expert in dream books, a hail of questions will immediately fall: which one? What did you look like? Was there, by any chance, any living creatures in it? And this is not without reason: who knows, maybe a fleeting image that slipped through a dream actually reflects your deep inner experiences or serves as an intuition hint for the future? You can explain why you dream about water by remembering all the details of your night vision.

Why do you dream of water: opinions of different dream books

Water is one of the most multifaceted and difficult to interpret images, so talking about the meaning of such a dream without going into the details of the dream can only be conditional. But we will still try.

Who dreamed about it: a woman or a man

So, for a woman wandering through the kingdom of Morpheus in the streams of high-standing clear water, dream books predict pregnancy, and for a man who finds himself in the same situation - a pleasant intimate relationship. If the water appears to the sleeping person to be muddy and full of rubbish, the girl should beware of gossip; for a woman - scandals, and for a man - despondency. To be fair, it should be said that there are also prose interpreters who are confident: night dreams of water approaching one’s feet simply signal that something is overcrowded. bladder or, for a woman, about the approaching menstrual cycle.

A pool, lake or other body of water with clear and fresh liquid is often interpreted as:

  • for a girl - as an omen of an imminent meeting with a wealthy gentleman:
  • for a woman - as a happy overcoming of obstacles that arose in her path, or the unconditional loyalty of a partner;
  • for a man - as a promise of a bright romantic adventure or making a big profit.

Fresh water and wide open space always mean something pleasant

A dream about bathing in a bathtub with clear, cool water, if a pregnant woman had a dream, is considered very favorable. According to the dream books, she will have a quick birth and the birth of a strong baby. But too hot or cold water - advice is better to take care of your health.

Clean or dirty

Cleanliness is perhaps one of the main criteria that all compilers of dream books, without exception, pay attention to. And almost everyone is sure that crystal clear water, not clouded by either debris or sand, portends something very good: unexpected joy, good health, income growth, success in business and complete prosperity. It is not difficult to guess that the dirty and muddy water is regarded in exactly the opposite way - it is believed that it promises the sleeping person illness, depression and annoying mistakes, which will take a long time and difficult to correct.

But the appearance in night dreams rusty water most often associated with unpleasant gossip that is spread about a person by his ill-wishers. Or - another option - with the inability or unwillingness of the sleeper to fully use the opportunities given to him. That is why things that should be moving forward by leaps and bounds rust in place.

Cold or hot

Another pleasant symbol in a dream is cold water. According to legends, the icy stream brings with it excellent health and new friends. Warm, on the contrary, may portend the approach of illness. Well, the boiling one hints at the passions that are about to begin to boil in the life and soul of the lucky person who saw the dream. Is a whirlwind romance awaiting you in the very near future?

By color

If the liquid you dreamed of was transparent, like glass, there is nothing to worry about - we have already established that. How to understand a dream in which there is water colored in unusual colors? Interpreters have their own answer to this:

  • white promises good changes, romantic mood, new love;
  • dark symbolizes anxiety, emotional distress or a situation that you do not control, and therefore you feel depressed;
  • black means tears, fears and possible losses;
  • blue predicts a meeting;
  • green promises career success and increased well-being;
  • yellow speaks of illness and betrayal.

By volume

How much water was in yours? night dream, do you remember? This is also of no small importance.

  1. For example, dream books call splashes that sprinkle the face and head of a sleeping person a sign of love, which will soon settle in his heart and will certainly bring happiness.
  2. A container with several spoons of liquid splashing at the bottom indicates difficulties awaiting a person in the future.
  3. A vessel filled to the top with water promises good health and long life.

How more water in a vessel, the more generous your life will be with vivid impressions

In general, the more water a sleeping person sees, the higher his chances of succeeding in a business that a person is interested in. this moment is engaged. Just to avoid being caught in the middle of a flood at night! Problems cannot be avoided here. You can find out the interpretation in more detail.

If you dream about natural bodies of water

It is much easier to find the right answer when water appears before the sleeper not in an abstract, abstract form, but in a clear framework determined by nature.


For example, a waterfall, among other things, is interpreted as a harbinger of a meeting that will somehow unpleasantly surprise or frighten you. But at the same time, the sound of a waterfall, hidden from the eyes of the sleeping person, only marks news. You can get more detailed information about dreams involving this curious symbol.


A dreamed lake, depending on the circumstances of the dream, either serves as a sign of inner peace, or as a promise of a quiet, peaceful life, or as a warning of danger. You will find a more detailed list of interpretations.


It’s even more difficult to answer why you dream about a pond. According to some sources, such a body of water portends a long, calm period in the life of the sleeper, according to others - an annoying stagnation in business and relationships, and some consider it a sure sign of wealth. Here you will find comprehensive information on this issue.


If even a pond and a lake can be associated with stagnation, then the swamp is destined to bring bad news to those sleeping? How to say. On the one hand, a quagmire indeed often turns out to be associated in our subconscious with obstacles that stand in the way, in which it is not long to get bogged down. On the other hand, cute green hummocks, here and there peeking out of the swamp, symbolize hidden opportunities, taking advantage of which you will catch your luck. Do you want comprehensive information? Go.

A swamp is not just bogs and swamps


If you dream of a river, special emphasis in interpretation is placed on its fullness, purity and direction. In order not to miss a single detail, carefully go through the circumstances of your dream in your memory and look in, get answers to all your questions.


The image of the sea is interpreted different dream books sometimes as the embodiment of boundless happiness and complete prosperity, sometimes as a reference to the dark, gloomy depths of the subconscious, often fraught with secrets that we would like to hide even from ourselves. Analyze your feelings from the dream you saw, and then take a look - perhaps you will be able to learn something new and unexpected about yourself.


What if you saw a vast ocean? Oddly enough, many people associate such a dream with intimate life a person, his satisfaction or dissatisfaction in sexual terms, as well as with upcoming passionate novels. However, read for yourself - many options for interpreting such dreams have been collected.

A little about artificial reservoirs and vessels

If nature traditionally personifies the human subconscious, poorly subject to reason and more associated with the first impulses and feelings, then artificially created reservoirs are already something organized, associated more likely with the material sphere.

Well with water

If you dreamed of a well full of clean water, you have all the abilities and opportunities to achieve success, all you have to do is use them. It is especially good to drink cool water from such a well in a dream - it is believed that after this the luck and wealth of the sleeper will not pass away. But if, when you look over the edge, you find dirty slurry or dry stones, due to your inaction and indecision, you are missing out on the chance to achieve something worthwhile. More information on this topic can be found.


Why do you dream about swimming pools? Usually - to something pleasant: good health, promising acquaintances, wealth. But, again, everything is decided by the condition of the water and the appearance of the pool itself. New, shining mosaic tiles, definitely promises joy, old and shabby - sadness. However, study here, you will learn much more.


Dreams about bathing in a bath sometimes give diametrically opposite predictions

We have already written that the dream of bathing in the bath is favorable for pregnant women? It’s a pity, but for everyone else, such a dream does not always mean good news. Seeing yourself bathing in a bath means:

  • jealousy and heartache caused by the ambiguous behavior of the other half;
  • betrayal or illness - if the water in the bathroom was stale;
  • loss of reputation due to the inability to control one’s passions, if one had to wash in almost boiling water;
  • happy relief from difficulties if you splashed in cool water;
  • the need for rest and solitude if in a dream you felt calm and relaxed;
  • the need to cleanse yourself of dark thoughts or the desire to free yourself from some unpleasant situation if you diligently rubbed yourself with a washcloth;
  • a surge of sexual desire if there were two of you in the bathroom.

An empty bathtub, according to some sources, portends an illness, the machinations of enemies, or a person’s lack of faith in his own strength, but according to others, it warns that new prospects will soon open up before you and it will be important not to miss the moment to take advantage of them. Decide for yourself which interpretation to accept on faith.


And what does the appearance of an aquarium in our dreams not promise? Pregnancy and infertility, a breakup with a partner and a wedding, interesting acquaintances and huge quarrels, major changes for the better and no less major disappointments. You can find out how dream book experts will interpret your dream with all the details that appeared in it.


Did you see a bucket of water? Get ready to make a profit. Moreover, it is not a fact that it will be expressed in rustling pieces of paper and an extra zero in a bank account. You might as well gain knowledge, experience, fresh ideas, a true friend or soulmate. And throwing water out of a bucket is also not bad, especially if it turns out to be not the freshest - this is how you subconsciously strive to get rid of something unpleasant that has been bothering you for a long time. Most likely you will succeed. The dream could also mean:

  • infidelity of a life partner if the liquid was dirty;
  • tedious routine work if you were scooping water from a river with a bucket;
  • conflict if you poured liquid from one container to another;
  • unexpected news if you doused someone with a bucket;
  • the arrival of guests, if the vessel was of an unusual shape.

Freud's dream book is sure that for a woman a bucket of water means pregnancy, and if a young unmarried lady walks in a dream with two buckets in her hands, she will soon have two gentlemen.

Tap water

A strong jet pressure warns of a situation that you do not control

What to think if in a dream you watched water flowing from a tap? According to the most common versions of interpretation, the pressure, temperature and color of the liquid are important here:

  • a thin stream or drops symbolize small expenses;
  • a wide stream beating under pressure means that you want to control some situation, but it constantly slips out of your hands;
  • cold water promises restoration of peace with a person who recently quarreled with you;
  • hot promises vivid impressions;
  • boiling water indicates a flurry of emotions that you are about to experience;
  • muddy serves as the embodiment of gossip;
  • dark or black predicts quarrels and conflicts in the family;
  • blood red means that close person needs your help.

It's pouring from the ceiling

In a dream, did drops, or even whole streams, fall from the ceiling above your head? And again pay attention to their cleanliness.

  1. Transparent drops warn of joyful events that will fall on your head without warning.
  2. Dirty water represents trouble. Prepare an umbrella, in other words, try to protect yourself wherever possible.
  3. Some dream books associate a slightly damp surface with spiteful critics who are trying to put you in a puddle, others - with emotional burnout and the need for a change of situation.

Creatures and objects in the water

Who is not found in the depths of rivers and seas! Banal minnows, exotic turtles, fantastic mermaids... And all of them can somehow look into your dream, en masse or individually. Will this mean anything?

Fish live or dead

A dream about fish scurrying in clear, crystal-like water predicts profits for the sleeper, and the larger the fish, the greater the income. In addition, for young spouses such a dream predicts good luck. family life, and for women - pregnancy. But a dead fish, floating belly up, is considered an unambiguous symbol of failure and loss. Here you will find much more detailed information on this topic.

By the way, take a look at the article about dreams with participation. It is only at first glance that the toothy lady must certainly lead only to dangers and skirmishes with enemies! According to many dream books, in such an original image a future wise mentor, a happy deliverance from problems, and even... the male genital organ can appear before you.


Tamed predators represent defeated enemies in our dreams

If the dreamed fish turns out to be a shark, the chances of getting good prediction whistling away to zero. Alas, many dream books advise, after such dreams, to be seriously wary of betrayal, fierce competition, or meeting with a dangerous and treacherous person - in a word, to keep your eyes open. However, an aggressive symbol can also be regarded as a timely warning of an impending danger that you are still able to avert. If you want to know other interpretations, you are welcome.


A snake swimming in water is a dual symbol. On the one hand, it clearly threatens the sleeper with trouble, indicates that he has a serious opponent and promises an attack of mental anguish. On the other hand, a trip along a river infested with snakes, contrary to expectations, predicts a happy deliverance from danger. And a reptile that slipped from the shore into the water element in a dream can predict a move or a trip. You can read about this, as well as about dreams involving snakes in general.


But with friendly dolphins, the sleeper will probably not have any problems. This bright symbol serves as the embodiment of peace of mind, grandiose achievements and timely help. True, it is also advisable to remember exactly how many dolphins you saw, what they looked like and how they behaved. And when you remember, take a look, you will find all the information you need.


Did you dream about a turtle? If a distant relative of Tortilla swam in clear water, rejoice - she is already bringing you a golden key that can open the door to the brightest changes and dreams come true. And it doesn’t matter that as long as you move towards them at a snail’s pace, everything has its time! However, dirty water and algae clinging around the shell warn of obstacles that will require serious effort to overcome. Here you can find out more about it.


They say that crocodiles are attractive to people who want to dominate in relationships. Everything is possible. It may also happen that Cheburashka’s closest friend reflects your inner anxiety, warns about enemies secretly sharpening their teeth on you, or says: “don’t worry, the dark streak in your life is coming to an end!” Don't believe me? Stop by and see for yourself.


One of the most majestic giants of the deep sea, the whale, has a reputation as a messenger of good, but at the same time shrouded in a mystical haze of events. If you happen to see this beautiful animal in a dream:

  • expect unusual, even mysterious, but positive changes;
  • try to develop your intuition - it will more than once tell you a way out of a difficult situation;
  • look around. Your luck is very close, you just have to stretch out your hand for it to fall into your palm.

Especially happy sign considered a dream about a white whale

But at the same time:

  • a pod of killer whales embodies problems, troubles and ridicule;
  • chasing a whale promises a lot of trouble;
  • swimming with a sea giant promises happy changes, which nevertheless will not happen unless you make every effort;
  • the tail of a whale flashing in the distance indicates missed opportunities;
  • a whale attacking a ship marks a controversial proposal, which would be offensive to refuse and dangerous to agree to.


A swan swimming on the water is definitely a good sign. Such a dream promises an established personal life, loyalty of a partner and the fulfillment of plans. It’s worse if in a dream you decided to chase a swan or throw stones at it: troubles after such a dream should fall out of a bag. However, it’s too early to give up. Read what master interpreters write about, and then draw conclusions.


With frogs dreamed of in their native element - on a river, in a swamp or lake - everything is simple. Get ready for the successful completion of the work you have started and look forward to joyful events. But you just have to dig deeper into the dream books, and the abundance of interpretations will blur your eyes! How many wahs were there, one or several? What color was their wet skin? What were the pop-eyed beauties doing?.. In short, there is no way to fit such a mass of information into one article. Take a look and see for yourself.

Drowned, corpse

Dreams about drowned people always leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul and goosebumps on the skin, but they do not always promise trouble. Thus, a drowned man floating on the surface of the water is interpreted as a symbol of something bad, previously hidden, but now has become obvious. It would seem that there is nothing to rejoice at? You guessed wrong. Now, when all the cards are revealed, you will have the opportunity to correct what was preventing you from living a normal life. A dream about a drowned man can also mean:

  • joy - if the victim in your dream came to life;
  • getting rid of outdated relationships - if your ex or ex acted as the drowned man;
  • an end to problems in your personal life - if a woman drowned;
  • the need to muffle the voice of emotions and be guided by the arguments of cold reason - if it was a man;
  • losses and troubles - if you yourself drowned.


Don't forget that the mermaids of classic fairy tales are quite dangerous creatures.

In contrast to gloomy dreams about drowned people, night dreams involving mermaids usually leave behind a pleasant, slightly fairy-tale “aftertaste.” However, do not forget that classic mermaids are treacherous creatures, capable of enchanting an unwary traveler and dragging him along with them to the bottom. If a sea beauty swam in clear water, she predicts an unpleasant meeting or a guest whom you will not be happy to see at all. In muddy and full of mud - warns of slander that threatens to disturb your peace. The mermaid sitting on a stone serves as a reproach to the sleeper for raising the bar too high, chasing the ideal. But a person already has everything he needs to be happy. But you never know what interesting things a dream about a mermaid can tell! Here you will find maximum information.


An equally complex symbol represents a ship. Here the widest scope for interpretation opens up: by size, color, location, condition, your actions... Step by step and read, find out everything you want.

Interpretation based on the actions of the sleeper

It's one thing to see water from afar, and quite another to interact with it.

For example, a dream in which you were sailing along a river or sea can have several meanings:

  • if you were briskly gliding along the current on a boat, feel free to continue what you started, you will succeed;
  • if you row intensely against the water flow, you will soon choose a different course of action or change your goal;
  • if you rode on a boat together with your loved one, your relationship will develop in the most favorable way;
  • if the storm threw you from one wave to another, danger is nearby;
  • if you sailed on your own, without a raft or boat, prosperity awaits you.

The nightmare in which you, despite your efforts, were drowning, could mean:

  • accident;
  • material losses;
  • lack of confidence in one’s abilities and the chosen path;
  • excessive exposure to random emotions, which prevents you from thinking and acting soberly;
  • success after a series of difficulties, if in a dream you safely made it to the shore.

A dream in which a person feels like someone is drowning him, in addition to a danger to health and well-being, may symbolize a lack of internal resources, energy or determination in order to actively act and develop.

Video: the meaning of dreams about water

Not a single dream book will give you a clear answer true interpretation. It can only serve as a general guide as to where you need to continue your search. Consult with your inner self, listen to the sensations that this or that dream awakened in you, analyze your emotions. If you correctly combine the data from dream books and personal feelings, it is much easier to understand what your dream meant, and whether it had a hidden meaning at all.

Dreams play an important role in human life, because through them special signals are sent to us. If you interpret them correctly, you can prevent big troubles and not miss turning points in life. Pure transparent water in a dream is associated with a person’s inner world, his emotions and intuition. Understand more precisely what you are dreaming about pure water, only a dream book can help.

Water is of considerable importance in people's lives. It is the primary source of life on Earth and, at the same time, the liquid that supports life in ourselves. That is why dreams involving clean water are always very significant and emotional. According to dream books, they have a deep meaning.

Natural sources of clean water

In general, seeing clean water in a dream is very auspicious sign. To pleasure, increased vitality, good luck. However, the interpretation of dreamed clean water can be quite versatile. It also depends on where exactly you dreamed about her.

An explanation of what clear water in the sea means in dreams can be obtained by referring to the dream book for details. He predicts that your financial situation will soon improve. Don't forget about your soul when you acquire monetary values.

In ancient Egypt, the lake was a symbol of deep and mystical inner worlds. So in our dreams, a lake with clear water represents the subconscious and the most hidden corners of the soul. Dream Interpretations suggest that such a dream speaks of a justified inner peace, portends a joyful life in complete harmony with myself. In the upcoming difficult situation you will show only the best qualities of your personality and act in accordance with moral standards.

The dream book interprets large expanses of clear blue water as an opportunity to realize one’s creative abilities. If, looking at this picture, you experience a feeling of joy in a dream, then in real life love awakens in your soul. Show kindness and patience to your loved ones.

Having seen clean water in a river in a dream and looked into a dream book, you will find out why the river is dreaming of - it is a symbol of fate, the global flow of life. And since clean water is transparent, life also experiences favorable period. But it’s worth knowing that just as the waters of the river are changeable, so you may encounter obstacles on your way. But they will be completely surmountable, the main thing is to be prepared for them.

If you see a fish splashing in clear water, good news. This promises you gifts of fate, a promotion at work, and resolution of problems. Large fish always predicts joy and success. Small fish in clear water mean less global pleasant events - the resolution of everyday problems, disputes and quarrels. Dream books also agree that fish that a pregnant woman dreams of are harbingers of the birth of a daughter.

Artificial water tanks

A dream with an artificial pond with clean water often represents boundaries and overcoming them. Just as people try to enclose all the power and energy of water in an unnatural framework, so inner world the dreamer hides his impulses.

The dream book will help you recognize what you are dreaming about and what significance the size of the reservoir has. For example, a pond is not as large as a sea or a lake, and accordingly, seeing it in a dream is a symbol of smaller-scale events. A pond with clean water portends success in business and upcoming entertainment. The pond is closest to natural reservoirs, therefore it does not promise any special obstacles and indicates the preservation of common sense.

A swimming pool is a small man-made body of water, usually of strict geometric shapes, and it usually portends overcoming obstacles. Such dreams are associated with the love sphere of a person’s life. The dream books emphasize that the quality of water is very important - a pool with clean water prophesies the support of loved ones, and for women - the fidelity and decency of a spouse. Lonely people may have a long-awaited true friend.

With the help of a dream book, you can decipher why you dream of a bathtub filled with clean water - this is a sign of maintaining excellent health. For women expecting a child, it promises a calm, easy pregnancy. But for young people, clear water in a dream can mean some unrest, a possible loss of trust from a loved one - you should think carefully about all your actions.

In an emotional interpretation, clean water flowing from a tap can mean the union of the conscious and unconscious - since in such a dream living clean water is enclosed in an artificial shell. The dream book advises you to get ready - in these conditions it is possible to control the flow. Intuition is unusually sharpened, and the mind is in direct connection with the subconscious. If you have long had a desire to decide on some serious step, it’s time to act.

Looking into the dream book, you can determine that a well with clean water warns that now you have great opportunities in your hands. By implementing them, there is a chance of opening yourself up to new knowledge and pleasures. It is possible that for this you will have to return to your roots - restore lost connections with relatives, visit old friends.

Interaction with water

To find out what clean water means in dreams, you need to refer to the dream book, which indicates that Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the properties of water and how a person interacts with it in a dream.

If you dreamed that you were swimming in clean water, the dream book promises - expect only good things. You will be guaranteed success in everything you undertake. If after bathing in a dream a person dresses in new clothes, this promises the return of lost positions, the restoration of a dominant position, and a promotion at work. If it turns out that the items of clothing are different and do not correspond to each other, this may be a harbinger of the emergence of needs that will not be so easy to satisfy.

For young women who want to know why they dream of swimming in clear water with a friend, there is good news. This is a signal that her beauty and inner qualities will be appreciated, and no one will pay attention to insignificant shortcomings. All dream books agree that swimming in clear water in a dream is an image of positive action, foreshadowing freedom and personal development. Although freedom may not always be desired, for lovers swimming together promises an unexpected separation.

Diving into clean water yourself in a dream means a happy completion of a long-drawn-out business, the fulfillment of cherished desires. For lonely people this is a harbinger Serious relationships, meeting the love of my life. By turning to the dream book, we find out why a diving person dreams. It turns out that this is a prediction of a long, interesting journey in the company of pleasant fellow travelers. If a person jumps from a great height, something out of the ordinary will happen along the way.

By looking into the dream book, you can find out that even drowning in clean water in a dream, oddly enough, does not portend any trouble. Most likely, this speaks of your excessive rationality in matters in which you should act with your heart rather than your mind. The dream book warns that now it is quite possible to achieve everything: success in the service, a respected position in society, etc. But you will have to make an effort. Saving a drowning man portends that in life you will be able to help a friend in need.

The dream book gives a simple answer to the question of why you dream of washing your face with clean water in a dream - this is an omen of meetings with both new and already familiar people. Perhaps an invitation to visit, to a friendly party. After such a dream, don’t plan anything for the weekend; interesting offers will probably appear. But such a dream can also foreshadow new concerns; one can only hope that they will only be pleasant and relate to organizing joint leisure time with friends.

Washing your hands with clean water in a dream is a harbinger of unbridled fun. The dream books explain why you dream that your hands are dirty - there will be monetary profit. But in the case when they are poorly washed, get ready to solve all the problems yourself; support from loved ones is unlikely. Trouble may arise if you are unable to refuse to participate in a dubious enterprise in time. Be careful.

If in a dream you find clean water on the floor, it is very important to understand where it came from. Dream books warn of enemy machinations against you if water oozes or even gushes from under the floor. The severity of bad intentions depends on the intensity of the flow. But water dripping from the ceiling, in accordance with the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign of receiving serious monetary profit, possibly an inheritance. If a lot of clean water is spilled on the floor, there are likely reasons for frustration. Also, very strong emotions are possible in the near future, since the water is clean - most likely good.

Water, as you know, is the main component of the human body. Therefore, dream books give a positive interpretation of what dreams of drinking clean water mean. First of all, drinking clean water in a dream means filling the body with health. This prophesies love, power, and fertility to a person. Seeing someone you know drinking water before your eyes means having a patronizing attitude towards this person, a desire to protect. It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the dream - this person really needs protection.

If you drink in a dream warm water, dream books recommend being wary - perhaps in reality they will arise difficult situations, the solution of which will be ambiguous. It is better to act in this case according to your conscience, otherwise difficulties in relationships with people may worsen. But drink it neat cold water– a sign of a global future renewal. Due to upcoming events, the entire environment and people around you will change. Nobody likes change, but this is a positive sign for you. Although you may not be aware of this.

Why do you dream that you are collecting clean water into a vessel? Dream books decipher this as a good sign. To a young man such a dream promises a quick meeting and a happy marriage to a beautiful girl. Treat someone with water - in reality these people will receive monetary profit with your help. It’s worth thinking about if in a dream you shared water with not the nicest people. Collecting clean water from a well means a successful purchase; from the river - to success in business and a successful marriage.

In Miller's dream book, clean water is interpreted ambiguously. In general, it foreshadows good news and joyful events, progress in the acquisition of property. In order to fully explain what clean water means in a dream, it is worth remembering that under certain circumstances such a dream may not be very good sign. For example, getting your feet wet from clean water coming out of the ground means material losses and troubles. If in a dream your house fills with water, do not worry. This means that although there are many around you bad people, you have the strength to resist their influence.

2. Why do you dream of a bucket of water: analysis of dreams by day of the week.
3. Why do you dream about a bucket of water?
4. Why do you dream of an empty bucket?
5. Why do you dream of a full bucket?
6. Why do you dream of milk in a bucket?

1. Why do you dream of a bucket of clean water?

Everyone associates a bucket of water with profit and work. A sign that difficult work will soon await you is to see a bucket of water in a dream, but do not be discouraged, this work will be fully rewarded.

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the quality of the vessel, what actions were performed, etc. If the bucket of liquid was of a non-standard type, then you should expect a visit from guests.

2. Why do you dream of a bucket of water: analysis of dreams by day of the week.

  • From Sunday to Monday — your significant other is thinking about breaking up.
  • From Monday to Tuesday - you accept good decision with someone you know.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - your ailments will recede.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday — there will be disputes that arise out of the blue.
  • From Thursday to Friday - expect guests.
  • From Friday to Saturday - problems await you at work.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - to ruin.

Regardless of what the water in the bucket was like, a person who has such a dream needs to think about his inner state.

3. Why do you dream of a bucket of water?

A bucket of water seen in a dream foretells an improvement in your career. If you happen to carry buckets containing some kind of liquid in a dream, then this is a harbinger of happiness in the family, and for those who are still single, a wedding. If you are doused from a bucket, then this is due to weather changes. And when you pour water on someone, get ready for bright and unexpected events.

Following the interpretation of the Chinese dream book, we can say that a bucket filled with water indicates that you will soon acquire new knowledge and skills. For peace and well-being, you dream of pouring water from one vessel to another.

A girl who saw a bucket of water in her dream should expect the baby to appear soon. If she carried two buckets, then two suitors will appear in her life who have serious feelings and intentions for her. The dream may be trying to warn you that, due to your own carelessness, you will get a lot of problems. A sign of such an event will be a dream in which you drop a bucket and spill liquid.

4. Why do you dream about an empty bucket?

To get rich, you will see in a dream an empty bucket into which you plan to harvest in the future. If water pours into a bucket, it means quarrels and gossip. It would be very inappropriate for a married woman to see this item. The dream warns her against the possible appearance of his husband in her life new woman, because of which he will lose interest in his wife, and sex life and may completely disappear.

Carrying a bucket that is not filled with anything in a dream means unpleasant, thankless work awaits you. Perhaps a job that will pay too little. An empty bucket in a dream may not be a sign of something in the future, but simply draw a person’s attention to his character traits, such as laziness and reluctance to work. Which can play a bad joke on him in the future. If in a dream you approached different empty buckets, trying to find at least a drop of water there in order to quench your thirst, then stock up on patience and strength for the future.

Probably the worst will be a vision in which the bucket will be old, rusty and with a broken bottom. Such a dream foreshadows problems and expenses. This could also be a harbinger of a breakup with your significant other. If in a dream you took empty buckets and headed to a pond in order to fill them, this means that soon all your efforts will be fully rewarded.

5. Why do you dream of a full bucket?

A person will soon feel more energetic and strong if he had a dream in which there was a bucket of clean water. But if the bucket is only a little full, you should think about an additional day off or vacation. If you see dirty or stale water in a vessel, you dream that troubles, misfortunes and illnesses await you. Vision can be controlled by your unconscious and with its help it can reach you and draw attention to what is happening now, namely, you are very tired of routine and need rest. In a dream you will see how you pour water into a trough in order to fill it. However, you will achieve financial well-being only if the water in the vision was clean.

If in the recent past you were making some plans and you dreamed of a full bucket dirty water, then abandon the planned tasks. They will not be destined to come true, but you will spend a lot of energy and nerves. If you do not understand what the bucket is filled with, then worries await you in the future.

6. Why do you dream of milk in a bucket?

The dream can be understood in different ways. Firstly, it depends on whether you liked the dream or whether it was a nightmare? If the dream was pleasant, then peace and prosperity await you in real life.

But if you woke up and had negative feelings, expect trouble. If you dreamed of a bucket filled to the brim with milk, then strong support in your family awaits you, and all your plans will begin to come true.

If you drink this milk, then you will experience white stripe, some interesting journey will happen soon. If you bought and drank milk, wait in your destiny for a person who will not only show you his strength, but will also be able to gain power over you. Have you ever thought that one of your close or blood relatives might give you a gift? Seeing milk with blood in it can talk about exactly this.

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