How to make polymer clay earrings. DIY stud earrings in the shape of stars and butterflies made of polymer clay

Polymer clay is a very common material among handmade artists. It is used to make various jewelry and even hair accessories. You can use it to make earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets and even toys. christmas tree. It is especially valued for its rich colors, ductility and strength. Products made from such material turn out to be very natural, as if they were real. Believe me, with such an interesting accessory your image will be filled with special tenderness and romance! Modeling from clay brings not only good mood but also calms nervous system, develops creative imagination. The process itself is quite easy and inexpensive. You don't know how to make earrings from polymer clay? Then you should definitely come to us! We will help you make original earrings from natural clay at home. Why not? This will cost you much less than buying a ready-made piece of jewelry. In this article we will talk in detail about the choice of material for modeling and how to make earrings from polymer clay with your own hands.

All about polymer clay

Of course, you have seen beautiful clay jewelry and really liked the look of it. But have you asked yourself the questions: what is it, what properties does the material have and how a novice craftsman should work with it, how to make earrings from polymer clay at home? We will be happy to answer your questions.


So, polymer clay is a plastic mass that resembles plasticine in modeling. It looks and feels the same, but under the influence high temperature(110-130°) becomes solid and can no longer be modified. Therefore, it is often called thermoplastic or thermoplasticine.


Manufacturers offer a large selection of different polymer clays - from the softest to the hardest. This is done so that every needlewoman can choose the right plastic for various decorations, figurines, toys, buttons or miniature sculptures.

Important! The market offers a material that is already painted in a variety of colors, colorless or decorated with sparkles, luminous, imitating stone or metal. Thanks to this choice of colors in which clay is produced, different products can be made from it, combining shades with each other.

Processing methods

At home finished goods baked in the oven, and then, if necessary, painted with acrylic paints, glued together or with other materials, and varnished.

Important! The highest quality technique is considered to be one that uses colored polymer clay. In this case, the paint will not peel off, and the jewelry will be worn for a long time.

Materials and tools for creating earrings from polymer clay

Before you make earrings from polymer clay, you need to prepare the necessary material. To work we will need:

  • Polymer clay blue, white, Pink colour.
  • Polymer clay Brown(with glitter).
  • Polymer clay knife or blade.
  • Glass or ceramic tile(for work surface).
  • Boats of different shapes.
  • Rolling pin or pasta machine.
  • Toothpick.
  • Gloves or finger.
  • Accessories.
  • Varnish matte or glossy.

Important! Tools for making plastic jewelry can be replaced with improvised materials: a toothpick, a regular plastic one cutting board, dry knife, accessories for unnecessary decorations.

DIY clay earrings - master class

We offer to make earrings from polymer clay in vintage style. You can buy a cabochon ready-made, but in this case we will make it ourselves.

So, having prepared everything necessary materials, let's start making plastic earrings:

  • Mix three colors of clay with each other: white, pink and blue. As a result of thorough kneading, we get a light purple color.

Important! To make flower petals, you can use brighter colors. But in this case they are quite dull, so we want to create an antique effect.

  • From the resulting piece we cut off a smaller one using a special knife. We also add some blue plastic here.
  • Cut off half of the last part and add a little more blue plastic there. As a result, we get a color transition from dark to light.
  • Squeeze a small ball of the darkest shade between your fingers. Big and index finger Roll out until you get a flat circle.

Important! When sculpting petals, be sure to use gloves so as not to leave marks on the plastic and spoil the final result.

  • Roll the resulting circle into a tube.
  • Now we take a medium shade of plastic and use the same pattern to roll up another petal.
  • We wrap the first bud with a petal. Using this principle, we attach 3 petals of the same shade, and leave the outer ones the lightest.

Important! Try to form petals with thin edges. This way the flower will look more natural and natural.

  • Next, add a little pink color to a piece of light purple polymer clay, stirring constantly until the color is completely uniform and egg-shaped. This way we create the core of the flower.

Important! You can make colored clay yourself at home. To do this, add a little coloring powder and mix thoroughly. This is an order of magnitude cheaper than buying ready-made polymer clay. We want to save money, right? Of course yes!

  • Using your fingers, we form oval petals and attach them to the finished base.
  • We also attach the remaining petals to the core.
  • Now we form a rose bud. To do this, we roll up the dark plastic like the rose mentioned above.
  • Next, we make a large petal in order to wrap the entire half of the bud at once. We wrap the rest of the rose with the second one.
  • Now let's finish our rosette. To do this, take the rose by the edge at the base, twist it until it becomes thin and graceful,
  • Now we are making a few more pink buds using a different technology. Roll out the circle, giving it an elongated leaf shape. In this way we make four petals. We connect each of them by the edge, and pressing firmly, we roll the four leaves into a tube. As a result, we get a delicate closed bud.
  • Now we roll a small ball out of brown plastic.
  • Using a special knife, cut the ball into two parts to obtain two cabochons.
  • Next, we form cabochons with our fingers - the basis for our earrings.
  • To ensure that the roses are well attached to the base, we cut off the tail with a knife.
  • We attach all the flowers we made to the cabochon, securing the bottom with a toothpick.
  • We form petals from green plastic various shapes. Their number and size are at your discretion.
  • We form thin flagella from the same color.
  • We place the leaves on the flowers, and the flagella between the buds.
  • We check if everything is in place and if we like the cabochon shape. If not, then carefully correct it with a polymer clay knife.
  • Now we send the blanks to the oven until they completely harden.
  • After the almost finished decoration has cooled, drill a hole and thread a metal eyelet through it. The choice of metal is at your discretion.

Important! Do not forget that if you decide to varnish the finished decoration, then we put on the accessories after it has been applied and the surface has completely dried.

The article will provide information on how to make jewelry from polymer clay.

You don’t have to buy beautiful, bright, juicy jewelry. You can make them yourself if you master the technique of working with polymer clay.

  • Polymer clay is a material whose consistency resembles plasticine. But due to heat treatment, it hardens and turns into plastic.
  • Polymer clay comes in many colors, shades and textures. Colors can be mixed, glitter and paint can be added to them
  • This material is non-toxic and even a child can work with it
  • You can make almost any type of jewelry from polymer clay: earrings, pendants, bracelets, watch bracelets and much more.
  • Fantasy is the main condition when working with this material. Flowers, fruits, animals, abstract elements are far from full list what can be realized with polymer clay
  • First, let's choose a polymer clay manufacturer. It can be expensive or cheap, with a wide range of colors, and can be sold as a set or individual bars
  • Manufacturers such as Fimo, Kato, Pardo are quite expensive. There are also domestic, cheaper analogues
  • Don't buy the package right away various colors. Buy 1 block and try it at home: how is its texture, mixability with other plastics and paints, bake the resulting material. Good clay should not crack or change color excessively.
  • For sculpting, you will need standard colors, which can later be mixed. You also need tools and a small electric oven
  • Usually on the packaging of polymer clay it is written how long it needs to be baked until ready and at what temperature
  • Please note that you need to work with polymer clay carefully. To maintain color purity, work with medical gloves and on a clean surface.
  • If you decide to make jewelry from plastic, then in addition to clay you will need accessories: earring earrings, fastening elements, decorative details and much more.

Flowers made of polymer clay: master class

  • The most common and any flower is roses. At first glance it seems very difficult to do, but it’s not.
  • Pay attention to the structure of this flower - many petals held together, which are larger at the outer base and smaller at the inner one
  • Let's prepare the materials: we need plastic in the color of the future rose (red, pink, yellow or white), a modeling stack with a ball at the end
  • Let's make preparations for future petals: pinch off a piece of clay, knead it and roll it into a ball. Large balls are for outer petals, smaller ones are for inner petals.
  • Now we're missing a bud made from a thin layer of plastic
  • We make each petal from a ball, using a stack we give it a curved shape (this can be done with your hands)
  • We attach the petals to the bud one by one, adjusting the splendor of our flower
  • The finished rose can be used for decoration. To do this, you need to cut the base and make a hole for fastening.
  • Carefully place the flowers in the oven and bake until done. Then they can be opened with varnish if desired.

Now let's learn how to turn our roses into earrings. There are two ways. One of which is simpler, the second is more difficult, but the result is simply gorgeous

Simple earrings made of polymer clay (rose blanks)

  • Remove the rose blanks from the oven. They already have a hole for mounting
  • To turn them into earrings we will need: a pin with a double-sided eye, rings for fastening, earrings
  • We string the rose onto a pin and fasten it so that there is an eyelet at the top and bottom for attaching it to the part.
  • Attach a hook to the top using a ring
  • On the lower part - a bead in the color of a rose (or as your imagination dictates). The bead will weigh down the earrings a little and they will hang down without twisting.

Earrings in the form of a bouquet of roses

  • We need rose blanks again. But now they are raw and very small in size. They can come in a variety of contrasting colors, such as red and white
  • We make a ball base. We attach roses to it using a toothpick. Make sure that they are in good contact with the base ball and do not fall off after baking
  • Gaps can be filled with small green plastic leaves
  • Carefully make a hole in the ball where the pin will be attached
  • We bake our flower bouquet. The baking time will be slightly longer due to the greater density of the clay.
  • After cooling, we attach our ball to the wire. Spectacular earrings are ready!

Polymer clay bracelet

  • First, let's figure out what elements the bracelet consists of: the base (chain, rope, wire or fishing line), clasp and decorative elements
  • We purchase the base and clasp from a hardware store, but we make the decorative elements ourselves
  • Let's make a bright berry bracelet from raspberries and blackberries. It will complement any summer look and looks very original.
  • To make raspberries, we need pink clay and green clay for the leaves. Making berries is very simple. The base is a dense plastic ball. Small balls of a similar color are attached to it. The balls are smaller at the bottom and larger at the top. We attach leaves to the base of the berry and attach a wire. Bake the berries according to the instructions for working with clay
  • We make blackberries in the same way, but from black or dark purple plastic
  • To make our bracelet brighter, in addition to the berries, we will attach beads to the base
  • For the base of such a bracelet, it is better to use a chain with a decorative clasp

Polymer clay ring

  • A polymer clay ring can be made in two ways: solid plastic or based on
  • A solid ring is made using a mold. A mold is a heat-resistant silicone mold that is filled with plastic and baked with it. The hard plastic is then simply removed from the mold, sanded and varnished
  • For the second version of the ring you need a base. There are many such bases in hardware stores, where there is a niche for attaching plastic
  • You can imagine endless ways to decorate a ring. There are a lot of options, but the simplest and most versatile option is flowers.
  • A ring paired with earrings or a necklace looks especially original.

Polymer clay beads

  • To learn how to make beads from polymer clay, first learn how to make smooth, neat beads
  • Even ordinary beads are not so easy to make so that they are the same size and correct shape. Practice making even balls of the same size and making holes in them for fastenings
  • Once the basics are mastered, you can begin making decorative beads

Polymer clay beads with metal effect

  • Such beads are difficult to distinguish from metal ones. But thanks to your imagination they will be unique
  • We'll need plastic gray or metallic colors, embossing element (such as a button) and tools
  • First, roll out a smooth ball of plastic
  • Now we roll out the plastic into a dense layer and use a button to emboss it. To prevent the button from sticking to the polymer clay, moisten it with water.
  • Then carefully cut out the embossed elements with a blade and attach them to the ball
  • We decorate the joint with a decorative plastic cord
  • Make a hole in the bead for fastening
  • These beads can be used for beads, bracelets, earrings and much more.

  • Making a massive summer necklace from polymer clay is more difficult and requires some skill.
  • For it we need: plastic, decorative beads, chain and fastening
  • First, draw a sketch and decide where which elements will be placed
  • Then we will prepare individual flowers, leaves and beads
  • For the base we need a piece of thinly rolled plastic of the desired shape. Choose only high-quality plastic for such work, otherwise a poor base simply will not withstand the abundance of elements and will break
  • After the workpiece, we attach all the elements to the base according to the sketch. Don't forget to make holes for attaching to the chain

Hair decorations made of polymer clay

  • Polymer clay can be used to decorate hair clips, headbands and garters.
  • You can attach the elements to the base using special glue or invisible fishing line
  • For any products consisting of several elements, you need to make a sketch, because imagination does not always correspond to the result

Delicate flowers for decorating hairpins and headbands

  • We will need: polymer clay and stacks (you can use a toothpick)
  • Knead a piece of clay of the desired color and roll it into an oval
  • We make cuts, the same number as the number of petals planned
  • Now we make each petal, bending it using a stack
  • We give the flower the desired shape, trim off the excess plastic
  • The middle can be decorated with yellow plastic stamens or simply filled with paint
  • These flowers can be used for all types of decorations. They are very reminiscent of apple or apricot flowers

Clay headbands

  • For clay rims, it is better to choose a thin base, plastic or metal.
  • When securing the elements, make sure that they do not cling to the hair.
  • Here are examples of headbands for inspiration:

  • The basis of the hairpin can be an old plastic hairpin, a regular automatic hairpin or bobby pins
  • To ensure that the hairpin lasts a long time, do not choose elements that are too massive for small bases.

Hairpin ideas:

Brooch made of polymer clay

  • Let's make a simple but cute cat brooch from polymer clay
  • We choose a cat template that we like. We print it on a printer in the right size and cut it out
  • Now we prepare the plastic, rolling it into a thin layer
  • Place the template on the plastic and carefully cut out the desired shape with a blade.
  • Polymer clay pendants
    • Making an original abstract pendant is easier than it seems
    • To do this, we will need plastic of several colors and a special machine for rolling out plastic.
    • This machine allows you to roll out polymer clay evenly and, what is important, create a smooth color transition
    • This result can be achieved without a machine, but it is painstaking work.
    • We place the plastic in the desired position color scheme and roll it out into a thin layer
    • Then we cut off even thin strips and roll them into circles
    • It looks original if the edges of the strips are rough
    • Bake the resulting element. It can be used as a pendant or part of a necklace

    Video: How to easily make flowers from polymer clay?

I bring to your attention a master class on making beautiful earrings with roses.

These polymer clay earrings are very easy to make and can be a wonderful gift.

To create them we will need:

  • polymer clay;
  • toothpicks;
  • pins with loop;
  • accessories for earrings (earrings, rings);
  • thin-nosed pliers, round-nose pliers.

First, let's make three roses for each earring. You can see how to sculpt roses. Instead of a pin, we sculpt flowers on a toothpick, two large flowers, two medium and two small. When the flower is ready, carefully cut off the bottom part with a knife.

Now we take the pins with the loop, apply them to the back side of the flower, and cover them with a small piece of plastic.

We send it to bake in the oven at the temperature indicated on the packaging of your plastic.

After baking, cut off the protruding part of the pins to make them shorter, and use round pliers to twist them into rings.

Now let's make the leaves. To do this, take green plastic, knead it well, roll it into a rope and cut it into pieces. From each piece we form a drop and flatten it between our fingers. Using stacks, we shape the leaf, make a hole for the fittings and pinch the tip of the leaf with your fingers. Ready leaves bake in the oven.

After baking, we prepare the accessories for the earrings and begin assembling.

Using rings, we connect the roses together and attach the earrings.

Now we attach the leaves using rings. We attach one leaf to a large rose, and three leaves to each link between the roses.

You get such beautiful earrings! With them you can create interesting image for a holiday or for a photo shoot.

The second option is a winter night

These polymer clay earrings are easy to make, but in the end they turn out very beautiful.

For production we will need:

  • blue plastic;
  • stationery knife;
  • clay roller or pasta machine;
  • toothpicks;
  • ultra-fine blue glitters;
  • brush;
  • needle nose pliers;
  • accessories for jewelry (rings, earrings).

Take a piece of plastic, knead it well and roll it into a layer approximately 2 mm thick.

Using a knife, cut the resulting layer into squares. different sizes. The largest are approximately 9 mm (8 pcs), the next are 8 mm (8 pcs) and 6 mm (8 pcs) and the smallest are 4 mm (14 pcs).

Now let's take the glitter. I used ultra-fine glitters that I once bought for manicures. Dip the brush into glitter and rub glitter into each detail. Excess glitter is easily brushed off and does not fall off when using the earrings for a long time. We do the same with the reverse side..

Using a toothpick, carefully make holes in the squares for the rings. In two small ones we make two holes from opposite corners.

Now we can send the parts to bake in the oven.

After baking, we begin collecting earrings. Let's prepare thin-nose pliers, rings, earrings and our squares.

To make it easier for us to assemble the earrings, we arrange the squares in order. First large, then descending. Makes 4 pieces certain size for each earring. The smallest ones are 6 pcs.

Using thin-nose pliers, we thread small rings into each part. From slightly larger rings we assemble two chains of 5 links.

Now we take small rings and use them to connect 4 large squares to the bottom link of the chain.

In the same way, we attach 4 smaller squares to the next link, then 4 more to the next link, and 3 smallest ones to the remaining ones. It turns out that this is the preparation.

Now we connect a square with two holes using a ring on one side to the workpiece, and on the other side to a hook.

We assemble the second earring in the same way.

As a result, we get such beautiful and shimmering earrings.

Polymer clay is a malleable plastic, an amazing material for creativity, from which you can make whatever your heart desires. By appearance and the tactile sensation is somewhat reminiscent of plasticine, but in order for it to harden, it must be burned in the oven. Polymer clay is used for modeling decorative items, flowers, beads and various elements of jewelry. How to make textured earrings from polymer clay without any special tools, you will find out if you read this DIY tutorial for beginners. Using one needle and any round shape(for example, a perfume or deodorant cap), you won’t even notice how designer earrings in the shape of a flower end up in your hands.

What you will need to sculpt a flower:

  • polymer clay (turquoise, yellow);
  • a round shape for cutting out the blank (you can use a perfume or deodorant cap, not very large);
  • needle or toothpick Roller or paste machine (can be replaced with any other object with a smooth, glass surface, for example, a glass);
  • acrylic paint;
  • varnish for polymer clay;
  • metal fittings (earms, pins, rings);
  • brush;
  • wet wipe;
  • blade.


Make a flower from polymer clay- this is the main work.
Knead the turquoise polymer clay and roll it out to a thickness of 2–3 mm.

Use a cap to cut out circles.

Five circles are enough for two colors.

Use a blade to mark the middle of the circle.

Using the same cap, we cut out two semicircles from the marked center and get two identical petals.

You should get ten petals.

Knead the turquoise polymer clay, form it into a ball and flatten it on the surface. From the pin, using pliers, I make a loop, which will hold the hook. We press the fastener into the plastic and press it a little.

We lay out the petals on the surface of the cake so that the top ones do not cover the loop. Lightly press the clay together with your fingers so that it sticks.

Using a needle, press each petal towards the center.

We begin to apply texture to each petal. You can draw anything: dots, stripes, circles.

Roll out the yellow one polymer clay into a thin sausage and cut into small pieces, 1 mm thick. Roll these pieces into balls.

We insert the balls into the middle of the flower and press them onto the plastic with a needle.

We send the blanks to be fired.

Baking temperature for polymer clay varies between 110-130 degrees.
We wait until the flowers cool down and cover them with white acrylic paint.
Cover with a hard, thin brush so that the paint fills the entire fine pattern. We wait one or two minutes until the paint dries on the surface.

Delete acrylic paint with a damp cloth. In those places where a relief pattern was applied with a needle, the paint remains in the recesses, and the top layer is removed.

It is not recommended to keep paint on clay for a long time, as it will be difficult to remove and a small part of it will remain on the surface, changing the color of the plastic.

We wait a couple more minutes and cover the flowers with a special varnish for polymer clay.

We collect flowers. We need rings and earrings. Using duckbills, we straighten the ring into different sides and hook it to the loop on the flower, hang the earrings on the same ring and close the ring.

Texture earrings made of polymer clay.

Flower earrings with a textured surface are ready, you can try them on and show off your new jewelry.

“Forget-me-not” earrings made of polymer clay.

Modeling from polymer clay - exciting activity, a little imagination and you can create the most incredibly beautiful decorations and create amazing flower arrangements!

Among various materials For creating jewelry, many craftswomen especially use polymer clay. This material appeared in the lives of needlewomen and began to be actively used by them quite a long time ago, and since then the fashion for it has not gone away. Modern craftswomen who want to make jewelry with their own hands turn to polymer clay, because it is plastic, bright, durable, and also inexpensive. In addition, master classes on making clay jewelry are very simple and do not require any special skills.

The most popular jewelry, for the production of which polymer clay is often used, are earrings. Of the many bright colors With this material, you can make a huge number of interesting earrings, and this will be a godsend for fashionistas: you don’t need to spend a lot of money on buying expensive jewelry, because you can always buy a set of polymer clay and make a lot of wonderful things out of it for less money. All that is required when sculpting earrings from polymer clay is a little free time, a desire for creativity and the desire to please yourself by giving a whole set of different earrings.

Spring flowers

Flower earrings made of polymer clay are in particular demand among needlewomen. They look great on any ear and add a touch of tenderness and elegance to the look. There are many types of clay flower earrings, and one of them will be discussed in detail in the master class below:

Lush flower

Continuing the theme of flowers, the next master class will tell you how to make earrings from polymer clay in the shape of a large lush flower. This option will be a little more complicated than the first, but if you put in enough effort, you can make absolutely any decoration.

  1. Make a small cylinder from white clay.
  2. Do a thin piece of purple material and wrap it completely around the white figure.
  3. Using separately blue and green color, roll out the cake smaller in size, but the same thickness as the first one. Wrap the cylinder in a semicircle.
  4. Crush your creation using an old credit card, making it an elongated thick ribbon with a flattened image, resembling a flower on a green background.
  5. Start cutting the resulting sausage so that it becomes semicircular petals.
  6. Use a special stack with a ball at the end and shape the piece into a petal.
  7. The next point in the master class is assembling the product. Connect in a circle first all the large petals, A then put smaller petals on them, also collecting them in a circle. Please note that both the first and second layer of petals should have a green center.
  8. Use a balloon stack to deepen the core and then lift up the top petals. They should be shaped like a lotus. Also raise some of the lower petals a little higher.
  9. Take the remaining piece of clay and mold them into a teardrop shape.
  10. Using special nippers transform a droplet into a small bump, and then place it in the middle of the earring.
  11. Do everything described above in the master class to make a second similar earring from polymer clay.
  12. Place in the oven. After baking, allow the products to cool..
  13. Take a metal stud, used specifically for earrings, and loop it around the center of the flower from the back.
  14. Make leaves out of clay and press them onto the carnation, and put the decorations back in the oven.
  15. Bend the nail, attaching earrings to it, after which the product can be put on the ears.

Original watermelon earrings

Such earrings will be especially relevant at the height of summer, the time of all kinds of fruits. Watermelons in the ears look interesting and very bright, and making them is very simple, just follow this easy tutorial:

Flower earrings

This master class will look at step by step diagram how to make earrings from polymer clay with floral pattern. They are extremely simple to make, so even a beginner can handle the decoration.

  1. Roll out a sheet of clay of any color and use a special round mold to cut out two circles.
  2. Purchase a special stencil with flowers. Place another small clay sheet and roll it out with a rolling pin so that the design is imprinted. Then, using a familiar shape, cut out a circle with a floral design.
  3. Find special accessories in the craft store that are used to make brooches. Place a clay circle with a pattern on it, giving it a curved appearance.
  4. Optional decorate the flowers on future earrings with gouache or acrylic.
  5. The decoration should be baked directly on the accessories for creating brooches.
  6. Remove the earrings from the metal buttons and apply liquid clay to the back surface. Place the blanks for the earrings and cover them with the empty circles made in the first step of the master class.
  7. Use a knife to slightly adjust the dimensions of the back layer.
  8. Place the mesh on the back surface of the jewelry and gently press on it so that light, characteristic patterns remain on the earrings.
  9. Place the earrings in the oven and cool after baking.

It’s very easy to make earrings from polymer clay; all you need is a little free time and the desire to do something creative. The results are always interesting, so don’t be afraid to get creative and create something of your own.

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