How to paint walls with acrylic paint using a roller. How to paint walls with water-based paint using a roller

Painting walls is a responsible task that seems simple at first glance. But that's not true. Painting walls and ceilings is most often the final stage repair work. Making a mistake or causing trouble is the problem with previously conducted processes. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with how to use a roller correctly. This information will help improve the quality of your paint job. The surface of the walls will be evenly painted, without any streaks.

A roller is an indispensable tool during repairs.

The most popular tool for painting walls and ceilings is a roller. It will help you quickly and easily paint large areas of premises. At first glance, this tool is quite simple to use. But not everyone knows and masters the roller painting technique.

All tools, like materials, have their advantages and disadvantages.

TO undeniable advantages This tool includes:

  • You can paint large areas with minimal time.
  • Convenient to use. Often an extension handle is attached to the roller, which allows you to reach distant surfaces, for example, the ceiling.

The disadvantages of this painting tool include:

  • Hard-to-reach places, for example, in corners, are quite difficult to paint. An additional tool is often used for this purpose - a brush.
  • It is advisable to select the appropriate type of tool for each paint composition.

The popularity of this tool suggests that its advantages are more significant than its disadvantages. It is used not only by amateurs, but also by professionals. So how to properly paint walls with a roller?

Roller size

Before you read the instructions for applying paint to a surface with a roller, you should familiarize yourself with the variety of this material. After all, the quality of painting directly depends on the type chosen. The rollers differ from each other not only in size, but also in the material from which the “fur coat” is made. After all, this soft ring around the roller, which is constantly rotating, will directly interact with the paint.

When choosing a roller size, you should know the approximate area of ​​the surface to be painted. A wide roller width is necessary for rooms with a large painting surface. Maximum width“fur coats” - 30 cm. Such rollers are used to perform painting works on large flat surfaces.

The width of the smallest roller is 3 cm. It is used for coloring hard to reach places- in corners, at joints and seams. It performs the same role as a paint brush. All work with this tool is performed last, when the entire area of ​​the room has already been painted.

All rollers also differ in the material from which the “fur coat” is made. In stock today construction stores you can find rollers:

  • Foam rubber.
  • Velor.
  • Polyamide thread.
  • Fur.

Rollers with foam rubber

Such a tool is necessary for painting the surface of the compositions.

Use this roller to work with emulsion paints undesirable. The paint will become saturated with air, and bubbles will form on the surface when applied. As they dry, they will burst, leaving behind round streaks on the painted surface.

It is better not to choose such a tool for painting walls. After all, porous material absorbs a lot of paint. When painting, you cannot avoid smudges. And it will take a long time to eliminate such traces.

Velor rollers

This type of tool can be used to work with emulsion and oil paints. Velor allows you to create a thin and uniform film on the surface. After all, the material from which the “fur coat” is made absorbs little paint and rolls it out in a thin layer.

Polyamide thread

At first glance, the surface of the roller resembles the texture of a terry towel. And it’s not surprising, because the “coat” of such a roller is made of fabric that is stitched in a special way.

The advantage of this type of painting tool is the absence of falling lint. They are easy to clean from paint. Such rollers are characterized by a long service life.

The downside of this roller is its tendency to splatter paint. Therefore, all painting work should be done carefully.

Roller with fur

The fur “coats” of such rollers are made from both synthetic wool and natural sheepskin. The synthetic option is characterized by an attractive cost, but a shorter service life compared to natural wool. Such tools are used to work with various compositions coloring agents. Before use, the instrument must be soaked for several hours in clean water, then dry well.

All rollers with fur differ from each other and in the length of the pile. When choosing a tool, you need to take into account the structure of the wall. If the surface is embossed, it is better to choose a “fur coat” with long pile.

The advantage of this type of roller is its versatility. They can be used for various purposes. But such tools also have their drawbacks. With prolonged use, the “fur coat” begins to shed. As a result, lost lint may be found on the surface, stuck along with the paint to the wall or ceiling.

Most often for interior work choose safe, environmentally friendly paint for water based. Many people ask about how to properly paint walls with a roller. water-based paint. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts in painting walls.

  • Carefully measure the surface area to be painted. Decide on a color and go shopping. In the store, read the information on the packaging. This way you can determine the approximate paint consumption and buy the required amount. In addition, you will know in advance about the drying time of the surface.
  • Remove the curtains and cover the furniture with special covers.
  • protect from possible drops and smudges of baseboard paint. Windows, doors and floors should also be protected plastic film.
  • Prepare the surface for painting in advance. and remove with a scraper old paint from the surface. Walls or ceilings should be degreased. If there are cracks or gouges on the surface, they should be repaired using putty. Afterwards the surface needs to be leveled with sandpaper.
  • It is necessary to turn off the power supply and remove the covers of switches and sockets. Their internal parts need to be covered with masking tape.
  • If possible, radiators should be temporarily removed.
  • The surface should be treated several times with a primer, which will increase the adhesion of the paint to the wall material.
  • Paint the walls. After the first layer has completely dried, it is necessary to apply a second coat of paint.
  • Reinstall switches and sockets. Remove covers from furniture and wash the floor. Place furniture in its place.

How to properly apply paint to a wall

Now we can get the answer to the question of how to properly paint walls with a roller.

The container with paint must be carefully opened and mixed well. For this purpose, specialists use a mixer attachment attached to a drill. After all, when long-term storage A thick sediment collects at the bottom of the container.

The paint is carefully poured into the tray of a special rolling tray. The paint level should not reach the axis of the roller wheel. Now the roller should be rolled over the paint several times so that the “coat” absorbs as much paint as possible.

Now you need to roll the roller along the corrugated rolling surface, pressing slightly. This procedure must be performed until the “fur coat” is evenly saturated with the coloring composition. And all excess paint should flow back into the pan.

Now the paint can be applied by rolling the roller over the surface until it stops painting. Afterwards, we dip the tool into the tray again, roll it out onto a corrugated surface and paint the wall.

By doing the work in this sequence, you will be able to apply paint to the surface in an even layer. In addition, you will save yourself from splashing paint drops and smudges. But how to properly paint walls with a roller, what is the technology for this process?

Application technology

Properly carried out painting work involves uniform painting of the surface without streaks or gaps. The painting technology used by specialists when working with large areas will help you achieve a good result. They know how to properly paint walls with a roller using water-based paint. The basic rule is to divide the surface into conditional squares.

Surface marking and paint application

The technology for how to properly paint walls with a roller is the rule of squares. We measure the width of the roller, multiply it by 5. This is the value of the side of the conditional squares into which we divide the entire area of ​​the wall.

The surface must be painted from the top corner. Instructions on how to properly paint walls with a left or right roller right side, - No. It depends only on your wishes.

So, how to properly paint walls with a roller without leaving marks? Let's return to squares. We conditionally divide it into 5 vertical stripes. We paint the second strip first, skipping the first. Now, skipping 3 and 4 again, we color stripe No. 5. Now we go back and paint stripes No. 4, No. 1 and No. 3.

When applying the second layer, paint the surface in the opposite direction: 3, 1, 4, 5 and 2.

The roller movement should occur from bottom to top, then in the opposite direction. When the strip is painted, you should sharply tear the roller off the surface and move on to painting the next strip. Here's how to properly roller paint walls and ceilings.

The first corner square is painted. Now you can proceed to the next one below it. The entire process must be repeated exactly. Particular attention should be paid to the joints between the squares. Make sure that no unpainted areas appear here.

Once the vertical stripe has been painted all the way to the floor, you can begin painting the next adjacent top square.

How to properly paint a ceiling with a roller? The photo of the completed work confirms that the technology for applying the coloring agent is identical to painting the walls.

At first glance, this coloring sequence is a little surprising. It seems that the technology is complicated, but everything can be done much simpler. But experts say that it is precisely this paint application technology that will allow the coloring agent to be evenly distributed on the surface.

Cleaning the roller

Want to reuse your roller? To do this, after painting it must be cleaned immediately. When using water-soluble paints, the coat should be removed and rinsed well with water. It should not be squeezed out, but should simply be hung out to dry. After oil enamels, the roller is cleaned with organic solvents: acetone, gasoline or white spirit.

Final stage

After completing the work, you need to give the paint time to dry thoroughly. This could be several hours or several days. The time it takes for paint to completely dry is also affected by temperature and air humidity.

In the summer, you can speed up this process by opening windows and vents. In addition, the specific smell of paint will quickly disappear from the room.

Now you can remove the protective film, masking tape, install sockets and switches, and put furniture back in place.

Any more or less significant repair is not complete without plastering and painting work. One of the most popular tools used for painting walls is a roller.

Without it, it is simply impossible to paint large areas such as walls or ceilings with high quality.

However, not everyone knows the technique of applying paint using this, at first glance, very simple tool. So how to paint walls correctly with a roller, so as not to spoil the wall itself? last stage finishing works?

Pros and cons of working with a roller

Among the undeniable advantages of this painting tool are:

  • the ability to paint large areas with maximum speed;
  • Ease of use. If necessary, you can attach an extension handle (“fishing rod”), allowing you to reach the most remote areas.

It also has its disadvantages:

  • the difficulty of painting corners and other hard-to-reach places;
  • the need to select the most suitable type of roller for each paint composition.

But, nevertheless, the advantages of this tool are much more significant than the disadvantages. Otherwise, it would not be so popular among professional builders and finishers. The roller is ideal for use in the bathroom or toilet.

Roller selection

The quality of painting largely depends on the right choice tool. The rollers differ from each other in size and the material from which the “coat” is made - a soft ring around the rotating roller.


The larger the area, the wider the roller should be

However, what is a plus when working with emulsions is a minus when using other coloring compounds.


For embossed walls, choose long pile

Such rollers are made from both natural sheepskin and artificial synthetic wool. Natural fur Its cost is more expensive than synthetic, but its service life is much longer.

The choice of pile length depends on the texture of the wall: the more textured it is, the longer it should be. Fur varieties are designed to work with almost any composition.

This versatility is their undoubted advantage over other types of rollers, but they also have their drawbacks. Over time, their “coat” begins to lose lint, which as a result sticks to the wall along with the paint.

Before work, the fur should be soaked in clean water for a couple of hours, and then dried thoroughly.

Polyamide thread

The lint will not fall out of the polyamide roller

In appearance, their working surface resembles terry towel with thread “stamens” sticking out in all directions. They are made from fabrics that are stitched with threads in a special way.

Among the advantages of polyamide thread rollers is the absence of falling lint. They are easy to clean from paint and can last for quite a long time. The downside is that the threads tend to splatter paint, so you should work with them very carefully.

Painting a wall with a roller

Using the example of painting a wall, let's look at how to properly work with a roller.

Preparing for work

The trough will allow you to distribute the paint evenly over the roller

First of all, you should stock up on all the accessories that you will need for your work except the roller itself. This:

  1. Rolling trough. The required amount of paint is poured into it, and then the working part of the roller is dipped. The container has a special corrugated surface designed for rolling a roller over it. In this case, the paint is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the “coat”.
  2. Grout. A device in the form of a handle with a flat platform on which sandpaper is attached. Used for cleaning various surfaces.
  3. Masking tape and plastic film. Used to protect non-painted surfaces from accidental paint.

Before using a roller, you should prepare the room for work:

  1. Take it out or move it to the side and cover the furniture with plastic wrap.
  2. Cover the floors along the walls with the same film, close the windows and doors with it.
  3. Turn off the power supply in the room and remove switches and sockets from the walls. The remaining holes with wires should be sealed with masking tape to prevent paint from getting into them.
  4. We grout with coarse sandpaper over the entire surface of the walls, removing various irregularities and roughness.
  5. We clean the surface from dust and dirt using a sponge and cleaning solution.
  6. Carefully prime the entire surface of the wall, preferably in two or three layers.

When choosing a primer composition Special attention should be given its intended purpose. WITH technical specifications Use of primer can be found in the instructions on the packaging. For priming plastered walls, acrylic and water-based primer compositions are best suited.

Painting work

Roll the roller over the wall until it stops painting.

Open the container with paint and mix it thoroughly using a mixer attachment attached to a drill. While in the store, cans of paint sit in one place for a long time, as a result of which thick sediment collects at the bottom.

We pour paint into the pan of the rolling tray, but its level should not reach the axis of the roller wheel. We dip the tool into the rolling tool and roll it a couple of times, so that the “coat” picks up as much paint as possible.

After this, we roll the roller along the rolling corrugated surface, pressing lightly on it. We continue to roll it until the entire “coat” is evenly saturated with the coloring composition, and the excess paint flows back into the pan.

This procedure allows you to apply paint to the wall in an even layer, and, at the same time, avoid smudges and splashing of paint drops.

Application technology

Start coloring from the top corner

When carrying out painting work, it is very important that the entire surface of the wall is evenly painted without gaps or streaks. This can be achieved by using the professional painters when working with large areas - dividing the surface into squares.

Let's consider the entire process of marking and applying the coloring composition in stages.

  1. Conventionally, we divide the entire area of ​​the wall into squares with a side length equal to five widths of the working surface of the roller you are working with.
  2. You should start the painting process from one of the upper corner squares, from the right or left - it is not so important and depends only on your choice.
  3. We visually divide the conditional square into five vertical stripes and, skipping the first strip, roll along the second.
  4. Next, skip the third and fourth stripes and paint over the outermost, fifth stripe.
  5. We move on to the missing stripes and paint over the 4th, 1st and 3rd stripes one by one.
  6. Apply the second layer of paint to the vertical stripes in the reverse order: start with the 3rd stripe, move to 1, 4, 5, ending with the 2nd.

Many may be surprised by such complex technology in a fairly simple matter. However, as experience shows, this technology, tested over the years, makes it possible to distribute the coloring composition most evenly over the entire surface of the square. For more information on how to avoid the striped effect, watch this video:

Apply the paint using movements from bottom to top and back. When the strip ends, the tool should be torn off the wall surface with a quick and sharp movement and move on to the next strip.

After painting the top corner square, we proceed to the next one, located directly below it, repeating the whole process again.

In this case, you need to make sure that there are no unpainted joints between the squares.

When the entire vertical strip from the ceiling to the floor is finished, we move on to the next one, starting work also from the top square.

End of work

Clean the roller after completing work

Having finished the work, you should let the paint dry thoroughly, which usually takes from several hours to 1 - 2 days. The time for complete drying also depends on the temperature and humidity.

To speed up this process, in warm time year, you can open the vents or windows. This will also help the chemical odor of the enamels disappear as quickly as possible.

After the paint has dried, you can begin further repairs or bring the room back to its original form - remove protective film and tape, attach sockets and switches in place, rearrange furniture.

So that the roller will serve you for a long time for a long time, after painting is completed, it should be thoroughly cleaned. Watch the intricacies of cleaning the roller after painting in this video:

The “coat” should be washed immediately upon completion of work, without waiting for the paint to dry.

Water-soluble paints can be washed off with water. In this case, the “coat” is removed from the instrument, and after washing it is not wrung out, but simply hung out to dry. Oil-based enamels are cleaned using organic solvents (white spirit, gasoline, acetone, etc.).

Carrying out repair work yourself is not like that difficult process, as it seems at first. But there are some nuances, as with any other issue. Particular attention should be paid to painting the walls. The roller is used precisely at this stage. The tool is indispensable when doing all the work yourself. Let's try to figure out how to properly paint walls with a roller, and what kind of tool should be used.

It is necessary to study the characteristics of the tools in advance, and then there will be fewer problems with the choice, because these products cannot be called universal. They come in the following types:

  • . The only drawback is the ability to wear out quickly. It is better to use the tool when processing canvases.

  • Fur.

Such rollers are made from fabrics stitched with special threads.

But it is not only the type of material that needs to be taken into account. An equally important factor is the width of the roller. 30 centimeters is the optimal parameter for use in city apartments. If the roller has an increased width, then difficulties arise during further work. For this you will need to take diluted paint in large quantities

, and the process itself will become more complicated.

It is recommended to purchase not only the roller, but also additional components for it. For example, the process is made easier thanks to the extension handle. Or a special grater - it helps to get rid of residual material.

  1. The use of paint rollers provides the following advantages:
  2. Process large areas in a short time. The quality of the finished surface pleases customers for many years.
  3. Compared to a brush, a roller is a more convenient and pleasant tool for constant use.

Long handle connection. This will allow you to stay on the floor while you work. But the device also has minor flaws

  1. . Those who are concerned about how to paint with a roller should also remember them.
  2. Inconvenient processing of joints and corners. Then the brushes do a better job.

Some varieties absorb too much paint. In this case, a special spinning device will help.

Preparing the surface for painting

  • You need to purchase the following equipment before starting repairs:

  • Paint tray.

  • Paper masking tape. It is needed to provide additional protection.

  • Emery block. It is used in the case of manual sanding of coatings.

The rollers themselves, with different sizes and reliefs.

  1. After purchasing everything you need, follow these steps:
  2. We take down the curtains.
  3. We move the furniture to the middle of the room and cover it with polyethylene film.
  4. Special covers also help with such work.

Skirting boards and other similar interior elements are also protected from paint. That's what masking tape was needed for. The material is cheap, but can bring a lot of benefits. Painting walls with a roller will be effective.

  1. We cover floors, doors and windows with plastic film. Additionally, the film itself is fixed with masking tape.
  2. Turn off the electrical power.
  3. We remove covers on switches and sockets, protecting the surfaces of electrical appliances from paints.
  4. We cover the surface of electrical appliances with masking tape.

The valves in the system must be completely closed. In the place where the pipes are supplied, a tray must be placed to protect against water getting on the floor. The cap hooks connecting the radiator to the pipes are completely unscrewed, and the water is drained. The radiator must be removed from the brackets responsible for holding it. All that remains is to pour out the rest of the liquid. Roller painting of the wall is completed.

The old top layer must be removed from the wall, which can be done with a regular spatula. The surface will become smooth if you clean it with sandpaper. This part is not performed if walls on which wallpaper is applied are processed. In this case, preliminary priming of the surface is sufficient.

In addition, a set of actions will be required to level the walls, as well as eliminate various defects:

  1. We fill potholes with cracks with plaster or putty. Take a small flat spatula.
  2. Sandpaper up to 120 grit helps smooth the surface as the materials dry.
  3. A sponge or a thin cloth is used when it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from the surface.
  4. All that remains is to vacuum the floor. We figured out how to paint the walls.

It is necessary to bring not only the walls themselves into proper condition, but also the roller with which they are processed.

If you choose a fur roller, then several steps will be required when painting the walls:

  1. Soak the instrument in soapy water for three hours.
  2. We use running water for thorough rinsing.
  3. Dry the device.

With this preparation, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of fluff on the surface. They simply will not fall out of the tool. It is easy to apply the material with a roller without streaks.

In the video: painting walls in two rollers.

About roller painting technology

  1. Pour a small amount of paint into a special tray.
  2. The roller itself is dipped into this bath.
  3. The roller rolls out along the mesh or along the corrugations that the bath is equipped with. Then the paint will be evenly distributed throughout the instrument. The action is performed several times.
  4. It is necessary to determine where to start processing and in which direction to move.
  5. The best option to start work is a corner of the room located near the window.
  6. Movement is carried out on any of the acting sides.

The main thing is not to put too much pressure on the instrument. The entire surface must be painted evenly so that empty gaps do not appear. The movements are performed smoothly, only in this case the declared result is achieved. First, the roller is moved from top to bottom, and then in the reverse order. The paint is applied in several layers if you want to get rich colors. In this case, subsequent layers are applied only after the previous ones have dried. Then the painted object looks beautiful.

The corners must be painted with a brush; it is never possible to completely cover them with the material using a roller.

Basics of painting walls with a roller (21 photos)

As in any business, there are subtleties in the most common wall painting. The apparent ease of the task at hand may actually be the cause of poor performance that will have to be corrected. Follow the recommendations of the article and you will be satisfied with the results.

Painting walls with a roller: selection and application

So, how to properly paint walls with a roller? Painting walls with a roller has some peculiarities due to the fact that it absorbs a certain amount of paint. This, naturally, entails not only defective work, but overspending of coverage, which complicates and increases the cost of the process. But this drawback can be easily eliminated if you use a special pallet or install a special grid in the bucket and, along the course of the process in question, technological process and periodically squeeze the roller.

Also, to paint the walls with paint using a roller, you can replace the grate with a sheet of steel or tin, stitched with holes throughout the entire area, through which excess paint will go back into the tray. As a last resort, you can use a sheet of plywood or fiberboard for this. But the service life of such a sheet will be short due to soaking and wood particles getting into the paint, which is unacceptable.

Wall painting done using this method is characterized by high speed of work and a neat appearance of the painted wall surface. It is convenient to cover the free area of ​​the wall for painting with a roller, and inconvenient places, such as wall corners, hard-to-reach surfaces located next to platbands, heating radiators and window sills, are carefully painted with a brush. Therefore, one of the answers to the question “how to paint walls correctly?” is the right set of painting tools.

When the walls to be painted have been primed and all preparatory operations have been completed, dip the roller into the tray of paint, squeeze out the excess onto the grid (a sheet with holes) and roll it evenly over the wall. The roller should be pressed without excessive force; movements should be made smoothly. Water-based wall paint, for example, does not require the highest skill and is quite easy to apply. The main thing is to shade the paint well so that there are no traces left from the roller, and the surface is smooth and completely covered, without smudges or visible streaks.

For minimum flow paint, the pressure on the roller should be slightly increased. The first movement along the wall should be from top to bottom and back. Gradually move along the wall, covering it first with vertical stripes, then switch to horizontal movements of the roller. This results in a denser layer of paint coating, excluding unpainted areas of the wall, and when shading you will have to put in a little more effort. And the final touch of painting the walls - every linear meter walls, we make a continuous movement of the roller from the very bottom to the top without stopping, with minimal pressure to the wall. This will avoid possible visible joints and will give a light shagreen, which in turn will hide flaws during puttying, if there were any. And always try to paint a section of the wall from corner to corner at one time. These rules will allow you to paint walls with water-based and other paints.

Coating with a thin layer gives a smoother surface, but to obtain it you need to have serious experience, regardless of the color of the walls. If after drying you find defects in the paint, this can be corrected by re-coating the area where the defect occurred.

You can avoid defects when painting walls if you dip the roller into the paint more often, this will prevent you from scratching the applied layer with a dry roller. On the other hand, you need to thoroughly squeeze the roller in the tray so that excess paint does not come off it and end up on the walls and floor. These drops on the wall being coated can leave noticeable marks and an uneven sheen, which will spoil the overall picture. If you do not have work experience, you can study the video “how to paint walls correctly,” and it is also advisable to practice on that part of the wall that will be covered by a cabinet or other furniture. It should be taken into account that this area will not correspond to the quality of the coating as a whole. Therefore, before painting the walls, it is best to try to apply a paint coating on a sheet of plywood, especially if you have not yet decided on the exact locations for installing your furniture.

With competent and comprehensive advice from our specialists, painting walls will not be a hassle, and quality materials and painting tools purchased in our color studios will turn work into pleasure.

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