How to beautifully paint wheels in the garden. Crazy hands: flower beds made of tires in your dacha

To decorate your area with beautiful flower arrangements, you don’t have to buy expensive outdoor flowerpots. You can make a unique frame for flowers of various shades and shapes with your own hands. We decorate the dacha with flowerbeds made of tires: interesting ideas and options for making flowerpots will help you make garden plot unique and inimitable.

Features and Benefits

By making a flowerbed from a tire, you can realize almost any creative idea. Make one like this a budget option Framing flowers on the site is quite simple - you just need to show a little imagination and make a little effort. Flower beds made from tires have a number of advantages:

  • tires are durable;
  • tires tolerate temperature changes well;
  • Almost any paint fits well on the rubber surface;
  • no need to spend money on materials: old tire Almost everyone has one;
  • You can use improvised items as decorative elements.

Due to the fact that rubber is a fairly pliable material, the tire can be given a wide variety of shapes. The product can be painted in absolutely any color. Such a product can be used not only as a decorative element, but also as a functional attribute of the site. For example, small seedlings can be planted in such flowerbeds.


You can make a flower garden according to ready-made examples, or using your own original ideas. You can supplement the finished design with any available materials: it all depends on your imagination and skill. The process of creating a flowerpot is often not completed after cutting and painting the tire. Product complex shape in the form of an intricate figure must be supplemented with decorative elements. When decorating a flower garden you may need the following materials:

From several flower beds you can form bright compositions. The combination of multi-level flower beds looks more impressive various forms . A popular option is a composition of flower beds in the shape of cups and a teapot. To decorate it, you don’t have to turn the tire inside out and cut out patterns on it. It is enough just to arrange several tires of different sizes, form handles from pieces of rubber and paint the finished products.


In a children's play area, flower beds in the shape of animals or fairy-tale characters would be appropriate. You can make a turtle from a tire and tread:

  • the tread must be cut into four equal parts;
  • you need to make 4 cuts in the tire under the turtle’s paws;
  • Pieces of tread are inserted into the holes and secured with staples.
  • the tail is made from a small piece of rubber, secured with wire staples;
  • The turtle's neck can be made from a polymer pipe.
  • A head made of crumpled paper is attached to the neck using tape.
  • All structural elements are painted in appropriate shades.

Other materials can be used to make the turtle's head, neck, paws and tail. The product can be decorated with additional items (for example, put a small hat on the turtle’s head and glasses on its nose).


Near the house, flower-shaped flower beds will look good. Before you start making such a flowerpot, you need to decide on the shape of the petals. Petals can be in the shape of a triangle, semicircle, rectangle or wavy. Sometimes they are narrow at the base and wide at the edges.

The outline of the petals is drawn on the outer surface of the tire. To apply markings, you can use chalk or a felt-tip pen. Using a shoe knife or jigsaw, cut out the petals. If the rubber is quite dense, and a knife will be used as a cutting tool, it is recommended to periodically dip the blade in soapy water during the cutting process.

Holding the edges of the cuts, you need to carefully turn the tire inside out. The finished product needs to be painted. Flower-shaped flower beds look more attractive if you use different shades of the color palette when painting them.

On a leg

From a solid wheel (tire with disc) you can make a magnificent flowerpot on a leg.

The workflow for creating such a flower bed consists of the following steps:

  • in the tire, reaching the tread with the cutting tool, petals of the desired shape are cut out;
  • then turn out the top and bottom parts of the tire (there is no need to take out the disk - it will be the leg of the flowerpot);
  • the upper part is painted in rich colors, the lower part will look like a stem if it is painted green.


One of the most common options for flower beds made from tires is a product in the shape of a swan. Such a flowerbed is made in the same way as a flowerpot in the shape of a flower. The only difference will be more complex cutting. You can use a ready-made diagram that shows the lines of the wings, tail, neck and head of a swan for drawing on the tire.

After applying the markings to the tire, the swan shape itself is cut out. Next, you need to turn out the tire and complete the formation of the swan. The beak can be made of rubber or any other comfortable material, paint it with orange paint and attach it to the head using self-tapping screws. The swan's eyes can be made from pieces of electrical tape.

Usually the figure is painted in White color, but no one forbids using other shades (you can make multi-colored plumage).

See below for a master class on making a swan from tires.

Required Tools

To start making a flower bed from tires, you need to prepare necessary tools. First of all, this is a tool that will be used for cutting rubber (knife, electric jigsaw, grinder). If you decide to use a knife, the blade must be sharpened well. It is worth considering that cutting thick rubber with a knife is quite problematic. To make your work easier, The blade must be lubricated with grease before cutting. If the knife will not be used as the main tool for cutting the tire, it can be useful for making small cuts.

Use as a cutting tool electric jigsaw will be the most the best option. The more powerful the jigsaw, the easier it is to cut the wheel. For cutting tires ideal option there will be a blade made of high quality steel with a reverse tooth. Cutting a tire with a grinder is much easier than with a knife or jigsaw. The disadvantage of this tool is that the rubber along the edges of the cut will melt, and the cutting procedure will be accompanied by an unpleasant, pungent odor.

If you need to cut the protector to make a flowerpot, it is better to do it with a grinder.

Then you need to decide on the type of paint for the flowerbed. Almost any paint fits well on rubber. The following types are mainly used:

  • aerosol;
  • oil-based enamel;
  • nitroenamel;
  • auto enamel.

If necessary, to paint the tire, you need to prepare a brush. For work you will need gloves; they will protect your hands from paint or other possible contamination . To apply the markings you will need chalk, marker or soap. When making complex figures, some elements will have to be made from scrap materials. To fasten additional parts to the main tire figure, you will need staples and screws.

How to do it?

Making complex shaped flower beds from tires is a labor-intensive process that requires patience and some physical effort. Whatever shape you want to give to a flowerbed made of tires, the procedure for making a flowerpot will always be almost the same. Here step-by-step instruction, according to which you can independently make a figured flowerbed from tires:

  • Choosing a tire. To ensure that working with tires does not cause unnecessary trouble, you need to take tires that can be easily trimmed (old, heavily worn, thin winter or imported).
  • Thoroughly clean and dry the tire.
  • Deciding on the form. It is necessary to mark the cutting line with chalk or a marker. The marks on the tire must be made as carefully as possible to facilitate the process of cutting out the figure in the future.
  • Cut along the drawn line, then remove the top part. You can use a high-power jigsaw.
  • Turn the tire inside out (you need to grab the cut edge with your hands, first step on the middle of the tire and forcefully pull the rubber towards you).
  • We sand the cut edges and treat them with gasoline.
  • At the end, the flowerbed should be painted, dried well and, if necessary, decorated with additional elements.


All flowerpots made from tires can be divided into two main types: solid and cut. The most simple option The flowerbed of tires is a tire in its original form. Ennoble appearance You can make such a flowerpot using paints. Such flower beds can be placed in small groups, or they can be made into a multi-level structure.

A multi-level design will look more attractive if you give it the shape of a pyramid. To do this, you need to take tires of different diameters and install them on top of each other. The difference in tire diameter should be at least 20 cm. Hanging flower beds will become more interesting solution. A hanging flower bed can be placed along a wall or a blind fence. The shape of such a flower bed can be very diverse.

Inner space Tires must be filled with soil. A mixture of small stones and sand can be used as drainage. When making a hanging flower bed, you need to make several small holes in the tire so that excess moisture can drain freely. Flower beds in the shape of plants, animals or mythical creatures more labor-intensive, but look quite impressive.

With the help of a tire and a cutting tool, you can realize any original idea.

In addition to the division into two main types, there is an additional classification of flowerpots made from tires. Flowerbeds are divided by size and shape as follows:

  • tall;
  • low;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • round.


The ease of making the flower bed, as well as its appearance, will depend on the material chosen. When choosing tires, you need to consider the following features::

  • the process of making a flower bed will be easier from old tires, worn rubber is more pliable;
  • imported tires are thinner than domestic ones and are easier to cut;
  • winter tires are more flexible than summer tires;
  • Tires with metal cords are more difficult to cut;
  • If, when making a flowerpot, it is necessary to turn the rubber inside out, you need to select a tire with the most worn tread.

flower bed can be made from wheel rims or solid (rims with tires) car wheels. This material is used much less frequently than conventional tires, but flowerpots made from wheels look no less attractive. Whatever material you choose to make a flower bed, it must be thoroughly washed to remove dirt. This can be done using a garden hose.

Pure material will facilitate the process of making a flowerpot and will not damage cutting tools.

In addition to the basic rules for making a flower bed from tires, it is important to know some of the subtleties of its placement on the site. It is better to place the flower bed in a well-lit and relatively flat area. On large areas, multi-tiered structures will look better. Having decided on the location, it is necessary to make a container from boards or other solid material for the base of the flowerbed.

It is important to prepare good soil for flowers. Soil mixture It should not be too greasy so that moisture easily passes to the roots of the plants. It is important not to forget about the drainage layer, which can be made from expanded clay or gravel. To retain moisture in the soil and make it easier to care for plants, the area around the flowerpot should be sprinkled with gravel or sand.

It is better to paint the wheels in light colors: this will avoid overheating of the soil in the summer. When painting you should also consider the following:

  • Before painting, the tire must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and degreased. You can treat rubber to remove grease stains with solvent, gasoline or acetone.
  • It is advisable to paint the tire in several layers. A thin layer of paint can quickly wear off or crack. You should not apply many layers, this will lead to rapid peeling of the paint. It would be optimal to paint the product two or three times.
  • If you want to plant in a flowerbed bright flowers, it is better to paint the tire in gentle bright hues. It is better to plant light, small flowers in flowerpots of bright colors.
  • It is acceptable for the shade of the flowers to echo the color of the flower bed.
  • It is worth painting the flowerbed not only from the outside. If you paint the inner edges, the flowerbed will look more voluminous.
  • The flowerpot does not have to be painted in a single color; interesting patterns of a different color can be applied to the tire.

To apply the pattern, you can use pre-made cardboard stencils.

The desire to ennoble country cottage area, transforming it into an attractive cozy corner For comfortable rest, quite natural. Favorite by many gardeners flower arrangements are an ever-popular item landscape design suburban areas. A worthy setting for such compositions is often flower beds made from tires, which are one of the easiest products to create and practical to use. Of course, you can purchase ready-made flowerpots in specialized stores. But flowerbeds made from tires created with one’s own hands are not only a beautiful and functional design element that gives exclusivity and uniqueness to the design of the site, it is, first of all, the pride of every summer resident.

How to choose the right tire?

It's great when it's possible to have a choice. When choosing between old tires from a domestic manufacturer and imported products, preference should be given to the latter. Imported waste tires have softer and thinner rubber, which is much easier to work with. If you choose between “summer” and “winter” tires, then the winter version is more suitable for work.

Deciding to create original flower beds from tires with your own hands, turning old used tires into street vases of fancy shapes, you need to prepare the source material in advance and think about its design

In order to make a flowerbed from an old tire, it is advisable to choose wheels with maximum tread wear. The worn-out tread layer makes the product softer and makes it much easier to turn it inside out.

Tires contaminated with soil and sand must be cleaned. And the point is not even that it is more pleasant to work with a clean product. It’s just that when working with dirty tires, the blade of the knife and file becomes dull much faster.

Step-by-step manufacturing example

Before you start making a flower bed from a tire, you need to think about what it will look like. ready product: a bowl with smooth edges, a flowerpot with a wavy cut line or a flowerbed in the form big flower, bordered with petals or fringe.

The drawing, along the contour of which the cut line will be drawn, is applied to side products

When thinking about the shape of the cut, you need to be guided by the fact that the result should be a design based on the “pan-lid” principle: a deep lower part and a cut off upper part. The contour can be easily drawn along the entire circumference with a felt-tip pen or chalk.

The cut edges, made with wavy lines or shaped like teeth and fringe, look interesting.

Stage #2 – cutting along the contour

When thinking about how to make a flowerbed from an old wheel, designed in the shape of a large flower, you need to cut out petals along the edge of the product. The size of each petal should not exceed 10-12 cm. Otherwise, when turning the tire out in these places, the rubber simply will not bend, and the flowerbed will not take an even round shape.

You can use a shoe knife to cut the wheel. A well-honed tool will significantly speed up your work

You can make the cutting process easier by using liquid soap for lubricating the knife blade.

It's great if you have a jigsaw on hand. Using a jigsaw, it is convenient and quick to perform figured cutting.

Labor mechanization is described in detail in the video:

After cutting the tire along the contour, along the tread grooves it is necessary to make longitudinal cuts at a distance of 5-10 cm.

Stage #3 - turning the tire out

When creating a flowerbed on a leg out of wheels with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is turn the rubber tire inside out. For many craftsmen, this stage of work becomes a real stumbling block. The process of turning out the rubber itself is quite a labor-intensive process.

In order to cut the metal cord, you need to use a grinder to make several cuts along the outside. Cut through the rubber smoothly. The contact of the disk with the cord can be judged by the plaque formed on the surface of the product and the emitted white smoke. Make the cuts at an equidistant distance of 15-20 cm.

After spending preparatory work, you can start turning the tire out. Before you start turning the tire for your flower bed inside out, we would like to tell you one secret: it is enough to turn at least a small piece of the tire inside out, and the work will go like clockwork.

The turning process is clearly shown in the video:

The flowerbed made from old wheels is ready, you can start decorating it.

Finished product design

Creating and growing flower beds in black forms is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, once the flowerbed has been given the desired shape, you can begin to decorate it. Until the outer surface of the inverted flowerpot is covered with a layer of dust, it is advisable to paint it.

Painting is the easiest and affordable way design of a black rubber flower bed

Oil, enamel and nitro paints are excellent for painting rubber products. The paint lays on a clean rubber surface in an even layer and lasts for quite a long time. You can also use leftovers to paint your flowerbeds. car paint. Using an aerosol can, the job can be completed in just a few minutes.

Using light-colored colors to decorate a flower bed will prevent overheating of the soil inside the container.

The combination of colors looks interesting when the base of the flowerbed is decorated in one color, and the cloves or petals are in another.

Most craftsmen paint the rubber flowerbed only from the outside. But still, to give the container a more attractive appearance, it is advisable to slightly grab the top part inner surface products.

When designing a flowerbed, you can give complete freedom to your imagination. Glass aquarium pebbles glued to the petals of a flower bed will create the illusion of dew drops.

If you want to further decorate the flowerbed, you can apply an ornament of a different color over a plain layer of paint. But you shouldn’t be too zealous: if the flowers grow wildly, the flowerbed pattern may be completely obscured by hanging or creeping plants.

Minimum costs, a little free time - and a chic decoration for the arrangement suburban area ready

Such a flower bed will be a worthy addition to the interior and an element of the landscape design of the dacha. All that remains is to fill the container with a layer of soil and plant your favorite flowers.

Welcome back to fashion various kinds vintage let's remember the old cute way of framing garden beds circles from wheel tires. Tires that have reached the end of their driving life are easy to get, simply cut and painted with your own hands, and you don’t mind replacing them with new compositions. Take a look at the photo - these are the kind of unusual installations you can make at your dacha, giving your yard a unique charm.

It just seems that a flower bed made from a tire is out-of-date and cumbersome. In fact, if you wish, you can create a real work of art from tires, and with minimal costs, which is relevant at current prices for everything. In addition to the penny cost, such a flower bed has a number of other advantages.

Advice. Choose tires from foreign manufacturers - they are much more flexible in operation.

Having come up with the concept of a future flower bed, place the tire on a hard surface (asphalt, concrete, a piece of hardboard - whatever) and apply chalk to it lateral surface the line along which you will cut out the excess. Cut out the outline with a knife or jigsaw. Degrease with white spirit and paint immediately before dust sticks to the rubber.

It is better to paint first with white paint, then with colored paint: this way the finishing color will be brighter and more even. Using two or three colors, you can create a pattern. When the paint has dried, you can fill the flowerbed with soil and plant the plants.

Tires can be placed directly on the ground, hung on chains or cables, or folded into pyramids. It is better to select plants with a small root system: crocuses, marigolds, begonias.

Attention! Before work, thoroughly clean the tire from dirt, even rinse it under strong water pressure: this will protect the tools from quickly becoming dull.

How to easily unscrew a flowerbed tire

When arranging a flowerbed, the tire can be presented to the viewer not only externally, but also inside. A tire turned inside out makes a flowerpot “a la Peterhof”, and if you paint it like marble, no one will guess its origin.

To make a flowerpot you will need not a tire, but a whole wheel with a disk. Draw a wavy or jagged line on the sidewall of the tire, which will become the outline of the petals, cut it out and start turning it out.

Flowerbed made from an inverted tire

To do this, lay the wheel with the cut side down, step on the disk with your foot and consistently turn the edges of the rubber upward. This is a job for a man, it requires considerable strength and the protection of hands with thread gloves. Watch the video to see how this operation is performed. The result will be a flowerpot on a rounded metal leg.

Advice. If you plan to turn the tire inside out, it is better to take tires with maximum tread wear: they are significantly softer.

Apply paint to it, not only on the outside, but also on the inside, just below the level to which you plan to fill the soil. Since the flowerpot will be raised above the ground, it can be planted hanging plants: petunia, fuchsia, bacopa.

The most original ideas for flowerbeds made of tires

The pliability of rubber and the flight of imagination of a gardener who is not burdened with extra money work wonders. Here are some examples of quite original and very simple ideas for a flower bed made from unnecessary tires.

  • Wall flower bed. The tire is used in vertical position. To do this, screw it to the wooden wall barn or bathhouse. A duet of lushly blooming ampelium (nasturtium, petunia) and climbing plant(beans), from the shoots of which you can lay a bright green wreath on top of the tire.
  • "Flower Mountain" This is a large structure for those who have a large plot and have accumulated a lot of old tires. There is no need to cut them or turn them inside out: wash them, paint each one in its own color and arrange it into a composition. At the base of the “mountain” rest 6 tires, on them – 5 pieces, above – 3 pieces, the mountain is crowned with one tire, preferably of a smaller size. In each you can plant flowers of a certain type.

Hanging flowerbed
  • Hanging planter "Bird of Paradise". The tire is cut into strips, from which the tail and handle for hanging are subsequently assembled. The beak, eyes and crest are glued with rubber glue. The finished bird is brightly painted and varnished, except for the inner part intended for soil and plants. Small flowers are planted in poultry, for example tagetes.

Your own garden is exactly the place where you want to show your imagination and individuality. You can decorate it with anything, any old things that usually accumulate a lot at the dacha. Try making a flower garden from a car tire: time will fly by, and the result will please everyone.

So solid, durable and voluminous waste material, like worn-out tires, does not leave many indifferent. A myriad of useful and fun products made from old rubber have already been invented. At the same time, the finishing of their surface is the most different colors creates unimaginable spaces for creativity. It is important to choose the right materials and ensure reliable coverage.

What paint is best for painting tires?

For painting you can use any type of paint. The coating will fit perfectly on a well-prepared surface and will last on the tire for more than one season:

  • Special latex paints are ideal for rubber. Such a coating is flexible after drying, so reliability and durability are ensured. That's why they cost a lot.
  • Automotive paints are designed to work in harsh conditions and they will also work perfectly and for a long time. The dye is suitable both in a can and in a jar.
  • Widespread oil paints adhere well to rubber and will last a long time. Their use is an excellent opportunity to use leftover materials after home renovations.
  • Nitroenamel will delight you with its quick drying, which is important if the coating is made in two layers.
  • Any type of paint in a can provides the ability to apply patterns with smooth transitions. Their capabilities can be easily assessed by studying graffiti on walls and fences.
  • Acrylic paints will free you from pungent odors, but for good adhesion to rubber, its surface should be thoroughly degreased and primed before painting.
  • Others water-based paints They work about the same, but can fade in the sun over time.

All of the materials listed provide excellent opportunities for creativity and imagination; however, to make small drawings, dyes designed to work in atmospheric conditions should be used. For the same purposes, you will need a small brush.

Tire painting techniques

Rubber requires special treatment. If you paint a tire without pre-treatment, then after rain the paint may peel off. To increase the adhesive properties of the paint composition, you must first thoroughly wash the tire, degrease the surface, and then apply a primer to it.

When painting oil paints It is better to use GF-021 soil. When using water- dispersion paints PVA glue will do. At the same time, there will be less roughness on the surface, the paint will lie more evenly and will last longer.

The primer is applied with a brush. Painting is carried out only after the primer has completely dried. Wheels can be painted different colors, arrange them chaotically or group them in a special order.

Some craftsmen prefer to use for decoration car tires aerosol cans with paint. At the same time, the dye adheres well and dries quickly. Using an aerosol, you can apply original drawings and inscriptions to flowerpots.

Other uses for colored tires

You can make an excellent flowerpot out of an old tire, but hardly anyone will like its gloomy dirty gray color. The flowerbed needs painting, and the flowerpot needs to be painted not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

We must not forget that dark colors attract sunny color. In hot weather, this can destroy the plants, so preference should be given to more light shades. In this case, the soil inside the flowerbed will not heat up to extreme temperatures for flowers.

Human imagination is limitless, and car tires are best suited for the implementation of the plan. Perhaps, after flower beds, the most popular products made from tires are various creations for children.

The useful use of painted wheels is very common. One can only marvel at the imagination and skill of folk inventors.

Craftsmen make all sorts of crafts with their own hands. Among the most popular are the following:

  • border;
  • bird feeders;
  • original chandeliers;
  • trash can, etc.

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