How to open a good construction company: from zero to the first million. Where to start a construction business

High barriers to entry into the construction services market, represented by the need to make large investments in the project, do not frighten start-ups. The thing is that if you open a company from scratch and organize all the processes correctly, you can get a high monetary return. Where to start a construction business that could become competitive and highly profitable in the future?

How to open a company correctly: main registration points

A startup can choose one of two options for organizing a project: as an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity (LLC). Which form of organization is best to choose? The specificity of these services is such that the larger the project in which a businessman plans to participate, the higher the demands placed on contracting companies, up to and including holding a tender.

At the same time, to carry out repairs or finishing works in a private home or kindergarten the customer is unlikely to organize a tender, giving preference to individual entrepreneurs with the lowest prices for their services. Therefore, it is up to the startup owner to open a construction company in the Republic of Belarus as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the planned scale of the project.

How to start a construction business: permits, approvals, licenses

Since January 1, 2010, companies in this market do not need to obtain a license, but such a company is required to become a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO). The SRO is responsible for the functioning of its participants, including financial responsibility in case of poor quality work.

To join an SRO, a company must submit a package of documents that clearly outlines the list of the company’s work, as well as pay a number of membership fees and charges. Their size can range from 100 thousand to 2 million rubles, which automatically eliminates fly-by-night companies. In addition to the monetary side, there is also an organizational side of the matter that concerns the company’s personnel. This will be discussed further.

How to start your own business in construction: personnel is everything

The main requirement of each self-regulatory organization is the presence of qualified personnel in the company: engineering and technical workers must have a higher or secondary vocational education within the scope of the work declared to be performed by the company. Documents on education, qualifications, experience, and employee certification must be in order.

Before starting a construction business with a million-dollar profit, Dmitry Smirnov decided to become a participant in the Business Youth project. During the course, he realized that the main key to a successful startup is expertise, that is, the presence of not just skilled employees, but professionals, aces, masters - experts, in a word.

You cannot skimp on personnel, so Dmitry decided to train his workers in the latest Canadian and Norwegian technologies woodworking. The decision to invest in employees led to a simply crazy return on capital!

Most of the major market players, before opening their own construction business, were far from building houses. Some companies and individual entrepreneurs simply traded materials, gradually mastering the technology of their installation and then diversifying operations.

Part large firms, currently leading the market, started their business with handicraft production of materials, mixtures (concrete) with their delivery, and subsequently with installation at sites. Having felt financial independence, the owners decided to scale the business, penetrating the market and conquering it.

The origins of a successful startup are always the ability to foresee, analyze the market and its processes, and plan processes for a long period of time. Successful comparison different types The organizers and participants of the Business Youth project will help you get information, benefit from seemingly unimportant or negative events, create a team and work in a team for the benefit of business and its participants.

Construction business for small and medium-sized businesses is a profitable activity. The invested money can be quickly repaid, and the initial investment amounts are not too high. But for the opening construction company It is necessary to think through all stages of the project in advance. Where to start a construction business? What features to consider? How much money do you need to start? Read about this in the article.

Choosing a Specialization

Competition on construction market was always high. Before opening your own company, it is important to decide on the direction of your business. Experts identify several popular areas of construction:

  • Private (individual);
  • Road;
  • Industrial;
  • Major repairs, interior decoration of premises for various purposes.

A large construction company will require serious financial investments. As a rule, a beginning entrepreneur does not have that kind of money.

If you don’t have enough money, you should start a construction business with minor repairs and interior decoration, gradually expanding the scope of your activity. That is, it is reasonable to choose the fourth direction. The average payback of a construction company allows us to expect that the investment will pay off in about a year and a half.

After choosing the area of ​​construction, you need to think about the potential range of services provided. In the case of organizing a small construction company for the renovation of premises, sample list services looks like this:

  • Finishing work;
  • Installation and installation of ceiling structures;
  • Installation of plumbing, doors, ventilation, air conditioners;
  • Electric installation work;
  • Dismantling;
  • Painting, wallpapering, priming, wall putty;
  • Welding, facade work.
  • Furniture assembly.

Important! The best option– produce renovation work"Full construction"

How to open a construction company from scratch step by step

Having decided what area of ​​construction the company will engage in, the entrepreneur draws up a detailed business plan.

Further steps to open a construction company from scratch are as follows:

  • Company registration;
  • Search for premises;
  • Staff formation;
  • Obtaining licenses (if required);
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Advertising campaign.
Some types of activities will require joining a self-regulatory organization (SRO). For example:
  • construction of buildings more than 3 floors high;
  • construction of facilities located underground more than 15 meters;
  • installation work of reinforced concrete and metal structures;
  • device industrial facilities and gas (oil) industry;
  • major repairs of railways;
  • construction of metro, roads, mines;
  • construction of bridges.

Important! Since 2017, legislative amendments (Federal Law No. 372) have come into force, requiring SRO approval for construction companies that enter into contracts worth more than three million rubles. This rule also applies to companies working with tenders in the field of government procurement.

The activities of SROs, in turn, are regulated by such legislative acts as:

  • Federal Law No. 190 (Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation);
  • Federal Law No. 315 (On self-regulatory organizations);
  • Federal Law No. 384 (Technical Regulations for the Safety of Buildings and Structures);
  • Federal Law No. 384 (On technical regulation)

Organizational and legal basis of construction business

In the construction industry, LLCs or individual entrepreneurs are most often registered. For a start-up company, registration of an individual entrepreneur is suitable.

You can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC yourself or use the services of an outsourcing company. For example, whose specialists will do this work for free.

Opening an LLC is beneficial for those who plan to move from a small and medium-sized construction business to a large one. For this type of activity, additional permits will be required. They can only be obtained if there is a legal entity.

During the process of registering a company with the tax office, the following OKVED codes are indicated:

The taxation system of a company largely depends on the type of services provided. According to OKUN ( All-Russian classifier services to the population), repairs of premises are classified as household services.

Therefore, a businessman can use taxation systems such as “simplified” (USN) or “imputed” (UTII). The first system is suitable for companies that make repairs in commercial premises and enter into an agreement with a legal entity. The second is for those who work with individuals.

In addition to the main package of documents, you will need contract forms, a seal, a price list for services and a bank account.

Important! To organize from scratch a construction company providing construction services interior decoration premises, no license required

Selecting premises and purchasing equipment

Most of the work is carried out directly on site, so the location of the company is not as important as in other types of activities. For a mid-level construction company, it is enough to rent a small office in any area of ​​the city. There you can negotiate with clients and sign contracts for the provision of services. Documentation is stored in this room. Small construction teams can do without an office altogether. but for a reputable company in the construction business, an office is simply necessary. Otherwise, you simply won't be taken seriously.

The amount and type of equipment for a construction team depends on the type of work being performed.

Below is a list of the basic tools that you will definitely need to decorate the room.

  • paint rollers, brushes, stamps;
  • containers for building mixtures;
  • hammer drills;
  • screwdrivers;
  • spatulas;
  • stationery knives;
  • roulettes;
  • plumb lines;
  • milling cutter;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric jigsaw, plane.

Each team must be provided with a full set of equipment for repairing premises of any complexity. In addition to the tools, uniforms, office furniture, a computer, a printer and other office equipment are purchased.

Construction crew personnel

The construction business involves serious production risks, so you will have to pay attention and time to carefully select personnel.

At first, it is better to form two teams that will work at different sites. It is recommended to include in the team people of those professions that are listed in the third edition of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (ETKS, section “Construction, installation, repair and construction work”).

Optimal team composition:

  • Brigadier;
  • Painter-plasterer;
  • installer;
  • Tiler;
  • Facing;
  • Electrical installer;
  • Locksmith.

The salary of employees of a construction company is piecework, that is, it is calculated based on the total amount of the paid order. If the entrepreneur acts as a foreman, he receives from 50 to 60%, the rest - from 25 to 45%. In another situation, the salary is distributed as follows: the owner of the company - 60%, the foreman - 20%, the rest of the employees - 20%.

Important! The services of an accountant, designer, lawyer and order receiving manager can be outsourced. To do accounting, it is better to hire a specialized company with a good reputation, for example. The prices of such a company will be affordable, and the quality of services will be high.

Construction business advertising

An advertising campaign to promote the services of a small construction team has its own specifics. Most effective way for a small company - posting advertisements and word of mouth. Advertisements for services are printed on bright paper and distributed mainly in areas with new buildings.

Advertising on the Internet and newspapers is a good option to attract the attention of potential customers. It is better to entrust the creation of a company website to professionals. The key principle of advertising a construction team on the Internet is to regularly update data on types of services, discounts, and cost of work.

How much does it cost to open a construction company?

The initial cost of the project is difficult to estimate. It depends on many factors, such as the number of employees, the price of purchased equipment, and the chosen legal form of the construction company. On average, to create a small enterprise in the construction industry you will need from 350 to 600 thousand rubles.

Approximate starting calculation:

*Unforeseen expenses - cash reserve required for purchases additional materials during repairs.

Important! The construction business involves constant financial investments. It is worth remembering this when organizing a construction company

Possible risks

On preparatory stage When creating a construction business, it is worth calculating possible risks and developing measures to prevent them. External risks are associated with a decrease in household incomes, increased competition, and the customer’s dishonest attitude towards their obligations. The likelihood of such risks occurring, according to experts, changes annually.

Internal risks include:

  • staff shortages;
  • low qualification of workers;
  • equipment breakdown;
  • performance of work under the contract not on time.

Such situations can be avoided by regular monitoring of the functioning of the company, the possibility of attracting additional funds and correct analysis of the construction industry market.

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Every year, hundreds of people across the country hang wallpaper, build houses, lay floors and change plumbing. They are unable to carry out most of this work on their own, as a result of which they invite craftsmen. If you consider the scale, the idea of ​​investing your money in a construction business seems very attractive. The construction business is very profitable, but quite a difficult enterprise to implement, requiring maximum professionalism and dedication, because clients trust only the best. Where to start a construction business, how to act to achieve its maximum efficiency - read below.

Business characteristics

Before starting a construction business from scratch, it is necessary to clearly outline the range of its responsibilities, goals and means.

The first priority for such companies is usually to make a profit sufficient to cover and cover costs. In addition, the company provides a service to the state by providing the population with jobs, training, and sometimes even accommodation. This leads to a decrease in unemployment and an increase in the number of highly qualified specialists in the construction business.

A high percentage of the enterprise’s return on investment is ensured through a wide range of services. Before you organize a construction business, outline the range of your capabilities.

It can be:

  • Interior and exterior design services;
  • Finishing or cosmetic repair services;
  • Laying floors;
  • Wallpapering and preparatory work;
  • Development of architectural projects and drawings;
  • Installation of plumbing;
  • Electricians and other services.

In addition to direct repair work, we can provide free consultations, cost estimates, and draw up individual schedules that are convenient for the client.

The work usually takes several stages:

  • Negotiations with a potential employer;
  • On-site visit to inspect and measure the apartment;
  • Drawing up estimates;
  • Signing contracts;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Direct repair.

Legal registration

When rough outlines of the company's goals and features have been made, it's time to move on to calculating funds. How to open a construction business from scratch without calculating financial investments and distributing them point by point? No way.

If opening a construction company is a done deal, go ahead and register.

Register your business as an LLC.

What should be done?

  • Come up with a name for the company;
  • Find a premises (the company office will be located at this address);
  • Availability of authorized capital;
  • Availability of founders;
  • Permission to carry out certain types of construction activities (house design, construction, engineering work).
  • A number of documents will also be required, for example, copies of passports, the address of a legal entity, information about the authorized capital and functions of the company. To avoid paperwork, you can hire lawyers who will draw up all the documents and charge up to $100 for this. You can also purchase a ready-made registered company with a package of documents.
  • In addition, you need to join a self-regulatory organization, since without membership in this body any kind of construction work except for cosmetic repairs are prohibited at the legislative level.

Start-up capital

Search for premises

Most often, construction companies work “on the road”, that is, employees do not sit in the office, but come directly to the place of work. The only space you will need is an office space. Meetings with clients and employee calculations will take place there. Accounting, documentation, electronic databases, drawings, and estimates will also be stored there. Renting an office will cost an entrepreneur 5–10 thousand dollars.

A little advice: do not start a construction business in the capital or big city. Competition in this business is very high and even a well-structured and very responsible company will find it difficult to squeeze into this market.

Purchase or rental of equipment

Purchasing equipment may seem like the most expensive item in your business plan. How to start a construction business if you don’t have cranes, excavators and other necessary and useful things? Quite realistic, because they will not always be needed. To avoid buying unnecessary things, use leasing (simply renting equipment). Instead of purchasing crane, you can rent it for a certain type of work, and then return it when you don’t need it. And in the same way, you can rent out your equipment if you purchased it and it is idle.


Almost everything is ready for the start of the company's work. But before you open a construction business, you need to recruit a team. Selection labor resources requires a responsible approach: there is always a chance to run into irresponsible people. It is best to take one representative of all types of work performed by the company and entrust these people with assembling work teams.

You will need the following employees:

  1. Director;
  2. Designer;
  3. Driver;
  4. Security guard;
  5. Workers-specialists in construction and repair;
  6. Architect and designer;
  7. Programmer;
  8. Accountant;
  9. Lawyers and economists.

Salaries for employees are negotiable. On average, they are about $400 and above.

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Promotion of a company can be not only a booklet or a billboard. You promote yourself and achieve fame, including through tenders, interaction with the government and other companies. Establishing strong partnerships will have a very good effect on your status and fame. Well, standard advertising measures - videos on TV and on the Internet, a website, booklets, promotions. The main thing is to take advantage of every opportunity.

In general, the construction business is highly competitive, difficult to organize and high costs. It is advisable to start if you have already worked in any other types of business. Best advice How to develop a construction business will involve organizing its work in several directions at once.

The topic of construction is relevant and varied. This is the construction of large objects, the construction of residential individual houses made of wood or brick, as well as various finishing and repair works. Where to start a construction business? First, evaluate what resources you have.

Business Features

It is impossible to start construction. This activity requires investment, but the return is high - traditionally construction is considered. This is its main feature. Hence – high competition, increased demands on the quality of work, and therefore on the qualifications of employees.

LLC or individual entrepreneur?

The choice of the organizational and legal form of your enterprise directly depends on what you are going to do.

If you want to start playing big and engage in capital construction, it is advisable to organize a legal entity.

Firstly, in case of failure, you will not take risks own property, secondly, a reputable company will have access to tenders - large and tasty orders, as well as partnerships with banks and other structures.

If your initial capital is small and you are hoping to organize a team involved in finishing and cosmetic repairs, the costs of an LLC are unnecessary. Money is better spent on new equipment and tools.

Buying a business

You should not discount the possibility of acquiring a ready-made and functioning construction company. All permitting documents have already been issued, the staff is staffed, all you have to do is take the reins and skim the cream.

But, firstly, for this it is advisable for you to have experience in the construction industry, and secondly, to find out why the previous owner wants to get rid of the enterprise he created. Perhaps it's all about a damaged reputation or accumulated debts.


Before starting a construction business from scratch, you need to take into account all possible costs, familiarize yourself with the competitors available in the local market, and perhaps this will inspire you to some idea. After all, there are no ready-made recipes for a successful business. Try to make your offer unique on the market. Master new technologies, train your staff. The investment will definitely pay off.

To avoid being crushed by competitors at the initial stage, you should think about opening a business outside of large center, but somewhere on the periphery. After all, we need to build everywhere. This way you will gain experience, earn money, and then you will be able to promote your company in more stringent conditions.

Where can I get funds?

It is known that most successful construction organizations began their activities not with construction at all, but with the sale of related materials or equipment. A small point selling building mixtures will help you accumulate the necessary amount to expand your business, for example, the production of concrete or. And then you decide for yourself that it is more profitable not just to sell products, but also to provide styling services. This way you will find your niche and expand your business, because it is always more profitable to engage in several interrelated areas.

How to open a construction business if you already have some material base? You can also engage with partners who are ready to provide you with further financial support. Your plan must be compelling. It must be taken into account that any brilliant plan is unlikely.


In order to start an activity, in addition to the mandatory certificates of registration and tax registration, you must have:

  • building permit, which is issued by the local administration;
  • SRO (self-regulatory organization) approval.

SRO requirements

Self-regulatory organizations have replaced licensing. Now they control the quality of the services provided, monitor the safety of work for environment and so on. To obtain a construction permit from the SRO, you need to meet a number of requirements, one of which is that employees have a special education (for engineering and technical workers - higher education), and work experience in a certain field.

In addition to testing, mandatory training activities are also provided. Well, and membership fees, the amount of which each SRO has the right to set independently.

But you can do cosmetic repairs and decoration of premises without membership in an SRO.


A reputable company needs to think about prestige from a young age. Therefore, having a respectable office is a must. A lot of money will be spent on the most important thing – tools and equipment. Although at the initial stage especially large equipment can be rented or . Legal entity you will need to pay the authorized capital.


Properly selected personnel is half the success of any enterprise. In our case, employees must not only have the appropriate diplomas, but also actually be able to work in their specialty. After all, high-quality work done for several clients will significantly reduce your advertising costs - word of mouth has not yet been canceled.

The company requires not only blue-collar jobs, but also office employees - accountant, HR manager, supplier, designer, foreman. All employees need to be paid monthly.

Construction business from scratch is profitable investment money. It is worth saying that today many people dream of opening their own business, which can bring good profits. And therefore, some people need to pay attention to the business idea of ​​a construction business without investment. Construction is considered the most modern commerce, which will always develop and bring good profits. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the nuances of this matter and trace its features.

How to start a construction business: Features of the business

Let's now answer the question of how to start a construction business from scratch without money. So, like any commercial enterprise The construction business is divided into several categories.

  1. The field of civil engineering.
  2. The field of road construction.
  3. The sphere of industrial construction of buildings.

The services of a construction company can also be divided into two types - these are basic services and additional services. The main construction work includes the construction of:

  • residential buildings,
  • warehouses,
  • baths

The main works also include: installation, dismantling of buildings and renovation of premises.

Additional services include rental of equipment and personnel. This category also includes sales building materials and paid training for employees of other similar companies.

To start a construction business you should follow these steps. So, you need:

  1. Draw up a clear and competent business plan.
  2. Complete all registration documents.
  3. Collect all the necessary papers.
  4. Purchase inventory, machinery and equipment.

Also, the success of this business depends on qualified personnel. Therefore, it is worth choosing competent and skilled workers. In addition, it must be said that successful existence depends on finding new clients. It follows that finding clients also needs to be given a lot of time and attention.

You probably realized that it is important to devote a lot of time and maximum attention to compilation. Why is it worth doing this? Yes, all because this will help to competently organize a company and get a loan from a bank.

It is important to include information about the liabilities and assets of your own company in your business plan. It is also worth writing down in this paper methods that will increase and multiply profits. In general, with the help of a business plan you will not only answer the question of how to start a construction business, but also calculate the profit of your business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

The most important advantage of such activity will be a good income. The profitability of a construction business averages 50% or 70%. It is worth noting that this result is considered impressive. Such figures cannot be obtained from other commercial activities. In addition, such a business pays off within a year, and this is very pleasant.

To open a construction business from scratch, you need to have start-up capital available. In addition, it is necessary to hire qualified and conscientious personnel who will perform their duties efficiently.

Like any other commercial activity The construction business has its pitfalls, as well as some problems. Now it’s worth listing the most famous nuances of such a case.

Difficulties in bringing it to market can simply reduce profits. To avoid this, you should hire experienced builders and other workers who will help in the most short term give your company an impeccable reputation. A good reputation is the key to successful activities.

Serious difficulties may arise for those companies that have registered relatively recently and have not yet entered the large market. In this case, problems may arise with obtaining a loan. And all because reputable banks do not issue loans to start-up companies due to the fact that they are unsure of their stability. Therefore, in order to get a loan, a novice entrepreneur should offer the bank a clear business plan and information about significant assets.

Don't also forget about high level competition in this business area. Therefore, to succeed, you need to provide your clients with good benefits on cooperation.

How to start a construction business without investment: Financial component

If you want to know how to start a construction business? Then this publication was created especially for you. So, in order for your company to develop well over many years of activity, you need to maintain proper accounting. Indeed, without correct calculation Costs and profits make it difficult to maintain stable business development and make smart investments.

An important condition in organizing such a business is the implementation of constant and impressive financial investments. Also, success can be brought by retaining money at the stages of unfinished construction. If you comply with the above conditions, you can constantly receive good profits.

The construction business is an expensive business. Funds will have to be spent on purchasing:

  • construction equipment,
  • special equipment.

As you can see, such an activity will require good start-up capital and a professional approach. However, initial costs can be reduced if special equipment is rented. The money saved is best spent on advertising campaign. It should be noted that many people spend a lot of money on advertising. cash. Therefore, it is best to prepare for such waste in advance.

Collection of documentation

Each construction company must have the following set of documentation. So, you will need to get:

  • a document confirming state registration;
  • a document confirming registration with the tax service;
  • company charter;
  • company seal and statistical codes;
  • decision to form a business.

In order to obtain an individual entrepreneur, you must also submit the following documents:

  1. A building permit issued by local governments.
  2. License for engineering work.
  3. License for the design of structures and buildings.

How to start a construction business: Personnel

If you have created your construction business from scratch, you will have to hire qualified and competent personnel. The reputation and profitability of the company depend on the quality of staff work. Therefore, in this article, you need to provide a list of positions. So, your construction company will have to hire:

  • supply manager,
  • designer,
  • HR inspector
  • architect,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • foreman

If you are planning to open a small company, then the entire team staff will consist of four people. It is also important to consider that half of the workers must have higher education. Without this point it will be difficult to obtain a license.

In order to ensure good productivity for your company, you need to provide all your employees with the necessary equipment and construction equipment. Wherein construction equipment and special technical means must be in good condition and meet all safety requirements. To get success from such a business, you need to choose the expensive one, but quality tool, which can be used for more than one year.

How to attract clients

To successfully develop a construction business, you need not only to be able to win your own group of regular customers. It is worth saying that in this matter it is necessary to be able to attract new consumers. If you accomplish this task, you can expand the capabilities of your enterprise. Moreover, new clients will help you reach new level development.

Beginning entrepreneurs can use the following ways to find clients. So, you need:

  1. Create your own database of potential clients.
  2. Start self-development of the site in order to sell the property on the market in the future. However, you can sell not only upon completion construction process, but also at the initial stage.
  3. You can get new clients after winning the state trend.


Now you know how to start a construction business without serious financial investments. You will definitely like the tips in this article. After all, they are the most modern recommendations that will help you open a business and make a significant profit from it in the shortest possible time.

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