How to hang wallpaper with flowers. How to wallpaper beautifully

When planning to renovate your apartment, it is important to choose the right wallpaper and know how to hang wallpaper beautifully and neatly. This and much more will be discussed today.

How to start?

You should start by choosing wallpaper. Based on your preferences and tastes, you need to determine their design. However, when choosing from the various shades and textures on the market, it is important to remember what style of interior we have chosen. Having previously taken measurements of the room, you need to calculate required number rolls based on the fact that on average one roll has dimensions of 0.5 x 1.0 m. When choosing wallpaper, do not forget about choosing an adhesive, which must match a specific type of canvas or be universal.

The process of high-quality wallpapering of different shades is associated with careful preliminary preparation of the walls. You need to make sure that the walls that you are going to wallpaper are smooth and clean. If there is old coating on the surface of the walls, you will need a basin warm water and skin, as well as strength and patience.

After wetting the walls and waiting about fifteen minutes, remove the wallpaper using a spatula.
Thus, in order to hang wallpaper beautifully, you need to properly prepare the walls of the room by removing and sanding all the rough edges, and if there are various holes, repair them finishing plaster. What kind of wallpaper can be pasted:

The glue must be prepared according to the instructions indicated on its packaging. While the glue reaches condition, it is necessary to measure correct height ceilings and cut the strips to size. However, if you need to adjust the pattern, you must try on each canvas separately and you cannot make blanks. It is better to glue them together, one person standing on the stepladder at the top, the second at the bottom.

Apply glue to the surface of the coating with inside and let soak for 10-15 minutes.
Now you need to carefully attach them to the wall. To beautifully glue rolled sheets, you need to start from the center, stretching them diagonally, applying them with a dry roller or rag. The options for wallpapering are different and much depends on the texture, density of the canvas and the quality of the wall. Yes, sometimes better glue Apply to the walls of the room for better adhesion. Be sure to stick the strips at their joints and cut off the excess at the bottom of the wall after drying.

Options for the living room

An original interior design can be applied by combining two types of wall coverings in a room. Nowadays, wallpapering of two types has become a major fashion trend and is actively used in design projects and realized room interiors. The combination of two types of paintings on the surface of the walls gives a lot of positive effects in the design of the room:

  • The proportions of the room visually change;
  • Allows you to hide and eliminate the shortcomings of the room, due to light and dark shades;
  • Interior design: divided functionally into the necessary zones in the room;
  • Pasting two types of wallpaper focuses attention on the design of the room or the highlight of the interior.

To learn how to beautifully wallpaper a room, you need to study the combination of colors on the surface of the walls or have good taste in interior design.

The use of two colors in contrasting shades will change the proportions of the room, reduce the height of the walls, and emphasize the idea of ​​decorating the room.
For example, it is reasonable to hang two types of wallpaper in the bedroom only by using pastel shades: One of two colors to highlight the headboard or dressing table area.

Thanks to the wide range of wallpapers produced, as well as entire product lines of certain textures and shades, determining how to combine some colors with others is not difficult, as is gluing them. To do this, you need to use the rule for choosing wallpaper for walls from one collection. There are catalogs for wallpapering two types, which makes it even easier to select an interesting combination of wallpaper for the living room walls. What wallpaper will look original:

Placing two types of wall coverings in a living room or hall is a justified decision. After all, the hall is the largest room in the apartment.

When gluing two types of wallpaper in the living room, the following combinations are popular:

  • Vertical stripes;
  • Horizontal stripes;
  • Wallpaper inserts;
  • Photo wallpaper.

Most often, to hang two types of wallpaper in a room, they use a vertical version of wide vertical stripes. This is the easiest and quick way to design two colors. However, in a small living room, vertical wide stripes can reduce the volume of the room.

Combining two colors horizontally is also possible using panels. How to hang wallpaper beautifully and in the classic way, also called the English way? This implies the use of two types of coverings in the living room or hall - volumetric and plain. As a rule, vinyl can be used to cover the bottom, and stripes can be used to decorate the top of the room. Also, it's very practical option, because the bottom is more susceptible to contamination.

You can hang two types of wallpaper in the living room beautifully both vertically and horizontally. As a rule, the darker color of the two or more embossed should be glued to the bottom of the wall. Light and bright hues applied to the top. When using two types of flooring in a room, it is better to buy them from the same collection different colors s decisions and invoices. This will allow you to achieve better harmonization and combination of two colors and wall roll coverings.

It should be noted that when gluing two types of wallpaper, they rarely acquire a large ornament or image, and the use of small textures and patterns is a classic option for combining two colors.

Modern interior design and room decoration styles, such as “Modern” and “Art Deco,” often use neutral, solid colors. This year's trend is mainly White color in design. Styles such as “High-Tech” or “Loft”, on the contrary, prefer dark wallpaper inserts.

As we said above, combine different variants coatings can be different ways and in any style, from classic to art deco. The main thing is that everything is tasteful and in harmony with the furniture and decorative elements in the room.

An interesting way to diversify your interior design is to hang wallpaper with patterns. The texture of patterns can be found different: from classical ornaments to strictly geometric shapes. This type of wallpaper in the living room goes well with plain furniture.

You can hang two types of wallpaper in a room beautifully in a combined form. That is, glue one type of wallpaper on the walls, and the second on the ceiling. This is a very labor-intensive option and not so popular, especially in view of the emergence modern technologies as suspended ceilings, however very beautiful. If you want to paste two types of wallpaper in the living room combined style, then it’s better to choose non-woven models. Since this option, being made from cellulose fibers, contains a polymer, which contributes to their strength, durability and texture.

From the living room to other rooms

When moving from the living room to the calmest room in the house, you need to be more strict in the selection of wallpaper shades. In the bedroom color palette should be calm and predominantly light shades to induce rest and sleep.

Here you need to find a golden mean of shades of wallpaper and furniture colors, which will relax under artificial lighting, and invigorate in the morning under natural light. According to psychologists, this combination can be achieved by using yellow and brown shades of wallpaper.

Nowadays a lot of wallpaper is produced, different in color and texture, which can be used as wallpaper inserts in decoration. For example, for children's rooms there are many bright wallpapers with cartoon characters. However, if you buy them to decorate a children’s room, then all this diversity will be overwhelming and will soon get boring. In this case, it is better to put up two types of wallpaper, where the main background will be a single color and the inserts will be bright.

In the kitchen, where there are practically no free walls, some kind of neutral warm shade is used. What wallpapers can be arranged and combined in an original way:

For changing traditional ways When decorating walls using materials of the same type, a method of combining came into being, that is, combining different wallpaper options in one interior.

The living room or hall is the most important room in your home, so it is not surprising that maximum attention is always paid to the design of these rooms. such rooms is not an easy task, but quite realistic if you know what rules are fundamental in this matter.

If you have planned a horizontal color combination for interior decoration, stick on the lower part of the walls there is more and cold wallpaper. You can provide a separation between the top and bottom of the wall using moldings or borders.

When choosing a shade of wallpaper for a hall or living room, focus on several key factors: room area, layout, degree of illumination, style of the room. To create a warm atmosphere in the living room, choose wallpaper in soft shades: beige, yellow, blue, light green.

Shades such as blue, blue, gray, and light purple will promote relaxation. Airiness and harmony will be emphasized by wallpaper with tints of pink, beige, blue, and sand.

Combination by texture

Textured wallpaper is gradually gaining popularity, as most manufacturers produce relief coatings intended for painting. Such materials are convenient to use for both walls and ceilings, providing complex combination.

By combining textures, even if they are of the same color saturation, it is necessary to achieve maximum harmony.

Among the variety of textured themes, the most common are abstract strokes, stripes, floral motifs and classical patterns.

Advice: textured coatings can be combined with matching colors. Most often they are used to decorate niches, ledges, and columns in classic and modern interiors.

Due to the catchiness of the motifs, it is advisable to combine classics and geometry with barely noticeable dotted textures. Floral and plant patterns will suit wallpaper with decorative touches and bruises on the surface. Despite the endless possibilities of combining embossed wallpaper in interiors, the most common option remains combination with conventional wallpaper materials.

When choosing wallpaper of different types for a living room or hall, make sure in advance that you have wallpaper glue suitable for each of these materials. It is advisable to consult with specialists about special types of glue for simple and complex (heavy) wallpaper coverings.

Some companies produce universal types of glue that are suitable for all types of wallpaper products (for example, Semin Murale and Murale brands).

special Combining standard wallpaper with textile coverings causes difficulty. Due to the originality of the texture and thinness of the canvas, you will not be able to disguise the joints and transitions between these materials. The easiest way to create a harmonious transition is with borders and moldings.

Creating Harmony

The main key to success in interior design is creating a harmonious environment, in which every detail is perceived as part of a single holistic plot. When gluing two types of wallpaper in a room, achieving such a result is much more difficult, because, as a rule, it is wallpapers that are different in color that provide the desired effect.

To ensure that your idea does not spoil the perception of the interior, use additional parts and accessories, matching the style of the room. For textiles for upholstery and carpeting, choose options that match the tone or pattern.

There are a huge number of wallpaper combinations in the room. Each of them can be implemented even at a minimum cost, using rolls, even those left over from previous repairs. The most daring and creative people have already seen in practice the originality of this method; now it’s your turn to create an individual interior.

The hall in an apartment or in a private house is considered to be the main room - a kind of calling card. It is in this room that guests often gather, so the owners should take care of its quality transformation. It is important to correctly take into account the features of the interior in order to create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere through the combination of walls, furniture and other details.

Nowadays, you can use a variety of styles to decorate a room. Moreover, the design of the room depends entirely on the preferences of the apartment owner.

It is worth noting that some designers prefer to mix seemingly completely incompatible styles, and as a result, new directions appear.

Picking up stylish wallpaper into the hall, the interior of the room is first taken into account.

But before you start choosing wall covering, it is necessary to determine which image will appear before the guests after all finishing works. Therefore, among the many styles (high-tech, empire or rococo, etc.) it is necessary to find the most suitable one.

People who prefer aesthetic and aristocratic beauty to all newfangled trends should stop at classic style. After all, wall decor made in a similar direction will decorate any home and will not be considered old-fashioned.

Modern designers offer many options for decorating walls in an apartment. Moreover, much attention is paid to absolutely all rooms, be it the kitchen, children’s room, Gym or the living room.

Increasingly, owners are not afraid of fashionable experiments, because with their help the room is transformed beyond recognition. Therefore, with the right approach, it is very easy, even in a Khrushchev-era building, to visually enlarge a room and create a unique image.

The most effective options For modern decoration of the hall the following are considered.

Dark wallpaper

This option is recommended for use in a room with light furniture. Thanks to the contrast, it is possible to beautifully decorate the living room, making it brighter and at the same time cozy. But you shouldn’t cover the entire room with dark wallpaper; instead, it’s better to highlight one area.

Wallpaper in light colors

Dark-colored furniture goes well with them.

If you stick it roll material gentle and “calm” tones will create a contrast, with the help of which an atmosphere of aristocracy and comfort is created in the hall.

Muted wallpaper tones

Pairs perfectly with bright furniture. Today, more and more often you can find a room in which interior items are distinguished by a variety of bright shades.

To successfully highlight such furniture in the living room, the ideal solution would be wallpaper in muted tones.

Types of wallpaper for the hall: how to make the right choice

It is important to understand that there are no roll sheets that are completely free of flaws. However, thanks to the variety of such materials, you can easily choose ones that will meet the basic requirements of the consumer.

The main types of wallpaper are:

  1. Paper. They belong to the budget category and besides this, the material is easy to glue. However, they do not hide surface defects and also have low wear resistance.
  2. Non-woven. They are characterized by an acceptable price, in addition, they have average thermal and sound insulation. Help to hide small irregularities walls
  3. Photo wallpaper. Thanks to the wide variety and affordable price, photographs look good on wall surfaces. However, professional taping skills are recommended when using them.
  4. Vinyl. They are embossed and moisture resistant, different high strength. But they contain expensive materials, so not everyone can afford these wallpapers.
  5. Textile. For their production they are used natural materials, they have no joints on the walls. But this type of wallpaper is considered very expensive.

In addition, to make selection easier good helpers will be wallpaper samples.

Even more useful information for those who for the first time decided to choose and hang wallpaper on their own:

Wallpaper for a small room: what is important to pay attention to

Quite often the living room in an apartment is small in size.

Therefore, in order to properly decorate the walls of a small room, you should follow certain rules when choosing wallpaper:

  1. Dim wallpaper. Variegated colors visually reduce the footage, so you should avoid bright colors.
  2. Plain. Pictures and patterns are best used in textile fabrics.
  3. Embossed. Using relief on neutral-colored wallpaper in a small living room, you can achieve a cozy atmosphere. However, you should avoid too intrusive relief patterns.

To visually enlarge small hall and to highlight the interior favorably, you should not use dark tones of wallpaper. Instead of this great solution There will be a pastel palette and delicate light colors.

When to choose non-woven wallpaper for the living room

Non-woven wallpaper includes: combined materials cellulose and synthetic fibers that make wallpaper durable and easy to use. Therefore, at present, non-woven wallpaper is most in demand for decorating walls in rooms.

Repair experts note that this material:

  • It is distinguished by its environmentally friendly composition, that is, when making repairs in a room, you don’t have to worry about the health of others;
  • Helps hide wall defects;
  • Cleans well;
  • It can be used for painting.

However, non-woven wallpaper has some disadvantages. Due to the small range of colors, it is sometimes difficult to choose the right option. In addition, the material has low sound and heat insulation.

Wallpaper is one of the main elements of the interior design of the room. They should go well with the furniture. About this in the following material:

Liquid wallpaper in the hall: photos, advantages and disadvantages

Modern designers are increasingly using liquid wallpaper (a subtype of decorative plaster) to decorate walls.

This method of finishing surfaces allows you to quickly and originally decorate walls.

Part liquid wallpaper contains cellulose and special silk fibers, which creates an ideal texture for wall coverings.

Some owners prefer to make liquid wall coverings themselves. This allows you to achieve an exclusive effect in the room. Another advantage of using of this material It is considered to be easy to apply and dry quickly.

But liquid wallpaper has several disadvantages:

  1. They are easy to damage. Compared to other types of wallpaper, you will need to make a patch to restore the damaged area.
  2. They are hygroscopic. If the apartment is observed high humidity, this method of decorating surfaces is considered unacceptable.
  3. They are not allowed to be washed. Due to the fact that the material for liquid wallpaper is decorative plaster and it is made from improvised means; under the influence of water it can collapse.

Today, many people combine several types of roll materials to apply wallpaper in the living room.

There are three ways to combine wallpaper to make your living room beautiful and unusual.

Below are ways to combine wallpaper.

Vertical stripes

There must be a main background and special additions in the form of vertical stripes. Moreover, the main background is chosen to be monochromatic, and the fragments, on the contrary, have pictures.

Dividing the wall into horizons

A good solution would be to separate the lower third of the wall. This option is considered classic and is often used in wall decor.

Wallpaper inserts

With the help of wallpaper inserts it is possible to make the interior of a monochromatic room more dynamic.

But you should avoid too many of these inclusions in the room.

Wallpaper for the living room of a private house: what are the differences?

It is worth noting that there are no significant differences between wallpapering in an apartment or in a private house.

But sometimes the rooms in houses have a large area, so using a combination of wallpaper is considered an excellent solution.

It must be remembered that a private house is in natural environment, closer to nature, therefore the best solution will create a natural image in the interior. An example of one design solutions- this is the use of special wallpaper that has a wooden texture. This will help decorate the room and provide a harmonious atmosphere.

Types and design of wallpaper for the living room (video)

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition. Therefore, the material for pasting the walls in the hall is selected depending on the expected result. Some people prefer light and calm tones, while others prefer brighter colors. However, do not forget that the atmosphere in this room should be cozy and warm, and the owners of the apartment or their guests could be comfortable here.

Wallpaper for the hall (photo)

Design is one of the areas of art, and art, as you know, does not tolerate rules and restrictions. IN last years Interiors with two types of wallpaper are increasingly common. It looks stylish and modern, perfectly complements the currently fashionable styles (modern, Provence, high-tech). But, in addition to the aesthetic side, there is another advantage of combined pasting - the elimination of architectural defects, improving the perception of the room.

How the two types of wallpaper are hung and what problems it can solve will be described below. And besides, here you can find photos of the most successful examples covering walls with different wallpapers.

Elimination of defects

It’s rare to find ideal rooms with ceiling heights and wall widths that suit the owner. Somewhere it’s too cramped, somewhere it’s too light - how to solve these problems?

By gluing two types of wallpaper or various colors. For example, the following methods will help:

  1. Low ceilings can be “raised” a little with wallpaper with vertical patterns. These can be various stripes, garlands of flowers or monograms stretched upward. In this case, gluing wallpaper in two colors and alternating different stripes in a certain order helps a lot.
  2. High ceilings are not always a plus. If they are at a level of 3.5 meters or more, this is most likely a lack of space. It is very difficult to make such a room cozy and harmonious. Horizontal division of walls will help - an old classic technique. Previously, the lower third of the walls were painted a darker color, today there are no restrictions. It all depends on the design and purpose of the room.
  3. A small room can be visually expanded by covering the walls with light wallpaper. For pasting, you can take plain canvases or coverings with a small pattern. Using wallpaper with a horizontal pattern is very effective. But they can only be used when the ceiling height is more than 2.5 meters.
  4. They will help to make a room with a large area a little smaller dark wallpaper or a combination of canvases in contrasting colors or several types. Such techniques are appropriate in a hall or living room.
  5. An elongated rectangular room can be adjusted by combining two wallpapers of contrasting colors - canvases of more than one color are glued to short walls. light colors, making an approach to the long side. This pasting technique is very effective - the room becomes more proportional.
  6. A dark room can be brightened by gluing light wallpaper on the wall opposite the window.
  7. A room that is too bright will be “muted” by dark canvases of a calm shade.

Options for combining different types of wallpaper can be seen in the photo.

Wallpaper combination rules

To ensure that hanging two types of wallpaper does not bring disappointment, you still need to adhere to several rules:

  • Use material of the same thickness on one wall. Wallpaper is glued end-to-end, so joining, for example, paper and non-woven fabrics will not look aesthetically pleasing. To prevent this from happening, the joints are covered with moldings or fabrics of different textures are connected in the corners.
  • Applying different kinds canvases, you need to use adhesives suitable for them. In order not to buy several packs of glue, you can purchase a universal composition.
  • In order not to spoil the parameters of the room, you need to carefully consider a plan for gluing different canvases, write down ideas, or better yet, sketch out a diagram.
  • For combined wallpapering of walls, it is better to choose the material from one collection. There are ready-made sets on sale in two or more colors; they complement each other perfectly. You can, of course, select material from different collections, but in this case it is very difficult to combine shades and textures.
  • The place in the room where you would like to focus should be made brighter, and the unsightly area can be disguised by covering it with neutral wallpaper.

Advice! For a beginner developing a design for the first time, it is better to use a special circle or triangle for the correct combination of shades.

The photo below shows how to attract attention with bright inserts.

Options for using diverse wallpapers in the bedroom

A person is resting in the bedroom, so it is inappropriate here bright colors and flashy design (although this is a matter of taste). Not all options for combining two coatings are suitable for this room.

The central object in any bedroom is the bed. Therefore, it is often around this item that a color accent is created. This can be done in several ways:

  • simply by covering the wall behind the bed with contrasting wallpaper;
  • using a technique that is fashionable today - placing one or several strips of wallpaper on the ceiling;
  • creating a panel outlined with moldings or wallpaper edging.

These options can be seen in the photo.

It is not necessary to combine two types of coatings; there may be more. A bedroom design using three types of wallpaper is shown in the photo below.

In the bedroom, pastel shades are more often used, contrasts are avoided, as in the photo.

How many people, so many opinions. Therefore, lovers of the avant-garde may get bored in the bedroom with blue walls, they will prefer a bright design, like in this photo.

Hall decoration options

The whole family gathers in the hall in the evenings, where they welcome guests and celebrate holidays. This room is a kind of calling card for the owners of the house. Therefore, renovations in the hall must be approached with all responsibility.

Ideas and options for decorating the hall can be gleaned from these photos.

The walls in the hall are often decorated with niches, arches, and columns. These designs are decor in themselves; it is important not to overdo it with their decoration. Niches and other recesses look impressive when they act as an accent. They are covered with contrasting wallpaper, often in dark shades. A similar design is shown in the photo.

Columns in a hall do not always represent aesthetics; they can be part of load-bearing structure in old houses. These elements are usually masked and hidden, and with the help of two types of wallpaper they can become the highlight of the room. Like in this photo, for example:

Advice! To properly think through the design in the room, you need to take into account all the furniture and interior items.

Bright accents look impressive - there should be few of them, and they should be small. Options in the photo.

IN big hall Zoning using two types of wallpaper is appropriate. Finishing can complement the existing delimitation of space (partitions, different furniture) or create it yourself.

Wallpaper of different colors can be used to divide a room into two parts with different purposes. This could be an office and a living room, or a bedroom and a living room. A similar design is shown in the photo.

Children's room

Most often, the zoning technique is used in the nursery. In this way, they separate a place for sleeping and playing, a corner for studying and reading, and an area for playing sports. The same zoning helps to delimit space when two children live in the nursery. Using wallpaper of different colors, you can easily accommodate a boy and a girl in the same bedroom.

This design with a division of the nursery is shown in the photo.

Design of hallways and corridors

Wallpaper of different textures looks very good in corridors and hallways. Cramped and dark rooms can be easily transformed with the right layout finishing materials for walls. Here you can combine into one composition fake diamond and wallpaper, or combine vinyl with fiberglass.

In such rooms, horizontal stripes on the walls look good. They are made using moldings or cut from wallpaper. This distinction gives the room a collected look and makes it original. The result is visible in the photo.

Kitchen wall decoration

Coatings are appropriate in kitchens warm shades: yellow, beige, orange. Zoning is very suitable for kitchen walls. Different wallpapers near the working and dining areas help to perceive the room more broadly. Bright accent near dining table will distract attention from the stove and sink.

In modern studio apartments there is often no separate room under the kitchen. In this case, you simply cannot do without zoning - the dining area is highlighted using a different texture or contrasting colors.

Pasting two types of wallpaper will make the kitchen more original and bright, as in the photo.

Where to begin

Assortment of wallpapers in construction stores allows you to easily select materials that match the color and texture. But it’s much more interesting to arrange them yourself. If your skills do not yet allow you to completely create a room design, you can practice in small areas:

  • create a panel from beautiful wallpaper and put it in a molding frame.
  • Build a wall composition according to the principle patchwork quilt. To do this, you don’t have to buy expensive wallpaper; remnants from past renovations are enough. Cut out squares and rectangles are connected with glue, combining colors and shades. It is better that the materials for such a composition are of the same thickness.
  • Divide the existing covering into sections - stick on a border or a strip cut from contrasting wallpaper. These can be vertical or horizontal divisions, focusing on some kind of decor (mirror, painting).

The photo shows a design with one of the simple methods.

You don’t need to be a designer to come up with ways to cover walls with different wallpapers. A creative approach and a little imagination - that's all you need for a fashionable renovation. Decor ideas can be gleaned from this article; the most common methods of decorating walls with materials are described here different types, and examples are shown in the photo.

Pasting rooms with wallpaper of different colors and textures has become especially popular in recent years. Not every specialist can tell you how to hang two types of wallpaper correctly. However, this is not so difficult - the technique for gluing walls is standard. And there are a variety of design options - you can choose the one that best fits into a specific interior.

What are the effects of gluing two types of wallpaper?

Decorating rooms with wallpaper has become widespread. This material is convenient for bringing to life even the most daring design solutions.

Wallpapers have many advantages; they can:

  • Designate zoning;
  • Provide the necessary visual effects;
  • It is interesting and stylish to decorate the room;
  • Make repairs inexpensively and beautifully.

Wallpaper will help highlight the advantages of a room and hide its shortcomings.

In order to achieve the desired effect, it is not enough to simply paste the wallpaper you like. There are examples of unsuccessful gluing. It is important to follow the basic rules to guarantee success.

We are talking about a competent combination of colors and textures, correct technique gluing this material and selecting the appropriate types of wallpaper for a particular room.

Wallpaper of two types in the interior of the kitchen (video)

How to wallpaper a room with different wallpapers and choose the “right” colors

You can come up with different options for combining wallpaper.

In this case, you should follow the basic rules - they will help you avoid stupid mistakes in design:

  1. Combining wallpaper of different tones and the same color scheme.
  2. A combination of plain wallpapers in contrasting colors.
  3. Pasting paired with plain wallpaper of such stripes, on which a bright ornament or variegated pattern is applied.
  4. Using wallpaper with different designs.

Various combination methods may include the use of coatings in one color scheme, but with different patterns or textures

By decorating a room with wallpaper, you can achieve both simple and complex color combinations. In the first option, the colors will simply complement each other. And in the second, they can be combined into shades and smoothly transition from one tone to another.

Related article: Volumetric decorative letters and inscriptions in the interior (35 photos)

A competent combination of textures is an important component of wallpapering two types

Before gluing different wallpapers, you should think carefully about what materials they should be made of. First of all, you need to start from how certain materials will show themselves in practice. For example, some wallpapers should not be used in the kitchen or bathroom, but there are types that will fit only into the most sophisticated and luxurious interior.

Types of textures can be very different, here are the most common ones:

  • Paper;
  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Textile;
  • Liquid.

A successful combination of different types of canvases guarantees success in interior design

The main thing is to carefully select textures and focus on their equal thickness. This will prevent the occurrence of sloppy seams and joints.

Wallpapering walls in two colors: popular and successful solutions

There are different options for combining wallpaper. Some allow you to successfully zone rooms, others complement the design, and still others help hide uneven walls. Brave and gifted designers are constantly coming up with new design options. After all, using wallpaper for this is not only convenient, but also incredibly interesting.

Here are the most common techniques for combining them:

  1. Vertical stripes with different patterns are pasted on the walls one by one. Such design options help to visually lengthen the premises, regardless of color scheme. For this sticker option, you should select wallpaper of the same texture so as not to spoil interesting design sloppy seams. Playing with color will already attract the eye, but changing textures will become too much. The width of the stripes is also usually the same with this solution.
  2. Horizontal stripes are a good technique for visual expansion premises. This method is good to use for rooms with high ceilings. The wall is conventionally divided into two horizontal parts. Wallpaper of one type is glued to the bottom strip, and another to the top strip. When dividing horizontally, you can take wallpaper with a variety of colors. These can be patterns, symmetrical designs, as well as monochrome colors.
  3. Method of small inserts: areas on the wall are marked on which wallpaper of the required color is pasted. Such zones usually have the shape of geometric shapes. After the actual sticker is applied, the wallpaper inserts are most often framed with a border or molding. Similar ideas are relevant in rooms where you want to draw attention to some interior object - a painting, a mirror, a TV. This method of decorating rooms is convenient because wallpaper inserts can be made on previously pasted or painted walls.
  4. Many designers make large-scale wallpaper inserts - the size of entire walls. Premises are beautifully decorated in this way using photo wallpaper. Today's selection represents examples of such high quality that sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish them from original works of art. Using the large-scale insertion method, you can achieve an effective highlighting of an entire wall, and when sticking wallpaper on the ceiling, you can achieve original zoning of the room.
  5. Patchwork technique: wallpaper with different patterns is cut into small pieces of the same shape and pasted. Wall design options can be very different. This method allows you to interestingly glue canvases of different colors and textures, while the wallpaper should combine very well with each other. They can be cut into squares, rectangles and even triangles. To perform the patchwork technique, we glue the wallpaper strips both overlapping and end-to-end.
  6. Highlighting the relief of the walls. You can interestingly cover niches and ledges with just two types of wallpaper. If you correctly highlight such structures with the help of more saturated or deeper tones, you will be able to place an interesting emphasis on the relief changes of the walls.
  7. Pasting walls and ceilings. Wallpapering walls and ceilings in two colors will be successful only if the ceiling height is at least 2.7 meters.
  8. Pasting the corners of the room. Pasting its corners with wallpaper of a darker color while covering the walls with stripes of light colors will help to visually enlarge the room. The corner combination technique is acceptable if the design does not require strict patterns in design. It is good to use such gluing options in rooms with corner furniture.

Related article: What glue is best for gluing ceiling tiles?

Rich and bright wallpapers should be combined with calmer and muted colors

For those who want to decorate the premises in bright colors, you need to take into account that they can cause fatigue and irritation

Wallpaper of two colors in the living room interior (video)

Basic rules for combining two types of wallpaper

Simple and understandable rules will help you better understand how to hang two types of wallpaper and thereby achieve implementation interesting ideas in design.

Furniture and other interior items must be selected so that, together with the wallpaper, all components complement each other, creating an interesting and harmonious design

Here are the main ones:

  • The color schemes of the premises should be used not only on the wallpaper, but also reflected in furniture, textiles or accessories;
  • If the main wallpaper is made in bright colors, then the version that complements it should be a muted color;
  • If the main wallpaper has a floral pattern, then you can choose a textured component to pair it with;
  • Wallpaper with geometric patterns goes well with abstraction;
  • It is best to choose plain colors for wallpaper with patterns;
  • Bright colors should be combined with muted shades;
  • Triple combinations are also possible, and successful combinations make the interior especially interesting.

How to properly glue two types of wallpaper

Wallpapering is not a difficult task, but it requires some knowledge. If wallpaper with two types of colors or textures is hung in a room, the rules apply the same as for standard wall coverings.

It is important to consider that different textures require the use of certain types of glue.

Textile, vinyl and paper wallpaper glued with various substances

Masking the joints is necessary if wallpaper of different textures is used.

To do this, you can purchase special tools:

  • Moldings;
  • Reiki;
  • Tapes;
  • Curbs.

It is important to produce preliminary preparation walls even before wallpapering the room. Every wall needs to be cleaned old paint or wallpaper, remove any remaining plaster from it, putty and clean it. Depending on the type of wallpaper strips, the walls are sanded more or less thoroughly. If the room is damp, you need to use anti-mold preparations.

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In order to correctly combine wallpaper, there are a few more secrets.

It is better to buy wallpaper with two different colors in one store

The main ones:

  1. It is best to pick up the glue in the same store where you buy the wallpaper.
  2. You can independently select the width of the stripes in the wallpaper.
  3. When determining the boundaries of the joints, you must first measure them and mark them with a pencil.
  4. Wallpapering begins at the top, and then the bottom strips are glued.
  5. It is necessary to allow seam allowances in case the strips shrink when they dry.

How to combine wallpaper (video)

Decorating walls is easy if you have quality and beautiful materials. The market today is richest different products. A competent and skillful combination of textures and shades will help to realize the most daring design that will delight the owners and surprise the guests.

Wallpapering two types (photo)

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