How to use quick-drying odorless wood paint? Odorless paint - environmentally friendly and high-quality types of paint from the best manufacturers! How much does odorless white paint cost?

When making repairs in a house or apartment, sooner or later a person is faced with the fact that he has to choose paint for the work. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the place where the repairs will be carried out. If this is interior work, then you should try to choose an odorless material for painting.

Coloring compounds

In order to update a room from the inside, it is often enough to simply paint individual elements: walls, furniture or floors. However, when choosing paint for interior work The main attention and requirements should be paid to the composition of dyes that will be applied to wooden surfaces. This is due to the fact that a person will spend quite a lot of time in a confined space and the quality finishing materials his health directly depends.

Factors to consider when choosing paint for wooden surfaces:

  • Where is it planned to use wooden furniture in the future? This directly determines which paint you should choose. For example, in the bathroom the humidity level is quite high, so special paint is needed.
  • What type of wood was used to make wooden furniture. For example, massive furniture is made from coniferous tree, and for delicate furniture they use deciduous trees.
  • Are you planning on re-painting? wooden products.
  • Will the previous coating (meaning paint) be removed from wood products that are planned to be painted?

Today on the market of paints and varnishes there is a huge abundance of varnishes, primers, and various coatings, which, ultimately, after processing the products with them, will guarantee their long-term and reliable operation.

To obtain an ideal result, coloring alone is not enough. Companies that produce a variety of finishing materials and products have developed and produce primers and primers along with paints. All work must be carried out according to the instructions, where it will be described step by step what and how needs to be done immediately before the final coating. There are also tables where special materials, which are intended for work with primer.


Paints can be divided into several varieties.

Coatings that are visually invisible

These include transparent varnishes, means for impregnating materials, and protective glaze. Thanks to their composition, which contains a variety of pigments, it became possible to visually brighten the wood structure.

Transparent coatings contain substances that will provide UV protection. Due to the content of such substances sunlight does not destroy wood, therefore the service life of wooden products will be increased. Special processing must be carried out once every two years. It is completely optional to remove all old layers of coating.

In the modern world, dispersive acrylic paints. Such materials contain acrylates or their derivatives. Instead of a solvent, ordinary water is used here. After the paint is applied to a product made of wood, it becomes protected from atmospheric influences, as well as fading. Additionally, the products acquire protection from water, while special impregnation and acrylic paint do not at all prevent moisture from drying out, as would happen in a natural environment.

After the paint is applied to the wood surface, a thin film begins to form. Moisture, when dried, makes the processed product more frost-resistant. It is not recommended to store acrylic paints where they may freeze. Otherwise, the paint cannot be used in the future.

After paints using water as a solvent appeared on the paint and varnish market, the demand for traditional varnishes and enamels decreased significantly. Despite the decline in demand, such products are still in use. They are preferred to be used because of such qualities as simplicity, ease of use, and quality of coating. The disadvantages of such materials include high susceptibility to flammability and harm to human health.

Alkyd paint

This type of paint is attractive due to its price. Used to paint objects made of wood. The advantages of this coloring composition include high hydrophobicity. After alkyd paint is applied to a wooden surface, a very thin film is formed on it - about 0.1 mm. In this regard, such protection will not last long.

Alkyd materials do not have high water permeability. That is why wooden furniture well protected from moisture. It is recommended to use alkyd materials for processing bathroom furniture, as well as rooms where there is high humidity. The cost of alkyd paint will be much lower than materials for water based.

To prevent bubbles from appearing on the surface to be painted, it is necessary to apply paint exclusively to a dry surface.

Oil paints

Oil-based paints do not have any strong odors. The oil components include pigmenting substances and drying oil, which here acts as a diluent.

Oily paints and varnishes There are both colored and without a specific color. Used for interior and exterior work. The medium for using oil paints is wide: they decorate a variety of surfaces, process wood products, plaster, concrete and metal. The disadvantages of oil paints include their long drying time.

Water-dispersion paints

Water in this category of paints acts as a solvent - which is why they are considered the safest for interior work. Water-dispersion paint, which is used to paint the floor, has absolutely no odor, is almost always white, dries quite quickly, and is waterproof.

Latex paint

This type of paintwork does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor, not classified as toxic. It can be used to treat any type of surface inside a building: wallpaper, plastered walls or brick.

Latex compounds are characterized by high strength and wear resistance. The latex content in the paint allows the enamel not to swell after application and not overdry the product. This type of paint and varnish material can be used to paint products in bathrooms and also in the kitchen. It dries quite quickly: the first layer in about half an hour, the second in an hour.

A quick-drying paint base suitable for a child's room. It can be applied to both MDF and parquet.

How to properly apply paint to furniture?

Initially, it is necessary to prepare wooden products for painting. To do this, you need to remove all drawers, doors and handles from the furniture. You will need rags, sandpaper with coarse and fine grains, and a flute brush (wide and flat).

The next step is to remove grease and old varnish from the treated surfaces using fine-grain sandpaper.

All parts should be processed exclusively along the fibers from different sides.

If there is veneer, then you need to try not to disturb the thin layer of this material. To clean the product from dirt, you should not use rags - it is better to use a brush for this. For processing hard to reach places Fine-grit sandpaper will come in handy. Using a brush, you can remove the resulting dust from a wooden product.

Immediately before painting, it is recommended to first remove any dirt in the room that appeared after preparing the wooden products - this will prevent the smallest specks of dust from getting on the newly painted wooden surface.

The rags need to be moistened and wrung out. Then all parts of the products are wetted - this will remove almost all the dust. After this you should wait 15 minutes.

For painting you need to use a primer and a coloring composition with the same base. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packages.

Do-it-yourself home renovation is not complete without doors, floors, etc.

A distinctive characteristic of most paints and varnishes used for such work is the presence of a persistent odor that is difficult to erode. As a result, the consequences of painting work become headache and poor health.

Is there paint for wooden windows odorless, which does not have a negative impact on well-being? It turns out that such paints and varnishes exist and can be purchased at any hardware store.

So, what can you use to paint wood without unpleasant odors?

Coatings without organic solvents

Persistent unpleasant odors are a consequence of the presence of organic solvents in paint and varnish coatings. Such components are present in most enamels, which have long been used in cosmetic repairs in room.

The conclusion is this: if organic solvents smell, you need to find solvent-free paints and varnishes and the problem of toxic odors will be solved.

Acrylic paints and their advantages

This variety water-based coatings is increasingly used in painting wood and other popular building materials.

These coatings have many advantages, including:

  • complete absence of toxic odors;
  • exclusively natural ingredients in the composition;
  • environmental Safety;
  • versatility of use;
  • ease of use;
  • Possibility of application with both conventional tools and textured roller to give the surface a particular relief;
  • low price compared to other coatings;
  • wide range of colors;
  • different coating textures, including smooth and matte surfaces;
  • short drying time;
  • high hiding power, both with and without soil;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • resistance to negative impact environmental factors (modifications for external use).

Acrylic quick-drying odorless paint for wood is completely harmless to both environment and for human health. In this on own experience Many painters were convinced and now strongly advise their clients to use this particular type of coating.

In addition to the previously listed advantages, we note that acrylic compositions are fireproof. Of course, these are not fire-retardant paints for Polistil metal, but the use of such coatings is quite capable of reducing damage from unintentional fire.

Polyacrylate paints are bright colors and ease of application

Acrylic, quick-drying, odorless wood paint is characterized by excellent adhesion (adhesion) to wood and wood-based materials, including plywood, chipboard, MDF, OSB, etc. This is a significant advantage if Painting works performed without the use of primers.

Tip: if the optimal solution for wooden floors and walls is acrylic coating, then for processing heating radiators and pipes, electrically conductive paint Zinga can be used.

Coatings made on the basis of polyacrylates are white. In order to give the material color, you can purchase the appropriate color scheme. By mixing the color into the paint, you will achieve the desired shade.

However, there is a simpler solution, in some construction stores Customers are offered a computer color matching service. It is enough to find the desired shade in the catalog, indicate the number to the operator, and at the end you will receive a package of finished paint, the shade of which will best suit your preferences.

Antiseptic additives are introduced into acrylic paint and varnish coatings at the production stage, which prevent the formation of mold and mildew. Thanks to the presence of antiseptics, it becomes possible to significantly extend the service life of not only the coating, but also the wood.

At the end of the review of the advantages of paints made on the basis of polyacrylates, we note that some modifications are made with the addition of water- and dirt-repellent additives. As a result, you can partially or completely abandon the regular cleaning of floor walls and other surfaces made using lumber.

Features of application

The instructions for using acrylic paints are not complicated and are carried out as follows:

  • The wooden base is cleaned of dirt and thoroughly dried.
  • The surface is inspected for any resin leaks. If there are any, the area where the resin exits is developed and removed down to clean wood, after which the recess is puttied and leveled with sandpaper.
  • The base, previously painted with oil paints or pentaphthalic enamels, is cleaned of fragments of the old flaking coating, puttied and sanded to a smooth matte surface.
  • The prepared surface is coated with a deep penetration acrylic primer.

Important: To ensure optimal results, it is advisable to purchase primer from the same manufacturer that produced the prepared paints and varnishes.

Mix the paint thoroughly, diluting it with water if necessary (no more than 5% of the total volume).

Apply the coating with a brush, roller or spray in 2-3 layers with an interval of 2 hours for each previous layer to dry.

Important: painting work is carried out at an ambient temperature of at least +10°C, at the same time humidity should not exceed 75%. During painting work and when drying the surface, direct contact with sun rays. A painted wooden surface can be fully exploited no earlier than one day after finishing the painting work.


So, there are paint coatings without any odor, and their price is as affordable as the cost of traditional paints and varnishes. The choice of acrylic paint and varnish materials is simple, and therefore, using good tool and by meeting the requirements set out in the manufacturer's instructions, you will certainly achieve better results ().

More useful information you can find it by watching the video in this article.

Any metal object in air and especially in water is subject to corrosion - rusting, and then destruction caused by chemical processes. As a result of the interaction of iron atoms with atmospheric oxygen, water or acid solutions, the surface of the metal is oxidized. Rust spots appear on it, which then quickly increase and “corrode” the metal. The corrosion process is accelerated by vehicle exhaust gases and industrial waste released into the atmosphere.


The easiest way to combat corrosion is to isolate the metal from aggressive environmental factors by applying protective coatings. Metal product coated with a layer of another metal (nickel, chromium, tin, zinc) or special paints and varnishes.

Metal paints contain anti-corrosion components that block existing pockets of rust and prevent the formation of new ones.

Used for painting metal objects different kinds paints: acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane, epoxy.

Acrylic paints are made from acrylic resin. They are considered environmentally friendly because they do not contain solvents. Among other types of coatings, they are the most resistant to the destructive effects of atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet radiation. They are used for both internal and external work.

Acrylic primer-enamel Aquametallic odorless - reliable protection against corrosion

Acrylic paint for metal, odorless Aquametallic used to protect ferrous metal surfaces: steel, cast iron, etc. Primer enamel is developed based on an aqueous dispersion of acrylic polymer, rust inhibitors and corrosion-resistant pigments.

Thanks to acrylic polymer protective layer It turns out durable, resistant to aggressive environments and atmospheric influences. Rust inhibitors slow down or even stop the process of metal corrosion. Color pigments give the coating optical and decorative properties.

The enamel dries quickly - at a temperature +20°С in just one hour. After the water evaporates from the applied composition, a smooth, dense semi-matte film is formed that does not fade or crack.

The dried protective layer is highly resistant to temperature changes. It can withstand constant temperature loads up to + 110°С.

The coating is durable, elastic, and wear-resistant. Does not lose its properties within 8-10 years.

When painting, no unpleasant odors are released, and during operation there are no toxic fumes. It does Aquametallic convenient for repair work in offices, apartments and other premises where people are constantly present.

Acrylic paint is non-flammable and safe for residential and in public places.

Let us list the main advantages of acrylic primer-enamel Aquametallic:

  • resistance to atmospheric conditions;
  • resistance to fading in the sun;
  • resistance to acid-base precipitation;
  • heat resistance;
  • increased water resistance;
  • resistance to agents household chemicals;
  • fire safety;
  • no smell.

U acrylic enamel There are also minor disadvantages:

  • When applied, it dries quickly, but the formation of a durable film occurs within a month. At this time, the protective layer must be protected from dirt and deformation.
  • The color scheme is dim, but for pipes and fences this is not so important.
  • The price is higher, but this is compensated by the durability of the coating.

Odorless metal paint Aquametallic applied as self covering or in combination with aqueous soil Aquametallic-Grunt, which extends the service life of the protective layer.

Application method

The metal surface is cleaned of old paint, dirt and rust. Degreased from oil and fat contaminants with an alkaline washing solution or special degreaser OM-01S.

Before application, the paint is mixed and diluted with water to a working viscosity of no more than 5 % . Acrylic paint is applied with a roller, paint brush, or spray gun.

Tools can be easily cleaned with plain water immediately after use.

Application area

All enamels, unlike other paints and varnishes, are applied in a thinner layer and provide coloring of welds.

Acrylic primer-enamel Aquametallic used for applying anti-corrosion protection:

  • building metal structures;
  • reinforced concrete products;
  • metal pipelines;
  • fences, fencing;
  • garden and country furniture;
  • metal buildings;
  • machine parts and mechanisms.

NPO Krasko offers basic colors of acrylic primer-enamel Aquametallic– white and gray. Any other color - at the request of the customer when ordering from 100 kg.

Fruitful cooperation with Russian research institutes and paint laboratories allows our company to produce high-quality products that are in demand and have a good reputation among consumers.

IN Lately When decorating premises, preference is increasingly being given to various coloring compositions. Walls and floors treated with paints and varnishes have a good aesthetic appearance Moreover, this can significantly reduce the cost of repairs and subsequent cleaning of the house.

For interior decoration - painting walls, floors, radiators and other elements, as a rule, quick-drying paints are used. The drying speed will be influenced by factors such as humidity, air temperature and air circulation, but first of all, it will depend on the composition. Which quick-drying paints deserve attention, what kind of work they are used for, and which offers are considered the best today, the rating of quick-drying paints of 2018, compiled based on reviews from users and builders, will help you figure it out.


price, rub.

Briefly about the main thing

Suitable for repair painting of floors previously coated with varnishes, epoxy or alkyd paints.

Interior and exterior works: wood, metal, plaster, plaster, chipboard and fiberboard.

For new and previously painted surfaces with alkyd or acrylate paints.

Paints radiators, pipes of heating systems, sections of chimneys running inside the house, etc.

Protective and anti-corrosion painting of surfaces heated to +500°C.

Thermal resistance of the durable elastic coating is +90°C.

After Marshall has completely dried, a deep matte surface with a silk effect is formed.

Used for painting exterior wood surfaces: plank walls, cladding boards, fences.

Contains protective additives against rot, fungi, mold and insect pests.

Matte water-dispersible super white for walls and ceilings in dry, damp and very damp rooms.

Very high resistance to washing. Specially developed for bathrooms and kitchens.

From a series of finishing materials made in natural colors.

Anti-vandal water-dispersion paint increased wear resistance for walls and ceilings.

No. 1 among painters.

The safest paint in composition.

Types of quick-drying paints

Each manufacturer has a range of quick-drying paints. They are convenient to use, their characteristics are high level, and most importantly, they make it possible to complete repairs quickly. Among the main types are:

Acrylic paints


They are odorless, made on the basis of water with the addition of polymers and colored pigments, and are used for interior work. The main advantage of this material is safety; it contains no toxic components.


Latest generation paints with a unique ability to provide not only the right shade, but also highlight the texture - create an imitation of stone, velvet, silk, etc.

If you need to solve the problem of painting a concrete or wooden floor in a limited period of time, then alkyd-polyurethane paints that can dry in 8-10 hours will come to the rescue.


Urethane-alkyd paint from a well-known Finnish manufacturer, which can be used for painting concrete, wooden floors, as well as surfaces previously treated with alkyd or epoxy compounds.


Designed for finishing rooms with moderate load. Can be used as odorless white paint or tinted in most colors from the manufacturer's range.

  • It applies well, the layer is even, there are no streaks;
  • dries even faster than advertised.
  • gets very dirty.

Odorless and quick-drying alkyd-urethane floor paint with high performance characteristics. Designed for areas with heavy loads - garages, sports facilities, verandas. Use in children's institutions is allowed.

Consumption - 8-12 m2/l. The consistency is thick, in order to adhere well, you need to add water - for every kilogram of paint 0.65 kg of water. Optimally 2 layers with intermediate drying time of 68 hours.

  • smooth surface, no smudges or streaks;
  • low odor level
  • tinted in more than 3500 colors

A domestically produced paint with a low odor, which can be used for painting wooden, metal and concrete floors. LMB is different high strength, stable shine, not exposed to water, oils, alcohol, detergents.

Material consumption depends on the absorbency of the base and the method of application. On average it is 8-12 m2/l. The coating dries from dust in 1 hour, is able to withstand walking after 10 hours, and the next layer can be applied after 24 hours.

New batteries are almost invisible indoors. What to do with old radiators that have lost their original appearance and are “conspicuous”? The solution is to paint them, thereby protecting them from corrosion and making them attractive.

Dufa Aqua-Heizkorperlack

Enamel from a German manufacturer, which is made on the basis of 100% acrylic dispersion. The high-quality components included in the composition allow you to maintain pristine whiteness over a long service life of heating devices. Quick-drying battery paint has virtually no odor.

Dufa Aqua-Heizkorperlack

For maximum effect, the substrate must be clean, dry, free of sanding dust, oil, rust, resin and maintenance products. Dries touch-free in 4 hours, completely dry in 10.

  • paints over rust;
  • easy to apply,
  • Suitable for any surface, can be applied to both hot and cold batteries.


  • turns yellow
  • has a sharp pungent odor.

Silicone high-temperature enamel for metal radiators, which has the following characteristics:

  • oil resistance;
  • high adhesion;
  • heat resistance up to +500°C.

It is a suspension of pigments and solvents in silicone varnish with additives. Can be used for painting metal surfaces in ovens, baths, chimneys, for finishing parts in a car engine. The enamel is applied in 2-3 cross layers, with intermediate drying between layers to a “touch-free” state with an interval of 2 hours. Consumption is 110-150 g/sq.m, with a thickness of one layer of 15-20 microns. 2-3 layers are recommended.

  • very durable - does not chip, does not scratch;
  • Can be applied even to hot surfaces, but the smell becomes more intense.
  • If you change your mind about a color, it is no longer possible to remove it.

A water-based composition that, when applied, forms an elastic coating that is maximally resistant to changes in temperature and humidity indoors.

Among the advantages of the suspension are:

  • quick-drying paint for metal is resistant to changes in temperature and humidity indoors;
  • the suspension is easy to apply and has good coverage;
  • no pungent odor;
  • possibility of tinting bright hues;
  • surface for a long time does not turn yellow.

For the first (primer) layer, dilute in a ratio of no more than 1 part water to 10 parts paint. No thinning is required for the next coat. It is recommended to apply in two layers.

  • applied in an even layer;
  • dries in short term;
  • no unpleasant odor.
  • does not have anti-corrosion properties.

Painting wooden surfaces has its own nuances - the composition must be reliable protection from moisture, mold, mechanical damage, and also fits well on wood.

Marshall Export Aqua

A white, odorless paint that, when applied to wood or metal surfaces forms a durable coating that is resistant to scratches and other mechanical damage. The enamel is easy to apply and dries quickly, has no odor.

Marshall Export Aqua

The paint can be used for furniture, doors, wooden windows, furniture, fences. Consumption: consumption up to 12 m2/l in 1 layer. For ferrous metals, Hammerite anti-corrosion primer is needed, for wooden surfaces for outdoor work - Pinotex wood-protective primer.

  • durable coating, resistant to impacts and scratches
  • heat resistance +90°C;
  • does not turn yellow;
  • no pungent odor.

Acrylate, quick-drying paint for wood and for fiberboard, chipboard, odorless, from a well-known Finnish manufacturer, which adheres well to the surface and does not leave smudges. Drying period 2-4 hours.

The main purpose of the material is external painting of treated or untreated wooden bases- fences, walls, cladding boards. Completely matte Pika-Techo paint can be tinted in 120 colors from the Tikkuril “Wooden Facades” catalogue.

During the painting process, the air temperature should be no lower than +5°C, humidity - no more than 80%. Dries touch-free in 4 hours, completely dry in 10 hours. Consumption for a sawn surface is 4-6 m2/l, for a planed and painted surface - 7-9 m2/l.

  • almost no smell;
  • fits well;
  • Easily washes off hands and tools.

Odorless, quick-drying paint on wood for exterior use, the basis for which is linseed oil and alkyd resins. This composition can be used to treat building facades, doorways, fences and picket fences, stair railings, wooden ceilings and walls (not suitable for floors).

Among the advantages of the material are the following:

  • excellent adhesion;
  • possibility of tinting;
  • effective protection wood for 10 years;
  • high concentration of protective additives against rot, fungi, mold and insects.

Consumption for sawn wood is 1 liter per 5-7 m2, planed wood is 1 liter per 10-13 m2.

  • no odor, absolutely safe;
  • 100% covering ability;
  • no smudges, stains;
  • washes well.

Bathroom - room with high humidity, therefore, when choosing coatings, you should be careful, giving preference to special compounds that protect the surface from moisture and mold.

TEX Profi Moisture resistant

Odorless bathroom paint from a domestic manufacturer that applies well, forming a breathable coating that is resistant to condensation.

TEX Profi Moisture resistant

The consumption for covering the surface in one layer will be about 7 m2 per liter, and when applied, as required to create a durable coating - in two layers - about 4.5-5 m2. Gloss level: matte. Drying time to touch is 1 hour.

Washable, odorless, quick-drying wall paint that contains special antibacterial components that protect wet areas from mold. The main purpose is to treat the walls and ceilings of bathrooms, toilets, basements, and laundries.

Designed for application to the following surfaces: wallpaper for painting, plaster, drywall, fiberboard, brick and stone masonry, metal and plastic, pipes and radiators heated to 80°C. Material consumption: 8.6-9.8 m2/l, drying time - 1 hour. Apply the composition using a roller or brush.

  • It washes great and leaves no stains at all.
  • for rich color and smooth surface you need 2-3 layers.

Dulux Willow

An odorless, water-based coating that protects the surface from stains, repels moisture and withstands the effects of steam. Suitable for application on different types surfaces - plaster, gypsum, concrete.

It is recommended to apply in two layers at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees. Celsius, relative air humidity from 40 to 80 percent. To strengthen the base surface, increase adhesion and reduce paint consumption, it is recommended to prime the surface with a deep penetration primer.

Material consumption - 10-12 sq.m/l.

  • ideal;
  • doesn't shine
  • fingers don't remain
  • if something touches the walls, it is easy to clean and the paint does not rub off

For rooms, the paint should not only dry quickly, but also be safe for others - in cans for quick application or in the classic version.

Dulux Diamond Matt

Washable, quick-drying paint for wallpaper, drywall, brick and other mineral surfaces. Apply in two layers. At temperatures from +5°C to 25°, and humidity not less than 80%. Before use, dilute with water in the specified proportion and stir well.

Dulux Diamond Matt

When used as a spray, the proportion should be: 5 parts paint and 1 part water. When spraying airless, no dilution with water is required. The recommended spray diameter is 0.38 mm, the application angle is approximately 65°, the pressure is at least 130 atm.

  • really anti-vandal - you can’t even scratch it with a knife;
  • already after 1 layer it covers well without gaps.
  • expensive.

Paint for interior work, without harmful emissions, solvents and unpleasant odors; substances harmful to health are not released either during processing or during drying of the paint.

Designed for application by brush, roller or airless spray equipment.

Airless spraying:

  • spraying angle: 50°
  • nozzle: 0.021-0.026"
  • pressure: 150-180 bar

Contains antibacterial and anti-mold additives. Considered the best among professional painters.

  • even color after 1 layer;
  • the consumption exactly corresponds to the declared one - 140-150 ml/m2 per 1 layer on a smooth base;
  • the smell is minimal.

Water-based paint allows you to create a velvety surface. It is an environmentally friendly product, does not emit toxic substances, and can be used to decorate children's rooms.

Designed for interior painting of new and previously painted plastered, concrete, putty, brick, cardboard, wood and plasterboard surfaces, as well as chipboard and fiberboard indoors. Not suitable for painting doors and furniture.

Apply by brush, spray or roller. When applying by airless spray, use a 0.017"-0.021" nozzle. Drying time at +23°C and relative humidity 50%: From dust - 30 minutes. The next layer can be applied after 1-2 hours. The surface to be painted must be dry.

  • no smell at all;
  • deep saturated color;
  • Easy to work with, easy to wash off.

VIDEO: 18 super life hacks for painting walls and interior design

Painting is an integral part of home renovation. Therefore it is important to use environmentally clean materials, which dry quickly and have no aroma. Modern technologies allow you to do this. Latest materials for painting are safe and easy to use.

Fast drying paint products

From time to time, each of us plans to do renovations. Sometimes you want to change the interior, update the old furnishings. Bringing a new interior design to life is an exciting thing, but the picture is spoiled by the aromas that accompany the painting of the ceiling, floor, windows, radiators. Many materials are toxic and emit toxic fumes, which is unacceptable in a residential area. But technological progress does not stand still. Today there are many odorless paints that are safe and dry quickly. This made the painter's work simpler and less harmful. In addition, this allows you to carry out painting work at home absolutely safely without loss of comfort.

Choosing odorless paint for apartment renovation is easy at first glance. But this is not entirely true; the choice of material is influenced by the type of surface that will be processed. Among the harmless paint and varnish products, several types can be distinguished:

  • oil;
  • acrylic;
  • water-dispersed;
  • latex.

Each of these materials is good in its own way and has its own special properties. Therefore, it is impossible to select the best one from them.


Oil-based paints and varnishes do not have a strong aroma, this is a huge advantage. They are colored and colorless. Oil-based floor paint, odorless and quick-drying, is formed by mixing special pigment components with drying oil, which is used as a thinner for odorless oil paints.

These odorless floor paints are used for wood when performing interior and exterior work. With their help it is easy to paint metal surfaces, wood, and concrete. They can even be used when painting plaster. But still, odorless oil paints on wood also have a significant disadvantage - they take a long time to dry due to the solvent for odorless oil paints. They are usually used for interior work in non-residential premises.

The main advantage of odorless oil paints for interior work is their price - they are quite inexpensive compared to other types of painting products. Oil paints for odorless doors they can be used for artistic decoration of a room, for example, applying inscriptions, drawings, patterns, and so on.


Odorless acrylic paints for interior work are widely used in construction and everyday life. This is due to the fact that they have no aroma, dry quickly, and are absolutely safe. Odorless acrylic paint has good moisture resistance, so it can be easily used for finishing floors, both wooden and concrete.

Acrylic paints and varnishes are often used when painting windows. They contain additional additives, which allows them to effectively withstand the effects of the environment and temperatures. Odorless acrylic window paints can be various colors, therefore they are in demand. Odorless acrylic bathroom paints, like oil paints, can be used for artistic decoration. Acrylic is an excellent material. They are easier to use, and unlike oil paints, acrylic window paints are odorless and quick-drying, easy to apply to the surface and do not crack over time.

The disadvantages of such products include the price, it is a little high, but due to its high performance qualities, works out its value.


An excellent option for treating walls and ceilings are water-dispersed painting materials. They are water-based and therefore completely safe. They consist of a dispersion - special particles that are not harmful and are dissolved in a natural solvent - water. Water-dispersed white odorless paint has no unpleasant aroma, dries quickly, looks great on the surface. It has a water-repellent effect, which allows the painted surface to be washed in the future without fear of damaging the coating.

Due to the fact that such materials are absolutely harmless, they are suitable for decorating children's rooms, schools and kindergartens. The color range is not very diverse, mostly odorless water-dispersion paint for radiators has White color, although with the help of special additives they are given different shades. The result is an odorless children's room paint with light, airy shades that are pleasing to the eye. Water-based materials are the safest and most environmentally friendly. What’s especially nice is that it’s easy to wash a dirty hand or tool and you don’t need to use toxic solvents for this, but can be washed with plain water.


Odorless latex enamel paint is one of the types of water-dispersed materials, where latex acts as a dispersion. Such paints and varnishes are non-toxic and do not have an unpleasant odor, and therefore are actively used in interior decoration.

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