How to drill a through hole in concrete. How to drill a concrete wall with a drill: as well as drilling with a hammer drill

Almost all modern buildings are built from concrete slabs, so very often repairmen and home craftsmen are faced with the problem of drilling a concrete wall. Breaking through a wall made of this material, even with a pobedit drill, is not an easy task, since its design includes reinforcement and stones.

Laser electric drill diagram: 1 - Vertical level, 2 - Angular level, 3 - Horizontal level, 4 - Electric drill.

To do this, you need to understand the tool used and have step by step instructions, which will greatly facilitate the process of drilling holes in concrete.

Tools for work

Concrete is excellent construction material, which has increased strength and durability, but the presence of such properties causes certain difficulties in working with it. Need for fastening suspended ceiling or installing an outlet in a room requires drilling into a concrete wall, which is fraught with certain difficulties. Before drilling a wall, you will need to decide on the size of the desired hole and only then begin to select a tool. The depth and diameter of the hole, as well as the presence of reinforcement in the concrete wall, determines the drilling method.

Cutting attachments

The shape of the attachment is designed to meet safety standards and allows for easy drilling in autoclaved concrete.

Punch through concrete wall can be done with special attachments that differ in shape, size of the working part and type of shank. Drills and drills are used to drill holes with small and medium diameters. The rod of such nozzles has a screw shape and a carbide tip. For impact drills, drill shanks are cylindrical in shape with a smooth surface. And in rotary hammers they can be made in accordance with the SDS standard. During use, the cutting tool requires sharpening. But it should be taken into account that Pobedit drills do not tolerate overheating well and very often break. Therefore, this process is always accompanied by cooling the drill with a special liquid.

To make a hole big size in concrete, crowns are used. This cutting tool is a hollow cylinder into which the cut material (core) is moved. Its working part can be equipped with carbide cutting segments or diamond cutting edges.

For impact drilling using a rotary hammer, a bit with carbide teeth is used. The diamond-coated working part is primarily used for non-impact drilling with coolant. This tool is quite wear-resistant, but in any case it requires restoration after some time. If the integrity of the body is not compromised, then a carbide or diamond segment is soldered onto the working surface of the crown. If you need to drill a hole of a relatively small diameter, the tool can be held in your hands. But for drilling larger holes, a professional installation is attached to the wall with anchors.

Drilling tool

You can make a hole in concrete with an impact drill. But a hammer drill is best suited for such purposes. Such a tool will be effective when drilling holes with a diameter of about 100 mm. However, it must be taken into account that reinforcing metal encountered on the path of the cutting tool can jam it and break the teeth. Jagged crowns are especially susceptible to this. Therefore, before work you will need to study the characteristics drilling tool and, in accordance with the properties of the material, select it. If it is not possible to work with a hammer drill, it can be replaced with an impact drill. It is, of course, less efficient and has some drilling features. But if there is a small amount of work to be done, then you can limit yourself to it.

To drill a hole in concrete of large diameter and with frequently occurring reinforcement, the diamond drilling method is used with a special non-impact power tool that has a water supply to the drilling area.

Drilling process

Drill or hammer drill

There are two ways to make a hole in a concrete wall: use a drill with an impact function or a hammer drill. The first is used when it is intended to drill a hole to a shallow depth. As for the hammer drill, it is a more powerful tool and its drilling speed is much higher. In this case, there is no need to use pressure when drilling. The methods of working with a drill and a hammer drill are similar.

It is necessary to drill a concrete wall in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you will need to determine the location of the electrical wiring. Failure to comply with this condition may result in an electric shock.
  2. Mark drilling locations. In this case, the master must have a comfortable and stable position. The drilling process is accompanied big amount dust, so when working, eyes must be protected with special glasses.
  3. Prepare the tool and make a mark on the wall with a drill having a standard sharpening. This nuance will help you make the right start.
  4. Use a punch to break the stones. This is a drill that is not difficult to find in construction kit and its price is significantly lower than for cutting.
  5. The technician needs to monitor the temperature of the drill and cool it with water every 10 minutes.
  6. During the drilling process, the tool may encounter reinforcement or stones. This can be understood by the characteristic whistle and ringing (fittings). In addition, the drilling speed may drop significantly (stone). A punch is used to break the stone. To cut reinforcing metal, you need to change the Pobedit drill to a regular one designed for cutting metal.
  7. During operation, every 1.5 cm the drill must be pulled out a little from the hole without turning off the tool itself. This will allow the accumulated concrete chips to come out and gently approach the reinforcement.
  8. To reduce dust formation, you can make a funnel out of transparent polyethylene film, which fits directly onto a drill or hammer drill.

Drill a large diameter hole in the wall for an outlet, distribution box, or make ventilation duct possible in several ways. The first is to make several small-diameter holes along the marked contour, and then knock out the concrete with a chisel. But the work in this case will be sloppy, since the edges will not be even enough.

Therefore, it is better to punch a hole in concrete with a crown, which must be selected in accordance with the desired size. To extend its service life, you can first use the first method, and then walk along the hollowed out hole with a crown.

Diamond drilling

Diamond drilling has a serious advantage over other methods. High accuracy execution, efficiency, low noise and vibration levels allow this technology to become quite popular.

The process of making holes can be carried out in different directions: in horizontal, vertical planes, and also at an angle. The maximum drilling depth can reach up to 2 meters, and the hole diameter can be up to 500 mm. In this case, the drilling speed ranges from 1...6 cm/min.

Diamond drilling technology is carried out using special equipment using diamond ring bits. To do this, a diamond drilling machine, located on a special frame, is fixed to the working surface with an anchor fastening system or a vacuum plate. This installation method can significantly facilitate the drilling process and increase the accuracy of the cut holes.

The operation of the installation begins with unwinding the annular crown at high speed, while water is supplied using a pump to work area. The liquid is necessary for cooling and removing drilling products from the cutting tool. At the end of the process, the hole is smooth, with neat edges.

I would also like to note that the cost of new equipment or its rental is quite high. But when professional use With a special diamond installation, the costs are recouped by the accuracy of the work performed, high speed and silence. In addition, the lack additional processing holes and exhausting room cleaning are a significant plus for its use.

How to drill or punch a hole in concrete, various methods.

Many experts know that drilling holes in concrete is not an easy task. Even if you use a Victory drill, it is not a fact that the hole will be drilled without problems.

What is the reason? The thing is that the right concrete wall (especially one built in Soviet times), consists of a quarter of reinforcing bars and stones. And only those who know the correct sequence of actions can drill through all this reliable splendor. I invite you to join the cohort of those who know by reading the detailed instructions.

Holes in concrete: step-by-step instructions

1. We take a punch and break the stones with it. This special drill, which you can easily find in any construction kit, is simply inserted into the drill and used in the same way as a Pobedit or diamond drill, the cost of which is not as high as it seems. As for the reinforcement, its cutting is carried out with a conventional drill.

2. If you are going to use a carbide drill, then to speed up the drilling process, I recommend using asymmetric sharpening. Before you start drilling a concrete wall, you need to make a mark with a drill with a standard sharpening. This will help give you the right start. WITH concrete wall A hammer drill made from a 6-8 mm drill also works well, the end of which is sharpened like swallowtail. The drill must be constantly turned and struck. Drilling a hole for a socket with such a tool requires no more than 2-3 minutes.

3. Drilling or drilling holes in concrete should be accompanied by regular wetting of the working drill with water. This will help extend its service life. An elastic plastic bottle is often used as a reservoir.

4 . When you drill a hole in concrete ceiling, follow safety precautions. Plaster crumbs will fly under your sleeves, behind your collar and into your eyes. To protect yourself from them, you need to make an ordinary funnel out of transparent polyethylene film, which is placed directly on the drill.

5. When installing a chandelier, you will definitely have to drill a hole in the ceiling for subsequent sealing and installation of a metal hook. If you want to protect the plaster from almost inevitable crumbling, use a regular rubber ball, cut into two parts. A hole is made in one half of the ball, after which it is put on a bolt or punch.

How to punch a hole in concrete?

To punch a hole in a brick or concrete wall, you need to use special bolts, which are made from metal pipes. In the upper part, the bolts must be welded with steel rods using gas or forge welding. These rods will subsequently be struck. If the rods are not welded, the pipe will quickly wear out. On the working part, the teeth must be cemented with cast iron surfacing. It doesn’t hurt to separate them, which will help achieve greater stability of the bolts in operation. If you want to protect yourself from getting your tool stuck while punching holes, you need to rotate the bolt around its axis, remove it regularly, and clean it of concrete or brick dust. The bolt can be used as long as punching a hole in the wall 5 centimeters deep will not result in dulling or coloring of the teeth.

How to punch a hole using a scarpel?

Scarpel is a tool designed for drilling or cutting holes in brick and concrete walls, cutting niches, openings and grooves. Driving the scarpel into concrete may be accompanied by jamming, which should be avoided. If jamming does occur, then under no circumstances hit the scarpel from the side “in a bend.” This will lead to something irreparable. Modern scarpels, which help drill a hole of any size, are made from St.6 steel. The following requirements apply to them. When cutting a strip of steel marked St. 0, 5 centimeters wide and 4 millimeters thick, crumbled places, dents or signs of dullness should not appear on the working part of the tool. At the same time, the question of how to repair the resulting defects is simply not raised.

Mechanized hole punching

If a hole in a concrete wall cannot be made manually, mechanized punching using an electric hammer is used. This tool consists of a body and a striker holder, an electric motor and a converter mechanism. The use of an electric hammer is accompanied by the operation of a striking mechanism with the movements of the striker occurring as a result of the active actions of the converting mechanism. Mechanized punching using an electric hammer, without subsequent sealing, is characterized by a tip strike frequency of 2400 times per minute (standard load). Rental prices for such instruments are quite high.

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Small renovation work periodically become a necessity in every home. Drilling was no exception. To implement it correctly, you need tools, experience and a little time, otherwise it will be an unwanted expenditure of money. To avoid the latter, we have prepared for you an article on the topic: “How and with what to drill into a concrete wall?” Let's look at all the important points.

How to drill into a concrete wall

New or old tool

Remember, if your wife asks: “How to drill a hole in the wall to install an outlet there?”, then it’s time to resort to using a hammer drill!

Additional Information

To prepare the wall for drilling a large-diameter hole, use a thin drill to make a small notch in the center of the mark. This will allow you to later find a comfortable stop with the tool so that it does not slip off. You need to press the drill moderately, without applying significant force, otherwise there is a risk of breaking the drill.

Periodically blow dust out of the hole, this will increase the reliability of the fasteners being installed. A rubber bulb or spray can is suitable for this. compressed air. Blowing with your mouth is not recommended, as dust will get on your face and eyes (as a last resort, use safety glasses).

We hope our information resource helped you, and the question of how to drill concrete no longer bothers you. Good luck!

Drilling into stone or hard concrete with a hammer drill is a rather labor-intensive process. In particular difficult cases, when you need to make a hole in a load-bearing wall or ceiling, it is still better to use a hammer drill (switching it to impact drill mode). You shouldn’t even try to use a drill when you need to drill holes to secure profiles to the concrete floor (when installing a suspended ceiling). You will only waste time and become exhausted.

What types of concrete drills are there?

For work, concrete drills and drill bits (drills) are used. The concrete drill has a standard-shaped shank (like conventional drills for metal or wood) and is designed for an impact drill. Drill drills are designed for rotary hammers, which have shanks for an SDS chuck with a diameter of 10 mm or 18 mm.

The concrete drill is made from a special hard alloy; in addition, it has a soldered tip (made of a super-hard alloy based on titanium and tungsten). These drills can be used to drill concrete, brick, marble, stone, ceramics and other similar materials.

  • It should be borne in mind that concrete drills should be used exclusively for working with concrete, ceramics, and stone. It is highly undesirable to drill into metal or wood with them. If when drilling load-bearing wall the drill will rest against steel reinforcement; it is better to drill it with a metal drill, and then continue drilling with a concrete drill.
  • When working with an impact drill, sometimes you may encounter hard stones in the concrete, which the drill does not always “take.” In this case, use a special chipper or an old concrete drill and sledgehammer to manually crush the stone. After this, drilling can continue.

  • When working with hard concrete, be sure to ensure that the drill does not overheat, allowing it to cool every 10-15 minutes.
  • Sometimes when drilling into a wall, pieces of plaster may fall off on the back side. To avoid this problem, just reduce the speed. Although the work will go a little slower, you won’t have to worry about the safety of the wall.
  • For drilling ceramic tiles use a drill for concrete, but set the mode to a regular drill. At the same time, you should not press hard so that the tile does not crack.


How to drill concrete? This question often arises among craftsmen during the construction and renovation of homes with. You have to drill into concrete to install electrical sockets and switches, lay pipes, wires and other communications.

When drilling concrete, a beginner faces a lot of problems, such as breaking the drill, or even the drill.

Concrete is very durable material. It lends itself very poorly to drilling using conventional methods. And if it is reinforced (reinforced concrete), this task becomes almost impossible with a conventional drill. How to drill into concrete? The problem of making holes in this material is becoming increasingly popular.

How to drill concrete?

The main tools for drilling such structures today are a drill equipped with an impact mechanism and a hammer drill. Correctly drill concrete with a hammer drill. It is designed for just such a thing. The holes made by a hammer drill can have enough big sizes both in their depth and in diameter. You can drill a wall using special working tools that have carbide coating or pobedite inserts. The most common ways to use this tool are:

The most powerful drilling tool concrete structures is a hammer drill.

  • using a conventional tool with the additional use of a punch;
  • use of a hammer drill or impact drill equipped with special tools;
  • drilling with diamond tools.

Making a hole in a wall using the usual method is very difficult and takes a lot of time. The tool quickly becomes dull and fails. How to drill a wall correctly? The drilling point must constantly receive rotational and impact forces. The rotational movement is achieved using a drill, and the impact movement is achieved using a punch and hammer. An old drill can be used as a punch. The hammer strikes its end. In this case, the concrete layer is partially destroyed. Destroyed particles are removed using a drill. The hole slowly but deepens. The most common method is to make holes with a hammer drill and a special cutting tool. The work goes quite quickly and efficiently. A small amount of work can be done with an impact drill with a carbide tool.

Diamond drilling is used when sufficient large volumes work. This method allows you to get the job done very quickly and without a lot of dust. How to get large diameter holes? This is done using diamond-coated crowns or carbide inserts. In some cases, special installations with a water vacuum cleaner are used. But usually a hammer drill can handle this task quite well. It is recommended to periodically remove the drill from the hole and moisten it with water.

Tools inserted into the drill chuck are usually available with a diameter of 4 mm. The largest diameter is 1.2 cm. Their length can be 40 cm. A plastic dowel is inserted into the finished hole and a self-tapping screw is screwed into it. The diameter of the dowel must match the diameter of the hole. To hang cabinets and other pieces of furniture, it is recommended to drill holes and use dowels with a diameter of 8 mm.

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Hammer drills

Drills used in hammer drills are commonly called drills. Drills can have a diameter from 4 mm to 28 mm. Moreover, they have different lengths (diameter and length in millimeters):

  • 4 — 50;
  • 5 — 100;
  • 6 — 150;
  • 8 — 250;
  • 10 — 540;
  • 12 - more than 1000.

The hammer drill has an SDS-plus type shank. Other shanks may be used in industrial installations. Making holes with a diameter of 35 mm or more is carried out with tools that are popularly called crowns. Their maximum diameter is 12 cm. Along the perimeter of the crown there are solderings made of pobedite or diamond coating. Crowns work without turning on the impact mechanism. The hole is drilled in several steps to allow the cutting tool and engine to cool. The drill bits drill well into tiles, so tiled concrete walls can be drilled without changing tools.

You can purchase special drills and bits at numerous tool and construction equipment stores.

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Some tips:

  1. Before mounting the tool in the chuck of a hammer drill or drill, it is necessary to clean it of dirt.
  2. The drill shank must fit into the chuck until it stops.
  3. For household drills and rotary hammers, every 15 minutes of work you need to take a break for 10-15 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to periodically moisten the drill with water.
  5. Before making holes in the wall, you need to make sure that there are no pipes or electrical wiring in it.
  6. You can use a metal detector to find pipes and wires in the wall.
  7. Work should begin with the impact mechanism turned off and at low speeds.
  8. The depth of the hole should slightly exceed the length of the dowel that will be inserted into it.
  9. The depth of the drill can be marked by wrapping a roll of electrical tape around the drill.
  10. When working, it is recommended to use personal protective equipment.
  11. It's better to buy drills famous manufacturers. An excellent choice are products from Bosch.
  12. A diamond tool will help you quickly and efficiently drill many identical holes.
  13. Drills and drill bits for concrete cannot be used when drilling metal and wood.

Drilling concrete walls is not a very simple task, but it is quite doable even at home.

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