How to pass a psychophysiological examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests online. How to take a polygraph test at the FSB: features of the process and important tips

IN police test includes questions and correct answers on legal training, which are drawn up on the basis of the Federal Law on Police of 02/01/2011. and fire training. These tests will help current police officers prepare qualitatively for passing regular or extraordinary certification, as well as for passing final exams upon completion school year police. Candidates for employment in the police should test their knowledge in order to be confident in their theoretical preparation for service in the police.

All police officers, as well as those wishing to join the police, are required to thoroughly know the Federal Law on Police of 02/01/2011, for its high-quality application in everyday activities. How a police officer knows this law may determine his life and fate, as well as the lives of civilians who find themselves in various life situations and, as a result, come into contact with police officers.

Knowing the answers to questions that include fire training for police officers will help to efficiently use the service weapon assigned to each employee, properly maintain it and clean it. Tests for the police will add knowledge in this area, as well as consolidate what they already have.

The exam for police officers allows you to test your knowledge online to see how prepared you are to take the final tests at the end of the school year.

Come on in police test prepare for exams and applying for a job in the police, leave your comments and suggestions.

In our country, this is a fairly new technique, but its fans are growing more and more every year, because it allows you to quickly and objectively identify the personal and professional qualities of a candidate.

Many companies and recruiters may even exaggerate the significance of test results, so to ensure that such a test does not become an obstacle to getting the job of your dreams, you need to know how to overcome it with flying colors.

Psychological test No. 1. Favorite color

You are asked to arrange 8 cards different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant.

What does it mean? This test is aimed at determining emotional state person. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:

– red color – need for action;

– yellow – the need to strive for a goal, hope;

– green – the need to assert oneself;

– blue – the need for affection, constancy;

– gray – fatigue, desire for peace;

– purple – escape from reality;

– brown – need for protection;

– black – depression.

The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.

Key: in the first four there must be red, yellow, blue, green - in what order is not so important. The most preferred arrangement of cards, which paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person: red-yellow-green-blue-purple-brown-gray-black.

You may be asked to take this psychological test twice. The second time, change the cards a little, but not significantly, otherwise you will be considered an unbalanced person.

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson

You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person.

What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.

It is also important what is drawn first: a house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy. In addition, a tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; a house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).

Key: your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree(practicality), pet (caring).

Psychological test No. 3. Story

You are shown pictures depicting people in various life situations and asked to comment on: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?

What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words, “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if the picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.

Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way possible.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob

You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see.

What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blot you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) indicates that you have a lot of unfounded fears or deep stress.

Key: if you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from mathematical problems to logical puzzles.

What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly being questioned (if a person has low indicators, this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has out-of-the-box thinking or he is simply simply inattentive), tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.

Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something. On the eve of the job test, take several psychological tests on the Internet, this will help identify the principles of the decision. According to statistics, each subsequent passing of a psychological test increases performance by 5-7%, just don’t get carried away, otherwise you’ll suddenly find yourself too smart for the position offered.

Now you see that passing psychological tests when applying for a job is not so difficult. After all, you have the “keys” that will open the way to new career achievements!

Last year they gave about 26 thousand reports on the psychological state of Moscow police officers. 11 polygraphs are used to test management personnel, and it is planned to purchase 17 more in the near future. Vladimir Kolokoltsev explained what measures are being taken to ensure that recertification takes place without abuse and gossip. Indeed, there are rumors that some department heads will take the opportunity to get rid of unwanted subordinates. Others claim that those wishing to successfully pass certification are required by their bosses to receive rewards in advance. They even quote astronomical amounts for a specific position. If an ordinary opera “costs” supposedly 200-300 thousand rubles, then a general’s chair is “valued” at a million dollars.

Passing a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Test for logical thinking Logic test Emotional tests Emotional stability, stress resistance - necessary indicators of certification - tests for hiring and subsequent re-certification - applicants and existing employees in positions where you need to work with people in dangerous, emergency and stressful situations (for example, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, trade...) Personality tests The main, widely used personality test for hiring is the SMIL test (Standardized Multifactor Method of Personality Research) - also known as the Minnesota Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire(MMPI) and its abbreviated version MMPI Mini-Mult Intellectual tests The level, intelligence quotient (IQ) of an applicant is often the most important testing indicator when applying for a job where the intellectual abilities of the future employee are required.

Psychological tests for employment with answers online for free

Modern working conditions, productivity and quality of work performed increasingly require applicants to have appropriate performance, personal, psychological and business qualities. For this purpose, many serious organizations use testing when hiring, especially in departments such as the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Railways..., banks, including Sberbank..., as well as large corporations. Employment tests are carried out for accountants, and for managers, for police officers and firefighters, for pilots and machinists, and for lawyers, and even for sales consultants... On this page of the psychoanalytic site http://Psychoanalyst-Matveev.RF you You will be able to take psychological tests used for hiring in various departments and organizations online and free of charge.
However, keep in mind that these are examples of tests used when applying for a job, because

CPD in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tests

Denis 08.11.2016 21:49 What test do you need to pass to apply for the position of junior inspector of the department of security and escort of convicts? Valentina 08.11.2016 19:32 How to pass tests for a local police officer. Marat 10/18/2016 22:16 What test is needed to apply for the position of police officer (dog handler) in the department for protecting and escorting accused and suspects? Alexander 10/14/2016 19:10 Hello, Center for admission to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Alexander 09/21/2016 08:12 Hello! Please tell me how to correctly pass the Luscher test (in what order should the colors be arranged for the device for the position of detective)? Thank you! Ivan 09/20/2016 15:34 Center for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs teaching staff.

Igor 09.15.2016 10:15 TsPD for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs teaching staff. Mongush 09/14/2016 07:47 I want to take the test to become an investigator at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Psychologist in uniform - about cunning operas and the selection of candidates for police service


Passage of a psychologist in the department Hello. I work in the police myself. A comrade whom I have known for many years, absolutely normal, adequate, tried to get a job in a traffic police regiment in our region. He joined the cadres and was assigned to see a local regimental psychologist.

I passed it, she told him directly - I don’t see any obstacles to employment, now I’m making a conclusion, come to the personnel in a day, get a referral to the VVK, etc. A day later I called, they fed him breakfast - call me in a week. As a result, Deputy the company commander told him that he had not passed the psychologist test. I repeat, he is an absolutely normal man, he served, he has two sons, God frankly did not harm him with his health, 25 years old.

Report a bribe

Moreover, the capabilities of psychologists have long been used not only at the stages of selection and placement of personnel, but also during the conduct of service and combat training of employees, in support of operational and operational and investigative activities. Testing is not a one-time act, but an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination conducted by police psychologists. For each candidate, and now also for employees and managers, psychological characteristics With detailed description individual personal characteristics directly related to the performance of official duties.
Everyone knows that for each profession there is a certain set of requirements for personal and psychophysiological characteristics, called a professionogram.
The event of an unusual format was held in the North-Eastern linear control Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on transport. “One day in the transport police”, namely the opportunity to “immerse” in the work of a psychologist, was held as part of the “Choose Life” campaign. Its initiator was the Transport Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far Eastern Federal District. It was carried out in all regions of the district by structural units of the transport police.


Psychologist of the North-Eastern LU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for transport Olga Golovkova invited journalists to her office and offered to try themselves in the role of a police psychologist. As is known throughout the entire service, starting from the moment of initial selection for the police, all employees undergo a psychophysiological study. All these requirements have become more stringent as part of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Of course, recertification was not without the psychologist’s “stamp.”

How a candidate is tested by a staff psychologist in the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Vyacheslav 06/24/2016 07:06 Hello! Please tell me, is the CPP test at the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016 identical to the test that is carried out at the VVK? Natalia 06/13/2016 17:17 Hello! Tell me, is the CPD test in the Ministry of Internal Affairs online 2016, it is identical to the one that is taken at the VVK Alexey 06/13/2016 07:08 I want to take the CPD test for the position of a district police officer Vitaly 06/12/2016 09:08 To enter the service as a detective officer Alexey 06/09/2016 19:36 I want pass the test for a detective Erdem 06/08/2016 14:34 I want to pass the test for the position of a district police officer. Vitaly 06.06.2016 13:19 I want to pass the CPD for a higher position, weapons inspector. Marina 06/05/2016 07:00 I want to pass the CPD for the position of Criminal Investigation Officer.

Maxim 06/01/2016 14:28 Hello! I want to pass the CPD for admission to the traffic police service. Nikolay 05/30/2016 16:26 I want to pass the training center at the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the position of district inspector.
Thus, psychologists monitor law enforcement officers from their recruitment to their retirement. Olga Olegovna told reporters about the main stages of psychological research when selecting candidates for service, which is talked about a lot, but so little is known. Greeted by clothes... Psychological research begins from the moment a person comes to a psychologist’s office, with his appearance. The psychologist notes neatness, manners, speech, and norms of behavior. After that, intellectual abilities are examined - oral and written speech, literacy, general awareness and erudition. Candidates demonstrate basic knowledge in mathematics, geography, history, literature.

Motives for joining: high salary and social guarantees The motives for joining the service are also important.
Alexander 02/02/2018 09:57 Good afternoon. I’m applying for a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, teaching staff, I want to pass the tests Alexey 01/22/2018 22:15 TsPD FOR THE INSPECTOR OF MIA HEADQUARTERS Yana 01/12/2018 09:13 Hello, I’m applying for a contract in the Russian Guard, tell me what tests will be and can you help me with them? Nikita 12/17/2017 18:04 Good afternoon, how can I get a polygraft from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Via email 12/06/2017 12:56 Hello, I’m getting a job in the riot police, please help me. Alexander 25.11.2017 22:38 Hello, what test do border guards take? They also have a math test there, isn't that a CAT test by any chance? Anzor 11/12/2017 10:12 Hello! Passed online test SMIL. The result was 70.44 T-scores on the Passivity (Depression) scale. How can you correct the result? Thank you.

1. Express advice. If you are not confident in yourself when undergoing psychological diagnostics (psychodiagnostics), then choose from your friends someone who, as you think, ideally matches the niche that you are trying to occupy or defend. Answer as he would answer.

2. If the instructions say that there are no right or wrong answers in the test, don’t trust it.

3. Avoid extremes, be closer to the “golden mean”, do not spit on yourself, but do not extol yourself either. To the question “Do you always pay for travel to public transport“It’s better to answer “no,” because that’s what the majority does. Otherwise, you’ll be more likely to be suspected of lack of frankness.

4. Many tests contain a “lie scale”, i.e. have a number of provocative questions as in the previous example. And even if you always pay for travel, then you will get a plus on this scale. If you get a lot of pluses, your results will be considered unreliable. And then in best case scenario you will be asked to take this test again (most likely in a different form, with different questions). At worst, they will write something like “prone to inauthenticity” in the conclusion, which can significantly reduce your rating. And in general, this can negatively affect the tone of the entire conclusion, because, believe me, psychologists really don’t like unreliable results.

5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice. They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.” Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way.

6. Test results can be greatly affected by the environment. If you do not like the testing conditions (noisy or poor lighting, for example), ask for better conditions, especially if your abilities and intelligence are being tested. Ask in the most correct form, intelligently, without annoying anyone. If they refuse you, then it is quite likely that this is such an idea, part of the plan. If a group is being examined, then asking only you to improve the situation, you will agree, is stupid.

7. Upon completion of the testing procedure, try to photocopy the examination protocol and forms with your answers. They can also be useful for a subsequent appeal (which, of course, is better not to go through), and will certainly help you avoid one or two negative judgments about you in conclusion. If you contact a psychologist you know, he will help you point out your mistakes.

8. Many tests are carried out with a time limit and recording. Find out from the psychologist the most complete information about the restrictions and how much time is allocated for answers. Be sure to come to the diagnostic with a watch: firstly, it can help you plan time for answers, and secondly, the absence of a watch can affect your image (as a non-business person). If a psychologist stands with a stopwatch, of course, do the task as quickly as possible. If not, use every chance to stretch out the time. For example, if a psychologist reads questions to a group, be sure to ask the psychologist to repeat something unclear or complex issue, at the end you can even ask to give you a list of all the questions personally. If you work individually with a list of questions or a test book, this is a big plus for you. In Cattell's test (questionnaire), for example, there are 16 personality scales. Among them is one for intelligence. There are no time restrictions. Sit and think for yourselves, don’t rush anywhere.

9. You have the right to ask the psychologist the name of the test that is being conducted with you. This may be useful to you.

10. If you are selected (for work or study), then most likely you need to be smart, sociable, healthy guy rather than a stupid, closed-off psycho. We will touch on this important topic in other sections.

11. Reduce your age if possible. This may be useful if you have to take an intelligence test, where younger people are often given a discount, and if you are under twenty (there is no difference for older people).


How to avoid unpleasant little things when applying for a civil service (and not only)


How to pass the CPD at the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Such employees are sent for examination and are required to pass such a commission within two weeks and it is worth thinking about how to resign from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Based on everything written above, CPT no longer seems such a complex and difficult undertaking.

After all, this system is designed not only to prevent anyone and everyone who is thinking about getting a job in the authorities, but to effectively filter out unwanted candidates.

Passing a psychologist when applying for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

If anything, you can send it to me by email. One of my friends, when undergoing a medical examination in the army, memorized the “Rabkin Table” (a test for color perception, to determine color blindness) - these are multi-colored circles, against the background of which you need to indicate the correct picture or numbers. He managed to get the doctor through, but the ophthalmologist is not a psychiatrist)) Color cards - the Luscher color test, is known all over the world and they also took it.

What is CPD in the police?

Decoding of the CPP

Accordingly, your health status is checked, that is, whether you are suitable from this point of view for serving in law enforcement agencies. Psychological testing In addition, an important part of the testing is to determine the motives for entering the service, as well as the general background of a person’s life.

First of all, as already mentioned, it is checked that his motives are not selfish.

Tips for those undergoing psychological testing

5. Sometimes there are tests in which one question or statement appears twice.

They answered differently - you get a plus on the “lie scale.”

Try to memorize questions verbatim and answer similar ones in the same way.

7. Upon completion of the testing procedure, try to photocopy the examination protocol and forms with your answers.

They can also be useful for a subsequent appeal (which, of course, is better not to go through), and will certainly help you avoid one or two negative judgments about you in conclusion.

Questions from a psychologist: how to answer correctly

How to answer psychological tests? Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests.

sometimes we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job. so why not understand the secrets of psychological testing? Psychological test No. 0 Answer bias (I think this test is generally the most important) If you do not know how to answer questions correctly similar questions— Your psychological testing will be completely pointless:

Usually this position is occupied by a girl of 22-30 years old, but this is not necessary. Your main task is to please the psychologist, to win him over, and not to fit into any standards or templates. After all, CPP testing is carried out automatically and no one thinks about how you answered a certain question, but here in front of you is a living person and he will decide “accept or reject.”

There are no questions in the tests, there are statements.

For example: “I’m afraid of the dark”, answer options: “true” and “false”, but worth noting Special attention to statements with double negatives: “I have never seen snow,” the answer is “FALSE.”

Let me make a reservation right away: the statements are repeated, only in different interpretations, the main task is to test honesty, so it’s best to answer frankly without thinking too much, so as not to screw up.

Luscher’s analysis method is described below, what and how in his opinion should be, but in principle, the result is the same:

In the same test, on another page, you need to continue the sentences, well, there’s nothing complicated here, the main thing is not to write nonsense like: “If I had extra money, I would. " - ". distributed them to the poor,” then it’s immediately clear that you are an asshole, and also stupid. There are no answer options here, so write what comes to mind, for example: “.

I went on vacation at the seaside.” Don't overthink it and don't try to sound smarter than you are.

Is it CPD, they answered that almost. CAT Short Selection Test, Form A. The test that will be offered to you contains 5.

To complete the test you are given 1. CAT test online: questions and answers. Here you can get acquainted with the questions of the CAT test online.

Ministry of Internal Affairs. What CPD tests for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be in 2. Moreover, I know for sure that I am fit to serve in the FSB.

I answered the psychologist’s question like this: .

In the pictures I drew: . If she asked what color is your favorite.

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