How does antiseptic for cesspools work? Which antiseptic for cesspools is better - expert opinion

Sooner or later all owners country houses facing a recycling problem Wastewater, waste, feces. A properly selected antiseptic for the toilet in the country will help solve this problem, getting rid of harmful microorganisms and stench.

The article provides detailed review different types antiseptics, their application features, advantages and disadvantages are described. To make it easier to choose the right drug, we have listed the main criteria for a smart purchase, and also indicated the best manufacturers biological and chemicals.

The accumulation of sewage and feces not only produces bad smell, but can cause soil contamination with toxic substances or turn into a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms.

Various types of modern antiseptics allow you to effectively solve the problems of maintaining a cesspool or local sewer network country house

To get rid of them they are used various ways disinfection and recycling of waste that can be used in different types sewer systems.

Products for cesspools and septic tanks

For a long time, residents of small settlements used outdoor toilets equipped with drainage pits, which require periodic pumping using sewage disposal machines. Antiseptics can significantly facilitate this process by reducing the frequency of waste removal.

Nowadays, homes are often equipped with local sewer systems with septic tanks - special modules where waste is accumulated and disposed of.

  • Anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in the absence of oxygen. They are distinguished by high productivity, which allows them to be used both for cleaning drains of dachas and country houses, and in local sewer systems of guest houses and campsites.
  • Aerobic microbes. Since they are able to exist and reproduce only in the presence of oxygen, the sewer system should be equipped with means of forced ventilation. With constant air injection, such bacteria do an excellent job of cleaning pits/septic tanks, but in the event of technical failures, their productivity drops sharply.

As a rule, modern biological products simultaneously use several types of microflora, belonging to both aerobic and anaerobic groups. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the products and promote uniform cleaning of the entire volume of the sewer system.

In this case, bacteria that require oxygen process waste located on the surface, while anaerobic microorganisms corrode the compacted bottom masses.

In addition to bacteria, biological products for toilets in the country include enzymes that accelerate the processes of fermentation and decomposition, as well as enzymes that enhance the effect of microflora on organic matter, and auxiliary substances.

Types of bioactivators for toilets and septic tanks

Biological products can be produced in different forms: in the form of liquid, powder, capsules, tablets, granules.

Despite progress, most of our summer cottages still equipped with rather primitive toilets: a stall above cesspool, and in best case scenario- the simplest septic tank, not much different from the mentioned pit.

For their normal functioning, such structures require constant care using special chemical or biochemical preparations called antiseptics.

Purpose, types and composition

Antiseptics are called special active compounds in the form of a liquid or powder, sometimes tablets, which accelerate the process of decomposition of fecal matter in a pit toilet, eliminate unpleasant odors and kill pathogens. There are two main types of such compositions:

Chemical preparations are made on the basis of:

  • chlorine compounds;
  • formaldehyde;
  • ammonium or nitrogen compounds.

The strength of chemical antiseptics for the toilet can be considered the possibility of their use at any temperature, including negative ones; in addition, they have a fairly quick effect and neutralize putrefactive microorganisms well, which prevents the occurrence of stench.

Despite this, the use of such products today is significantly reduced, since they are very toxic, and waste processed by this method is unsuitable for use as fertilizer - it must be pumped out with a sewer truck and disposed of in a special way.

Advice! If you choose a chemical antiseptic, you should use nitrogen-based compounds - they are the least harmful of all.

Toilet sewage treated with nitrogen antiseptics is liquefied and disinfected, and the resulting porridge can be used to make compost.

Bioactivators are biologically active compounds made from microorganisms and enzymes that feed them. The composition of the microflora is selected in such a way as to obtain an environmentally friendly, natural process for processing and disposing of waste discharged into a cesspool.

The composition of such drugs includes:

The essence of the work of such antiseptics comes down to the natural biological cycle of specially selected microorganisms, which, once in a favorable environment, actively multiply and feed on waste country toilet.

In this case, the process of decomposition of sewage into lighter and liquid fractions occurs, some of which are freely absorbed into the soil without polluting it. The use of such antiseptics significantly increases the period of necessary pumping of the pit and minimizes the likelihood of stench.

Advantages of bioactivators:

Such antiseptics also have significant disadvantages:

  • these drugs are used at temperatures not lower than +3 degrees, otherwise the microflora dies and, instead of having a beneficial effect, causes rotting and an unpleasant odor;
  • quite high sensitivity to the presence of chemicals - its presence, at a minimum, slows down the processing process, and often completely kills bacteria;
  • difficulty in preparing the composition - the concentration of bacteria per unit volume of processed waste must be strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, instead of a beneficial effect, you will get active rotting, stench and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

How to choose?

Of the chemicals, due to minimal harm to the environment, nitrate (nitrogen) preparations are most in demand. Their price is the highest in their group, but unlike chlorine and formaldehyde compounds, they are not harmful to the human body.

The most popular bioactivators are:

IN severe cases when it is not possible to avoid detergents and other substances entering the drains household chemicals, it’s worth taking a closer look at Fatcracker. Doctor Robik is ideal for breaking down alkalis, and the powdered antiseptic Oxygenerator is suitable for preparing fertilizers from compost.

Let's take a brief overview of cleaning products

The table below shows the most popular biological preparations among the people used for country toilets.

Name of the drug, manufacturer. Brief characteristics. Price, rub.
The cleaning force is Russia. Packaging – 75 grams. The drug decomposes any organic matter and eliminates odor. One package works in a volume of 1 cubic meter for one and a half months. 125,00
ARGUS GARDEN - Canada. The box contains two bags of 18 g each. Each package is designed for 2 m/cu.m. Active for 1.5 months.

Universal biological product - suitable for cesspools and dry closets.

Roetech 106A - USA. The 75 gram package allows you to completely process and decompose fats, fabrics, phenols and feces into an absolutely safe substance. The packaging is enough to work with 1.5 m3/cube of waste for 1 month. 160,00
Sanex – 100 – Poland. A powerful bioactivator that can turn waste into an environmentally friendly substance that can be used to water plants. The remainder of unprocessed solid particles is no more than 3% of the total mass. Packaging 100 grams - designed for use in two m/cube for 3 months. 230,00
One Flush - USA. A powerful tool that can cope with paper, soap, any organic matter and feces. The package contains three bags of 16 grams each, designed for 6 m/cube and 3 months of work. 1150,00

How to apply it correctly?

The process of preparing a product for bioactivation of waste processing is specified in detail in the instructions for each drug, but we, for our part, will describe some general details that you need to know:

Advice! Since almost all country cesspools do not have forced ventilation, you should not purchase biological products that contain aerobic bacteria - they will simply die in conditions of oxygen deficiency, so carefully read the composition of the drug on the packaging.

All modern means more or less cope with their task and yet, I would like to note that the main selection criterion, in our opinion, is the quantity various types bacteria contained in the product - the more of them, the better quality and deeper processing they will provide.

Also pay attention to the parameter that indicates how much solid waste the drug can digest.

High-quality samples, with correct use leave no more than 3% of solid fractions from the total mass of sewage.

All this information is contained on the packaging.

To treat toilets and cesspools, substances are used that can quickly decompose feces, paper, cellulose and thereby prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor (an accompaniment of rotting waste products) and rapid filling.

To speed up the process of biomass decomposition the following can be used:

  • chemicals (acid or alkaline based)
  • bioactivators for the biological destruction of the contents of a cesspool.

Chemistry for country toilets It copes well with the task, but these are strong poisons - formaldehyde, chlorine-containing liquids, ammonium salts. They work at any temperature, breaking apart the molecules of organic waste. The bad smell disappears, but there is a danger of toxic (formaldehyde) and aggressive substances penetrating into the ground. Waste after treatment with formaldehyde must be disposed of and cannot be used as fertilizer.

The composition is based on Bacillus subtilis bacteria, their action is enhanced using new achievements of world science. Roetech 47 in the form of a liquid, ready-to-use fraction is used in warm time of the year.


  • Shake the product in a closed bottle for a minute;
  • moisten the surface of the heap being processed with the contents;
  • add water to transport bacteria deeper.

One bottle is enough to treat a volume of 2 m3; the biological product will work for six months. The product has an environmental safety certificate and is approved for use in all places, including children's institutions.

Doctor Robik -109 - pour into the hole and forget about the smell

The number 109 in the name means that so many strains of bacteria were collected into the composition and forced to act together. The composition contains living microorganisms in spores. To wake them up, you will need food and water. Waste waste serves as food for bacteria. The composition is packaged in sachets. One serving per month should be added to outdoor toilet and make sure that the crust does not dry out on the surface.

  • The packaging is designed for a volume of 1500 liters
  • validity period - 30/40 days
  • Cost of 1 package – 109 rub.

Get acquainted with the entire product line and

Method of using antiseptic for cesspools:

  • dilute the contents of the package in a bucket of warm rainwater, let it brew for 2 hours, pour into the treatment area;
  • add water to the hole;
  • repeat treatment monthly.

Green pine 50 - works with a small amount of water

Belgian manufacturers have introduced a drug that, with constant use, fills latrines with the smell of fresh pine. The composition is even used to treat dry closets and bathrooms with VOCs. It is effective in outdoor toilets. The smell will disappear within 4 hours, and the waste mass can be used as compost. Add the composition once a week. At the same time, water is added to the surface of the waste pit.

  • Validity period: two weeks
  • A package of “Green Pine” with two sachets costs 128 rubles

The drug is non-toxic and environmentally safe. Operates at temperatures +4 – +30 0 C. Stored at positive temperatures, in a dry place.

Biological cleaner Septic 250

The composition includes effective microorganisms in the form of bacteria, aminates, minerals and enzymes. The package contains 250 g, but the required amount should be poured out, depending on the volume of the pit. For a pit of up to 2 cubic meters, add 200 g of the drug in the form of a solution at the same time, adding 50 g monthly. The “septic tank” drug works better in an aquatic environment; periodically it is necessary to moisten the pit.

  • design volume (250 g) - up to 2 m3
  • Validity period – from 2.5 to 5 months
  • Septic package price - 570 rubles

Its difference from other biological compounds is that even at low temperatures it continues to work, but less actively. You need to prepare the composition wearing rubber gloves and a gauze bandage. It is not necessary to introduce bacteria into your body.

Biological product for septic tanks BioExpert in tablets

The tablet composition of the bioactivator contains live bacteria, enzymes and mineral additives. When dissolved, the tablet fizzes, releasing strains of bacteria to work. As a result of a complex effect on organic matter, bacteria produce organomineral fertilizer. The effective composition is used in internal sewerage for septic tanks and for waste disposal in outdoor conditions.

  • In order to recycle 4 m 3 of waste you need to use 1 tablet
  • validity period - 30 days
  • Packaging cost BioExpert of 6 tablets 1280 rub.

How to use:

  • for outdoor toilets, dissolve 1 tablet in 5 liters of water;
  • pour the liquid into the treatment area and forget;
  • the next portion of the drug every month.

Once recovered, the waste can be used for composting. Live bacteria will accelerate the formation of biomass from green residues.

How to clean an outdoor toilet if a sewer truck cannot drive up? Modern septic tanks for cesspools will solve this problem without difficulty. Biologists were able to grow microorganisms that purify wastewater and turn it into process water.

Types of cleansing preparations

Today, septic tanks for cleaning cesspools are produced in two versions:

  1. Chemical;
  2. Biological.


  • Chlorine and its compounds;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Nitrogen compounds;
  • Ammonium compounds.

Chemicals are used to disinfect and disinfect the contents of the cesspool. The drugs can be used at any air temperature. The action of the reagents is aimed at the total elimination of harmful microorganisms and infectious agents.

But it should be borne in mind that reagents can partially penetrate into the soil and also cause corrosion metal pipes. It is important to follow the exact dosage when using it to avoid unwanted effects. Remember that waste after using chemicals must be removed from the site: it is not suitable for fertilizing the soil.

Among chemical agents, the safest are nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen fertilizers). Activators included in nitrate oxidizers liquefy and disinfect feces and sewage, depriving them of their harmful properties. The resulting slurry can be used to water compost heaps.

Let's watch the video, a little about the septic tank and septic processes:

Ammonium compounds promote the decomposition of sewage and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, if soapy substances are present in the drains (after showering and washing), the ability of ammonium to decontaminate fecal matter is impaired. It is recommended to remove waste processed by ammonium from the summer cottage.

Remember that everything chemical compounds extremely harmful and have a high degree of health hazard. In this regard, some reagents are prohibited for use in household conditions (formaldehyde). Among the listed reagents, nitrogen is the safest.

How do bioactivators work?

Biological preparations contain living microflora and enzymes. Sewage and waste are a breeding ground for them. Today, manufacturers offer two types of biological products:

  • Septic tanks;
  • Antiseptics.

Active microorganisms entering wastewater begin to multiply, feeding on sewage. As a result of their operational activities, the following occurs:

  • Processing feces and waste into liquid;
  • Reducing waste volume.

Septic tanks cause decomposition and recycling feces into an odorless technical liquid. Antiseptics sanitize waste. With the regular use of biological products, there is no need to pump waste out of the toilet: clean drainage system conducts liquid well into the soil. Also, after the microorganisms work, the liquid becomes completely safe, and it can be used for watering the garden or fertilizing the soil.

Features of the use of biological products

  1. They are used only at positive temperatures (3 - 30 degrees).
  2. The growth and activity of microorganisms is suspended in the presence of chemical components in the wastewater.

What to choose

Among chemical cleaning agents, the most popular are nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen). They are expensive, but are not carcinogenic like formaldehyde. Chloride substances are not recommended for use, since exposure to chlorine vapor negatively affects the human body.

Popular bioactivators include:

  • The drug "Sanex";
  • The drug "Micropan";
  • Remedy "Doctor Robik".

If the wastewater contains soapy substances that microorganisms do not like, you need to choose a Fatcracker septic tank. It is specifically designed for this type of cleansing. Doctor Robik also neutralizes alkalis well.

If you need compost, use the Oxygenator preparation. This biopowder perfectly forms “early ripening” compost for fertilizers.

Types of drugs

  • Description: “Septic tank-Biogranules”

Biogranules are used for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools. The drug “Septic tank-biogranules” processes sewage, turning it into harmless liquid. To activate the growth of microorganisms contained in biogranules, you need to add the contents of the package to a jar of water and leave for at least 20 minutes. Then the liquid from the jar is poured into a cesspool or drain hole.

Follow the instructions strictly and do not use the home toilet for 15 hours so that microorganisms can adapt to the new environment. During this time, all pipes will be completely cleared of impurities. It is necessary to clean the sewer with biogranules once every 7-8 days.

  • Description: "Doctor Robik"

The bacteria of this drug are able to survive in aggressive chemical environment. They recycle everything except iron, wood and plastic:

  1. Phenol;
  2. Material;
  3. Washing powder solution;
  4. Cleaning powders.
  • Description: "West Treat"

This septic tank will contain anaerobic microcultures for processing fecal matter and household waste. This type of bacteria is well adapted to aggressive chemistry. The drug completely eliminates unpleasant odors, reduces the volume of waste several times, and cleans the drainage system.

  • Description: "Septi Treat"

The drug contains enzymes, saprophytic microflora and several types of soil microorganisms. Septi Treat converts fecal matter into valuable fertilizer.

When using, monitor the moisture level of the waste. If the sewage has dried, you should add several buckets of water to the hole.

  • Description: "Oxygenator"

This bioactivator perfectly forms compost for fertilizer. Reviews: The Oxygenerator drug processes not only fecal matter, but also straw, kitchen waste, leaves and sawdust. You receive high-quality compost fertilizer for the production of mushrooms, berries, any garden crops. The formation of compost is not accompanied by clouds of flies and a putrid smell. To activate the Oxygenator, boiled water is used.

This is a chemical powder for a cesspool that destroys dangerous microbes. The action of the device is aimed at disinfecting the contents of the cesspool and eliminating the unpleasant “aroma”. "Septifos" turns an unpleasant odor into the fragrance of eucalyptus.

How to use

  1. When using ammonium preparations, processed waste should be removed from the site using a sewer truck. It is prohibited to store recycled liquid and waste on the site and use it for fertilizer.
  2. The use of nitrate oxidizers (nitrogen) for waste treatment is the safest among chemical agents. Recycled material can be watered compost heaps. Prices for septic tanks containing nitrogen are quite expensive.
  3. When using bioactivators, ensure a sufficient level of moisture in the cesspool. In an insufficiently humid environment, microorganisms cannot function effectively. If the liquid level is low, simply add water to the sump.
  4. Remember that with irregular use of the country toilet, the mobility of bacteria decreases: they need a nutrient medium. If the toilet is not used for two weeks, the microorganisms will simply die from “malnutrition.”
  5. If this is your first time using bioactivators for the toilet, buy a septic tank for the cesspool “Start”: this mixture accelerates the growth of microorganisms in the cesspool. There is no need to use “Start” afterwards.
  6. Remember that bioactivators do not like soapy substances and chemical components. If soapy liquid enters your septic tank, choose special means. “Doctor Robik” is well adapted for such conditions.
  7. If you use bioactivators for waste disposal and recycling, do not use chemical ones. detergents. It's better to buy something other than ordinary ones washing powders, and enzymatic: bacteria will not die from the aggression of chemicals.

Bottom line

Cleaning the cesspool and septic tank - important point in the life of summer residents. When choosing a septic tank, consider, first of all, the frequency of use of the toilet. If you do not visit your dacha often, it is advisable to buy a chemical product. When choosing bioactivators, pay attention to the concentration of bacteria. If the percentage of microorganisms in the preparation is high, you are less likely to have to add the product to the cesspool.

IN major cities There is a centralized sewerage system that receives waste from all apartments. But in small towns and holiday villages there is no way to connect to a centralized sewerage system, so you have to solve this issue yourself. Owners of a country house almost always face the problem of recycling and waste disposal.

There are two ways to solve this: either dig a mini-sewer for the toilet and other wastewater, or make a toilet on the street. The second option is more profitable with economic point view, since its price is low. But in the case of year-round living in a country house, it is necessary to make a full-fledged sewer system. One way or another, you need to disinfect both the toilet and the sewer, and an antiseptic will help with this.

What is a toilet antiseptic?

Most often, toilets of the classic type are made in the country - with a cesspool. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to use a special substance called an antiseptic. This is a disinfectant chemical that breaks down impurities and eliminates unpleasant odors. Tablets or bioactivators are used as an antiseptic.

In addition, you can use natural products that perform the same functions as a chemical antiseptic. So, a homemade peat mixture is added to the cesspool, which helps turn waste into compost. Of course, this option is the cheapest. But it must be taken into account that the process of compost formation is very long, and peat must be constantly added so that the reaction proceeds faster.

Chemical antiseptic also has its disadvantages. So, it is very dangerous for humans, because upon contact with the skin it can corrode it. In addition, it pollutes environment. Therefore, before using it in the country, you need to think carefully.

Why are antiseptics needed?

An antiseptic for the toilet is very important, so it is necessary to use it. After all, he:

  • Cleans the waste tank from impurities entering it;
  • Prevents limescale from forming on the walls of the toilet;
  • Has a disinfecting effect;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors from the toilet;
  • Dissolves solid waste, including even toilet paper;
  • The tank is kept clean at all times;
  • If a chemical antiseptic freezes, it does not lose its properties after dissolution;
  • Increases the service life of the toilet;
  • Prevents corrosion.

The only disadvantage of the drug is that it must be used with a certain frequency. Otherwise, its use will not give the desired result.

Caring for rural sewerage


This version of an antiseptic for the toilet is best suited for installation in a country house, since the breakdown of waste occurs without harm to the surrounding area. But fruits and vegetables are grown at the dacha, so they cannot be allowed to become contaminated. However, for the normal functioning of bacteria it is necessary special conditions: moisture, light, temperature.
With the help of such microorganisms, you can quickly get rid of sewage, prevent the development of fungi and eliminate unpleasant odors. In addition, moisture is absorbed into the soil, so the contents of the hole become smaller and smaller. You can purchase a biological antiseptic in the form of tablets, powder or liquid. For the toilet small size You can use just one tablet. But if it is large and the whole family uses it, then it is better to add powder or liquid.

It must be taken into account that biobacteria are inactive in tablets and powders. Therefore, you need to activate them yourself. To do this they are mixed with cold water and left for a certain time. Immediately after the liquid enters the cesspool, the cleaning process will begin. Bacteria feed on sewage and multiply. Therefore, over time, waste breakdown will occur even faster.

How to use it?

Since bioactivators are living organisms, in order for them to function normally, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • Under no circumstances should chemicals or chemicals enter the cesspool. medications that can kill bacteria;
  • The water level in the pit should be approximately 20 cm above the solid elements;
  • Be sure to provide ventilation for the toilet, since bacteria also need fresh air;
  • Bacteria are killed by exposure to cold. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them in winter, in early spring or late autumn;
  • If you do not add enough bacteria to the pit, they will not be able to cope with all the waste, so they will die over time.

Chemical cleaning

Currently, there are three types of substances intended for chemical treatment of sewage:

  • The cheapest type is formaldehyde. However, several years ago it was proven to be very toxic to humans. Therefore, it is practically not found on the open market;
  • Nitrogen purifiers also do a good job, but they are very expensive. But they are insensitive to detergents and cleaning substances that may be in the cesspool;
  • One of the best chemicals for cleaning toilets in the country is ammonium. The preparations that contain it quickly break down waste and eliminate unpleasant odors. However, it is unknown how the substance affects the environment, so you need to work with it carefully.

Using an antiseptic for a dry closet

An antiseptic is also needed for a dry closet, since it must be periodically cleaned of microorganisms. Thanks to the use special compounds toilet parts become stronger, as their anti-corrosion properties increase. In addition, the antiseptic perfectly disinfects the dry closet and eliminates unpleasant odors. You don’t have to worry about clogging the toilet, since the substance quickly breaks down not only human waste products, but also toilet paper.

But it is necessary to take into account that to clean the dry closet you need to use only liquids specially designed for this purpose. It is not recommended to replace them with dishwashing detergents, clothing powder and other substances. This may cause the toilet to break down.

Liquids intended for cleaning biological toilets can be of two types:

  • For upper tanks. They wash away waste directly. They need to be poured into the top tank. If they fall into the lower tank during flushing, they do not prevent the decomposition of waste;
  • Liquids for the lower tank must be more active from a chemical and biological point of view. After all, they are designed to dissolve or recycle waste. In addition, they are important for eliminating unpleasant odors coming from sewage. For dry toilets, only biological antiseptics can be used. Therefore, when purchasing a drug, you need to carefully read its composition.

Antiseptic for wooden toilet

An antiseptic can be used not only to break down sewage, but also to treat the toilet itself. Since outdoor toilets in the country are made of wood, the disinfectant must be designed specifically for such material.

Wood needs to be treated from time to time to reduce the likelihood of microorganisms developing. You can use both biological and chemical antiseptics for this. Or you can cook it yourself.
To do this, you need to take a 25-liter container, preferably with a lid (a canister of the appropriate volume is ideal). It contains 100 g of iron sulfate (costs about 70 rubles) and 10 g of potassium permanganate (50 rubles). Everything is poured with 20 liters of water and left until completely dissolved. It can then be applied to the wooden part of the toilet. The price of such a product is approximately 160 rubles, but it has a lot of benefits. In addition, this composition is also suitable for treating dry toilets.

Thus, you can purchase a ready-made antiseptic. You need to select it according to your needs, since each type has its own pros and cons. In addition, you can make the drug at home with your own hands.

Video: An effective product for country toilets

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