How to make a bed for strawberries: vertical and tall with your own hands. Pyramid bed for strawberries Wooden pyramid for strawberries

What is the essence of the design

The most popular among gardeners is the pyramid. Usually it is made three- or four-cornered. The design can be made with your own hands quite simply.

Climbing strawberries: growing in vertical beds

For its manufacture, wood, metal or dense plastic is used. The most convenient is wood, but everyone goes beyond their capabilities and experience of working with this or that material.

First of all, you need to think about which design will be most suitable for you; make the necessary drawings; determine the exact dimensions; prepare materials for construction. For the base, it is best to take a block about 40 mm thick. All wooden elements should be treated with an antiseptic or varnished. This will help protect the wood from moisture, fungi, pests, etc.

Setting up drip irrigation

Video Bed "Pyramid" type

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A vertical flowerbed in the form of a pyramid allows gardeners, especially those with small plots, to significantly expand the area for planting flowers, herbs, and vegetables.

The vertical flowerbed in photo 1 is not only very beautiful, but also additional 36 linear meters landing area.

Photo 1. Do-it-yourself vertical flowerbed.

Due to its unique design, this pyramid for flowers (vegetables) provides easy access and care for plants.

Shapes and sizes vertical flower bed may be different, for example photo 2, so experiment.

Below, for example and download, is a drawing and dimensions of a vertical five-tier pyramid flowerbed for making with your own hands.

Dimensions are given in the format thickness, width, length.

Download a drawing of a vertical flower bed.

  • 1 Pros and cons of the design
  • 2 Materials
  • 3 How to do
  • 4 Planting and care

Pros and cons of the design

The advantages are as follows:


  • Car tires.
  • Slate structures.
  • Old barrels.
  • Polyethylene bags.
  • Plastic pipes.
  • How to do

    • building level;
    • hammer;

    They are connected in the shape of a rectangle or square and installed in place, deepening 10-15 cm into the soil. The lower part of the pyramid is completely filled with soil, to which good compost, coarse sand and rotted humus are added. The soil needs to be watered and left to shrink for 30 minutes, then, if necessary, add soil to the edges of the boards.

    Another square of boards is also installed on top, just as small as the second one in size.

    How to make vertical beds for strawberries

    Creating a kind of cascade. You can make as many pyramid steps as you need, depending on the available space.

    Planting and care

    Currently, gardeners often use the method of growing strawberries in pyramids to effectively use the site area, save labor and time, and obtain maximum quantity delicious berries.

    In addition, the pyramid for strawberries looks interesting: it is bright and unusual decoration personal plot. For such a structure, it is advisable to choose a sunny place.

    • 1 Pros and cons of the design
    • 2 Materials
    • 3 How to do
    • 4 Planting and care

    Pros and cons of the design

    The bulk of multi-tiered structures, photos that are easy to find, are original containers that can be bought or built. This means that they have both disadvantages and positive qualities.

    The advantages are as follows:

  • Attractive appearance. A carefully made structure with plants growing in it becomes the “highlight” of the site. And there are many different ways to design them.
  • Saving free space. And in small areas you want to plant a lot of plants, here pyramidal beds will come to the rescue - with their help, a minimum of free space is consumed, and it can be made on any sunny place- near a fence, kitchen walls, outbuildings or house.
  • Reduced labor costs. There is no need to dig up the soil; there is no place for weeds to grow.
  • Transportability. According to their design, such structures are easy to move; there are modular structures that are convenient to combine, moving, rebuilding and supplementing them.
  • Among the disadvantages are:

    • Possible lack of moisture. Pyramid beds require regular watering. The soil in them dries out quickly, and the plants will suffer during drought.
    • Small volume of soil. Mostly pyramidal beds - containers are small in size. As a result, they will only be able to grow small plants, such as strawberries, but these will also require regular feeding.
    • In winter, plants freeze. Perennial crops growing in multi-tiered (pyramidal) beds will bring you a lot of worries, including winter period low temperatures can kill the root system.


  • Car tires.
  • Rectangular containers and boxes.
  • Slate structures.
  • Old barrels.
  • Polyethylene bags.
  • Plastic pipes.
  • Such structures can be made with your own hands in almost any configuration; they can be placed both in the open air and in a greenhouse; occasionally craftsmen use them to grow plants on loggias and balconies.

    How to do

    Diagram (click to enlarge)

    Making such a structure is similar to building a children's sandbox, only you have to put several of them on top of each other. For this you will need:

    • durable boards required size. They must be soaked in advance with drying oil, then treated with sandpaper and varnished;
    • fastening material for connecting boards;
    • building level;
    • hammer;
    • soil for filling the pyramid.

    First of all, level the area well and mark the territory. After this, the largest part of the pyramid is made. The most suitable for this wide boards(width dimensions 25-30 cm).

    They are connected in the shape of a rectangle or square and installed in place, deepening 10-15 cm into the soil. The lower part of the pyramid is completely filled with soil, to which good compost, coarse sand and rotted humus are added.

    Strawberry beds: varieties, how to make them yourself?

    The soil needs to be watered and left to shrink for 30 minutes, then, if necessary, add soil to the edges of the boards.

    Knock down the second part of the pyramid, 60 cm smaller in width than the top one, to leave space for planting strawberries on the first part of the bed. It is placed on the base exactly in the center. The same way we installed the bottom of the bed. Everything is still filled with soil and watered well.

    Another square of boards is also installed on top, just as small as the second one in size. Creating a kind of cascade. You can make as many pyramid steps as you need, depending on the available space.

    Planting and care

    When caring for strawberries in pyramidal beds, first of all you need to take care of timely watering. You can’t overdo it, although in this design the reset excess moisture excellent, but constantly flooded roots can still rot.

    For this reason, vigilance and maximum efficiency in the fight against the aggressor are necessary. For good strawberry growth and increased yield, you need to fertilize. Fertilizers must contain the following elements:

  • Phosphorus (added when preparing the soil for the pyramids);
  • Nitrogen (feed during the period of active growth of strawberries);
  • Magnesium (added to the soil mixture during preparation);
  • Potassium (added before planting, and fed while plants are flowering).
  • In pyramid boxes, it is convenient to grow hanging and remontant varieties strawberries and wild strawberries, flowering and harvesting continue throughout almost the entire season.

    How to assemble a pyramid for strawberries with your own hands, see the tips in the following video:

    How to make a pyramid for strawberries with your own hands

    Today, professional farmers and amateur gardeners are increasingly using vertical beds on their farms to grow strawberries. This type of planting of this crop allows for more efficient use of space, saving time and effort in the growing process and significantly increasing productivity. And the pyramid for strawberries is an original bright decoration for the entire summer cottage.

    What is the essence of the design

    The undeniable advantage of the vertical method of growing strawberries is that it saves space and high yield. When planting plants in this way, the bushes are located on top of each other and do not occupy large areas. Strawberry yields in such structures can be 5 times higher than usual. In order for a strawberry bush to grow well and bear fruit, it needs to be provided with a free height of about 30 cm. With this method of cultivation, overall care is greatly simplified: removing the tendrils, watering, fertilizing, harvesting.

    Modern vertical beds can be made in a variety of configurations: pyramids, shelves made of metal or wood, ovals, circles made of tires, pipes, plastic bottles, flower pots and much more. They can be placed both in a greenhouse and in the open air, and some craftsmen adapt similar structures even on the balconies of apartment buildings.

    In home-made strawberry pyramids, it is especially profitable and convenient to grow continuously fruiting varieties (remontant), since their berries flower and ripen throughout long period time.

    How to build vertical tiers

    The most popular among gardeners is the pyramid. Usually it is made three- or four-cornered. The design can be made with your own hands quite simply. For its manufacture, wood, metal or dense plastic is used. The most convenient is wood, but everyone goes beyond their capabilities and experience in working with this or that material.

    First of all, you need to think about which design will be most suitable for you; make the necessary drawings; determine the exact dimensions; prepare materials for construction. For the base, it is best to take a block about 40 mm thick. All wooden elements should be treated with an antiseptic or varnished. This will help protect the wood from moisture, fungi, pests, etc.

    Strawberry pyramid

    The blanks are fastened together with nails and glue, and for greater strength you can use metal corners/strips and screws. This will significantly improve the strength of each tier separately, and the entire structure as a whole. The first (foundational) tier must be filled with pre-prepared fertile soil, leaving 4–6 cm free on top so that it is possible to feed and water the plants.

    Then the soil should be lightly compacted and the next tier should be placed. The procedure is repeated until the designed structure is completed. Please note that each floor should be 30–35 cm smaller than the previous one. The pyramid can consist of 3–9 tiers and bring up to 95 kg of strawberries per season. After completing the assembly of the structure, it can be painted or decorated in an original way so that it blends harmoniously into the landscape.

    Video Interesting ideas for garden beds

    Setting up drip irrigation

    When growing any crop, it is extremely important to ensure timely proper watering, which guarantees good harvest. Today, the most popular method of irrigating pyramids for strawberries is drip irrigation - water gets directly to the root, and the soil does not become waterlogged.

    To ensure watering of the strawberry pyramid, you will need a perforated hose. You don’t have to buy it, you can do it yourself by puncturing small holes in a regular hose at a distance of about 20 cm with an awl or a gypsy needle. The hose prepared in this way needs to be laid in a snake between the beds and plugged at one end. The second is to connect it to a container from which life-giving moisture will flow.

    When doing drip irrigation with your own hands, you should also consider dismantling the system for the winter so that you can use ready-made materials again next season.

    1. a massive hand-made strawberry pyramid should be assembled in the place planned for it. Otherwise, you may encounter transportation problem;
    2. To get a good strawberry harvest, you need to fill the tiers of the pyramid with high-quality soil. For strawberries ideal option there will be a composition of a mixture of peat, perlite, vermiculite and coconut fiber. Also, do not forget about regular feeding;
    3. Think carefully about how to protect plants from frost. It is better to think about this question before starting the construction of the pyramid, so as not to ruin all your work later.

    Vertical beds have many advantages over traditional methods of growing strawberries. Strawberry pyramids not only bring a magnificent harvest, but also serve original decoration the entire area.

    Video Bed "Pyramid" type

    The video shows a simple and efficient design for growing strawberries. The type described is called a pyramid.

    Kick off strawberry season by building elegant vertical strawberry growing pyramids. Pyramids will allow you to save space and make your garden more attractive. Be sure to read the instructions.

    I offer you two completely different projects of pyramids for strawberries.

    DIY strawberry pyramid. Project No. 1.

    In accordance with the project, we will get such a pyramid.

    Project details.

    Approximate time: 2-3 hours.

    Complexity: moderate

    List of materials:

    • narrow board;
    • 4 wide boards;
    • 44 screws;
    • 4 corner brackets;
    • 32 strawberry plants;
    • soil for strawberries.

    List of tools:

    • miter or circular saw;
    • drill;
    • scissors or stationery knife;
    • measuring tape;
    • shovel.

    Parts of a pyramid bed.(width and thickness of the board may vary)

    Part Quantity Size in cm.
    Base walls 4 3.8 x 14 x 91.5
    Side walls 2nd level 2 3.8 x 14 x 106.5
    Facade walls of the 2nd level 2 3.8 x 14 x 55.8
    Side walls 3rd level 2 3.8 x 14 x 78.7
    Facade walls of the 3rd level 2 3.8 x 14 x 28
    Upper side walls 2 3.8 x 7 x 43
    Upper façade walls 2 3.8 x 7 x 9

    Board cutting diagram.

    Now that everything is ready, we begin to assemble the pyramid for the strawberries.

    We lay the base walls as shown in the figure. Drill pilot holes for self-tapping screws at each end base wall. Try to position the holes onequidistant distance from each other and approximately 2 cm from end of the board. Use 3 self-tapping screws for each edge to secure the structure.

    Prepare the side walls for the second, third and top levels by cutting the edges at 45 degrees.

    We assemble the levels according to the diagram.

    The first three levels do not need to be attached to each other. Due to their own weight and the weight of the soil, they will be very stable. But the top level needs to be attached to the corners.

    We attach the top to the third level.

    Now we fill it with soil and plant strawberries. That's it, the strawberry pyramid bed is ready. And most importantly, it was made with my own hands.

    Pyramid for strawberries. Project No. 2.

    For those who want a taller strawberry pyramid, our second project is suitable. Another advantage is that this pyramid is very mobile, as it has wheels.


    • High beam for the base;
    • Square wooden or plywood base.
    • 4 wheels;
    • Dostochki different lengths;
    • 75 self-tapping screws;
    • Wood glue;
    • Crushed stone;
    • Strawberry plants;
    • Soil for strawberries.

    Additional Tips: It is worth covering the boards with varnish to make the pyramid last longer. As you add soil to each level, cover the base with crushed stone or pebbles for better drainage.

    Let's start assembling. We prepare the base for the pyramid. We use self-tapping screws and wood glue to fix the elements.

    Attach the wheels to the base of the pyramid.

    In order to save space, a pyramid bed for strawberries is used, which is sold ready-made or made with your own hands. The benefits of using this design are obvious: minimum quantity weeds, the possibility of organizing a drip irrigation system, collection more harvest from a smaller area.

    A multi-tiered bed requires care. It consists of systematic watering, covering winter time year and weeding. To ensure proper growth of seedlings and sufficient soil moisture, it is necessary to properly design and assemble the structure.

    • Show all

      Variety of materials

      A simple option for a pyramid for strawberries, but not the cheapest, is to purchase a ready-made form at a garden supply store. People fall asleep in it soil mixture and seedlings are planted. The bed can also be made from scrap materials.

      When choosing materials, take into account their availability in the area where the garden plot. For example, on sea ​​coast They collect pebbles from which they make creative multi-tiered beds and flower beds.

      One of the most popular materials is considered car tires, not only multi-tiered beds are made from them, but also unusual shapes are cut out to decorate flower beds.

      Enterprising summer residents use old chests of drawers, wooden boxes, bottles into which soil is poured and strawberries are planted.

      Tiers made of stone

      Beds made of cobblestones, bricks or building blocks can be different geometric shapes. For example, in the form of thresholds that are placed against the wall of a residential building.

      To arrange a brick pyramid, a number of works are performed:

      1. 1. Side walls are erected.
      2. 2. Fill up the drainage (broken brick, expanded clay, crushed stone).
      3. 3. Lay the fertile substrate and compact it.
      4. 4. The soil is moistened and strawberry seedlings are planted.

      The stones are fixed together with cement mortar. Each tier is laid out with a smaller diameter compared to the previous one. Fill with drainage and soil mixture. Large seedlings are placed on the lower tier, small ones - on top.

      Tire bed

      A pyramid of tires can be made in two ways. For the first one, take tires of different diameters and cut out the sidewalls. Then they lay the first tire and fill it with earth. A second tire with a smaller diameter is installed on top and the process is repeated depending on how many tiers are planned. The last tier involves placement flower pot.

      If the tires are the same size, then “holes” are cut out in their sidewalls, into which strawberry seedlings will then be planted. The first tire is filled with earth and the next one is installed on top of it, and so on. It is not necessary to cut out “holes” on the top tier; you can plant strawberries around the entire perimeter of the tire.

      Pyramid of plastic pots

      For the southern region, planting strawberries in a pyramid helps protect the berries from pests and diseases.

      Standard option:

      1. 1. Prepare 3 plastic pots with a diameter of 60 cm and cut a hole with a diameter of 5 cm in the bottom.
      2. 2. The first pot is installed on a pre-selected plot of land and a reinforcement rod is stuck through it to a depth of half a meter.
      3. 3. Place the remaining containers, securing them firmly.
      4. 4. The structure is filled with soil and seedlings are planted.

      Several bushes of plants are planted in the top pot to camouflage the top of the axis and give a beautiful appearance to the garden bed. The number of tiers may vary. The main thing is that the structure is stable. For the winter it is wrapped with covering material. And in case of severe frost, they are disassembled and placed in a basement or greenhouse.

      When growing strawberries using this method, you can get a good harvest in the first two seasons, then the number of berries decreases. The soil in the boxes needs to be watered twice a day. But this method helps to save space and get a minimum of weeds.

      From boards and boxes

      Often on summer cottage boards of different lengths accumulate, from which you can make comfortable garden bed pyramidal shape like strawberries. To do this, prepare materials and tools:

      • boards;
      • hammer;
      • nails or screws;
      • plane;
      • level;
      • PVC pipe or asbestos-cement pipe;
      • a mixture of sand and earth.

      The boards are prepared: sanded, impregnated with drying oil, and varnished. Chemical compositions cannot be used, as they are absorbed into the soil and the quality of the berries deteriorates.

      Table: Standard sizes pyramids for strawberries.

      The pipe acts as an irrigation system; holes are made in it 10 mm at the top and 5 mm at the bottom.

    In addition to the three listed above, there is one more shelter option. These are pyramids and steps.

    Read also

    Pyramid- This is a structure made of boards and earth, rising above the ground. It allows you to plant a large number of strawberries in a relatively small area. The shape of the pyramid allows the upper tiers not to obscure the light of the sun for the lower ones.

    They are called steps. Such beds will become an excellent replacement ordinary, if you need to save space, they can even be installed on the balcony. The advantages will also be more easy care, weed control and rodent control. In addition, vertical beds look much better than regular ones and can decorate your site.

    To create a vertical bed, you need to secure the containers in which the strawberries will grow on top of each other. Ordinary flower pots will suit you as containers.

    To give them greater stability, you can make a hole in the bottom of each and plant them on a stake firmly planted in the ground or something like that. After that, all that remains is to fill the pots with soil and plant the red berries in it.

    This is not the only type, you can make any other design yourself, with which your imagination will help you. But if you don't want to make a garden bed yourself, know that you can always buy them at a gardening store.

    Whatever type of shelter you use from the above, you will not have to regret it. After all, the result will be beautiful and delicious berries strawberries

    Video: Pyramid bed

    It is difficult to arrange compact plantings if there is not enough space in the garden. This is especially true for such an exquisite crop as strawberries. Many experienced gardeners invent different ways– pipes, frames, pyramids. As it turns out, this is not such a difficult matter - all you need is some imagination.

    What is a strawberry pyramid

    This wooden structure, built of planks, filled with soil.

    This design looks very attractive, and it is not difficult to make.

    Growing is carried out vertically - so that the roots are directed downwards, as if planted in an ordinary bed, but raised above the ground.

    The design is quite simple, you can build it yourself using improvised means.. The principle of the pyramid is that the lower layers of plantings are not blocked from access by the upper layers sun rays and just light. The beds themselves are arranged in the form of steps– the seedlings are arranged in several tiers, and the tiers look like an ordinary planted horizontal bed.


    Even this small structure can accommodate several dozen strawberry roots.

    The main advantage of the pyramid is that it is possible to save space in the garden, in addition to planting a large number of seedlings in a relatively small area. Another plus is the beautiful aesthetic appearance - it looks like an exotic flower bed.

    Board cutting diagram.

    To summarize the above, we can highlight the following:

    Due to the fact that the plants are located on a hill and practically do not come into contact with the soil, root system significantly less susceptible to rotting. This method of cultivation makes it possible to avoid infection with gray rot, infection with slugs, and cabbage.

    Resistance of strawberries to fungi when planted in a pyramid

    But the culture also acquires conditional immunity to infection and spread of fungal diseases.

    Due to this prevention is simplified– the number of preventive sprayings or therapeutic treatments is reduced. Among other things, caring for plants is simplified - it is convenient to pick off the first flower stalks and shoots.

    The pyramid can also be made collapsible and stored in a barn for the winter.

    Reviews from gardeners

    • It is easy to loosen the soil, remove possible weeds, and apply mineral or organic fertilizers.
    • Watering the beds is simplified– several tiers are watered at once.
    • Fruit ripening time is reduced , simplifies harvesting– no need to bend over all the time.
    • Many gardeners use pyramid beds as element landscape design – looks great both during the flowering and fruiting periods.
    • The building can be decorated climbing plants– bindweed, wild grapes.

    Selection of material and mechanism for constructing a pyramid

    When deciding to build a pyramidal structure for strawberries, you should take into account the possibilities - availability required material, skills and imagination.

    This structure can be built from various raw materials - wood, metal, polyethylene, plastic, but, in addition to the above materials, the following means can be used:

    • unnecessary tires;
    • a set of old pipes of different lengths and diameters;
    • bags for construction needs;
    • plastic bottles;
    • empty containers - barrels or boxes;
    • flowerpots.

    From these materials you can create not just a strong pyramid - you can depict a beautiful decorative element on your site. For long-term service, it is advisable to use raw materials that can stand firmly for several years - from one to four years.

    In most cases, gardeners choose wood- boards or long beams. The structure, which is made of wood, is usually built with three or four corners, while several steps are erected - tiers.

    It is more difficult to make a high pyramid, since it is necessary to calculate the sufficient rigidity of the structure.

    Location determination

    If on personal plot There is a place for a vegetable garden, then there should be no problems with choosing a place.

    Otherwise, you will have to choose a place right in the yard, and in this situation it is worth showing your imagination and installing a vertical bed in the form decorative element landscape design. The same decision should be made if you want to install a structure in an apartment environment - you will have to figure out how to decorate the frame in the form of a beautiful flower stand.

    Pyramid with strawberries in the apartment

    If the installation is carried out in an apartment, the optimal place for this will be a balcony - it is advisable that it be insulated and tightly closed in the winter.

    For the balcony it is better to come up with something compact, for example, a small rack based on pots.

    If the frame is small, it can be installed on the windowsill. It is important that the location of the vertical flower bed is on the south or southwest side. As a last resort, maximum light access should be provided– you can equip artificial lighting using a special lamp.

    When to plant seedlings

    In some cases it is possible to plant until mid-September, but in these circumstances it is necessary to place the plantings in such a place that do not expose new gardens to the first frosts- in an apartment, on a closed balcony.

    Preparatory work and drawings

    In order to produce a high-quality and durable pyramid, it is worth calculating the parameters using drawings.

    Scheme of a pyramid made of planks.

    1. Next you need to prepare wooden boards, nails for connections - size from 20 to 50 millimeters.
    2. Take a hammer, plane, spirit level.
    3. But you will also need pipes made of asbestos cement or PVC, in which there are holes with a diameter of ten millimeters.
    4. To fill the cavities of the flowerbed, you will need a soil mixture - chernozem, sand, peat, humus.
    5. It is advisable to treat all surfaces with drying oil.
    6. Better to avoid processing chemicals due to the fact that these funds will affect the quality and size of fruits, the level of development and adaptation of seedlings.

    Selection of connecting grooves

    Construction mechanism

    First you need to determine the dimensions of the pyramid.

    Approximate measurements should be:

    • chain-link mesh– two hundred and forty by two hundred and forty centimeters,
    • first level- two hundred twenty by two hundred twenty, twenty-five centimeters,
    • second level is one hundred and seventy by one hundred and seventy, by twenty-five centimeters.
    • Third floor is 120 by 120 by 25 centimeters, the fourth tier is seventy by seventy by twenty-five centimeters.
    • Highest tier- twenty by twenty, twenty-five centimeters.

    The base is a board about forty millimeters thick. When all the pieces are ready, connect them using nails and glue.

    You can use screws for greater strength and metal corners. The lower tier is filled with compost with a small gap of 6 cm for subsequent feeding. Next, the soil is compacted. All floors of the pyramid are installed in a similar way. There can be from three to nine tiers.

    We fill in fertile soil and plant strawberries.

    Features of landing

    At each level of the structure, a specific planting method is used.

    1. They start from the lowest floor - seven seedlings on each side.
    2. The next level is five bushes on each side.
    3. The third and fourth row - three bushes on each side, the top level - two seedlings at the base of the pipe.

    Caring for plantings consists of regularly watering the seedlings, but you cannot rely on any conventional scheme.

    Watering is carried out as needed. Feeding is carried out using liquid nutritional mixtures. Among other things, It is worth taking care to protect plantings from low temperatures and provide sufficient lighting .

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