Which coating is better: plain or matte polyester? Which metal tile coating to choose?

Metal tiles are sheet construction material, used to cover the roofs of houses. To give it an attractive appearance it is painted various colors and soils. The service life and cost depend on the thickness of each applied layer. Some increase its resistance to corrosion, others protect it from mechanical shock and ultraviolet radiation.

  • Steel sheet.
  • Galvanized on both sides.
  • Passivating layer on both sides.
  • Primer.
  • Decorative and protective layer from the front side.
  • Protective layer on the back.

Types of coatings and their characteristics

There are many types of paints. They are made from the same components, but using different technologies.

Produced on the basis of the following substances:

  • polyester;
  • polyurethane;
  • plastisol.

1. Polyurethane.

The sheets are painted in a layer of 50 microns. Galvanization is carried out in the range from 100 to 570 g/m2. Tiles with such a coating are produced by some of the most famous and best brands: Armakor, Granite, Prism and Pural. They are similar in characteristics, differing only in the country of origin. When polyurethane is applied, the surface acquires a silky-matte tint; it is resistant to ultraviolet rays, so it retains its original color for a long time. Not afraid chemical substances, which are formed in excess in major cities.

Such metal tiles are good even in harsh conditions, for example, near the seas, where there is often salt fog. It cuts perfectly, and when bending, no cracks form in the paint; as a result, the protective layer remains completely intact. The service life of Pural, Granite and Prism ranges from 20 to 40 years. The manufacturer provides a guarantee of up to 35 years, depending on the thickness of the steel and the galvanization layer.

Puretan is one of the varieties polyurethane paints. Applied with a layer of 35 microns, galvanizing - 275 g/m2. Due to the smaller thickness, the cost is lower. Can be used in complex climatic zones.

Prism - coating 50 microns thick, galvanized - 142-258 g/m2. But in this case, to protect against rust, it is not 100% zinc that is used, but its mixture with aluminum. Thanks to this, the tiles lie well in places with high humidity, and is also resistant to salts, chemical acids and alkalis. Will last from 25 to 30 years, guarantee period- 20 years.

Quartzite Mat is applied in a layer of 50 microns. Galvanization is carried out with a thickness of at least 275 g/m2. The reverse side is painted with polyester to improve appearance material and additionally protect from negative impacts. Service life - 45-50 years, factory warranty, subject to compliance with roof installation technology and rules of use - 35 years.

Polyurethane products also include the following brands: Granite, Purman, Steel Cashmere and Quartzite Light.

2. Plastisol.

It is applied with a layer of 200 microns, galvanization can be from 100 to 258 g/m2, the base is polyvinyl chloride. Looks good on any type of roof and withstands precipitation well. But with intense sunlight it loses its original color and the paint begins to slowly crumble. The service life is 25-35 years. The warranty can be up to 30 years, but this depends on the manufacturer, the thickness of the galvanized layer and the steel.

3. Regular and matte polyester.

It is one of the cheapest coatings, and it also has the widest color scheme. Its base is polyester paint. Painted tiles have a glossy sheen and are resistant to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation. It is not recommended for covering roofs in places with a polluted environment, for example, near highways, in large cities or near industrial enterprises. The most well-known brands are Satin, Steel Silk, Atlas, Polydexter, Purex and Agneta.

Satin – applied in a layer of no more than 25 microns. For the manufacture of tiles, galvanized steel from 100 to 570 g/m2 is used. Service life is 10-30 years, the warranty varies, it all depends on the manufacturer.

Agnetha, unlike previous options, is applied to the product on both sides, thereby better protecting it. The front layer reaches 30 microns, the back layer – 25. Galvanized steel of 275 g/m2 is used. A special component has also been added that gives a copper tint. Resistant to ultraviolet rays, service life - 35-40 years.

Matte polyester is applied in a thickness of 25 to 35 microns. Polyester paint is also used as a base, but it is matte, so it does not have a glossy sheen. But unlike Pural or Plastisol, it poorly withstands mechanical loads and burns out quite quickly. The service life depends on the manufacturing technology and manufacturer.

Most famous brands coated with matte polyester are Steel Velvet, Safari, Viking, Drape and Velor. It is not recommended to use them in places with an aggressive environment.

You should check the thickness of the galvanization, since the service life depends on it: the thinner, the less the metal will last. This is where manufacturers are trying to reduce product costs and increase the frequency of purchases of new building materials. It is better to choose tiles at a high price and with a long warranty. In this case, the roof will have to be repaired again in 20-25 years.

A material with a textured (matte) surface fades much slower than a glossy one, even if it has only one layer of polymer.

Cost and what affects it

The price varies greatly depending on the thickness of the steel: the thinner it is, the lower the cost of the building material. The type of metal and the level of its purification also influences. Prices also increase depending on the size of the galvanized layer. Well-galvanized tiles are more resistant to corrosion, and subsequent coloring and protective coatings adhere better to them.

The following factors also affect the cost:

  • Profiling technology (giving steel its final shape, increasing rigidity and resistance to loads).
  • The presence of a passivation layer.
  • Type of coating.
  • Composition, degree of adhesion and thickness of the primer.
  • Wave height (the higher, the more expensive).
Coverage typeSteel thickness, mmPrice per m2, rubles
Atlas0,5 410
Granite Monterrey530
Polyester Satin240-310
Polyester matte0,45 290
Steel silk0,5 315
Steel velvet330
Steel cashmere410
Quarzite lite470

Home owners often have a question about what to buy – tiles or soft roof. These building materials differ significantly in the production method. The second one should be chosen when the home owner has an unlimited budget, since it costs more. To install it you will need to buy Additional materials for arranging a continuous sheathing.

If you plan to purchase an expensive metal tile and are not sure that it will work out well and correctly install it yourself, then it is better to contact construction company. You should choose an organization that has proven itself well and has a large number of positive reviews. You need to make sure that she does all the work conscientiously. Regardless of what kind of tiles are used, if the installation technology is violated, then within a year or two it will begin to rust. Particular care must be taken when handling it protective coating, as it scratches easily.

Synthetic materials appeared relatively recently - in the second half of the last century. Their invention essentially produced a real revolution - they have many unique properties that materials of natural origin do not possess. Many polymers have become so widespread that they have even entered the daily life majority of the planet's population.

This is, for example, polyurethane and polyester- polymers, on the basis of which a huge number of fibers, inorganic resins, fabrics, plastics and coatings are produced. Polyurethane and polyester are similar in their properties. But in some respects, polyurethane is superior to its closest brother.

As already mentioned, many different types are made from polyurethane and polyester (polyester). different materials and products. For example, polyester fabrics are very popular. Tension fabrics are made from them fabric ceilings and clothing for sports and active recreation, which has unique qualities. One of the fabrics containing polyester fibers is fleece. It perfectly removes moisture from the body and actively evaporates it into the atmosphere, which provides increased comfort during active sports. It is not cold in such clothes, they do not stick to the body.

But the same material is widely used for applying polymer coating to sheet roofing products - metal tiles and professional sheet. The same goes for polyurethane. They are similar in appearance, it is difficult to distinguish them by eye. But they have significant differences in properties, and therefore choose sheet roofing material with one type or another is necessary, in accordance with current needs and specific operating conditions.

First of all , The difference between polyester and polyurethane lies in a number of important quality characteristics - in favor of polyurethane. Polymer polyurethane coating:

  • much more elastic - cracking of the polymer layer for some reason metal tiles practically excluded;
  • high level of adhesion - the polyurethane surface coating is more durable;
  • enviable durability - profiled sheet or metal tiles with a polyurethane layer has a long service life, during which the product does not lose its appearance.

These are just some of the most notable benefits of polyurethane coatings. Based on this, you can easily distinguish a roofing material made of polyester from a sheet that looks exactly the same, but only has a polyurethane coating. To do this, just try to scratch the unnecessary piece of sheet a little - of course, without fanaticism, without putting in much effort. The polyurethane coating is only slightly deformed, but the polyester coating can scratch to the metal with the same effort.

However, in many cases, consumers choose corrugated sheets with a polyester polymer coating, since the price of such a roofing product is more affordable. If care is taken during transportation and careful installation, the service life of such material is also significant. True, large dry branches that fell on the roof during a storm can leave noticeable marks on the product, but this is a completely different question.

Polyester (polyester): basic properties of material and coatings

The production of any polyester or polyester (second name) materials is based on high-molecular compounds obtained in chemical production from petroleum.

The product of polyester production is films, plastics, fabrics and polymer coatings that are used in the manufacture facade panels, sheet roofing products based on rolled metal.

Polyester products are also used in the production of consumer goods, road signs, outdoor advertising and even car parts. They are resistant to the influence of the external environment, do not fade under the influence of light, and have decent mechanical strength. But such a product cannot withstand strong alkalis. The popularity of polyester coatings is high - their properties are sufficient for most consumers. Their affordable price also attracts attention.

Materials with polyurethane

Polyurethane is usually classified as a group of artificial elastomers. It is available both in the form of hard plastic and in the form of soft and very elastic rubber. Widely known polyurethane coatings a variety of materials and parts. They have excellent adhesive properties, and therefore adhere well not only to metal, but also to wood and concrete. They are not afraid of exposure to atmospheric factors, aggressive environments, including alkaline ones.

Such products are not subject to abrasive wear; scratches appear on them only under sufficiently severe mechanical stress.

Of course, compared to polyester raw materials, this polymer is much less affordable. But his are beautiful performance more than compensate for this shortcoming.

This is an important parameter on which the strength of metal tiles primarily depends. This is especially important in our climate, because excessive snow loads can easily lead to deformation of a sheet with insufficient thickness. In addition, thin sheets are easily damaged during installation. Manufacturers are also guided by this, establishing a longer warranty period for more durable metal tiles. For the roofing of a house, sheets with a thickness of 0.5 mm are mainly used. If you plan to use the material to cover a gazebo or shed, a thickness of 0.4 mm is suitable.

One of the ways to protect metal tiles from corrosion is double-sided galvanizing of the steel sheet. The zinc content in the metal can vary from 80 to 275 g/m2. The thicker the zinc layer, the longer the roof will last.

Sheet coating

No less important indicator metal roofing is a type of protective polymer layer that affects the appearance of the sheets and creates additional protection. Main types of polymer coating:

Polyester. Coating thickness - 25 microns. The most budget-friendly type of coating with good ductility. Polyester is the least resistant to mechanical damage and ultraviolet radiation compared to other types of coatings. It can have either a glossy or matte surface.

Polyurethane. Coating thickness - 50 microns. Polyurethane has good resistance to mechanical damage and corrosion, as well as resistance to fading and frost resistance. The texture of this coating can be glossy, matte or semi-matte. The guarantee for such metal tiles is different manufacturers can reach 35 years.

Plastisol. Thickness - 200-250 microns. This coating is most resistant to mechanical stress, has high levels of corrosion protection, resistance to UV and severe climatic conditions. Due to its plasticity, the coating has the ability to self-heal. Plastisol has a glossy or semi-matte texture and, as a rule, is a premium coating with the longest warranty period.

Pural. Thickness - 50 microns. Pural is made from polyurethane resin using a primer. The coating is almost not subject to deformation due to its high strength characteristics and consists of nine layers, including zinc and polymer coating, primer and protective paint.

Sheet profile

The shape and height of the profile determine the rigidity of the sheet: the higher the profile, the more reliable the metal tile. The most universal is the S-shaped profile with a height of 25-45 mm. This option is suitable for most roofs. The most popular metal tile profiles are Monterrey, Classic and Dune. The first one imitates natural clay tiles and has a large step width and a beautiful bright design. The Classic profile usually has a smaller pitch. The classic is well distributed and is close to the profile of ceramic tiles. Dune is similar in appearance to Monterrey tiles. The profile does not have holes on the surface of the sheet, which increases the service life of the roof. In addition, Dune metal tiles do not require maintenance.


When purchasing metal tiles, you must remember that it is impossible to do without additional elements roofs such as ridge elements, end and cornice aprons, seals, junction strips, snow retainers and fasteners. All these elements will help give the roof a finished look and protect complex components from leaks.

Reference article based on the expert opinion of the author.

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