Balloon competitions. Fun games and competitions with balls for adults

Throwing a party for a child school age, mothers and fathers understand that it is necessary to think through many important details. This venue is also comfortable and spacious enough to accommodate all the guests. This includes choosing an interesting theme and appropriate menu, decorating with balloons, and ready-made holiday sets. And if parents cope with these components of the upcoming celebration quite simply, then choose children's competitions for 10th birthday many find it difficult. After all, searching and finding the necessary information takes time and even patience. We have done it all for you and offer the most interesting competitions for children's birthday with balloons.

Children's birthday contests for 10 years at home

Competitions for children's birthdays in cafes and schools

For open space country houses or in large areas in cafe halls, the school has many interesting moving competitions with multi-colored balloons. This will captivate boys and girls and diversify the holiday program. We offer best games with balls:

Games with balls for children:

· “Merry dancing”, minimal amount children - two, each child is tied to the left ankle balloon. With your right foot you need to step on and burst the enemy's balloon. The child whose ball remains intact wins. A funny spectacle for all guests, it looks like a funny dance. The game develops dexterity and understanding of where left and right are.

· "Air football", you need 4 bouquets of balloons(or anything else suitable) which are placed in pairs, forming a goal and a balloon to act as a ball. Children are divided into two teams, the goal of the game is to hit the ball into the opponents' goal, in general, everything is like in real football.

· "Play like Beckham"», Each child is given a ball, the goal of the game is to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible by tossing it with your foot. You can also arrange something like beach volleyball, children stand in a circle and try to collectively keep the ball in the air by tossing the ball with their hands or feet.

· "Rocket", each participant in the competition is given an uninflated balloon. Children stand in one line and inflate balloons. At the leader’s signal, the children release the balls, and they fly, releasing air and rattling. The winner is the one whose ball flies the farthest. A very fun game, children love to play it.

· "Fun Starts", children are divided into two teams, each team is given a balloon. The ball is clamped between the legs of the starting participant and the child should jump with it to the conditional line and back, passing the baton to the next one. The team whose members finish the competition first wins.

· "Choose a color"- a game for children using balls under the ceiling. Participants in the game are tasked with collecting balls of a certain color, for example by drawing lots. The goal of the game is to collect balls of your color into a bundle the fastest. You can also use another version of the game - inflate balloons on the floor with air and collect them in pre-prepared large boxes.

· "Surprise "— put a small surprise in one of the balls in advance - a movie ticket, a sweet or a coupon for a prize. At the height of the holiday, invite children to burst the balloons (for example, using toothpicks) and find a prize. It's a lot of fun. You can arrange a win-win lottery in the same way so that no one is left without a gift.

· "Sculptor"- invite children to divide into two teams and with the help of balls, modeling balls, double sided tape and improvised objects to build a sculpture on a given topic (love, for example). The winners are chosen by the birthday boy or the parent council.

· Advice: If you have balls inflated with helium You can tie small postcards or cards to their ribbons and invite the children to write on them (by themselves or with the help of their parents) a wish for the birthday boy or their own wish and go out together onto the street or balcony and let the balloons fly freely.

Balloon games for adults:

· "Aerial shooting gallery": balloons with small prizes or coupons for prizes are inflated, the balloons are tied in a row or in circles in the form of a target. The participants of the attraction are given darts from darts, the goal of the game is to hit larger number balloons and win more prizes.

· "Competition for the most beautiful breasts" among men. Men are given a pair of uninflated balloons and invited to build themselves a beautiful female part body by inflating and placing balloons under clothes. Having completed the preparations, the men arrange a fashion show and the winner is determined by a general vote of the guests. A very funny competition.

· "Burst the Ball": couples participate. Men sit on several chairs placed in a row, on whose knees they place Balloons, and the woman’s task is to sit on the ball and burst it. The couple that shows the best result in 3 rounds wins.

· "Guess the Hero" Participants are divided into two teams and, after consulting with each other, think of a character of some kind. literary work or a movie character. At the second stage of the competition, the hidden character is constructed from balloons, double-sided tape and items from the participants’ wardrobe. Then the teams must guess each other's heroes.

· "Air Battle": thick balloons are inflated for modeling - the sword and round balloons are the shield of two different colors. Participants are divided into two teams and take armor of their own color. You need to use a sword to knock the shield out of the enemy’s hands - he is defeated. The team with the most players left alive wins.

These are the games that Charlotte invites you to play. Play for fun and come up with your own games with balloons!

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This competition requires at least a couple of players. Everyone holds a long ball, and a round one is used as a shuttlecock. The rules are exactly the same as the game of badminton - you need to hit the shuttlecock and not let it fall to the ground. You can play until the first fall, but nothing prevents you from counting points. For example, for each fall the opponent gets a point. The first one to score 5-10-15 points wins. Instead of long balls, you can also use regular badminton rackets.


This relay race is very fun if there are many participants. Divide them into two teams. Mark a starting line and a place where each participant must reach and then turn back. You can put 2 small hoops at the turning point, and in the middle of each hoop, a flag, etc. The participant must jump to the turn with the ball clamped between his legs. The first athlete reaches the hoop, takes the flag, returns to the team and passes the flag to the next one. He must jump to the hoop and put the flag. The team that completes the task first wins. Penalty points can be awarded for a dropped ball or for someone not picking up or putting a flag in its place.

"Billiards on the carpet"

For this game you will need long and round balls according to the number of participants. Place goals on the court or in the hall (these can be just pairs of cubes). Arrange the participants in one line and ask each to choose a hoop for themselves. The task is to drive a round ball into them using a long one.


For this relay you need a lot of identical balls. Divide the participants into 2 teams and distribute balloons to them. Each ball is clamped by 2 participants - one with his back, the second with his stomach. The team must reach the turn and return. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and does not lose the balls.


For this game you will also need multi-colored tape and scissors. Tie 2 identical round balls to the backs of the chairs. The task for the participants is to cut out the eyes, nose, mouth from tape and stick them on the ball to make a face. Two participants can compete, but nothing prevents this competition from being held in the form of a relay race - one participant cuts out the eyes, the second sticks them on, the third cuts out the nose, etc. The task can be complicated by instructing the children to put a scarf on their “head”.

"Hands, legs, cucumber"

You can make little people out of balloons. You need 2 large balls, 2 smaller round balls and 8 long ones, as well as tape. If there are only two participants, each one collects his own person - a smaller ball and 4 long ones are glued to the large ball. You can also arrange a relay race, when one participant attaches the head, the second – the arm, the third – the leg. The team that collects the figure faster and more accurately wins.

Elizaveta Sklyarova
Games and competitions with balloons

Multi-colored balloons are not only a bright decoration for the holidays, but also fun games! Ordinary balls have many options for use in organizing children's leisure time. Today I want to present to your attention a selection of games with balloons. These fun games are suitable for summer fun in kindergarten, themed matinees, “fun starts”, for events in children’s camps and birthdays.

Ball games They give a sea of ​​positive emotions that remain in the children’s memory for a long time. And besides - This is the safest and most exciting entertainment for children of all ages, indoors and outdoors.


Each participant receives three to five balls. Task: keep them flying in the air by tossing them with your hands. Whoever has at least one ball touches the floor is eliminated from the game.

Do not snooze!

The number of participants is from 4 people, but the more participants, the merrier. Children stand in a circle, balloons are placed in the center of this circle - one less than the number of children. After this they turn on the music. While the music is playing, the guys are dancing. As soon as the music stops, children must grab one balloon. The one who does not have enough ball is eliminated

Mosquitoes on a balloon

Give all children a ball and a high-quality marker for glass and plastic. Task: paint the ball with insects in the allotted time. You can draw: butterflies, dragonflies, caterpillars, ladybugs, flies and so on. At the end we count the insects and reveal the winner.

Relay "Centipede"

It is necessary to divide the children into two teams. Children stand one after another, the ball is squeezed between the back of the previous child and the stomach of the next child. Hands down. Now - let's go! You need to walk 5-7 meters to the chair, take the strawberry (the first player takes the small red ball), go around the chair and return to the beginning of the distance. The centipede that does not crumble along the road wins!

Air hockey

There may be options here. You need to drive the balls into the gate (we do it yourself) in the following ways:

A badminton racket acting like a stick

Another inflatable ball (long and thin, they are called “sausage”)

Is not team game. Simply two players stand next to each other on the same line, each with a ball and a “stick”. The one who scores the goal first wins.


You need to quickly tie a scarf to the ball and draw a face.

Kangaroo relay

Children are divided into two teams (from 2 people). The first two “kangaroo” children must jump the distance with a ball clamped between their knees. Our kangaroo should have a small fabric bag (pocket) around its neck. Any soft toy can be used as a kangaroo. We jump 5-7 meters, pass the “kangaroo in kindergarten(bag or hoop, come back, pass the ball and bag to the next team member.


Another version of a similar competition with balloons, but the ball needs to be held between the ankles from below, 10 cm from the floor. There is no need to jump, we take small steps towards the goal (reduce the distance to 3 meters, trying not to lose the ball.


Pour a lot of small balls without strings onto the floor. You need to hold as many balls on yourself as possible: under your T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold the “tail” with your teeth, hold the balls with your hands and feet. Very funny competition


There are a lot of green balls on the floor - watermelons. Give each team a huge open garbage bag (preferably a colored one). The team that collects the most watermelons wins, naturally.


Two teams of children. In a huge garbage bag (120 liters for children, 240 for adults), cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. Have one team member reach into the bag, stick their feet through the holes, and hold the top edge of the bag with their hands and back. It should look like a barrel. Now we collect the already familiar watermelons for pickling in a barrel. The main thing is that the one inside the package does not fall from laughing. The team that can fit the most watermelons wins.


For the first stage of the relay, you need one yellow ball for each team. This will be our sun. Team members line up one after another, passing the ball back over their heads (sunrise), and from the last player to the first - between their legs (sunset). The team that does this faster wins.

Humpty Dumpty

You need two balloons with faces. Each team is given a badminton racket. You need to run 5 meters and return to the beginning of the distance with Humpty Dumpty on the racket so that he doesn’t “fall off in your sleep.”


Again there are a lot of colorful balls on the floor. Divide the balls and all guests with a line (draw with chalk) into two equal parts. Assign the green colored balls to be the “bad flies” that you need to get rid of. On command, players begin to throw “flies” across the line. The winner is the team whose half has the fewest harmful insects remaining.

Thank you for your attention and thank you for your support!

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What the children's party, if it doesn't have fun games And funny competitions. If you prepare the balloons in advance, then success children's day birth is guaranteed to you.
We offer games and competitions for children's birthdays.

Popping balloons

Props: 1 inflated balloon per player (balloons of a certain color for each team).
Participants: children of different ages.
Rules of the game: the children of the two teams line up one after the other. Balls are placed three meters from the first player. The player runs to a ball of his color and sits on it. You need to jump on it and jump with it until it bursts. As soon as the ball bursts, the player runs to his team and passes the baton to the next one. The team whose players burst all the balloons first wins.

Relay race

Props: 2 tennis rackets, 2 inflated balloons of any size
Participants: children, from 3 to 5 people per team.
Rules of the game: Each team chooses a racket and an inflated balloon. The first participants from the teams must take rackets, place a ball on it and run a certain distance, while simultaneously chasing the ball with the racket.
Then the players return to their teams and pass the racket with the ball to the next participant. If the ball falls to the floor while running or passing, the player must re-run the given path. The team whose members complete the relay first wins.


Props: balloons, pieces of paper with wishes, small prizes
Participants: children of all ages
Rules of the game: From a large pile of balls, children take turns choosing their own balls, popping them and completing the task written on a piece of paper. For each completed task, prizes are awarded.

Volleyball with balls

Props: balls (2-3 balls per person), chairs or a screen to divide the space of the room.
Participants: children, preschoolers and schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Each team has an equal number of balloons. At the signal, you need to throw all your own and other people’s balls to your opponent’s side. The team with the fewest balls on its territory wins.

Balloon battle

Props: Balloons on a ribbon according to the number of participants
Participants: Schoolchildren
Rules of the game: Every player to the ankle right leg tie a balloon. After the starting signal, all children try to pierce other players’ balloons and save their own. Participants whose balloon bursts are eliminated from the game. The last person remaining in the game is declared the winner.
The thread of the ball should be no longer than 30 cm.

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