Landscape design of a summer cottage drawing. Ideas for landscape design - a useful hobby

Many happy owners country houses sooner or later they think about the issue of creating a real oasis on local area. Even a very neglected area can be turned into a fabulous place, and our landscape design ideas will help you with this.


Unfortunately for country residents, weeds are an integral part of the site. You need to start improving the land by ridding the soil of weeds. Herbicides will help you in this matter - manually the fight will drag on for many months and even years. When the weeds have been eliminated, level the soil, get rid of stones and. It requires minimal care, but it creates a special comfort and hides the unevenness of the site. Almost no landscape today is complete without a green carpet of lawn.

What is an oasis without flowers? Smash beautiful flower beds extraordinary shape, plant bright flowers, which will replace each other throughout the warm period. You just need to think carefully in advance about where exactly you can lay out the flower beds on the site. It depends on the plants sunlight, soil. If the area is small, use hanging baskets and vertical structures.


The design options for the site are very diverse. Here everything depends on preferences and taste, and only partly on financial capabilities. So, let's look at the most original, new ideas in landscape design. Various creative decorations will be a great addition to the planted flowers and lawn. It could be like garden figurines, so old wooden furniture, gazebo, beautiful arch, multi-colored lighting.

Look into the attic in search of interesting and forgotten things, but if there are none, try to make decorations with your own hands from scrap materials: branches, logs, moss. Win-win design solution there will be an artificial creation. It can be either regular, oval in shape, or completely arbitrary. But it is worth remembering that the pond needs regular maintenance. In the center of the pond you can build small fountain– such a move will not leave anyone indifferent. The edges of the pond can be laid out neat tiles or large boulders.

To make the area look great at night, you can install lamps on it. They can be either regular or solar battery. Place lamps along the path on both sides. In the dark, this solution will look very impressive. You can also create pond lighting. There are special water lamps for this. They can be installed both along the edges of the pond and at its very bottom.


An interesting idea for landscape design would be one built independently. To do this, pour drainage from crushed stone, sand, and pebbles onto a previously prepared site. We create from them the shape of a low slide.

Then we place pre-prepared large stones of various shapes on top. We complete this work by planting flowers on. Before planting flowers, you need to familiarize yourself with their preferences, because their conditions of existence and storage are different. The slide will certainly need constant care, so if you don't visit it often country house, create a rock garden - it’s both fashionable and maintenance-free.

To turn ideas and options for landscape design into reality with your own hands, you need a serious, systematic approach to this issue and, of course, a creative streak. And if you can’t cope on your own, you can always invite a specialist in this field to help you, who will help you realize all your plans.

It so happens that we associate summer holidays with vegetable beds, weed control and the sweltering sun. But modern market offers all kinds of vegetables, fruits and berries in abundance, now everything can be easily found on store shelves. Isn't it better to equip the dacha to your taste, turn it into a secluded place for relaxation and family entertainment? Relaxing with your family on the banks of a river with a fishing rod or in a hammock with your favorite magazine - what could be better?

The first stage of landscape design planning summer cottage plot- This is the drawing of all objects on paper. Without a doubt, in addition to the house, each plot has a barn, garage or other auxiliary buildings. We mark them on the map, then think about what else is missing. Making your long-time dream come true can be a great pleasure. And it doesn’t matter what it is - a pond with fish, a flowerbed with medicinal plants, gazebo, barbecue or swimming pool. The main thing is not to lose sight of anything, let any wish come true, and let the most interesting ideas come true.

It must be remembered that we design beds and flower beds with sun-loving flowers on the south side of the site, and trees on the north. Thus, trees will be protected from cold winds, and plants will receive the necessary amount of light and heat.

Landscape design dacha plot is a painstaking and time-consuming process, so it is better to determine priority elements from the very beginning so that during the design process you do not lose sight of what everything was started for. It happens that, being carried away by various new products, we forget about the most important thing. As a result, we are disappointed and end up with the same chaos and disorder as before the work began.

Designing a site will require knowledge from various fields, which will help you approach the issue competently and implement your plan. Intuition and fantasy - best helpers, which should be relied upon, but do not forget that the landscape design of a summer cottage is carried out in the same style, united by one theme or key idea.

Paths are the main attribute of convenient movement

Designing a summer cottage also includes laying paths. It is advisable to equip the approach to any personal property with them. Additionally, you can create an excursion or walking route for guests or vacationers.

It is important to ensure the most easy access to the beds and flower beds, so as not to turn agricultural work into overcoming obstacles along the way. The paths between the main objects are distinguished by their simplicity, smooth lines, and they are also laid in such a way as to ensure free movement along them.

“Walking” paths are made in a winding shape; the route passes by the most attractive places so that walkers can appreciate all the charm of natural beauty and harmonious design landscape of a summer cottage. The optimal width of the path is about 1.5 meters, but if you save space, you can reduce its size. The main thing is that two people can move along it at the same time.

The path, laid at a slight slope, is extremely practical. No puddles form on it, and dust and other dirt particles are promptly washed away by rain. It will always look well-groomed, and nearby areas will receive additional watering. The main materials used to design paths are concrete, decorative tiles, stone. Options decorated with gravel, sand or pebbles look interesting. Mosaic paths look the most attractive.

Lighting is the second wind of the garden

Relaxing in the evening in the garden - what could be more pleasant? Cool and fresh air, calm, quiet evenings... If some building owners install a primitive light bulb or spotlight near the gazebo, then no one worries about decorative lighting. It's a pity! Decorative lighting will turn the landscape of your summer cottage into a fairy-tale world. Soft diffused light will make it possible to comfortably move around the yard, while it has low power and does not dazzle.

Functional lighting is installed in the most significant places, it illuminates the facade of the house, the entrance to the yard, you can equip it with a gazebo, steps or the edges of the railing. Recessed lamps are located on posts. There is a wide variety of columns made in different styles, so choosing the right accessory will not be difficult.

Decorative lighting successfully highlights architectural structures and its individual elements. In addition, it is used to highlight compositions that occupy central position. It could be decorative bush, a separate tree or flower bed. Mini ground spotlights illuminate design elements garden plot, photos of which amaze with their magnificence. Such technical devices capable of emitting light of varying brightness and color, thanks to specially installed filters.

It should be noted that the power of all lighting elements in a personal plot should be significantly less than city lamps. Energy-saving lamps are quite suitable for this purpose. Special attention The lighting power cable will require insulation, since the safety of those working on the site depends on this. All work must be carried out by experienced specialists; it is advisable to provide for the possibility of turning on technical lighting separately from decorative lighting.


Landscape design at the dacha is not only an abundance of plants and shrubs. Various figurines of fairy-tale characters are very popular in its design. Such decorations will bring a lot of joy to children. An elegant fairy, a funny gnome or a bunny will perfectly complement the garden composition.

Correct design

A competent approach to the design of the landscape design of a dacha involves placing the tallest plants on the north side, gradually, as they approach the south, their height decreases. On middle lane The bush grows well, but South sideappropriate place for vegetables and legumes.

Beds, greenhouses and garden plots are designed in regular style, which presupposes their geometrically correct shapes. The contours of the landscape are more natural, the plants are arranged in random order. The relief of the site is one of key points, each tubercle can be advantageously played out and arranged, rather than leveled. Natural beauty It is better to supplement rather than destroy.

Basic decorative elements

Alpine slide

The name speaks for itself; this decorative element represents original combination stones and graceful plants. Thanks to it, the landscape design of a summer cottage is transformed; it is very easy to build this interesting slide with your own hands. Its arrangement, as a rule, begins in autumn period time. To do this, lay broken bricks or gravel in the designated place, then cover everything with earth.

The height of the structure must be at least 1 meter, then the structure will “sit down” and the height will decrease significantly. Before starting work, you can draw a rough sketch, which would include not only massive stones, but also peaks, cliffs, green valleys and smooth plateaus.

In the spring you can start decorative design slides, for this purpose large stones are mounted in it. To ensure the integrity of the structure, they are half buried in the ground. Small and medium stones are located in its upper part. When choosing plants, you should give preference to carpet and ground cover species; rosette and tuberous ones add a special charm to the composition, but require additional care.

Among suitable plants You can give preference to daisies, speedwells, St. John's wort, thyme, yarrow, crocuses, galanthus and white flowers. Saxifragas, gubastiki, and edelweiss also look amazing. Perennials- this is the main choice; annuals can occasionally supplement the composition, introducing novelty and originality into it.


With the help of flower beds, it is easy to design a summer house with your own hands. The outline of the flowerbed does not have to be rectangular or oval; you can come up with an original, elegant composition. Complementary organic color combinations They are not created quickly, but everyone will like the excellent result.

Vertical flower beds

Playing a major role in urban gardening, gardening and landscape design, photos of elegant vertical structures amaze with their magnificence. Such specimens fit perfectly into the conditions of a small dacha plot, where every piece of land is of special importance.

Flowerbeds are vertical structures filled with soil. Flowers grow excellently on such structures; they absorb maximum amount sunlight and non-standard solution gives the site originality and sophistication. Designers suggest growing in such flower beds not only ornamental plants, but also climbing, fruiting, and greenery. Flowerbeds come in the most various forms: pyramidal, conical, trapezoidal.


Garden design for areas that are not rich in fertile soil is created using special plantings called ridges. These are oblong stripes located along fences, paths or borders. The width of this floral border is about half a meter. The ridges are one-sided or two-sided. Flowers planted on ridges should be short and bright. It is important to provide the correct color combinations of plants planted with each other.


An original composition created from small trees, shrubs and herbs. Caring for a flower garden brings many problems, because the main feature of a mixborder is the dense planting of plants. Landscaping a garden plot using a mixborder is interesting solution, it fits perfectly into the landscape style of the area.

Plants are planted randomly to create the effect of a “natural naturalness” of the site. The lines and shapes of the flower bed should be free. Tall plants should occupy either the background or the center, depending on the point of view. The central arrangement of tall plants is allowed in the case of a pyramidal flower garden. Preference is given to the most various plants, it is important to arrange them in such a way that they do not drown out each other, but receive a sufficient amount of sunlight and moisture.

Do-it-yourself site design

The interior of a summer cottage is a combination of all design elements. Proper development on your own will require some skills in the field of construction and land surveying. In addition, you need to have artistic taste and agronomic knowledge.

At the initial stage, a building plan is drawn up and functional areas are marked out. Next, plant seeds, trees, and shrubs that are suitable for aesthetic reasons are selected, depending on natural conditions a habitat. In our article you will find a DIY garden design photo.

How to design a plot depending on its area?

The number of acres plays an important role in the design. See the design of the garden plot photo in our article. The more acres are available, the more objects are placed on them. If the area is small, you should not plan a large number of elements on it to the detriment of aesthetics. It is better to pay due attention to paths, flower beds, lighting and their ideal condition.

As a rule, the entire site is divided into several zones:

  • residential - including a house, garage and summer kitchen;
  • recreation area with a gazebo or tea house;
  • gardening;
  • household - with various outbuildings and pets.

On a plot of 6 acres, the geometric correct style looks great, vertical flower beds and non-massive fences for visual increase space. It is important to provide all plants with the necessary amount of light, so before planting them it is better to make sure that the shadow of nearby objects is not cast on them throughout the day.

A plot of 10-12 acres provides a wide selection of potential objects. This is a lawn or gazebo decorated climbing plants, a play corner for children or a sauna, a swimming pool or a pond with ornamental plants.

Arrangement suburban area with your own hands is useful activity, the results of which will delight all family members!

Photo gallery

For 30 more options for landscape design of a summer cottage, see our photo gallery.

Many visitors look for inspiration on my website, look at photos of beautiful dachas and ideas for implementation on their personal plot. A summer resident with a penchant for beauty will always find something interesting here. I regularly publish beautiful original photo galleries and videos made during my numerous trips around Russia and the world.

Photo beautiful dacha

And who wouldn’t want to see photos of beautiful dachas and cozy gardens in the light of the approaching dacha season? See my selection and read about some landscape design tricks that you can apply to your own summer cottage.

Beautiful dachas - photo of a house with flowers

Country design in my person is always pleased to please such lovers of beauty and connoisseurs of aesthetics like you with the brightest and beautiful photos, which I have done over the years of work and travel. If you are looking for ways to improve the design of your country house, then check out my selection of ideas today.

Landscape Tricks - Add Color

One of simple options To make your dacha attractive is to paint the house or gazebo in a bright, positive color that is pleasing to the eye. Yellow, blue, light green, pink, lilac - choose the color to suit your taste and paint your house, small or large, it doesn’t matter!

There is already enough dullness and facelessness in the world, summer will fly by quickly, and in the fall your building will still be just as rich in color.

Beautiful dachas - photo of a brick house

House design ideas - my favorite cottages

Beautiful dachas - photo of a small house

By the way, lots of design ideas country houses you can see in my selection of 28 original photographs - . The selection includes: wooden buildings, and brick. An idea of ​​what I would like my beautiful garden to look like is given.

Landscape Tricks - Climbing Plants

Beautiful dachas - photo of a two-story wooden house with attic

Recreation areas

Beautiful dachas - photos of recreation areas

Nothing will please the heart (and tired back) of a summer resident more than a conveniently equipped recreation area. Soft chairs on a terrace or patio in the garden, overlooking the beauty you have created with your own hands - flower beds and a decoratively designed vegetable garden - the best reward after a hard day.

About the technology of making such a floor, as well as about decoration garden paths you can read with broken tiles, and at the same time admire the beautiful photos.

Landscape Tricks - Using Sculptures

Another simple way to make a flowerbed not just a place where flowers bloom, but an example of your exclusive design is to beautifully fence it and decorate it with small sculptures, figurines of animals or people.

Front garden decoration

Beautiful dachas - photo of a stone house with a large entrance door

The world's gardeners have been very successful in decorating front gardens - which is what this article with a selection of my author's photographs in the size of as many as 12 pieces tells about.

More ideas for landscaping tricks for your dacha

The owners of this beautiful dacha in the photo solved the issue of landscape design in this way - they sowed the area with lawn grass, leaving space for flower beds and recreation areas. Stones and tree trimmings were also used.

You can also make decorative stumps from cement by plastering old barrel, cut in half, pre-tied with mesh.

The owners of this cottage love to make things and find a use for all old and not so old objects. This does not mean at all that the summer cottage will become a collection of all kinds of crafts. It just sometimes happens that a thing that is no longer used in everyday life fits perfectly in the garden.

Beautiful dachas - photo of the path

The beautiful winding path looks asymmetrical due to the fact that the landscape on one side is raised using a retaining wall made of stone. On the other side, conifers are planted, all together this creates a successful composition.

Decoration of steps

The steps leading to the entrance terrace can also be elements of landscape design! It’s very easy to do, but at the same time the finishing of utilitarian furniture looks stylish. concrete structures pebbles.

Beautiful dachas - photos of steps in the garden

You can also decorate the steps with potted plants, and sow flowering annuals under the lower step. Plant short ones so they don't get trampled.

Use of hanging plants

Beautiful dachas - photos of hanging plants near the porch

Also, you can decorate the porch railings hanging plants. To do this, you just need to fix the flowerpot vertically on the inclined plane of the railing.

Of course, if you are used to leaning on them with your hand, then it is better not to do this. Or decorate only one of the two railings - the left one (if you are right-handed). You can even decorate the edge of the roof with hanging plants!

Climbing roses in garden design

Beautiful dachas - photo of a summer house

Ponds and bridges

Patio design

Beautiful dachas - photo of the courtyard

Courtyard in spanish style you can do quite in a simple way: A few must-have touches - white painted walls, terracotta tiles on the floor, tubs of plants - and your patio will take on a charming Mediterranean outline.

Before entering the house, you can install a pergola for grapes or clematis. It will protect the entrance from the sun's rays. You can rest in the shade even at noon.

Small area design

Beautiful dachas - photo of a small dacha plot

This area is very small, but looks very decorative and well-groomed. Its layout is geometric - paths from square slabs, a small paved patio and flower beds on the sides.


Beautiful dachas - photo of the terrace

If there is a difference in relief on your site, then you are just lucky - you can decorate the landscape with the help of terraces. And the steps can be made as in the photo - lay the brick in a circle on cement-sand mortar, A inner part cover the circle with fine gravel on a sand bed.

You can see more material on terracing slopes on the page.

Dry stream

Even if you don’t have a pond on your site, you can arrange a dry waterfall - according to the principle of the “dry stream” landscape technique. Imitating a stone waterfall, even if it is without water, will give your landscape a sophisticated personality.

Design of the tree trunk circle

An interesting way to play up the trees on your property is to make flower beds around them. They are arranged in this way - the area around the tree is fenced with natural or artificial stones, is filled with soil to a height of 30-40 cm, and then flowers and plants are planted there.

The crevices of stones in the retaining wall can be decorated by planting there lawn grass and different beautiful perennials. The grass will need to be trimmed from time to time, otherwise the stones will not be visible.

The photo shows a courtyard with geometric shapes. The squares look very organic. Perhaps this option for organizing the landscape will suit you too.

And here you can see a flower garden, the fencing of which is a border of trimmed bushes. When planting a flower garden using this principle, you should know what types of shrubs can be used for mixborders.

Evening illumination

Boardwalk patio too good decision, especially where the soil is waterlogged. And it’s more pleasant to walk on wood than on concrete or stone.

In the middle of the lawn you can create a pleasant floral island of beauty, especially important for large spaces of summer cottages.

Beautiful dachas - photo of front garden design

Even in a small courtyard there is a mini pond with a decorative bridge will look fresh and harmonious.

If you come for the whole summer season to the dacha, then take your pet with you - a cat or a dog. My husband and I often see our neighbor’s cat strolling around our property in the summer. Yes, and dogs are also often heard in the summer.

Beautiful dachas - photo ideas

Beautiful dachas - photo of a house with an attic

Beautiful dachas - photo of a cozy house

And here is another cozy house, painted in terracotta color, with a porch - a pergola. A great design idea for owners of small dachas.

Video - Landscape tricks

In conclusion, I suggest you watch the selection of the Landscape Tricks program. I get a lot of useful things out of this program. There are over 100 episodes of tricks in this playlist. Watch and be inspired!

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