The best indoor plants are desert plants. Adenium - desert rose Formation of adenium caudex

Among indoor plants, the original inhabitants of the driest places on the planet have always enjoyed special love. The well-deserved reputation of desert stars is explained simply: no other plants can boast of such ease of care and endurance. Although not all succulents and cacti belong to crops found naturally in semi-deserts and deserts. Even so, the choice among true desert endemics is very large - from bright blooming stars to modest living stones.

The special character of plants native to deserts

The natural conditions of the desert areas of our planet are so harsh that only extremely hardy plants have been able to adapt to them. But there are by no means a small number of them: hundreds of species of the hardiest plants thrive even where everything around seems lifeless, competing for precious moisture with representatives of the fauna that are no less well adapted to drought. Low and uneven humidity with sharp changes in precipitation between seasons, very low air humidity, scorching sun, extreme hot African or more moderate North American temperatures have led to the fact that in the process of evolution, plants adapted to desert areas have acquired exceptional features:

  • the ability to be content with a minimum amount of moisture, sometimes hundreds of times less than for inhabitants of even a temperate climate;
  • variable metabolism - the ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night and close the stomata to stop the evaporation of moisture;
  • a sharp change in periods of active growth and complete dormancy - seasonal, pronounced vegetative activity, followed by deep “sleep”;
  • absence or minimal number of stomata, leathery leaves protected by a waxy or fatty coating.

Cacti and succulents are often associated with desert plants; to many, all plants from these groups seem the same in character. But not all succulent crops come from deserts and even semi-deserts. After all, many succulents migrated to rooms from mountainous regions, where the problem of lack of nutrients, moisture and sudden temperature changes is no less pressing, although we're talking about completely different in character climatic conditions. Most popular cacti and almost half of succulents grow in the subtropics, in mountainous and even forest areas. So not all succulents are from the desert, but all desert plants are definitely succulents. They are able to store water reserves in shoots or leaves, have fleshy water-storing tissues and thick skin, and few stomata. All these adaptation mechanisms are most clearly manifested in cacti.

Indoor plants of desert origin have not lost a single feature of their natural ancestors, even if we are talking about decorative forms and varieties that have undergone long-term selection. It is believed that adaptation to extreme conditions of deserts and semi-deserts is irreversible. Such plants, even in the interior, remain ordinary inhabitants of deserts, accustomed to far from typical humidity, temperatures and lighting.

One of key features desert plants – an extremely narrow “specialization”. Such crops have adapted to the difficult conditions in deserts to such an extent that they can no longer adapt to any other conditions, having lost their ability to acclimatize. Their entire metabolism is structured completely differently than that of plants from other climatic zones. Those who want to grow desert plants should study their nature well: in order to succeed and admire the drought-resistant stars long years, they will have to recreate the conditions they are already familiar with. Standard care will not work for such plants.

Unites everything houseplants, who came to us from desert places, and other characteristics:

  1. drought resistance;
  2. sun-loving up to the need to be in direct sunlight, extreme sensitivity to any shading and insufficient lighting;
  3. thermophilicity;
  4. love for differences in night and day temperatures;
  5. the need for a long and strict period of dormancy for subsequent flowering.

There are many similarities in caring for desert crops. Such plants require careful and infrequent watering; during the resting phase, they can often do without it at all. Feeding for desert stars is rare, and the substrate must be specific - light, sandy or rocky.

Let's take a closer look at the brightest desert stars, which are especially popular in modern interiors.

1. Star cactus astrophytum

Astrophytums ( Astrophytum) are one of the most colorful desert cacti. These are slow-growing plants with massive ribs that make the unbranched stems look like a star when cut. The soft hairs are collected in tiny tufts, which gives the cacti a unique “pointed” pubescence. The cactus blooms indoors, surprising with large yellow flowers with a red throat and a pubescent tube.

Distribution area: USA and Mexico.

This is an easy-to-grow cactus that does not like transplanting or deepening the root collar. It is distinguished by its light-loving, drought-resistant, and demanding soil composition.

2. Invulnerable prickly pear

Capable of creating entire thickets and impassable areas, prickly pears ( Opuntia) in indoor culture lose their aggressiveness. These cacti are found in different conditions, but it’s not for nothing that they became a symbol of the Mexican deserts. The flat, segmented stems, often teardrop-shaped or oval-shaped, are surprising with spines and thin bristles, which, due to the jagged edges, can be very difficult to pull out of the skin. Unique rooting abilities and powerful surface root system make this cactus very tenacious. And single bright flowers in a half-bloomed state they are reminiscent of roses.

Distribution area: Australia, Central and South America.

Growing prickly pears will not cause any difficulties even for novice gardeners. Cacti develop quickly, love abundant watering in spring and summer, and very little in winter. Prickly pears are not afraid of sudden temperature changes; they can spend the summer in the garden and are very light-loving.

3. “Hedgehogs” of echinocacti

One of the largest spherical cacti, which loses its spherical shape only at a very advanced age, flaunts numerous ribs and golden spines. In room conditions, echinocactus ( Echinocactus) not only does not reach its true size (in nature, echinocacti can exceed one and a half meters in height), but also almost never blooms. But the beauty and symmetry of the plant, decorated with densely arranged colored spines - gold, red, orange or golden brown - is so unique that the popularity of the “hedgehog” cactus does not seem so surprising.

Distribution area: deserts of Mexico and the USA.

Growing echinocacti is very simple, but you need to ensure that the substrate is light and slightly acidic, the lighting is the brightest, and wintering is cool. Echinocacti are watered even in winter only once a week, but this cactus does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity and would prefer to spend the summer on fresh air.

4. New varieties of boring aloe

A few decades ago aloe ( Aloe) was going through a period of undeserved oblivion, but today it is again included in the list of the most fashionable succulents. Boring and faceless specimens of ordinary aloe vera are already history. Today, flower growers around the world have paid attention to amazing varieties and types of aloe that are ready to give even the most original indoor desert stars a run for their money. Looks like a bizarre creature of the deep sea aloe Marlota (Aloe marlothii), flower-shaped elegant rosettes aloe variegated (Aloe variegata), unique aloe multifolia (Aloe polyphylla) with its leaves arranged in a complex spiral in flat rosettes, etc. - these are the new favorites. But all aloes, without exception, remain succulents with fleshy leaves, collected in a basal or apical rosette, with a crescent cross-section, a pointed tip, sharp teeth along the edge of the leaves and bluish patterns.

Distribution area: deserts of Africa and the American continents.

All aloe - both old and newfangled - are amazingly unpretentious. They love annual transplants, fresh air and cool wintering. Like all desert stars, aloes are sun-loving, but somewhat more tolerant of low light. They require fairly abundant summer watering and do not really like feeding.

5. Fan Gasteria

The stems of these succulents, shortened to the point of being completely invisible, allow you to admire only the beauty of the leaves. In some species of Gasteria ( Gasteria) they are located in dense classic ones, while others have double-row rosettes of striking symmetry, in which tongue-shaped leaves, often with a rounded tip, seem to have been manually laid out in “stacks” or fans. Old leaves of Gasteria lie down, while young ones can be almost erect. White warts give dark, tough leaves a variegated effect. And the daughter rosettes formed in very large numbers make it easy to propagate the plant or grow it in “colonies”.

Distribution area: deserts of Africa.

Gasterias are fast-growing succulents that will need to be replanted annually. Gasteria prefer to overwinter in cool conditions. But otherwise they are unpretentious, shade-tolerant, easily forgive mistakes and are watered quite abundantly in the summer.

6. Blooming miracle - lampranthus

Among gardeners, these plants are still better known by the old name of the most common species - oscularia deltoid (Oscularia deltoides), but also other representatives of the Lampranthus genus ( Lampranthus), which included oscularia, deserve attention. These are unique shrubby succulents with strongly branching shoots that lie down with age. They form real leaves, although the greenery looks unusual. Gray-blue, thickened triangular leaves with jagged edges make these succulents one of the most original. But the real show of lampranthus begins only when flowering starts. Small chrysanthemum-shaped flowers of pink or lilac colors bloom in such numbers that it is sometimes impossible to see the special green oscularia underneath them.

Distribution area: deserts of South Africa.

The most difficult thing in growing lampranthus is choosing correct watering. Even in summer they are carried out rarely and very carefully, but in winter they are almost stopped. This succulent should spend its resting period in the cold, but bright lighting is a good idea. necessary for plants whole year. Without access to fresh air, it is very difficult to grow lampranthus.

7. The thinnest otton shoots

The most unique of the Otton succulents ( Othonna) is a plant whose true desert character is not easily recognized even upon close examination. Lodging and drooping thin purple shoots are combined in this unique plant with long and thick leaves (with a length of up to 7 cm in diameter, the leaf reaches 3 cm). The leaves are arranged in rare pairs, gracefully spaced, and captivate with the beauty of their elongated teardrop-shaped (or lobe-shaped) shape. The round cross-section of the leaves is not their most unusual feature. After all, the waxy coating on the fleshy greens seems special. This succulent even blooms, releasing small yellow baskets of flowers, which make it obvious that the plant belongs to the Asteraceae family.

Distribution area: deserts of South Africa.

For all its outlandish beauty, ottone is one of the easiest succulents to grow. Even in summer, the plant is watered about once a week, avoiding overwatering. Not just light-loving, but sun-loving Otton loves light soil, cool wintering and fresh air.

8. Round-leaved portulacaria trees

Compare portulacaria ( Portulacaria) with another tree-like succulent - Crassula - would be a big mistake. After all, portulacaria are special plants. Shrubs, which in indoor conditions develop in the form of densely branching, amazingly beautiful, compact trees, look amazingly impressive. Round, fleshy leaves with bright colors sit opposite on fleshy, drooping shoots. The plant is easy to shape, even creating silhouettes reminiscent of bonsai, and the presence of several variegated forms allows you to choose plants to your liking.

Distribution area: deserts of Africa.

Portulacaria love to spend the summer outdoors and are not afraid of even the midday sun. They are easy to grow, because even in summer the plant prefers moderate watering, and they are fertilized very rarely.

9. Guatemalan miracle - Hechtia Guatemala

One of the most unusual plants not only in the list of desert stars, but also among exotic indoor crops. The shortened stem is not visible under the stunning rosette, which looks artificial. In dense “bundles” of hechtia ( Hechtia guatemalensis) collected long and very narrow linear leaves, capable of stretching up to half a meter. The spiny edge, grayish color, scaly bottom and reddish coating turn Hechtia Guatemala into a sparkling star in bright light. But this succulent also manages to surprise with its flowering - panicles of white three-petaled flowers.

Distribution area: deserts of Central and South America.

Growing this original crop is easy. To flower, it needs to be provided with a cool winter, the light regime must be stable, and watering must be very careful. Otherwise, hechtia is a typical unpretentious succulent, surprising with its endurance

10. Silver pebbles of pachyphytum ovifera

One of the most unusual and “precious” indoor plants, pachyphytum ( Pachyphytum oviferum) surprises with its texture, shape, and color. Shortened shoots are not visible under obovate, round or oval in cross-section, resembling either outlandish pebbles or decorative pebbles, leaves reaching 5 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. The fleshy, waxy leaves are grey-white, but their texture makes them appear bright silver in the shade, with a hint of rose gold in bright light. They seem to be strung or scattered in slides on the soil, seeming like an artificial decoration of the interior. Silver pachyphytums also bloom in an original way, producing bright red flowers on long pubescent pedicels.

Distribution area: deserts of the American continents.

Growing this silvery miracle is no more difficult than any ordinary succulent. In summer, pachyphytum will not refuse a place on the balcony, but even there it is content with scanty watering, it is sun-loving and magnificent in any temperature. Even a cool winter is needed only for flowering.

IN winter time Every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first plantings of flowers and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. Firstly, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

You can make jellied meat and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The knuckle, especially the hind knuckle, is a very tasty and affordable part. pork carcass which can be fed small company. A 2-kilogram shank will yield a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be some meat broth left over, which I advise you to use to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take a hind shank weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms; I advise you to ask the butcher for the meatiest one.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. Provide such conditions in open ground Most regions of Russia are quite difficult. Therefore, previously eggplants were grown only in protected soil conditions. With the development of selection, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in middle lane.

Among predator plants, the sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, its unusual textures and play of colors. But the feeding mechanism of this swamp and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding when it comes to humidity, but they are not that difficult to grow in ordinary living spaces.

Chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients, it turns out so tasty that rarely anyone limits themselves to one piece. Sponge cakes moist, they look like they're made from real dark chocolate, even though the recipe only calls for cocoa powder. Creamy custard delicate and light, goes well with chocolate biscuit. All this splendor of tastes complements coconut flakes, the ingredient is simple, but in this recipe, it’s like a cherry on the cake.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and the multicolor of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and bushes attract the eye, yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, delighting with variegated foliage and flowering ornamental shrubs, perennials, conifers are renewed.

In the middle zone, the shape of the grapes suggests the possibility of shelter on winter period, which means the guideline should be to keep the head of the bush at soil level. Even further north, one cannot count on a large harvest, but even for such areas there are their own pruning principles. The article discusses the sleeve-fan scheme for forming a grape bush, often used in the middle zone, and the cordon scheme, which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplants with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite relevant nowadays. The sauce is made from vegetables only, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. The meat is without fat, and yet it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. The eggplants do not need to be fried first, just add a little salt to make them soft. TO ready-made dish I recommend making a light yogurt sauce.

Houseplants are much more dependent on fertilizing than garden plants. Thanks to feeding, they receive everything they need for growth and flowering. The substrate is depleted several months after transplantation. And if nutrients are not replenished, plants quickly begin to show signs of macro- and micronutrient deficiency. The leaves signal it first and most clearly. The leaves of indoor plants will “tell” about the deficiency or excess of which elements?

Duck with oranges in French - exquisite, juicy, with golden skin. This baked duck will decorate any festive table, and it is easy to prepare, although, compared to traditional fried chicken, it takes a little longer. To speed up the process and preserve the released juices, use a sleeve or baking bag suitable size, remember that not every bag can fit a large duck! Serve the duck with the sauce and filling left over after baking.

Purslane is a well-known, widespread weed all over the world, which has a number of qualities for which all gardeners unanimously hate it. One of them is ineradicability. Purslane is so resilient that even one seed can be the beginning of this weed taking over an area. To remove purslane from the garden and garden, patience, knowledge and precision in carrying out measures to destroy it are required. In this article we will look at methods of combating purslane on the site.

The first half of spring is stingy flowering plants. Yes, primroses are already pleasing, but there is a very special plant that you can’t help but be moved by. This is a perennial evergreen ground cover of aubrieta. I think those who saw the low cushions, or, as they say, curtains of this plant during flowering, probably wanted to have it in their garden. And I hasten to please you, aubrieta is a very unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. Although, there are some peculiarities.

Delicious lamb cabbage soup with sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and, of course, cabbage! It takes quite a lot of time to prepare this dish, but this does not mean that you will have to stomp around in the kitchen all day. Prepare vegetables and meat - wash, chop, place in bowls. Then sauté the vegetables and add the lamb. When the soup boils, you can go about your business for about 1.5 hours, then add potatoes and cabbage and cook for another half hour.

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often, beginning gardeners believe that the more magnificent the tree, the greater the harvest. But that's not true. In order for an apple tree to produce a rich, high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. Reducing light exposure to branches by up to 30 percent fruit buds do not form on trees.

Ferns are one of the categories of indoor plants that are actively gaining popularity. Their luxurious leaves with unique patterns and soothing, mysterious shades of green look so elegant that it is difficult to resist the beauty of ferns, even if they are not suitable place. Along with unpretentious ferns are becoming more common and rare, original views. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Desert houseplants.

Euphorbia white-veined, combed.

Homeland: Subtropics of America, Africa, the island of Madagascar.

Family: Euphorbia family

Description of the plant:Succulent. In nature there is a huge variety of species (about two thousand). The species got its name from the milky juice that appears on the cut of stems or leaves. The sap is usually poisonous and can cause severe irritation or burns to the skin.

The stem of white-veined and ribbed euphorbias has a pronounced ribbed surface. The leaves are entire, elongated, their size depends on the light: the brighter the room, the more decorative and larger the leaves. The leaves gradually fall off, leaving noticeable scars on the trunk. In adult specimens, the leaves remain only in the upper part of the stem in the form of a lush plume. The plant resembles a palm tree and grows up to 1.5 m in indoor conditions.

Reproduction: Seeds, children and cuttings.

Fallen ripe seeds are collected and laid out in a bowl with damp soil, slightly pressing. Cover the top with film or glass and wait for germination. The seeds can sprout on their own in a pot with the main plant or in neighboring pots, since ripened seeds are shot by milkweed up to 1 m in diameter, in this case it is enough to plant the young in new pots.

Care: The temperature in summer is +20 - +25 °C, in the autumn-winter period, at rest - about +15 °C.

IN summer time moderate watering, 2 times a week, with warm soft water.In the summer, fertilize 2 times a month with fertilizers for succulents or cacti. In autumn and winter, you can feed with a half dose of fertilizer once a month. Fertilizer is applied after watering to moist soil..


Homeland: eastern, southern and southwestern Africa.

Family: swallowtails (Asclepiadaceae).

Description: All plants are perennial low-growing succulents. The shoots are fleshy, 4-sided, often forming shoots at the base, leafless. Flowers are usually located at the base of the shoots, less often at the top, one or several, on long stalks, dull colored and pubescent. Calyx of 5 pointed leaves. The corolla is rounded or broadly bell-shaped with petals dissected to half the length, more or less triangular in shape, pointed at the apex. Petals are fleshy, colored, pubescent or glabrous. Crown with a fleshy circle. Outer corolla with 5 free to the base, rectangular or lanceolate petals, flat or groove-shaped; petals of the crown are adjacent to the anthers, short, simple or dissected.

Reproduction: seeds, cuttings or dividing adult plants. Seeds are sown in early March in pots. Shoots appear in 20–25 days. The cuttings are dried before planting. In addition, slipways usually form lateral creeping shoots that take root easily.

Care methods: Place in a bright place, protecting from direct sun rays. East and south-east windows, warm balconies and greenhouses are perfect. Winter temperature should not be lower than +10...+14 °C.

In summer they water very sparingly, in winter they stop watering completely. Feed with fertilizers for cacti only in summer.

Since flowers form only on young shoots, it is advisable to remove the old parts of the turf every 3-4 years.

The main problem when growing is fungal disease, which leads to the appearance of black spots, usually at the base of the shoots, after which the shoots die.

Opuntia cactus

Perennial evergreen plant.

Homeland: subtropics and tropics of America and the Galapagos Islands.

Family: cactaceae

Description: Prickly pear is a cactus with segmented, flat, succulent branches. This plant can be in the form of an erect or creeping shrub 3 - 4 m in size. The stems of this plant are covered with areoles (modified axillary buds), strewn with dense thin spines and bristles - glochidia, which easily break off. Small awl-shaped succulent leaves are prone to drying out quickly. Single large bisexual cactus flowers appear in summer and are yellow or red. After flowering, egg-shaped Opuntia fruits are formed - juicy, aromatic, edible berries with a pleasant taste and aroma. The fruits are watery and taste like strawberries; inside they have flat seeds with a hard skin. Domestic Opuntia rarely blooms.

Reproduction: cuttings (summer) and seeds (spring).

Watering: in the spring-summer period, watering the prickly pear should be moderate and should be done as the soil in the pot dries, and during the dormant period, the cactus should be watered no more than once a month. At a temperature of 5 °C - do not water at all. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the plant roots.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula arborescens

A shrub or tree, reaching 1-1.5 m in nature, sometimes 2 m in height, with stems about 20 cm in diameter.
Homeland: South Africa.

Family : Crassulaceae

Description: grey-green, round or ovoid, about 7 cm long and 3-3.5 cm wide, thick, reddening at the edges and on the underside. Flowers: Inflorescences of white-pink flowers, about 1 cm long, appear on the tops of stems in spring.

Reproduction: cuttings of young shoots, air-dried, and seeds.

Watering: in winter every 15 days, in summer every 5 days.

Advice: pinch out young stems to balance the plant and increase the number of lateral branches.

Aloe - Aloe spp.

Succulent plant.
Homeland: Cape Verde Islands, Africa, Madagascar.

Family : lilies

Description: Leaves: spiny, long, triangular, green or gray-green, with a bluish tint, marbled, striped or with whitish pustules, on a vertical stem, which in some species forms a real trunk, or collected in a basal rosette. The edges of the leaves are smooth or serrated. Flowers: In summer, tubular, orange, red, yellow or green, collected in spikelets.

Reproduction: in April in the sand or by separating side shoots in May.

Watering: during the growth period 1 time per week, during the rest period 1-2 times per month.

Advice: If the aloe leaves turn red, it means it lacks nutrients or moisture. It's time to replant the aloe.

Hemanthus multiflorum

Haemanthus multiflorus

Bulbous perennial with a rosette of leaves.

Homeland: South Africa.

Family : amaryllis

Description: leaves: 15-25 cm long, erect, broadly lanceolate, with a wavy edge. Flowers: on a thick and long peduncle, a spherical red inflorescence with a diameter of 20 cm with the smell of coconut.

Reproduction: separate the small onions and plant them. Flowers will appear in 5 years.

Watering: every 8-10 days until a peduncle appears. After this, 2 times a week until the end of flowering.

Advice: plant the bulb in a pot with a diameter of 18-20 cm, immersing it 1/4-1/3 in the substrate. In summer, fertilize hemanthus every two weeks.

Sansevieria - Sansevieria spp.

Evergreen perennial succulent. Also known as "Pike Tail" and "Mother-in-Law's Tongue".

Homeland: Central Africa, Madagascar, Sri Lanka.

Family : agave

Description: Leaves: up to 1 m long and 2-3 cm wide, xiphoid, fleshy, erect, green, with transverse wavy stripes, collected in a rosette. Flowers: small from 0.5 to 1 cm, white, fragrant, spikelet-shaped inflorescences, in spring on mature plants.

Reproduction: in spring, side shoots, leaf cuttings, variegated forms only by dividing the rhizome.

Watering: moderate, every 12-15 days from March to October, once a month the rest of the year.

Problems: rotting of the base and yellowing of leaves in winter - from waterlogging or hypothermia; brown spots on the leaves - from infectious diseases.
Advice: Plant sansevieria with round succulents to create a rhythmic arrangement.

Queen Victoria Agave

Agave victoriae-reginae

Succulent plant.
Homeland: Central America, Antilles.

Family : agave

Description: Leaves: 10-115 cm long, 5-17 cm wide, fleshy, narrow, triangular, more or less concave, with smooth edges. Form a regular ball. At the ends there are sharp spines 1-2 cm long. The rosette of leaves reaches 60 cm in diameter. Flowers: on peduncles several meters high.

Reproduction: shoots with roots. Cuttings of shoots without roots in a mixture of peat and 80% coarse sand. Seeds in early spring at 20 °C.

Watering: Once a month in winter, every 7-10 days in summer. No water in the center of the outlet.

Problems: scale insect, mealybug, the appearance of gray rot and root rot is possible.
Advice: Do not place the agave on the terrace or on the walkway, its thorns can injure you.

Kalanchoe blossfelda

Homeland: South Africa, or more precisely the island of Madagascar.

Family: Crassulaceae

Description: juicy erect stems and fleshy triangular leaves, in the teeth of which young plants “sit”. Kalanchoe, judging by the description of its medicinal qualities, for a long time successfully competed with aloe for the title of “the most widespread, useful and hardy.”

Reproduction: Cuttings, leaves, as well as seeds and pups or brood buds (in viviparous species). Reproduction occurs easily, without stimulants. It is enough to place the cutting or leaf in a humid environment - on wet sand or place the twig in a glass of water. Large cuttings root better in water, small leaves and small cuttings - in sand or vermiculite. The optimal time for reproduction is from March to June; at other times of the year, Kalanchoe also takes root if it is light and warm enough.

Care: . For placement, choose a well-lit place; Kalanchoe loves the sun, but it is better to protect it from direct rays. Optimal temperature for plant development +15…+20 °C, in winter not lower than +10 °C. Summer temperature changes are not dangerous, so you can safely take the plant out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Water abundantly in summer; winter, like many other succulents, is very limited. When caring at home, Kalanchoe does not need spraying; plants are sprayed only if they are placed on an open terrace.

Feeding is carried out once every two weeks, during the period of active growth and flowering, using fertilizers for cacti and succulents. After Kalanchoe flowering It is recommended to trim heavily, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves.

In winter, every summer resident is looking forward to spring and is happy to open the season with the first sowing of flower and vegetable crops for seedlings. But, unfortunately, the space on the windowsill is limited, and it is not always possible to place the required number of seedlings in cups in the apartment. In addition, some of the crops may simply not grow, some will die... And for us, summer residents, no matter how much we plant, it’s not enough! Therefore, almost every gardener buys at least some seedlings.

Growing annuals in the garden has at least two advantages over growing perennial flowers. First, most popular annual plants bloom profusely throughout the growing season. Secondly, many annuals sow freely and appear in the garden year after year with minimal participation from the grower. Which annuals can be planted only once, and then, following simple techniques, can be seen in the garden every season?

You can make jellied meat and meat salad with onions from pork knuckle. The shank, especially the hind shank, is a very tasty and affordable part of the pork carcass that can feed a small company. A 2-kilogram shank will make a bowl of meat salad and a large plate of jellied meat. There will still be some meat broth left over, which I advise you to use to cook cabbage soup or borscht. For this dish, we take a hind knuckle weighing from 1.7 to 2 kilograms; I advise you to ask the butcher for the meatiest one.

Eggplants require sunny but short days, medium-warm temperatures without sweltering heat, sufficient moisture, but without flooding the root system. It is quite difficult to provide such conditions in the open ground of most regions of Russia. Therefore, previously eggplants were grown only in protected soil conditions. With the development of selection, it became possible to grow eggplants in open ground not only in the southern regions, but also in the middle zone.

Among predator plants, the sundew rightly claims to be the brightest and most expressive beauty. This plant attracts, first of all, its unusual textures and play of colors. But the feeding mechanism of this swamp and quite hardy miracle is so exotic that it is very easy to forget about sundews as plants, primarily ornamental ones. Sundews are quite demanding when it comes to humidity, but they are not that difficult to grow in ordinary living spaces.

Chocolate cake with custard made from simple and affordable ingredients turns out to be so delicious that rarely anyone limits themselves to one piece. The sponge cakes are moist and feel like they are made from real dark chocolate, even though the recipe only calls for cocoa powder. The creamy custard is delicate and light and goes well with chocolate sponge cake. All this splendor of flavors is complemented by coconut flakes, a simple ingredient, but in this recipe, like a cherry on the cake, it comes in handy.

Although the calendar spring begins in March, it is very difficult to call this month spring. But May is already a real long-awaited spring, filled with aromas and the multicolor of awakened nature. Fresh young leaves on trees and bushes attract the eye, yearning for greenery during the long months of winter. In May, the parade of primroses continues in the garden, decorative shrubs and perennials delight with variegated foliage and flowering, and conifers are renewed.

In the middle zone, the formation of grapes suggests the possibility of shelter for the winter period, which means that the focus should be on keeping the head of the bush at soil level. Even further north, one cannot count on a large harvest, but even for such areas there are their own pruning principles. The article discusses the sleeve-fan scheme for forming a grape bush, often used in the middle zone, and the cordon scheme, which has shown itself well in regions with a more severe climate.

Beef with eggplants with vegetable sauce in the oven is a simple, very tasty and not very high-calorie dish, which is quite relevant nowadays. The sauce is made from vegetables only, no flour, sugar, milk or cream. The meat is fat-free, and yet it turns out juicy and tender. Can be replaced with chicken fillet or veal. The eggplants do not need to be fried first, just add a little salt to make them soft. I recommend preparing a light yogurt sauce for the finished dish.

Houseplants are much more dependent on fertilizing than garden plants. Thanks to feeding, they receive everything they need for growth and flowering. The substrate is depleted several months after transplantation. And if nutrients are not replenished, plants quickly begin to show signs of macro- and micronutrient deficiency. The leaves signal it first and most clearly. The leaves of indoor plants will “tell” about the deficiency or excess of which elements?

Duck with oranges in French - exquisite, juicy, with golden skin. This baked duck will decorate any holiday table, and it is easy to prepare, although, compared to traditional fried chicken, it takes a little longer. To speed up the process and preserve the released juices, use a sleeve or a baking bag of a suitable size, remember that not every bag can fit a large duck! Serve the duck with the sauce and filling left over after baking.

Purslane is a well-known, widespread weed all over the world, which has a number of qualities for which all gardeners unanimously hate it. One of them is ineradicability. Purslane is so resilient that even one seed can be the beginning of this weed taking over an area. To remove purslane from the garden and garden, patience, knowledge and precision in carrying out measures to destroy it are required. In this article we will look at methods of combating purslane on the site.

The first half of spring is stingy with flowering plants. Yes, primroses are already pleasing, but there is a very special plant that you can’t help but be moved by. This is a perennial evergreen ground cover of aubrieta. I think those who saw the low cushions, or, as they say, curtains of this plant during flowering, probably wanted to have it in their garden. And I hasten to please you, aubrieta is a very unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. Although, there are some peculiarities.

Delicious lamb cabbage soup with sweet peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and, of course, cabbage! It takes quite a lot of time to prepare this dish, but this does not mean that you will have to stomp around in the kitchen all day. Prepare vegetables and meat - wash, chop, place in bowls. Then sauté the vegetables and add the lamb. When the soup boils, you can go about your business for about 1.5 hours, then add potatoes and cabbage and cook for another half hour.

If you have an apple tree growing in your garden, naturally you want to get as many tasty fruits from it as possible. Often, beginning gardeners believe that the more magnificent the tree, the greater the harvest. But that's not true. In order for an apple tree to produce a rich, high-quality harvest, so that the fruits are large and juicy, each of its branches must receive enough light and air. When the amount of light falling on the branches is reduced to 30 percent, fruit buds do not form on the trees.

Ferns are one of the categories of indoor plants that are actively gaining popularity. Their luxurious leaves with unique patterns and soothing, mysterious shades of green look so elegant that it is difficult to resist the beauty of ferns, even if there is no suitable place for them. Along with unpretentious ferns, rare, original species are becoming more common. And among them is a bizarre epiphyte polypodium with unusual leaves and colors.

Houseplants and their homeland

To create the most favorable microclimate for indoor plants, and to understand whether an apartment is suitable for this or that green beauty, you need to know the conditions of their natural environment growth.

Indoor plants and their homeland - the tropics

The tropics are located in the equatorial zone. The most common tropical landscape is evergreen forest, called jungle. The climate of the tropical zone is characterized by slight fluctuations in year-round temperature, a large amount of moisture both in the air and in loose fertile soil.

Plants found in the jungle have a varied relationship to sunlight. This is explained by their multi-tiered nature in the tropical forest, where there is always partial shade under the dense crowns of trees. Plants from the tropics are moisture-loving, shade-tolerant, preferring loose, fertile soil. They need to be fed frequently and, in most cases, shaded from the sun.

In forests located in the tropical zone, most of all the ancestors of indoor plants grow. This is a habitat for all kinds of vines, ferns, ornamental flowering plants with unusual beautiful flowers. In the struggle for a ray of light, a the new kind plants, living on trees, receiving nutrients from the air - epiphytes.

Epiphytes of the tropics include orchids and some types of bromeliads. These plants are light-loving; in apartment conditions they need sufficient lighting. Winter temperatures rooms that are comfortable for the green inhabitants of the tropics should not be below 20 degrees. The rest period is insignificant and not clearly expressed.

Tree and shrub species of tropical plants:

Dracaena deramensis


Murraya paniculata

Herbaceous decorative-deciduous, decorative-flowering tropical plants:

Alocasia large-rooted

Dieffenbachia spotted

Monstera is attractive

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

Lianas, hanging indoor flowers:

Anthurium climbing

Houseplants and their homeland - the desert

A distinctive feature of the desert is heat, lots of sun, low humidity. Plants that have adapted to such harsh conditions find it very difficult to adapt to others, which in our opinion are more acceptable. They even have a different metabolism from other indoor flowers.

For those coming from the desert, it is imperative to properly distribute watering. Their periods of dormancy and vegetation are pronounced, which is explained by the unevenness of precipitation in natural conditions. Such plants should be watered based on the period in which they are located.

Watering should take place in the pan or along the walls of the flowerpot. Desert plants have a very delicate root collar, which is prone to rotting at the slightest waterlogging.

Being constantly exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, desert plants adapted by changing their leaves into spines or leathery shoots with a small surface - cacti and succulents.

They are accustomed to poor, sun-scorched soils. Therefore, you should not overdo it with fertilizing for them, fertilizing rarely, with a half dose.

Accustomed to such spartan conditions, these green desert dwellers will not be able to get used to shaded, cool rooms with high humidity.

Desert indoor plants include euphorbia, aloe, kalanchoe, and some types of cacti. Not all cacti grow in deserts. There are varieties of forest and steppe cacti, the care of which is significantly different from the care of their desert counterparts.

Therefore, when purchasing, it is important to specify the cactus variety and growing area.

It should be remembered that the deserts of the American and African continents are slightly different from each other. American deserts are softer in temperature conditions, people from them do not tolerate heat above 30 degrees. Only Africans can be exposed to the direct scorching rays of the sun all summer.

When choosing a desert indoor plant, you need to clarify which desert the flower comes from. In winter, all desert plants prefer temperatures of 13–18 degrees. Only American succulents and cacti are able to survive a temperature drop of up to 6 degrees Celsius. For Africans this is fatal.

The dormant period for all succulents and cacti, regardless of what desert they are from, is well defined. In bulbous desert inhabitants it is quite long.

Of course, the flowers brought to us from Africa, Middle America or Madagascar were cultivated and maximally adapted to our environment. But some needs must be taken into account for their good growth and healthy appearance, guided precisely by the habitat of their wild ancestors.

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