Love sugar on an apple. Rituals of strong drying of a loved one from a photo

Dipping on an apple is a truly feminine way to make a man experience the torment inherent in deep love affection. This method Love spell attracts with ease in achieving the desired effect and has been popular among the fairer sex since time immemorial.

The power of love spells with an apple

Prisushka is a magical ritual that implies the awakening of tenderness, melancholy, longing, lust, passion and undivided love for the girl performing the sacrament.

If you take an apple as a means to conquer a man, you can’t go wrong with your choice. Everybody knows biblical story about the Serpent-tempter who gave Eve this fruit, and what happened when the first people on earth tasted it.

A story from mythology has survived to this day. Ancient Greece about the fruit that caused a destructive war (the apple of discord).

According to legend, Eris gave a fruit with the inscription “To the Most Beautiful” to Aphrodite, Hera and Athena in order to create a quarrel. She made the right decision, because the celestials could not decide which of them was more beautiful. This ended, as we know, with the Trojan War.

And how many fairy tales are built around the fruit of paradise: “About rejuvenating apples”, “About the dead princess and the seven heroes”, “The Scarlet Flower”, “Geese-Swans” and others.

The apple tree is popularly called the tree of life. You can also find comparisons in wise folk sayings: “an apple from an apple tree...”, “a wormy soul like an apple.”

Endowed with magical qualities, the fruit rightfully took a dominant place in the love magic of the Slavs.

There are several types of apple icing. They do not require special preparations or special magical surroundings. The lunar cycle does not matter, nor does the location.

Note that if there is strong defense for the selected object, the ritual may not work. The magic will not work if a man experiences strong hatred, disgust, or disgust towards the performer of the sacrament.

We take a good large ripe fruit. We cut it into two halves and put small paper notes inside with the couple’s names and locks of their hair.

Then we pronounce the words of the love spell:

“Just as a pouring apple dries up, so the Servant of God (name) will begin to dry out over the servant of God (name himself). Amen!"

Then we sew the halves together with red thread (preferably wool) and hide them in a place inaccessible to anyone. The result will be noticeable when most of the fruit rots.

It is used for drying both boys and girls. You will need red apples, preferably from your own garden, a photograph of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made, scarlet wool thread, a new knife with a wooden handle.

Cut the ripe fruit in half and attach a photo. Having connected the parts, tie the thread in three directions, making knots. Every time you tie, say:

“Apple of love, love (name of the chosen one) give me! This apple is drying in the sun, and you, dear (name), dry up from your great love for me! Let your life be attached to mine, so be it!”

The charmed fruit is placed in sunny side at home on the windowsill or in a warm place (behind the radiator). Bury the dried fruit in the garden of your loved one’s house or hide it under his threshold. It’s impossible to implement - cook a compote from it and treat it to your lover. The plot will not work if you are in a quarrel or your loved one has left you.

When a woman wants, she also needs to cut the ripe fruit with a new knife with a wooden handle and attach a photo. Only love plot for an apple it will be:

“Any of my hubby (you call him), come back to me (you call yourself), come back forever, come back soon, forget the other bitches, smear dirt on their faces, let the one who took you away from me like a bitch die. Let my tears flow down to her drop by drop, come out sideways and make a hole in her chest. Mother earth, hear my prayers. I ask you, I offer you a sacrifice.”

Bury the apple deeper in the ground (not in the sand), and bury the knife with it.

They say that as soon as the first worm crawls through the apple and gnaws a photo along the way, it will return to the family, and will forget about its adventures and love on the side forever.

The main thing is to wait for your return. Otherwise, he is destined for death from melancholy.

These terms are often used interchangeably, but there is still a difference.

Drying is a softer method arouse the sympathy of the man you like. Its action does not suppress the will of the subject. A person yearns and suffers, but feelings manifest themselves in a natural form.

With black, the consciousness of the bewitched object is clouded and closed: in my head I only think about the one that bewitched me. Their consequences are disastrous for the heroes of the ritual and for their descendants.

By its strength and possible consequences dryness is classified as an intermediate method of influencing a person - between non-working (weak) and very strong (not removable).

However, if the feelings are carried out incorrectly or the feelings are not serious, the results of the “apple binding” will be similar to. The behavior of the chosen one will manifest itself as aggression, problems with health, alcohol, etc. will arise.

When performing a ritual, pay attention to details that may distort the effect of magic:

  • The cut fruit has flaws: rot, worms, mold - do not use it. This indicates that the object of the love spell was chosen incorrectly or the time for magic is inappropriate. Postpone the ritual immediately.
  • If, after the start of the sacrament, someone disturbed you (called, knocked, a bird began to beat on the window), the thread broke or slipped, the pen stopped writing, fell, etc. - postpone it for at least a decade. The drying will not work or the effect will not be what is needed.
  • It rots very slowly - the spell did not work. Give up the desire to get this person - he is not suitable for you.

Remember, drying does not last long on an apple. It is necessary to strengthen it with a tender and affectionate attitude towards the sweetheart. Feed him delicious food, create comfort so that he can’t do without you!

Through magical rituals, each of us can solve many problems in our lives, and matters of the heart are one of them. And taking into account the task set for yourself, you choose one or another ritual. But I would like to note that many rituals can be performed on your own, and a love spell on an apple is affordable and effective. And if you decide to resort to green magic, go for it.

The meaning and features of the ritual

An apple can act as a strong love spell attribute

Drying on an apple is very simple and effective ritual, which has a centuries-old history. Suffice it to recall many Russians folk tales, Where pouring applemain attribute of magic.

A love spell cast on this fruit has a special power, and the power is determined by the very presence of an apple in the ritual. And what is important is that such magic does not have a negative kickback. This is not a love spell on a churchyard or a love spell on blood, but green, light magic. Ideally, you should use fruit that is juicy and ripe, picked from your own apple orchard - this will enhance the effect of the magic.

What you need to know about the ritual

Apple magic has its own characteristics

A love spell on an apple is the safest of all love rituals, and even if a rollback occurs, it will be minimal. Every love spell, even one attributed to white people, is an energetic introduction into the human biological field, violating the laws of existence and therefore cannot pass without leaving a trace.

How to choose the right fruit for the ceremony - optimally pick it in your own garden, carefully examine it for damage, cracks, and rot. That is, it must be without any flaws, plus remember that you should not use yellow or pink fruits or fruit picked from a wild and uncultivated apple tree.

And when it is, or vice versa, you should not create love magic - it has its own characteristics. The presented rituals have a long history, therefore they have their own signs and superstitions, when and under what circumstances the ritual should not be performed:

  1. If the apple is rotten from the inside, then you should postpone the procedure for 1-2 weeks. love spell. So to speak, time and higher powers are not predisposed to you today and therefore it is worth giving up magic for a while.
  2. When your relatives or acquaintances constantly phone calls or a working TV is distracting from the ceremony, then it is worth changing the location of the ceremony. If this happens constantly, there will be no effect.
  3. If you tie two halves together and they don’t bond, it means it’s not your day and you should postpone the ritual for a while.
  4. When an apple does not dry out during the process of magic, but rots, this is very bad sign from above, because it indicates your incompatibility. If this happens, do not despair, but after some time, it is advisable to repeat the love spell after 2-3 weeks.

Red apple ritual

A red and pouring apple will bring love into your life

A love spell with an apple at home is carried out precisely at dawn and during the period that falls on the waxing Moon according to lunar calendar. Will you go out to apple orchard and take with you the most attractive apple, a needle and knitting needles, as well as a handkerchief, white, without a pattern or inscription, and a sheet of A4 paper.

On paper, write the name of your chosen one in blood and then pierce a hole on the fruit itself with a knitting needle - a folded piece of paper with your man’s name should go there. After this, read any prayer over the fruit, for example, “Our Father” and fold the paper with the name of the chosen one and put it in the apple.

“Like I make holes in an apple, I kill thoughts about others. As you ... name ... will be with me, so I will be with you, but I will miss you and sigh at night, not know how to sleep, and not look at others. Yes, as soon as this pouring apple dries up, my words will soon come true.”

Be sure to wrap it in a handkerchief and hide it in a secret, dark place.

Ritual for an apple behind an icon

Ritual with an apple and an icon - the optimal solution for all Orthodox Christians

This love spell is optimal for all Orthodox believers - it is considered not just a ritual from the arsenal of white magic, but also quite strong. It is worth preparing the juiciest and ripe apple for it - it is better to pick it personally from the tree, but if this is not possible, then buy it at the market.

Next, choose an icon of your patron in the temple - this can be clarified directly on the spot. In the morning, sit in front of the icon and read a prayer to your patron, and then think about your loved one. At this very moment, your thoughts should be exclusively light, without self-interest and dark promises, and then say:

“Just as this apple behind the holy face dries up, by the will of God, so my beloved will dry up for me, and as it rots, so my dear one will want to live with me. Help of the be paired with my beloved, may my beloved not forget me from now on and forever.”

Then put it behind your home icons, but if there is no iconostasis in your apartment or house, take it to the nearest church, and then leave it there in front of the saints. And try to forget about your love spell, because this way the magic will work faster.

Lunar ritual for an apple

The moon and apple are your helpers in matters of the heart

This love spell is performed exclusively on the growing night luminary - go outside and stand so that its rays fall on you. Prepare a ripe, pourable apple, a sharp knife and a sheet of paper with a pen. You will also need matches and an icon, red threads.

Afterwards, go outside to a deserted place and stand under the Moon - remove the skin from the apples, peeling off your skin. energy level all the problems. After this, write your man’s name on paper and wrap it around the peeled apple, and wrap the package itself with red thread.

After that, set it on fire and say:

“My - always be with me, love and desire me, always be with me. Just like two eyes are together, like two arms and legs are together, so we will walk through life together.”

Then bury the apple in the ground under the apple tree, but sprinkle the ashes on the threshold of your chosen one or throw it in the wind if his house is far from you.

With green apple

Green magic with green apple is strong

  1. An unripe, still green apple and a red satin ribbon. Why is an unripe apple a symbol of your relationship, and magic is designed to ripen it, so to speak, and a red ribbon will tie you together.
  2. You will also need a blank sheet of paper. On it you will write the name of your man, defining his person for magical, higher powers.

On your own paper with my own hand write the name of this or that chosen one and then twist it into a tight tube. Your next steps are to cut the selected fruit in half and place a note in it. After such manipulations, you should tie the fruit with a note with a satin ribbon - imagine how you connect your lives and destinies in a happy couple, and then tie 3 strong knots.

After that, hide it in a secluded place. But practitioners note that before carrying out the ritual it is worth thinking about everything carefully, since even the easiest and simplest ritual at first glance can have complex consequences. And one more thing - try to conquer your man using natural methods.

Love spell on two halves of an apple

Two halves of an apple will help connect hearts together

For this love spell magic, choose the most beautiful apple on a tree or at the market. When choosing, remember - it should be red and you really like it. Before casting a love spell, think about your man, and then cut the fruit. Write your name and men on paper, fold it and put it between the halves.

Then tie it neatly with a red ribbon - it is this material and color that will strengthen the love spell ritual. When the fruit itself with the note is tied with a ribbon and 3 knots are tied, put it away in a hidden place. And what is important is that it must be well illuminated, since it important condition ritual activation.

And what else - do not cut out the core and do not make unnecessary cuts. The effect of the ritual begins instantly, although the results of the love spell will be visible after a couple of weeks.

Apple drying

Easy to dry with apple

Drying on an apple can be carried out in a variety of rituals and for them you will need the most important item - an apple. The following are effective magical rituals for apple drying.

In the first magical variation - buy or pick a ripe apple in the garden yourself, prepare - a knife and a needle, a red ribbon and white paper.

Using blood on paper, write your own names, men and women, then cut the fruit in half and put such a note between the halves. Wrap them, fastening them with ribbon, and carefully tie them crosswise with it - at this very moment, imagine how good you are together, how many long and happy years you will live together.

After you have tied it with a ribbon, tie three knots. Why three - this is how you protect yourself, your chosen one and your union from outside influence, both on the physical and astral level. And then speaking out loud:

“How ripe this fruit is - I love you, my dear. As soon as this apple dries up, you’ll be pining for me all your life, and you’ll be and live with me like a red ribbon. May we have children - like those apple seeds.”

Then put it in the sun - the main condition for choosing such a place is that no one should see it, much less touch it. And watch the enchanted fruit from time to time - it is important that it dries, but does not rot. If it rots, the ritual did not work and should be performed again.

In the second version of the love spell performed at home, you will also need fresh and ripe fruit, and carry it out on the day it was purchased, or even better, picked from the apple tree. Take it in your hands and hold it for 5-10 minutes, imagining your man before your eyes. Then just say:

“As this apple dries up from the inside, so will you... name... dry up for me, and as it dries up, it will bind you to me.”

Ritual on an apple and photo

Take ripe fruit and clear, recent photo your man. Take a clear photograph taken no more than a year ago. At the same time, your chosen one should be depicted on it in splendid isolation - without strangers and animals. They will take on all the magic of the ritual and therefore the ritual will not work.

On the photo, write your name and date of birth with your hand, and then what you want from your chosen one. This way you will identify your personalities on the astral level and determine your innermost desire before higher powers.

Afterwards, fold the photo card into a small square and carefully place it in the very core of the apple - tie everything with ribbon and put it away from prying eyes and hands. As practitioners note, the first positive changes in relationships will be visible in 2-3 weeks, but magic as such comes into force already in the first minutes.

Ritual with apple and candles

The power of an apple and a candle flame - a strong love tandem

After waiting until evening, and on a day that falls exclusively on the waxing Moon, perform a love spell ritual on an apple and wax candles purchased the day before in the temple. When all the attributes magical ritual prepared - start the magic.

Light the candles from a match and look at the one taken in right hand selected fruit - remember your chosen one. The main thing to take into account in this ritual is the following:

  1. You must personally pick the fruit from the tree, for residents of the metropolis there is no such opportunity and, accordingly, buy it in the store. But when choosing, give preference to those that are grown in your country, but not brought from abroad.
  2. Choose only ripe fruit, juicy and plump - without flaws or abrasions, not rotten. The initial result of the love spell will depend on this - whether the magic will work for you or will work against you.

After this, pierce it on both sides with toothpicks so that juice flows out of it and say the following:

“As an apple should dry out, so should you... name... dry up for me.”

After you have pierced it on both sides, put it in a secret place hidden from prying eyes, but so that it falls on it. sunlight. The magic begins to “work” from the first day, but the results will show themselves after a couple of weeks.

Apple - this fruit has long been considered magical. It is enough that, according to the biblical scriptures, it was with this fruit that Eve seduced Adam. Perhaps that is why the apple is so often used today in magical rites. Apples are especially actively used by those who perform love spells. Drying on an apple is one of the most common magical rituals.

What is drying?

Before you begin the ritual, it is important to understand how drying differs from all other magical rituals. Thanks to drying, a person can arouse mutual loving feelings towards himself in another person. But it is important to understand that these feelings will not be the brightest, or rather, not exclusively bright. Reviews about drying on a loved one say the same.

Drying an apple at home will lead to the fact that the dried one will begin to experience a number of feelings towards the customer. And these feelings will not always be pleasant. Yes, the dried one will be drawn to the customer, and he will always look for meetings with him, but important point is that when meeting, the person will not feel happy.

The dryness on the apple causes something like an addiction in the dried one to the customer. Without him, he will feel very bad, but at the same time, his heart will not be at peace with him. Anxiety settles in the heart of the dried one. Dryness and apple drying also have their own characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of dryness

Drying is carried out on different objects or products. Drying on a red apple is one of the most effective. In this case, the following symptoms can be identified in the dried one:

  • The image of the customer constantly appears in his thoughts. At the same time, the dried person feels a pull towards the customer, as if something external is attracting him to the customer (this is how dry spell works).
  • The client's willpower is dulled, and the degree of awareness of his actions and thoughts decreases. It's like he's under external influence something.
  • The fact is that with dryness, the will is dulled as a whole, so if a person is weak-willed, then he can fall into unhealthy addictions. This could be alcohol, drugs, extreme and life-threatening hobbies. At this moment, the mechanism of self-destruction is launched.
  • When the customer finds himself next to the dried one, the latter does not calm down; there are still anxious feelings in him. This greatly affects the quality of the relationship.

All the symptoms described above indicate that the drying on the apple is not the best The best way make a person love. But, if you still decide to do this, then know that in the future you will be responsible for the person you killed.

Rules for drying

There are a few general rules which must be followed in order for the drying to work properly:

  1. When using an apple for a love ritual, never remove the core from it in order to put a love note inside. If the recipe just calls for cutting the apple, then do so. Then connect it again. All parts of the apple must be in place, only then will the fruit be used correctly in the ritual.
  2. It happens that in order to dry a man at home, you come across an apple that is rotten or wormy inside. This is a sign from above that now is not the best best time for a love spell on this man. It’s worth doing a similar ritual later to avoid unpleasant consequences. In any case, this apple cannot be used for ritual.
  3. If it happens that while casting a love spell on a man, someone or something knocks you down or distracts you, then this is also a sign that now is not the best time to perform the ritual. If you still want to continue the ritual, then start it over again and try to concentrate better on it.
  4. The enchanted apple, with a note inside, should be kept in direct sun for a week. It should not rot, it should turn into dried fruit.

Drying on a red apple

Now let's look at one of the most powerful drying methods, this is drying on a red apple.

The first thing you will need for this ritual is, of course, a red apple. Choose the most beautiful one you find at the market or in the garden. In addition, the ritual requires three yellow candles, a photo of a man, a sheet of paper and a pen.

The apple drying ritual should be performed on the night of the waxing moon. Then, along with the waxing moon, the feeling of the man on whom you are making an attraction will also grow.

You need to be alone with yourself. Try to make sure that there is no one in the room except you, it is advisable to remove all pets. Strong drying on a red apple is carried out in the evening, after sunset, when the moon fully enters into force.

Place three candles on the table. In the middle place an apple, a piece of paper and a pen and a photo of a man. Sit at the table. First, just concentrate on what is happening. Turn within. Feel your power. Close your eyes and walk a beam of attention over your body. After this, take a deep breath, then exhale, pick up an apple and say the following words:

“I’ve seen so many great guys, but you alone have sunk into my soul with your face. And no matter what you do, no matter what you say, servant of God (Name of the man), I cannot forget you, and I do not want to. And I want you to become mine. From head to toe, to be mine. So that you look at me like an icon and do nothing until you meet me. That's what I want, that's what I'm dying for. You can’t make yourself happy without me, you can’t be calm without me. You will dry out without me, like that red apple. You can't see the horizon without me. Only with me your heart blossoms, only with me it fights alive, only with me you, my dear, happy. As I say, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After this, the apple must be cut into two parts and held over each candle flame.

Take a piece of paper and write on it:

“For my beloved servant of God (Name of the man), I have become love, I have eclipsed the light, the dryness is acting, he falls in love with me, the servant of God (his Name).”

Then fold the love note in half and place it between the halves of apples, and put a photo of the man there. You need to tie the apple with red thread.

Place the apple in a place where it will be straight during the day Sun rays. After a week, when the fruit turns into dried fruit, put it in an invisible place. This apple dryness will last for about six months, then, if it is still relevant, the procedure must be repeated. Thus, you can carry out drying completely independently at home.

This ritual also needs to be performed on the waxing moon. Stay alone, put all the components of the ritual on the table. Light a candle.

Take a mirror in your hands, look into it and say these words:

“I see myself clearly, I see myself brightly. This is how I am as a servant of God (Name of man, husband), I will appear to him in his dreams. And in the daytime suddenly emerge like this in a bright way I'll stay with him. Whoever saw me can no longer look at me, whoever heard me can no longer hear me. So you dry up without me, so you lose strength without me, only with me you are happy in dreams and in reality. You will come to me, I will take you, I will not let you go, I am preparing a fruit for my beloved, for my beloved I myself will become a fruit of temptation. The apple is drying, you love me.”

After this, cut the apple and place half on the mirror, and eat the other half. Place half an apple with a mirror in direct sunlight. After a week, put the dried fruit with the mirror in an invisible place. Now you know how to dry a red apple.

Since ancient times, man has been interested in the question of what awaits him in the future? As we know, there was no medicine, so they turned to various healers or sorcerers. problem physical health A healer could decide, but only a witch or sorcerer could heal from love experiences. This is how various love spells, lapels, and conspiracies appeared.

The problem of love experiences, unrequited love remains popular today. For this reason, people continue to turn to fortune tellers, psychics, and hereditary witches who can offer various ways problem solution. But it is worth remembering that any action has irreversible consequences that are aimed at the customer himself.

Since ancient times, sipping a guy on an apple has been known. This ritual allows you to bewitch a potential groom. The method is considered effective. So, drying an apple at home is used to make a loved one sad.

Those who have been affected by apple drying experience insomnia, bad dreams, unbearable longing for the one who “dry”, there is a deterioration in health, loss of appetite, a desire to be with only one person who did the drying.

Apple sucking on the guy

To perform the ritual, you need to take a good apple fruit. His people must like him appearance and not be damaged. These conditions must be complied with. As for the ritual itself, it must be performed at midnight. To do this, looking at the fruit, you need to imagine the object of your love and say the words: “ As the apple dries, so you, servant of God (name of the young man), will miss me " After this, the charmed fruit should be placed in sunny place. To see the effectiveness of this method, you need to wait a certain period of time.

Yes, a man or guy who has been “dried” will really be drawn to that one. Other representatives of the fair sex will not interest him. This effect will be caused by severe melancholy. Your chosen one may not find a place for himself and may be very sad. Being closer to the culprit of my melancholy, young man it becomes easier, but he cannot explain his condition. This is how love spells work, known since ancient times and preserved by those with magical abilities.

In love magic, this fruit is usually endowed with powerful magical abilities. A love spell on an apple has been one of the most effective and famous since ancient times. Reviews from those who cast a love spell on an apple, two halves, red, green, etc., confirm this 100%. There are many variations of this ritual; we will look at some of the most effective and well-known ones in this article.

The apple symbolizes eternity without beginning or end, immortality and is a fairly popular magical attribute.

An important element for the success of any magical action is its preparation.

Here's what you need to do before a love spell on an apple:

  1. If you want to give your witchcraft additional power, you need to do it at the time of the lunar growth phase or on the full moon. And there is no better time than midnight for him.
  2. Another essential condition is the absence of witnesses. No one - not your closest friend, not best friend- should not observe the sacrament. Only complete secrecy, as well as a calm and quiet environment, give a chance for the magic to be effective.

A man's love spell on an apple, carried out in violation of these rules, can lead to the opposite effect or paralyze the will of your loved one.

Online fortune telling “Will an apple love spell work?”

Not sure whether you should do an “apple” love spell or not? Try this simple love spell express and find out what is the likelihood that the magic will work on your chosen one. Fill out all the fields in the form and click the “Guess” button.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces under 18 years old from 18 to 20 years old from 20 to 25 years old from 25 to 30 years old from 30 to 40 years old over 40 years old less than 30 days from 1 to 3 months from 3 to 6 months from 6 months to a year from 1 to 2 years from 2 to 3 years

Classic love spell “On a red apple”

A correctly performed ritual preserves the love spell throughout the year.

This is a rather interesting and popular ritual. To perform a love spell on a red apple, you must prepare the following items in advance:

  • A small (smaller than an apple) photograph depicting the chosen one (or chosen one) in full height.
  • If there is no photograph, you can take a sheet of thin white paper and write on it with your blood a phrase of three words, for example: Elena (the name of the girl performing the ritual) is loved by Peter (the name of her chosen one). A new sewing needle is used as a feather, which is used to pierce the ring finger.
  • New tablecloth;
  • Red candle;
  • Sharp knife;
  • Matchbox.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Preparing and performing a love spell

  1. When left completely alone (best on Friday, after sunset), you need to let your hair down;
  2. Get rid of all decorations, turn off the phone and all household and electrical appliances;
  3. Light a red candle on a table covered with a new tablecloth;
  4. Cut off the top part of the apple with the stem, and carefully cut out the core, which must be immediately discarded and the top part saved.

Having placed a photograph (or a piece of paper with an inscription) into the resulting cavity, they begin to recite the text of the conspiracy:

How will this fruit dry?

So you (your boyfriend’s name) will dry up for me (your name).

It will be as I said.

The spell is cast thirty-three times, so as not to make a mistake with the calculation, you must put the required number of matches on the table. After each reading, one match is broken.

At the end of the ritual

  1. Having completed the ritual, the apple must be covered with a lid and left in a secluded place with good ventilation. A tall cabinet is best suited for this purpose.
  2. The candle used in the ritual must burn out completely. Bury the wax under the young tree.
  3. Save the tablecloth until the next ritual or burn it. It cannot be used for household purposes.
  4. Broken matches must be burned, saying:

How these matches burn

So is your (name of object) heart

Burns for me (name of ritual performer).

After performing the ritual, it is very important to remain completely silent until the next morning. This action strengthens the love spell effect. Anyone who has done a love spell on an apple, reviews say that a correctly performed ritual will last for a whole year. If necessary, its validity period can be extended.

Important: Before the repeated procedure, a photograph is removed from the old apple and burned, and the apple itself is buried in the ground.

If you do not have the opportunity to use an apple grown in your garden, best place for its purchase there is a “collective farm” market, where sellers sell their own grown products.

  • Having taken a fancy to the most beautiful and appetizing fruit, the mere sight of which makes your mouth water, you need to take it with your own hand, without letting the seller touch it;
  • When paying for a purchase, under no circumstances should you bargain or take the change offered to you. Knowing this, it is better to go to the market with small bills, which will allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses.

If you didn’t like the love spell on an apple, then you can do it.

Love spell “On apple and hair”

Your hair and blood increase the power of the ritual.

If you want to spend strong love spell on an apple, keep in mind that the increase in the power of its impact lies in the fact that the ritual uses biological materials (blood, hair or nails) taken from both the man and the woman whose destinies it is intended to unite.

Preparation for the ceremony

  • Before performing the ritual, you must secretly obtain three hairs belonging to the object of your passion;
  • Early Friday morning, before the sun rises, you must either pick a red apple from your garden or buy it at a convenience store according to the rules stated above.

Instructions for carrying out

  • On a small piece of paper own blood write the last name and first name of the person you need to bewitch;
  • Taking three obtained hairs, combine them with the same number of your own and tie the paper into a roll using the resulting flagellum;
  • After dividing the apple in half, carefully cut out the core. Place your note in the resulting space;
  • Carefully align the halves of the magic fruit with each other and carefully fasten them with two toothpicks, being careful not to damage the roll;
  • After this, putting the apple in a dry and ventilated place where no one can find it, wait for the pulp to dry completely;
  • Wrap the completely dried fruit in dry leaves or a piece of beautiful red cloth and hide it under the head of your loved one's bed.

Important point: A prerequisite for the success of any love spell on an apple is complete secrecy of all actions. In case of failure, the ritual is repeated from the beginning.

Love spell on “Two halves of an apple”

This is another classic ritual that has long been firmly established. A love spell on an apple with two halves can be performed in the following way:

  • Take a beautiful and fresh apple of any color;
  • Divide it into two perfectly even halves;
  • Write your name on a tiny piece of paper first, then the name of your chosen one;
  • To enhance the ritual, write in blood, but you can also use red ink;
  • Do not fold the note, in this ritual it should be soaked in apple juice;
  • Place it between the hemispheres and connect the fruit into one whole, trying to achieve a perfect fit of the parts;
  • Secure them together with a beautiful red silk ribbon;
  • At the moment of tying a beautiful bow, you need to visualize final goal of this ritual: a romantic meeting with a lover, passionate hugs and kisses, sexual contact, expected luxurious gifts, etc.;
  • After this, the magical fruit, reminiscent of gift wrapping, is placed on a saucer and hidden from prying eyes for a week.

After a week they look at the result:

  • If the apple has not rotted, but has dried out significantly, the ritual can be completed by burying the fruit near own home(in complete secrecy, of course).
  • A rotten apple, on the contrary, is buried as far as possible from its home.

Only very fresh and healthy fruits can be used. The rotten core of an outwardly beautiful fruit indicates not only that it is not suitable for the ritual, but also that the ritual itself should be postponed.

Important: Evidence of a poorly chosen moment is that the process is constantly interrupted by some circumstances. In this case, the ritual should be interrupted and performed at another time.

Love spell on an apple Two halves, those who have done it, reviews confirm that this is a very powerful rite.

Love spell “On a green apple”

Green apple is used if the effect needs to be weak or short-lived.

This love spell is recommended for a young girl who wants to attract the attention of a guy she really likes. In general, this is an ordinary apple love spell and the preparation is no different from what we did in the first version:

Preparing the ritual

  1. It is best to pick the fruit intended for it from a tree in your own garden: this will eliminate the influence of other people’s energy.
  2. If this is not possible, you can get by with an apple purchased at the supermarket. Preference should be given to the fruit not of foreign, but of domestic gardening (our fruits are not coated with a wax preservative compound that prevents them from drying out).

The first way to perform the ritual

  1. Taking an apple, the girl must divide it into two equal halves with one movement of a sharp knife. In the recess formed after cutting out the core, she should place a small piece of paper with her lover’s name written on it.
  2. Having folded the halves tightly and tied them with a strong red thread, the girl should confidently say:

    “As this fruit dries, let it dry for me (name of the chosen one).”

  3. When pronouncing the words of the spell, you need to mentally visualize the image of this person: imagine what he looks like, how tenderly he looks at or hugs the girl performing the ritual.
  4. After completing these steps, the apple is placed on a saucer and left in a place hidden from prying eyes, but well lit. A sign that the ceremony was successful will be the complete drying of the enchanted fruit.

The second method of performing the ritual

There is a slightly different version of the ritual with a green apple. The difference concerns the note placed inside the fruit. On it they write not the name of the chosen one, but the words of the spell:

“As this apple dries up, let (name) dry up for me.”

All further manipulations are carried out according to the above scenario.

Important Note: sometimes it happens that the tape or thread keeps getting tangled or slipping off the fruit. In this case, it is advisable to interrupt the ceremony and choose a more appropriate moment for it.

What is the result

Love spell on an apple: the consequences of manipulating the fruit indicate the degree of success of the magical action. If it dries within seven days, then the ceremony was successful. But the processes of rotting and decomposition of the pulp, as well as cockroaches and flies landing on the fruit, indicate complete failure.

Decomposition and bad smell emanating from the fetus are signs indicating that you should not connect your fate with the object of this love spell.

White love spell “On an apple with an icon”

A white love spell on an apple behind an icon can only help sincere Orthodox believers, and a personalized icon will further speed up the desired result. This is not a very complicated ritual and almost any girl can do it:

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • The ritual must be performed very early: before sunrise;
  • Sitting in front of the icon and holding a ruddy apple in your hands, you need to imagine your chosen one, trying to emotionally feel the full strength of your passion for this person;
  • The apple charged in this way is placed behind the icon, after which they go outside the threshold and say any prayer;
  • " " or " " is best.
  • When returning home, you need to think about your loved one.
  • After this, you should try to fall asleep. A good sign will appear if you see your favorite guy in a dream;

In order for the result to come as soon as possible, it is necessary to forget about the ritual performed.

Consequences of love spells

The consequences of the ritual can be unpredictable, but, basically, they depend on the technique of its implementation.

Due to their accessibility and ease, these love spells are quite popular. However, the consequences can be completely unpredictable. Reviews from those who cast a love spell on an apple confirm this.

Despite the fact that a love spell for a loved one on an apple is classified as a white love spell, the reversal for both parties can be as follows:

  • Deterioration of health. Feeling pressure from the outside and resisting this influence, a person loses a lot of strength. An exhausted body can respond with insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and decreased potency.
  • Deterioration of character. The target of the love spell may become jittery, nervous, touchy and irritable.
  • Mental problems. Such a person often loses his cheerfulness, feels depressed, he is constantly depressed and dissatisfied with himself.

The desire to suppress the will of another person also depletes the strength and undermines the health of the initiator of a love spell. The person who performed the ritual may also become depressed.


Are you looking for reviews from those who cast a love spell on an apple, or are you interested in the consequences of such a ritual? This question often comes up on forums on the Internet, below we present some of them:

I did a love spell on a green apple twice, and both times I achieved a positive result. The guys very soon became interested in me and things began between us, first romantic, and then quite serious relationship. However, not a single story ended in marriage.

I made a hit on the guy. Within a week, the relationship began to actively develop. Warm at first, over time they began to weigh down due to the hysteria and unjustified jealousy of my chosen one. And I started having health problems. Having gotten rid of the apple (with a payoff), I still did not get rid of the gastritis that bothered me. I let the guy go, although I continue to love him.

Video “Features of a magical ritual with an apple”

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