Small studio apartment: photos with original design options. Design of a small studio apartment: optimal furnishings and zoning Design options for a small studio apartment

IN Lately Design projects for studio apartments have become increasingly popular. The housing issue today is one of the most complex and expensive. Thanks to this solution, it is possible to implement the most original ideas on a relatively small living area. In this article you can learn more about how to turn a small apartment into a modern and comfortable home.

What is a studio apartment?

The concept of “studio” in the meaning of residential premises came to post-Soviet countries from the USA. There it originated in the twenties of the last century. It meant budget housing for small families. At that time, the United States was faced with the problem of a shortage of living space in major cities. The reason for this was huge wave immigrants from European and Asian countries. So immigrants and simply poor young Americans needed inexpensive housing, but with all the modern benefits of civilization.

And the studio apartment became great solution housing problem for many young families and students North America the beginning of the twentieth century. After all, despite its small area, it included a bathroom, kitchen, shower and the living space itself. There were no partitions or walls between zones. Also, the studio has mainly two doors: the entrance and the door to the bathroom. But over time, the studio apartment began to move from budget housing into the category of modern prestigious housing. The studio has turned into a huge field for the flight of design ideas and creative solutions.

It is worth noting that the idea of ​​combining a kitchen, bathroom and living space in one room without walls did not come to the territory of the CIS countries even in the times of Russian Empire, nor after the revolution. This architectural and planning solution gained popularity among us only in the late nineties. Moreover, even today residential premises are not built with a plan to combine the dining room and living space. They are done by cleaning partitions and walls, as well as completely remodeling the apartment. In general, architects and designers usually define the concept of a studio apartment differently. But all experts agree that this is a living space without rigid partitions and the presence of only entrance doors and doors to the bathtub and toilet.

Today, this layout is very popular in many developed cities. Moreover, such housing is presented in both low and high price categories real estate. Inexpensive studio apartments are usually built from one-room or two-room apartments small area. Also on the real estate market are residential premises with such a large area layout with many zones and an original division of the boundaries of these zones. Such apartments are already considered prestigious and expensive residential premises. But, despite such popularity, it does not officially exist building codes and planning standards for a studio apartment on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Advantages of planning a living space without partitions

Arranging a studio does not necessarily have the goal of saving space by combining zones. Very often, architects and designers remove partitions and walls for the sake of fashion to make the home stylish and modern. Also, such a solution to the layout of the living space will allow the owner to give the impression of a person with refined taste. Studio design projects are very popular among architects. After all, most apartment redevelopments are carried out according to individual projects to order. Moreover, redevelopment of apartments provides a wide range of possibilities and a huge field for the flight of imagination of professional designers and architects. By designing a living space for a studio, you can hone your design skills in many styles by combining different zones in one room.

Studio apartments have the following advantages compared to other types of layouts:

  1. If the apartment initially was not enough usable area, then this problem can be partially solved by cleaning partitions and walls. Indeed, in this case it is much easier to operate the open space of the apartment without restrictions. You can achieve maximum functionality in furniture arrangement.
  2. An open-plan apartment is a great solution for a small family or single person. It is great for hosting parties and hosting events with guests.
  3. The layout of a studio apartment allows you to design the entire interior of the living space in any one architectural style. Or apply several styles in one living space, dividing in this way different zones premises.
  4. In order to walk from the sofa to the refrigerator, you need to travel less distances. After all, to move around the apartment you don’t need corridors and doors.
  5. With the help of a studio apartment layout, you can correctly position audio equipment to achieve ideal acoustics. This will be an excellent solution for home theater lovers and music lovers.

Very often the studio is equipped by creative people. After all, such a layout is perfect for flights of fancy. Thus, it is possible to combine a living space and a workshop in one space.

Design project of a studio apartment: layout disadvantages

Before you start cleaning apartment partitions and doors, you should weigh everything several times. After all, redevelopment of a residential premises is a very complex and expensive matter. Here are the reasons why you should not demolish the walls in your apartment:

  1. Before destroying the walls, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the plan of the building and the method of its construction. After all, many apartments cannot be redesigned due to the fact that some houses are not suitable for this. For example, in panel houses, which are built from large reinforced concrete structures, can't be demolished interior walls. After all, they can most often be load-bearing. And their absence will significantly deteriorate the strength of the entire building.
  2. To begin redevelopment of an apartment, you first need permission from the chief architect in the area and the housing office. But, as practice shows, they rarely give such permissions due to the fact that then they are responsible for the integrity of the structure of the entire house. And many buildings today are in emergency or semi-emergency condition. In new houses, redevelopment is much simpler. Sometimes you can do without it altogether. This happens if construction works are carried out in a new monolithic house. But such houses rarely need to save living space.
  3. As always, the economic issue is important. Demolition of partitions promises huge costs for dismantling walls and restoration work. It is necessary to completely replace the electrical wiring, re-laying it. It is also necessary to completely redesign the lighting and adapt the water supply and sewerage systems to the project. So, before starting work, you need to make an objective assessment of your financial capabilities regarding plans for construction and repair work.

    Advice! If the goal of remodeling a living space into a studio apartment is to save living space, then it is worth calculating all the costs in advance. Very often they exceed the difference between the cost of one-room and two-room apartments.

  4. A studio apartment is great for single bachelors. But in most cases, the bachelor life ends at the altar sooner or later. Also, the studio is a good option for a young family. But when a child appears in this family, the disadvantages of an open-plan home surface. After all, such a room is not intended for a large number of people. Moreover, if they of different ages and gender. Also, a studio apartment is a bad solution for people who value personal space and the occasional desire for privacy if they do not live alone.
  5. When renovating a home, it is necessary to completely rebuild the heating and ventilation circuits. After all, in open spaces such as studios, drafts are a common occurrence. It is also worth thinking carefully about ways to convect air in the room. The same goes for smells from visiting the bathroom. If the residents are smokers, then they will have to forget about smoking in the house.

If you want to implement a project with your own hands in which everything will be perfect and there will not be a single flaw, we recommend reading this article. Using these tips and ready-made projects, you can create a similar interior. Based on the knowledge gained, you can experiment, play with colors and combine different styles.

You can also find and implement best ideas for studio apartments, relevant and very popular this year.

Studio apartment design ideas begin directly from the stage of space planning and furniture arrangement. To do this, first think about what you and your loved ones want to see in the apartment, and what areas will be relevant for each of you.

If necessary, use these tips and recommendations:

  • Ideas for the interior of a studio apartment may involve combining several zones at once. This is especially true for small rooms. You can combine the living room and bedroom. In order to divide the space without resorting to installing massive partitions, use small shelving. With their help, highlight the kitchen and dining room, bedroom and living room, work area. To do this, the rack must be installed across the room. Such racks, as a rule, are small in size and low in location. In addition, they are functional, since on numerous shelves you can store various books, magazines and other accessories, figurines and stationery. If necessary, the rack can be removed or placed in another place;
  • Any room should have a main, most clearly and clearly defined area. It can be like a colorful painting, beautiful lamp, and the fireplace;
  • Depending on the size of the studio, the furniture has its own installation features. For large apartments furniture sets Mostly located in the center of the room. For small rooms, furniture, on the contrary, is pressed against the walls and installed along their perimeter (see);
  • Additionally, self-made pedestals will help to highlight a particular area, they will raise the required section of the floor and visually highlight it against the general background. This maneuver is only suitable for apartments with high ceilings.

Advice: when embodying ideas for a small studio apartment, you need to find a middle ground between everyday comfort, convenience and the lightness and spaciousness of the interior itself.

Kitchen arrangement

The kitchen in a studio apartment can be located:

  • The kitchen can be located close to front door. This is mainly typical for apartments located in buildings with an old layout. In order for the kitchen to look most advantageous and noticeable, place it on a small podium;
  • If the kitchen is located far enough from the main entrance, this is not very convenient. Firstly, various dirt from the kitchen quickly spreads throughout all apartments. Secondly, the rather remote location is inconvenient from the point of view of using this area. To make dirt less noticeable on kitchen facades and other surfaces, choose fairly calm, warm and intense shades.

The basic principle the right choice furniture in the studio, is the economical use of every centimeter. To do this, choose small and maximally functional furniture.

The best option is to make furniture to order. Thus, its shape, size and style will fit perfectly into the space allocated and prepared for it.

For the kitchen you can choose standard and simple furniture. To decorate your living room, you can use all the most modern features decor and decoration. To do this, use folding, transforming structures. This could be a folding table, a bed, which becomes a wardrobe during the day, and other furniture sets.

Features of installing partitions

Any not limited space, requires little separation. For this, various furniture, cabinets and racks, as well as a fireplace can be used.

Such an island fireplace installation can be located between the living room and dining room, and thereby also decorate the interior. When choosing an electric or bio hearth, the fireplace will become a source additional heating in the apartment.

Important: massive walls should not be installed as partitions. Partitions should serve exclusively a decorative function of conditional separation. Massive partitions do not allow the implementation of the main idea used in studios, the goal of which is to achieve the unlimitedness and integrity of the entire space.

Options for using lightweight partitions:

  • The use of lightweight screens, on the surface of which any image, drawing or photo of the apartment owners can be printed;
  • Separation by shelves. Allows you to make partitions not only real and lightweight, but also functional. They can accommodate various books and accessories;
  • Fabric screens. They are the most common option for dividing the sleeping area. They look light and fit into any interior, thanks to the correctly selected fabric and color design;
  • Movable glass partitions. They are not fixed to the wall and can be moved from place to place if necessary. Thanks to its translucent structure, such a partition looks light and does not visually reduce the space.

By watching the video in this article, you will be able to look at the examples in more detail. finished projects and the possibilities for their implementation.

Important: in order to achieve simultaneous comfort and convenience, it is necessary to arrange the sleeping area in which the bed will be located. In order to hide this sector, pay attention to modular and folding furniture, which, if necessary, can be transformed and retracted.

Decoration of studio apartments

A studio apartment, the ideas and possibility of implementation of which depends on many aspects (area, shape, preferences, hobbies, number of residents), can be made in any style. Next, you can familiarize yourself with the most common, popular and versatile options for arranging such a room.

Studio decoration in white shades

The most popular interior ideas for a studio apartment are to use light, delicate and natural shades.

Idea of ​​the finished project:

  1. Laminate, parquet boards or linoleum are used as flooring. Any coating should have a light sand or light brown tint. The surface of the flooring follows the pattern of wood in cross-section;
  2. The ceiling is plastered according to the standard scheme;
  3. Wall covering is plain wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster white shade;
  4. Furniture facades have a beige or white tint. The surface of the furniture is smooth and glossy;
  5. The sleeping area and the living room with kitchen are separated by a large sliding, translucent partition;
  6. Accents are placed through bright and contrasting textiles (decorative pillows, bedspreads, rugs);
  7. To add freshness to such an interior, use live plants in large pots, which can be placed directly on the floor in the living room;
  8. The kitchen and living room are separated along the room by a partition made in white.

This and other interiors of studio apartments, a video about which you can watch in this article, are distinguished by their simple execution. Such a room, despite the division, will look quite spacious and bright.

You can also view photos of this and many other finished projects in this article:

Studio design in loft style

Studio apartment, the video design of which will help you decide in more detail on the choice of the most suitable project and turn it into reality, it will look modern and strictly in the loft style.

Instructions for project implementation:

  1. Loft style classic version, implies the presence of large panoramic windows and a second tier. However, even without these conditions, such a project can be implemented in apartments of any size;
  2. Walls can be decorated with plaster, after which it can be manually given additional roughness and unevenness;
  3. Protruding sections of walls, can be laid out with bricks or used fake diamond, repeating this material in appearance and structure:
  4. Ceiling you can either plaster or leave the concrete coating untouched, having first thoroughly cleaned it of various contaminants and eliminated all possible defects;
  5. Flooring– this is a laminate, parquet board or linoleum in light gray shades. In appearance, such a coating should look well-groomed and neat. This allows for characteristic contrasts between rough and rough wall materials and expensive, well-maintained flooring;
  6. Furniture For such an interior it is necessary to choose a refined and high-quality one. It may have additional design with metal and forged elements: legs and handles;
  7. Space division and zoning, is produced in small open shelving with shelves for storing various accessories;
  8. Window should not have massive curtains. Small blinds or short curtains are perfect for this design project. The furniture is predominantly wooden or leather. Textiles are used to a minimum.

Studios decorated in this style can be complemented by various furniture groups. Such as comfortable chairs, small table with a glass tabletop, large and massive sconces.

Important: the price for implementing such a project primarily depends on the materials chosen. If these are natural and environmentally friendly materials, the cost will be several times higher than the purchase of similar in appearance, less expensive analogues.

Pop art design for small apartments

This video, a studio apartment in which is presented in various styles, also includes execution in the pop art style.

First of all, this trend is typical for young people, as it is characterized by a certain relaxation, contradictions and hooliganism in each of its elements. In order to make such a performance more acceptable and harmonious, it is necessary to adhere to minimalism in everything. This way you can achieve maximum harmony and simultaneous uniqueness.

Pop art design can be made in fairly bright, catchy and cool colors. It is recommended to dilute surfaces and furniture fronts a little with calmer shades of white, beige, and light gray.

Various bright posters can be used as accessories, vinyl stickers on walls and posters. Even brighter contrasts in this style can be created through catchy, patterned textiles.

Provençal motifs for the studio

The design of a 1-room studio apartment can be made in a style such as Provence. These motifs allow you to combine some country elements along with French elements. For of this style The following features are characteristic.

Implementation instructions:

  • Furniture and various accessories must contain and be supplemented with various forged elements. These can be textured legs, stands, trays, candlesticks, handles;
  • A large number of patterned textiles. These can be thin floor coverings, rugs, bedspreads, tablecloths, decorative pillows;
  • An abundance of flowers in pots. They can be placed both on the windowsill and on the floor, countertops, tables, cabinets;
  • Standard wallpaper can be replaced with other, more original and non-standard coatings, such as decorative plaster and paint. By using plaster, you can give the surface any structure and pattern;
  • As a floor covering, give preference to natural, durable and environmentally friendly materials. Ideally, this is a natural wooden covering. However, the price for it today is quite high. That is why you can replace it with laminate, linoleum, parquet board or any other flooring that imitates the color, texture and relief of wood;
  • Main color palette – these are quite soft, natural and calm shades. If desired, you can create brighter contrasts by using various accessories, textiles and furniture.

Studio apartment: you already know how to arrange it in this style so that it is distinguished by its grace and sophistication. Such an interior always looks very stylish and expensive.

Scandinavian style: maximum light and functionality

Scandinavian style in the interior of a studio apartment is characterized by the presence of the following details:

  1. Lightness, airiness and a large amount of light are achieved through the use of natural and light shades. These are: gray, milky, flesh-colored, light blue, pearl gray, light green, beige;
  2. A studio apartment in a Scandinavian style is decorated with natural materials, which makes this design as close to boho as possible;
  3. Large windows and good natural light. The windows are curtained with light curtains and translucent tulle;
  4. The decor is quite limited and calm. A small number of accessories are used;
  5. The main emphasis is on a large amount of free space;
  6. Furniture sets and other decor have light and pastel colors;
  7. Floor coverings are natural and environmentally friendly - wood, cork, laminated boards, parquet.

Tip: if the room has insufficient natural light, or is located on the north side, make sure there is good artificial light. These can be like large pendants ceiling lamps, and spot lights, sconces.

Royal and luxurious art deco

Studio apartments in the Art Deco style are distinguished by their sophistication and visually expensive appearance. Each element of such a space is unique, and at the same time perfectly combines and harmonizes with the overall decor.

The main features of this version include the following features:

  1. This style design has much in common with high-tech, empire and modern styles. However, it also has its own unique characteristics;
  2. The presence of a geometric pattern is the main calling card of this design. Textiles and furniture sets can be decorated with various zigzags and straight lines;
  3. The ceiling and floor can be proportionally reflected, exactly repeating each other's shapes;
  4. Use of rare and original materials such as: ivory, platinum and crocodile skin. The floor can be additionally covered with zebra or leopard skin;
  5. Preference is given to the most stylish and rich shades. This allows the interior to look quite catchy and at the same time expensive. The following shades go well together: gold and red, white and brown, gold and black, black and white;
  6. Using a large number of luxurious accessories and decorative elements, with a complete denial of minimalism. This style doesn’t just look expensive, it’s actually quite expensive and not everyone can afford to implement it.

Tip: you can additionally decorate your apartment in the Art Deco style with various crystal and ceramic vases, large and elegant chandeliers, and mirror surfaces. The chosen color scheme should emphasize all the luxury, radiance and splendor of such a design, and at the same time be in favorable harmony and combination with other elements, furniture and coverings.

High-tech modernity

This style belongs to modern trends and is universal. It is suitable for arranging both large and spacious studios, up to 80 square meters, and for small rooms.

High-tech is the presence of right angles and sharp outlines, due to which it is possible to profitably increase and expand the free space. If all rooms are interconnected, it is recommended to use transparent glass and plastic fencing.

You can place the necessary accents characteristic of a given style by applying the following recommendations and tips in practice:

  1. The necessary accents can be placed through the use of various furniture and accessories that have a pronounced metallic luster;
  2. The floor can be modeled and changed at your discretion. Tiles, laminate and linoleum, which have a characteristic gloss and reflection, are suitable for this;
  3. Suitable for wall decoration vinyl wallpapers for painting. The coating will give the walls a matte or glossy shine.

Important: when arranging a studio in this style, you should not use exclusively metal and glossy surfaces. This will make the room too overloaded and tacky.

Mediterranean motifs

This style is characterized by the following features:

  • The presence of materials, furniture and textures with a surface that imitates the effect of wear and aging;
  • The calm background is diluted themed design. Simplicity of execution should be felt in every element and detail;
  • Characteristic features of the style are the presence of a large number of chairs, poufs and armchairs for comfortable seating, an abundance of free space and maximum light;
  • Textiles must be airy and light. The curtains are made of light translucent tulle;
  • Ceiling and wall covering can be additionally decorated with beams that do not need to be varnished. They can have a fairly rough structure, which allows them to contrast against the background of brighter textiles and modern furniture;
  • You can add brighter accents using textiles, decorative pillows and low hanging lamps. In appearance, such a studio to some extent resembles a hold.
  • Using a minimum of different furniture for storage. Such furniture sets should not be large and massive. You can make a small dressing room yourself, for example, by placing a loft bed in the bedroom under which you can equip a storage area;
  • If the apartment has an oblong rectangular shape, you can make a dressing room by creating a small secret niche from plasterboard;
  • The kitchen sector is the place where you can make full use of all the latest and modern tendencies. Give preference exclusively to built-in appliances;
  • For large kitchens and dining rooms, you can hide all unused household appliances, and thereby making the room part of all apartments. To do this, stop decorating. furniture facades handles, giving preference to blind doors;
  • Another frequently used technique is the presence of a bar counter. By using this technique, you can conditionally divide the kitchen and living area, and at the same time get a small dining or cutting table;
  • For small apartments, the bar counter can be installed near the sofa, so that the transition is not too noticeable, and the kitchen smoothly flows into the living room;
  • Use environmentally friendly and natural materials, such as: wood, stone, glass. It is possible to use paper (in various crafts, wall displays, collages), natural textiles (cotton, linen). The disadvantages of such materials include their fairly high cost;
  • Parquet boards can be replaced with laminate or linoleum. Budget decision for walls, will become paper wallpaper or paint. Data facing materials They have a more affordable price, and at the same time they have fairly good quality and a variety of designs.

Ideas for a studio apartment can be very diverse. In order to realize and embody a specific idea, there is no need to adhere to a certain style or color combination. All you need is not to be afraid to experiment with colors, materials, their textures and furniture ensembles.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


The design of a studio apartment is a complex interior solution that gained widespread popularity just a few years ago. With this design, the room will look very stylish and modern, and living in it will turn into a celebration of good taste.

Studio apartment interior

The studio apartment is a spacious room with an open layout. Conventionally, the room can be divided into different functional zones. In order for the interior of a studio apartment to be truly successful, when carrying out work it is necessary to strictly adhere to the basic zoning rules:

  1. Working and living areas must be separated. Both floor and ceiling transitions are perfect for these purposes.
  2. A balcony or loggia can be combined with a living room, but you should not remove the conventional boundary between them. It is better to use arched structures that allow you to create a stylish interior.
  3. It is advisable to place the kitchen space of the studio on a small improvised podium.
  4. Based on the functional purpose of each zone, the degree of illumination may vary.
  5. To visually enlarge the studio space, it is better to install fabric or glass partitions rather than permanent ones.
  6. A truly cozy and comfortable renovation is achieved by using light shades and simple patterns.
  7. It is better to avoid bulky furniture structures so that a small room looks spacious and not cramped.

Loft style studio

Literally, the word “loft” is translated as an attic and implies the arrangement of former industrial facilities. Such democratic housing is designed for free artists and people who appreciate new trends. The design of a one-room studio apartment in the loft style is characterized by the following features:

  1. Lack of classic cabinets, which are being replaced floor hangers. The exception is cases when the furniture structure also serves as a partition.
  2. Using different textures: metal, wood, plastic, etc.
  3. The presence of a simple floor covering, for example, made of wood. It can be decorated with a thin square-shaped carpet made from natural materials.
  4. Overview panoramic window, which can be expanded by disassembling the wall.
  5. Place furniture away from walls.
  6. The design project of the studio in the loft style involves the use of soft colors that have a calming effect on a person. With their help, even an “industrial” environment will radiate warmth and comfort.

Studio in Provence style

Literally, “Provence” can be translated as “provinces,” which determines the design trend. The design of each studio area will be immersed in country style, interspersed with the flavor of the south of France. To further imbue the atmosphere, the studio design in the Provence style can be complemented by clocks, photos or paintings in the classic style. french style. They will place the accents correctly.

The Provence style is characterized by:

  • presence forged elements;
  • decoration with fabrics: curtains, tablecloths with ornaments, floor coverings;
  • flowers on the windowsill;
  • using colored plaster and paint instead of wallpaper;
  • decorating the floor with wood or materials that replicate its structure;
  • working with delicate pastel colors, which, if desired, can be complemented with bright accents in details.

High-tech studio

High-tech is new modern style, which involves the arrangement of spacious and very small rooms. The design is based on straight forms and sharp corners, through which it is possible to achieve visual increase room area. If the living room is already combined with the kitchen, zoning is carried out using glass or plastic partitions, which represent the “highlight” of the design. The following features add color to the interior design of a high-tech studio:

  • Availability bright accents with metallic gloss;
  • using tiles, linoleum or laminate with a glossy sheen to model the floor;
  • decorating walls with non-woven wallpaper and then covering them with matte or glossy paint.

When designing, it is important not to overdo it by filling out each square meter trendy elements. The room may turn out to be cluttered, and its design will have nothing to do with the high-tech style.

Kitchen in the studio

On the path to understanding how to arrange a studio apartment, the main difficulty is the correct zoning of space. Depending on how the kitchen and living room are located, the type of their combination varies:

  1. Vertical. In old-style apartments, the kitchen is located closer to the exit, slightly higher than the living room. This arrangement of rooms contributes to the intelligent use of space.
  2. Horizontal. Rooms clinging to each other like a “trailer” were a mistake made by the designers of the Khrushchev period. With this layout, the kitchen in the studio is located farthest from the exit, being on the same level with the living room. The main task is to work out the location of the hoods. With this arrangement it is not recommended to choose light design, because dirt from the kitchen, even in small quantities, will migrate to the rest of the studio.

Furniture for a studio apartment

Layout and subsequent repairs small apartment must be organized so that every square meter is used profitably. It is better to purchase furniture for a studio apartment to order so that the products fit perfectly. Standard surfaces are installed in the kitchen, while the living room makes friends with transformable furniture. With its help, you can furnish your studio as efficiently and functionally as possible.

IN modern world It is very difficult to find comfortable housing that could suit you, while ensuring that your desires coincide with your capabilities. Apartments with large areas cost exorbitant amounts of money.

Of course, there are people whose income allows them to buy such an apartment or a huge house. But most ordinary people just crammed into small apartments. Therefore, the considered options for planning a small studio apartment and a selection of photos will probably be of interest to you.

What is it like, a small studio?

A studio apartment differs from any other housing in that there are virtually no walls in it: any partitions are completely absent. That is, this is one living space without division into smaller rooms by walls.

Typically, such housing is more affordable for a small area, although there are also huge studio apartments that cost a lot of money.

Such apartments are chosen by people who are creative in the design of their homes. After all, their place of work is also a place of rest, so it is important for them to be able to feel comfortable and cozy there, and this option is exactly what they need.

Studio apartments are suitable for people who work in one city but live in another. Therefore, this option will be very convenient for them to feel at home in a foreign city without spending a lot of money on renting other people’s apartments.

Still small, but its own studio apartment with modern design would be preferable.

A small studio is a small living space. But this minus can be removed due to the fact that the furniture is, if possible, hidden behind sliding panels or it is simply made built-in. Therefore, everything here is subject to minimalism.

Advice! In the interior of the studio, objects should be kept to a minimum, which will preserve free space, while visually the apartment will look cozy.

If you want to live in such an apartment, then apartments in new buildings are best suited for this, where you can plan according to your design project and create original interior, taking advantage of the new, higher quality construction of the house.

When you buy an apartment, you are simply purchasing walls, within which you are free to do whatever you want at your own discretion.

It’s interesting that such apartments have been purposefully built in the West for a long time. With us, if you choose an apartment in an old building for your studio, you will encounter a huge number of technical problems.

So, during redevelopment load-bearing walls cannot be touched due to the possible destruction of the entire house, so you will have to run through the authorities to obtain permission for such work.

Layout of a small apartment

In order to accurately design a small studio apartment up to 40 m2 or within these limits, you first need to decide on the position of the toilet and bathroom, for which risers are allocated. In this case, these places can be further fenced off with partitions, and only then begin to create your own interior. Next, you will decorate and arrange it so that you feel cozy and comfortable.

Advice! The rest area can be zoned different ways, from the closet to special partitions, because you need to create the illusion of a separate room.

You can place a kitchen near the toilet and bathroom, and place the bed away from the entrance. But this will depend on your desire.

Interior Design

Nowadays, studio apartments are comfortable housing that is affordable for many. As a rule, in small apartment-studios with an area of ​​24 sq.m. m accommodates a kitchen, a room, a bathroom.

Not a lot, but even in this situation, creative people manage to decorate the space in such a way, embodying all their fantasies, that they end up with an apartment with a dining room, a private area and a living room.

All this happens through the use various materials, transformable furniture and color solutions in design. The division of space into zones through screens that can be moved apart and partitions also plays an important role.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a studio apartment in a new building, then the idea of ​​redevelopment will be important for you old apartment for a studio apartment, which will give you a real chance to visually enlarge your space and make more efficient use of it. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to use all previously unused space in the corridor by combining areas.

By applying zoning in your room, you will make your apartment more stylish and modern.

But do not forget that when redeveloping, you will have to contact different authorities to obtain permission for such actions on your part, which will take a lot of time and effort.

To begin with, before remodeling, you should decide where there will be a kitchen area, an office for work and a sleeping area.

Advice! Before creating an interior design project for a small studio apartment, you should think about the zones. The boundaries of the zones can be varied color solutions, textures and lines.

It is worth noting that arranging furniture will not take much time, although at first it will seem the other way around.

How to arrange it correctly?

When choosing the design of a small apartment with an area of ​​224-25 sq. We should not forget about the coincidence of functionality and harmony. The ideal solution would be where objects and furniture would be placed around the perimeter of the walls and along the border of the kitchen area. Furniture will also perfectly delimit zones.

Advice! You shouldn’t choose bulky furniture: the best would still be folding and transformable - this will make it possible to visually relieve the space of large objects that burden the perception of the entire situation.

By combining different types of textures, you can also achieve zoning of space. The combination of different ceiling heights, the use of columns, arches and even fireplaces will look unusual. When dividing a room, lamps of various colors and shapes are often used.

At the same time, do not forget the basic rule: all elements placed in the interior should allow free movement around the apartment.

Interior style: which one to choose?

Design of small studio apartments, the area of ​​which does not exceed 20 square meters. m, should be as simple and concise as possible. Ideally, when decorating, it is better to use the principle of minimalism or the disco style of the eighties, which is becoming increasingly popular. At the same time, it will not be superfluous to use your creative abilities in decorating the room, creating it to your liking.

However, although you should adhere to minimalism, you should not put yourself in a box: you can decorate the kitchen in a different, but similar style (modern, loft, Scandinavian): this will be your main feature, which will divide the apartments into two main zones , namely, for a room for relaxation and for eating.

The kitchen in a small studio in a Scandinavian style looks as beautiful as in the photo. It is better to abandon the classics, since they look respectable only in large rooms, and for small ones something lighter, more compact and modern is suitable.

It is better not to use dark shades, but you can highlight small interior accessories: a clock, a beautiful flowerpot on the windowsill or a panel self made on the wall.

Thus, even in a white room, one or two accents will look perfect without cluttering or weighing down the space.

The interior of a small-sized studio should be done tastefully and correctly, then it will create the impression of a cozy, lived-in home.

In order for everyone who lives there to feel comfortable, the area of ​​the studio apartment should exceed 25 sq. m. There is no need to worry about it being small. Put your soul into it - and you won’t feel such a disadvantage as a small space.

See: if the bathroom is cramped, add comfort to your water procedures and install a compact stall, using the examples in the photographs.

Is it possible in a small apartment to refuse a comfortable bench for shoes in the hallway? Existing varieties are described in detail with photo examples.

Layout procedure for a studio apartment of 30 sq. m is described at:

Practicality and beauty

It is very important not to forget that every little thing in your small studio, even if its size is only 18 square meters, should have its place. You have to arrange everything as much as possible as in the photo so that things look compact.

As mentioned above, furniture should be placed around the perimeter, and it is important that each piece performs several functions. You can install a table-window sill: this will help save space in the kitchen, or install a folding sofa instead of a bed. Use the mezzanine for small items, as well as built-in wardrobes.

In the kitchen, corner furniture is preferable; it is also important to use the space above the countertop: hanging cabinets are the ideal solution for those who want to create a compact design.

If you like to invite guests, but a huge dinner table If you have nowhere to put it, use a transforming desktop that can be unfolded at the right time and turn it into a large festive table. Thanks to modern technologies you can use many other design tricks and make the interior as practical as possible.

Important: all objects in the apartment must be arranged so that they do not interfere with the passage. This way, you will feel comfortable walking through your home.

Many studio owners worry about how to furnish it so that it looks beautiful? Unusual interior can be created as simply as in a large apartment.

It is important to be guided by choice small objects that perform several functions at once, and also get rid of things that have no practical value. This is the only way your small apartment can become cozy.

Any room can be beautifully furnished; it is important not to give up and take a rational approach to placing the necessary things.

Creating a design for a small studio apartment is not an easy task, because in a rather limited space in this case you need to fit many functionally important areas: sleeping area, kitchen, work desk, living room and sometimes a children's corner.

The decision to redevelop an apartment into a studio is made according to good reasons– owners of small-sized apartments want to expand the space, increase the usable area. The kitchen is especially small, the living area is not enough, and creating a single room allows you to receive guests and move around with greater ease.

On a note! A small studio apartment is a form of planning, the interior design of which began to actively develop for the first time in America, from where it successfully migrated to Japan.

Studio apartment design option

Over time, the fashion for studios also appeared in Russia, then they began to remodel not only small-sized housing, but also apartments of sufficient space, which did not always need such actions. But it is in cases with a small area that it is most difficult for designers to take into account all the functional needs of customers and their aesthetic wishes.

Stylish solution for a small studio apartment

Dividing space into zones is one of the main goals of a designer creating a small studio project. The easiest way to achieve correct zoning is in apartments with an open plan: in such apartments there are no interior walls, and there is more freedom for creative design.

Dividing space into zones is one of the main goals of a designer creating a small studio project

The design of a small studio apartment (30-40 sq.m. is its usual area) should be aimed at the most economical distribution of space. Each meter should serve some purpose - if not used for work or sleep, then for storing things (a small mess in a small apartment threatens to become a disaster, but in a large one it will be almost unnoticeable).

Shelves, racks and small racks with storage space, sofas can be used as partitions dividing the room into zones.

Here are some ideas for optimizing the design of a small residential studio:

  • Shelves, racks and small racks with storage space, and sofas can be used as partitions dividing the room into zones. Visually, they will not clutter up the space, but will visually divide the studio into parts and accommodate unnecessary things.
  • Light partitions can be curtains or blinds. Their main advantage is mobility. Thus, the curtain enclosing the sleeping area can be moved aside during the day and closed at night.
  • The doors should be made sliding, not hinged, then there will be no need to leave space for them to open, but you need a lot of it in a small apartment.

The color scheme in the design of a small studio apartment should be concise and simple.

  • The design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment needs to be carefully considered - a powerful hood should be installed above the stove (fumes from cooking can scatter throughout the apartment), instead of a broken one interior partition— bar counter (there are many photo options). The countertop will visually separate the kitchen from the main part of the room, but will not interfere with communication with guests and reduce the area of ​​the room.

The design of a small kitchen in a studio apartment needs to be carefully considered

  • The color scheme in the design of a small studio apartment should be laconic and simple, light in order to visually expand the space rather than narrow it.

Colorful bright prints can add chaos to the interior and confuse, although they will be pleasing to the eye. The same rule applies to textures, which can seriously affect the perception of the space around.

If the ceiling height allows, tiered furniture can be used to increase the usable area

If the height of the ceilings allows, to increase the usable area, you can use tiered furniture - podiums, bunk beds, beds combined with a workplace located below.

The use of furniture is a popular way of zoning space

Furniture in the room layout

The use of furniture is a popular way of zoning space. The reception area is usually demarcated by a square - a sofa, two armchairs and a stand with a TV. This allows you to feel separated from other functional areas and maintain a single studio space.

Small shelves and cabinets in a small studio apartment are often made of plasterboard

Curtains and blinds are often used to separate the bedroom from the rest of the space. It will be difficult to achieve sound insulation this way, but you can definitely achieve visual privacy. Bringing this idea to life is not at all difficult - the curtains are attached very quickly.

On a note! An unusual solution for a small studio apartment

When planning the interior design of a small studio, you can use the traditional Russian option - transformable sliding sofas, then the living room area can easily turn into a guest room or master bedroom. Small shelves and cabinets in a small studio apartment are often made of plasterboard; the interior design only benefits from this, because such details can accommodate any interesting shape

(photos of options for such a layout solution often become examples of a creative approach to design).

When creating the design of a small studio apartment (25-30 sq.m.), you should not neglect the ability of various patterns and tones to visually change the space

Prints and colors for small spaces

When creating the design of a small studio apartment (25-30 sq.m.), you should not neglect the ability of various patterns and tones to visually change the space. So, light curtains will enlarge the window opening, while dark curtains will make it smaller, making it too clear and intrusive.

Almost any large interior detail can have a similar effect, so you need to be careful when choosing the color of any element. Long and voluminous curtains should not be used - small studio apartments are a good addition roller blinds or blinds (a 24 m2 design will be more concise in this case).

As a basic style, it is better to prefer minimalism or Scandinavian style.

As a basic style, it is better to prefer minimalism or Scandinavian style to others. The abundance of white, simplicity and practicality of furniture and a minimum of details are ideal for small studios.

Interior design idea for a small studio apartment

You can zone a room by highlighting the necessary parts of the walls with a different color from the main one. It is important not to make them too dark or bright, placing accents correctly. Ideally, the shade should be only slightly different from the base one.

Textiles (carpets) are often used to divide rooms into zones

Textiles (carpets) are often used to divide rooms into zones. But it is almost impossible to delimit a small studio with the help of carpets: such large elements will get lost in a cramped space, but for larger apartments this method is very relevant. In them, a thoughtful design of the floor (and ceiling) will divide the area into functional parts.

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