Is it possible to freeze plums for the winter? How to freeze plums in the freezer for the winter

step by step recipe with photos

Plums are a versatile fruit, from which you can not only make aromatic compotes, preserves and jams, but also add them to meat products, for example: duck, chicken, turkey, pork and rabbit. So that you can always cook tasty dish, be sure to freeze your plum cuts for the winter, especially if you have a freezer. With this preparation, you are not afraid of uninvited guests - without defrosting, you can immediately add it to the pieces of meat being cooked in a cauldron so that it absorbs the juiciness and sweetness of these fruits.


  • 400-500 g plums

Freezing plums for the winter

1. Variety Hungarian - perfect option for freezing. These plums have minimal liquid content, they are fleshy, tasty and aromatic. The sweetness in plums is approximately equal to the slight sourness, but remember that when frozen, it disappears by half, so when preparing freezing for compote or jam, you will need to add granulated sugar during the cooking process. If for meat dishes, then you can do without it. Wash the plums and cut them in half with a knife. Let's remove all the seeds - we don't need them.

2. Cut each half into 4-5 pieces. By the way, you can stuff a whole poultry carcass with plums - to do this, you just need to cut them, pick out the bones and freeze them in halves.

3. Place the plum slices into a freezer bag or a special container.

Carefully tie the bag with the contents or close the container with a lid and place it in the freezer. The shelf life of such a preparation is about 6-8 months, but remember that plums really like to “pull” other people’s aromas, so keep freezing them away from bell pepper, frozen with onions or garlic.

Note to the hostess

1. Prejudicial attitude plastic bags, cultivated by some media, forces many people to completely abandon such containers for storing any food products. Information about the dangers of all thermoplastic polymers is incorrect. At high temperatures oh they really stand out harmful substances, but in the cold their molecules stably retain their structure. Therefore, polyethylene bags are suitable for freezing fruits, berries and other products. Those who doubt their safety can use parchment paper or foil. Plums tightly wrapped in them will last a long time in chest freezers and cameras.

2. Hungarian is the best, but not the only variety suitable for freezing. Tula black is also not distinguished by its juiciness; it has tight, dense flesh. President is a species that shares the same characteristics. The giant is a fleshy fruit with a well-separable stone. All of the listed fruits can be purchased for harvesting using the described technology.

3. If the housewife decides to stuff a poultry carcass with plums, she will need the same set of spices that are traditionally included in tkemali. Here's a basic list: cilantro, fresh or dried garlic, coriander and any type of pepper.

Frozen berries, fruits and vegetables are as good as fresh ones, and sometimes even healthier and tastier. Plum can be an excellent ingredient for jelly, fruit treats or homemade pie. The fruit also makes aromatic compotes and even alcoholic cocktails. If you freeze plums correctly in the fall, then in winter it will be enough to take them out of the freezer and make a treat according to your favorite home recipes.

Methods for freezing plums

There are several options for freezing plums. Let's look at how to freeze whole fruits, pitted and sliced.

Before freezing, the fruits should be rinsed well in a bowl of water and wiped dry with a towel.

Freezing whole fruits

It is worth noting that you cannot pour a whole handful of fruit into one bag and then put it in the freezer. In this state, the plums can bruise and release juice; the fruits will firmly stick to each other.

Freezing whole fruits proceeds as follows:

  • Fruits are placed several pieces in bags in one layer, trying to ensure that they are not too dense.
  • The bags are sealed and placed in the freezer.
  • The next day, the bag is untied and the air is released (this will prevent the berries from getting wrinkled), tied again and put in the freezer.

How to freeze seedless berries

This method is not suitable for all fruits. The fruits should be easily separated from the seeds and the flesh should be firm.

If the plums are like this, then you can start freezing:

  • The washed and dried fruits are cut in half and the pit is removed.
  • The halves are laid out on a flat plate or tray, on which they have been laid in advance. plastic film. Fruits must be placed so that they do not touch each other.
  • For initial freezing, place the tray in the freezer for 1-3 hours.
  • The fruit will harden and can be placed in plastic bags, tied and placed in the freezer.

How to freeze fruit slices

Freezing in slices is an excellent option for fruits that are too large. They should be unripe and have firm flesh.

If the plums have very thick skin, then it is better to remove it.

This is done in the following way: each fruit is cut at the base in the form of a cross (exclusively the skin), then dropped into boiling water for a few seconds, then into cold water. The skin will come off easily after the procedure.

After removing the skin, the fruits are peeled, cut and frozen first for 1-3 hours, as in seedless freezing, then put into bags, carefully closed and put in the freezer.

Recipes for harvesting plums for the winter

Below are several more complex ways to prepare berries. They are ideal for making pies, compotes, fruit drinks and pastries in winter.

In addition, this is another way to wisely use an overripe crop.

Plum in sugar

A delicious and simple recipe for freezing fruit for the winter. Only ripe and juicy fruits are suitable.

Cooking algorithm:

  • The fruits are washed and dried, the seeds are thrown away.
  • Bottom plastic container sprinkle with a small amount of sugar. Place plum halves on top (cut side up), and sprinkle sugar again.
  • In this way, 2 more layers are made.

Do not cut the fruit into slices. There will be too much juice.

Plums prepared in this way are perfect for making compotes, as they turn out very sweet.

How to freeze berries in syrup

Freezing berries in syrup at home will take a little longer than other methods, but the result will be an appetizing product. Both overripe and hard fruits are suitable.

How to cook:

  • The plums are washed and the pits are removed.
  • Fruits with hard skins are peeled.
  • Prepare the syrup: 350 ml of water and 200 g of sugar.
  • The fruits are placed in a container (in halves or slices) and filled with the resulting syrup.
  • First, the container is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then closed with lids and sent to the freezer.

The containers do not need to be filled to capacity, as the liquid will expand when cooled.

In the summer there are so many fruits and berries rich in vitamins. Unfortunately, even if you eat only them all summer, the beneficial elements will not remain in the body for long. Moreover, vitamins always need to be replenished. Where can you get scarce fruits and berries in winter, and even without harmful impurities? In your own freezer! You can freeze plums, apricots, peaches and other goodies that, it would seem, are not intended for this. Let's look at an example because they have such a huge supply of vitamins that they definitely need to be eaten in the winter cold.

Where to start?

First, assess the size of your freezer compartment in your refrigerator. For those who have freezer space at a premium, you can freeze pitted plums. You just need to pull them all out of the unwashed plums, while at the same time checking the fruits for the presence of worms and other unpleasant insects. Then the plum halves must be placed in a soft bag and placed in the freezer. At any time you can get a berry and enjoy it, or cook a compote, make a dessert, a cocktail and other goodies.

Some housewives wonder about that in general. Of course you can! How are they different from the same currants or strawberries, which are massively frozen for the winter? It's just that the size is a little large. But here there is another option - to freeze plums that are pre-cut. Again, there is no need to wash them. This way, the berry will absorb less moisture while retaining its vitamins and nutrients. You just need to cut it into small pieces and put it in a bag or container. In winter, you can drink tea with these berries, make compotes from them, or eat them with sugar.

How to properly freeze plums so that they can be beneficial features preserved? First of all, you need to know that 65% of the vitamins are contained in the peel. That is, you should not remove it before freezing. In addition, unwashed plums are best stored in the freezer. You don't have to worry about the presence of microbes - they will die. You cannot freeze overripe plums - only ripe or slightly unripe ones that have been left at home for a couple of days at room temperature. It’s also better not to throw away the seeds; you can then cook compote with pulp and other berries from them.

Before freezing the plums, you can divide them into halves and then simply place them in ice cube trays. This way you will always have frozen berries at hand, which you don’t need to pick out from anywhere. They won't even freeze to each other! If you have space in the freezer, you can freeze the whole plums with pits. True, sometimes a surprise may await you in the form of frozen worms in the filling. So the berries need to be carefully inspected. Some housewives advise washing plums before freezing. But then they definitely need to be dried! Good way- freezing plums in such a way that the berries do not stick together: cut, put on a board and freeze, then package in bags or containers. The method is reliable and proven, although somewhat labor-intensive. Have a nice winter with your berries!

Benefits of frozen food

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the harvest of vegetables and fruits is the richest. Unfortunately, the picked fruits begin to deteriorate within a few days, but you really want to extend the vitamin season. There are many ways to increase the shelf life of food, such as canning, drying or storing at low temperatures. But it is deep-frozen products that are especially popular due to their advantages:

    Maximum preservation of nutrients. When frozen, fruits lose no more than 20% nutrients, vitamins. For comparison, any processing using high temperatures (cooking, sterilization) leads to a reduction of 40% of vitamins.

    Ease of preparation. If you are interested in how to freeze plums for the winter, you will be surprised that this method does not take much time.

    Ability to store small portions. There is nothing easier than putting fruit into 150 g bags and freezing. And it’s a completely different matter to start making jam or canning in jars - here the volumes are much larger.

    Frozen fruits and vegetables are ideal for baby food. Can all year round cook compotes or purees.

    Frozen plums: recipes

    With a bone. The fruits are thoroughly washed and dried on a towel. The plums, laid out on a tray or wooden board, are placed in the refrigerator where they are frozen. Next, the fruits are taken out and quickly distributed into portions. Then put it back into the refrigerator for long-term storage.

    Recipe for making pitted plums with powdered sugar. Wash 1 kg of ripe fruits, cut into halves and remove the pit. IN refrigerator Place a tray on which the plums are laid out in 1 layer. We take out the frozen fruit, sprinkle it with powdered sugar (at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg), divide it into portions into individual bags and put it back in the freezer.

    Want to know how to properly freeze plums in sugar syrup? First cut the fruit in half and remove the pit. Dissolve 700 g of sugar in 1 liter of water, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, bring to a boil. The fruits are poured with syrup, the mixture is cooled and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, bringing the temperature inside to 0 °C. Then the plums are divided into portions and frozen. How to freeze plums in syrup with pits for the winter? At pre-treatment The fruits need to be pricked in several places with a sharp stick. This way the syrup will be better absorbed and the fruit will be ready for laying.

Rules for storing frozen fruits

Decide right away what dishes the products will be used for. This will help you figure out your serving size. For compote you will need 0.3-0.5 kg, for puree 200-300 g is enough.

Frozen fruits can be stored for no more than 6 months (at -10 °C). If the temperature in the chamber is -18 °C, the period is increased to 8-9 months. Before freezing plums for the winter, when placing special bags inside, insert leaves with the date: this will allow you to sort products that require immediate defrosting and use.

What to cook from frozen plums

    Plum pie. Prepare the dough from 3 eggs, a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder and half a glass of flour. Cut the defrosted plums (0.4 kg) into pieces, mix with the dough and place in the mold. Preheat the oven to 180°C; baking the cake will take 20 minutes.

    Chicken wings in gourmet style. Thaw the plums. Post chicken wings In a greased form, add salt and pepper, top with fruit, cut in half. In an oven preheated to 190 °C, bake the meat for half an hour, then pour honey over the food and cook for another 20-30 minutes.

    Fruit and rice soup. Separately, boil the cereal (half a glass) and frozen plums (200 g). Add the fruit to the rice water, boil for another 5-10 minutes and grind with a blender. The dish is served chilled, sugar is added to taste.

In addition, frozen plums are used to prepare compotes, purees, and pie fillings with or without added sugar.

What to cook from plums



Plum - 500 gr.(seedless)

Custard fudge:
Egg - 2 pcs. Large ones. If the eggs are medium in size, then it is better to take 3 pieces.
Milk - ½ cup
Sugar - 1/3 cup

Butter - 120 gr.(must be cold before cooking, preferably from the freezer)
Flour - 1.5 cups
Baking powder- 2 tsp.
Sugar - 1/2 cup.

We will also need a baking dish with a diameter of 20-22 cm and baking paper.


1. Set the oven to preheat to 220 degrees.
2. Cover the baking pan with paper.
3. Grate the butter. Add sugar, flour, baking powder and mix everything until fine butter-flour crumbs form. There is no need to knead the dough into a homogeneous lump.

Pour the crumbs into the baking dish.

4. Peel the plums and place them in a baking dish to crumble.

If the plums are not very sweet, then sprinkle sugar on top.

5. In a small saucepan, thoroughly grind the eggs with sugar. Add milk.

Place the saucepan on low heat and cook with constant stirring until thickened.

It is very important to stir the fudge constantly because it burns very quickly. If after 5 minutes of heating and stirring the mixture does not thicken, then increase the heat. I’ve already gotten the hang of it and prepare fudge in 3-4 minutes. But the first time, until I found the right temperature, it took about 20 minutes. Remove the fudge from the heat and pour it onto the plums.

Distribute evenly.

6. Place the plum pie in the oven (it should have warmed up by this time) for 40 minutes.

After baking, the pie can be immediately removed from the oven - it will not fall off.

Upside-down plum pie made from frozen plums

    Products you will need for the filling:

    Dust the pan with flour, remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to the pan.

    At this time, we continue to heat the syrup over very low heat until it thickens, after which we pour it on top of the laid out beauty of plums.

    Pastry recipe for pie:

    While preparing the dough, set the oven to preheat at 175 degrees. So, mix 0.75 tbsp. flour, a pinch of salt, 6 tablespoons. corn flour (can be replaced with semolina or grits for polenta), 1 teaspoon. slaked soda. In a mixer, beat 6 tbsp until white. softened butter, 0.75 cups granulated sugar, 0.25 cups ground almonds (if not, replace with semolina). Continuing to beat, add almond essence and 3 egg yolks, stirring. Next, little by little, in small portions, pour in 0.5 cups of milk and the flour mixture prepared in advance.

    Separately, beat 3 egg whites + 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar to a strong protein cream, carefully mix with the dough. Pour it over the filling and put it in the oven to bake for about 1 hour.

    We check the readiness with a regular toothpick - if you pull it out dry, it means it’s ready.

    Cool in shape.

    Tip: in order to melt the plum-sugar caramel, before serving, heat the mold over very low heat for literally half a minute and carefully “walk” in a circle with a knife.


Freezing plums for the winter is suitable for those who have already exhausted their imagination and do not know what else can be done with a huge amount of plums in the summer. Freezing them is very easy, and in winter you will have a bag of delicious and practical fresh fruit, which can be used to decorate a cake, eat just like that, or prepare a filling for baking from them.
It is impossible not to mention that fresh plums contain a lot of useful elements, especially in red and blue varieties. So, this fruit contains microelements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B and P. All these substances remain in the fruit even after freezing, so you can supply your body with useful components right in the middle of winter.
It is very useful to include fresh plums in your diet for those people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, intestines, as well as atherosclerosis and hypertension. Freezing fresh plums for the winter is very simple, but it is important to do it correctly so that you can store the fruit in freezer as long as possible. To properly freeze plums, we recommend that you read our step by step recipe, whose photo tips will help you better understand the recommendations.


Freezing plums for the winter - recipe

First, you should collect the required amount of plums that you will need to freeze them. Choose only the ripest fruits that you will enjoy eating in winter.

Next, you need to arm yourself with a special device that will help get rid of the seeds. Basically, if such kitchen gadget If you don't have one, you can do this with an ordinary awl, pressing the sharp end of it on one edge of the bone so that it can pop out on the other edge.

Using this method of pitting plums, you will notice that the fruit itself remains just as beautiful and, most importantly, intact. By the way, this method of removing seeds can be used to clean any fruit; it is especially suitable if you are going to seal them entirely for the winter or cook compote.

So, place the pitted plums in a deep container and add sugar, stirring gently. The plums should release juice but remain intact, so try not to press them too hard.

Stir the plums while they steep and wait until they release a sufficient amount of juice. In the meantime, you can prepare containers in which you will freeze fruit for the winter..

It is better to give preference to special bags with a latch, in which it is very convenient to freeze fruits and herbs. To make it convenient to pour plums into them, stretch the bag over a liter glass or mug.

Before you put the plums in a bag, stick a piece of paper on it or write down the freezing date with a marker so that you can use it as a guide and know when all the plums need to be used before they start to spoil. After this you can fill the bag.

Place the plums in the refrigerator and wait until they freeze. You can then use them as you wish for three or four months. Frozen plums with sugar for the winter have an excellent taste and remain just as aromatic..

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