Unpleasant onion smell: quick remedies. How to deal with onion odor from your mouth

ABOUT beneficial properties onions has been known for a long time. Homeopaths and traditional healers They claim that onions take their healing energy from the depths of the earth. Due to the content of vitamins and phytoncides, onions are effective in treating colds, helping to increase immunity and strengthen the body.

Once upon a time, it was this vegetable that saved long-distance sailors from scurvy. In addition, onions are recommended for skin fungus and dermatitis, hypertension and kidney stones. The use of this product significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But many people try not to eat it, because after eating it, an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth, which can last for several hours.

What causes an unpleasant odor?

While chewing onions, sulfur compounds are released, to which the bacterial environment of the oral cavity begins to react. It is thanks to this contact that an unpleasant odor appears that scares people away.

The following little tricks will help you avoid the smell:

  • Before eating, finely chop the onion, this makes it easier to chew and swallow;
  • Before adding onions to the salad, scald them with boiling water; it will wash away the substances that cause bitterness and odor;
  • At a feast, do not choose dishes with onions last, so that subsequent food will displace its aftertaste.

If, nevertheless, an unpleasant taste appears, there are several simple and effective ways, helping to remove it.

How to get rid of onion smell in your mouth

Onion odor and taste in the mouth can be easily eliminated with the help of remedies and products that can be found in any home.

  1. Mint toothpaste– An excellent breath freshener. When brushing your teeth, treat your tongue well with the rubber pad located on the back of the brush.
  2. IN warm water add a little lemon oil or tea tree, rinse your mouth with this product.
  3. Spices with pronounced taste qualities, also eliminate unpleasant odors well. You need to chew cardamom grains or coffee (can be ground) for several minutes, covering the entire surface of your mouth with the pulp.
  4. Activated carbon is not only a good absorbent, it also perfectly masks unpleasant odors. Just hold one tablet in your mouth for 3 – 4 minutes. True, this remedy has a significant disadvantage - the teeth and tongue will turn black, but this disadvantage is easily eliminated by rinsing the mouth with warm water and lemon juice.
  5. They remove unwanted amber and nuts (almond, walnut or pine) well. You need to eat them immediately after the onions; the unwanted smell will either disappear or become weaker.
  6. Fresh parsley can also cope with the onion aroma. Just a few chewed twigs will freshen your breath.
  7. Some fruits, such as apple, lemon, pineapple, tangerine, significantly reduce the unpleasant aroma. However, it is not completely eliminated.
  8. An effective remedy is mouthwash. But you can only use it at home.
  9. Black tea without sugar with natural chocolate and freshly brewed natural coffee will also help cope with the problem.
  10. Chewing gum with a strong flavor also dulls the onion taste in the mouth.

Helpful advice! You can minimize the smell of onions by using dairy products. If you drink a glass of milk or eat yogurt, the unpleasant aroma will gradually become less noticeable.

How to get rid of onion smell from your mouth using folk recipes

In addition to the above methods, there are several folk recipes that help eliminate unpleasant taste and smell.

Green tea

Helps eliminate unwanted odor green tea with honey, it contains antioxidants that destroy sulfur compounds. Add to a cup with hot water a pinch of green tea. Cover the cup and leave for 5 minutes. Strain the tea and add a small amount of honey. For the smell to completely disappear, you need to drink this tea several times.

Mint infusion

Mint perfectly freshens breath and eliminates the smell of onions, thanks to its antiseptic properties. Chop a small bunch of mint and add hot water. Cover for 10 minutes, strain the infusion, add honey. If making a drink is not possible, you can simply chew fresh mint leaves.

Vegetable oil

Prepare a mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or olive oil and 1 teaspoon of salt. Rinse your mouth with this mixture. After a while, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Only babies don't know onions. Onions, which are included in a wide variety of dishes, give them spicy taste and spicy aroma. However, the characteristic bad breath not only indicates that a person has recently eaten this vegetable, but also causes some discomfort to both the bearer of the “ambergris” and his closest interlocutors.

How does bad odor occur?

Specific tiny onion particles are not broken down in the stomach, unlike other products, but are absorbed into the blood. Then, as a result of the gas exchange process, they come out along with carbon dioxide exhaled from the lungs. This is why it is so difficult to “mask” or completely get rid of the onion aroma after eating onions. However, there are still some, to one degree or another, that make it possible to minimize or eliminate the smell of onion from the mouth as much as possible.

Bad odor eliminator products

Despite some difficulties with masking, you can achieve good results using some products:

  1. . If instead of dessert you finish hearty lunch apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, prunes, grapes or cherries, you can get rid of the obsessive onion smell.
  2. By the way, the zest citrus plants It can also reduce the onion “amber” if you chew it a little after eating.
  3. Vegetables. Vegetables can also combat unpleasant odors. If you eat onions at the same time as potatoes, spinach or eggplants, then the unpleasant smell will most likely not bother anyone.
  4. Greenery. Green sprigs of parsley, basil, cilantro or green salad leaves, eaten with onions or after a meal, will eliminate almost any smell, including onion.
  5. Fresh White bread or any other foods rich in carbohydrates will also mask unwanted "flavor" evidence.
  6. - delicious snack and an excellent odor eliminator. Almonds, roasted seeds and pine nuts can also come to the rescue in this case.
  7. Dark chocolate will not help completely get rid of the onion smell, but it can significantly reduce it.

Read also:

What fruits and vegetables are good for the heart: properties and recommendations

Not all products are equally effective, but through trial and error you can choose the best option.

Drinks that eliminate bad odors

Some drinks can successfully compete in their effectiveness with onion amber neutralizing products:

  • Green tea. The polyphenols contained in green tea neutralize chemical compounds caused by eating onions.
  • Freshly brewed ground coffee, generously seasoned with aromatic cinnamon, will hide the traces of love for fresh onions.
  • Milk. A glass of milk drunk after a meal can soften, but not eliminate, the annoying consequences caused by eating this healthy vegetable.
  • Sour juices and fruit drinks. To combat odor, drinks made from sour citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, lime) or cranberries are perfect.
  • The next statement is quite controversial. But this method is popularly considered no less effective than “chewing” an unpleasant odor. It is believed that a glass of vodka, drunk after a meal, will completely eliminate the unpleasant odor. The disadvantage of this method is the smell of vodka, which is also difficult to eliminate.

Although drinks can mask and neutralize some odors, you should be wary of their ability to combat onion odors. The reason for this is not the inadequacy of the drinks, but the nature of the origin of the unpleasant onion smell.

What can you do before and after meals?

In addition to the possibility of “eating” or “washing down” unpleasant aromas, there are also technologies for preparing vegetables, in which unpleasant

Onions are a healthy and valuable product. And the more vitamins it contains, the higher its aroma. If you cook and taste a dish with onions or make a healing mask, the unpleasant smell will follow you for a very long time. In order not to shock your family, friends and work colleagues, try several proven folk methods of getting rid of the obsessive onion “aroma”.

How to get rid of onion odor from your mouth

If you love recipes that contain onions, then you have probably had to think more than once about what it is like for others to communicate with you. To prevent this from happening in the future, there are several ways out of this situation:

  1. Try some fruit. The acids found in apples, pears, pineapples, lemons and tangerines destroy compounds that cause unpleasant odors.
  2. Chew on some greens. Cilantro, parsley, dill and celery will not only eliminate bad smell, but also cleanse the oral cavity of bacteria.
  3. Have some coffee. It will be even more effective if you simply chew the grains in your mouth. In perfume stores, near the shelves with bottles there are always cups with coffee beans. They serve to cleanse the smell buds of boring aromas. Why not use this property to get rid of our problem.
  4. After eating, drink a glass of any dairy product(milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt). They will destroy the compounds that cause the unpleasant odor.
  5. Cinnamon. This spice has antibacterial properties, which explain its effectiveness.

Remember, if you just brush your teeth or try chewing gum, the smell won't go away. He will simply disguise himself for a while, and later he will definitely make himself known.

How to get rid of onion smell on your hands

If you like to cook yourself, then you know how difficult it is to get rid of the onion smell coming from your hands, even with the help of detergents. But there are natural ones effective methods, which will not harm the skin and relieve it of the “aroma”:

  1. Make a homemade scrub. It will not only help you say goodbye to the smell, but also take care of your hands. To prepare the scrub, use ground coffee or coarse sea salt. Just dilute them with warm water and rub them into your skin for a while and then rinse off.
  2. Use lemon. Cut it into 2 halves and thoroughly wipe your palms, back and fingers. Then wash your hands with soap. Lemon juice will remove odor and whiten skin and nails.
  3. Table vinegar is also effective in combating “aroma.” Dampen a cotton pad with it and wipe your hands thoroughly.
  4. Steel soap is the most controversial method of combating unpleasant odors, but, judging by reviews, it is very effective. To avoid spending money on a pacifier, you can find stainless steel kitchen utensils at home (a sink will do) and thoroughly rub your hands under running water on a metal surface.
  5. Potatoes will get rid of the “aroma” of onions. Cut two circles from it and rub your hands with them for 2 minutes, and then wash.

All these methods will suit you if there are no open wounds or redness on the skin. Otherwise, wear cellophane gloves before cutting onions.

How to remove onion odor from hair

All the girls have heard about magical properties onions, which can make hair silky and manageable. But few people dare to use folk recipes. And for good reason, because hair quickly absorbs any odors and is reluctant to get rid of them. To avoid becoming a victim of beauty, try a few proven methods:

  1. Mask of colorless henna. Dilute 2 tablespoons of powder with hot water, mix well and let cool slightly. Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for 1 hour. This mask will not only get rid of the onion smell, but also strengthen your hair.
  2. Kefir will help cope with the problem. Warm it up slightly, spread it thickly on your hair and put on a plastic cap. After 1 hour, remove and wash your hair with shampoo.
  3. Some essential oils They are good at eliminating the “aroma” after onion masks. In particular, containing extracts of citrus fruits, bay, eucalyptus and tea tree. Do the aroma combing procedure or add a few drops to a hair balm or mask and after 2-3 days the smell will disappear.
  4. Try a mask with lemon juice. Take 1 tablespoon of this ingredient and add 1 teaspoon of melted honey. Apply the mixture to your hair and wash it off with shampoo after half an hour.
  5. A mask with cognac and yolk also helps remove unpleasant odors. Add honey to thicken the mixture and apply. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off.

These recipes are essentially nourishing masks, so don't be afraid to use them on your hair. Not only will you say goodbye to the unpleasant aroma, but you will also gain thick and strong curls.

How to remove onion smell from kitchen appliances

After cutting the onion, the smell remains on the knife, cutting board and another kitchen utensils, especially if they are made of wood or plastic. To quickly get rid of this problem, housewives use several proven methods:

  1. Take a lemon peel and rub it generously on any utensils that smell like onions. After this, rinse them in cool water with laundry soap. The zest can also be put in kitchen cupboard– it also copes with other odors (fish, mold, dampness).
  2. Vegetable oil will help cope with the problem. Rub it on washed knives and boards, leave it for a while, and then wash it again.
  3. Place the utensils in a saucepan with strong coffee or tea. Keep them there until the smell goes away.
  4. Wipe knives and boards with vinegar. Do this several times, let the devices rest for 10 minutes and rinse them with water.
  5. Take advantage sea ​​salt or mustard powder. Dissolve them in a small amount of water and generously rub the utensils and dishes in which the onions were located. After half an hour, wash them as usual.

Now you know how to stay fresh and fragrant without giving up your favorite dishes with onions. And your kitchen will only smell like the aroma of cleanliness. Also folk recipes, presented in the article, will help to cope with other equally intrusive “flavors”.

Bad breath is an unpleasant thing both for its owner and for those around him. To avoid its occurrence, experts recommend carefully monitoring oral hygiene and visiting the dentist in a timely manner.

True, these measures do not guarantee fresh breath. For example, what about onion or garlic lovers? As soon as you eat a piece of herring with an onion ring, those around you begin to turn away and frown. What to do? Give up a healthy vitamin product? Ignore everyone who doesn't like the smell?There are many ways to eliminate onion aroma. Readers will learn about them from this article, but we will start from afar.

Why does my breath smell bad after eating onions?

When we chew garlic or onions, we damage their cells, resulting in the release of sulfur compounds - thiosulfides (we recommend reading:). Some of these substances interact with oral bacteria, which causes an unpleasant onion odor from the mouth, but what’s even worse is that thiosulfides are not digested in the stomach, but are immediately absorbed into the blood. From there they enter the lungs, after which they are expelled through the breath, which is not very pleasant for others.

In addition, the smell of onions penetrates a person’s sweat and other secretions, so it is not easy to “seize” the onion smell, because it nests not only in the mouth, but throughout the body.

How to remove or neutralize onion smell?

The first step to take after eating onions is to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth (alternatively, chew gum). True, this will not be enough, because in this way we will only remove the remnants of this odorous product from the oral cavity and will not allow chemical reactions to occur again and again, producing new portions of aroma. In order to kill the smell of onions, there are several remedies, including both folk and medicinal ones.

The most effective folk methods

Wise people have invented many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors. Food, herbs, spices - all this with correct use allows you to restore fresh breath and stop scaring others with bad breath. We present to our readers the most effective traditional methods and recipes.

Kill the smell with green tea

Effective folk remedy One of the best ways to get rid of onion smell is green tea.

Brew it in a cup, and when it cools, add a little honey instead of sugar. Not one, but several cups of tea will help completely remove the onion smell.

The effect of green tea is explained by its high content of antioxidants - substances that prevent oxidation (it is the oxidation of sulfur compounds that causes an undesirable aroma).

Mint will help mask the aroma

Mint will help freshen your breath if your breath smells like onions. Grind several stems of this herb in a blender and pour boiling water over it. The drink should be infused for about ten minutes. If you can’t tinker with the infusion, you can make it simpler: chew fresh mint leaves, which will help eliminate the unpleasant onion smell.

If green tea works due to antioxidants, then mint works due to its antiseptic properties. It destroys bacteria and neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Universal method - sunflower oil

Vegetable oil: sunflower or olive oil effectively combats the smell of onions. You can fry onions on it, and then there will be no smell, and if you still want to try raw onions, from vegetable oil Prepare a deodorizing rinse mixture. To do this, mix two tablespoons of oil with a pinch of salt - the rinse is ready.

Other recipes

There are other folk methods that help quickly get rid of the smell of onions:

  • drink a glass of milk,
  • chew parsley leaves, coffee beans or cardamom seeds,
  • drink a decoction of chamomile and wormwood,
  • The most delicious way is to eat nuts - pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts.

Effectively removes unwanted odors lemon juice. As you can see, there are more than enough options!

With the help of medications

Official pharmacology and medicine do not stand aside from the problem of bad breath. There are many affordable options on pharmacy shelves. effective drugs, allowing you to quickly and reliably cope with the problem of a repellent aroma, and you do not need prescriptions to purchase these medications!

Various absorbents

Due to the fact that the cause of the onion smell lies not only outside (in the oral cavity), but also inside (in the blood and other human fluids), absorbents will help to radically get rid of it - Activated carbon, Enterosgel and others pharmaceutical products. They can not only be taken orally, but also kept in the mouth for some time, which is guaranteed to cleanse the oral cavity of thiosulfides. True, the charcoal tablet will turn your mouth black, but this blackness is easily removed by rinsing.


Chlorophyllipt, a rich green liquid with a pronounced antiseptic effect, will help to urgently remove onion odor from your mouth. 5 milliliters of this product should be diluted in 200 grams of water and rinsed with mouth and teeth. We do not recommend spending money on expensive imported drugs - domestic medicine is just as effective.


Another effective and affordable medicine, which can remove the smell of onions, is the drug Chlorhexidine. It can be used for rinsing, but it is better to purchase a special mouth rinse that contains this substance. Regular use of mouthwash will not only get rid of the frightening odor, but will also reduce the likelihood of caries, which is caused by none other than the same bacteria that live in abundance in the oral cavity.

The bow is enough useful product. It helps strengthen the immune system. It is very useful for men to strengthen potency. Many people refuse to use this product because it causes unpleasant symptoms. But you shouldn't do this. You can easily eliminate the smell at home. To do this, you need to use one of the many and simple ways combating unpleasant odors.

It often happens in our lives that immediately after we eat an onion, we urgently need to go somewhere or meet someone. In order to remove odor from your mouth, you can use a variety of methods.

Most often they require application:

  • Parsley;
  • Cardamom seeds;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Milk.

The traditional way to eliminate bad breath is toothpaste. In order to freshen your breath, after eating onions, you need to thoroughly clean not only your teeth, but the entire oral cavity.

The disadvantage of this method is that after a certain time the unpleasant odor may reappear.

Enough effective method combating bad breath from onions is. To eliminate it, you need to take milk into your mouth and rinse it thoroughly. To ensure a high effect of milk, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Almond, cedar or walnuts- This perfect option eliminating unpleasant odors. To eliminate odors, you need to eat a few nuts after meals.

Eliminate this problem You can use zest. It has a rather unpleasant taste and therefore many people may refuse it.

In this case, chewing the zest can be replaced by rinsing the mouth with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

When this disease occurs, a person is advised to drink water as often as possible. It is not recommended to replace it with other liquids, as they contribute to the development of pathological bacteria in.

After eating, a person is advised to rinse his mouth thoroughly. This will remove food debris between the teeth, which will prevent bacteria from growing. If you are in a restaurant or any other public place, then rinsing your mouth is quite possible even here. To do this, you need to draw water and intensively, but discreetly, rinse your mouth. Water must be swallowed.

To eliminate unpleasant odors, mint rinse is quite effective.

To carry it out, you need to take half a glass of water and add a few drops of mint to it. The contents of the glass are thoroughly mixed and used for rinsing. Fennel and anise are original spices with which you can quickly eliminate unpleasant odors. They are very convenient to carry and chew anywhere.

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