Description of research methods in the course project. Research methods in thesis work

It will not be complete if only the relevance, purpose or objective is stated. The introduction must describe coursework methodology. This is done by listing the techniques that were used during the research.

Here are examples of how the methodology of the course work is described:

  • “To achieve the goal, the following were used research methods in coursework: system analysis, theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, deductive.”
  • “The methodological basis of the study is the methods of theoretical generalization, system analysis, analysis and synthesis, a system of indicators for analyzing financial stability and others that were used to process information.”
  • “The research was carried out with the help of general scientific methodological techniques(induction, deduction, synthesis, analysis), economic and statistical methods of knowledge (analysis of time series, grouping, graphical). Processing of information support was carried out using modern information programs.”
    As you can see, there is no need to describe the essence or place of use of each method.

Let's consider the most common research methods in coursework

Methods of scientific knowledge in a course project

Traditionally, methods in scientific work are divided into

  • theoretical
  • practical (or empirical)

This does not mean that some sciences never use practical approaches, for example.

Theoretical methods are most often used in coursework, example:

  1. Analysis. When using it, the subject is divided into several parts, which are then studied separately. It creates an opportunity for the student to consider a phenomenon or process of activity in different relationships, while highlighting the most essential properties and connections. The student has the opportunity, thanks to his thinking, to simultaneously cover a significant number of facts and identify possible relationships between them.
  2. Synthesis. Thanks to it, the parts are united together by understanding the relationship between them. It makes it possible to study an object as a whole. It is by using the method of synthesis that we have the opportunity to recreate a group of research subjects as a system of connections and interactions, and to focus on the most essential components. In essence, this is a mirror image of the previous way of knowing.
  3. Induction. When using this technique, certain phenomena, events or features are deduced general patterns or principles. It is used especially effectively in those studies where the basis is based on experience, experiment or observation, which makes it possible to collect empirical facts. By studying these facts, the researcher establishes phenomena that have a recurring nature, and on this basis builds an inductive conclusion. Thus, the logic of thinking moves to the general from the particular, and generalization is actively used.
  4. Deduction. With its help, particular provisions are derived from general ones. Deduction differs from induction by the opposite movement of thought. It is based on general judgment.
  5. Analogy. When using it, knowledge about a subject or object is obtained based on the study of its similarities with others. The flow of thought involves the transfer to a less studied, but similar, object of the properties of a more studied phenomenon. It is widely used in scientific research due to its clarity, ability to compare, and display similar qualities.
  6. Abstraction. The student seems to forget about the other aspects of the phenomenon being studied, focusing all his attention on only one.
  7. Classification. Very often there are many varieties of something that can be grouped using certain characteristics, that is, classified.
  8. Analysis of scientific literature. To get the required result, to achieve the goal, the student selects and then carefully studies textbooks, scientific articles, monographs, reports, and the results of experiments conducted by others.
  9. Axiomatic method. When using it, some of the provisions are axioms, and the other part is deduced logically.

However, not every work requires only theoretical techniques. Therefore, a little less often, but there are practical methods in coursework, example:

  1. modeling,
  2. experiment,
  3. observation,
  4. measurement.

  • Modeling. For convenience, the object under study is replaced by a model that accurately reflects its characteristics. The model is built after initial study, theoretical analysis and prediction of expected results. Simulation is considered sufficient effective way predicting the impact external factors on the phenomenon being studied and acceptance concrete solutions. The model must be constructed by the researcher in such a way that the operations reflect the main characteristics of the object of study (main elements of the structure, their interrelation, functional parameters), important for solving the goal set in the introduction to the course work. A model cannot be completely adequate to the object; this adequacy will always be relative and relate mainly to the goal set by the student. If the results of a theoretical analysis of the main parameters do not coincide with the characteristics of a real object, then the models are adjusted. The very definition of a model indicates that it is most often a reduced rather than an enlarged copy.
  • Observation. The essence of observation is the detached study of something while recording changes in its state.
  • Experiment. To confirm the expected result, the student proves it in practice. Sometimes you need to recreate some special conditions, and sometimes they use those that already exist. Special devices are often used to record results. An example is measuring speed after improvement technical characteristics cars.
  • Measurement. When writing coursework, certain characteristics are measured in order to tell the most complete story about the object being studied.
  • Description. In essence, it is a component of an experiment or observation. The student is only required to document what he saw.
  • Questionnaire, survey. Sometimes a questionnaire or survey is conducted on the topic of the coursework. During a survey, the respondent chooses one of the ready-made answers; during a survey, he gives it entirely himself. Using questionnaires or a list of questions, do not forget to supplement the coursework annexes with their forms.
  • Conversation, interview. The necessary answers are obtained during a conversation on the topic being studied. To calmly analyze the information received, it is recommended to record conversations with a voice recorder or note important points in writing.
    Now you can choose the most suitable ways for you to achieve the goal set in the introduction to the course work.

What methods should be used in coursework

Whatever task you face, you should choose the most appropriate ways to solve it. There is no need to give preference to the most simple methods in your work, it is better to improve your level of knowledge. Real scientific approach never simple.

However, you should not use everything in order, especially if you do not understand the essence of these methods. For the same reason, you cannot indicate those methods in the coursework that have not been used absolutely anywhere. If you can't answer the question scientific supervisor about how or where you used these particular methods, then you will significantly reduce your chances of getting an excellent grade.

You can combine practical and theoretical research methods in your coursework

Example: experiment together with the study of scientific literature.

In the introduction to the course work, it is necessary to indicate what methods the student used to achieve the research goal. Simply put, methods are the actions that the researcher performed in the course of scientific work. There are general and special (specific) methods. Special methods are used only in this concrete science, for example, physical modeling in physics. In contrast, general methods are used in all branches of all scientific disciplines. General methods, in turn, are divided into theoretical and practical, depending on the nature of the research. Theoretical methods scientific research associated with the predominance of mental activity, with comprehension, systematization and processing of material.

The most commonly used general methods include:

  • Analysis. It is the process of decomposing a phenomenon or object into its component parts (its properties, characteristics, etc.). This research method is widely used when writing term papers;
  • Synthesis is the opposite method to analysis. As a result of using synthesis, parts are connected into a common system of knowledge;
  • Analogy is a method of scientific research based on the similarity of objects according to certain characteristics. Using analogy, one can judge the properties of one object based on its similarity to another;
  • Deduction is a method based on obtaining a general conclusion about the properties of an object based on the study of its particular characteristics;
  • Induction is a method opposite to deduction, in which reasoning proceeds from the general to the particular;
  • Generalization is a research method similar to deduction, in which a conclusion is made about general properties an object or phenomenon and its characteristics;
  • Classification is widely used in scientific research, especially in the humanities. It represents the division of objects or phenomena into groups according to any specific criterion;
  • Modeling is a method in which not the object itself is studied, but its substitute - the model. The results obtained when studying the properties of the model are transferred to the object of study itself.
  • Practical (empirical) methods are associated with the collection of specific data about the object of study and evaluation of the results. Also, using the practical method, phenomena are identified and described. Practical methods include:
  • Observation is a cognitive process aimed at perceiving the external world in order to obtain information about the properties of objects and phenomena. For getting accurate results observation must be targeted, objective and systematic;
  • Comparison is one of the most popular practical research methods. Usually phenomena are compared according to some significant feature that is important specifically for a given study;
  • Measurement is the most accurate method of cognition, which consists in determining numerical value any quantity using a unit of measurement;
  • Experiment is a method widely used in science. It represents an intervention in the natural conditions of existence of phenomena. In this case, the experimenter, by studying certain properties or characteristics, can control the progress of the experiment.
  • The methods described are the most commonly used, but not all the methods that are used when writing term papers.

If the thesis is written only once, then the student must conduct course research at least once, or even twice a year. Each specialty has its own characteristics, but general principles writing is the same for all types of qualifying tasks. In the introduction to the course work it is necessary to disclose methodology– a set of methods used in a scientific project.

Method is a scientific instrument used to obtain, process and record information necessary for a given study.

Most of these tools are common to all scientific disciplines, these are the so-called general scientific methods. There is also private scientific methods used in certain fields of science and characteristic of it.

It is traditional to divide methods into two main groups: theoretical and practical.

Theoretical ones include general methods scientific knowledge. This is the logical-cognitive apparatus with which all science operates, starting from ancient times.

Practical methods include those used in the experimental, experimental part of the study. They are also called empirical.

Examples of using the methodology in coursework in various disciplines.


In this work, methods of analysis of the theoretical basis, classification, analogy and generalization of thematic material were used. In the practical part, survey and observation methods were used.


In the course work, the methodological base includes the following study tools: comparative language analysis, classification, synthesis of scientific concepts, hypothesis, comparison.


For a comprehensive disclosure of the designated subject course research methods of comparative historical analysis, study of sources from the era of Catherine the Great, generalizations, analogies and comparisons were used.


The methodological basis of the course work was analytical, classification, and comparative methods. In the chapter on practice, methods of observation, survey, questionnaires and statistical data analysis were used.


In this work, general scientific methods were used: analysis, analogy, classification, generalization of research materials. The private scientific methodology consisted of: comparative legal method, technical legal method, method of regulatory analysis.

Economics and finance:

In order to reveal the designated topic of the work, methods such as analysis, synthesis, classification of information, bibliographic analysis, economic calculations. Special methods were: vertical and horizontal analysis of financial statements, statistical and dynamic data analysis.

Mathematical specialties:

The methodological basis of the course work included such methods as classification, comparison, generalization, synthesis, method of mathematical modeling, functional analysis, method of differential equations.

Information Technology:

The course project used methods of scientific analysis, classification, generalization, comparison, and deduction. Special methods used in the study: system analysis, computer and mathematical modeling, information and analytical technologies.

Additionally, you can see examples of ready-made introductions to coursework with described and completed research methods.

Good example– writing a term paper, where in the introduction you also have to list the methods of conducting research that were used when writing a scientific work.

In this article you will learn the definition of this concept, what are the methods of scientific research in diploma work, which of them are recommended to be used in projects on certain topics, as well as the features of each method.

What are methods in a thesis?

The research method for the thesis project is the use of worldview principles in relation to cognitive processes.

To put it simply, research methodology is nothing more than a correlation of research data with other fundamental sciences, the main of which is philosophy.

Science uses a huge number of methods. But we will be specifically interested only in what methods are used in the thesis. And all because their choice directly depends on what goals and objectives were set in the work. Based on this, the student will determine the methods of thesis design.

Despite the huge number of methods in science, each will pursue a single goal: to find the truth, a correct understanding and explanation of the current situation, and in rare cases, even try to change it.


Research methods used in the thesis can be divided into:

  • general (theoretical, universal) research methods in the thesis;
  • private (empirical or practical) research methods in the thesis.
The student must understand which method he chooses and why. Determining the research methods used when writing a thesis is not allowed at random.

Let's take a closer look at each group in order to reasonably choose the right method to solve a specific problem.

Theoretical methods

These methods are universal and serve to systematize facts in scientific work.

When writing a thesis, the following methods are mainly used.


The most commonly used method used in thesis work.

Methods of analysis in the thesis are designed to decompose the object or phenomenon being described into signs and properties in order to study it more specifically.

An example is the frequent comparison of different artistic styles, automobile characteristics different brands, styles of expression of writers' thoughts.


In contrast to the previous method, synthesis is intended to combine individual elements (properties, characteristics) into a single whole for a more detailed study.

This research method is quite closely related to the method of analysis, since it is always present as the main element that unites the individual results of the analysis.


With the modeling method, the object of study, which exists in reality, is transferred to an artificially created model. This is done in order to more successfully simulate situations and obtain results that would be difficult to achieve in reality.


In analogy, a search is made for the similarity of objects and phenomena according to certain characteristics.


The deduction method allows you to draw conclusions about certain phenomena and objects based on data on a large number of small (particular) features.


In contrast to the previous method, the inductive method encourages reasoning from the general picture to specific points.


The generalization method is somewhat similar to deduction. Here a general conclusion is also made about objects or phenomena based on many small signs.

Experts distinguish:

  • inductive generalization (empirical) – a transition from more specific properties/characteristics of an object/phenomenon to more general ones;
  • analytical generalization - a transition from one opinion to another during the thought process, without applying empirical reality.


The classification method involves dividing an object or phenomenon into groups according to certain characteristics.

The main task of this method is to structure and make information clearer and easier to understand.

They can be classified based on different characteristics. For example, by:

  • physical properties (weight, size, volume);
  • material (plastic, wood, metal, porcelain);
  • genres (sculpture, painting, literature);
  • architectural styles.

They can also be classified according to geopolitical factors, chronological and other factors.


This method is based on the specification of a particular property of a phenomenon or object that needs to be studied as part of the study.

The essence of abstraction is to study a specific property of the object or phenomenon being studied, without taking into account all its other characteristics.

The abstraction method is one of the most important and basic research methods in a thesis in the humanities. With its help, the most important patterns in such sciences as pedagogy, psychology, and philosophy, invisible at first glance, were noted.

A good example of abstraction is the division of literature into a huge variety of styles and genres

The essence of the formalization method is to convey the structure or essence of a phenomenon or object in a symbolic model through the use of mathematical schemes, formulas, and symbols.


By concretization we mean a detailed study of an object or phenomenon in real-life conditions.


The essence of the analogy method is that, knowing certain properties and characteristics of an object or phenomenon, we can draw a certain line to another object or phenomenon similar to our object of study. As a result, we can come to certain conclusions.

This method is not 100% correct and does not always give reliable results. However, overall its effectiveness is quite high. Most often it is used in cases where certain objects or phenomena cannot be studied directly (for example, when studying terrestrial planets, when determining their properties, conditions for potential settlement by the Earth's population).

Different sciences use completely different research methods. But in any specialty and field of science, at least 2 will always be used in the thesis: synthesis and analytical research method

Practical (private) methods

In the thesis, along with theoretical methods, practical methods are used equally, depending on the object or phenomenon. Their peculiarity lies in a special way of studying information, collecting and processing it, and conducting experiments.

Particular research methods in the thesis are used directly to collect specific data about a phenomenon or object. These methods often help to describe and identify new phenomena and objects, find patterns or prove hypotheses.

Now let's get acquainted with the most popular practical methods when writing a thesis project.


The observation method in the thesis is based on an objective perception of reality to collect data on the properties and relationships of the objects of study.


The comparison method is considered one of the most popular. It is used to compare two or more research objects based on one characteristic.


The measurement method is quite accurate. It is based on determining the numerical values ​​of certain indicators.


The experimental method is interpreted as the reproduction of an observation or phenomenon under certain conditions.

An experiment can also serve as an experience, the purpose of which is to verify (refute or confirm) existing provisions. The main thing is that during the study two points should be present: evidence and repeatability. The fact is that the task of an experiment is not only to visually demonstrate or discover some property, but also to be able to reproduce it.

An excellent example of an experiment is Galileo's experiment with a cannonball and a lead ball to determine the speed of fall.


This method opens any scientific knowledge, which is why it is key when conducting any research.

The essence of the observation method is to observe the object of study and record any important changes or positions (reactions, properties).


The measurement method is one of the most effective. It's about about fixing any physical parameters of the object of study (volume, height, weight, length, etc.) using units of measurement.

Result obtained during application this method, will be recorded in a numerical value.


In a general sense, a model is a structured, reduced image of something, an imitation of one or more objects.

Modeling can be:

  • objective (when reproducing a separate part of an object);
  • symbolic (when using formulas, drawings, diagrams, etc.);
  • mental (when performing operations in virtual world or mentally).

Development is indispensable without modeling latest technologies, designing cars, structures, etc.

Conversation and interview

The essence of both methods is to find a person who has any valuable information about the subject of study.

Many people may not see the difference between a conversation and an interview. The latter is distinguished by a more structured and regulated procedure: during the interview, the interlocutor answers clearly posed questions that were prepared in advance. In addition, the person asking the questions does not demonstrate his opinion in any way.

The conversation is casual in nature. Here both participants in the conversation can freely express their opinions and ask questions, even spontaneously

Survey and questionnaire

These methods also have much in common with each other. The essence of both is preliminary preparation questions that need to be answered. As a rule, respondents are given several answer options to choose from.

The main difference between a survey and a questionnaire is the form of conducting it. The survey, as a rule, can be oral or written. But surveying is only possible in writing or on computer media. Often during a survey, the answer can be given in graphical form.

The advantage of these practical methods in the diploma is the large audience coverage. And if many people are surveyed, then the chances of getting more accurate data are much higher.


Experts note the similarity of the description method with the observation method. When conducting research using the descriptive method, not only behavior and phenomena are recorded, but appearance and signs of the object of study.

Other private methods

Depending on the direction of the student’s specialization, the following private, highly specialized research methods can be used:

  1. Economy . Analysis: positive, normative, functional, static, dynamic. Economic and mathematical modeling. Method of financial ratios. Scenario forecasting method economic phenomena. Method of unity of historical and logical. Construction of economic hypotheses. The “other things being equal” method.
  2. Pedagogy/Psychology . Studying the products of students' creativity. Interview. Conversation. Study of group differentiation. Participant observation. Pedagogical control tests (testing). Questionnaire (survey). Ranging. Scaling. Registration.
  3. Philology . Analysis: compositional, discourse, motive, intertextual, distributional, contextual, semantic. Linguistic experiment. Biographical method. Content analysis. Lexicographic statistics. Differential analysis of oppositions. Narrative method. Dichotomy. Transformational synthesis and analysis. "Concrete Literary Studies". Semiotic method.

Other methodology

Academician A.Ya. Flier identified a slightly different system of methods used in writing dissertations. In his opinion, all methods are divided into humanitarian and social-scientific.

Humanitarian methodologies

  • Historical- describes the history of culture in accordance with the principle of building a linear chronological sequence of its events and phenomena.
  • Hermeneutic- explores culture by revealing (deciphering) the original meanings of cultural phenomena inherent in them during creation.
  • Phenomenological- interprets historical facts cultures from the point of view of their appearance to the observer and looking for meanings in them that are relevant outside the historical context.
  • Historical-psychological- studies the historical dynamics of culture from the point of view of identifying stable stage (civilizational) types of socially conditioned consciousness and mental state in it.
  • Cultural symbolism and poststructuralism- eclectic methodology that interprets the material within a contextual framework established by various reasons by the authors of the studies themselves, and interpreting it as inevitably incomplete in its symbolic and semantic cognition.

Social scientific methodologies

  • Evolutionism is a study of the history of culture from the standpoint of recognition of its progressive development through the gradual complication of its structures (branches of evolutionism; formation theory, diffusionism, neo-evolutionism, cultural materialism).
  • Cyclic and wave models of cultural dynamics - a description of cultures as separate “self-sufficient organisms” (civilizations) and the processes occurring in them as closed cycles or repeating wave movements.
  • Structural functionalism - interpretation of cultural-historical processes as functional, solving some immanent social objectives to satisfy the interests and needs of people.
  • Structuralism is a description of cultural and historical objects from the point of view of searching for the relationship between material and conceptual aspects in them, analysis of the structure of culture as a system of signs.
  • Borderline methodologies that define new problem areas of cultural and historical science, postmodernism.

How to write methods in a thesis

Great! Now we know what methods exist. If we're lucky, we even understand what methods we can use in our work.

Standard speech structures when formulating methodology and research methods:

  • This work is based on the provisions... methodology,
  • the work is based on the provisions... methodology,
  • the methodological basis/base of the study was the provisions of ... methodology,
  • The following methods were used in the research/work..., research methods are... etc.

Next, it is worth indicating which figures were studying this problem. And in the history of the study, you can mention the historical context, tell what the newest authors managed to add to the existing data. Remember to mention scientists in chronological order!

There are also standard constructions used when describing research methods:

  • the study of... dates back to...,
  • in ... century ... were studied and described in detail ...,
  • problems... dealt with...,
  • a huge contribution to the development of the problem... made.../made work/research/work...,
  • work is of great importance...
  • work recent years allow us to talk about...,
  • the experience of history... shows that...,
  • Currently the dominant point of view is...
  • This approach is typical for...,
  • The study of this issue began with the works..., in the works...,
  • a prominent place in the works... occupies the position of...,
  • Among the problems being developed in this direction we can name...,
  • ……. covered in detail in the works...,
  • connection...shown in...etc.

When writing a conclusion, you should focus on describing the structure of work with the following standard structures:

  • all of the above determined the structure of the work, which consists of introduction, ... chapters, conclusion, bibliography, appendix (the latter is indicated if the work has an appendix);
  • the logic, goals and objectives of the study determined the structure of the work, which consists of...;
  • given in the introduction general characteristics work, the relevance of the topic and its social significance is substantiated, the purpose, objectives, methodological basis of the study and research methods are determined, and also it is given short review elaboration of the problem;
  • The first chapter is dedicated to...,
  • the second chapter discusses/talks about..., the first chapter discussed..., the second chapter begins with..., then...;
  • the conclusion represents the conclusions of the work / the conclusion contains the main conclusions, etc.

An example of a description of methods in a thesis

Topic: prevention of dysgraphia in children with general speech underdevelopment

Purpose of the study: to identify the prerequisites for the occurrence of dysgraphia in older children preschool age with OSD and children without speech pathology.

In accordance with the goal and the formed hypothesis, next tasks research:

  1. Study of the theoretical and methodological aspect of the research problem based on data from specialized literature.
  2. Theoretical justification and development of experimental research methodology.
  3. Experimental study of the condition different sides oral speech And mental processes and functions that ensure the formation of written speech, determination of the typology of identified deficiencies in preschoolers with ODD.
  4. Processing of the obtained experimental data
  5. Development of a set of methodological techniques for differentiated correctional and speech therapy work aimed at developing the prerequisites for written speech in children with SLD.

In accordance with the intended purpose and objectives of the study, we identified the following methods:

  1. Theoretical analysis of pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature on the research topic.
  2. Observation.
  3. Conversation, questioning.
  4. Analysis of children's activity products.
  5. Study of medical and pedagogical documentation.
  6. An experimental method, including conducting a confirmatory experiment, analyzing and summarizing the data obtained.


These are not all the methods that can be used when writing scientific works. But we tried to introduce you to the most popular and important ones.

When choosing methods, remember: they must be scientifically sound and modern. Using outdated methods is unacceptable. In addition, the methods must be consistent with the research objectives, because solving each individual problem requires a specific method.

And it's completely okay that you don't know them all. Why, when there is a special one? Knowing such things is the job of specialists. And your task is to get everything you can from life and youth!

The purpose of our study was to identify and analyze the kinematic parameters of the direct strike technique right hand in kickboxing.

To achieve the research goal, the following tasks were set and solved:

1. Based on analyzes of literary sources, identify the biomechanical features of a direct right blow;

2. Using a high-speed camera, collect practical material on the technique of performing a straight right punch in kickboxing.

3. Reconstruct the spatial coordinates of the links of the kinematic chain.

4. Conduct an analysis of the kinematic characteristics of the technique of performing a direct blow with the right hand in kickboxing.

straight punch kickboxing martial arts

To solve the problems, the following research methods were used

1. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of literature data;

2. Video shooting;

3. Mathematical data processing;

4. Biomechanical analysis of video recording.

Analysis of literary sources. In the course of our work, we studied 27 literary sources from different authors and specialists from different branches of science. Among them are publications in the field of biomechanics, kickboxing and boxing. This analysis allowed us to obtain the most complete understanding of the problem being studied;

To perform biomechanical analysis of the video sequence, we used a specialized computer program biomechanical analysis with a convenient graphical interface, which is part of the biomechanical software and hardware video complex;

For kinematic analysis, 9 control points were selected:

1. Shoulder joint, right;

3. Wrist joint, right;

4. Hip joint, right;

5. Knee joint, right;

6. Ankle joint, right;

7. Calcaneal tubercle, right;

8. Metatarsal bone, right;

9. Temporal bone.

The work used mathematical methods to find spatial coordinates and to find points;

The hardware and software complex is designed to analyze the linear and angular kinematics of movements based on the analysis of various parameters:

a) linear kinematics: displacement, speed, acceleration of points and links of the body;

b) angular kinematics: angles, angular velocities, angular accelerations, angular synkinesis (the relationship of movement in various joints).

Organization of the study

The main part of the study was carried out in the sports hall of the Leningrad State Pedagogical University. Video filming took place in September 2009. The experimental procedure was used from November 2009 to April 2010.

Our study used a domestic development - the Star Trace software and hardware complex, which has one high-speed camera Fastec InLine with a maximum shooting frequency of up to 1,000 frames/s and allowing the coordinates of points in the XOY plane to be determined in an automated mode, reflective markers were also used, attached to the reference points of interest on the athlete’s body and training paws. The video filming was attended by Vladimir Shulyak, a 5th year student of the 2nd group, and Anatoly Agafonov, a 2nd year student of the 2nd group; the video was conducted by Andrey Aleksandrovich Pomerantsev, assisted by Viktor Mikhailovich Korshikov.

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