Layout of garden plots 8 acres. Planning a summer cottage: current tips

Layout of a plot of 8 acres

Today, land plots with an area of ​​8 acres are very often purchased, so many people have questions related to their proper planning. In order for the site to become a real place for a pleasant pastime, it is necessary to provide space for:

    Residential house; Garage or car parking; Children's or sports ground; Utility area with utility rooms; Green zone with flower beds; Recreation areas with a lawn, barbecue or grill; Compost pits; Vegetable beds; Planting fruit trees and berry bushes.
Even those who prefer to grow vegetables should remember that beds with an area of ​​70 sq. m. are quite capable of satisfying the nutritional needs of the family. For keen gardeners, you can provide additional greenhouse with an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. m. Fruit trees should be planted on the north side of the site. It is recommended to organize a recreation area on the eastern side, and to shade it you can plant a spreading cherry tree, apple tree or some kind of ornamental tree. Between the house and the street you can also plant small decorative and fruit trees, and if there is a garage, then low bushes will look good next to it. South part area, especially if it is shaded by the wall of a house or garage, is ideal place for growing grapes or any other heat-loving plants. It is very convenient to set up a bed with perennial herbs next to the porch. A compost pit, which is a mandatory component summer cottage plot, must be separated berry bushes, playing the role of a hedge. They can be planted on all sides, thus protecting the compost pit from all existing areas. It is better to fence the compost pit from the neighboring plot with a wooden fence. The garden area should not be fenced off with a hedge; it is better to mark it by planting a sparse raspberry tree around the perimeter, which will not shade the garden. In most suburban areas, a fence is usually installed around the perimeter. And rarely does anyone think about the fact that a hedge made of shrubs looks more aesthetically pleasing and creates the effect complete harmony with nature. Today, there are a huge variety of types of “pruned” shrubs that can be a great alternative to unattractive picket fences and bulky fences. In addition, compositions made of stones decorated with flowers will look great as a natural fence. No less original are stylized fences made of poles or a stone fence. A lawn, sports or children's playground is usually located next to the house. At the same time, a terrace or veranda usually opens onto the lawn, and a grill or barbecue is equipped on its edge. The playground, in most cases, is located under the windows so that children can be looked after from home.

Layout of a triangular plot of 8 acres

Layout of a plot of 12 acres

A plot of 12 acres allows you to increase the recreation area and gardening area. As for the recreation area, next to the lawn, which is usually located in the center of the plot, it is necessary to arrange a small decorative pond. And it’s very good if it is visible from the terrace or veranda. From the soil removed when digging a reservoir, you can build a picturesque rampart, which can limit the site from one side. It can also serve as a basis for creating alpine slide. It is very important that Vacation home buried in greenery and flowers, so surround it with flower beds, and sow all free space with perennial grass. A country house can be located either deep in the plot or next to the road, but at a distance no closer than 3 m. This depends, first of all, on the topography of the site and its orientation. At the same time, on sunny side you should place a garden, vegetable garden and flower beds. Shrubs, a few flower beds, a lawn and non-fruit trees can be located in a more shaded area. And the utility area with utility rooms should be located as far as possible from the house and recreation area. A house near the road is to a certain extent a Russian tradition. The advantages of such placement are that you can create a more comfortable courtyard and garden, while protecting the recreation area from the outside world. If the site is located on a slope, then:
    On the southern slope the house is being built on the very high place; On the western and eastern slopes, the house is built on a high place near the northern border; On the northern slope, the house is built in the middle of the slope, but closer to the western border.
If the plot is narrow, then it is advisable to locate the house next to a shorter border. This will allow for more efficient use of land. When building a house, you should take into account all local restrictions on its location.

Mandatory rules for the location of houses that should be taken into account

Sanitary standards for the construction of houses are as follows:
    The distance between the windows of a residential building and the windows of barns in which livestock or poultry is kept is not less than 15 m; The distance from the house to the street toilet and garbage disposal is at least 20 m; If livestock and poultry are kept in extensions to the house, they should be isolated from living rooms by at least two walk-through non-residential premises; Distance between summer option country house And outdoor toilet- not less than 12 m; Distance from cellar to barnyard or compost pit- not less than 7 m.
In addition, it is imperative to take into account fire safety requirements when arranging the site. In this case, the distances between existing buildings are not standardized. But in conditions fire regulations distances between buildings of neighboring plots are specified, namely:
    If houses are built from fireproof materials and equipped with fire-resistant partitions and roofs - 6 m; If houses are built from fireproof materials, but are equipped with flammable roofs - 8 m; If houses are built entirely from flammable materials - 15 m;
The permissible reduction in the fire gap is 20%. Before starting to develop the site and carry out any work, it is necessary to find out the depth groundwater. Since if they are close, it will be necessary to carry out drainage to prevent possible flooding of the area. Such information can be obtained by sending a request to the district architect. You can check the accuracy of the information received yourself. To do this in autumn period you should dig a hole approximately 2 m deep. And after the water has settled in it, you need to measure its level. Drainage is necessary if the distance to the soil surface is less than 1 m. An important stage in arranging a suburban area for construction is preparatory. You should be very careful with the areas where you plan to plant trees or create garden beds. Therefore, care should be taken not to contaminate them building materials. This is very difficult, so it is recommended that before starting construction, move the fertile layer of soil into a pile using a bulldozer and only after that bring in building materials. To prevent the soil from losing its qualities, you can sow it with fodder peas, vetch or lupine. Upon completion of all construction work it will need to be carefully leveled. If you have garden beds, remember that they must be well-groomed. The garden should be divided by passages for ease of watering and harvesting. If the soil is clayey, then it is better to place the beds in the north-south direction so that all plants receive the same amount sunlight. In the case of sandy soil, the beds should be located in the east-west direction, this will protect the row spacing from drying out, since they will be in the shade. Plot sown herbs, it may be in the shade and it is better if it is near the house. A children's playground is an important part of a suburban area. For older children, it can be replaced by a sports ground. It is important that this place is located on the leeward side of the house and is protected from drafts. You can zone the site using hedge, and for little ones you can even organize a mini-garden. Any hedge provides a feeling of security and comfort. But at the same time, massive fences are absolutely incompatible with natural beauty nature. Therefore, you should not refuse to use hedges, because they are one of the main aesthetic elements of the site. It can be formed not only from shrubs, but also from trees. Thanks to it, it will be possible to significantly reduce gas pollution and noise, and it will also attract birds and allow you to enjoy their singing. At the same time, a geometrically designed hedge emphasizes the owner’s desire for order. It is preferable to organize a dense barrier of trees and bushes when an unattractive landscape opens from the windows of the house. In addition to hedges, others can be used to accentuate the boundaries of the site. natural materials, for example, stones. The combined fence looks very good. For example, you can build a low wall from natural stone and place a palisade of untreated logs next to it or dig grooves and stylize them in an original way with logs. Pointed elements should not be used to form a fence; they look threatening. Planning and arranging suburban area It should be remembered that all elements must be harmoniously combined and complement each other. Any landscape consists of individual forms, and the integrity of the entire space depends on how well they are selected. For example, you should not create round flower beds of the same diameter; adjacent flower beds with diameters of 3 m and 1.5 m will look much more original. Lawns look great irregular shape with orderly rows of neatly trimmed bushes. The compatibility of the circle and the sphere is very often used. Thus, the boundaries of a circle-shaped lawn can be emphasized with round-shaped shrubs. When planting trees, select them so that they are of different heights. When arranging a site, it is very important to take into account the influence different forms on the human psyche and know their symbolism. So, round shapes components create the impression of closure and are appropriate to use when you can visually break the circle. For example, the round grassy lawn in front of the house is broken every time the gate is opened, thus symbolizing hospitality. Curved lines give harmony to the entire area, connecting its individual components with each other. Therefore, it is recommended to lay “winding” paths along the site. It is generally accepted that strict vertical forms can exacerbate the feeling of fear, so suspicious people should not plant pyramidal poplars, juniper or cypress trees. But complex combinations various forms awaken curiosity and encourage thought. The calming element is water and the effect is enhanced by horizontal shapes, being a symbol of staticity and constancy. The reasonableness of the owner emphasizes the abundance of strict geometric shapes. Lawns are strictly square shape or square flower beds give the site seriousness and restraint. When arranging the site, it is necessary to create the effect of spaciousness and, if there is not enough area for this, you should create the illusion of its expansion. To do this, you can grow a lonely, intricately curved tree on the lawn, and place a statue in one of its corners. Flowers with a pleasant aroma should be planted near the threshold, bench, or gate. And if you plan to use it for lining paths or flooring on the terrace ceramic tiles, you need to give preference to antique-style tiles. These and many other methods will visually expand the space and bring you closer to nature.

In our studio you can order landscape design 8 hectare summer cottage plot at an attractive price! All work is performed by craftsmen with many years of experience!

Small spaces – big opportunities

So, you are the owner of a plot of land of 8 acres, and you have an absolutely natural desire to develop it as best as possible, optimizing the use of land, providing an attractive view and convenience at moderate costs and without problems with regulatory authorities.

The most reasonable thing in this case is to seek help from professionals who know how to combine the desirable with the reasonable, and the needs with the laws of aesthetics and land use.

We will create for you a landscape design for a plot of 8 acres, taking into account the features of the relief, location, existing on the plot and nearby plantings. We will discuss your wishes and, based on them, give you an estimate of the cost and, if necessary, suggest useful land planning techniques.

8 acres - possibilities and limitations

A plot of 8 acres cannot be called large, but it is quite possible to arrange a cozy and quite spacious corner on it for relaxation, living and growing a garden or flowers - if there is such a desire. Of course, when planning the arrangement of such a site, you should take into account not only your desires, but also a number of regulatory requirements relating to fire and sanitary safety, as well as planning and development rules for summer cottages.

Even with privately owned land, we must not forget about compliance minimum distance between wooden buildings, as well as between the boundaries of the site and buildings for various purposes. So, for example, for an outbuilding it is at least 1 meter, for a residential building – three times more.

And this is very relevant, because on such plot of land It is quite possible to locate a full-fledged residential building with the necessary outbuildings or a comfortable recreation area.

We should not forget about the rules for the location of tree and shrub plantings - at least a meter from the fence for bushes, at least 2 meters for medium-sized trees and at least 4 meters for tall trees.

  • The landscape design of a summer cottage plot of 8 acres may well include a small pond, for example, artificial pond. It is recommended to place such a landscape element in a place on the site that is lower than others.
  • Since on 8 acres we have to be economical with space, there is a terrace for relaxation, children’s games and sports exercises it is quite possible to combine with the house by covering light roof. This way it will be able to combine the advantages of a terrace, veranda, gazebo for relaxation and a platform for summer dining. But as a place to park a car and barbecue or barbecue covered terrace adjacent to the house should not be used. The car will simply turn it into a parking space, and cooking over an open fire should be done in a separate place.
  • If the site is not planned to be surrounded by a solid fence, then it is reasonable to locate the recreation area so that it is at least partially blocked from the street by buildings. This will make her psychologically more comfortable and cozy. Or, if the location of the house prevents this, you can provide trellises or plant climbing plants along the fence. Properly created hedges will create the impression not of an enclosed space, but of a secluded green corner, hidden from prying eyes, but accessible to bird chirping and a light breeze.
  • Also, the recreation area can be “fenced off” from the street by a specially erected low wall near the grill or barbecue. Such a structure will also protect from the wind, which is very important for cooking over an open fire.>
  • Despite the limited space, the entrance area should be made somewhat larger than is required for the car you drive here. This will allow you to freely walk around the vehicle without the risk of scratching.
  • Surely a summer toilet is planned on the site ( septic tank). It is highly advisable to locate it at a distance of at least 15 meters from the house and resting place - the size of the plot allows this. In addition, when choosing a place for a toilet, you should pay attention to where the houses of your closest neighbors are located, so as not to create inconvenience for them and not give grounds for complaints.

What will we do

  • Let's get acquainted with the situation - the relief, the location of the site relative to the street and surrounding objects,
  • We find out what the customer wants,
  • We will draw up a landscape design project, justifying the location of all elements, and coordinate this with the customer,
  • We will draw up an approximate estimate,
  • we will prepare the land, divide the site into planned zones,
  • We will create a new, maximally safe, attractive landscape that will be easy to maintain.

Contact us and you will get the plot of your dreams!

Modern a private house, located on a private plot, is a whole complex, the living conditions of which suit the people who live here.

And even if the owners do not live here permanently, the layout of the dacha plot has great importance. After all, there should be all the elements of life support: living space and office space, water, gas and electricity supply, landscaping personal plot, recreation areas, etc.

Where to start arranging a new site

First of all, take a closer look at the topography, the plantings that have been preserved on the site, and the reservoir (if there is one). You shouldn’t immediately uproot everything and level the ground. Who said that a new summer cottage should be a bare, flat surface? Proper planning of a summer cottage will help make elevations and decreases an advantage of the area, and not its disadvantage.

Is the terrain uneven? Plan the area with terraces. Then in the future you will be pleased not only high yield, but also an original landscape. After all, on the terraces the water is maintained, and the soil is not washed away.

Immediately determine the location for the construction of a residential building and outbuildings. What type of outbuildings will they have? Will these be separate rooms, or interconnected into one? Consider where you will keep pets and birds, store garden tools where there will be a carport or garage, shower, toilet.

Secrets of proper planning of a summer cottage

The following functional zones are distinguished at any summer cottage:

  • residential area (house)
  • personal and outbuildings (utility block, cellar, garage, kitchen, basement, well)
  • recreation area (children's playground, swimming pool, bathhouse, shower, garden gazebo)
  • gardening area (beds, flower beds, greenhouses).


Before you begin to develop the site, study the regulatory literature and read the “Regulations on garden, dacha and individual construction.” Here are the maximum permissible dimensions area of ​​houses and outbuildings, the allocation procedure has been determined land plots for development various categories(garden, country, individual houses, cottages). From the documents you can find out who controls individual construction and accepts houses and buildings into operation, the procedure for conducting technical inventory and legal registration of buildings.

The document “Basic standards for the design of territories with development of various categories” indicates what the distances between buildings should be and how they should be located relative to the boundaries of the site, taking into account sanitary and fire safety rules.

Proceed with planning only after detailed study regulatory documentation to avoid problems with the law in the future.

How to plan a plot of 6-8 acres

On such a plot there should be enough space for a house with a garage, and for outbuildings, and for a garden with a vegetable garden, and for a green lawn with flower beds, and for a children’s playground, and for compost heaps, and for a barbecue.

30 sq. meters of greenhouses and 70 sq. meters of beds can fully satisfy your family’s needs for vegetables and fruits (except potatoes). Large and spreading fruit trees It is better to locate closer to the north side of the site. And if you plant with east side an apple tree or other decorative non-fruit tree, in the summer you will have a good shaded place to relax. Small fruit and ornamental trees They will look great between the house and the street. South wall of a house or garage - the best place for heat-loving plants (for example, grapes). A great place for herbs is a garden bed near the porch.

Separate the seating area from compost heaps bushes Then the heaps will not be visible from the veranda and from the house. Sparse raspberries are usually planted along the southern edge of the site.

It is better to place a lawn and a playground near the house. After all, children spend most of their time outside, so it is important that they are constantly in sight. Near the playground you can organize a children's bed. Don't forget to leave room for a barbecue at the edge of the lawn. Decorate the space near the house with flowers or a lawn.

Where to build a house: choosing a place for a residential area

This depends on many features of the site. In particular, on its shape, topography, groundwater level. If the plot is on the southern slope, it is better to build the house on the highest place; if the plot is narrow, build the house at the shortest border. The decline to the north is the least favorable area. But even with this you can create comfort and coziness. In this case, the house is built closer to the border, perhaps on a fill, in the middle of the slope.

Photo examples of successful layout of a summer cottage

The average size of area in dacha associations is a plot of 8 acres. How many meters around the perimeter - Gardeners often ask these questions. Each garden cooperative has its own layout. It is believed that 8 acres (800 sq. m.) is enough to provide a comfortable country life for a family of four: two adults and two children.

What can be built on such a site?

According to developers, it should be related to the area of ​​the site as 1:10. That is, on an area of ​​800 sq. m. the house should be 80 sq. m. m. Can be built two-storey house- then the area of ​​the house will at least double. Such a dacha building will be enough for a larger family.

Construction usually begins with the construction of a fence, for which the perimeter must be calculated. Many gardening associations only allow internal fencing made of metal mesh. After installing the fence, the future vegetable garden can be divided into several zones, which are separated from each other by shrubs or fruit trees.

Usually they zone a barbecue area, a relaxation area with a hammock and a swing, a children's playground, a sandbox, flower beds around the house, several small greenhouses, several vegetable beds. 8 acres is a large enough area where you can relax in the summer, swing in a hammock, sunbathe in the summer, even plant some vegetables to diversify your diet with gifts from your garden.

What are 8 acres?

How many meters is this around the perimeter? This information interests the gardener most of all. Before building up and planting the land with plants, you need to carefully plan where the garden house will be located, outbuildings, where the garden paths. You need to know everything exactly, 8 acres is how many square meters, what is the perimeter? In the documents, the size of the allocated land is indicated in square meters. A hundred square meters is popularly called a square with one side equal to 10 m. That is, the dacha plot in question contains 8 such squares or 800 sq.m.

Site layout

Square plots are rare; more often they have a rectangular shape, because from the gardener’s point of view, it is better for the garden to be a little elongated. Then the dacha has a perspective, a view into the distance. Particularly successful areas are where sides longer than the front and back. However, in order to make it convenient to build and plant, a dedicated summer cottage site should not be too elongated. The optimal aspect ratio is 1:1.5.

Using an ideal rectangle, it is very easy to calculate the size of a summer cottage plot of 8 acres (this is how many meters around the perimeter). After calculations with equation creation and extraction square root we determine that optimal sizes rectangular garden land are approximately rounded size figures: 23 meters wide and 35 meters long. Naturally, no one ever uses such exact numbers when dividing the area.

Usually, the length is determined from the facade in rounded whole numbers, and the size of the sides is calculated for the entire garden community at once.

The question that arises among gardeners about whether 8 acres is how many meters around the perimeter is solved simply: two lengths of the facade plus two sides.

How to measure the perimeter of a site

One of the most simple ways find out the perimeter of the area being purchased if you don’t have a tape measure at hand, but you need to measure it urgently, at least approximately, in steps.

First you need to calculate how many steps fit on a given segment of an already known size and measure the average step width. Then multiply by the number of steps along the perimeter of the measured land. It is known that the average step of a person when walking slowly is 70 cm. Of course, such a measurement is subject to inaccuracy, but usually this is enough for initial measurements. Subsequently, the accuracy of the measurements is checked. To perform the test, you also need to measure the length and width of the allocated land in steps, and then multiply these two numbers and multiply by the step size. The resulting figure should approximately correspond to the area of ​​the site.

How to find out even more accurately the parameters of a rectangle of 8 acres (how many meters around the perimeter). This can be done using some object whose length is known. Usually everyone knows their height in centimeters well. If you find a stick the same size as your height, it will help you measure the perimeter almost as accurately as a tape measure.

Site development and landscape design of the territory require clear planning in the presence of any space. And a plot of 8 acres, even more so. This size of dacha plot is quite common in our country.

And now many people are interested in how to arrange it. There are only 8 acres at our disposal, and there is so much that needs to be placed on them.

At the same time, you want everything to be convenient, beautiful and practical. Let's see how to properly arrange the landscape design of such an area.

Landscape design project for a small area

Factors influencing the development of the site

When creating a landscape design for a site, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • The shape and proportions of the territory, on which the location of the main buildings will depend.
  • Type of soil and its quality characteristics. Both the construction technology and the further arrangement of such areas as the garden and vegetable garden depend on this.
  • The slope of the site, which affects the location of the house and the drainage system.
  • Climatic conditions.
  • Presence of ready-made buildings and communications on the site. This factor may also be fundamental if the house is already standing on the site. All landscaping will be created around the main structure, and the style will need to be chosen according to the style of the house.

Another important point, which must immediately be taken into account - the purpose of the site. If you are going to use your 8 acres only for recreation, then it makes no sense to include a vegetable garden in your plan (as in the photo).

An example of planning a plot of 8 acres

Zoning rules

In order to competently arrange the landscape design of a small area and at the same time place on it everything necessary for comfortable rest and accommodation, you need to approach planning from a practical point of view. Carry out the correct zoning of the territory, observing all the rules and taking into account the needs.

Zoning of a summer cottage is the most important stage when creating a project. On a plot of 8 acres you can place the following zones:

  • Residential zone - the zone where the house itself will be located. If you are just going to build it, then think about its dimensions and architecture in accordance with other buildings and elements.
  • The utility zone, which includes all buildings of the utility block. Don't forget to include Summer shower and immediately determine its location. You also need to plan a place for a garage or parking lot.
  • A recreation area that can be equipped with a pond or a small pool. This should also include a children's playground and barbecue area.
  • A garden and vegetable garden area, which should also include a greenhouse, if necessary.

Based on this data, you can begin to draw a plan on scale paper; if you don’t have one, you can use a sheet of paper.

Each cell will represent 1 square. m of territory. You need to draw a plan taking into account the orientation to the cardinal points.

Detailed site plan

The plan must include absolutely all the objects that are already on the site. And then those that you plan to build.

When planning the landscape design of the site, do not forget about the construction rules, which are reflected in regulations and are designed to ensure safety. According to these rules, the distance between adjacent brick houses cannot be less than 8 m, and if the house is made of wood - 15 m.

After drawing all existing and planned buildings on the plan, you can begin planning recreation areas, vegetable gardens and garden areas. For a garden, you need to plan not only its location and size, but also the main plants that will be located there (as in the photo).

If a greenhouse is included in the plan, then it should be oriented from south to north. Trees are included in the plan taking into account their size already in adulthood.

For example, for an apple tree you need to allocate at least 5 m in area, a pear will take 4 m, and for a cherry tree 3 m is enough. Don’t forget to take into account the distance from the tree to the borders of the neighboring plot.

Elements for landscape decoration

Once all zones have already been included in the plan, you can begin to fill in the landscape design and decorative elements. At this stage of planning, you can give free rein to your desires, but at the same time do not forget about the overall style.

Landscape design on 8 acres, can be decorated with various

  • pergolas,
  • flower beds,
  • alpine slides and other delights.

If there is space left, then you can think about creating a fountain or waterfall.

A good option would be a mound of earth, which can be decorated with stones and various plants.

Example of zoning on a small area

You can also make a pyramid of stones, which is very fashionable now, and it looks original.

One important point that you should pay attention to right away is the planning and design of paths that will serve as connecting elements of different zones of the site.

Paths can be made in different ways:

  • stone,
  • bulk,
  • from paving slabs.

The landscape design on a plot of 8 acres can be perfectly complemented with various flower beds and flower beds, made in accordance with the general style, for example, as in the photo.

Don’t forget about the “hedge”, which can be used as a fence around the perimeter of the site, or can be used as a dividing element for zoning. For example, by separating a recreation area or playground, you will protect them from drafts and or scorching sun rays.

To separate zones from each other, you can use pergolas and screens with climbing plants on them.

A correct and practical approach to landscaping will help you create cozy corner for your family.

You can get interesting information about the design of the landscape of a summer cottage from the video:

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