Orthodox female names complete list by month. Female names born in March

A name is something that each of us has, and, as you know, it can affect a person’s fate, his character and personal qualities. That is why it is very important to name your child correctly, especially a girl, because they need to be doubly protected.

From the moment a woman finds out who is in her womb - a boy or a girl, she begins to think about what to name the child. Choosing a name needs to be given Special attention, because the child’s character and his fate partly depend on it.

Before naming your child a specific name, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Its meaning
  • Consonance with patronymic
  • Time of year, month and date of birth of the child
  • Its originality or unusualness
  • Compatibility with surname

Influence on human destiny

In order not to cause discontent among others, you can call the little girl some simple, common name. But you can choose something rare, beautiful name for your daughter, you just have to be extremely careful, because you can doom the future woman born to suffering. Since today you can call a child a fictitious name, you, of course, can come up with the name you want, but won’t it ruin your daughter’s life? And can you call her affectionately, so that it is at the same time beautiful?

If you want to distinguish yourself and give your newborn girl an original name, then the idea, of course, is not bad at all, but you need it to be sonorous and beautiful, and you should also know its meaning and even etymology.

Think not about yourself, but about born child, because he will then have to live with this name. If you like any character from a movie/book/series and you want to name your daughter that, then think about whether she would be happy with the name Juanita, Flipot, Donna, etc.

Also, in order to understand what qualities we endow a child with, it is important to know not only the meaning of the name, but also its phonetic components.

For example, names with ringing hard paired consonants (Zhanna), especially in combination with “r” (Gerda), make their owners persistent, persistent and strong in character. But affectionate names for girls, which contain many vowels or sonorous sounds, endow their bearers with softness and tenderness of character (Maria, Alina).

If you want your born daughter to have stubbornness, strength, strong-willed and strong character, then you should name her “ male name”, such as: Evgenia, Alexandra, Valeria, Bogdana, Yana.

Are you thinking about what to name your girl and want to name her in honor of a relative? We are sure that this is good idea? Under no circumstances should you name a child after a tragically or painfully deceased relative. Also, you should not name your daughter after her mother or grandmother, as the girl will be deprived of her individuality, and, importantly, this will harm their relationship, and it will be difficult for you to call her affectionately. But if the person after whom you want to name your daughter somehow helped your family or is just a good, but not very close relative, then why not - go for it!

Combination with patronymic

Few people know how to name a girl by her middle name so that the name sounds beautiful. If you cannot decide on a name for your newborn daughter, then choose the one that is most consonant with the middle name. After all, when she grows up, they will address her by her first name and patronymic.

A harmonious combination of nationality is very important, since Ginger Ivanovna sounds rather stupid.

It is also not very good if the same letter appears at the end of the name and at the beginning of the patronymic, for example: Nina Andreevna.

It is necessary to remember that the length of the patronymic and first name is also better to take into account, so short names such as Daria Viktorovna, Yana Mikhailovna sound good with long patronymics. But if the name and patronymic are the same length (Antonina Pavlovna), then this is also quite good.

If your daughter's name goes well with her middle name, then half the job is already done.

Name it according to the time of year

Since ancient times, there has been a belief that the qualities of a child are also determined by the time of year in which the baby was born.

We will now tell you what name to name your daughter, based on the time of year of her birth.

It is known that girls born in winter are purposeful, determined and unshakable from birth, but also quick-tempered and selfish.

Therefore, in order to somehow balance all these qualities, it is better to use soft, affectionate names.

Names for spring girls should be chosen among solid names, since children born in spring are rather fickle and flighty, vulnerable, touchy, self-critical, but with an excellent mind and sense of humor.

When thinking about what is the best name for a girl born in the summer, you don’t need to think long. You can, for example, the same way as spring girls - hard strong name, since growing up women have a soft, trusting character, so it needs to be balanced with a heavier name.

You don’t even have to really think about what to name a daughter born in the fall, because any beautiful name will suit her. Such girls are the most balanced, they have everything in moderation.

Depending on date of birth

If you don't know what to name your daughter, then you can rely on fate and name her in honor of the saint on whose day she will be born. By doing this, you not only make it easier for yourself to choose a name, but also assign to your child a saint whose name he will bear and who will protect him.

If you take into account all the points listed in the article, you can choose the ideal name for your child, which will not only suit him and be well received by his peers, but will also endow him with the necessary personal qualities.

The tradition of giving newborn children names according to the calendar appeared in Rus' with the adoption Orthodox faith. According to church canons, a child is a creation of God, who, with the birth of a baby, already determines a Guardian Angel for him. Parents can only name their child after the Saint whose memorial day the church honors on this date.

Names of girls born in June: from 1st to 6th

Since the calendar contains more male names than female ones, it often happens that there is no suitable option for a bewitched girl. Then you should look at the calendar a few days in advance and choose the name you like.

In June (from the 1st to the 6th) the following:

1. Anastasia. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “resurrected” or “returned to life.” On this day, the church honors the memory of the holy martyr Anastasia, who accepted death, but did not renounce her faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Susanna (Sosanna). From the biblical language this name is translated as “white lily.”

3. Elena. On this day, the church honors Queen Helen of Constantinople, the mother of Emperor Constantine. Around 330, during excavations with her participation, it was discovered Life-giving Cross on which Christ was crucified. After her death she was canonized as a saint equal to the apostles.

4. Sofia.

5. Euphrosyne, Maria.

What to name a girl born from June 7 to June 12

A girl named after the Saint, whose memorial day is celebrated along with her birth, finds a Guardian Angel who will always protect her and help her on the path of life.

From the 7th to the 12th the following are provided (June) according to the church calendar:

8. Elena. On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyr Helen, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, who Christian faith was stoned to death.

9. Anastasia, Fedora.

10. Elena. Memorial Day of Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova), who in 1825 became a novice of the Kazan community under Diveevsky convent in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

11. Maria, Faina, Feodosia. Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Mary of Ustyug and the Virgin Mary; righteous Faina.

Name for a girl in June: from the 13th to the 18th

Parents begin choosing a name for their baby even before she is born. If the expected due date falls in the first month of summer, they ask the question: “What name for a girl (June) would be appropriate?”

13. Christina. Memorial Day of the Martyr Christina of Nicomedia.

14. Faith. In June, on the 14th, the Orthodox Church remembers the New Martyr Vera (Samsonova), canonized in 2000.

15. Maria, Ulyana, Juliana. Memorial Day of the Martyr Juliania of Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, Princess and Martyr Mary, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ.

16. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day. The name for a girl in June (18th) should be chosen from those presented in the calendar over the next few days.

17. Maria, Martha, Martha, Sofia.

Women's names according to the church calendar from June 19 to June 24

19. Archelaus, Susanna (Sosanna), Thekla. For their faith in Jesus Christ and the healings they carried out on the sick, the martyrs were subjected to cruel torture in Italian city Salerno. After a few days of abuse, they were beheaded.

20. Valeria (Kaleria), Zinaida, Maria, Kyriakia (Kiriya). The holy martyrs Valeria, Zinaida, Kyriacia and Maria were residents of Caesarea (Palestine). During the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305) they were persecuted and then tortured for their Christian faith. They accepted martyrdom.

21. Melania. Memorial Day of Melania the Elder - grandmother of Melania of Bethlehem, Palestine (January 13), to whom it is customary to pray during difficult childbirth. Both saints became famous for their exploits in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Marianna, Maria, Martha, Thekla. Mary of Persia was beheaded by the sword in 346 during the persecution of Christians by the ruler Sapor II.

23. Antonina. Day of remembrance of the martyrs Virgin Antonina and the warrior Alexander, who suffered martyrdom under the ruler Fist.

24. Maria. Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Mary of Pergamon.

The name for a girl in June, born from the 19th to the 24th, should be chosen from the options presented above. Then the patron saint will always be next to her, protect her and guide her in life.

Church name for a girl born on June 30

25. Anna, Euphrosyne. Memorial Day of the Blessed Princess Anna (monastically Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya.

26. Alexandra, Anna, Antonina, Pelageya. Day of Remembrance Venerable Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova); Venerable Anna of Bithynia; Martyr Antonina of Nicea, who was persecuted and mortally tortured during the reign of Maximian; New Martyr Pelageya (Zhidko).

27. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day.

28. The name for a June girl born on the 28th should be chosen from those presented on the following days.

30. Pelagia. Memorial Day of the New Martyr Pelageya Balakireva.

Young mothers expecting their baby take a very long time to choose his name. Many are guided fashion trends, calling the child a beautiful-sounding name that is not on the list of the Orthodox church calendar. Because of this, at baptism the child is given a different name. In this article we will tell you how to name a boy or girl according to the church calendar so that his destiny is happy and successful.

Immediately after baptism Kievan Rus all Orthodox people were baptized on the eighth day after the birth of babies according to the same rite (in our time this is usually done on the 40th day after physical birth). On this day, children were given the names of martyrs of the Orthodox Church. People believed that in this way children would be protected by the patron saint from grief and misfortune.

  • The clergy who performed the baptism ceremony wrote down every day the name of the saint that they had already assigned to the child.
  • Thus, over time, the “Saints of Saints” appeared - a book of memory of saints, which is being replenished to this day. Young parents often turn to this publication (you can look through it in church) or table (there are many of them published on the Internet) to choose a name for their newborn.
  • Unfortunately, choosing a name according to the church calendar is not always a conscious act, the purpose of which is to give the baby a guardian angel.
  • By naming a child a rare old name, young parents simply want to make their child stand out from the crowd and do not delve into the true essence of the chosen name.

But in ancient times, our ancestors celebrated not the day of physical birth, but the day of “baptism” or name day (the day of veneration of the saint in whose honor the baby was named). Sometimes children were named not by the name of the saint on whose name day they were born, but in honor of other canonized great martyrs, whose name days fell on the next three days after the physical birth of the baby.

Female names according to the church calendar

If you have a daughter, you can choose a very beautiful name for your little princess according to the church calendar. It will not always have an unusual sound, which often causes surprise on the faces of people when they find out what name you gave your girl. Most of the names in the Saints are of Greek or Latin origin, so they sound the same as the worldly names that we are all accustomed to.

In this article, so that you do not have to contact a clergyman for advice and do not search for the necessary information on the Internet, we have compiled for you a list of female names according to the church calendar for each day and month of the current year.

Women's name days in January according to the church calendar

A girl born in the first winter month can be called:

  • Anastasia
  • Evgenia
  • Claudia
  • Augusta
  • Agrippina
  • Anfisa
  • Maria
  • Agafya
  • Anna
  • Varvara
  • Matrona
  • Natalia
  • Anisya
  • Irina
  • Fedora
  • Fedosya
  • Melania
  • Emilia
  • Apollinaria
  • Tatiana
  • Eupraxia
  • Agnia
  • Elena
  • Ksenia
  • Nina

In addition, if your daughter was born on the name day of the saints according to the church calendar, on which everyone orthodox churches hold ceremonial services, then you can call it by the appropriate name in January:

  1. 4 January- Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker. The saint distributed everything she had at her disposal to those in need. She preached the Christian faith in prisons, ransomed prisoners and treated the sick. For such preaching activities, they first tried to starve Anastasia, then drown her, but she died a different death - she was burned alive at the stake.
  2. The 25th of January- the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Tatiana, who at a young age became a nun and served Christ all her life.
  3. January 27- Day of Remembrance Equal to the Apostles Nina- enlightener of Georgia, who, according to ancient legend, saw prophetic dreams, through which she communicated with the Most Holy Theotokos.

Women's names in February according to the church calendar

Girls born in February can be named by the following names according to the church calendar:

  • Feodosia
  • Innoy
  • Agnia
  • Evdokia
  • Ekaterina
  • Ksenia
  • Maria
  • Olga
  • Jonah
  • Pelageya
  • Anna
  • Agafya
  • Alexandra
  • Vasilisa
  • Mafoy
  • Christina
  • Anastasia
  • Galina
  • Evgenia
  • Fedora
  • Euphrosyne
  • Sofia

If your girl is born February 6, then call her Ksenia. On this day, Orthodox churches honor the memory of one of the greatest saints - Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who deserved to be canonized with her devotion to God and her deceased husband. The saint became a widow at the age of 26. She was immersed in grief - she wore the costume of her late husband and responded only to his name. Every night she went out into the field to pray for her husband and build herself a small church not far from the Smolensk cemetery.

What to name a girl in March according to the church calendar?

Daughters born in March can be called by the following names according to the “Saints”:

  • Maria
  • Anna
  • Elizabeth
  • Irina
  • Olga
  • Praskovya
  • Anna
  • Kiroy
  • Marina
  • Antonina
  • Daria
  • Evdokia
  • Matrona
  • Hope
  • Martha
  • Iraida
  • Ekaterina
  • Ksenia
  • Anastasia
  • Claudia
  • Natalia

If your girl is born March 14th, then the best name for her would be Evdokia or Daria (this is the same name). On this day, churches hold services dedicated to the Venerable Martyr Evdokia. This saint a long period In her life she led a sinful life, but after meeting Elder Herman, she took monastic vows as a nun and began to serve Christ faithfully. She became famous during the persecution of Christians when she resurrected her dead wife through the prayer of one of the rulers of that time.

What to name a girl according to the church calendar in April?

If your baby was born in April, you can choose the following names for her:

  • Daria
  • Matron
  • Sofia
  • Alexandra
  • Claudia
  • Maria
  • Praskovya
  • Svetlana
  • Apollinaria
  • Vasilisa
  • Taisiya
  • Anastasia
  • Varvara
  • Lydia
  • Feodosia
  • Larisa
  • Zosima
  • Evdokia
  • Marfa
  • Galina
  • Irina

A girl born 14th of April, should be called Mary in honor of the saint Venerable Mary Egyptian, who lived in the desert for 47 years, eating only roots and repenting of her sinful thoughts.

What to name a girl in May according to the church calendar?

Name your daughter, if she was born in the warmest month of spring, with the following church names:

  • Tamara
  • Matrona
  • Theodora
  • Alexandra
  • Elizabeth
  • Nobody
  • Glafira
  • Anastasia
  • Maria
  • Anna
  • Nina
  • Mavra
  • Pelageya
  • Irina
  • Taisiya
  • Glyceria
  • Muse
  • Evdokia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Claudia
  • Faina
  • Christina
  • Julia

If your girl was born on Saints' Name Day Orthodox calendar, in which solemn church services are held, then you can call them by their corresponding names in May:

  1. May 2– Memorial Day of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, who predicted the future for people, saving them from troubles and grief.
  2. May 14– Day of veneration of the Georgian Queen Tamara, whose reign was marked by the introduction of the Christian faith throughout the country.

Women's names in June according to the church calendar

If your baby was born in June, then according to the church calendar she should be named by a name from the following list:

  • Anastasia
  • Elena
  • Sophia
  • Euphrosyne
  • Maria
  • Ksenia
  • Jonah
  • Fedora
  • Faina
  • Feodosia
  • Christina
  • By faith
  • Martha
  • Sussana
  • Thekloy
  • Valeria
  • Zinaida
  • Antonina
  • Anna
  • Akulina
  • Alexandra
  • Pelageya

Women's names in July according to the church calendar

According to the church book, it is better to name girls born in July:

  • Maria
  • Innoy
  • Rimma
  • Juliania
  • Agrippina
  • Theodora
  • Joanna
  • Dinara
  • Angelina
  • Cosmoy
  • Alexandra
  • Anastasia
  • Martha
  • Olga
  • Tatiana
  • Anna
  • Varvara
  • Euphemia
  • Veronica
  • Sarah
  • Alevtina
  • Valentina
  • Julia
  • Margarita
  • Marina

In the church calendar special days are the following name days:

  1. July 17th- day of remembrance of Alexandra, Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia - the wife and daughters of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, who were shot in St. Petersburg. One of the listed names can be called a girl born on this day.
  2. July 18- day of remembrance of Elizabeth and Varvara, who had princely roots.
  3. July 24- the day of remembrance of the great ruler of Kievan Rus - Princess Olga, who was baptized under the name Helen. A girl born on this day according to the church calendar can be called both Olga and Elena.

How to name a girl according to the 2017 church calendar in August?

According to the list of names in “Svyatki”, it is best to name a girl born in August:

  • Anna
  • Maria
  • Foca
  • Christina
  • Christina
  • Iraida
  • Olympics
  • Praskovya
  • Anfisa
  • Anastasia
  • Antonina
  • Elena
  • Irina
  • Mavra
  • Seraphim
  • Agnia
  • Angelina
  • Elizabeth
  • Evdokia
  • Nonna
  • Margarita
  • Sussana
  • Ksenia
  • Ulyana

If your daughter was born August 4, then it would be more correct to call her Maria. After all, on this day a big day is celebrated religious holiday veneration of Mary Magdalene, who for a long time led a sinful life, but was able to take the true path and until the end of her days she carried the news of Christ throughout the world.

What to name a girl born in September according to the church calendar?

According to the church calendar, girls who were born in the first autumn month are recommended to be named one of the following names:

  • Thekla
  • Marfa
  • Ariadne
  • Maria
  • Natalia
  • Anfisa
  • Elizabeth
  • Ksenia
  • Rufina
  • Seraphim
  • Elena
  • Iraida
  • Raisa
  • Tatiana
  • Evdokia
  • Maria
  • Lyudmila
  • Alexandra
  • Love
  • Irina
  • Hope
  • Sophia

In September there are many especially revered saints, after whom you can name your daughters if their date of birth coincides with their name day:

  1. 8 September- the day of Saint Natalia, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. September 14- day of veneration of Saint Elizabeth - mother of John the Baptist.
  3. September 29- the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Lyudmila, who died at the hands of the pagan sister Dragomira.
  4. September 30th- Day of Remembrance of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia. These were great martyrs who endured great suffering because of their deep faith in Christ.

Women's names according to the 2017 church calendar in October

According to the Orthodox calendar, girls born in October are best called by the following names:

  • Ariadna
  • Euphrosyne
  • Irina
  • Sofia
  • Maria
  • Tatiana
  • Agnia
  • Jonah
  • Praskovya
  • Foca
  • Iraida
  • Akulina
  • Anna
  • Apollinaria
  • By faith
  • Feodosia
  • Veronica
  • Pelageya
  • Elizabeth
  • Hope
  • Taisiya
  • Eulampia
  • Zinaida
  • Golden

What to name a girl according to the church calendar in November?

According to the church calendar, girls born in November can be called:

  • Matrona
  • Pelageya
  • Anna
  • Elizabeth
  • Euphrosyne
  • Capitolina
  • Neoniloy
  • Praskovya
  • Fevronia
  • Agafya
  • Anastasia
  • Maria
  • Elena
  • Agrippina
  • Juliania
  • Evdokia
  • Svetlana
  • Evgenia
  • Fedora
  • Alexandra
  • Jonah
  • Claudia
  • Nina
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Stepanida

What to name a girl in December according to the church calendar?

If your daughter was born in December, then according to the “Saints” she can be named:

  • Anna
  • Tatiana
  • Thekloy
  • Praskovya
  • Augusta
  • Anisya
  • Evgenia
  • Ekaterina
  • Antonina
  • By faith
  • Margarita
  • Maria
  • Matrona
  • Tamara
  • Fevronia
  • Glyceria
  • Anastasia
  • Varvara
  • Kiroy
  • Julia
  • Anfisa
  • Angelina
  • Eulalia
  • Jonah
  • Sussana

In December, Orthodox churches celebrate the name days of the following saints with ceremonial services:

  1. December 7 – Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Catherine, who was distinguished by her impeccable beauty and high intelligence. She was able to convince 50 scientists that they needed to believe in Jesus Christ and for this she was beheaded.
  2. December 17 – Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Barbara, who was beheaded by her own father because she joined the circles of preachers of the Christian faith.

Male names according to the church calendar

There are many more male names in the church calendar than female ones. Among them you can find a very beautiful and proud name of noble origin.

We invite you to use our selection from the Saints, which will help you choose a name for your son.

Male names in January according to the church calendar

According to the Orthodox calendar, boys born in January can be called by the following names:

  • Boniface
  • Gregory
  • Ilya
  • Timothy
  • Anton
  • Daniil
  • Ivan
  • Ignatius
  • Leonty
  • Nikita
  • Peter
  • Procopius
  • Sergei
  • Feofan
  • Dmitry
  • Fedor
  • Vasily
  • David
  • Makar
  • Nahum
  • Nifont
  • Pavel
  • Feoktistom
  • Innocent
  • Nikolai
  • Alexander
  • Efim
  • Isaac
  • Konstantin
  • Leonid
  • Nicodemus
  • Stepan
  • Tikhon
  • Joseph
  • We are proud

The church holds solemn services on the following days of veneration of saints:

  1. 1st of January- the day of the holy martyr Boniface, who suffered for his faith in the Son of God.
  2. January 2- Memorial Day of John of Kronstadt. A boy born on this day can be called Ivan.
  3. January 14- day of remembrance of the ascetic Great Basil.
  4. January 15- the day of veneration of Seraphim of Sarov, who died in prayer before the icon of the Mother of God.
  5. January 30- day of veneration of the father of monasticism, Anthony the Great.

Male names in February according to the church calendar

We present to you a list of Orthodox names, what to name a boy in February according to church calendar :

  • Anton
  • Arseny
  • Gregory
  • Makar
  • Peter
  • Savva
  • Efim
  • Zakhar
  • Lavrentiy
  • Leo
  • Maxim
  • Gabriel
  • Joseph
  • Leonty
  • Timothy
  • Makar
  • Jacob
  • Clement
  • Gennady
  • Denis
  • Vitaly
  • Anatoly
  • Boris
  • Clement
  • Philip
  • Arkady
  • Konstantin
  • Roman
  • Tryphon
  • Yuri

There are a few special days in the church calendar, when solemn services are held in honor of the veneration of certain saints:

  1. February 3rd– day of memory of Maxim the Greek, who long years conducted under church supervision.
  2. February 7- the day of remembrance of St. Gregory the Theologian, who preached Christianity all his life.
  3. February 27- day of remembrance of Cyril, who preached Christianity in Moravia in the Slavic language.

Male names in March according to the church calendar

If your son was born in March, then choose a name for him from the following list offered by the church calendar:

  • Daniel
  • Makar
  • Nikolay
  • Paul
  • Novel
  • Victor
  • Kuzma
  • Arkhip
  • Maksim
  • David
  • Leonty
  • Sidor
  • Philip
  • Yaroslav
  • Alexei
  • Anton
  • Taras
  • Sergey
  • Stepan
  • Nestor
  • Savva
  • Michael
  • Konstantin
  • Afanasy
  • Sofron
  • Trofim
  • Julian

Several name days are especially revered by the church in March:

  1. 5th of March- the day of remembrance of Yaroslav the Wise, famous for his good deeds for the people of Kievan Rus.
  2. March 17- the day of Prince Daniil of Moscow, who accepted the schema before his death.
  3. 30th of March- the day of the Monk Alexy, who exchanged married life with an unloved one for the service of God.

Male names in April according to the church calendar

According to the church calendar, it is recommended to name boys born in the most blooming month of spring:

  • Dmitry
  • Ivan
  • Innocent
  • Vasily
  • Victor
  • Vissarion
  • Sevastyan
  • Georgiy
  • Zakhar
  • Tikhon
  • Stepan
  • Gabriel
  • Kondratiem
  • Hilarion
  • Foma
  • Polycarp
  • Efim
  • Nikita
  • Methodius
  • Prokhorom

What to name a boy according to the church calendar in May?

Presented in "Saints" next list names for boys born in May:

  • Anton
  • Victor
  • Felix
  • Alexander
  • Basil
  • Nikolay
  • Gregory
  • Lazarus
  • Dmitriy
  • Leonty
  • Sergey
  • Fedot
  • Philemon
  • Valerian
  • Clement
  • Nikifor
  • Maksim
  • Vitaly

The Church honors several saints with a special liturgical service:

  1. the 6th of May- Day of Remembrance of St. George the Victorious, a courageous and brave warrior. He died a martyr's death and was thrown on the wheel.
  2. May 24- Day of Remembrance of Cyril and Methodius.

What to name a boy according to the church calendar in June?

If your son was born in June, then according to the church calendar the boy should be called:

  • Alexander
  • Anton
  • Valentin
  • Victor
  • Matvey
  • Pavel
  • Joseph
  • Makar
  • Fedor
  • Mikhail
  • Stepan
  • Ivan
  • Leonty
  • Philip
  • Denis
  • Julian
  • Nazar
  • Ignatius
  • Taras
  • Nikon
  • Moses

Several days according to the Orthodox calendar are especially revered:

  1. June 1st- Day of Remembrance of Dmitry Donskoy, who united the Russian lands.
  2. June 18- the day of veneration of Prince Igor of Chernigov, killed by an angry crowd.

Male names according to the 2017 church calendar in July

Boys born in July should receive the following names according to the church calendar:

  • Leonty
  • Nikanor
  • Varlaam
  • Paisiy
  • Andrey
  • Terenty
  • Alexander
  • Jacob
  • Nikita
  • Ambrose
  • Basil
  • Arkady
  • Konstantin
  • Sergey
  • Hermann
  • Paul
  • Leonid

July, 12 There is a special holiday in the church calendar - the day of veneration of Paul and Peter. It is recommended to name boys born on this day by the names of these saints.

Men's name days in August according to the church calendar

If your son was born in August, this means that according to the church calendar, one of the following names will suit him:

  • Gregory
  • Mitrofan
  • Novel
  • Cornelius
  • Alexei
  • Vitaly
  • Makar
  • Fedor
  • Basil
  • Paul
  • Julian
  • Nikolay
  • Konstantin
  • Denis
  • Emelyan
  • Savva

If your son was born August 2, then according to the canons of the church it would be more correct to call him Elijah, since on this day the Orthodox worship the prophet Elijah.

Male names in September according to the church calendar

Boys born in the first month of autumn should receive the following church names:

  • Nikolay
  • Andrey
  • Feofan
  • Arseny
  • Jacob
  • Paul
  • Savva
  • Leonid
  • Victor
  • Dmitriy
  • Julian
  • Georgiy
  • Daniel
  • Nicodemus
  • Fedot
  • Seraphim
  • Lukyan
  • Sergey
  • Khariton
  • Michael

How to name a boy according to the 2017 church calendar in October?

If you gave birth to a boy in October, then when you look at the Saints, you will see the following list of names:

  • Alexei
  • Boris
  • Benjamin
  • Hilarion
  • Igor
  • Sergey
  • Trofim
  • Savva
  • Konstantin
  • Issac
  • Makar
  • Anton
  • Dmitriy
  • Afanasy
  • Philemon
  • Gregory
  • Matvey
  • Tryphon

If a child is born 2 October, then the name Alexander is best suited for him, since on this day Alexander Nevsky is revered by the church. Born October 8 The name Sergei is suitable, because on this day Orthodox Christians commemorate the great wonderworker Sergius of Radonezh.

What to name a boy according to the church calendar in November?

Women who became mothers of sons in November can choose the following name for them according to the church calendar:

  • Dmitriy
  • Evsey
  • Leonty
  • Hermann
  • Basil
  • Paul
  • Irakli
  • Anton
  • Konstantin
  • Arkady
  • Maximilian
  • Seraphim
  • Emelyan
  • Elisha
  • Afanasy
  • Kuzma
  • Matvey

If your child was born on the day of the Apostle Philip, November 27, then name him in honor of this saint.

What to name a boy according to the church calendar in December?

Boys born in last month years, it is best to call them by the following names according to the church calendar:

  • Arkhip
  • Plato
  • Valentine
  • Timofey
  • Fedor
  • Joseph
  • Alexander
  • Philemon
  • Mitrofan
  • Victor
  • Julian
  • Nikifor
  • Daniel
  • Andrey
  • Vladimir
  • Stepan
  • Hypaty
  • Tryphon

If your baby is born December 13th, name him Andrey in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called, and if 19 - then Nicholas, since on this day the Orthodox worship the wonderworker Nicholas.

At the end of this article, I would like to note that in fact, a name should be given to a child with soul and heart. Any mother, as soon as she sees her baby for the first time, will immediately, without a doubt, give him a name that will bring only happiness and joy into his life.

Video: “How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?”

Tatiana Kulinich

All large quantity Parents choose a name for their baby based on the month he was born. This is due to the tradition of naming children according to the monthly calendar, a collection of Orthodox names dedicated to the memory of various saints. Our ancestors believed that in this way the baby acquires heavenly patron, which protects him from any evil. Are you choosing a name for your girl and don’t know what to choose? Check out our list of names by month. Also from our article you will learn how the baby’s birth month will affect her character.

Names of people born in January

Girls born in January are calm and reasonable from early childhood. Your daughter will never be capricious over trifles or throw tantrums because you didn’t buy her a new doll. But at the same time, you will need to be prepared for the fact that she will be quite stubborn, and this inner strength it must be respected. The name for her should be quite solid: Aglaya, Tatyana, Nina.

Complete list of names of girls born in January

Antonia, Antonina, Anastasia, Eva, Claudia, Ksenia, Agafya, Hortensia, Domna, Domnika, Melania, Ulyana, Evgenia, Julia, Tatyana, Melania, Appolinaria, Maria, Susanna, Emilia, Leonidia, Leonilla, Felicata, Amma, Nina, Agrafena, Elena, Irina, Aglaida, Aglaya, Anisia, Evgenia, Theodora, Polina, Marionilla, Vasilisa, Theophila, Agnia, Feodosia.

Female names born in February

Babies born in February are often called indigo children, due to the unusual abilities they demonstrate from an early age. The February girl will be very smart and creative, her life will have many hobbies and interests in which her parents should support her. She will have a sophisticated appearance and refined, although somewhat unconventional, taste. Non-standard names will suit her: Emilia, Melania, Leonilla.

February birthday people

Julia, Ulyana, Jovilla, Anastasia, Theodotia, Claudia, Maria, Anfisa, Eugenia, Agrippina (Agrafena), Antonina, Fausta, Theophila, Varvara, Domna, Augusta, Vasilisa, Anisia, Emilia, Evdokia, Nina, Apollinaria, Melania, Dominica , Nina, Tatyana, Arsenia, Leonilla.

Female names born in March

Girls who were born in March are sensitive and good character, they are more tender than spring itself. As children they can be timid and hold on to their mother’s skirt for a long time. They have a wild imagination, which parents should not be afraid of. But to prevent such a girl from becoming too withdrawn, she needs to be sent to various sections and clubs, for example, dancing. The tenderness of her character should be felt in the name: Ulyana, Marina, Anastasia.

Full list of names

Daria, Anna, Anastasia, Olga, Praskovya, Irina, Marina, Elizaveta, Kira, Matrona, Mstislava, Alexandra, Evdokia, Varvara, Martha, Maria (Mariamne), Nadezhda, Antonina, Evdotya, Ksenia, Nunnehia, Ekaterina, Vasilisa, Galina , Natalia, Feodora, Nika, Christina, Yulianna, Ulyana.

Female names born in April

Parents need to be prepared for the strong masculine energy of their daughter. She may prefer cars to dolls, and climbing trees with boys is more interesting for her than hanging out with girls. Try not to suppress, but to direct her violent energy into a peaceful direction, offer her interesting hobbies etc. IN adolescence her femininity will awaken and she will be able to become very popular among her peers. Suitable names for April girls: Alexandra, Irina, Nika.

April names for girls

Maria, Sofia, Matryona, Fotina (Svetlana), Claudia, Theodora, Kalisa, Aquilina, Praskovya, Julianna, Ulyana, Alexandra, Feodosia, Anatolia, Alla, Platonida, Anna, Larisa, Varvara, Euphemia, Vassa, Lydia, Martha, Agapia , Anastasia, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Afanasia, Galina, Nika, Irina, Alexandra, Gaafa.

Names for a daughter born in May

It’s as if these girls are already born little women: affectionate, a little flirtatious, adoring all sorts of feminine things like jewelry and cosmetics. The May girl pleases her parents; she is obedient and diligent. Her relationships with her peers are going smoothly, the only thing is that she may be afraid to fight back against the hooligans and sneaks that exist in almost any team. The name of such a girl should be melodious: Julia, Susanna, Claudia.

Full list of names in May

Matryona, Nina, Anna, Irina, Tamara, Alexandra, Taisiya, Elizaveta, Glykeria, Maria, Zoya, Julianna, Ulyana, Muse, Anastasia, Glykeria, Mavra, Glafira, Nina, Eupraxia, Isidora, Theodora, Feodosia, Pelageya, Christina, Tekusa, Claudia, Evdokia, Faina, Julia, Junia, Euphrasia.

Names of those born in June

June girls are very sociable, friendly and charming. Adults are touched by their openness and spontaneity. They are often smart beyond their years, but may not study as brilliantly due to problems with discipline. It is difficult for them to concentrate on one activity for a long time, which parents must take into account. In adolescence they have many fans. Such girls often have regular, refined facial features and a chiseled figure. The name for them should be light and pleasant: Pavel, Pelageya, Elena.

Birthdays of June

Maria, Elena, Vera, Pavla, Theodora, Thekla, Feodosia, Euphrosyne, Ulyana, Julianna, Valeria (Kaleria), Pelageya, Antonina, Anna, Alexandra, Martha, Susanna, Aquilina.

Female names born in July

If your daughter was born in July, you can be sure that she will become a reliable support for you. Such girls are very attached to their mother, help her with housework in every possible way, and find excellent mutual language with brothers and sisters, if you have them. July girls are often interested in traditional women's activities: cooking, embroidery, knitting. Their only drawback is shyness. The name for them should be soft and gentle: Angelina, Yulianna, Valentina.

List of names

Inna, Rimma, Ulyana, Avdotya, Christina, Efimiya, Evdokia, Ivanna, Julia, Euphrosyne, Angelina, Matryona, Agrippina, Agrafena, Anastasia, Alevtina (Valentina), Arina, Elena, Olga, Alexandra, Tatyana, Maria, Marfa, Fedotya , Anna, Vassa, Fedora, Sofia, Varvara, Dora, Feodosia, Elizaveta, Marina, Margarita.

Female names for those born in August

In August, girls are born who are destined to be real queens. They sparkle with special charm literally from the cradle; as children they like to dress up and recite poetry in order to charm those around them. Their appearance is usually quite bright. When they grow up, they like to wear bright makeup and dress. They are leaders in the company of their peers, they are not deprived of the attention of boys literally from kindergarten. The name of such a girl should be loud and beautiful: Nonna, Daria, Iriada.

List of names

Maria, Praskovya, Sophia, Ulyana, Christina, Anfisa, Evdokia, Anna, Anastasia, Evdokia, Eufraxia, Elena, Daria, Iriad, Iroid, Mavra, Nonna, Fedotya, Susanna, Olympiad, Elizabeth, Eve.

Names of people born in September

Girls born in September are calm, diligent and balanced. They surprise adults with their developed mind and serious reasoning. They are disciplined, diligent in their studies, and knowledge brings them the greatest pleasure. The usual interests of girls from adolescence, cosmetics, boys, are of little concern to them, and one should not blame them for this. Future career and studies are more important to them. Examples of suitable names for such girls: Lyubov, Sofia, Vera.

List of September names

Vassa, Anfisa, Ksenia, Marfa, Susanna, Rufina, Theodosia, Eusevia, Thekla, Elizabeth, Seraphima, Natalya, Marfa, Vasilisa, Maria, Domna, Tatyana, Elena, Raisa, Iraida, Vera, Irina, Arina, Love, Nadezhda, Sofia, Fedotya, Lyudmila, Melitina, Euphemia, Sevastiana, Fedora, Euphrosyne, Iya, Pulcheria, Anna.

Names for girls born in October

In October, girls are born - real ladies. Refined, neat and elegant, they have excellent manners, pretty appearance and a pleasant voice. IN early childhood October girls are very attached to their mother, but then this smoothes out. They easily make new acquaintances and are popular with their peers. Their name should reflect the nobility and gentleness of their nature: Veronica, Ariadne, Marianne.

Female names for October birthday people

Irina, Maria, Anna, Veronica, Ariadna, Iraida, Polina, Apollinaria, Maria, Domna, Pelageya, Euphrosyne, Gayana, Zlata, Arina, Thekla, Anania, Chrysia, Sophia, Tatyana, Ustinya, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Evlampia, Afanasia, Nadezhda, Taisiya, Praskovya.

Female names born in November

Children born in November are wayward and stubborn, with their own minds. Girls have notes masculine character: developed willpower, risk taking, determination. At the same time, they do not lose their femininity, which blossoms rapidly in adolescence. They can be quite capricious and irritable, but very devoted to their family. They are very flexible and suitable for dancing classes. The name for a November girl should reflect the depth of her feelings: Mary, Cleopatra, Elizabeth.

Female names for birthday people in November

Fedotya, Neonilla, Cleopatra, Euphrosyne, Agafya, Evdokia, Pelageya, Anna, Anastasia, Elena, Afanasia, Lukerya, Glykeria, Matryona, Mavra, Claudia, Capitolina, Elizaveta, Praskovya, Ulyana, Nina, Stepanida, Olga, Elena, Seraphim.

Female names born in December

Girls born in December delight their parents with their cheerful and active disposition. They are very mobile, so they definitely need to engage in some kind of physical activity. Little helpers take care of younger children in the family or at school. They often play the role of ringleader in groups of friends. Growing up, they may early try to free themselves from parental control, and this should not be prevented. Names for December girls should be sonorous: Ekaterina, Zoya, Anfisa.

List of names for girls born in December

Maria, Ekaterina, Tamara, Aza, Cecilia, Praskovya, Anna, Agnia, Vera, Margarita, Thekla, Augusta, Maria, Marina, Tatyana, Anisya, Matrona, Ulyana, Kira, Ekaterina, Anastasia, Varvara, Zoya, Feodosia, Feofania, Sofia, Alexandra, Angelina, Anna, Evdokia, Anfisa.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://junona.pro

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Even before the baby is born, parents begin to think about what to name their child. A person is given a name once for his entire life, so it is important to choose it consciously. The name you choose for a girl or boy will largely determine the character and even the fate of your son or daughter. On our website you will learn how to name a child by zodiac sign, how different names combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, what advantages and disadvantages this or that name has for a girl or boy, you will find interesting detailed descriptions of a wide variety of male and female names.

How to name a child by date of birth

Even bearers of the same name can have completely different characters and destinies, since they are also significantly influenced by the day, month and year of the child’s birth. Summer Alexanders are significantly different from winter ones, and those born in the year of the Pig, Anastasia, are completely different from their Sheep counterparts.

After all, any parents would certainly want their children to be happy, harmonious, successful and successful. That's why many of us begin to think about the best name for our child in advance.

The influence of the date of birth on a person’s fate has been thought about since ancient times. Today, the science of numbers and their significance in our lives has achieved widespread and popularity. Numerologists suggest naming the child by his date of birth, determining the luckiest name for her.

In addition, there is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with zodiac signs. Also take into account what time of year and what year the child was born. For example, the character of a spring child needs to be reinforced with a firm, decisive name, while a gentle, romantic name is more suitable for an autumn child.

How to name a child according to the church calendar

Another simple and very in a convenient way naming a child depending on the date of birth is choosing a name according to church calendar. For each day of the year, the church calendar offers several names, the bearers of which celebrate their angel day on that day. It is believed that saints whose day falls on the same date will protect the person named in his honor, and this is important.

If you don’t like the name proposed for a specific date, then you can choose one of those whose name day falls on any of the days closest to it, but not the day before it. And may the heavenly forces protect your baby!

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