Walk-through living room - non-standard design options (50 photo ideas). How to decorate a living room in an apartment Design of a walk-through room with 3 doors

Perhaps each of us is familiar first-hand with the delights of apartments with a walk-through room. Usually this is an oblong and therefore rather awkward room, the geometry of which is complicated by at least two doorways on different walls. But it can also be made functional and cozy. Natalya Preobrazhenskaya tells how.

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IN Soviet times In order to somehow isolate the passage space, they tried to divide this room into parts as best they could: they used curtains, screens and even cabinets placed across the room. Today the situation is much better, and the passage room no longer causes such a headache, but I want to use this space as functionally as possible. The head of the interior design studio “Cozy Apartment” Natalya Preobrazhenskaya shares options on how to do this.

Use symmetry

In most cases, the living room is the passage room, and this is logical: this is the place to meet with friends and family. Often a walk-through room has two symmetrically located entrances and exits on one wall. This feature can be used to advantage if some accent object is placed between the openings, thereby making it the visual center. This could be a fireplace, a TV or a bookcase.

Pictured: TRANSPARENT PICT® glass block from FRED & FRED.

Make the floor plan open

A cross-cutting layout can create an excellent opportunity to expand the space of both the walk-through room itself and the one adjacent to it. An interesting move would be, for example, to make a large opening between the walk-through living room and the bedroom and equip it with sliding doors for privacy. In addition, the adjacent wall can be decorated with glass inserts into the floor, which will add volume and airiness to both rooms.

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Create your own space

If, on the contrary, you do not need a passage space, there is also a solution. For example, in a standard Khrushchev house you can move the doorway and allocate part of the passage room for a small corridor. Such reconstruction will have to be coordinated, but this technique will help create an individual personal space.

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An apartment decorated correctly and tastefully will always please the eye of both owners and guests. And the overall impression of your home primarily depends on the living room.

The living room is the “heart” of any home and it performs a double function: here all family members can relax, chat with each other, just watch TV, listen to their favorite musical artist, and at the same time this room serves to receive guests. Accordingly, the living room should be as comfortable, illuminated, welcoming and warm as possible. So how can you design a living room to harmoniously combine all these functions in one area? In this article we will try to figure this out.

Basic principles when creating a living room interior

Basically, the living room is a single space that connects all the other rooms of the house. It is connected to the outside world by the hallway, to the sleeping area by the corridor, and to the utility area by the kitchen.

The main task when decorating a living room is to find a certain center around which the entire interior of the room will be designed. A fireplace or TV can serve as this center.

It is very important when designing to choose the right flooring, basic shades, lighting and curtains, because they will set the basic design style of the room.

The living room should be absolutely comfortable for everyone, both children and old people.

Living room style

So how to decorate the interior of the living room? This primarily depends on the chosen style - be it classic, exclusive retro or modern.

Classic living room style

Classic style is both comfort and luxury, which indicates the refined taste and status of the owners.

For a room in this style very important attributes are the color scheme and the correct geometric shapes. The living room is distinguished by calm shades in the interior; it is characterized by soft, pastel colors such as light blue, cream, light green, brown and others. Modern classic style welcomes the presence of antique paintings, a large chandelier in the center, mirrors in massive frames, spectacular candlesticks and wall sconces.

How to decorate a living room in classic style- photos of illustrative examples are presented below.

Retro style in the living room

Retro style allows you to combine the most unpredictable shades: orange with red, green with yellow, pink with black and much more. It all depends on your imagination. These colors can be used both in decoration and in accessories and upholstery.

This style is characterized by enhanced lighting, which is carried out using floor lamps, chandeliers on cords and lamps with lampshades or fringes.

For even more emphasis retro style It will be enough to add antique elements to the overall design of the room, for example, photographs from the past, a gramophone, a rocking chair or an antique typewriter.

Living room in Art Nouveau style

“How to decorate a living room in Art Nouveau style?” - you ask. Yes, very simple!

The main goal of the designer when decorating a living room in this style is to create maximum quantity free space and rejection of strict straight lines.

The main shades are light in combination with brown, golden, red and yellow. In such a living room there must be wood and glass, and the window is decorated with a lambrequin and curtain tiebacks. Naturalness, simplicity and comfort are the main features of a living room in the Art Nouveau style.

Modern living room style

This style, which is characterized by the slogan “nothing extra,” is most common in modern world. It combines functionality, unusual shapes, pastel, bright colors and the use of new, modern materials. Modern style is a mixed style that embodies a bit of modernism, minimalism and hi-tech. This style is suitable for any living room, both small and large, and provides enormous scope for imagination.

Living room color scheme

First, you should think about the color scheme of the living room. There are no special requirements here, the main thing is that all the colors used are fully compatible with the overall design of the room.

If you want to create maximum comfort in the room, then it is best to use warm colors, for example, orange, yellow, cream or red. If the room is primarily intended for relaxation, then experts advise using cool shades - green, blue or light blue.

It is better not to decorate the ceiling in dark colors, this will reduce the space and create pressure on those present in the room.

When choosing a color, it is worth remembering that each shade can visually affect the space of the room. For example, dark-colored walls and a light ceiling will help increase the height of the room. Too monotonous decoration should be broken up with bright colors to create a positive atmosphere.

Living room furniture and accessories

It is important that the living room is not cluttered with furniture. The main item in the living room is, of course, the sofa. Its design can be very diverse - with or without armrests, with fabric or leather, with padding made from synthetic or natural materials. If the space of the room allows, then it is best to place it somewhere in the center of the room, and not near the wall on the side. The main thing is to respect the overall design of the room. You should lay a warm carpet near the sofa.

A coffee table is usually placed near the sofa, which, as a rule, is no higher than 60 centimeters. Tables with a tabletop will look very good irregular shape and bending legs.

A group of furniture consisting of a sofa and two armchairs can be placed opposite the fireplace. If you have enough space, experiment with the placement of furniture and remember: furniture near the wall line is a completely outdated solution.

A bright, unusual and stylish detail in the living room can be an aquarium, with which you will get a lot of positive emotions while observing life behind glass. Any interior image can be complemented bright accent in the form of fresh flowers.

Lighting plays a big role in the living room interior. big, beautiful chandelier on the ceiling will create a touch of celebration, and small lamps in certain parts of the living room will create comfort and coziness.

How to decorate the entrance to the living room

As mentioned earlier, the living room is the main room in the house, therefore the front entrance should, if possible, not be narrow, but rather free - in the form of an arch or double doors beautiful doors. It is important to properly design the entrance to the living room - so that it not only fits in, but also harmoniously emphasizes the entire style of the apartment.

In the images below you can view illustrative examples living room entrance design that will help you design the living room of your dreams.

Ideas for original living room wall decoration

Very often, to create a charming, unique interior in the living room, owners or designers experiment with finishing material and the way of decorating the walls. Instead of regular wallpaper use the brightest design solutions. For example, they produce wall paintings, plasterboard structures or old newspapers are used instead of wallpaper. A very good idea for wall decoration is brickwork, with which you can make an unusual accent in the interior or separate small sections of the wall, for example, a fireplace. You can also decorate your walls beautifully using decorative shelves, on which photographs, figurines or flowers will be comfortably placed

In this small collection of photos of interiors with unusual wall designs, you can clearly see how you can decorate the walls in the living room.

How to decorate a window in the living room

To decorate the windows of a bright living room in a classic style, use curtains of green, blue, gold and other bright shades, since these colors are a symbol of luxury and wealth. Cords, tassels and fringe are used for decoration. Labriquin with a bandeau is suitable for both classic and modern style. It allows you to design the window so as not to block the direct rays of the sun from entering the room. On account color range curtains for a modern style, then black, white or bright colors. Light transparent tulle will add lightness and emphasize the overall style of the room. When choosing curtains, you should always remember the visual impact of the ornament, for example, vertical stripes can make the room taller, and horizontal ones - wider.

How to decorate the ceiling in the living room

The ceiling in the living room should be completely compatible with the entire interior of the room, both with furniture and other accessories.

Of course, the ceiling can be decorated in a standard way - white paint and a large chandelier in the middle, but increasingly, owners prefer small light sources scattered around the entire perimeter. This can divide the room into separate zones and add some romance.

Also very often modern ceilings designed in several levels, which are painted in different colors. And each level on the ceiling can be accompanied by a variety of lighting effects.

How to decorate a kitchen living room

Very often in small apartments combine the living room and kitchen, and when combining them, care should be taken to ensure proper zoning. If the area of ​​the room is large enough, then there should be no problems dividing it into zones, but in a small living room it will be a little more difficult.

Using color, you can create zoning of the living room-kitchen - decorate the dining area in bright colors, and the space around the fireplace or TV is calm and bright, which sets the mood for relaxation.

Very often the kitchen is separated from the living room by a special bar counter or podium.

You can also use different floor coverings for zoning. For example, tiles are most often laid in the kitchen, and laminate or carpet in living rooms, and the boundaries of the floor can be not only in a straight line, but also in a curved one. This method can also be combined with different finishes walls and ceiling.

In the photo below you can see how to decorate a living room beautifully and tastefully.

How to decorate a living room with a fireplace

A fireplace can transform a living room beyond recognition, while a live fire brings you closer to nature, emphasizes special warmth and comfort, and energizes you. positive energy everyone around.

Unfortunately, not all owners have the opportunity to install a real fireplace. However, there is a way out - you can equip the living room electric fireplace, which looks no less aesthetically pleasing. It is best to place a coffee table and upholstered furniture in front of the symbol of the family hearth. Family photos, candles, figurines or clocks are ideal for decorating the fireplace.

For those who are constantly thinking about how to decorate a living room with a fireplace, we offer a small selection of photos of the interior of such a room.

How to decorate a small living room, while creating the most comfortable and cozy interior, many people think. To do this, small design tricks will come to the rescue.

To expand the space of a small living room, use light shades in decoration, furniture and curtain design, and also use mirror and glass surfaces. To bright hues After some time you don’t get bored, you need to use them together with bright strokes. For example, they will look very good on a light background sofa cushions, rugs, vases and other accessories in green, coral, orange, brown and red shades.

In a small living room you should not install various screens and partitions; the room should be zoned exclusively visually. Using a color scheme, you can perfectly divide a room into zones, for example, using different shades of wallpaper, multi-level ceiling or the texture of the floor covering.

In a small room, it is better to abandon bulky walls; in extreme cases, they can be decorated with mirrors, which will make the living room larger.

Have you long dreamed of a cozy and stylish living room? Are you getting ready for a renovation? Selecting upholstered furniture and decor? Especially for you, invaluable advice from a practicing designer “Shoppitaly” on arranging a living room.

Living room- this is the calling card of your home, this is the place in which, most often, you receive your guests, it is in it that people gather after working day the whole family for evening leisure. Of course, it all depends on the size of your house or apartment, on your habits and family traditions, but probably for most homes the living room is the largest and most “open” space. It is not without reason that in some families (or in different eras) this room was called “salon”, “hall”, “room for receiving guests”.
And what is important, this is exactly the part of the house where all family members spend time. How can we make sure that all family members feel cozy and comfortable in this space, so that everyone has their own place, and at the same time, so that it is spacious? How to create stylish interior living room, adapted to the needs of the family and for the occasions of receiving guests and holding family celebrations?
So, if you're thinking about renovating your living room, or are planning to redesign your living room from scratch, here are a few things you'll want to know: professional advice , what you should pay attention to.
1. One of the characteristics modern design The living room is its multifunctionality.
Before thinking through the interior and arranging furniture, clearly formulate What exactly are the functions of the living room? in your house? Living room-dining room, living room-study room, living room-game room, and maybe even living room-bedroom?

Photo: The large living room space is conveniently zoned and at the same time decorated in a single key.
Determine what your family will do in this room: watch TV, relax and have conversations, receive guests while sitting on the sofa, play with children in Board games, cards, work on the computer, listen to music and so on. Think about whether you'll cover there festive tables or will your dining room perform this function?
Making a list like this is extremely important. Therefore, do not be lazy, because in the future it will be much more difficult for you to add and redo something.
So, tip number 1: Clearly define the functions of the living room in order to correctly zone the space, conveniently arrange furniture and organize living room lighting, thought out for each of the zones.
2. A beautifully designed entrance will provide half the success of the living room interior.

Photo: Thanks to the wide transparent entrance doors the living room will seem more spacious and brighter.
Unfortunately, not all owners have this opportunity, and it is not structurally possible to do this in all houses. But if there is such an opportunity, try to enlarge the doorway, install double-leaf swing doors with glass inserts. To emphasize the importance of the living room and visually raise the ceiling, use doors with a transom at the top, which can be either with glass inserts or made of the same material as the door itself. Such doors always look especially festive and elegant.
So, tip number 2: Think it over beautiful entrance in the living room, it will emphasize the importance of this room and create a favorable impression from the very beginning.
3. Having a perspective from the very entrance to the room will visually expand the space.

Photo: Space flows easily and freely from one room to another through properly organized doorways.
Notice where your gaze lands as soon as you enter the living room. Try to make sure that the entry was not “blind”, i.e. so that your the gaze did not rest on the wall or side of the cabinet. If the features of the room are such that it is impossible to place the entrance “with perspective”, then hang it opposite the entrance or place it on the floor large mirror V beautiful frame, hang a picture with beautiful lighting, put large vase on the floor. In general, make sure that when you enter your living room, your eye is drawn to something beautiful and interesting.
So, tip number 3: Give the entrance a perspective or, if this is not possible, make it interesting through decoration.

4. Determine what's important actor in the interior of your home.
Remember how you choose a holiday outfit for yourself - most often, first you find a dress, and then select shoes, a clutch, a cape, etc. to go with it. I advise you to approach the design of the living room, and the design of the apartment in general, in the same way.
Decide right away what space in the apartment will “rule the show”, and build on it when designing the rest of the house.

Photo: In this interior, the living room decisively sets the color scheme for the interior.
If this, in your opinion, should be a living room, then determine in what style you would like to do it. Maybe you like calm living room in classic style, or you want to experiment and make living room in art deco style? Or would it be ideal for your bright apartment? living room in provencal style or shabi chic? Or maybe you are a fan living rooms in minimalist style?
Whatever style you choose, remember that all other rooms in your home should “play in tune” with the main one. I strongly advise against setting off fireworks and throwing, for example, living room in Mediterranean style to the dining room in hi-tech style. Then you will realize that there is no harmony and unity in your home; it will look more like an exhibition stand of a furniture store than a cozy family nest.

Photo: An excellent example of a harmonious and well-balanced interior.
The simplest exercise on how to check this, – imagine your apartment without doors. If what you see through the doorway from one room does not disturb the harmony and irritate the eye, then everything is fine. But if the bright orange or purple color of the kitchen suddenly bursts into the living room in neutral pastel colors through the doorway, then you should think about it. And either introduce orange/purple accents into the living room, or “extinguish” the kitchen.
So, tip number 4: Immediately decide on the style of the entire apartment and select a key room that will set the rhythm for the whole house. This will enhance the feeling of harmony in the house, the unity of space, and will help create a stylish, tasteful interior.

5. The right color and wall decoration can create the mood of your living room on their own.

Once you have decided on the style, you can move on to the color scheme. And here an important aspect is the presence of natural light in the room. If The living room windows face north or northeast, there will be very little sun in it, so it is undesirable to paint the walls in white, pearl and bluish shades. They will all look “dirty” and gray. It is better to give preference to saturated tones and pay attention to the light - the cold light of lamps will only worsen the situation.
But in the room, whose windows face south, be prepared in advance for the fact that all the colors will look yellower than what you choose on the palette. Therefore, either deliberately choose a little more cool shade, or filter natural light using thick curtains and shutters.

Now very common technique– highlighting one wall with a brighter or darker shade or even a different texture. Be careful with this - if there are obvious problems in the geometry of the room and it lacks beautiful symmetry, then it is better not to emphasize this. Highlight walls that are truly beautiful, enhance the effect and emphasize them with a special arrangement of furniture, and you will provide a highlight to your interior.

Photo: In this interior, the designer decided to enhance the effect of the katin by highlighting the wall in a contrasting tone.
So, tip number 5: Choose the color of your living room walls very carefully. If possible, never neglect a test paint job on the wall.
6. Living room furniture should be both spectacular and functional.
If you have decided on the functions (point 1) and style (point 4), then it will not be difficult for you to determine which furniture to choose for the living room.
However, make sure to give it the most effective and comfortable location possible. pay attention to design features premises. If you have living room with bay window or large windows, in this area you can effectively place dinner table. If you are lucky to have living room with fireplace, create a pleasant corner around it to relax with upholstered furniture and a couple comfortable chairs, just don’t hang the TV above the fireplace - it’s better to use the adjacent wall for this.

Photo: Eclecticism allows you to combine pieces of furniture absolutely within the same living room different styles. The result is a living room interior “with character”.
Gone are the days when in the living room along the very big wall was located massive wall,sideboard with dishes For special occasions and others bulky cabinets and speakers. Modern trend– this is visual ease, so if possible, put low furniture– a long closed shelf no higher coffee table to hide all equipment, disks and other things in it. If you want even more lightness, let this shelf not stand on the floor, but be hung on the wall.
In a small living room, do not deny yourself the pleasure of placing a large one, for example, corner sofa(within reason, of course). Large, uniform furniture will make the living room more spacious than a large number of small items.
And never forget about the practical aspect - it should be convenient to walk between pieces of furniture without bumping into the corner of the table or touching the legs of the chair. It’s better to give up unnecessary chests of drawers and stands. The less furniture you have in your living room, the greater the effect it will produce.

Photo: Main character living room - a cozy stylish sofa.
So, tip number 6: Consider first of all the practical aspect when choosing furniture for your living room. Fill the interior with functional items first, and then add decorative ones if there is room.

7. The decor provides the finishing touch to the interior, giving it individuality and creating a mood.
Decor does not always mean incomprehensible dust collectors placed on shelves. In general, these dust collectors are not decor at all, but extra “garbage” in the interior. Unless, of course, this is your exclusive collection of hand-painted marble figurines of elephants or nesting dolls.

Photo: The effectiveness of vases is achieved through a variety of shapes.
In general, the principle for choosing decor is as follows: choose large decorative items, don't be afraid of repeating elements– they will only enhance the effect. Play not with colors, but with textures and shapes of decorative items. Particularly significant decorative items are shown small spaces– they allow you to simultaneously avoid fragmenting the interior and connect two adjacent spaces.
Please note that decorative items cope with some functions much better than more monumental solutions. For example, using beautiful designer screen or big fluffy carpet you can zone the space (separate the dining area from the sofas), without cutting the living room into two parts and leaving the possibility of communication between them.

Photo: An unusual screen can become a feature of your living room.
So, tip number 7: When choosing decor for your living room, give preference to beautiful and functional things, as well as those decorative items that characterize you.
Stay with

In most cases, the passage room is, and this is logical: it is this the best place for meetings with friends and family. Often a walk-through room has two symmetrically located entrances and exits on one wall. This feature can be used to advantage if some accent object is placed between the openings, thereby making it the visual center. It could be a TV, a large panel or a shelf with books.

2 Make it an open floor plan

A cross-cutting layout can create an excellent opportunity for both the walk-through room itself and the one adjacent to it. An interesting move is to make a large opening between the walk-through living room and the bedroom and equip it with sliding doors for privacy. In addition, the adjacent wall can be decorated with glass inserts into the floor, which will add volume and airiness to both rooms.

3 Create a cozy corner

If you don’t need a passage space, there is a solution too. For example, in a standard Khrushchev house you can move the doorway and allocate part of the passage room for a small corridor. Such reconstruction will have to be coordinated, but this technique will help create an individual personal space.

4 Combine the corridor with the passage room

It is better to connect the entrance room to the living room. This will increase the space and make the common area more comfortable for living. Sometimes apartment owners add a kitchen to this area, thereby forming a full-fledged living-dining room.

5 Do not place furniture around the perimeter

Nowadays, new buildings often have “radial” type layouts, when doorways from one room to other rooms diverge in different sides like rays. In this case, due to the large number of openings, it is quite difficult to arrange the interior of this central room so that it is integral and independent. It is worth noting that in such a situation it is irrational to place furniture along the walls, since there are not so many free walls for this. The layout of a living room where the sofa is a zoning element between the guest and dining or work areas would look much better.

In order for the design of a small living room to create a cozy atmosphere and be considered successful, it is recommended to carefully approach the issue of room design. You should take into account the size of the room, lighting, and choose the right furniture.

When decorating a living room with a small area, you should avoid cluttering the room with furniture or large decorative items. That is, it is important that the chosen style theme does not include a large number of details. For small rooms it is better to give preference simple styles– modern or minimalism, where only the necessary elements are present.

When decorating small rooms, you should take care visual magnification space.

Special techniques will help here:

  1. Avoid dark colors and instead choose light shades in your interiors. When choosing an ornament, it is better to use small ornaments instead of large patterns.
  2. A good way to create the effect of increasing space is to use panoramic photo wallpaper on one of the walls.
  3. When choosing curtains, it is better to opt for straight models without colorful patterns. Curtains that flow from the ceiling to the floor are considered ideal.
  4. In a house with a small living room, there should not be many paintings or photographs on the walls. Instead you can use modular picture in the room.
  5. An excellent solution for rooms with a small area is the use of mirror elements. Thanks to such attributes, it is possible to significantly add space.

Ideas for a small living room: colors and lighting

When decorating a mini living room, it is recommended Special attention pay attention to choosing the color scheme for the room. After all, the interior of the room depends on how well the color is chosen. Therefore, in order to avoid a visual reduction in area, you should give preference to pastel colors that create the effect of increasing space. Bright and dark colors fit perfectly into large rooms, but are not suitable for a small room. Indeed, as a result of such an experiment, the hall becomes like a storeroom.

Cool tones are considered an excellent way to decorate a room, so when decorating a living room you should focus on them.

In a room with a small area the following colors will look good:

  • When combining green with blue you will be able to bring a touch of freshness to the decor of the room;
  • Gray color is also one of the good options for a small room, but the interior must also include warm colors;
  • What if you make a ceiling or walls? white the room will look larger.

Features of lighting in a small living room

It should be remembered that there should be a lot of lighting in a small room. That is, you need to avoid covering windows with thick curtains. In order to increase natural light in the living room, translucent curtains are an ideal solution.

As for the main lighting, it is important to choose the right chandelier, because this decorative element should not be too large. In addition, it is recommended to install several additional built-in lamps.

Design of a small living room: how to choose furniture

When decorating a small living room (16 m2), it is important to correctly resolve the issue of furniture. After all, sometimes it is not possible to achieve a combination of interior items with the style used in the apartment.

Using the tips experienced designers can be a great way to decorate a room unusual composition while making it practical:

  1. Before purchasing furniture, you need to take care to carefully measure the usable space. It is very important that the entire allocated area is occupied correctly. That is, having done preliminary calculations You can easily delimit the space.
  2. Due to the fact that in a small room there is not enough usable space, when choosing furniture, you should give preference only to the most necessary items. Modern designers advise avoiding cluttering the living room.
  3. High-quality pieces of furniture can be purchased in special stores. For example, Ikea furniture sets have received positive reviews. Also good decision The use of custom-made products in the home is considered.
  4. You should not choose oversized designs. Instead, it is recommended to purchase transforming models that will help save space and such furniture can be rearranged later.
  5. Due to the small size of the room, it is not necessary to abandon the use of walls or cabinets in the interior. It is necessary to choose the right models of such designs and the room will become modern and cozy.

When choosing a cabinet for small room It is better to give preference to built-in structures, modular cabinets or corner walls.

Competent design of a passage room: design requirements

If the living room is small and is a passageway, special attention should be paid to the design of this room. The footage of such a room cannot be fully used, that is, when the question of planning arises, it is important not to rush and take care of the efficient use of the area. In a walk-through living room, the passage space, as well as the space located between the two doors, is not possible to use. It will not be possible to place furniture or other decorative elements here.

In the corner of the passage room, instead of furniture, you can install an original floor lamp or a beautiful vase. Use a painting to decorate the wall.

Modern design involves the use fashion trends in the interior.

Below are ideas for decorating a walk-through room:

  • Glossy or mirrored partitions in such a room are considered an excellent solution;
  • In order to increase space, you can combine two rooms;
  • Upholstered furniture should not be oversized; it is recommended to place it near the window;
  • When creating the design of a passage room, it is important not to overdo it plasterboard structures, because they will further reduce the area;
  • Instead of big lighting fixtures, it’s better to stick to floor lamps or sconces.

Design of a small living room in an apartment (video)

When decorating a living room, especially if the area of ​​the room is small, it is recommended to approach the design process correctly. This room is intended for receiving guests, and is also considered a resting place for household members. It is important not to overload the room with furniture or decorative elements, because there should be a comfortable atmosphere here.

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