Scheme of sewerage ventilation in a private house. Why do we need a drain riser and sewer ventilation?

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Sewer ventilation and 2 mistakes made during repairs

July 7, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, the renovation of an apartment or house was done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

Sewage ventilation diagram in a private house - the drain pipe exits through the roof

Clean air in a residential area will always be one of the first needs, therefore, sewer ventilation in a private house - created with your own hands - is one of the conditions for installing plumbing. In addition, in some cases, ventilation must be installed in apartments in multi-story buildings.

I will now tell you how this is done, and also want to invite you to watch the video in this article.

Hoods for sewerage

It is necessary to distinguish between ventilation of the room and ventilation of the sewer system in an apartment building or in a private house.
The difference is that the arrangement of the second option does not involve the presence of unpleasant odors at all.

Frequent 2 mistakes

There are at least two common misconceptions regarding such devices:

  1. Since I have a drain pipe in my house or apartment, that is, ventilation of the sewer riser (bed), it means that all unpleasant odors from the system must escape through it. However, we are very surprised if it doesn't work. But the whole point is that the most common source of stench is either damaged pipes or the lack of hydraulic valves due to the banal lack of use of any bathroom (a column of water can evaporate).
  2. But the second mistake concerns residents of the upper floors who have access to fan pipe— when repairing or replacing plumbing equipment in a toilet or bathroom, it is removed altogether. The reason for this is the poor condition of this pipe - due to its long service life, they are pretty damaged by corrosion. But by plugging the riser, you create a problem not only for yourself, but also for all your neighbors living below on all floors. The smell will penetrate into the apartments every time the toilet is flushed.

Ventilation rules

Exist general rules, both for one system and for several at once - they can be combined into one fan pipe, but can also be separate:

  • the pipe fragment rising above the roof must be at least a meter long;
  • in cases where several systems are combined into one ventilation system, then only the same pipe diameter should be used - usually 50 mm or 110 mm;
  • It is forbidden to install a cap, as this contributes to the collection of condensate, which, in turn, leads to ice jams in winter;
  • It is prohibited to combine such a hood with a chimney or common system ventilation;
  • the fan exit should be no closer than 4 m from any windows, doors and balconies;
  • Be careful when installing under roof overhangs so that the layer of snow coming down from the slope does not cause an accident.

Material selection and general designs

Let's start with the fact that ventilation from sewer pipes in a private house, especially if there is more than one toilet, it should be at a height of at least 4 m from ground level. As a rule, the vent pipe is routed through the roof. This will keep the water in the hydraulic seals from evaporating too quickly, and will also help compensate for the difference in air pressure when flushing a toilet or two toilets from the tank at the same time.

When flushing water from the toilet, its volume completely fills the diameter of the pipe and, as it moves, thins out the air behind it, which leads to the sucking out of these same water seals. But the fan pipe compensates for this difference. As a result, you get no unpleasant odors in the room.

I already said about the diameter - it should be the same as in the system itself. But is it possible to use pipes made of a different material, for example, to combine the laying of a PVC system with an asbestos-cement or metal drain riser?

In any case, the answer here will be unequivocal - yes, it is possible. Only in this case another question will arise - is it necessary? It is best to use polyvinyl chloride for the fan riser, even if your wiring is made of metal or asbestos cement (this also happens) - PVC is very light, strong, and its service life is 50 years or more.

The ventilation insert is made at the highest point of the sewer system, made from the widest pipe. That is, if the main system has 110 mm, then the connections to it will be made from a diameter of 50 mm, but they, of course, will be higher, although it is advisable to make the insertion on the 110th pipe (it is possible on the 50th, but the effect is diminished ). Most often, this point is the toilet connection point.

Now, regarding the output, it’s good if you thought through and designed a communication channel with access to the roof, but often it simply doesn’t exist, so you’ll have to come up with something.

One of the options is to vent ventilation through, as in the top photo - this will most likely increase the price of the structure, but this option is quite convenient. This letter G should be made of the same material as the system itself, and the riser can already be mounted from PVC.

If for a small one-story house when arranging ventilation, you can use a 50 mm polyvinyl chloride pipe, but for several apartments you will need at least 110 mm. In addition, there is no point in installing a pipe of a larger diameter on a system with a smaller diameter with your own hands - costs will increase, but the effect will not change.


No matter how much you want, but a private house with internal bathrooms such as a toilet, in any case, you will need a device such as sewer ventilation. Otherwise, a whole host of unpleasant odors awaits you. Don’t forget about hydraulic valves, and if you have any new solutions or projects, I ask you to join the discussion in the comments.

July 7, 2016

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Sewerage apartment buildings- a truly complex and well-thought-out system with internal and external lines, plumbing connection points and waste water outlets.

All sewer elements are in clear interaction, forming effective system eliminating waste. However, despite the well-coordinated work, the specific composition of the water leads to the concentration of methane in the pipeline.

Sewerage in an apartment building is needed in order to prevent gas from escaping from the mains. In order to avoid the formation of specific odors that appear due to the peculiarities of the use of sewage systems, a ventilation device is necessary.

Scheme of a sewerage ventilation system in a private house

Features of types of sewerage

Sewer ventilation consists of special parts.

  1. Air valve - its action is aimed at allowing air into the riser and blocking any gases entering from it into the house. Private small houses are rarely equipped with a septic tank, so sometimes they use aeration valves installed at the top of the riser. This option involves installing a ventilation pipe on the septic tank. Unfortunately, valves are not able to replace siphons, because they are intended only as a supplement.
  2. Fan pipe - representing a ventilation channel that connects to the sewer riser and is discharged to the roof. The pipe can not only rid the room of unpleasant odors, but also equalize atmospheric pressure and remove harmful gases. Odors can only appear if the siphons dry out.
  3. A water seal is a mandatory attribute that is installed in the sewer system. Its presence ensures high-quality removal of unpleasant odors.

A water seal is a mandatory attribute that is installed in the sewer system

Before answering the question of whether sewer ventilation is needed in a private house, it is necessary to understand what the sewer system may be like. There are two types, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • non-isolated system;
  • insulated.

In the first case, the type of sewer system is only 110 millimeters, while the isolated one reaches 160 millimeters. The height of both options is the same - 500 millimeters. Regions with harsh climates mainly use an insulated system, inside it there is a special non-freezing condensate.

The sewage system does not require a special deflector to increase the exhaust capacity, however, due to the warm air escaping outside, there is a very small risk of condensation forming, which will close the ventilation outlets. Ventilation of the sewer riser is a necessary measure for comfortable living and preventing negative aspects.

In the sewers of private houses there are often accumulations of various harmful gases formed during the decomposition of organic matter. Every time you use the toilet, the sewer pressure changes. A water seal will not be able to save a person from the penetration of gases that affect human health. In private homes this problem solved at home ventilation system.

About ventilation valves

To arrange ventilation, you will need a sewer ventilation valve made by yourself. It is enough to follow these steps for the valve to be operational:

  • you need to find the spring from the handle and select a self-tapping screw 45 millimeters long;
  • Next, a small plastic washer is cut out, the diameter of which will be equal to 50 mm: a hole is drilled inside the middle for the unhindered entry of the self-tapping screw;
  • after that, you need to make another, but this time a foam washer with the same hole, the size of which is 10 mm larger; the washers are glued together;
  • a pair of holes are made in the end tee, the diameter of which is only 5 mm, and the distance from each other is about 25 mm: it is necessary to remove the burr, and then screw the self-tapping screw into the hole already made;
  • Now you can unscrew and assemble the valve together.

To check the valve, you can blow it out from both sides to find that oxygen passes freely. If there are no problems with the device, then tighten the screw.

The valves are ideal for providing ventilation in a house with several floors, and for a house with several apartments. When using sewer riser valves, you don’t have to worry about excess gases entering your home and water escaping from water seals.

A private house needs to install a fan pipe with a higher height than the room. It is best that the distance from the fan pipe to the roof is 70–75 mm, but the distance between the window and the pipe should be at least 4 meters. When choosing the diameter, you need to focus on the risers.

There are cases when a private house has 2-3 risers at once - this can be solved by combining and constructing one exit. The advantage of a private house over an apartment building is the ability to install a 50 mm pipe with sewer risers twice as large in diameter.

However, such a sewerage ventilation system in a private house is ideal for use by residents of the southern regions, because such a diameter will only work if the plumbing is used intermittently.

If it is not possible to install a ventilation valve, then you must use an air valve. Air will appear in the risers only during internal vacuum, and the appearance of gases outside will not be possible. A valve of this type for risers is installed above all plumbing so as not to “absorb” waste.

The installation of a ventilation system in the sewer must take into account certain factors.

  1. It is better to ventilate the domestic sewer system with risers. The size of their hood should not be less than half a meter from the roof; when using a roof, the hood must be made 3 meters higher.
  2. The diameters of the riser and waste part must be equal to each other.
  3. When using a fan riser, it is important to ensure that it in no way intersects in the same shaft with a chimney or general ventilation.
  4. The outlets do not need a deflector to prevent condensation from developing.
  5. The location of the outlet riser should be four meters from any opening premises.

Now everyone can answer the question why required ventilation. After all, it became clear that with its proper equipment, taking into account the scheme, it is possible to ensure maximum comfortable living without intrusion unpleasant odors and gases.

How to arrange sewer ventilation in a multi-storey building?

Installation of ventilation for multi-storey sewerage systems in residential buildings is of particular interest. In the case when each floor is equipped with bathrooms, with simultaneous drainage, a strong increase in the absorption of liquid from the siphons can occur. Therefore, it is better to provide an external outlet for sewer pipes. Such a pipe must have a minimum length of 4 meters from the ground in order to:

  • do not provoke the appearance of air pockets during draining;
  • Do not cover all the walls with unpleasant odors.

The ventilation system in the sewerage system must be equipped plastic pipes , because they are quite light, have the necessary connecting elements and are easy to install. For the manufacture of ventilation device no need for specialist help. The pipe is led to the roof through ventilation duct provided during the design of the room.

The ventilation system in the sewer system is equipped with plastic pipes

Speaking about the sewerage ventilation scheme in a private house with two floors, the sewerage system is mainly dealt with at the time of designing the room, however, if there is no pipe, it is built in through the wall and covered with a socket.

Despite the fact that the diameter of ventilation pipes in ordinary houses is 50 millimeters, buildings with several floors need pipes twice as large. The hood for installing a sewer system in a private house must first be insulated so that frostbite does not occur in severe frosts.

The pipe is covered with a decorative rosette. If a fan is too expensive an option or completely impossible, then a sewer vacuum valve can solve the problem. For its device you need to start installation work in the place where the end of the sewer riser is located.

By installing the valve at the very top, you will ensure that it operates when there is a vacuum and prevents any unpleasant odors from escaping from the riser. The valves are equipped with a low-resistance spring and a rubber seal. As soon as the sewer is discharged from contaminants passing through the riser, the valve instantly gives a “response” - the device opens and allows oxygen to pass through.

When working with a hood, it should be ensured that it can only be vented through the roof or ventilation shaft of the room to a certain height. The shaft is removed from the edge by 0.1 meter and moved away from the windows (about 4 meters), and from flat roof- by 0.2 meters.

Sewage ventilation in mines prevents air from escaping from the pipes into the premises, reduces the concentration of methane, stabilizes the pressure in the pipes during use and effectively reduces noise.

Remember that when installing a vacuum valve, you cannot talk about replacing the ventilation, because it does not interfere with the spread of aromas when there is a lack of water in the siphon, and is subject to periodic clogging.

The sewage system of any private home needs ventilation. Proof of this is the “strange” sounds, gurgling and stench that penetrate through the drains when strong wind or hot summer. Investments in sewerage ventilation installations apartment building and cottage, will maintain comfort and pleasant atmosphere home without breaking the budget too much.

Siphon and foreign odors

Some owners doubt whether ventilation is needed in the sewer system of a private house. And they are convinced of its necessity when the stench spreads from the bathrooms and kitchen throughout the house.

The composition of sewage waste is heterogeneous, so fermentation processes are constantly occurring in the pipes, accompanied by gas formation. To prevent sewer odors from escaping from ventilation drain holes plumbers are equipped with a siphon (hydraulic seal).

When the sewer system works perfectly, the siphon is filled with water to a certain level. If the plumbing is not used for some time, the water level drops and organic vapors spread throughout the room.

Ventilation is needed to balance the pressure in the drain system.

Disgusting odors and gurgling can also be explained by the fact that when feces are flushed, the pressure in the pipes drops. Liquid from full siphons is drawn into the pipes and nothing prevents the stench.

There is only one way to avoid the appearance of vacuum plugs - a ventilation device for the sewer system.

Is sewer ventilation necessary in a private house?

Building codes allow the use of sewerage without ventilation in houses no higher than 2 floors with a small volume of sewage.

If the volume of wastewater covers the cross-section of the sewer pipe, ventilation is required for the sewerage system.

The drain will not block when one thing is running in the house at the same time. plumbing fixture. For example, standard diameter The toilet flush is 7 cm, and the pipe diameter is 11 cm. But if you flush two toilets at the same time, the sewer will block. For information, the diameter of the drain pipe of a bathroom or washbasin is 5 cm.

Having calculated the possible volley discharge of all the plumbing of the house, it becomes clear whether sewer ventilation is needed in a private house.

Ventilation in the sewer system is required if:

  • the diameter of the risers is equal to or less than 5 cm;
  • the house has two or more floors, bathrooms and washbasins are located on all floors;
  • There is a swimming pool or a large bathtub in or near the cottage.

Another argument in favor of the ventilation scheme for the sewer system of a private house: modern siphons are often of very small volume and the water they contain can dry out in a few days.

Owners returning after a short absence will be unpleasantly surprised by the unpleasant smell in the house.

In this case, the fan pipe plays the role of a chimney. Thanks to the pressure difference, air from the sewer is discharged to the street.

Ventilation pipe

The main thing in the installation of sewer ventilation in a private house is the drain pipe. It removes “odorous” gases outside.

Usually, when designing a house, a channel is provided for the drain pipe.

Rules for the location of the drain pipe:

  • The end of the vent pipe extends beyond the roof at least half a meter;
  • The distance to windows and balconies is at least 4 meters so as not to be disturbed by the smell;
  • It is prohibited to discharge the waste pipe into the general building ventilation;
  • It is possible to combine sewer risers with one pipe for ventilation;
  • It is not advisable to place the ventilation riser under the roof eaves. There is a high probability of it being damaged by snow sliding from the roof;
  • The head of the pipe is covered with a ventilation hood for the sewerage system. The ventilation hood equalizes the pressure in the sewer and protects the system from rain and snow. Unlike deflectors, sewer ventilation hoods are resistant to icing in the cold season.

According to the rules, each sewer riser is ventilated separately. To do this, the drain pipe is mounted on the riser furthest from the point where the sewage system exits the cottage. The septic tank will also be ventilated through it. Vacuum valves are installed at the ends of the remaining risers for sewer ventilation.

Fan pipes for each riser are optimal scheme sewer ventilation of a private house.

Materials and installation of sewer ventilation

Depending on the outputs, there are two possible sewer ventilation schemes for a private house:

  • Insulated or insulated;
  • Non-insulated.

The first option is widely used in areas with harsh climates.

In private houses, PVC pipes are used for sewer ventilation, which are inexpensive, hermetically connected to each other, and easy to install.

The cross-sectional diameter of the drain pipe should be selected greater than or equal to the cross-section of the riser, from 5 cm in a 1-story building and from 11 cm in 2 or more.

The diameter of the insulated riser at the outlet is about 16 cm.

Diameter of pipes for sewerage ventilation in an apartment building and cottage for:

  • liners to sinks or bidets 3 – 4.5 cm;
  • kitchen sinks, shower cabins, bathtubs - 5 cm;
  • toilets 11 cm;
  • risers 6.5 – 7.5 cm.

Sewer ventilation in apartment buildings, connecting 2 or more risers, is made of PVC pipes up to 20 cm in diameter. To connect collectors and wells, pipes of even larger sections are used.

Vacuum ventilation valves

Valves are used as an alternative or addition to a drain pipe. This is a solution if the house has already been built, but ventilation is provided.

Ventilation valves should not freeze; they are usually installed in the attic. The mechanism of operation of a sewer vent valve is very simple. Its lumen is hermetically covered with a membrane held in place by a weak spring. When the water drains, the air in the riser is discharged, the membrane moves back and releases air into the sewer system. The pressure in the pipe is equalized and the valve closes automatically. Thus, the valve is open only when it is necessary to introduce air from the room into the pipes.

Some owners prefer to install a vacuum valve for sewer ventilation directly in the bathroom or toilet. In this case, it is important to provide access to it for control.

The valve should be 30–35 cm above the floor.

The valve for ventilation of the sewage system can be assembled independently.

Materials and tools:

  • spring from a fountain pen;
  • end tee;
  • self-tapping screw 45 mm;
  • polyethylene lid for glass jar;
  • a small sheet of thin foam rubber;
  • glue;
  • awl.

Work progress:

  • We cut a circle with a diameter of 50 mm from the lid and screw a self-tapping screw into the center;
  • We cut out a circle of slightly larger diameter from foam rubber and glue it to a plastic mug, taking out the self-tapping screw;
  • In the end tee we make holes with a diameter of 5 mm at intervals of 25 mm, punch a hole with an awl and insert a self-tapping screw;
  • Now we unscrew the screw and assemble the finished valve.

If the valve is assembled correctly, air blown into the holes will flow freely. The width of the slot is adjusted with a self-tapping screw.

Unfortunately, a vacuum valve can only partially replace a complete ventilation system.

After a while it may become clogged or break. And the valves are absolutely useless when the water seals dry out.

The drain pipe prevents the suction of water seals from siphons into the pipes and very effectively prevents the appearance of sewage odors. Ventilation also reduces the stench when water seals dry out, which is typical for showers and drains.

Drainage plumbing equipment must contain a water seal. Even with proper ventilation in a private home, some unpleasant odors can penetrate through drains without a water seal.

Ventilation connection to the sewer system

fresh air in the house and in the yard

Sometimes even competent scheme does not provide high-quality sewerage ventilation in a private house. If the line is too long (more than 3 m), increased ventilation is required.

To solve the problem, an increase in the cross-section of the liner is required. So, the calculated figure of 4 cm increases to 5 cm with a length of 3 meters.

If the liner is 5 meters long, the diameter increases by 1/4. It will be necessary to increase the cross-section of the liner even if the height difference is from 1 to 3 meters. An increase in diameter is also required when, when connecting to the toilet, the height difference is more than 100 cm.

If this method does not work, you will have to equip additional ventilation sewer system of a private house in the form of a vacuum valve or an additional waste pipe.

Video about whether the sewer system of a private house needs ventilation and how it should be arranged:

Not many residents country houses can boast that when high temperature or strong winds, the treacherous sewer “spirit” does not penetrate into their home. It is clear that organic matter decomposes over time, resulting in foul-smelling gases. Moreover, often each flush of water is accompanied by a kind of gurgling in the depths of the sewer. This is explained by pressure drops in the system and, as a consequence, the formation of air jams. To get rid of all these problems, you will need.

Even more - ventilation is required regardless of the type of sewer, be it individual or centralized, with or without isolation. Thanks to this, not only a permanent influx will be ensured fresh air, but normal pressure will also be restored, so flushing will not be accompanied by any noise.

Ideally, you should also take care of the hood at the house design stage. In reality, they think about it only when comments are increasingly heard among guests about the persistent amber on the site or in the house itself.

Ventilation schemes

Sewage ventilation can be two types – internal and external. Let's look at the features of each type.

Internal ventilation

If sewer ventilation is thought about in advance, when drawing up a project, then it is often done inside the house. At this time, the riser is displayed on the lid under the guise of a fan pipe, which, as it were, continues it. The diameter of both pipes should be the same; if the riser is 10 cm, then the pipe will also be 10 cm. In addition, the drain pipe should be located away from the windows (at least 4 m) so that unpleasant odors are eliminated in a timely manner.

Regarding the height of the fan pipe, it all depends on the type roofing and can fluctuate between 20 cm and 3 m (this is regulated by SNiP). If the roof is flat, then the minimum elevation will be 30 cm, and if it is pitched, then all 50 cm. It is installed on top of the pipe deflector– it will not only enhance natural draft, but also protect ventilation from foreign objects and precipitation. In short, thanks to the deflector, the efficiency of the hood increases several times.

Note! Experts do not recommend combining sewer ventilation with a general ventilation system or chimney.

Meanwhile, approaches to several risers at once can be connected. If the drain pipe will be led out of the wall (from the side), then it cannot be installed under the arch, since in winter there will be a risk of ice or snow falling off.

External ventilation

The traditional scheme was described above, which can be used exclusively at the design stage. But if the building has already been built, then implementing such a scheme will be very problematic, so it is recommended to install external sewage ventilation. There are three ways to do this.

Non-standard approach

If you wish, you can avoid such an expensive procedure for arranging ventilation, and instead make a ventilation valve yourself, since its design is extremely simple. There are several ways to make such a valve, but each of them uses only available materials, which should be found in every owner.

Note! The main advantage of the valve is that it can be used to block the movement of warm air from the septic tank, so that frost will not appear on the sewer channels. If you use simple risers, then freezing of the pipes is inevitable.

How to make a valve yourself?

It can be done as follows.

  1. Take a spring from an ordinary handle and a self-tapping screw of the appropriate diameter.
    The length of the screw should be 4.5 cm.
  2. Next, a circle with a diameter of 5 cm is cut out of plastic.
    A hole is made in the middle of the circle into which a self-tapping screw could easily fit,
    and the spring at that moment rested against the circle.
  3. Then another washer is cut out, but it is foam rubber and has a diameter of 6 cm.
    A hole is drilled in the center. Both circles are glued together with Super Glue.
  4. Next in the tee cover (it is located at the outlet and has a diameter of at least 10 cm)
    Three holes of 5 mm each are drilled. All holes should be 2.5 cm away from the center.
    All burrs are removed, another hole is made in the center using an awl,
    where to screw in the screw.
  5. The entire structure, which was described in the previous paragraphs, is attached to this self-tapping screw.

Prices for ventilation valve for sewerage

ventilation valve for sewerage

Functional check

Upon completion of installation you need to check the functionality of the valve. To do this, you need to blow into each of the drilled holes. Ideally, air should pass through them unhindered; if not, the self-tapping screw is turned out slightly to relieve the spring pressure.

Once the test is complete, you don't have to worry about whether the valve will contain gases from the septic tank.

Features of sewer ventilation in a multi-storey building

The design of the sewer system of an apartment building should deal exclusively with specialized companies which will take into account:

  • number of floors;
  • method of wastewater disposal;
  • number of drainage points.

Otherwise, the ventilation of high-rise buildings is practically no different from that in a private house. An example project can be seen in the diagram below.

In such buildings, a common riser leading to the roof is also used for ventilation.

Note! For greater efficiency, a vent pipe can be installed on the top floor. It must be connected at the height of the ceiling of the last floor, but not lower than the technical floor (attic).

If it starts apartment redevelopment with a decrease/increase in the number of connections to the common house riser, then you need to draw up a project in advance and coordinate it with the management company. Only after this you can start working, otherwise Unauthorized connection of new devices can lead to deterioration of sewer ventilation throughout the house.

Features of ventilation in the bathhouse

In this case, the main feature lies in the specifics of the room. The point here is the limited size, which is why the riser is often installed in conditions of elevated temperature. In this case, the pipe will perform heat exchange with the room, which will cause the temperature of the exhaust gases to increase with their further expansion. You need to think about all this before purchasing a fan pipe and choosing the diameter of the riser.

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By the way, the minimum diameter of the riser must be 11 cm, otherwise the gases will not be removed from the system in a timely manner and, therefore, will penetrate into the room.

Also Special attention Pay attention to the material used to make the ventilation pipe. It should not only be durable, but also maintain its performance properties during high humidity and temperature changes.

The most common questions

Often people cannot decide to install sewer ventilation. The reason for this may be doubts about the feasibility, as well as some unclear points.

Question one: will ventilation be able to perform its functions in summer time When does organic matter decompose with particular intensity?

Of course he can. Mainly due to heat and air exchange between the septic tank and environment due to the difference in temperature. The water in the sewer will always be warmer. In addition, this also leads to a difference in pressure, due to which the installation will be effectively ventilated.

Question two: why did unpleasant odors begin to penetrate into the house again some time after the ventilation was installed?

The water in the siphons dries out, allowing air to pass through, which can happen if the sewer system has not been used for a long time. This can be eliminated in several ways (we have already examined each of them in detail):

  • install a ventilation valve;
  • attach the fan pipe;
  • change siphons to used ones O bigger ones

Question three: if the riser is not insulated, will it freeze in winter?

The drains, we repeat, are always warmer than the air outside, so the riser will not freeze in any case. The main thing is to use the sewer regularly. Although in some regions the riser is still insulated (if it is located outside), using several b O bigger pipe. But this issue needs to be discussed with specialists.

As a conclusion

Sewage ventilation will provide maximum living comfort and will prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors, but only if the work is properly designed and carried out. Perhaps you can come up with your own, more simple diagram ventilation – share it in the comments, users will be interested to know about it.

Video - Sewer ventilation in a private house

In order for a private home to have all the conditions for comfortable living, it is necessary to install a sewage disposal system. Plumbing fixtures are drained using a vacuum, which pulls recycled water out of siphons. This may release stench into the surrounding area. Ventilation of the sewerage system will help avoid this.

Ventilation of the waste system will ensure:

  • removal of stench from highways, preventing them from entering residential premises;
  • stabilization of pressure in pipes;
  • suppression of noise in the system that occurs when wastewater is discharged.

Organization of ventilation of the sewer system

To lay a drainage system in a private house, permits are not required, so its design is often carried out in violation of the standards. This causes a disruption in the functioning of the sewer system. Adherence to construction, as well as sanitary standards and rules developed for residential buildings will help to avoid system failures.

The need to ventilate external treatment facilities

For effective air exchange of the sewer system, it is necessary to comply with the rules of its installation:

  • if the diameter of the central riser exceeds 50 mm, or the plumbing fixtures are located on different floors of the house, it will be necessary to install a fan main - an end leading outside the building through the roof. It prevents thin air in sewage system, preventing the release of stench into the living quarters of the house;
  • The size of the hole in the fan main must match the cross-section of the riser.

Note: there are no standards regulating the ventilation of the external sewer system of a mansion, but experts recommend arranging air exchange for external cleaning facilities to avoid stagnation.

Stages of organizing air exchange in the sewer system

Based on current standards, we can identify the main stages of organizing sewer ventilation in a cottage:

  • ventilation of the riser, including installation of a vent pipe;
  • organization of air exchange in the external sewage system (septic tanks, sewer pits, VOCs).

Pipe selection

They are used to ventilate sewers. Their advantages:

  • ease;
  • ease of installation;
  • complete set with rotating, connecting elements, fasteners.

The diameter of the pipes for sewer ventilation depends on the area and complexity of the house structure. For one-story buildings, communications with a hole of 50 mm are sufficient, for multi-story buildings - from 110 mm.

Rules for arranging a ventilation riser

Each plumbing element is equipped with a siphon, a curved tube constantly filled with water. It is a kind of water seal that prevents wastewater and unpleasant odors from entering the living space. But when there is a strong drain in the sewer, a vacuum occurs, sucking water out of the siphon, which causes stench to spread throughout the house. This situation often arises in a multi-storey cottage with several bathrooms, with simultaneous drainage from different floors.

To avoid this, the ventilation pipe is removed from the house through. The communication must be 4 m above ground level - then there will be no problems when draining. airlock, the water will remain in the water seals, and bad smell will be output by the system. For this pipe, even at the design stage of the house, a special shaft is provided.

Tip: if the installation of a (ventilation) pipe for the sewerage system was not included in the cottage design, it can be laid along the vertical plane of the wall, covered from the outside with a plasterboard niche or a decorative box.

Ventilation risers in a mansion are arranged according to the following rules:

  • the fan main must be at least 30 cm higher than the roof. Minimum distance from the air outlet main to the nearest windows and balconies - 4 m. If the attic in the house is used, the end of the riser is brought to a level of 3 m above the roof. This will ensure that the wind removes unpleasant odors. It is not recommended to install the vent pipe under the roof overhang - ice and snow coming off the roof can damage the structure;
  • a cap/deflector is not installed at the outlet of the air duct; this may cause condensation to form and freeze in the winter;
  • the joining of several ventilation systems is carried out using pipes of the same diameter (usually 50, 100 mm);
  • The air outlet from the sewer is prohibited from being combined with a chimney or room ventilation system.

Please note: following these rules will protect your home from stench from the sewer.

Installation of a drain pipe

The efficiency of removing recycled air from your home largely depends on proper arrangement fan pipe. In modern siphons installed on plumbing fixtures, the water supply is small. If the device is not used for several days, it dries out, allowing air from the sewer into the house.

A fan pipe will eliminate this defect. Through it, the warm exhaust air is discharged outside, causing a vacuum inside the system. A pressure difference occurs, as a result of which air from living rooms is sucked into the sewer system. The pressure drop inside the lines disappears, and unpleasant odors do not enter the house.

Structurally, the drain pipe is an extension of the riser, so it must be made from a similar section of pipe. To create traction in the communication, its lower exit is arranged in a warm room, and the upper one in a cold room. To allow the vent pipe to exit into the attic, a special sleeve is formed in the ceiling of the house. The gaps between the edges of the hole and the line are sealed. The pipe exit to the roof can be vertical or at an angle.

If there are several risers in the house, they can be connected to attic space a single fan pipe. For this, plastic 45˚ elbows or tees are used.

Installation of vacuum valves

If for some reason it is impossible to bring the drain pipe to the roof of the house (due to the specific design of the building, the complexity of the sewer lines, weather conditions), it is replaced ventilation valves. They are designed to regulate the pressure inside the system.

One is installed on the upper outlet of the sewer riser. It has a low-resistance spring and a sealed rubber seal. When a vacuum occurs in the air in the system, the valve opens, allowing air into the sewer. After the pressure in the sewer lines has stabilized, the diaphragm closes, preventing stench from escaping from the riser into the living areas of the house.

In addition to the riser, ventilation valves are installed in horizontal sections of the pipeline. Their number and location are determined by the number of connected plumbing fixtures and the length of the highways.

Please note: vacuum valves are not a complete replacement for a drain pipe - they are additional elements sewer ventilation systems. Over time, they become clogged, worn out and require replacement.

Sewer ventilation repair

The presence of problems with air exchange in the waste system is indicated by the appearance of unpleasant odors in the house. The reason for this may be:

  • incorrect installation, or failure of the siphon of one of the plumbing fixtures. Eliminates by reinstalling or replacing this element;
  • malfunction of the water seal. The reason for this may be the use of small-diameter sewer lines or clogging;
  • leakage in the riser;
  • clogging of ventilation ducts.

Sewer ventilation is a necessary measure in a private home. The organization of this system will prevent exhaust gases, unpleasant odors, and fumes from entering living quarters and will ensure the comfort of all inhabitants of the cottage.

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