Water purification and water treatment systems in the house. Water treatment for a country house

The composition of water depends on the deep rocks and the area where they occur. Sometimes the composition is so diverse that you can name the resulting liquid drinking water it is forbidden. It is dangerous to health and is so hard that the resulting scale breaks household appliances.

Before setting up in the building autonomous water supply, be sure to do a water analysis. The choice of the type of treatment plant depends on the data obtained. It must purify water efficiently to standards that comply with SanPiN standards, and be suitable for washing, cooking, drinking and other economic needs.

Residents of cottage villages often complain about problems with water from wells and wells. It is cloudy, dirty, has a bad smell and taste. If not boiled, it causes intestinal disorders. Let's look at these problems in more detail.

Cause: there is sand, clay in the water or the well is silted. This problem is faced mainly by owners of sand wells located near open water bodies. Abyssinian and ordinary wells are at risk. Artesian wells have siltation and other similar pollution - a rare event. They're too deep.

Solution: the water treatment plant is equipped with a mechanical dirt filter, which traps coarse particles 80-100 microns in size. If the contamination is severe, most likely the caisson or casing is damaged. Repairs need to be made. If there is a lot of sand in the water, pumping the water repeatedly will help.

The water smells like rotten eggs, rot, swamp, oil, chemicals or bleach.

Cause: flowing through soils and rocks, the water has absorbed ammonia compounds, manganese, hydrogen sulfide or other substances with a pungent odor.

Solution: the smell will be removed by filters selected individually for substances dissolved in water. Manganese, hydrogen sulfide, iron and chlorine-containing compounds are removed by aeration. In other cases, carbon filters or backfills with reagent and non-reagent fillers will help.

It is often easy to tell by smell which substance is polluting the water. Hydrogen sulfide and sulfur compounds smell rotten eggs, ammonia - ammonia. If there is any strong odor, the water must be filtered. This indicates an excess content of some chemical substance in it.

The water has a sweet or bitter taste and smells of iron.

Cause: 2- and 3-valent iron is present.

Solution: equipped with a deferrization filter with loads that contain chemical active substances oxidizing ferrum.

Such pollution is often found in artesian water intakes. Chemical analysis will help to accurately determine the source. Basically, iron in deep waters is washed out from iron-containing rocks.

Drinking raw well or well water leads to intestinal and gastric disorders.

Cause: bacteria or viruses

Solution: an ultraviolet irradiator is installed in the filtration system or a carbon load with antibacterial and antiviral additives is added.

Wells are more susceptible to such contamination than boreholes. According to SanPiN standards, wells must have a head with a tight-fitting lid. However, this measure is not enough. Often, due to the same human forgetfulness, viruses and bacteria enter drinking water through an open door. In this regard, closed wells benefit.

For water purification, complex systems consisting of reagent and non-reagent filters are used.

Water purification without reagents

Reagent-free filters:

  • Catalytic loadings
  • Aeration tank

In the first case, bulk catalysts are used to purify water: Pyrolox, MS or AS sorbent, Birm. These filter materials are an effective medium for capturing dissolved invisible iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide.

In water, ferrum occurs primarily in the form of invisible ferrous bicarbonate (ferrous bicarbonate), which cannot be filtered. Catalytic loadings act as accelerators of the oxidation process. Bicarbonate turns into hydroxide, or III-valent iron, which precipitates and is easily filtered out.

To improve the quality of the oxidation reaction and accelerate it, catalytic beds are often combined with aeration. Water treatment by aeration can be either pressure or non-pressure. Oxidation in this case is carried out by pumping air or spraying water over the aeration tank.

Reagent cleaning

There are 2 types:

  • Reagent loadings
  • Ion exchange

Reagent filter materials work on the same principle as catalytic ones, only instead of catalysts, chemical reagents are used, mainly hypochlorite NaOCl or potassium permanganate KMnO4. These substances oxidize the metal, it becomes insoluble and is filtered out by mechanical filters.

Ion and cation exchange resins do not create an oxidative reaction. They work more delicately at the molecular level. By means of ion exchange, hardness and excess iron are effectively removed. Hardness salts and “ferrum” are firmly attached to resin molecules due to the difference in charged particles and remain in the filtration column. Thus, ion exchange resins perfectly remove iron and soften water.


To ensure that there is clean water in the water supply pipes of a building, you need a properly designed water purification system for country house . A set of filters installed based on the results of the examination will qualitatively purify the water, making it suitable for drinking, cooking, washing and any other economic use. The water will become safe for health, equipment will no longer break down due to scale.

Having your own well is a necessity for every owner suburban area. But installing an artesian well does not solve all problems at once - these sources are often characterized by increased mineralization (drink such water without pre-treatment it is forbidden). Abyssinian wells and sand wells are subject to secondary pollution, and the water in them has an unstable composition. This is why water treatment for a country house deserves special attention. We will tell you about the main methods in this article.

In cities there is a network of public utilities that are responsible for the uninterrupted supply of electricity, heat, and water to the consumer. Representatives of these organizations monitor the serviceability of the equipment and take action if necessary. The owner of a country house must deal with these issues himself. There is a wide range of water treatment systems on sale, with which you can provide clean water a family of any size that permanently or temporarily lives outside the city (for example, only comes to the country for the weekend). They solve the following problems:

  • water purification;
  • washing, regeneration of filters;
  • accumulation of the water that has been purified.

All working units of the system work smoothly and do not require additional configuration due to careful debugging of the automation. Modern water purification complexes for country houses may have their own characteristics, but they all have the same functions.

Types of water treatment systems for a country house

To classify water treatment systems, they are used different parameters. The first is performance. According to this indicator, installations are divided into three groups:

  1. Small systems consumer services with a productivity of about 2.5 m3 per hour. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to maintain.
  2. Complexes with a capacity of 10 m3 per hour are already used to service 4-5 private houses at once. They allow owners country cottages save money on the purchase and maintenance of equipment, but may create certain maintenance difficulties.
  3. A simple filter with several cassettes. It is installed under the sink and allows you to quickly purify water for food needs. If needs clean water small, there is no point in paying more.

The second indicator is the operating principle and direction of action. The equipment can remove large suspended matter or iron, microbiological contaminants. You need to choose a device taking into account the quality and composition of the water - it can also carry out demangation, ozonation, ionization, fine cleaning, and disinfection. Each model has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing. Perfect option for a private home - cleaning using UV emitters.

It is important to know! You can organize a water treatment system for a private home using one, two or several types of filter systems.

The next parameter is the use of reagents. In the process of water purification, reagents are used or not. Please note that in the first case, waste water masses are formed, which must be disposed of properly. Reagent-free cleaning is more environmentally friendly, but requires the use of additional equipment and its constant maintenance.

When classifying water treatment systems for private homes, such an indicator as the operating principle of the system is also taken into account. Everything is simple here - it can be manual or automatic. The second option is more convenient to use, but also costs more.

Review of water treatment systems in a country house. Equipment for deep and fine cleaning

Cottage water treatment always involves the use of a mechanical coarse filter. This eliminates the need for frequent filter replacements and improves the quality of water purification. Granulated aluminosilicate or so-called ceramic powder is used as backfill in a mechanical filter. To ensure that the filter system works without failures, the backfill is replaced every 5-7 years. Let's look at the main types of mechanical filters.

Filters for iron removal

There are quite a lot of manganese and iron salts in water obtained from natural sources. To remove them, manganese dioxide granules are used - catalysts that trigger the oxidizing reaction. The cleaning process ends with the formation of sediment - that is, rust. The filter granules need to be changed every 5-7 years.

Hardness and softening filters

Mitigation and – important stage water purification in country house. At this stage, those particles that are not picked up by the mechanical system are removed. A special filter softens the water - usually an ion exchange filter, which triggers the reaction of hardness salts. Under the influence of the reagent, the salts change their structure and become safe for humans. A saline solution is used as a reagent.

Fine filters

On last stage water passes through a carbon filter chemical cleaning. The principle of its operation is in many ways similar to the principle of operation of household filter jugs, the only difference is in performance. Unlike household ones, such filtration systems fine cleaning are usually regenerable. That is, cleaning is carried out by pumping back purified water masses.

Manufacturers of water purification systems

On modern market water purification systems from different manufacturers are presented. Most Popular:

  • "Equos";
  • "Barrier";
  • "Ecodar";
  • "Geyser";
  • "Aquaphor";
  • other.

The difference between systems of different brands is in price and functionality, but keep in mind that the cost of complex modern solutions always quite high. For example, the price tag for standard-class equipment is in the range of 60-170 thousand rubles, and premium systems are even more expensive. According to customer surveys, the most popular manufacturers are Geyser and Aquaphor. They offer customers a wide selection of products at reasonable prices.

Water purification systems for a country house: choosing the best

To ensure that the water treatment system installed in a country house is of the highest quality and modern:

  1. Be sure to do an advanced analysis in the water laboratory. To do this, identifying characteristic problem indicators will not be enough. If the well is not deep, it would be advisable to repeat the analysis every year.
  2. Trust the conduct commissioning works specialists, especially if we're talking about about complex treatment systems of high complexity. You can install a small filter yourself.
  3. Rough water purification is a must.

Also, before making a choice, read reviews of different systems on the Internet, ask your neighbors about what they use and whether they are satisfied with the choice. And remember - there is no ideal for everyone universal solution. Good system water treatment is one that is selected taking into account the current needs, capabilities and requests of the customer.

The main enemy of the house is scale. It fills all systems in the house and has a detrimental effect on the human body. It is imperative to get rid of it in any home. The entire plumbing in the house suffers from the appearance of such plaque. Life time household appliances is significantly reduced due to scale. This plaque has poor thermal insulation and contributes to overheating of all elements. In addition, water purification systems for a country house can solve the following problems:

  • iron content and increased content of other heavy metals;
  • contamination with chemical elements. In particular, pesticides and nitrates;
  • bacterial infections;
  • contamination with large and small particles of insoluble impurities. Sand, limestone and more.

Taking into account the specifics of a certain type of premises (enterprise, cottage, cottage, country house or apartment), you can buy a water purification system that is the most optimal. This measure will help ensure cleanliness and rid it of unpleasant odors, tastes or other impurities.

Each type of water supply has its own contaminants and characteristics, and therefore requires a specific selection of filters. Comprehensive selection is the most correct solution. A large selection of models can be ordered from the Encom service.

Types of filters and water purification systems

The most environmentally friendly comprehensive purification method is the reverse osmosis method. This disinfection method helps to separate all impurities. Biological, chemical and mechanical. Only a water molecule passes through a special membrane. Nothing other than H2O enters the water supply network. A reverse osmosis membrane can have several stages of purification. The choice of such a barrier depends on the characteristics of the room that needs water purification.

The fully purified liquid can be used for technical purposes. It is not suitable for drinking as it is completely empty. To do this, you need to fill it with useful elements. Saturation can be achieved using special additional systems.

Filters that require complex assembly can be:

  • mechanical;
  • sorption;
  • deferrization;
  • disinfectants;
  • ultraviolet;
  • coal.

To select the necessary water purifiers online, you need to conduct a water analysis. You can do this yourself. However, if you contact the Encom company, then all these steps are done for you.

Beneficial cooperation

Water treatment must cope with the functions of water supply for the home to the full extent required. To do this, you need to order equipment from reliable services whose employees have enough experience and knowledge.

The service offers the most profitable terms and wide the lineup for choice for clients in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as nearby regions.

Due to high quality, the promoted equipment is easy to operate and has a long service life in all types of premises.

You can order and purchase cheaply at Enkom Consumables and others additional elements into the water treatment network. If necessary, employees will deliver and install the ordered equipment.

Users of our portal know that as part of a project with FORUMHOUSE, we and our partners built a modern cottage in the Moscow region. During the construction of the house, materials and technologies were used to ensure the maximum level of comfort. In particular, specialists installed a water purification system, with the help of which residents of the cottage will receive drinking water. Therefore, within the framework of this article, in the format of a master class, we, with the help of an expert from the Geyser Group of Companies, will answer the following questions:

  • How to choose a water treatment system in a cottage.
  • How water is purified to drinking quality.
  • What equipment is used for this?

Nuances of choosing equipment for a water treatment system for a country house

A modern country house is equipped with the latest technology. It includes all engineering systems that ensure its vital functions and comfort for residents. An important role among them is played by water supply, the task of which is not only to supply water for taking a bath, washing dishes, cooking and, especially, for drinking, but also to prepare it in a special way.

Alexander PimenovDeputy general director group of companies "Geyser" for science

Water is not just H 2 O. Water contains both useful and harmful impurities. Useful ones are mineral salts, which in too large quantities, on the contrary, do not bring any benefit. When choosing components of a water treatment system, first of all, the user should be concerned about harmful impurities, in other words, pollution.

To understand the essence, everything “harmful” can be divided into:

  1. Mechanical impurities undissolved in water. This is sand, silt, clay, suspended matter, rust, etc.
  2. Dissolved chemical compounds:
  • inorganic substances: excess hardness salts, compounds of iron, manganese, heavy metals, and radioactive substances can also be found in water;
  • organic compounds, including natural humic acids contained in the soil, as well as toxic, chlorine-containing substances, etc.
  1. Biological contaminants - bacteria and viruses.

Harmful substances can get into the soil, and from there into water, for example, into a well or shallow well, due to the discharge of industrial waste and vehicle exhaust gases. Often, plots for individual housing construction are allocated in places where previously intensive construction was carried out. Agriculture, and the entire “chemical cocktail” from fertilizers has long penetrated into the soil.

Even if water extracted from a well or well does not taste, smell or color suspicious, this does not mean that it does not contain harmful substances. chemical elements and substances.

Therefore, all water, both drinking and technical, used for laundry, washing dishes, etc., must comply with sanitary rules and regulations. The quality of water in urban networks is regulated by the requirements of SanPiN ( Hygienic requirements to the water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems).

Citizens who are not satisfied with the quality of water centrally supplied by municipal services (Vodokanals) can install household filters in their apartments. Such filters will purify water from mechanical impurities, for example, rust (that got into the water due to old pipes), chemicals, organics, bacteria, etc.

A suburban resident, unlike someone who lives in the city and has a “first line of defense” in the form of the Vodokanal water station, is deprived of such an advantage. From here: When purifying water, the owner of a country house should be guided by the rule “take care of yourself.”

Alexander Pimenov

A country house is usually not connected to a centralized water treatment system, so purchasing and installing a simple household filter will not get you off. It will quickly become clogged if river or lake water is supplied to it. big amount sand, silt, aquatic life, etc. Well and well water can be destructive due to the abundance of inorganic substances and natural organic humic acids. Therefore, in front of the household filter, you need to install a special water purification system for cottages - an analogue of city treatment facilities, but in an individual format.

The question arises: how to choose such equipment and install it? You need to start with detailed laboratory analysis (composition) of water.

This will allow you to find out which impurities and harmful substances are in the water, which of them exceed the permissible concentrations, and then select a water treatment system that is best suited for a particular situation.

Methods for purifying water in a cottage

When choosing a system and equipment for water treatment in a country house, you should adhere to the following algorithm: first, a laboratory analysis of the water is carried out, then substances and compounds are identified whose content exceeds the maximum acceptable standards, then a water treatment system is selected and designed, then the equipment is installed at the site, after which the operation of the equipment is checked and it is put into operation.

In fact, each of the above points may have sub-points. First you need to understand what equipment, how and what purifies water. For example, household filters do the following:

  • “Mechanics” is cleaned with mechanical filters.
  • “Chemistry” is cleaned using chemical and physical-chemical methods, namely: inorganics are cleaned mainly by ion exchange, organics - mainly by sorption.
  • “Biology” is cleaned with special techniques: active silver added to sorbents gets rid of bacteria; Only membranes (reverse osmosis, nanofiltration) and other high-tech methods, for example, ultraviolet irradiation of water, will get rid of viruses.

Alexander Pimenov

The reverse osmosis membrane is universal and takes on the work of all the methods described above. This method of purification is suitable for all types of water - soft, hard, super-hard, ferrous.

With reverse osmosis, the pores of the membrane allow only water and oxygen molecules to pass through. Although substances with a molecular size smaller than H 2 O also pass through them, there are usually few of them.

Important: when installing a reverse osmosis system with one of key elements system is a mineralizer. It contains natural components that restore mineral composition water passed through a reverse osmosis membrane.

The principle of operation of the water treatment system of a country house

Consider the following example of choosing water treatment equipment and components for a cottage.

Let’s say, based on the results of the analysis, it turned out that the water needs to be purified from hydrogen sulfide, ferrous iron (iron dissolved in water) and manganese.

To do this, you can install a comprehensive system with aeration, which prepares water suitable for use in the bathroom when showering, using the toilet, washing dishes and other household needs. The diagram of such a system is shown in the figure below.

  1. Disc filter for mechanical cleaning - so-called. "sump". With its help, the water entering the house from the water supply is pre-purified from mechanical impurities (sand, silt) with a size of 100 microns.

  1. An aeration column for saturating water with atmospheric oxygen for the purpose of subsequent oxidation and removal of inorganic pollutants: compounds of iron, manganese and gases dissolved in water, mainly hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Subsequent oxidation and removal of contaminants occurs in a column located between devices 2 and 3 in the picture. The filter material loaded into the column combines two functions: acceleration of the oxidation reaction (it is a catalyst for the process) and precipitation of oxidation products, i.e. physically removing them from the water.

  1. A softener for removing inorganic pollutants - excess hardness salts (calcium and magnesium salts) with a blue tank where a solution of table salt is prepared to regenerate the filter material.

The column operation mode can be controlled automatically or manually.

  1. Filter with mechanical cleaning cartridge. This filter is necessary to retain undissolved impurities “at the finish line”, as well as to prevent the load from being carried out of the system into the pipeline supplying water to the consumer.

After the mechanical cleaning cartridge, you can install an ultraviolet lamp to disinfect (disinfect) water, which kills fungi, viruses, bacteria and algae.

Important: to purify “complex” water with a large number of harmful elements, it is not necessary to install a separate column with its own type of loading to remove each substance. Not to mount too much complex system, consisting of several columns and taking up too much space in the technical room of the cottage, you can use a multi-component loading. Such a universal load is capable of purifying water from dissolved iron, manganese, hardness salts, heavy metal ions, etc.

  • filtration – at this stage water purification occurs;
  • regeneration - at this stage the filtering properties of the load are restored, which ensures a long service life of the system.

Next, after cleaning and preparing the so-called. technical water it is further purified to the state drinking water High Quality using a special system based on a reverse osmosis membrane.

Conclusion: The meaning of high-quality water purification lies in a multi-stage and integrated approach, when for each type of pollution its own system, type of equipment and type of loading are selected. Professional companies with extensive experience can handle this best.

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