How much water to pour into the dry closet. Which dry toilet to choose for your dacha

The dry closet is a modern equipment consisting of a compact design and meeting all sanitary conditions. Such toilets are used in private homes and country houses, and are considered the most convenient and easy to use. Some types of dry toilets exactly repeat the actions of conventional toilets and have a water flush function when battery life. The advantage of such toilet models is ease of use, which allows you to use it anywhere and in different conditions.

Types of dry closets

Dry toilets can be divided into:

  • portable;
  • stationary.

Portable– a small design that is quick to install and easy to carry. Used in country cottages. Such dry toilets have positive reviews, because they are compact and can be taken with you on trips.

Stationary- These are bio-toilets-cabins, inside of which there is a container that is replaced with another after filling.

a stationary dry toilet is ideal for a summer residence

All models of such toilets look like a regular toilet, but at the same time have different functionality. Dry toilets come in three types, with different operating principles:

  • peat;
  • chemical;
  • biological.


This toilet only needs cleaning once a year.

The optimal volume of a composting toilet is 110 liters. This size of the structure allows you to maintain the temperature and humidity necessary for waste decomposition inside it.

The advantages of composting toilets are:

  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • they do not require water or electricity connections;
  • easy to use;
  • environmentally friendly.


Contains two tanks - drain and receiving, with a volume of 24 liters. You can take it with you to various places, and also install it in shops, cottages, and warehouses.

This type of toilet uses liquids and products that contain the chemical formaldehyde.

They are used in areas where there is a sewer drain. The advantages of a chemical toilet include:

  • high technological effectiveness of the design;
  • light weight, within 5 kg;
  • autonomous work;
  • low consumption of sanitary fluid - 5 ml per 1 liter.

Perfect for use on summer cottage. You can see how to do it from the contents in the article.


These dry toilets are an environmentally friendly type of toilet, in which the filler composition is based on microorganisms that are able to remove unpleasant odors and recycle waste. This type is widely used in country houses, since all waste is processed into natural compost. True, prices for bacteriological dry toilets are much higher than for other types of these devices. Such structures are installed exclusively outside buildings.


Such models need to be connected to the mains. They work as follows: solid waste, falling into the lower part of the structure, is dried, and liquid waste is discharged into the sewer. The downside of such dry toilets is their high cost - on average it is 1-1.5 thousand dollars. Among the advantages of electric dry closets:

  • quick and easy cleaning method;
  • external similarity with a regular toilet.

Installation of a dry toilet

Each dry closet consists of a collection tank for waste and a tank for waste liquid. This design allows you to create effective flushing waste and help reduce the tank capacity, which ensures a small volume of the structure as a whole. The photo on the left shows the principle of the dry closet.

The operation of the toilet is based on sanitary products that process waste products into a homogeneous, odorless mass. The disinfection solution retains all its properties for two weeks of use, after which the toilet is cleaned.

Depending on the type of sanitary solution used, the contents of the storage container are disposed of in the ground or in the central sewer system.

On average, you can use the toilet for two weeks, and preparation for use takes no more than 5 minutes.

Principle of operation

Let's figure out how a bio-toilet for a summer residence works. It functions by applying neutralizing agents to waste, eliminating odors and speeding up the recycling process. After rinsing with water, the waste falls into the lower container, which contains a drug that eliminates odor. After some time, the drug completely processes waste products along with toilet paper, turning them into a homogeneous mass.

After processing, you must remove the tank from the latch, empty it and rinse it with water. Then reattach the reservoir to the seat and fill it with neutralizing agent.

To calculate the required hygienic substance, it is worth taking a volume of 21 liters per person with a two-week use of the toilet.

Preparation for use

When preparing the dry closet for use, you need to remove the battery compartment and lower the locking lever. Fill the compartment with the required number of AA batteries, then place it in the pump. Before using the toilet, you should read the instructions, which detail the installation principle and operational requirements step by step.

Then move the locking latch to right side to disconnect the water tank from the lower storage tank. The liquid tank and pipe should be installed in vertical position, after removing the cap on the reservoir and filling it with water and a disinfectant to neutralize smell.

After installing the equipment, you should open and close the control levers to reduce the load on the tank. With help hand pump pour a little liquid into the tank, and after use, open the blades on the valve and, pressing the pump, drain the water and release the valve. During such actions, the flush tank is separated from its lower part, which allows the contents to fall into the sewer hole.

For further use, you should put the pipe in its normal position and install the drain tank so that the latch is activated and the upper tank is secured to the lower one. After everything, remove the top cover of the drain tank and pour into it clean water with added liquid for draining.

Terms of use

To prevent unwanted load on the tank and pressure surges, before each use you need to remove the top cover of the storage tank and then put it back in place. It should be remembered that when transporting the dry closet to places with high atmospheric pressure, you should keep the lid of the storage tank open.

To complete the preliminary installation of a dry toilet, it is worth filling the toilet with water using a pump or using a lever that acts on the valve. The contents in the toilet are flushed when you press the lever, which is powered by electricity.

What are the advantages of peat dry closets? What are the criteria for installation and use? If you want to know how the toilet works, the video on our website will help you understand these issues.

Ratio of water and sanitary fluid The amount of sanitary product added to the water depends on the brand used. chemicals

. Each disinfected liquid contains instructions for diluting this concentrate.

Disinfecting chemicals and disinfectants are also used for dry toilets. They are diluted in water, and the detailed method of use can be read on the label or in the included instructions.

Maintenance and care

For optimal and long-term operation of the dry closet, users need to clean the equipment parts with special pastes. Do not use corrosive cleaning agents such as acetone, white spirit, or bleach. The use of such drugs will render the operating elements unusable and the equipment will become unsuitable for further use. You can clean the dry closet by spraying a cleaning solution onto the surface of the toilet, then rinse with water. The remaining solution can be removed with paper napkins.

After cleaning the toilet, dry the flappers and gaskets, lubricate them with olive oil, and remove any remaining grease with a napkin.

do this action should be done for every contamination.

Can only be used as a lubricant olive oil, to avoid unwanted water leakage and extend service life. With frequent use, it is necessary to check the internal parts of the dry closet for wear. If necessary, they should be replaced with new ones.


If for a long time do not use the dry closet, you must store it correctly, first emptying the storage and drain tank of liquid, rinse it and let it dry, remove the batteries and lubricate all the components of the equipment with oil. In winter, a dry toilet can be used if it is located in a warm room, because in the cold the plastic can crack and become unusable.

Dry toilets are an indispensable thing for country houses, dachas, long trips. Depending on the type of construction and the method of processing waste, biotoilets can be used both inside and outside the building.

1. General Provisions. 1.1 The toilet is a place for the discharge of natural physiological needs of students, security staff and other persons admitted to the facility. 1.2 The toilet may only be used for its intended purpose.

2. Operating conditions. 2.1 Using the toilet is allowed at a temperature of +5...+20C, humidity - up to 80%, atmospheric pressure of at least 720 mmHg.

Precautionary measures. 3.1 Ensure that the required quantity is available in a timely manner Supplies. 3.2 In case of vomiting, place your head strictly above the toilet, holding it with your hands.

Terms of use. 4.1 Turn on the light in the toilet. 4.2 Take your time to go inside. Close the door with the locking device. 4.3 When sitting on the toilet, you are allowed to hold onto door handle, but not behind the washbasin. 4.4 When performing a bowel movement, keep your head straight and do not slouch. Feet shoulder width apart. Your hands can be placed on your knees. At the end of the act, use no more than 3 sheets (30 cm roll) of paper. 4.5 Using the toilet by more than one person at a time is not advisable; more than 5 are prohibited.

4.6 If there is no water for technical reasons, prepare in advance a non-flammable liquid in the required quantity (at least 1 liter per 100g.

product). 4.7 After using the toilet, be sure to wash your hands. 4.8 When leaving the toilet, turn off the lights - this helps save electricity, which can be used for national economic and defense purposes.

5.1 Occupy the toilet for more than 30 minutes. 5.2 Sing and bang on the pipes while sitting on the toilet. 5.3 Leave the toilet before the end of defecation and the complete flushing of the product in the toilet.

5.4 Use water from the barrel for cooking. 5.5 Make low-artistic drawings and obscene inscriptions on walls and doors. 5.6 Throw cucumbers and other objects into the toilet. 5.7 Spit and blow your nose on the floor. 5.8 Smoking, drinking alcohol and sniffing glue in the toilet. 5.9 Conduct secret negotiations in the toilet. 5.10 Inappropriate urination. 5.11 Use this sheet for hygienic purposes. Note: If there is no paper, you can use your own scarf, which should then be washed.

Liquids for composting toilets: questions and answers

Proper operation of a dry closet involves the use of special waste treatment products. Any toilet is a place where unpleasant odors, bacteria, and infections accumulate, so sanitary fluids for a dry closet are a necessity.

What are sanitary fluids used for?
— for processing waste into safe components
- elimination of unpleasant odors
- prevention of the occurrence of harmful microbes, fungi and bacteria
- combating unpleasant odors
— suppression of gas formation
- maintaining cleanliness in the dry closet.

There are several generations of disinfectants for dry toilets:
1. Products based on formaldehyde compounds. These drugs quickly and effectively decompose waste.

This product is very toxic, so waste processed by this drug must be drained into the central sewer system.

2. ammonium compounds. These drugs effectively break down and process waste. Works only when interacting with oxygen. Excellent for use in portable dry closets.

Waste containing this product decomposes within a week.

3. biological drugs. They contain live bacteria and do not have any non-chemical compounds.

Dry toilets for home: how to use

These preparations convert all human waste into biological fertilizer. The price of such products is higher, but this price is justified by the absence of chemicals.

It is worth noting that all liquids intended for the lower tank of a dry closet should under no circumstances be poured into the upper tank.

For this purpose, there are special liquids for the upper tank that have excellent deodorizing properties. As a rule, these are so-called “pink” liquids. They lubricate the moving parts of the dry closet pump, help break down waste, clean and protect against contamination. inner surface toilet bowl, ensures the safety of the rubber parts of the mechanical pump, and also reduces water consumption when flushing.

On our website you can buy environmentally friendly and safe sanitary liquids for Thetford dry closets.

The drugs we offer do not pose a danger to environment, retain their properties after defrosting.

Below you can see the most common questions you may have when using Thetford sanitary fluids.

Question: At what temperature can the liquid be used?
Answer: Green liquid Aqua Kem Green can be left at temperatures down to -20C. When defrosted, this product does not lose its properties.

Question: Does the green liquid “preserve” waste immediately after it enters the lower tank or after some time?

How many days have passed since the last visit to the composting toilet before you can empty the contents of the tank into compost?
Answer: Aqua Kem Green liquid processes waste some time after it enters the bottom tank of the dry closet.

You need to drain waste from the lower tank as it fills. But it is worth considering that the liquid begins to lose its properties within 10-14 days after being poured into the tank, so recycling waste in a dry closet will be less effective.

This is due to the high degree of safety and environmentally friendly composition.

Question: Is it possible to pour waste with Aqua Kem Green liquid into open ground?
Answer. Aqua Kem Blue liquid can be poured into the soil as it is environmentally friendly.

But for greater effect, it is better to drain the waste into compost pit, in which all waste will “ripen”. This is explained by the fact that the liquid does not have time to completely process the waste within the specified period, but does so only 80%. The remaining 20% ​​waste will be processed in a compost pit.

Question: Is it possible to drain Aqva Kem Blue liquid into open ground?
Answer: This liquid contains formaldehyde, so you can pour it into a drain or into open ground, but do not use this soil for planting plants, vegetables, etc.

Question: How long will Aqua Kem Blue last?
Answer: As a rule, for a family of three, this liquid lasts about 3 months.

To organize a comfortable latrine in the country or suburban area located far from centralized engineering communications, it’s nice to build a beautiful wooden house, towering above a pre-prepared cesspool. Or you can trust modern technologies and acquire a compact, easy-to-use and relatively inexpensive dry closet.

The second method will be especially relevant if you live in the country all year round and don’t be eager to freeze in a street building.

The main types of dry toilets for summer cottages

The modern market offers you several types of dry toilets:

  • peat structures, which are installed in places with good ventilation and can serve as an excellent alternative to a toilet.

    How to use a peat dry toilet? It uses peat as a filler, which eliminates unpleasant odors and over time turns sewage into good fertilizer for the garden and flower beds;

  • electrical products that require connection to the network;
  • chemical devices in which special preparations produced in the form of liquids or powders are used to process sewage.

Read also: How does a bio-toilet for the home work?

Regardless of what type of structure you choose, you need to know how to handle it.

Therefore, we provide detailed video instructions, and also give a number of useful tips that will help you avoid unnecessary problems.

Liquid dry toilets: design features

The most modern type of closets that do not require connection to the sewerage system and water supply system can be called today liquid products, which are sold ready-made and do not require any effort for installation, operation and maintenance.

Therefore, we will tell you how to use just such a dry closet.

Such designs consist of two containers made of durable, resistant to aggressive influences and environmentally friendly plastic, installed on top of each other. The lower one is used to collect sewage and is equipped with a special valve that prevents the spread of unpleasant odors throughout the room.

Also, many modern models of such closets have a filling indicator, indicating the need to service the container.

Ordinary tap water or a special washing liquid is poured into the upper reservoir.

It can be equipped with pumping equipment to automatically fill the container from a tank or water supply system.

The best dry closets for the home: prices, reviews and recommendations for choosing

To completely eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odors, the container is also equipped with a hermetically sealed lid.

The whole structure as a whole looks compact and even aesthetically pleasing; it can be quite comfortably used not only in any room of the dacha, but also outdoors, since the product is light in weight and does not create any problems in transportation.

How to use a dry toilet

How to properly use the dry closet described above for a summer residence?

To ensure maximum operating comfort and absence of odors, you will first need to perform the following work:

  • Using a special locking lever, we divide the device into two components;
  • turn the container for collecting sewage so that the drain pipe is directed upward;
  • pour a special disinfectant liquid into the opening of the pipe.

    It is this that helps fight unpleasant odors, effectively absorbs them and provides perfect cleanliness in your garden closet. The amount of liquid poured into the container must meet the manufacturer’s requirements;

  • we assemble the structure, install a container for tap water on the lower reservoir and snap the locking lever to prevent it from moving;
  • pour disinfectant liquid into the drain tank.

    This procedure is not necessary, as ordinary water can be used. But the vast majority of toilet manufacturers claim that special liquid these devices last much longer.

Before using the toilet for its intended purpose, you must also pour a little disinfectant liquid directly into the bowl of the device.

To do this, you can use either a pump or perform the procedure manually.

Maintenance of dry toilets of all types

Immediately after using the dry closet, you must activate the flush.

Some models of liquid devices have an electric pump that supplies water at the required pressure, while in others you will have to open a special valve. Working with peat structures is somewhat simpler - in them you just need to pour a certain dose of peat, which absorbs odors, into a container with sewage.

The most unpleasant procedure is cleaning waste containers, which must be performed immediately after filling the tank.

Liquid models often have a special indicator built into them to indicate that it is time for maintenance. It is done this way:

  • disconnect the lower container;
  • we place it on its side so that the drain pipe is directed straight down;
  • empty the container. If you use a liquid dry toilet for your dacha, you can use a button that opens air access and prevents splashing of the disinfectant solution;
  • thoroughly rinse the tank clean water and install it in place.

How to properly store a dry closet in winter

If you intend to use the compact device for your garden only in summer season, you will also find tips on storing it in winter useful.

Any dry closet must be preserved, which requires the following steps:

  • remove sewage from the lower tank, as well as water, disinfectant solution or peat from the upper tank;
  • thoroughly wash both tanks and dry them;
  • de-energize the pumping equipment that is equipped with many models of modern dry closets;
  • Lubricate all pipe connections with oil to prevent possible corrosion.

When there is no time and conditions to use a stationary toilet or build a full-fledged one WC, the dry closet will be indispensable. This invention has been on sale for 40 years. It gained popularity thanks to increased level comfort and ease of use. Where there is a problem with water supply, a portable dry toilet comes to the rescue.

The principle of operation of a dry toilet

Operating principle of an electric dry closet
This type of equipment runs on electricity, so its use is limited to access to the network. By technical indicators is the most advanced mechanism, but its cost is high.

Each manufacturer produces models with a wide variety of functions. There are products where the lower tank separates liquid waste from solid waste, which, under the influence high temperature are burned to ash, and the liquid is sent to a separate container or sewer.

Electric models with a peat component when heated provide fast growth bacteria. In this case, the liquid evaporates, after which the dried waste is used to fertilize the soil.

When using an electric dry closet inside residential premises, it is necessary to install a fan. Some models are initially equipped with a ventilation system. Then you can safely use them near the room without worrying about the presence of unpleasant odors.

The package includes ventilation and sewer pipes for discharging filtered liquid into sewage pit or reservoir.

The principle of operation of a peat dry closet

These dry closets take first place in terms of environmental friendliness in use. They are considered the least expensive and the safest.

The drain tank is filled with special peat, the contents of which also include sawdust. Ordinary earthen peat is not suitable for these purposes, since it does not have the required amount of microorganisms with their metabolic products (bioenzymes), which are necessary for processing feces.

At the end of its service life, when peat is mixed with waste, storage tank is devastated. For this, a separate container or a special pit is used.

Since the waste tank is heavy (up to 130 kg), not everyone will be able to empty it. Therefore, before purchasing, think about whether you can operate this toilet yourself.

But in this case there is a way out - pour out the waste when it reaches half or 1/3. Or solve this problem by choosing a model with wheels at the base of the barrel to roll it to the drainage point.

The disadvantage of this product is its ability to spread bad smell, That's why the best way out It will be installed inside toilet cabins, on the street, or indoors with a good ventilation system.

The main thing during installation is correct installation ventilation. Namely, the exclusion of right angles when connecting pipes to the street. The ideal would be to install the pipe vertically upward.

This type is suitable for use by a maximum of two people when infrequent use is expected - for example, only on weekends. In this case, you will have to clean the tank twice a year. If more than frequent use, then you will have to think about draining the liquid into a separate pit or container.

Since the barrel contains only peat and sawdust, the dry closet can withstand sub-zero temperatures and can be left outside during the cold season.

The principle of operation of a cassette dry toilet

Such models are popular for home use. They are characterized by simplicity and ease of use.

The principle of operation is that the contents enter a cassette, which is located inside and is equipped with wheels for transportation. Outwardly, it looks like a suitcase. The volume reaches 20 liters.

In the tank, the waste is disposed of using a chemical liquid and becomes homogeneous. If it becomes necessary to replace the cartridge, the cartridge is replaced with a new one without much effort, and the old one is disposed of.

Compact dimensions allow it to be used even in small spaces. The scope of use is very wide - yachts, ships, construction sites.

There are products for the disabled with built-in toilet tanks on wheelchairs, orthopedic chairs, equipped with armrests.

The principle of operation of a chemical dry toilet
They are convenient and compact products.

The powerful chemical composition used for waste disposal has a bad influence on the human body and soil.

The design consists of two parts. The upper part is intended for storing drain water containing a flushing pump, and the lower tank contains a chemical composition with waste.

There are the following types of liquids that are poured into the lower compartment of the tank:

  • biological. They break down waste using active living bacteria. After the reaction occurs, the liquid is used as fertilizer for plants;
  • ammonium. This chemistry breaks down waste several times faster than biological chemistry, but without access to oxygen. After 1-1.5 weeks, the remaining elements can be partially poured into the garden for fertilizer;
  • formaldehyde. The most harmful liquids in their composition. After reacting with such chemicals, safety precautions must be taken when disposing of the waste. They are not suitable as a fertilizer, being very dangerous for the health of the upper respiratory tract. Modern developments make it possible to get rid of harmful properties composition of such liquids.

Types of dry closets

  1. Water
    The design of water toilets consists of two tanks. The top one is for water, the bottom one is for waste. It is also assumed that there is a seat, cover and water pump. Their operation is similar to permanent toilets.
  2. Without water
    • peat using special peat;
    • disposable with complete disposal of equipment after waste accumulation;
    • dry using biodegradable waste bags.


  • Portable dry toilet
    Characterized by compact size and light weight, even when the tank is full. It is purchased for long-distance travel, but only when the air temperature is above zero, since its use is prohibited at low temperatures.
  • Toilet stall
    Stationary, used both at dachas and in places common use. It is a toilet cubicle with a door. Dimensions will not allow you to carry it. Therefore, they are used where a long service life in one place is expected.

What is it made from?

  • acrylic;
  • polyethylene;
  • polystyrene;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics;
  • polypropylene.

Flush systems

Water is supplied to the tank under pressure. The pressure is created due to the presence of a pumping system or so-called pump. The result of the work depends on what type of equipment the upper tank is equipped with.

Flush pumps, the operation of which involves cleaning the upper compartment from dirt and odors, are classified as follows:

  1. electric
    When you press the flush button, water supply, flow rate and volume are determined electronic program. This model is an economical option. The pump operates using batteries, which last for one and a half to two weeks. In their absence, there will be no possibility of a complete flush. If an electric pump breaks down, it can only be repaired by specialists.
  2. piston
    It is the simplest and cheapest option. The water supply is ensured by the pressure of the lower part of the hand pump piston, which is previously fixed in the maximum position. It takes a lot of effort to create the necessary flow of water for flushing. You can replace such a pump yourself without any problems.
  3. pump-action
    The principle of operation is similar to the previous one, but without using much effort. The pump itself does all the work, but it is not possible to control the volume of liquid flushed.
  4. siphon
    This is the same pump, only made with the help of a corrugation, which must be pressed from above in order for movement to occur. The corrugation compresses, increasing the pressure inside, and water is drawn in. Then it returns to its original position. A couple of movements are enough to drain the liquid.

    The disadvantage is that it cannot be repaired yourself.

  5. mechanical
    Most old look pumps. It is an accordion, which, through human physical efforts, supplies water to the drain. This method is short-lived due to low wear resistance.

All of the listed drainage mechanisms, except for the electric one, are a method of manually draining water to clean the container of waste.

Waste processing method

Based on waste processing methods, three main categories can be distinguished:

  1. Bacteriological.
    Based on the use of biological substances. This is the longest way to dispose of waste, in which it is converted into fertilizer. At the same time - the most environmentally friendly safe method, since there is no harm to health or nature.
  2. Peat.
    Environmentally friendly. The contents, by adding a portion of peat, are turned into compost, and the liquid is processed and evaporated.
  3. Chemical.
    A very harmful mechanism for the disposal of feces. The liquid chemicals contained destroy waste products through a chemical reaction. Here it is not possible to use recycled waste as fertilizer, so it is sent directly to the sewer or waste pit.


Advantages of an electric dry closet:

  • to empty the waste tank no need to use physical force, since the weight of burned feces remains minimal due to 70% evaporation of liquids during processing;
  • no need to spend money on reagents with the help of which waste products are disposed of;
  • the work of the lower compartment is carried out automatic separation liquid fractions from solid ones. After this, the compressor turns the solids into compost and the liquid is drained;
  • Using the flush is very convenient - you just press a button.

Advantages of a peat dry closet:

  • minimal material costs on the filler. Peat is very cheap;
  • ease assembly, operation;
  • complete autonomy in the supply of water and electricity;
  • processed waste products are used as fertilizers, without creating the need for equipment special sewer pipes and sewage pits;
  • peat has a very high storage capacity and is therefore considered economical option.

Positive qualities of a chemical toilet:

  • except for reagent smells no foreign odors;
  • simplicity applications;
  • ease movement;
  • It has filling indicator receiving tank.


Disadvantages of electric bioseptic tanks:

  • high cost of the product;
  • complete dependence on the availability of electricity and frequent changes of batteries in the pumping system;
  • the need for a permanent sewerage and ventilation system.

Cons of chemical or liquid toilets:

  • constant availability of chemical reagents is required;
  • very frequent cleaning of the lower faeces tank;
  • in all models, the valve on the receiving tank must fit tightly, which often creates difficulties when closing the tank.

Inconveniences when using peat toilets:

  • independent construction ventilation system to avoid unpleasant odors in the room;
  • it is necessary to consider the presence of a sewer drain or pit;
  • The weight of a full tank of waste is large and not every person will be able to independently transport it to the waste pit.

How to choose a dry toilet

As soon as the question arises about the need to purchase a dry closet, it is worth answering the basic questions:

  1. How often will you need to use this technique?
    An important condition is the volume of the lower tank. By imagining how often you will have to use it and knowing the volume of the lower tank, you can calculate the number of times you will use it. For example, 30 uses are possible for tanks with a capacity of 13 liters. Therefore, it is possible to calculate the number of people who will operate this device.
  2. Who is responsible for emptying the bottom waste container?
    The lower tank, after filling, weighs from 100 to 130 kg. It depends on the type of septic tank. Elderly people, women, and disabled people will not be able to cope with this task. If you want to purchase just such a model, then choose a company that supplies the lower tank with wheels, which are convenient for transportation.
  3. Is there a need to select a toilet based on height?
    When purchasing a product in a store, check on site whether the model suits you. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the person who needs this device.
  4. Whether there is a available methods drainage equipment, sewerage, ventilation systems, properly?
    Most models require work before use, constructing ventilation and drain pipes. The packaging of this type of toilet always contains the necessary components. Everything is installed according to the diagram contained in the instructions for the device.
  5. When is it intended to be used?
    If in winter the climate temperature is below zero, then you need to prepare a warm room in advance, stocking up on antifreeze for the liquid.

Pay attention to the drainage system. This moment taken into account more for comfort. With a large rinsing area, the device is able to maintain the necessary hygiene indicators and eliminate unpleasant odors, maintaining cleanliness.

If you choose a piston system pump, be aware that physical effort will be required when flushing.

The presence of a liquid control indicator will increase the ease of use several times, since it is difficult to control this point on your own.

To prevent waste from splashing, install the locked pressure relief valve as vertically as possible before separating the two tanks. This way the compartments will be cleaned without any unpleasant consequences.

Which is better

The main condition when choosing a portable device that is best suited for you is that it fully meets your needs and capabilities.

Therefore, when choosing a product in this category, pay attention to:

  1. Large number of people. Choose models with a tank volume of at least 20 liters.
  2. Seat height.
  3. Supply additional functions . For greater convenience, you will need a model equipped with a two-way flush electric pump. Maintaining hygiene, as well as complete cleanliness without foreign odors, will be guaranteed. And flushing will be easy.
  4. Availability of fill indicators. It eliminates the need to constantly monitor waste levels. Lighting indicators will notify you of this.
  5. Existence of release valve blockage will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors into the room. You can also choose cassette models, in which excrement is disposed of under the influence of various substances.
  6. If you plan to use it for a short time while traveling, then the best model will be the one that Easily fits into a car trunk.
  7. If you are purchasing a toilet for a long time, then choose models with a large tank volume.

How to use a dry toilet

No one has any difficulties with assembling a dry closet. The main thing is to have a general understanding of the principles of operation.

The structure of the product is represented by two tanks. The upper one is for flushing, the lower one is for feces (contains a chemical liquid, peat or biological composition). The upper compartment is equipped with a built-in toilet seat.

Both tanks are connected with a special latch, the quality of which is worth checking before purchasing. Its density should be high to avoid the spread of unnecessary odors.

Let's consider the basic rules of use:

  1. After the equipment is installed, it is necessary to close and open the tank valve, eliminating uneven pressure inside the tanks.
  2. Add a small amount of water to the reservoir using a pump.
  3. After using the toilet for its intended purpose, you need to open the valve blade by pulling the lever and then flush.
  4. If there is a fill level indicator in the lower compartment, the red button will light up. This signal indicates the need to remove waste and clean the tank.
  5. Disconnect the lower tank by pressing the latch. Sometimes this is not so easy to do without some effort. After this, send the contents of the tank down the drain.
  6. Fill the upper reservoir with water, and the lower one must be filled or topped up with the necessary contents for waste processing.
  7. The device is ready for next use.

Security measures:

  • the socket should be located at a distance of 1.5 meters from the device;
  • You cannot use a product filled to 90% or more;
  • do not use the dry closet at sub-zero temperatures unless this is provided in the instructions;
  • valves and rubber seals are lubricated with silicone grease for long service life;
  • do not allow mechanical damage to the device;
  • the use of abrasive substances is unacceptable;
  • do not allow children to play near the dry closet.

Winter storage conditions

If the purchased device is used only in summer, then in winter it is necessary to properly preserve it. To do this, you need to completely empty the two bowls, rinse well and dry thoroughly. fresh air to avoid any remaining water.

It is better to wash the lower bowl with soapy water to disinfect.

Operating conditions in winter

If there is a need to use such a toilet at sub-zero temperatures, you need to ensure there is a warm room for storing it. Almost all models cannot withstand subzero temperature, which makes it impossible to use.

The drain tank must be filled with antifreeze in winter to prevent the water from freezing. When water freezes, it will increase in volume and damage the entire structure.

Correct calculation of the ratio of water and sanitary products

For optimal performance product, the water in the upper compartment must be diluted with a chemical liquid with an antibacterial effect. The volume of this product depends on the concentration of sanitary products.

When using conventional sanitary gels, the calculation is made in the ratio of 100 ml of liquid per 10 liters of water. If the concentrate is thicker and requires dilution, then the calculation is as follows: 30-50 ml per 10 liters of water.

In addition to disinfectants, it is necessary to add deodorizing substances. The instructions always contain dosage instructions, but 15-30 ml of these products per 10 liters of water will be sufficient.


On various models Manufacturers provide warranty periods of 2 to 3 years. Servicing is carried out only on models with a manufacturing defect that was discovered immediately after purchase, or after some time during operation within the period specified by the manufacturer.

If the product turns out to be faulty after examination, it will be replaced with a new one in accordance with the Law on Consumer Rights. The product kit includes spare parts; they also have a warranty period, but much shorter. The period is one year from the date of purchase of the main product.

  • failure to comply with the operating rules specified in the instructions for use;
  • incorrect installation of equipment;
  • application of modifications;
  • the initial repair was not carried out by a certified maintenance service;
  • detecting fake codes or serial number product;
  • removing a code or serial number;
  • damage due to improper use.


The company specializes in the production of toilet chairs designed for disabled people with partial loss of motor activity. Used at home and in hospitals.

Product characteristics:

  • straight, non-removable armrests;
  • soft linings on the sides;
  • strong metal frame with enamel coating;
  • load capacity reaches 150 kg;
  • The legs are equipped with non-slip tips.

The seat and removable container can be disassembled after use for easy cleaning, since the material of manufacture (plastic) guarantees easy maintenance.

The design feature is the ability to be used above the toilet.

Some models fold, so they can be moved without problems. The legs of the dry closet are adjustable and firmly fixed.

The models are equipped with a set of fixing elements: seat belts, abductor, tips. Chair-composting toilets are simple and reliable.

Toilet cabin from the Russian manufacturer “Bioecology”. The model is recommended for use in dachas, as it requires the installation of a cesspool or storage tank.

The Italian company creates high-quality cat toilets from environmentally friendly plastic.

This product can be placed in any room of your home, as modern technology Odor Prevention will take care of that. The doors are hermetically sealed with magnets. An innovative ventilation method is used: the air rises, is purified through three carbon filters, and unpleasant odors are neutralized.

Cleaning the toilet is easy by opening the clamps on the sides of the toilet. The special rounded shape guarantees the convenience of space inside.

Well-known manufacturer of dry toilets for cats in Italy.

The design is completely closed and has the following advantages:

  • carbon odor absorption filter;
  • high-quality plastic that is easy to clean;
  • the filler remains inside;
  • the legs don't slip.

A special feature of the product is a swinging transparent flap that prevents the appearance of unpleasant odor in room. The toilet is easy to disassemble and assemble.

The company produces toilets in the form of trays with sides and non-slip feet. The color range of products is replete with variety.

The German company presents products of a special level of quality and comfort.
Specialization - electric and cassette dry closets with a piston flush system. The pump produces a complete flush with a small flow of water, carried out in one movement.
Product Features:

  • hydraulic gasket ensures tightness;
  • improved drain mechanism;
  • simple cleaning design;
  • equipped with a fill indicator for the lower tank;
  • comfortable sitting;
  • 360° flush.

Some models are equipped with a mocerator (a special grinder that protects the pump from large particles).

The material used (ABS plastic) is durable and hygienic.

The toilet's convenient base area, deep bowl and seat dimensions will replace your home toilet. The warranty period for the products is 3 years.

The brand specializes in toilet chairs, which are manufactured in Taiwan. Popular composting toilets for use in hospitals and elderly care.

Features of the models: backrest equipment, lowering armrests, wheels with parking brakes. The frame is made of steel, so it has high strength. The handrails are covered with a non-slip coating.

The product should be cleaned after each use, as these dry closets are not equipped with a waste recycling system.

Some options are stackable. Composition: light, washable plastic. The design stands out for its stability and convenience.

Modern dry toilets are an excellent alternative to outdated pit cesspools. They do not pollute the area, are autonomous and easy to use. Let's talk about use in more detail.

Design and principle of operation

Before considering the question of how to use a dry closet, you need to find out what it is. Almost all models consist of two blocks: upper and lower. The first is analogous to a toilet: it has a seat and a flush system (in some versions it may not have one).

The lower block is a waste receiver and processing station. Recycling can be done by chemical or biological methods. Regardless of the type of waste treatment, odor is eliminated. The end result of recycling is harmless components that can be disposed of without problems.

It should be remembered that a dry toilet involves the use of some active component (peat, special chemicals), the reserves of which must be periodically replenished. You should also ensure that the bottom block of the dry closet is full and empty it regularly.

Majority modern models have a special indication of the fullness of the lower block and the consumption of the active component.

Step by step

Let's look at how to use a dry closet at home. Different models have their own subtleties, but the general principles are largely similar. Let's assume that we have a compact model of a dry flush toilet.

  • Check the water content in the tank (upper block);
  • If it is not there, you should fill the tank with water (some models have a special pump for such purposes, in others, filling is done through the neck of the tank);
  • Check the fullness indicator of the lower unit;
  • Do your business;
  • Flush (usually, this procedure is performed in the same way as in any other toilet - with the button on the tank).

As you can see, using a dry closet does not involve any complex rituals. The only difficulty that may arise is the complete filling of the lower block or the production of the active component. In this case, proceed according to the instructions. Typically, the top block can be removed, after which the contents of the bottom block can be poured down the drain or into a waste disposal site.

Due to the design features, the use of peat dry closets is slightly different. Since such a scheme can generally be implemented independently, the specific operational features highly depend on the specific device. However general principle usage remains the same.

Winter period

How to properly use a dry toilet in winter to avoid any trouble? Most compact, portable models of dry closets are not intended for use in winter. Likewise, peat dry toilets (even stationary ones) may not work effectively at sub-zero temperatures.

The solution to the problem may be to install a dry closet in a heated room, or to initially select a model that can be used in winter. Such dry closets are distinguished by the use of special chemicals. In addition, they use non-freezing liquids (antifreeze) rather than water for flushing.

Alexei 12.07.2014 Dry toilet

An increasing number of owners of private houses and summer cottages are choosing modern equipment, including those related to sanitary systems. The street closets familiar to many are being replaced by new compact designs.

And today even a child knows how to use a dry toilet. Moreover, its operation is so simple and convenient that it is a decisive factor when purchasing.

Design features

How to calculate the ratio of water and sanitary fluid

Many users of dry toilets are interested in the question of how much special means must be added to the water to ensure that the device operates optimally. It all depends on the brand used chemical substance. If it is a regular domestic product, for example, Biofresh, then you will need at least 100 ml per 10 liters of water. If concentrates are used, the numbers can be an order of magnitude lower. But in any case, each manufacturer of such drugs usually indicates the method of dilution.

But in addition to disinfectants, deodorizing agents are also used. And in this case, the dose depends on the brand of the composition. Thus, Biola manufacturers recommend adding no more than 20 ml of this drug per 10 liters of water. Their method of use also contains instructions for using the dry closet.

How to use a dry closet correctly so that it works properly and does not cause unnecessary trouble? The first thing that is recommended to pay attention to is the compliance of the liquids used and the model of the device, since the use of substitutes can lead to breakdown.

Bottom line

Before purchasing a portable closet, it is a good idea to think about the place for its installation and the equipment necessary for comfortable operation. Based on the existing conditions, a model should be selected. This will help you follow the rules for using the dry closet in the future without creating uncomfortable situations for the user.

Sale and rental of toilet cabins, peat dry closets from the manufacturer "Bionika"

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