Complex common words. Professionalisms are words associated with the characteristics of the work of people in a particular specialty or profession.

Common words.


2014-2015 academic year

Russian language

Musaeva R.S.

Subject: Common words. Terms.

The purpose of the lesson:

Educational: introduce commonly used words and terms, teach how to distinguish a position from a specialty;

Developmental: develop students' memory, logical thinking, speech;

Educational: bring up communication skills personality, interest in Russian

Chinese language.

Lesson type: learning new knowledge

Method: verbal, practical, visual, partially search

Lesson forms: frontal, individual, group, collective

Equipment: workbooks, textbooks, slides, interactive whiteboard, electronic textbook, “Hidden Word” crossword puzzle, cluster, transparent magazine.

Epigraph:“There are so many words in Russian language"how many stars are there in the sky"


During the classes:

Stage I: a) organizational moment

b) psychological attitude:

Do you like studying? Yes

Do you like Russian language lessons? Yes

Will you flapping your ears? No

Will you roll up your sleeves to get to work? Yes

Stage II: a) independent work according to the textbook, work in workbooks

b) recording points in a transparent journal

Stage III: a) checking level assignments

b) entry in a transparent journal, scoring points

“Bridge” tasks to review the material covered

Question:What is phonetics?

Answer: Phonetics is a branch of science. who studies sounds and letters.

Question: How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

Answer: There are thirty-three letters in the Russian alphabet .

Question: How many vowel sounds are there in Russian?

Answer: There are six vowel sounds in the Russian language (a, o, u, ы, и, е) .

Question: How many vowels are there in Russian?

There are ten vowels in the Russian language (a, o, u, ы, i, e. e, e, yu, i) .

Question: How many consonants are there in Russian?

Answer: There are twenty-one consonant letters in the Russian language.

Theoretical part.

Theory "Recognition"

Who? What? Which?

Stage II. Self-learning task new topic. 12 min.

Electronic textbook

Theory "Understanding"

Working with the textbook. Exercise 1 (task 2).

Complete the sentences

Words that all people use are called commonly used


Words used by people of a certain profession are called professional.

Task 3 (oral).

Name the words that teachers and students use while studying at school.

Theory "Analysis"

Tree, doctor, milk, teacher, face, mechanic, bread, engineer.

How do professional words differ from common ones?

Theory "Synthesis"

Crossword “Find the hidden word”

1. How many vowels are there in the Russian language?

2.What calls us to the lesson?

3.What are the hardness and softness of the consonants in the word? board?

4.What studies sounds and letters?

Practical part. Theory "Application"

Exercise No. 3. Read it. Explain how the words in the title differ.

Profession and specialty

Words similar in meaning and use profession and specialty have distinctive features.

Profession- this is an occupation, a certain form labor activity. Speciality is a separate branch of science, technology, and production in which a person works.

People of the same profession can have different specialties. She is a doctor by profession, a surgeon by specialty. He is a builder by profession; by profession he can be a concrete worker, reinforcement worker, welder, or mason.


Exercise No. 4.

Read and title the text, complete the tasks for the text.

Task 1 (written). Complete the sentences.

The term is accurate scientific concept . The word "term" comes from Latin. The term has the advantage of immutability.

First aides in understanding the terms - terminology dictionaries.

Theory "Evaluation"

Why do we need professional words in speech?

Answer: Professional words are needed to define the type of occupation, a certain form of work activity.

Stage III feedback(assessment stage)

1-level (5 points) 5 min.

Theory "Recognition"

1.Paste the right words

There are a lot of words in the Russian language that all people use, these words are called commonly used.

Words that are used in a team united by some specialty or profession are called professional.

2. Correctly distribute words in literal and figurative meanings into punched cards.

Theory "Practice"

Level 2 (5 points + 4 points) = 9 points 7 min

Phonetic analysis of words

Profession Term

Theory "Understanding"

Game "Go Home"

Thermometer, chalk, magazine, brick, concrete, bandage, pointer, medicine, recipe, sand, nail, cotton wool, paint, lesson, textbook.

Theory "Analysis"

Expand cluster

Distribute and define the words: tree, driver, winter, love, loader, fitter, autumn, salesman, book, cashier.

Theory "Practice"

Working with the textbook.

Exercise No. 5.

Write down terms and concepts related to linguistic science.

Square, grammar, rectangle, conjugation, subtraction, word formation, word root, hypothesis.

Level III (9 points + 3 points = 12 points)

Theory "Synthesis"

Write a short story about the profession of one of the parents, using professionalisms.

Theory "Practice"

What do you think your job is? What importance does work (study) have in your life?

Summarizing the results using a transparent journal, i.e. score counting.

Homework exercise 6, rule.

Transparent magazine

Topic: Common words. Terms.

F.I. student

Level 1 “5” point


Level 3

Total score

Ayimbetov N.

Amanzhol A.

Agyntaeva A.

Abiltaev A.

Aldanazarova A.

Bagzhanova K.

Bozdakova Z.

Kaldybaeva A.

Kamaev A.

Kuanyshev M.

Kuanysheva A.

Mukanbetkali J.

Nauryzbaeva M.

Nurlybaev B.

Omarkhanova N.

Otemisov N.

Ulmaganbetova Zh.

Monitoring the knowledge of 6a grade students in a Russian language lesson on the topic:

“Object – noun and personal pronoun”

Russian language


10. Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of usage

Common words.

Common words- these are words that are used by all people, regardless of profession and place of residence. It is these words that make up the main part of the vocabulary of the Russian language. People need them for everyday communication; common words are familiar and understandable to everyone, for example: tree, concert, brainy, count etc.

Obsolete words (archaisms and historicisms).

Outdated words- these are words that have fallen out of active use and have ceased to be relevant for a given era. Such words are rarely used in everyday communication and are not always understood by people. Among outdated words, archaisms and historicisms are distinguished.

Archaisms- This outdated words, which denote the names of objects or phenomena that currently exist, but for some reason have been replaced by other, later names.

Types of archaisms:
1) phonetic, for example: number - number, eighteen - eighteen ;
2) accentological, for example: siў mvol - symbol, muў language - music ;
3) morphological, for example: at the beginning of the 20th century the word piano was a feminine noun, but in modern Russian this word is used in the masculine gender;
4) word-forming, for example: fisherman - fisherman, energetic - energetic ;
5) lexical, for example: right hand - right hand ;
6) Some words may lose any meaning. In such cases, the word becomes archaic, for example: the word is outdated vulgar in meaning "popular".

Historicisms- these are outdated words that denote the names of those who disappeared from modern life objects, phenomena, concepts, for example: chain mail, loophole, svetets, zemstvo, arquebus . Historicisms, unlike archaisms, do not have synonyms in modern Russian. This is explained by the fact that the very realities for which these words were names have become obsolete. Historicisms can be associated with very distant eras ( veche, oprichnik ) and with relatively recent events ( tax in kind, check ).


Neologisms- these are new words that have not yet become familiar and everyday names of the corresponding objects and concepts, for example: teleconference, videophone . The appearance of new words is associated with historical development society, the development of science and technology, literature and art, with changes in Everyday life. For example, in the 70s words such as felt-tip pen, florist, simulator, TV show, photo frame . But now we cannot call these words neologisms, since they have already become familiar in everyday communication. There are general linguistic and proprietary neologisms. A general linguistic neologism quickly assimilates into the language, “takes root” in it, and its freshness quickly ceases to be felt, for example: computer . But original neologisms cannot become part of the language, since they exist only within a certain context, for example: poetry, sickly (V. Mayakovsky).

Neologisms include not only completely new, but also previously known words that have acquired new meanings. For example, in last years the word became widespread scenario in the meaning of “plan, scheme for holding an event, exhibition, etc.” In addition, the words have returned to our vocabulary mercy, charity and etc.

Of course, dialectisms, jargons and professionalisms are interesting in their own way, but without them the Russian language could exist. The popular vocabulary includes a huge number of words of all parts of speech, both independent and functional. We looked at common words, example words and their meanings.

Why do native speakers need local dialects? The use of such words often helps authors of literary texts create special poetics, convey mood, and more vividly express the image of a character. At the same time, writers try not to oversaturate their text with dialectisms, otherwise readers will not understand much.

The purpose of the work is to describe the use of common vocabulary in the texts of modern media, assessing the appropriateness of its use. Terminological vocabulary includes words or phrases used to logically accurately define special concepts, establish the content of concepts, their distinctive features. There are dialectisms recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the literary language with the mark “regional”, and extraliterary dialectisms known only in dialects. The expressiveness of slang vocabulary contributes to the fact that words from slangs move into national colloquial and everyday speech, not bound by strict literary norms. Most words that have become widespread outside of jargons can be considered jargons only from a genetic point of view, and at the time of their consideration they already belong to the vernacular. This suggests that the use of jargon and argotisms makes speech not only rude, but also unclear. The use of jargon is most often motivated by the author’s communicative-pragmatic attitude. It should be noted that jargons that have a functional-semantic meaning with various suffixes of disdain are used for the purpose of emotional impact on the reader. Topic 2. The word as a unit of language. Multiple meaning words. Usage polysemantic words V works of art.

For example, the words “brezg” (dawn) and “zobat” (eat) are currently used only in a few Russian dialects. It happens that a lexical unit ceases to be commonly used and becomes professional jargon. Common words are lexical units that can be completely erased from people's memory. Unfortunately it's true.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary

In addition to stylistically neutral lexical units, among common words there are those that can be pronounced by every person, but only sometimes. For example, the words: “zemlitza”, “bungler”, “newspaper”, “bearded”, “square” - they differ from stylistically neutral lexical units in that they can be called emotional or even expressive. On the contrary, terms (special or dialectal) can be added to this vocabulary, the use of which was previously curtailed. Interesting, isn't it? Common words in the Russian language are of great interest to many researchers.

Since during a conversation the speech is not prepared in advance, characteristic features This style is characterized by incompleteness of expressed thoughts and emotionality.

Speech styles serve certain areas of human life, and therefore each style is distinguished by two characteristics: the sphere of communication and the purpose of communication. In general, all speech styles can be divided into two large groups: conversational style on the one hand and bookish styles of speech (artistic, journalistic, official business, scientific) on the other.

Scope of use. These words, as well as the phenomena they signify, are found only in certain dialects.

Obsolete words (archaisms and historicisms).

In such cases, the word becomes archaic, for example: the word vulgar in the meaning of “popular” is outdated. Historicisms are outdated words that denote the names of objects, phenomena, and concepts that have disappeared from modern life, for example: chain mail, loophole, secularist, zemstvo, arquebus.

Knowledge of speech styles gives an idea of ​​what language means must be used in one situation or another.

Stylistic errors are the use of verbal constructions or individual words that do not correspond to the stylistic design of the text and violate the communicative expediency of the sentence. Lexico-stylistic errors represent the unjustified use of clericalism, jargon, archaisms and vulgarisms in the text.

You can often find references to stylistic errors in the text, which are a consequence of choosing the wrong word or phrase that does not fit the main text.

It represents the lexical core, without which language is unthinkable, communication is impossible, it consists of words that are expressions of the most necessary life important concepts. There are times when a word from the national dictionary disappears into professional jargon. Dialect words are used mainly in oral speech, since the dialect itself is mainly the oral, everyday speech of the inhabitants rural areas. 3) lexical dialectisms - words, both in form and in meaning, different from the words of commonly used vocabulary: kochet - rooster, the other day - the other day, gutarit - talk, inda - even, etc. Words whose use is characteristic of people who form separate social groups, constitute slang vocabulary. Slang vocabulary has a narrow scope of use: it is used mainly among “our own people,” i.e. in communication with people of the same social circle as the speaker.

Getting rid of stylistic mistakes

Modern Russian language. Vocabulary. Vocabulary of limited scope of use. Introduction. Vocabulary. Bustard, 1997. Argo. P. 37. Dialectisms.

To get rid of stylistic errors, special work should be done on them. Preventing and correcting style confusion will develop a person’s linguistic flair and cultivate a person’s speech taste. However, it should be remembered that different mixed styles of vocabulary are often a successful stylistic device aimed at creating an ironic or comic effect.

All linguists know that dialect vocabulary includes words whose distribution is limited to a particular territory. Entrepreneurs use both generally accepted and dialect words and expressions, for example, accounting and recounting of goods. He noted the differences between jargons and professional words: argotisms differ from professionalisms in the following features. This means that next to them there are always synonyms of popular use. We found out that the main group of argotisms are popular words with a special, specific meaning.

The main feature of this style is logic, clarity and the absence of any emotion on the part of the author. The journalistic style is used not only for the purpose of conveying this or that information, but also for the purpose of influencing the feelings and thoughts of listeners or readers. Art style different from the rest book styles the fact that when writing his works, the author can use almost any of the above styles.

The Russian language has several lexical layers, each of which differs in its scope of use and purpose.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is heterogeneous in terms of the degree of its distribution and activity of use, as well as in the nature of its stylistic coloring. For example: gutarit (South Russian) - to speak, bait (Northern Russian) - to speak. Special vocabulary is the words used in speech by representatives of certain branches of knowledge and professions.

Due to the huge amount of scientific vocabulary. Progress in society, in all its spheres, brings many new technologies and improvements.

Highly specialized terms are understandable only to specialists. Terms belong to the literary language and are recorded in special terminological dictionaries and explanatory dictionaries with the mark “special”. At the same time, the meaning of the units used (jargon, borrowings) is usually expanded and rethought in relation to other areas of activity.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation. In particular, there is different types segregation.separation minor members Sentences In writing, almost any part of speech can stand out, including minor ones. They are usually used to express strong emotions, such as delight, surprise, anger and others. It is almost impossible to find them in scientific texts. Even literate people make grammatical mistakes. It is not difficult to notice that some rules of Russian do not cause difficulties, while others regularly trip up the majority.

Special vocabulary includes words and expressions used by groups of people united by occupation, activity, i.e., by a professional community. The growth of scientific and technical knowledge causes the emergence large number new concepts and their names. Professionalisms serve for greater differentiation and clarification of the term (in meteorology, the names of snowflakes depending on their shape: star, needle, hedgehog, plate, fluff, column). 2) others - for pejorative purposes (from the English pejorative - derogatory, disapproving).

There are a few difficult moments. Why? Because the possibility of understanding one or another of them depends on a person’s education, and not on his belonging to any profession or occupation.

The first sentence has a neutral stylistic connotation, while the second is more emotional - the author shows that the water he drank from the source was very good. Also, through the use of words, negative shades of meaning can be conveyed.

The Russian language has several lexical layers, each of which differs in its scope of use and purpose. First of all, lexicon languages ​​are divided into two large groups: national and those having limited area use. Let's get acquainted with examples of commonly used words in the Russian language. Such vocabulary is used both in written and in oral speech in a wide variety of situations.


Common words, examples of which will be given below, are the main wealth of the language. They are understandable to everyone, regardless of place of residence, type of activity or profession. Without such a layer, which makes up the lexical core of a language, its very existence would be impossible.

Examples of words in common vocabulary are: cat, apartment, illusion, literature, walk, run, beautiful, smart, wide, green, we, they, fast, fun. As you can see, this includes words of various parts of speech, using which you can describe any life situation.


Examples of commonly used words are quite varied. First of all, a group of stylistically neutral ones is distinguished, which can be used by native speakers in any style of speech. Features of styles and examples of vocabulary are presented in the table.

Vocabulary depending on style

a brief description of

Examples of common words


Designed for everyday communication

I understand, teacher, school, pencil, preparation, dishes, mechanism, parents, lessons

Accuracy, reliability, logic. The style is rich in terms

Evolution, parallelism, outline, meridian, hypotenuse

Used for writing memos, protocols, and similar documents

The undersigned, statement, receipt, undertake, attach, circumstances, due to


The purpose of use is not only to inform, but also to have an emotional impact

As reported, expected, parliamentarian, elections, construction, construction, opening, expected


Used to write literary works

Heartfelt, exalt, overthrown, majestic

So, regardless of the style of speech, the main purpose of popular words is to organize communication. Thanks to them, native speakers understand each other and can express their thoughts both in oral dialogue and in writing.

There are several difficult points. Thus, the words inherent in the scientific style, in particular terms, may not be clear to everyone, but nevertheless, they relate specifically to the national layer. Why? Because the possibility of understanding one or another of them depends on a person’s education, and not on his belonging to any profession or occupation. Thus, the literary term “epithet” may be unclear only to those who did not study well at school.

Expressing emotions

In terms of use, commonly used words, examples of which are given below, are divided into the following groups:

  • neutral (mom, peace, run, good, emotion, cat, apartment, like, green, quality and many others);
  • stylistically colored (pretty, some water, little time, old lady).

If the first group of words simply conveys information, then the second expresses the author’s attitude. Let's compare:

  • The water in the source was cool.
  • The water in the spring was cool.

The first sentence has a neutral stylistic connotation, while the second is more emotional - the author shows that the water he drank from the source is very good.

Also, through the use of words, negative shades of meaning can be conveyed. Let's compare:

  • His eyes sparkled menacingly.
  • He flashed his eyes menacingly.

Differences from dialectisms

Let's look at examples of common words and dialect words, as well as their differences. For ease of perception, the data is placed in a table.

How to differentiate between the commonly used lexical layer and dialect words?

  • Scope of use. If common words are understandable to everyone and are used everywhere, then dialect vocabulary is present in the speech of certain groups of people living in villages and villages, that is, it is territorially limited. So, educated person Those who study dialects can know well what the words “guska” (goose), “tsibulya” (bow), “drobina” (ladder) mean, and even use them in their lectures. But these words will still be dialectal, since in real life colloquial speech they are not used, being replaced by literary synonyms.
  • Lexical dialectisms characteristic of a certain area have a literary synonym and can be replaced with it: “sash” - belt, “pyatry” - attic, “veksha” - squirrel.

There are also ethnographic dialectisms that do not have synonyms - commonly used words, examples are: “manarka” - this is what a woman’s coat is called in Tatarstan; “Shanezhki” - potato pies. These words, as well as the phenomena they signify, are found only in certain dialects.

The meaning of dialectisms

Why do native speakers need local dialects? The use of such words often helps authors of literary texts create special poetics, convey mood, and more vividly express the image of a character. At the same time, writers try not to oversaturate their text with dialectisms, otherwise readers will not understand much. Similar vocabulary was actively used:

  • Turgenev (Biryuk is an unsociable person, the top is a ravine).
  • Mamin-Sibiryak (feet - shoes, raft - fence, battle - torment).
  • Sholokhov (clean - pasture, cut - hit).
  • Yesenin (sled of the lake - edge).
  • Prishvin (Elan - a swampy area of ​​the swamp).

Most often, dialect vocabulary is used in the speech of characters and is supplied with author's comments and explanations so that the reader understands what is being said.


We looked at what words are called commonly used. Examples were also given. Now let’s figure out what jargon is, what its role is and the specifics of its use.

This is a special layer of vocabulary that is used in the speech of certain circles of people:

  • Youth: “diskach” (party, disco), “dude” (girl), “dude” (young man), “ancestors” (parents).
  • Computer scientists: “buggy” (works with problems), “prog” (PC program), “clave” (keyboard), “hack” (crack).
  • Prisoners: “lean back” (free yourself), “ksiva” (passport), “fraer” (a former prisoner who is outside the prison walls), “absentee” (a girl who is waiting for a prisoner).
  • Schoolchildren: “teacher” (teacher), “couple” (grade “2”), “nerd” (excellent student, diligent student), “spur” (cheat sheet).

Many of these words are understandable to native speakers, others remain a mystery to them, but distinctive feature jargon is their use in speech by a certain circle of people.

Meaning of jargons

Such words have a strong emotional connotation, so they are often used by writers to create bright image character. In oral speech, they help people in a certain circle to better understand each other.

Let's give examples of commonly used words and jargon: “hawk” - food, “donkey, donkey” - Internet Explorer browser, “teapot” - an inexperienced PC user, “mesaga” - message.

This vocabulary makes communication between representatives of a certain circle more convenient and simpler.


Let us give examples of commonly used and non-commonly used words, professionalisms present in the speech of representatives of certain professions:

  • In the field of printing, you can find “legs” - quotation marks, “heading” - a title.
  • Hunters use the words “hang on the tail” - to pursue prey with hounds, “pest” - an old bear, “log” - the tail of a wolf.
  • Police officers also use professionalisms: “lost” - a missing person; “hanging fruit” is a case that cannot be investigated.

This vocabulary is understandable only to a certain circle of people united by professional activities.

Variety of words

Here are examples of sentences with common words (grade 5):

  • On the table there was a vase with beautiful flowers: roses, carnations and lilies.
  • Everyone who wants to be happy must study well.
  • Mom cooked delicious salad and baked buns.

Every word in these sentences is understandable to any native speaker. Without them, communication, both oral and written, would be impossible. That is why such a lexical layer represents the richness of the language, its foundation. Of course, dialectisms, jargons and professionalisms are interesting in their own way, but without them the Russian language could exist. And without commonly used words, examples of which were given above, this would have been impossible - people would have ceased to understand each other.

The popular vocabulary includes a huge number of words of all parts of speech, both independent and functional. They are used in written and spoken communication, to create scientific documents and journal articles. The more such words a person knows, the more rich and interesting his vocabulary is, the brighter and more expressively he can express his opinion.

We looked at common words, example words and their meanings. This lexical layer is very important, since it is thanks to such words that native speakers have the opportunity to freely communicate and understand each other. There are a lot of similar words, they refer to various parts speeches can be either neutral or have a certain stylistic coloring, making communication richer and more interesting.

Common vocabulary

1. Common vocabulary.

The most important part of the Russian language dictionary in all its diversity

is a commonly used vocabulary. She represents that

lexical core, without which language is unthinkable, communication is impossible, its

make up words that are expressions of the most necessary vital

important concepts.

National vocabulary is the backbone of the national literary dictionary,

essential lexical material to express thoughts in Russian,

the fund on the basis of which further developments primarily take place

improvement and enrichment of vocabulary. The vast majority of incoming

the words in it are stable in their use and commonly used in all styles

The vocabulary of the Russian language includes words that are known and understandable

in everything and are used both in oral and written speech.

For example: water, earth, forest, bread, go, eat, eat, winter, bright,

words that are stylistically neutral, ᴛ.ᴇ, stand out. words that

can be heard equally in a scientific report and in everyday conversation,

which can be read both in a business document and in a friendly letter. Such

There is an overwhelming majority of words in the Russian language. They can also be called

commonly used in the full sense of the word.

In addition to stylistically neutral words in common vocabulary

words are also highlighted that can be used by everyone, but not in

anyway. So, the words water, simpleton, magazine, mustachioed, courtyard,

little word, etc., in contrast to words that are stylistically neutral, or

have expression or are emotionally colored. Shades of emotional

colors are created by various diminutives and

increasing and derogatory suffixes (vod-its-a, magazine-chik, yard-ik,

words-echk-o), and expressiveness is conveyed by the special figurativeness of words

speech (simpleton, mustachioed, reckless, dodgy). By using such words, the speaker

expresses his positive or negative attitude to the subject

phenomenon. For this reason, these words almost never appear in a scientific report, in

business document. Use of expressive-emotional words

limited to certain styles of speech: they are more often used in

conversational style, often in a journalistic style.

However, the above does not mean that commonly used vocabulary

forms a closed group of words, not subject to any influences.

On the contrary, it can be replenished with words that previously had a limited

(dialectal or professional) sphere of use. Yes, words

burning, motley, loser, tyrant, regular, boring and

no. etc.
Posted on ref.rf
back in the first half of the 19th century. were not known to all speakers

Russians: the scope of their use was limited to professional

(anxious, motley) or dialectal (loser, tyrant,

regular, boring) Wednesday. In modern Russian, these words

are part of the commonly used vocabulary.

On the other hand, some common words over time

may go out of general circulation, narrow the scope of their use:

for example, the words goiter, ᴛ.ᴇ. there is, disdain, ᴛ.ᴇ. dawn, now

found only in some Russian dialects. There are times when

the word from the national dictionary disappears into professional jargon.

Common vocabulary can be contrasted with limited vocabulary

usages – words that are used by people related by gender

occupations, professions, or territorial boundaries.

2. Uncommon vocabulary.

This vocabulary includes special, slang and dialect

vocabulary Moreover, dialect and slang vocabulary, in contrast to special,

lies outside the Russian literary language.

2.1. Dialectal vocabulary

Words whose use is typical for people living in a certain

localities, constitute dialect vocabulary. Dialect words are used

mainly in the oral form of speech, since the dialect itself is the main

image of the oral, colloquial speech of rural residents.

Dialectal vocabulary differs from commonly used vocabulary not only more

narrow sphere of use, but also a number of phonetic, grammatical and

lexical and semantic features. According to these features

There are several types of dialectisms:

1) phonetic dialectisms - words that reflect phonetic

features of this dialect: barrel, Vankya, tipyatok (instead of barrel,

Vanka, boiling water) – southern Russian dialectisms; kuricha, tsyasy, kisser,

Germans (instead of chicken, watch, man, Germans) - dialectisms,

reflecting the sound features of some northwestern dialects;

2) grammatical dialectisms - words that have different meanings than in

literary language, grammatical characteristics or different

from common vocabulary according to morphological structure. So, in

in southern dialects, neuter nouns are often used

as feminine nouns (the whole field, such a thing, Feels

a cat whose meat she ate); in northern dialects, forms in

cellar, in the club, in the table (instead of in the cellar in the club, in the table);

instead of the common words side, rain, run, hole, etc.

in dialect speech words with the same root are used, but different in

morphological structure: side, dozhok, bech, hole, etc.;

3) lexical dialectisms - words, both in form and meaning

different from words in common vocabulary: kochet - rooster,

the other day - the other day, gutar - talk, inda - even, etc. Among

lexical dialectisms, local names of things and

concepts common in a given area. These words are called

ethnographisms. For example, the word paneva is ethnographic - so

in Ryazan, Tambov, Tula and some other regions

called a special type of skirt.

Dialect word may differ from the commonly used one not in form, but

meaning; in this case we talk about semantic dialectisms. So,

the word top in some southern dialects is called a ravine, the verb to yawn

used in the meaning of shouting, calling, guessing – in the meaning of recognizing someone

or in the face, etc.

Dialectisms are often used as means of expression V

works fiction– for speech characteristics

characters, to convey local color͵ for more accurate, from the point of view

2.2. Professional and special vocabulary

Words, the use of which is typical for people of certain professions,

having as their sphere of use any special branch of science

or techniques, constitute professional and special vocabulary. These two

definitions are necessary so that in the general layer allocated to such

in the way of words to distinguish, firstly, officially accepted and regularly

special terms used, ᴛ.ᴇ. special vocabulary and, secondly,

characteristic of many professions, expressively rethought,

altered words and expressions taken from general circulation.

The difference between technical terms and professional words can be

show in the following examples. In metallurgy, the term “accretion” refers to

the remains of frozen metal in a ladle, workers call these remains

goat, ᴛ.ᴇ. in this case, nastyl - the official term, goat -

professional. Physicists jokingly call the synchrophasotron a saucepan,

sandpaper is the official, terminological name, and sandpaper

– professionalism, widely used in the non-professional sphere and

Special terminology usually “covers” the entire given special

field of science or technology: all basic concepts, ideas, relationships receive

its terminological name. Industry terminology

knowledge or production is created by conscious and purposeful

through the efforts of people who are experts in this field. Valid here

the tendency, on the one hand, to eliminate doublets and polysemous

terms, and on the other hand, to establishing strict boundaries of each term and

its clear relationships with the other units that form this

terminological system.

Professionalisms are less regular. Because they are born in spoken language

people engaged in any profession, they rarely form a system. For

some objects and concepts have professional names, and for

there are no others. The relationship between different professionalisms is also

characterized by a certain randomness and uncertainty. Values

professionalism, usually arising on the basis of a metaphorical

rethinking a word or phrase often intersects with the meanings

other professionalisms. Finally, unlike special terms,

professionalisms are brightly expressive, expressive, and this is their property with

is revealed with particular clarity in the vicinity of the official, bookish

a special term, the meaning of which is duplicated by this professionalism.

In some cases, professionalisms can be used as

official terms; their expressiveness is somewhat erased,

however, the underlying metaphorical meaning is felt quite

Fine. For example, a lever arm, a gear tooth, a pipe elbow, etc.

Although special and professional vocabulary have a limited scope

usage, between it and the commonly used vocabulary there is

constant communication and interaction. Literary language masters many

special terms: they begin to be used in ways that are not typical for them

contexts, to be rethought, due to which they cease to be terms,

or are determinologized.

In fiction prose professionalisms and special terms

are used not only for speech characteristics of heroes, but also for more

accurate description of production processes, relationships between people in the workplace

and professional environment.

2.3. Slang vocabulary

Words whose use is characteristic of people who form separate

social groups make up slang vocabulary. So, the jargon of the ofeni -

wandering traders who existed in Russia in the 19th century were inherent

words: rym - house, meleh - milk, sary - money, zetit - talk,

tinker - build, etc.
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In the jargon of bursaks - students of bursa (school,

which combined cramming and cane discipline) - were the words

bond - steal, bug - strictly exact, etc.
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lexical elements that penetrated in the past from social jargons into

commonly used vocabulary are still preserved in it today. These include,

for example, the words swindler, nimble, linden - fake and nek. etc.

At the same time, the vocabulary of youth is preserved and constantly updated -

school and student jargon. It is important to note that for current state

characteristic, for example, are numerous anglicisms, often intentionally

distorted: gerla - girl, friend - boy, white - white, truzera -

trousers, trousers.

Slang words are some re-interpretations of common words.

vocabulary: wheelbarrow meaning car, slip away - leave unnoticed, ancestors -

parents, etc., expressive formations such as stipa, stipuh -

scholarship, amazing – very good, branded – highest quality, fashionable and

Slang vocabulary has a narrow scope of use: it is used in

mainly among “our own”, ᴛ.ᴇ. in communication with people of the same social

circle as the speaker. In works of art slang words

can serve for speech characterization of characters, used in

for styling purposes. So, for example, in Granin’s novel “After the Wedding” in the speech

There are heroes - young people who are slangy in nature,

words and phrases: “This is me in the order of chatter”; ʼʼI would have gone myself instead of Igor, and

tipsʼʼ; ʼʼShe dances - shine!ʼʼ, etc.

At the same time, the use of jargon in a literary text should be

justified both by the general concept of the work and stylistically.

Common vocabulary - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Commonly used vocabulary" 2017, 2018.

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