Car parking on the slope. Country house on a hillside

Feedback from our clients

Denis, SNT Gorki, Naro-Fominsk district

From pure heart I want to thank the team of fence installers sliding gates on your dacha plot! Well, now everything is in order: On the recommendation of my friends, they told me who to contact and gave me a phone number. The masters are all Slavs, for me this is important!!! Without delaying until later, I immediately called the phone number. A substantive conversation took place, I voiced my visibility and budget. Next, a meeting at the site (05.26.19) and an accurate and detailed measurement of all the upcoming work, namely the installation of 65 m.p. fence made of corrugated sheets, with installation of a wicket and sliding gates. We tried everything together. We approved all the details, outlined clear terms and amounts, guarantees and obligations on both sides, drew up and signed an agreement. The contract specified the start and completion date of the work. (By agreement, the start of work was scheduled for June 2, 2019, and the completion of work was scheduled for June 3, 2019.) Also, according to the contract, I made an advance payment for the material. Yes, I almost forgot to say, the contract also indicated that the customer (me) would be completely on site (from the beginning to the end) of all work!!! It later turned out to be only a plus for me and the guys. There were some minor nuances in the work due to my area not being entirely level. All this time the guys were in touch, I asked questions along the way about the upcoming work, they gave me very complete and detailed answers) The long-awaited day of installation has arrived)! The guys arrived on time, and without any interruptions or discussions, immediately began their duties!!! We worked entirely with our own equipment and power tools, everything was new and in good working order!!! The work was in full swing) Summing up the first working day of installing the fence as a whole, the amount of work was approximately 80% completed, I carefully looked and looked for some jambs) But there were none!!! On the second day of work, the guys completed the gates and sheathed the sheets. By 12:00 noon I had completed all the work. We signed the acceptance certificate, then the final payment, and that’s probably all)! I recommend!!! Sincerely

Natalya, Burtsevo Village Filimonovskoe Settlement

I found the Hektar company on the Internet, asked for help in cleaning the site, the house was bought in the winter and we did not even suspect what was going on on the site, in the spring after the snow melted we saw a terrible picture, it was immediately clear that we could not cope without a specialized company . Employees of the Hektar company quickly came to our site, assessed the situation, provided a detailed estimate and started work, the cleaning lasted 5 days, the result exceeded all our expectations. We are very grateful and how good it is that there are people who know how to do their job conscientiously, quickly, and efficiently. I recommend the company "Gektar"

Alexander, Odintsovo

Thank you for your request. We are waiting for the warmth and, as agreed, we will come to your lawn.

Andrey, Podolsky district Matveevskoe

I ordered snow clearing at the entrance of the house and on the site, a team and a tractor arrived in the morning, everything was done quickly and efficiently. Signed a contract for further service. The prices are not inflated, thanks to the entire team and engineer Konstantin.

We were glad to help.

Alexander, Moscow region. Dubna

Everything is great. We agreed and everything was done the next day. Thank you. We will contact you again.

Thanks for contacting..

Elena, Aprelevka, Pobeda village

I ordered cleaning of the territory (cutting down, uprooting trees, bushes and removing trash from the territory). Thanks to Konstantin's team for the excellent work. I was satisfied. All Russians, intelligent. They work without downtime. I plan to contact you soon. I recommend contacting the company, price and quality. Thank you very much.

Having your own parking space is every motorist’s dream. And it’s quite easy to implement such a place if you know how to make a platform for a car in the country and what materials are needed for this.

Types of private car parking

Often, it is not enough to simply build a concrete or tiled area for a car - you also need to take care of protecting the car while it is parked from rain, hail and snow. For these purposes, a canopy is built, which is a worthy alternative garage.

Canopies made of polycarbonate are very popular, since this material, having a lot of operational capabilities, can also be presented in a variety of options in terms of design or color.

So, such a canopy can be decorated with forging.

Or have a complex shape.

Another material for making a canopy is wood - an environmentally friendly material.

Tiles can also be used as a material for a shed roof.

Can also be used for canopy roofing metal sheets or corrugated sheet.

Sometimes when building a canopy, glass is used, which is used not only to cover the roof of the canopy, but also to decorate the walls, which are used as additional element car protection.

The canopy can be made in three versions:

  • convex roof (the most common option);
  • sloping roof;
  • a straight roof, which is a very simple but impractical option, since it does not allow moisture to drain freely.

There is the possibility of building a free-standing canopy.

Or a canopy designed as an extension.

We build a parking lot with our own hands

1. Selecting a parking location and its type.

The construction of a personal parking lot for a car, as a rule, begins with choosing an appropriate place with an area of ​​2.5x5 meters and determining the main design features sites.

2. Preparing a parking area.

Ideally, the parking area should have a flat surface. Therefore, if the selected area has a strong slope, then it is better to carry out work to clear and level the land. Since the site must be above ground level, in order to avoid the accumulation of rainwater and snow, the soil is first removed, forming a 10-centimeter depression under the foundation, and then sand is poured evenly. Next, using a flat board and level, you need to level the surface of the sand. A slight slope (1.5-2 cm) is acceptable to ensure water drainage, although if the parking lot has a canopy, then it is not necessary to bother with making the slope. Well-compacted sand will serve as a reliable basis for future parking.

3. Direct construction of a site for a car.

Depending on the material chosen, the construction of a parking area is carried out in one of two ways:

Method No. 1. Performance concrete screed with reinforcement.

Before making a parking area at your dacha , First, formwork is prepared from boards 10 cm wide supported by stakes. The end sides of the boards are leveled. Then the prepared concrete is distributed in an even layer of 5 cm over the surface of the sand base.

Then a reinforcing mesh is laid on the first layer of concrete. If there are several sheets of mesh, it is necessary to overlap them to avoid the appearance of cracks in the screed in the future.

Then a 5-centimeter layer of concrete is laid down again. It is leveled according to the rule so that from the center of the concreted area the surface of the site drops slightly towards the edges, creating a slope necessary if the parking lot does not have a canopy. Stick to required height special beacons will help you down the slope. After a day, you can remove the beacons and cover the remaining traces in their place with cement.

Many families today, in addition to city housing, also have summer cottages, which they get to by personal transport.

There are no equipped parking lots, like in the city, in holiday villages, and the problem often arises of where to leave the car. Therefore, let’s look at how this issue is resolved and show you how to design a platform for a car in your dacha with your own hands.

There are quite a few options, so everyone can choose for themselves something interesting and suitable in material terms.

Options for arranging parking for a car at a summer cottage

Of course, the choice of design will depend on how often you will use the parking space. For example, if you have your own house where you live all the time, then they usually build a garage - detached, attached to the house or built into it.

In this case, everything is clear, the car must be protected from climatic influences throughout the year (wind, rain, snow, hail, etc.). And such large investments as the construction of a full-fledged garage are economically justified.

What to do if you have an apartment and country cottage area, which you visit only from spring to autumn? Need in winter storage At the dacha, the most unfavorable weather conditions that can affect a car - rain and hail - are eliminated.

If you visit your dacha once a week and don’t even stay overnight, then your car doesn’t need shelter, except to hide it from large hail, which happens very rarely. But in the case when your vacation takes place on the site, on fresh air, you need to take care to protect the car.

Having a garage is great. It does not have to be made of bricks or blocks (which are quite expensive). You can make a structure from wood.


But an even cheaper option- This . It is made very simply and consists of four supports and a roof. What to make of it is up to you to decide. Almost any materials are suitable: metal, wood - for racks; slate, tiles, thick film and others - for the roof.

The canopy can be like independent construction, and attached to the house.

Everything will depend on the size of the site, its plan, configuration. The main thing is to make the frame strong and wind-resistant. In addition, a canopy can also serve a decorative function. For example, it may have forging elements, and decorative vines can be planted at the base of each support ( girl's grapes five-leaved, lemongrass, actinidia, honeysuckle honeysuckle and others), climbing roses, clematis.

The next important element when creating a parking lot for a car is the coating material..

The main qualities it must have:

  • withstand the weight of the machine, i.e. be resistant to significant weight loads;
  • be durable;
  • fit organically into the surrounding landscape and match the overall style of the site and the house.

The most inexpensive option there will be a site made of gravel and crushed stone. This natural materials that look natural.

There are also disadvantages:

  • difficulty in cleaning from small debris and fallen leaves;
  • Once every year or two it is necessary to renew the coating, because frequent rains can wash it away.

A more expensive option is to use tiles or asphalt. Moreover, the tiles must be special, not paving. It is also necessary to install the board.

Many people ask why you can’t leave the lawn and park your car on it? Firstly, the lawn covering will not withstand the load from the car; over time, wheel ruts will form, the grass will disappear and the area will take on an unpleasant appearance. Secondly, holes will appear, and in spring and autumn there is a risk that the ground will become viscous and the car will get stuck.

But there is still an option in which the site will always be green, with beautiful lawn grass. This can be achieved, which has large cells through which grass grows, and the thickness of the structure does not allow the machine to damage the growing point of a blade of grass.

How to make a check-in for a car at the dacha?

First of all, you need to draw rough plan plot and figure out how the area for the car will be located. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account whether it will be designed for one or 2 cars, since the design of the canopy and the amount of material required will depend on this.

Then we clear the area of ​​debris, remove the plant soil and bring out its contours in nature using a rope and pegs. For one car, a site 3-3.5 m wide is sufficient; this is the optimal value, which can be adjusted depending on the size of the site. A standard parking space in the city has dimensions of 2.5 m by 5 m.

Then a trough is dug, the board is installed and the canvas is arranged. Each layer, including the base, must be well compacted (use a vibrating plate, roller or other tools), otherwise uneven settlement may occur over time. The site must be made with a slope so that the water does not stagnate on it, but drains.

Then they begin to build the canopy. They dig in the corners support pillars or concrete them (depending on the material of the racks). The roof frame is attached to the supports, which is then covered with roofing material.

The final stage is landscaping the parking lot. Except climbing plants which we discussed above, you can plant ornamental shrubs (spirea, lilac, white dogwood, cotoneaster, etc.) and trees on both sides of the site. A row planting of conifers (cone-shaped thujas) looks especially beautiful. A border of decorative flowering herbaceous plants looks no less impressive.

As a result, you will receive not only a place for temporary storage of a car, but also a beautiful element of landscape design.

After the rains or in the spring, arriving from your dacha with a kilogram of mud on your shoes is a dubious pleasure. It is for this reason that you begin to think about the need for parking at your dacha. Full confidence comes after the next rain, when it will not be possible to leave the site the first time. And not even from the fifth. That’s when the desire to make yourself a country parking lot appears. There is nothing complicated about it and you can do it yourself.

Types of country parking areas

Dachas, and everyone’s requirements for comfort are different, and parking a car in a dacha offers more than a dozen options. There are only seven types of coverage, as well as their combinations and the possibility of installing canopies. They differ performance characteristics, costs. So, the covering for parking a car in a country house can be of the following types:

The cheapest device, yet easy to use, is a car parking area made of crushed stone or pebbles. At correct device(use) crushed stone does not mix with the soil for many years. Even if geotextiles were not installed (this often happens), adding crushed stone is not a problem. After some time, the lower layer of crushed stone and soil becomes so dense and strong that this process (mixing with soil) stops.

Parking at the dacha: pros and cons of different options

A separate and very important advantage that parking in a dacha made of crushed stone provides is natural drainage. You do not need to build drainage. Water seeps between the stones and goes into the ground, taking with it pollution. But this type of site is not suitable for areas with high level groundwater. Standing in a puddle on rubble is not the best The best decision issue, although the problem is being solved.

Green parking in last years more and more popular. This is not, but special. Hiding under the grass plastic grill, which redistributes the load on the ground and prevents the wheels from falling through. Caring for such a parking lot is similar to caring for a lawn - mowing, watering. Weeding is not required because preparatory work imply the removal of soil, that is, most of the roots go away. The varieties of herbs used are special, and this is the problem: they are expensive. The second disadvantage is the possibility of freezing (the seeds are expensive, and the greens do not grow too quickly). But it's beautiful. And it can be used not only as a parking lot, but also as a recreation area.

Parking grates are not plastic, but concrete with holes for grass

A platform for a car in a country house made of paving slabs - the best option hard covering for heaving soils. And the water does not stay for too long - it goes into the cracks between the tiles, and the integrity of the coating does not suffer during heaving. Two more options: concrete and asphalt country parking - reliable and durable, but only if everything preliminary work carried out correctly. Their disadvantage is that they are expensive, and the appearance of cracks is very noticeable.

Construction of a summer cottage parking area: preparatory work

Despite various coatings for parking a car at the dacha, the preparatory work is not much different. The difference may be in the layer on which the coating is laid (for example, you need to pour a layer of sand when paving with paving slabs), but the whole pie and the list of other works are the same.

You can do this... until you get stuck after the rain

The first thing you need to decide on is the location. The parking lot at the dacha is usually located either right next to the gate or not far from it. And it makes sense. But this zone should not be the lowest point, otherwise water will constantly stagnate here, and a height difference here is also undesirable - putting the car on the handbrake and putting on chocks is not exactly what you want.

The best way to compact sand and gravel is to use a plate compactor. If it doesn't exist, you can do it homemade tamper. Take a log, attach handles, and attach a strong platform (thick board) to the bottom. By lifting and sharply throwing this tool, you compact the sand/crushed stone

At the same time, solid surfaces such as concrete or asphalt should not be brought to zero level: water after washing a car or rain will not drain away. To prevent it from stagnating, it will be necessary to form a slight slope - from the center to the edges. A slope of a couple of degrees is already good. And the car will stand stable, and the water will drain.


The dimensions of a country parking lot depend on the planned number of cars “living” there. A plot of 3*5 meters is enough for one car, i.e. 15 m². This space is quite enough to not have to think about parking exactly in the center, otherwise you will have to go out onto the lawn, into a flower bed, etc. Parking at a dacha of such an area makes it possible to calmly walk around the car in front and behind.

If space is limited, the length can be reduced by 0.5 m, but with this size you can walk either in front of the car or behind it. Only if you have a large-sized jeep, it is better to increase the width of the platform by at least 50 cm, and even better - by a meter. These machines are large and require more space.

If you need to park two cars and they are of “standard” sizes, the comfortable parking length at the dacha remains the same - 5 m. If there is enough space, we take the same width as 3 meters. That is, to park two cars you will need a site measuring 5*6 m (5 meters is the length). If there is a shortage of space, the width and length can be reduced by 0.5 meters (4.5 * 5.5). But in this case, it will not be possible to open the car doors at the same time and it will also be difficult to walk around the car.

Car entry: water drainage

The next step is to decide whether you need drainage around the parking lot at your dacha or not. If the soil drains water well naturally and the coating is not continuous (tiles, lawn, stone), it is quite possible to do without drainage measures. If at least one of the conditions is absent, drainage will have to be done. There are many options, but there are three simplest ones:

When can you not think about draining water? When you have a sandy area or heavy rainfall is rare. Then there are no problems. Another option is a natural slope. In this case, the water will flow away by gravity, but you will still solve the problem storm sewer, only on the scale of the entire site.

With or without border

Any covering on the site for a car in the country will last longer if the area is fenced with a curb. In the case of a gravel or pebble parking lot, the curb will not allow the filler to scatter throughout the area. In the case of using paving slabs or stone, the presence of limiters can also be considered mandatory. They are laid on a sandy layer, and the sand can be washed away by rain streams.

This will not happen if the parking lot at the dacha is at the same level or slightly lower than the rest of the site. But in this case, it will always be humid here and the water will not drain away, which obviously will not benefit your car. So the presence of a border is desirable - at least bury a brick around the perimeter, but then it’s better natural stone. Or pour the concrete yourself, but it’s less troublesome to use ready-made curbs. For a budget option, you can use reinforced concrete grape columns.

Layers: general sequence

After you have selected a parking space for your car at the dacha, mark out the selected dimensions of the site (taking into account the drainage system). Next we work in this order:

IN general outline, these are all the rules and features of arranging a parking lot in a country house. More precise layer sizes depend on the structure of the soil and the planned load. For example, for loose (sands and sandy loams) and unstable (peat bogs) soils, to give greater stability, a road mesh can be laid at the bottom of the pit. It will eliminate pushing.

Second example: a layer of geotextile can be laid between sand and gravel. The bottom layer (at the bottom of the pit) is necessary to stabilize the base and also to prevent plants from sprouting. Intermediate layers provide more reliable plant protection and also prevent layers from mixing. In this case, even a heavy vehicle will not leave a rut.

Features of sites with different surfaces

Under paving slabs, brick, flagstone, rubber tiles, coarse sand or fine granite chips (1-4 mm) are poured. Please note that for car parking, the tiles need to be thick not less than 50 mm(for tracks you can take from 30 mm). One more point: the smaller the size of the tiles used to pave the parking lot at the dacha, the less noticeable will be the inevitable “game” of the levels of the bricks.

Natural stone and concrete slabs

If you decide to make a parking lot from natural stone cut into slabs, it should also be 4-5 cm thick. big pieces It’s not worth it: there is a high probability that they will break. They should not be placed closely, but leaving gaps of a couple of millimeters. The gaps are filled with sand, to which you can add abrasion-resistant lawn grass seeds. If you make the same paths, it will turn out beautifully, organically, and there will be no dirt.

If the grass doesn’t appeal to you (it’s more difficult to clean, you have to cut it somehow), fill the gaps between the slabs with a mixture of sand and cement (1 part cement, 3 parts sand). Sweep it off the stones so that there is nothing on them and water the area (not with a stream, but with small drops, and so that it does not flow). The mixture will turn into concrete. It will take a certain amount of time to gain strength: 7 days at a temperature of +20°C to achieve 50% strength and another two weeks for complete “ripening”. Until the strength reaches 50%, it is advisable that there are no rainfalls during this period, and if they start, cover the area with polyethylene. Water itself is not scary, but streams that can wash away fragile concrete are scary.

This option has only one drawback: the high price of the stone. To reduce costs, you can use ready-made paving slabs in large format: 50*50 cm or so. They are also laid on a gravel-sand bed. Everything is the same, only the slabs are of artificial origin and have a clear geometry.


For a concrete site, you will need to install it around the perimeter. Then you will need to make a reinforcing frame in the form of a cage from a metal rod. A rod with a diameter of 10-15 mm is taken, a lattice is folded from it in increments of 10-15 cm, and tied at the joints with a special wire (knitting). The resulting mesh is placed on stops so that it is raised above the compacted crushed stone by 3-5 cm, and the layer of concrete on top should also be at least 10 cm (preferably 15).

If a concrete parking lot at the dacha is made for two or more cars, you will need expansion joints. To do this, wooden planks 0.7-1 cm thick are laid edgewise on a grid of reinforcement. The width of the planks is equal to the height of the concrete layer (they can be used as guides when leveling). They are laid in increments of 2 meters.

In the case of concrete, you will have to wait quite a long time for your parking lot to start using. The concrete must stand for at least 28 days. And this is if the temperature does not drop below +20°C. At the same time, you need to ensure that the surface does not dry out. To do this, you need to water the area, and to prevent the water from drying out quickly, throw matting, old bags, etc. on top, throw a piece of polyethylene on top. This coating helps maintain humidity, equalizes temperature (local overheating is harmful) and protects the surface from drops that are inevitable when watering.

If you can’t wait that long, add an “accelerator” to the concrete. An additive that accelerates the hardening of concrete. The period may be reduced to 7-10 days. But carefully read the features of caring for such concrete.

Green lawn parking

When constructing a green parking lot, special grates are placed on a layer of gravel, the gaps of which are filled with fertile soil and sown with grass seeds. To park a passenger car, and sometimes even a jeep, a grate with a height of 10 cm is sufficient. If heavy vehicles (trucks with materials) are to be placed on the site for unloading, a grate is needed with a height of at least 15 cm.

The difference in the cost of gratings for green parking is significant. But the difference in price is usually justified: some eco-parking lots do not sag and look normal, while others crumple, turning the surface into a mess of soil and grass. Therefore, when choosing gratings, do not go for cheapness.

Taking care of a grass parking lot is not very convenient: the rake gets stuck in the grate, and not every lawn mower can operate safely. Therefore, many owners of such sites are disappointed. But in Lately Another trend has emerged - instead of soil and grass, medium crushed stone is poured into the grates, and the top is covered with small crushed stone or pebbles. How is this option better than a regular bulk site? The platform is not pressed under the wheels of even a heavily loaded vehicle. This option is ideal for clay soils.

Economy check-in and parking options

Although parking at a dacha made of crushed stone is considered the most inexpensive, its total cost is considerable. If it is not possible to invest the appropriate amount or the visit will be temporary, you can try to get by with more modest options.

The cheapest way is from old sleepers. You can find decommissioned sleepers if you wish, and they ask for very little. Since they are already impregnated with everything possible from rotting, they can be laid directly into the ground. But in order to prevent them from sticking out during heaving, it is better to dig a trench and lay at least 5 cm of crushed stone or construction waste. It is also advisable to fill the sides of the sleepers with at least 5 cm of crushed stone.

One sleeper is not enough for a race (unless you are a super driver), but two per wheel is quite enough. The option is, of course, temporary, but it is more than suitable for the period of arrangement of the territory.

There is a similar idea in a more civilized version: take concrete paving slabs measuring 50*50 cm or 60*60 cm. Lay them out in two parallel rows - under the wheels. You shouldn’t press them one against the other - it’s better to leave a gap in the soil. To avoid bulging during heaving on clay soils, as in the previous version, make at least the minimum backfill of crushed stone.

There are also paved country drives. Brick and natural stone are used for paving. These options are good if the soil is not clay. The brick will collapse the fastest - it is not intended for such conditions, but as a temporary improvement measure it will do just fine.

At the dacha, it is not always advisable to equip a garage for transport. A more affordable and easy-to-implement solution is to arrange your own mini-parking. It can be of two types:

  • open. This kind of car parking at the dacha is a flat area with a hard surface. This is the simplest solution;
  • closed. The site is complemented by a canopy or canopy. Such solutions are usually practiced near any buildings (barn, house, etc.) to which a canopy can be attached.


Lawn grass is used as a covering. Used to prevent tire marks and damage to vegetation. Before making eco-parking on the lawn, the top layer of soil is removed, a cushion of crushed stone is laid out, and then a geogrid is laid. The fertile layer is poured into it and sown. Such parking is environmentally friendly, does not disturb the appearance of the green landscape, and looks organically against the backdrop of ordinary lawns.

Crushed stone platform

Before making a parking lot for a car at the dacha using this method, you also need to remove the fertile layer and fill it with crushed stone. On soft soils, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with how to lay and use this material for the purpose of soil reinforcement. Sidewalk curbs are installed along the perimeter of the site, then backfilled with crushed stone (layer thickness - 15 cm or more) and compacted.

It is laid on compacted crushed stone or a sand-cement bed, using a rubber mallet or other similar tool. A sidewalk curb is laid around the perimeter.

City residents who have a dacha in the suburbs, as a rule, get to it by personal transport. This is where the question arises of how to properly equip part of the territory for a parking space where you can park your car.

Parking a car on the lawn or turning the soil into mud after rain is not a bright prospect. In such cases, experienced summer residents advise concreting the car area with their own hands.

Concrete parking

This method of solving the problem with parking lot equipment can be classified as a budget option in comparison with paving stones, which also require base preparation. In addition, over time, street tiles can crack, and weeds grow in the seams between them, which disrupts the appearance of the site and the yard at the dacha looks sloppy.

At first glance, it may seem that doing such work with your own hands will not be easy, but as practice shows, even an inexperienced beginner can fill a car parking lot.
The concrete platform for the car is installed in several stages:

  1. Preparing the site for concrete and laying the “cushion”.
  2. Installation of lighthouses and wooden formwork.
  3. Reinforcement of the working base.
  4. Preparation of mortar mass.
  5. Pouring process.

Beginning of work

Before concreting the site begins, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the area where the solution will be poured. It is important to take into account that all surface irregularities (pits, bumps) will disrupt the dense structure of the screed and increase material consumption - therefore, the territory must be leveled.

If a parking space is adjacent to a driveway for a car, it must be laid at a certain angle. This is done in order to rainwater flowed outside the site and did not stagnate on the screed.

Materials and tools

At the first stage, it is necessary to remove all debris, clean off the grass and compact the soil thoroughly. Then you will need to prepare the materials and tools necessary for the work. To complete all the work correctly, we will need:

  • water;
  • sand;
  • frost-resistant cement (F200);
  • fittings;
  • boards;
  • metal profile (beacons);
  • level;
  • concrete mixer (optional).

Formwork installation

Without formwork, it is impossible to pour quality concrete on a flat surface. This special design creates the shape of the screed as it dries. On a horizontal section, wooden walls fixed with pegs will prevent the construction mixture from spreading, and concreting will be reliable.

For an optimal platform for a car, a layer of mortar of 15 cm is enough, and such an amount of material will not create much pressure on the formwork, so it does not need additional strengthening.


According to the technology, it is necessary to concrete a horizontal surface using beacons that fix wooden boards. Drywall profiles (UD) are usually used as beacons. It is attached to a cement-sand mortar (proportion 1:4), which is laid out in slides and a metal profile is pressed into them. It is better to do this kind of work under the level.

Installation of formwork beacons is carried out in a certain sequence.

First of all, pins made of round metal rods are installed in the corners. A thread is stretched between them and lowered to the notches previously applied to the pins.

The first thread is knitted randomly, and the next one is secured in relation to the previous one using a level. A pair of transverse threads are knitted between the stretched guidelines. Beacons will be installed in the places where they touch. It should be remembered that optimal distance between beacons is 0.5 m.

sand cushion

In order to properly concreting a parking space, a sand cushion must be created. It can be formed both before and after the installation of the formwork; there are no strict restrictions here, and the sequence of this procedure is carried out at the discretion of the master.

The only difference is that when laying agrofibre, which holds sand and allows moisture to pass through, it is better to do this with ready-made formwork. It is more convenient to spread the fiber like a “pillowcase”, which will prevent the sand from moving under the weight of the concrete.

Before you start laying agrofibre, you need to thoroughly compact the sand and spill it with water. Level the sand embankment with any available device, which is usually used when installing paving slabs.

Base reinforcement

Before reinforcement begins, a 5 cm layer of crushed stone is poured on top of the sand cushion and compacted. The reinforcement strengthens the concrete structure, so when constructing a parking lot for a car, you cannot do without it.
The reinforcement procedure is performed in one of two ways. You can knit metal rods with wire, creating a kind of honeycomb. An easier way to strengthen the solution is to purchase a special grid.

The second option is suitable for places that will not be subject to heavy load. For pouring foundations, exclusively metal rods and wire are used. Concreting the area for the car is carried out using reinforcing mesh with rods, the cross-section of which ranges from 8.5 mm to 10.5 mm.

Knitting mesh

The reinforcement frame is made directly at the installation site. The rods are placed crosswise and tied with wire at the joining points. It is strictly not recommended to use welding to connect the reinforcement, as it will deprive the frame of mobility. This, in turn, will lead to deformation and damage to the reinforcing base.

Pouring concrete solution

After laying the reinforcing mesh, concrete begins to be poured. As mentioned earlier, in some cases the solution is mixed with crushed stone, and sometimes the crushed stone is placed under the reinforcement independently, and only then they begin to pour concrete.

Pouring mortar with crushed stone

To fill the platform for a car, it is necessary to prepare it in compliance with the proportions. According to the technology, cement, crushed stone and sand are mixed in a ratio of approximately 1:3:2.5 (to obtain at least m300). It is worth taking cement grade M400. To facilitate the labor-intensive process, it is better to use a concrete mixer. First, pour a bucket of water into it (water should be 2 times less than cement) and fill in the remaining components. You need to stir until the sand is evenly distributed in the total mass.

To do this, the rail is installed on the beacons and pulled along the poured mass, pulling the excess solution towards itself. For better effect, this procedure is repeated several times until the surface becomes perfectly smooth.

Cement-sand mortar

If crushed stone was poured in front of the reinforcing mesh, then there is no need to add it to the solution. Cement and sand (1:1) are poured into a concrete mixer, and then water is added until the required consistency is obtained. In this case, the solution should not be as thick as in the first option, otherwise it will not seep through the gravel layer. The entire filling procedure is identical to that described above.

In order to prevent the concrete from cracking due to temperature changes due to expansion, it is necessary to leave grooves.

They are cut with a grinder afterwards or done with a tool until the solution hardens.

Cleaning the surface and maintaining the mixture

The flooded area can be covered with film so that the water does not evaporate and the concrete does not crack. In case of hot weather, the stove should be additionally watered.

After a couple of days, when the solution has finally set and does not stick, it is necessary to clean out all the bumps and bumps using a construction spatula. At this point, concreting the parking space can be considered completed.

Entrance to the site and a parking area for a car or family car park is an important element for any dacha. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in creating a parking lot: fill the area with small crushed stone or screenings or lay paving slabs over a layer of compacted sand - and the parking lot is ready.

Reinforced concrete pipe at the entrance to the site.

But what to do when the site is located in a swamp, and the peat soil is noticeably compressed even under your feet, not to mention the wheels of a car? The author got just such a peat plot of land. The garden house on the site was built on reinforced concrete piles, which cut through the peat to a dense compacted sandy soil.

But why not spend money on installing piles and casting a grillage slab as a parking lot? The author decided to use another, less well-known method of construction on peat to construct a parking lot on peat - the method of constant “floating” loading of compressible soil.

Required tool:

  • shovel;
  • angle grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • brushes;
  • drill-driver;
  • tamper

Materials for building a machine platform:

  1. granite screening;
  2. crushed stone;
  3. geotextile with a density of 200 g/m2;
  4. Rabitz;
  5. drainage pipes in the filter 110 mm;
  6. tees for drainage pipes;
  7. cement-sand mixture;
  8. limestone slabs;
  9. profile pipe 60 x 60 mm, 40 x 20 mm;
  10. welding electrodes;
  11. roofing screws, metal drills;
  12. sheets of cellular polycarbonate 8 mm thick;
  13. connecting profile and sealing tape for polycarbonate sheets;
  14. metal paint.

Let's get to work: make a visit to the site

First of all, it was necessary to prepare an entry into the area, which is separated from the road by a deep ditch. We laid a reinforced concrete pipe with a diameter of 40 cm in the ditch, filled it with sand, compacted the sand and laid a layer of crushed stone on top.

Instead of a reinforced concrete pipe, you can use a two-layer corrugated plastic pipe: it is cheaper than concrete, and you can bring it on the trunk of a car.

Plastic pipe can also be used to repair a broken concrete or asbestos cement pipe. In this case, a plastic pipe of smaller diameter is inserted into the lumen of the damaged pipe. At the entrance to the site, concrete curbs were cast to keep sand and crushed stone from falling into the drainage ditch. The ends of the curbs were beveled at an angle of approximately 15 degrees to prevent damage to the car body when steering onto a relatively narrow gardening road.

Plastic pipe at the entrance to the site.

A pit for a parking lot, lined with geotextile, with 110 mm drainage pipes in filters.

Loading peat

The method of loading peat allows you to get out of an insoluble situation not only during the construction of parking lots, but also when, due to the great depth of peat, it is impossible to build a traditional foundation for a house. The method of loading peat soil was widely used in the USSR during the construction of roads in swamps and is currently used in the construction of houses on marshy soils both in Scandinavia and in Malaysia, where there is also a lot of marshy soil.

The loading method as a method for constructing foundations on peat soils is recommended in paragraph 6A23 SP 50-101-2004 “Design and installation of foundations and foundations of buildings and structures.”

Construction using the classical loading method is divided into two stages: in the first, lasting 8-12 months, the peat is compacted under the influence of a mass of sand. After compaction is completed, construction of the foundation begins. However, we are not building a house and can afford not to wait for the peat to compact.

To create a constant soil loading, we create a “bath” in peat 0.3 meters deep and 5 by 9 meters in size, which we fill with sand and granite screenings. A significant mass of bulk materials (approximately 15 tons) will compress the peat soil as much as possible and create a strong, stable surface. To prevent sand from gradually filtering into the spongy layer of peat under the influence of precipitation, we cover the dug pit with durable road geotextiles with a density of 200 g/m2, which allows water to pass through well, but retains sand particles or screenings. At the bottom of the pit, trenches were previously dug for laying perforated drainage pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, which will quickly drain water from the surface of the future parking lot into a roadside ditch.

We cast reinforced concrete curbs at the entrance to the site.

Drainage pipes We connected it with tees and led the drainage pipe at a slope into the ditch, protecting the lumen of the pipe opening with a double layer of geotextile secured to the pipe with wire in a polymer sheath. Now neither frogs nor algae will clog the pipe lumen. We covered the drainage pipes in the trenches with a layer of crushed stone. On top of the backfill, we rolled out rolls of chain-link mesh, which will serve as an improvised road net to evenly distribute the loads from car wheels. Thanks to the mesh, which absorbs loads, the parking surface will not sag too much under the weight, even with a relatively small backfill thickness.

Laying stone slabs on the parking lot surface.

Filling the parking lot surface with crushed stone.

Construction of a parking area on a slope.

We laid another layer of geotextile on top of the mesh. Then we poured a layer of sand and granite screenings on top of it. This bulk material It costs one and a half times less than crushed stone, has a higher density, and thanks to the admixture of fine sand fraction, it is perfectly compacted under the influence of precipitation. To speed up the process, the screenings can be compacted using a vibrating platform. But we used another method of compaction: driving back and forth across the site in a car. It took us two dump trucks to fill the pit.

The screening can be left as is as finishing coating parking spaces: it allows water to pass through perfectly and has an attractive appearance(all paths in the parks of St. Petersburg are made of pink granite screenings). The only drawback of screenings is that particles get stuck in the grooved shoe soles and are carried into the house. To get rid of this problem, you can lay stone limestone slabs on top of the screenings or fill it with a layer of small crushed stone.

It must be said that the peat indeed continued to compact under the relatively small load of the parking lot for several more years. Therefore, after three years, we had to add another screening dump truck to the parking surface.

If desired, the entire loading of peat could be done with sand, and a reinforced concrete slab 12 cm thick could be cast on top of the sand, as we did at another site.

When constructing another parking lot on a slope, to prevent the sand-gravel mixture from slipping, it was necessary to first strengthen the slope with piles, connecting them with a reinforced concrete grillage box, and only then fill it with soil.

Parking based on a monolithic reinforced concrete slab on top of a sand loading pad.

Canopy support posts driven into a pile foundation.

We build a canopy over a parking lot with our own hands

The canopy over the parking lot is very practical: it protects the car well from rain, hail, snow and scorching sun rays. One of the most popular canopy designs is a welded metal frame made of profile pipes, covered with translucent polycarbonate sheets.

Metal profile pipes with a cross section of 60 x 60 mm served as the base for the canopy. We painted the metal posts with Hammerite paint and cast them into drilled reinforced concrete piles 2 m deep, which will serve as the foundation for the canopy.

The strength structure of the canopy frame was reinforced with braces, which impart rigidity to the entire structure of the canopy and save material on additional support posts.

To further strengthen the structure of the canopy posts, the posts are reinforced with welded profile pipes of smaller cross-section, which remain after cutting the parts for the canopy roof frame.

We welded the canopy roof rafters from T-shaped profile pipes. This design will provide them with greater rigidity.

Gain steel frame canopy races
Additional reinforcement of the racks with the remains of profile pipes.

The improvement of any suburban area begins with the formation of paths and platforms. Their layout sets the basis for the entire landscape. That is why special attention should be paid to their construction.

Do you need to make parking for your car on the territory of your private home? Tired of the constant dirt and potassium in your yard? In this case, you should look towards the rubble platform. After all, constantly parking the car outside the site is not a way out of the current situation. In some cases, the roads there are narrow, making it difficult to pass each other comfortably. Besides all this, it would be nice to have a flat and clean area near the summer kitchen. Here you can always organize picnics with barbecue or shish kebab.

Company " Country comfort plus" is ready to solve all these problems. We are ready to organize a very convenient and practical platform for a car made of crushed stone on your territory.

The estimated cost of constructing parking lots and crushed stone platforms on a garden plot is shown in the table below:

How is the site or parking organized?

The technology for forming this place is based on making a recess. Its dimensions directly depend on how many layers of materials you plan to lay there. After the recess for the future site of crushed stone at the dacha has been made, you should begin to compact it. This operation is performed using a special vibrating plate or a conventional roller.

The next step is to create a sand layer. In most cases, its thickness is about 15 centimeters. The sand must be well leveled over the entire area in an even layer and then compacted. In order to avoid mixing of layers, a special universal material is used - geotextiles. After this, you can safely begin filling the hole with crushed stone. The thickness of this layer is also about 15 cm. Well, the stone itself should be about 2-5 centimeters.

The separation of the crushed stone platform under the car is carried out using a curb stone or wooden beam. It all depends on your preferences.

However, a site for a car in a country house made of crushed stone requires the most basic initial stage - drawing up the layout and markings. You definitely need to thoroughly think through the configuration itself, calculate the quantities of all the necessary materials, and only then begin to manufacture it. This is done so that in the future you do not encounter various problems, and you do not have to redo everything all over again. Also, a site for a car in a dacha made of crushed stone should have a slight slope and a drainage system. Thanks to this, you can safely drain surface water. Compliance with all these simple rules will allow you to create a reliable and durable parking lot at your dacha using crushed stone with a curb.

Specialists of the “Dachny Uyut Plus” company are always ready to come to you, make all the necessary measurements with calculations and build a high-quality and inexpensive site for crushed stone. We provide an official guarantee for all types of services provided. Many of our clients have already been able to verify the quality, reliability and durability of our work.

Cost of crushed stone parking

It is extremely difficult to give a final price for these types of work over the phone. This is influenced by many different factors:

  • your location;
  • dimensions of the future site;
  • soil features;
  • number of layers and selected materials.

If speak about average cost, then parking made of crushed stone at the dacha (15 cm of sand, geotextiles, 15 cm of crushed stone) will cost 1,500 rubles per 1 square meter (including all materials).

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