What color should I paint the room? How to visually enlarge a room: clever design techniques for visually expanding space

January 4, 2018
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Small rooms require a competent approach to the choice of finishing materials so that they can visually hide their shortcomings. Therefore, I propose to further familiarize yourself with some wallpaper options that will help solve the problem - visually enlarge the space. Of course, this will not help turn the Khrushchev into royal chrome, but it will be quite possible to somewhat disguise the lack of space and get rid of the “squeezing” feeling.

Wallpaper options

So, you can use the following wallpaper for a small room:

  1. Photo wallpaper;
  2. Striped wallpaper;
  3. Wallpaper with patterns and textures.

Option 1: photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper is one of the most effective ways expansion of space. The only thing is that it is important to choose the right plot. If the photo wallpaper depicts a large object, for example, a flower, then the room will only become visually smaller.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only plots that visually increase the space, i.e. with perspective. They seem to erase the boundary of the room or move it.

It must be said that in addition to choosing a subject, it is also necessary to correctly position the photographic image in the room. In order not to make a mistake when choosing a wall, you must consider the following rules:

  • The wall must be free. It is advisable that there is no furniture near the wall with photo wallpaper, as in this case the effect will be reduced. Furniture located along the wall with a picture visually marks the boundary of the room;

  • Place the photo wallpaper on long wall. If the room is not symmetrical, it is necessary to stick photo wallpaper that expands the space on a long wall, otherwise the narrow room will seem even narrower than it actually is.

An even greater effect can be achieved with the help of so-called 3D photo wallpaper. Their peculiarity is that the picture seems three-dimensional and, as a result, even more natural. This effect is achieved by modern photo printing technologies.

For very small rooms, it makes no sense to use three-dimensional photographic images on the walls. The fact is that the volume effect occurs only if you look at the image from a certain distance.

Also, do not forget that photo wallpaper, although it is a large photograph, does not cease to be wallpaper, i.e. are finishing material, which must correspond to the interior of the room. Therefore, it is desirable that their color scheme intersects and harmonizes with color scheme interior

Option 2: striped

Stripes can influence the perception of space no less than photo wallpaper. The only thing is that they do not shift the boundaries, like a photographic image, but expand or narrow the walls.

To achieve the desired result with striped wallpaper, you need to choose it correctly and place it correctly. When choosing the type of canvas, first of all consider the following points:

  • Horizontal stripes expand the wall. Horizontal stripes are great for finishing short walls. However, keep in mind that they not only expand them, but also reduce the height of the ceiling;

  • Vertical stripes increase the height of the ceiling. Therefore, it makes sense to use vertical stripes when it is necessary to visually make the room taller. True, the effect will be achieved at the expense of the length of the wall.

It must be said that striped wallpaper can have the most different design, so when choosing, be sure to focus on the interior style and, of course, the color scheme.

Option 3: with patterns or textures

Photo wallpaper can be used only on one of the walls, or at least on two adjacent walls. Therefore, the remaining walls will have to be covered with ordinary trellises. But what wallpaper colors make a room look bigger and how to choose the right pattern?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to remember the following rules:

  • Light colors increase space, while dark colors reduce it. This does not mean that all surfaces must be finished in white. Great solution is the use of pastel colors, which will make the home not only bright, but also cozy;

  • Tapestries with large patterns bring the wall closer. Therefore, in small rooms it is better to give preference to canvases with small patterns. The only thing is, if the room is not symmetrical, to visually correct the situation, you can stick trellises with larger patterns on short walls, and small ones on long walls;

  • Relief surfaces increase space. The more voluminous the relief of the trellises, the more spacious the room seems, which is due to the play of shadows.

It follows that in our case the best solution is light wallpaper with small patterns. For example, white canvases with colorful plant-themed patterns are perfect for a small kitchen.

For the bedroom, you can use pastel-colored trellises with classic patterns (ornaments, rosettes) or abstraction, depending on the style of the interior. They will go well with photo wallpapers that can be hung at the head of the bed.

For the living room, wallpaper with silk-screen printing is a win-win option. The fact is that the gloss they possess also contributes to the visual expansion of the volume of the room. Of course, if you like gloss, you can also use silk-screen printing in the bedroom.

When choosing trellises, be sure to focus on the lighting in the room. If the apartment is located with south side and enough natural light comes in through the windows, avoid cold colors, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable. If there is not enough natural light, it is better, on the contrary, to use more cool shades.

When choosing a color, be guided by your own preferences and the furniture that will be in the room. All colors used within the same room must be in harmony with each other - this is the main rule for choosing any finishing materials.

That, perhaps, is all the wallpaper that visually increases space that I wanted to tell you about.


Now you know which trellises to buy to visually expand the space of the room. If you are in doubt about your choice, contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help you with advice.

January 4, 2018

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It would seem that there are many solutions to the not so simple question of how to enlarge a room. By playing with color, texture and lighting, you can significantly increase the lack of space in the room. These techniques are especially relevant in standard city apartments and Khrushchev-era buildings. Most suitable for decorating a compact apartment Scandinavian style, minimalism, hi-tech.

What colors increase space?

Everyone known fact that the lighter the shade, the larger the object appears. The same technique applies to interior solutions. In order to visually increase the area of ​​the room, it is worth using decoration in light colors: white and cold pastel shades. Furniture should also be used in a light color, but different in tone from the walls, ceiling and floor. For example, it could be a soft pastel color scheme.

The photo shows a compact kitchen in a Khrushchev building. In order to visually increase the area, the room was decorated in light colors.

How to decorate the walls?

What wallpaper makes a room bigger?

Using some finishing tricks, you can expand the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge the room.

  • Vertical stripes elongate the space, making it taller;

  • Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will increase the width of the room;

In the photo, the wall is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes; this type of decoration visually increases the width of the room.

  • One of the walls can be covered with wallpaper with a pattern or ornament; this technique will make a long room more proportional;

  • You should avoid flashy bright colors;
  • The walls can be decorated with wallpaper with a shiny surface;

On the picture accent wall The bedroom is decorated with gold wallpaper with a shiny surface.

  • You can use wallpaper with a small pattern or a discreet pattern; it will increase the volume.

What drawings make a room bigger?

It would seem that simple drawings and geometric shapes have a miraculous effect on our perception. The same pattern different colors, scale or location are radically changed appearance premises.

  • Three-dimensional drawing on one of the walls (photo 1). A large drawing shortens the room, visually bringing the wall on which it is located closer. This type of finishing is suitable for long narrow rooms. The image will shorten the length and expand the space.
  • Small patterns (photo 2). A small pattern of a light shade on the contrary visually enlarges the space, making it voluminous.
  • Horizontal stripes (photo 3). Transverse stripes can increase the width and lengthen the walls. However, a low ceiling effect may occur. If you decorate only one wall with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, the room will appear shorter.
  • Vertical stripes (photo 4). Vertical stripes, on the contrary, stretch the space, making it taller. The thickness of the strips enhances this effect.
  • Horizontal stripes on the floor (photo 5). As with wallpaper, horizontal stripes make a room appear wider but shorter. This finishing method is suitable for disproportionate rooms.
  • Longitudinal stripes (photo 6). Vertical stripes deepen the room, making it longer. Just like with wallpaper, the width of the stripes enhances the effect.

Photo wallpaper that enlarges the room

The image can increase or, conversely, reduce the area of ​​the room.

  • Photo wallpaper with an image going into the distance will make the room larger;
  • An unpromising image will reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • Photo wallpapers depicting different textures will create a play of light, which will also add volume;
  • Photo wallpaper with a shiny surface will increase the area due to its reflective properties;
  • Photo wallpaper with an image transitioning from dark to light shade will make the room taller;
  • You shouldn’t cover all the walls of the room with photo wallpapers, they will have the opposite effect, one or two will be enough.

Ways to increase using the ceiling

The simplest and most popular way to enlarge a room using a ceiling is to make a tension structure with a glossy surface. Mirror material due to its reflective properties will double the space. Interesting solution there will be a combined ceiling, a combination of matte and glossy material can create unusual composition, increasing precious square meters.

In the photo, the ceiling in the living room is decorated with a tension structure with a glossy surface.

A disproportionate room can be straightened out by combining colors. A stripe of a darker shade across an elongated room will make it appear wider. The same effect can be achieved ceiling beams, several straight wooden beams will be sufficient.

Another way to increase space is to print photos of the sky.

Choosing a floor covering

The flooring, like other surfaces, is made primarily in light shades. For the living room, you can use laminate, linoleum or carpet; it is better to choose a solid color or with a small, discreet pattern.

Laminate and parquet can be laid out diagonally or in a herringbone manner, so the room looks more spacious.

They also use already familiar stripes; direction in any direction will enlarge the room in the desired direction.

In the photo, horizontal stripes make a narrow kitchen visually wider.

A self-leveling floor with a reflective effect will double the space.

How to increase the height of a room?

There are several ways to make a room taller. One of them is wall decoration. Vertical stripes or patterns on the wallpaper will “stretch” the wall. This can be wallpaper, painting or hand painting.

Photo wallpaper with a perspective image, such as a receding path in the forest or a tall waterfall, will have the same result.

The photo shows wallpaper with a perspective image (a receding pier), which helps to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

You can increase the height of the room using high doors and window openings. Curtains or straight-cut tulle from ceiling to floor will also contribute to this.

Mirrors are a stylish way to significantly increase space, such as a tall mirror on the wall or a composition of small mirrors on the ceiling.

How to visually expand a narrow room?

Expand narrow room you can quite by simple means without resorting to construction work. What to do if you get a room of imperfect proportions? You need to start “correcting” them already at the stage of repair and finishing.

  • Elements that can help visually expand a narrow room include: directing the gaze “across” space. Floor coverings that have pronounced stripes, such as laminate or patterned linoleum, are best directed along a short wall or at an angle. When laid along a long wall, such coverings will narrow the room even more. Another option is to use a single-color covering, for example, carpet, linoleum without a pattern, or cork.
  • Covering the walls will also help expand a narrow room. Feel free to use horizontal stripe on the end surfaces. Wide stripes and cleverly chosen colors will help enhance the effect of expansion.
  • Alternatively, try paint short walls bright, rich colors, and long ones in neutral ones, or use wallpaper with an inconspicuous pattern on them. This technique will help “compress” the room in the desired direction, it will become more “square”.
  • Ceiling beams, parallel to the short sides of the room, will also help to perceive it differently and visually expand the narrow room. They can be purely decorative, made of plasterboard. Such a solution is very appropriate in today’s popular Mediterranean style housing registration.
  • Try it abandon the standard rectangular space. For example, suspended ceiling non-standard shape can change the look and expand a narrow room. Painting the walls not with planes, but with curly elements will support this effect. But such complex options It is better to entrust the design to professional designers.

If you don’t plan to do any renovations, but want to visually expand a narrow room, you can use simple techniques that are accessible to everyone.

  • If possible, remove furniture from long walls, do not be afraid to place furniture elements across, for example, a closet at the end of a short wall, or place furniture against a wall with a window - you can put desk, it is functionally convenient and allows you to visually expand a narrow room.
  • Divide the total volume into functional zones using a shelving unit, open on both sides and placed perpendicular to the long wall - this technique will allow you to break up the space and correct unfavorable proportions.
  • Play with light. It is better to abandon the standard chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Spot lamps placed in the center of the ceiling will help to expand a narrow room if their light is directed towards the walls.
  • Hang a picture, a striking poster or a large decorative element (for example, a clock with a large dial) on the end wall, this will attract attention, the rest of the walls should be in neutral colors.

Make a room larger with mirrors and glass

Reflective surfaces are the most common and effective way to increase the boundaries of space. With the help of mirrors, even the most compact room will seem spacious.

In the photo, the accent wall is decorated with mirrored canvases, which make the bedroom visually more spacious.

A tall mirror, starting from the floor itself, will add volume to the room, forming a passage to another room without any obstacles. It is worth considering that covering more than one wall with mirrors is not the best good option, instead of a stylish living room or bedroom, you will get a real ballet studio, devoid of comfort and homely atmosphere.

Mirrors may have different shapes and framing, with unusual frames they will also play the function of a decorative element of the apartment. Figured mirrors can form an unusual composition on the wall or ceiling; they will unobtrusively increase the volume.

Another common way to increase space is suspended ceiling with a glossy surface.

An excellent solution would be to install mirrored or glossy furniture.

A false fireplace with a mirror on the inner wall will be an interesting design solution. This decoration takes minimal amount places, while creating the illusion of passage to another room.

If it is necessary to separate rooms, a glass partition will serve as a wall. It will not create the impression of a closed space, but will divide the room into zones.

Photos of compact furniture and decor

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should give preference to low items. For example, instead of high bar stools, put a stool or ottoman, a bed without a high headboard, or a sofa with a low back.

Weightless transparent furniture performs its direct functions without overloading the space, these can be plastic chairs and a table with a glass surface.

The photo shows a transparent dining group in the interior of a small kitchen.

Furniture should be placed along the walls so that the central part of the room remains free.

It is better to use vertical shapes for interior details and accessories. Such techniques will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

As for decorative elements, there should not be a lot of them, otherwise you can get a feeling of clutter.

Selecting curtains

Window decoration plays an important role in the design of an apartment. The selected material and cut will fill the room with space or, on the contrary, overload it.

  • Tulle white from the ceiling to the floor, the windows will visually enlarge, respectively, filling the room with light and stretching the space;

  • Light textile curtains with small patterns are suitable for decorating the windows of the living room and children's room;

  • Roller or Roman blinds will save space and become ideal option for the kitchen or nursery;

  • Some styles allow you not to use curtains at all, for example: minimalism, loft, Scandinavian.

Choosing the right lighting

In a small apartment, it is worth using diffused light. Bright chandeliers with transparent shades or open light are not suitable for a small room. It is more appropriate to use lamps and chandeliers with frosted glass shades or light shades.

To increase the width of the room, use a spot lighting system around the entire perimeter.

An interesting effect will be achieved by LED strip lighting. A ribbon recessed into a two-tier structure will create the impression of a floating ceiling.

Also LED strip pieces of furniture can be finished.

In the photo, the bed in the children's room is illuminated with an LED strip.

How to visually make a bathroom larger?

In a small bath best idea will finish the walls and floors tiles light shades. White tiles will fill the bathroom with light as much as possible and visually increase the area.

Combining two colors good option the horizontal line will become a brighter shade, this will expand the walls.

Ceiling finishing metal panels with a mirror finish will increase the space.

A large mirror above the sink will also play a role.

In the photo, white tiles fill the bathroom with light, and the mirror above the sink visually increases its area.

For lighting, you should choose spotlights and mirror lighting.

Furniture plays an important role, for example, shelves recessed into the wall and a narrow sink. Save usable space can be placed washing machine under the sink.

Even the most compact apartment can be made comfortable by placing everything you need for life. Modern technologies allow you to create miniature equipment and mobile furniture that preserve maximum amount free space. And renovations in the right shades will increase the space and make the house cozy.

When starting a renovation, we want to not only update the interior of the house, but also adapt the space to suit ourselves, so that small rooms seem larger, brighter, and the ceilings are higher.

For large rooms, the opposite task is how to make the room not look like a ballet hall.

Everyone wants to have large apartment, and it has cozy and spacious rooms, but this is not accessible or possible for everyone. To expand the space, you can break the partitions, but why start a big renovation when visually expanding the area of ​​a small room, some simple things will help design solutions.

To the question of how to visually increase space in a small room, the answer is simple, use available tricks to deceive the eye (optical illusions). Such visualization methods are effective and very important in design; they are often used by architects, interior designers and fashion designers.

Visually enlarging a room, even a very cramped one, can be achieved by combining such techniques as play of light, harmonics of color and its shades, correct selection wallpaper, increasing reflective mirrors in the room, using frescoes and photo wallpaper. This should include the correct layout and selection of furniture, interior items, the location of cornices and correctly selected tulles, curtains and drapes, as well as the use of textiles in the room, creating an atmosphere of freshness, softness and lightness.

First, let's remember the basic principles that guide designers:

  • Light colors increase space, dark colors decrease space
  • Every time you draw a line, it breaks the space apart
  • Every time you use a contrasting spot, it makes the space appear smaller.
  • Any large object in small space reduces it even more
  • The fewer objects in the room, the larger it looks

Many apartments in Russia and neighboring countries are designed in such a way that one or several rooms are quite small, we can talk about rooms measuring 10-15 square meters. The natural question of the owners of such dwellings about how to visually enlarge a small room becomes very relevant.

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In this article we will look at how you can increase the space of a room.

Color scheme in the room

Designers claim that the right color can visually enlarge the space. Rule one: you need to choose a single shade for the walls and ceiling in the room, as well as for curtains and furniture. Rule two: it is necessary to give preference to light, calm tones, since dark tones optically reduce the available space.

Preferred colors and their shades: light green, blue, blue, white and gray. Light pink or peach tones also work well.

Drawing on wallpaper or walls

Modern designers often resort to the following solution: one wall is covered with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, while the remaining walls are painted in a neutral color. This results in the so-called “optical illusion” effect, when the human eye perceives the available space in an enlarged form.


The pattern on the wallpaper can be in the form of horizontal stripes, then the ceiling height will visually increase.

Summing up how to visually enlarge a room with the help, it is necessary to emphasize the following: wallpaper should be light in texture, with a medium, discreet pattern or geometric pattern.

Furniture in the room

Choosing furniture in small room, you should opt for the one that is more functional and small-sized. This category includes a sofa bed, wardrobe bed, chair bed, folding tables, etc.

Preferred materials: glass, light wood, rattan. Color solution furniture depends on the color of the selected wallpaper; the furniture should be several tones darker than the main part of the room. Arrangement: along the perimeter of the walls.

Indoor windows and curtains

There is no need to give preference to “heavy” frames made in dark colors. The best decision- white frames that will visually enlarge the room. Other colors “hide” part of the space.

Curtains should be chosen in light shades, the fabrics should be light and transparent. Decorative elements It is not recommended to use curtains such as lambrequins or pendants.

Use asymmetrical stripes on the walls

Correct lighting

Owners of small apartments will ask how to visually enlarge a room with the help of lighting. The answer is very simple, you need to illuminate the room as much as possible, Special attention At the same time, pay attention to the lower corners of the room. It is not recommended to hang massive chandeliers, give preference ceiling lamps, which are best placed around the perimeter of the room. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that light directed towards the opposite wall visually enlarges the available space.

It must be remembered that properly organized lighting can visually increase the space by thirty percent.

Mirrors and glass in a small room

A good helper for enlargement small space in the room there will be mirrors and glass. It is clear that a mirror that reflects a room visually doubles it. However, there are some secrets to the correct placement of mirrors:

  1. Not recommended for use mirrored ceilings. In small rooms, mirrors placed on the ceiling reduce the comfort of the room.
  2. You should give preference to mirrored furniture; these could be wardrobes, dressing tables, etc.
  3. Mirrors placed on the walls create depth in the room and visually make it lighter and brighter.

Don't neglect glass glass surfaces. Glass furniture is perfect: tables, chairs. Stained glass windows on the walls will not only decorate the room, but also visually increase the space. It is good to use doors with glass inserts and small glass decorative elements. Such devices will not only increase the space, but also make the room more airy and light.

Textiles in the room

Properly selected textiles create a visual enlargement of the room. The curtain rods in the room should hang as high as possible, the length of the curtains should be to the floor. Fabrics, as we noted above, are recommended to choose light, transparent ones. It is advisable to make folds on the curtain or tulle; such an effect will make the room more comfortable.

It is not recommended to cover tables with tablecloths: a table without cloth looks more attractive. Colorful carpets visually make the room smaller. Preference should be given to plain carpets, which occupy 2⁄3 of the floor space.

Visual increase in ceiling height

There are some design solutions that will help visually increase the ceiling height:

  1. There is no need to make a boundary between the walls and ceiling.
  2. It is better to choose a vertical pattern on the walls.
  3. A glossy ceiling will help make the room larger and the space wider.
  4. It is recommended to use cornice lighting.
  5. Mirror surfaces on the walls visually make the ceiling higher.

Can be done bright accent on one wall

Other techniques for increasing space

Owners small apartments in order to visually enlarge the available space, it is necessary to decorate the room in the style of “minimalism”, it is better to use as much as possible less furniture, which should be small in size. You also need to get rid of unnecessary things and junk.

If we talk about what color enhances the room, then it is necessary to highlight white separately, as well as all bright hues. If possible, use a single light range. A small room should have as much natural light as possible; you should not cover the windows with heavy, dark curtains.

There is no need to fill the space of a small room with figurines, photo frames and large paintings. You should also get rid of massive shelves with books; they “steal” space.


On open shelves you can place several similar medium-sized decorative elements.

A great idea on how to increase space is to use. You should give preference to wallpaper depicting natural landscapes; it could be a green forest, snowy mountain peaks, a sunset, a warm seashore or an alpine meadow. IN Lately Photo wallpapers in 3D volume have become popular, which will not only visually enlarge the room, but also create a spatial effect. What wallpaper color makes a room bigger? Of course, these are white, gray, green and blue.

The floor is best done in warm light shades. If the chosen floor covering is laminate, it is recommended to lay it diagonally, as a result of which the room will not only visually enlarge, but also hide the imperfections of the walls.

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Who among us has not dreamed of a cozy cottage or an old estate like those where the heroines of Jane Austen’s novels live? Alas, the reality is harsh: many have to be content with modest studio apartment V panel house. But if we are unable to change the footage, then filling our home with light and at least visually making it more spacious is accessible to everyone.

Choosing wallpaper

With the help of correctly selected wallpaper, you can transform any room beyond recognition and even make a miniature room visually spacious.

You can increase the space of the room if you cover the walls with light wallpaper in soft, cool shades - blue, silver-gray, mint, ash pink.

It is better if they are plain, with a small, discreet pattern or embossing. Wallpaper with large roses or wide stripes will create reverse effect- will turn an already cramped room into a box.

Room square shape It will acquire the missing depth if the wall farthest from the entrance is covered with photo wallpaper with a calm landscape.

A room with a low ceiling will become visually taller if you take wallpaper with vertical stripes. But there is a small nuance in their use. To achieve the desired effect, such wallpaper is applied to the walls up to the ceiling, with a narrow, laconic white design along the contour. ceiling plinth. Resist the temptation to run a strip cut from the same wallpaper along the top edge. This will make the ceiling in your room even lower.

Also, in a small room, it is undesirable to use wallpaper of two colors that are very different from one another, and to cover the junction with a noticeable border.
But almost the same technique will help increase the height of the ceiling if you take wallpaper of the same color, but for the upper part - plain, and for panels - with a pattern, or make the lower part of the walls plain, and the top and ceiling - striped.

And one more trick: if you want the rooms to appear higher, during renovation, before painting the walls or gluing wallpaper, round the joints between the ceiling and the walls. Then you won’t have to resort to various tricks so often.

Laying the right floor

If you want the room to seem more spacious, opt for light floor shades: ceramic tiles– for the bathroom and toilet, laminate or parquet – for the bedroom or living room.

Pay attention to how the tiles or parquet blocks will be laid. Placed longitudinally, they will help make the room elongate, and if you lay them diagonally, the room will appear much larger than its actual size.

When choosing a carpet or rug, give preference to plain models pastel shades. Catchy, with a contrasting pattern, visually reduces the already small space.

If you decide to visually expand the space, remember that longitudinal stripes look very elegant. By selecting flooring this type, you probably can't go wrong.

Don't skimp on mirrors

With the help of mirrors you can create a real miracle, because the space reflected in them doubles! Of course, you shouldn’t turn an entire wall into a solid mirror, otherwise the room will look like a ballet class.

A low room will be made more spacious by a tall (from ceiling to floor) but not too wide mirror. You will immediately feel that the room has become different.

Do you want your living room to look not only fresh, but also balanced? Place the mirror so that your favorite plants are reflected in it: three or four flowerpots will turn a cramped room into a real greenhouse.

You can also visually enlarge the bathroom with the help of a mirror, which, according to the good old tradition, is hung above the sink. It is not only practical, but also beautiful. Light monochromatic tiles will enhance the effect.

Hanging curtains

In a small apartment, “clothing for windows” must comply with the same requirements - be plain or with a discreet pattern and, if possible, translucent. Curtains that are too voluminous, with heavy folds and a complex lambrequin will make things worse small room even tighter.

When decorating windows, try to avoid multi-layering. Transparent tulle with light curtains can be successfully replaced with a denser material without adding anything to it.

If you are uncomfortable in a too open room, you can limit yourself to only Roman blinds or textile roller blinds. By the way, it is not at all necessary to complement them with ordinary curtains, and tulle will be completely unnecessary.

Do you consider curtains an indispensable attribute? window decor? Well, your right! Just try to use it wisely. Indoors with low ceilings window curtains need to be attached right up to the ceiling, allowing the lush folds to fall freely to the floor.

Have you had the dubious “luck” of living in a house with narrow windows? There is nothing you can do about it from the outside, but inside you can combine two of these windows with a common cornice, and use translucent thick tulle as decoration. The room will look much more harmonious. But you should not use this technique if you have windows standard size: this is impractical, washing and ironing such huge curtains is very inconvenient, and hanging them up is a real pain. In addition, a long horizontal strip of fabric draping the entire wall does not decorate the interior at all.

Arranging furniture

Owners of small apartments need to pay great attention to the choice of material from which the furniture is made. Coffee tables tabletops of the same size and shape, the tabletops of which are made of glass and wood, look completely different: wooden - solid and heavy, glass (although often heavier) - almost weightless.

Glass shelves seem just as light and airy. The feeling of spaciousness will become even stronger if you place a white pot with a climbing plant (for example, cissus or Sprenger asparagus) on such a shelf and attach it to the wall large mirror in a discreet frame or without it at all.

Glass objects – a win-win: they visually enlarge small room. A well-groomed aquarium in the living room, beautiful glasses or original glasses in the kitchen, elegant photo frames in the bedroom are just a small part of where glass can be used.

Lifehacks for expanding space for different types of premises

And finally, one more piece of advice: without neglecting the words of professionals, listen to own feelings. Designer recommendations are general character, but only you have the power to make your home, even small, cozy and unique.

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